St. Columba"s Wells, 48

St. Corbett"s Well, 54

St. Fergus"s Well, 48

St. Fillan"s Well, 50

St. Giles"s Cathedral, Edinburgh, 66

St. Helena"s Wells, 49

St. Iten"s Well, 49

St. Kentigern, 67

St. Maelrubha Well, 47

St. Margaret of Scotland, 29

St. Medan"s Chapel and Well, 50-51

St. Mulvay"s Well, 47

St. Mungo, 67

St. Olav"s Well, 54

St. Querdon"s Well, 59

St. Ronan"s Well, 48

St. Thenew"s Well, 59

St. Wallach"s Bath, 57

Sunday observance, 117, 133-138

Superst.i.tions, marriage, 221

Swearing, punished for, 124

Taking snuff in the kirk, 128

Tokens of death, 237

Tyack, Rev. Geo. S. The Cross in Scotland, 1-33 ---- Discipline of the Kirk, 108-129

Tyninghame, witchcraft at, 184

Unbaptised children, burial of, 242

Uncoffined burials, 241

Votive offerings, 57

Watching the dead, 238

Waters, Rev. Alexander. Public worship in olden times, 86-97

Western Isles, crosses in, 22

Westminster a.s.sembly of Divines, 87

Wine at Edinburgh Cross, 11

Witchcraft, 123

Witchcraft a capital offence, 164

Witchcraft and the Kirk, 162-193


[1] "Iona: its History, Antiquities, etc.," by Rev. A. MacMillan and Robert Brydall, 1898.

[2] "Church and other Bells of Kincardineshire."

[3] "Church and other Bells of Kincardineshire," Eeles.

[4] Chambers" "History of Peebles."

[5] "Bell Lore," North.

[6] Hope"s Reprint "Popish Kingdome."

[7] "Bell Lore," North.

[8] "Bell Lore," North.

[9] Eeles.

[10] "Bells of Exeter Cathedral," p. 7.

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