Camping For Boys

Chapter 31

The Nature Study Idea--Liberty H. Bailey. Macmillan Co., $1.25 net. An interpretation of the new movement to put the boy in sympathy with Nature.

Field and Forest Handy Book--Dan Beard. Charles Scribner"s Sons, $2.00.

Nothing better published for the benefit of those having permanent camps.

It should be placed in the hands of every boy.

Outdoors, Indoors, and Up the Chimney--Charles McIlvaine. Sunday School Times Co., 75 cents net. A series of interesting stories about commonplace things. Just the kind of information to give a boy on rainy days.

Dan Beard"s Animal Book. Moffat, Yard & Company, $1.75 net. Filled with the kind of incidents about animals that boys delight to hear, including the famous bear stories. Also tells about the Campfire Club of Animals.

How to Study Birds--Herbert K. Job. Outing Publishing Co., $1.50 net.

Takes up the practical side of bird study. Describes the outfit necessary for studying the birds in the open. A valuable book.

Manual of Common American Insects--William Beautenmuller. 25 cents.

Manual of Common b.u.t.terflies and Moths--William Beautenmuller. Funk & Wagnalls Co., 25 cents. Two pocket manuals in which the insects, b.u.t.terflies and moths are reproduced in natural colors with their common and scientific names.

Wilderness Pets at Camp Buckshaw--Edward Breck. Houghton, Mifflin Company, $1.50 net. True tales of wilderness pets written by an experienced woodsman. Intensely interesting.

Young Folks" Nature Field Book--J. Alden Loring. Dana, Estes & Co., $1.00.

Contains a seasonable hint for every day in the year. The alternate pages are left blank for notes or record of things seen.

"How to Know the Wild Flowers"--F. T. Parsons. Charles Scribner"s Sons, $2.00 net.

"How to Know the Ferns "--F. T. Parsons. Charles Scribner"s Sons, $1.50 net.

"Familiar Trees and Their Leaves"--F. D. Matthews. Appleton and Company, $1.75 net. Three reliable handbooks written in popular style.

An Out-of-Door Diary--Marion Miller. Sturgis and Walton Co., $1.25 net.

Suitable for very young boys.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Making a Walk to the Beach-Camp Wawayanda]



Sunshine is delicious.

Rain is refreshing.

Wind braces up.

Snow is exhilarating.

There is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.


It is said that this weather table by Buzzacott is so near the truth as seldom or never to be found to fail.

FORECASTING THE WEATHER If the New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, or Last Quarter, comes between In Summer In Winter 12 and 2 AM Fair Frost, unless wind S.W.

2 and 4 AM Cold and showers Snow and stormy 4 and 6 AM Rain Rain 6 and 8 AM Wind and rain Stormy 8 and 10 AM Changeable Cold rain if wind W.

Snow if E.

10 and 12 PM Frequent showers Cold and high wind 12 and 2 PM Very rainy Snow or rain 2 and 4 PM Changeable Fair and mild 4 and 6 PM Fair Fair 6 and 8 PM Fair if wind N.W. Fair and frosty if wind N. or N.E.

8 and 10 PM Rainy if S. or S.W. Rain or snow if S. or S.W.

10 and 12 AM Fair Fair and frosty


Every cloud is a weather sign.

Low clouds swiftly moving indicate coolness and rain.

Soft clouds, moderate winds, fine weather.

Hard-edged clouds, wind.

Rolled or ragged clouds, strong wind.

"Mackerel" sky, twelve hours dry.


Look out for rain when The tree frog cries.

Fish swim near the surface.

Walls are unusually damp.

Flies are troublesome and sting sharply.

A slack rope tightens.

Smoke beats downward.

Sun is red in the morning.

There is a pale yellow sunset.

Rain with East wind is lengthy.

A sudden shower is soon over.

A slow rain lasts long.

Rain before seven, clear before eleven.

Sun drawing water, sure sign of rain.

A circle round the moon means "storm."

"When the gra.s.s is dry at night Look for rain before the light; When the gra.s.s is dry at morning light Look for rain before the night."

"When the dew is on the gra.s.s Rain will never come to pa.s.s."

Fog in the morning, bright sunny day.

Swallow flying high means clearing weather.

If the sun goes down cloudy Friday, sure of a clear Sunday.

Busy spiders mean fine weather.


East wind brings rain.

West wind brings clear, bright, cool weather.

North wind brings cold.

South wind brings heat.

Birds fly high when the barometer is high, and low when the barometer is low.

Direction of Wind

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