Camping For Boys

Chapter 14

Meats and Fish: Bacon, meat hash, meat stew, chopped meat on toast, codfish cakes, creamed codfish, fried fresh fish, creamed dried beef, fresh sausage.

Vegetables: Potatoes-Baked, creamed, mashed, browned, German fried; baked beans.

Drinks: Cocoa, milk, coffee (only occasionally), pure water.

Bread: Toasted bread, corn bread, m.u.f.fins, biscuits, hot cakes.


Soups: Old-fashioned vegetable soup, bean soup, clam or fish chowder, corn chowder. Thick soups are preferable for camps.

Meats: Roasts--beef, lamb, chicken. Stews---beef, lamb, Steak, Frica.s.see of chicken, frica.s.see of lamb, haricot of lamb, pot roast of beef, Hamburg steak, corned beef, boiled ham, meat pie.

Fish: Baked, fried, boiled; escalloped salmon, salmon croquettes.

Vegetables: Potatoes--mashed, boiled, French fried, browned.

Cabbage. Corn--stewed, escalloped, corn pie, corn on cob. Peas-- creamed with carrots. Lima beans. Summer squash. Tomatoes-- stewed, escalloped, au gratin with tomatoes. Apple sauce, creamed onions; cabbage slaw. Greens-spinach, beet tops.

Desserts: Ice Cream-vanilla, chocolate, strawberry (preserved), raspberry, lemon, coffee, caramel, peach, pineapple (shredded), orange, lemon. Sherbet--lemon, orange, pineapple, raspberry. Rice pudding, plain with fruit sauce, rice with raisins. Tapioca pudding with apples or fruit. Bread pudding. Cottage pudding, lemon sauce or fruit sauce. Banana pudding. Sliced peaches with cream. Pie-apple, blueberry, blackberry. Cornstarch pudding.


Cereals: Cream of Wheat, mush and milk, Shredded Wheat.

Cold Dishes: Sliced beef, ham, corned beef, potato salad, Cabbage slaw, pressed meats.

Hot Dishes: Irish stew, meat croquettes, frankfurters, potato cakes, baked beans, thick soups, stewed kidney beans. Potatoes--baked, fried, creamed. Creamed salmon with peas; codfish; macaroni and cheese; potato hash.

Desserts: Prunes, stewed apples, stewed apricots, fresh fruits, stewed pears, stewed figs.

Cakes: Gingerbread, sweetbread, cookies.

Relishes: Pickles beets, chow chow, piccalilli, watermelon spiced.

Drinks: Lemonade, iced tea, cocoa, hot milk.

Local geographical conditions will suggest a variety of dishes. There should be plenty of milk to drink, and good bread and b.u.t.ter. Cake and fancy dishes are not necessary. The bill of fare should be an elastic one.

When the day is cold and dreary, hot chowders, soups, cocoa, etc., should be served.

On a warm day, lemonade and cold dishes are desirable. Every camp should, if possible, have its own ice-cream freezer, as ice-creams, sherbets, and water ices are not only healthy but inexpensive. An occasional delicacy is desirable. Canned shredded pineapple, strawberries and sliced peaches make excellent sherbets and ice cream. In one camp chicken and ice cream are served every Sunday dinner.

A Sample Week of Menus


BREAKFAST Oatmeal Fried potatoes Cocoa Cream of tartar biscuits.

DINNER Irish stew Boiled potatoes Green corn on cob Apple tapioca Bread and b.u.t.ter.

SUPPER Fried eggs Prunes Sweet cake Bread and b.u.t.ter Cocoa.


BREAKFAST Toasted Cornflakes Fish cakes Corn bread Cocoa.

DINNER Beef steak Mashed potatoes Peas Corn starch pudding Bread and b.u.t.ter.

SUPPER Vegetable soup Stewed figs Gingerbread Bread and b.u.t.ter.


BREAKFAST Cream of Wheat Meat hash Cocoa Bread and b.u.t.ter.

DINNER Roast lamb Tomato sauce Boiled potatoes Lemon sherbet Bread and b.u.t.ter.

SUPPER Creamed fish Apple sauce Sweet cake Bread and b.u.t.ter.


BREAKFAST Shredded Wheat Baked potatoes Creamed codfish Bread and b.u.t.ter Cocoa.

DINNER Boiled beef Mashed potatoes Corn starch Pudding with Strawberry sauce.

SUPPER Creamed dried beef Apple sauce Gingerbread Bread and b.u.t.ter.


BREAKFAST Oatmeal Codfish cakes Bread and b.u.t.ter Cocoa.

DINNER Fried weak fish Stewed tomatoes Boiled potatoes Vanilla ice cream.

SUPPER Vegetable soup Bread and b.u.t.ter Sweet cake.


BREAKFAST Puffed Rice Fried eggs Bread and b.u.t.ter Cocoa.

DINNER Escalloped salmon Rice Boiled Tomatoes Cuc.u.mbers Bread and b.u.t.ter.

SUPPER Boston baked beans Tomato catsup Sweetbread.


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