Cripples a.s.sisted, 155

Cross, the, in Scotland, 1-33

Cross in baptism, 197

Culdees supplanted, 73

Currie, James, 263

Curiosities of Church Finance, 130-161

Dead, tales about the, 166

Death and Burial. Customs and Superst.i.tions, 237-254

Death hamper, 242

Denmark, Princess Anne and witchcraft, 175

Devil and minstrels, 170

Devil preaching a sermon, 177

Discipline of the Kirk, 108-129

Douglas, Lady Janet, suffered for witchcraft, 163

Dress of women condemned, 120

Drinking at funerals, 239

Drunkards punished, 124, 138

Duddingston jougs, 114

Dunblane Cathedral, 66

Dundee bells, 44

Easter Sunday customs, 48

Eastwood, witchcraft at, 192

Edinburgh Market Cross, 5, 7, 11

Episcopacy and witchcraft, 173

Erskine, Lord Chief Justice, married at Gretna Green, 229

Excommunications, 110

Farthings at collections, 146

Fishing on Sunday, 135

Flodden, 12

Foreign coins, objections to, 144

Forbidding the banns, 220

Forbidding marriage, 127

Frost, Thomas. Saints and holy wells, 46-63 ---- Church music, 98-107

Funeral bells, 40-41, 44, 245-247

Funeral sermons, 248

Geddes, Jenny, 256, 259

Gladstone, W. E., restores Edinburgh Cross, 10-11

Glasgow Cathedral, 67-85

Gifts of bells to churches, 35

Graveyard of Greyfriars, 260-266

Gretna Green gossip, 227-236

Gossips" wake, 195

Haddington, witchcraft at, 184

Hamilton, Sir William, funeral of, 253

Hand-bells at funerals, 40-41

Handfasting, 210-212

Hannay, Dean, 256, 258

Harmonium, 106

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