
Chapter 10

Prologue[Excerpt from the notes of the Council of Elders, Folklore of Dalmatia,Croatia 1One day, the bad wolf tried to break into the castle of the pig king."Wow, it"s been a long time since I came to such a splendid place. Lovelylittle pigs, please let me enter your castle. I will do nothing bad.""No, absolutely not. We will give you anything you want, so please leave,"the king replied to the wolf, who was begging outside with a coaxing voice.The wise king knew that the wolf would not keep his promise."There is nothing I want. I only wish to enter the castle. If you won"t let mein, I will choose other means, you know?""Please stop, please stop! As long as we don"t have to let you in, we will doanything!"Ignoring the pig king and his desperate, wailing pleas, the bad wolfbreathed out deeply.When he did, the wolf"s breath became a whirlwind that blew away thecastle of the pig king. The castle made from many bricks went flying likecotton.Just like that, the whirlwind escalated into a great storm and blew awayeverything around the castle."Look, isn"t it just like I said? You should"ve calmly let me into the castle.Take this as a lesson to never oppose me again, okay?" the bad wolfsneered at the pig king.{Commentary} The "The Three Little Pigs" had been derived from itsoriginal folklore stories "The Wolf and The Goat" and "The Wolf and ThePig". But there is another, bold hypothesis regarding the origin of thislegend.In 1854, Devil King Dejanstahl Voban used his infamous Authority overstorms, [Sturm und Drang], to drive the Dalmatian^ port city Zadar^ tothe brink of destruction. Some researchers believe that, over the course ofmany years, the memory of this tragedy took an influence on the folktale.[From the section about Voban, Sasha Dejanstahl, European MageDi rectory 1He was called [Marquis Voban], but he was by no means a n.o.ble.Born in the first half of the eighteenth century in the area of modernHungary, he probably didn"t have a single relative since birth. The boy livedhis life by moving from place to place for more than ten years, strugglingdaily just to get some bread, until one day he had succeeded in slaying aG.o.d and suddenly rose to become a Campione.Campione are those who seized a portion of the [Authorities] from the G.o.dthey murdered. They are feared existences whom magi called [Kings].But at that time, he was not a [Marquis] yet.Just a few years later, he attacked the castle of the marquis governing thearea and usurped the marquis"s status and dominion. But he grew tired ofthe status within a few years and abandoned it in the end. However, it wasthe source of the t.i.tle he still uses - Marquis Voban.Furthermore, the name Voban came from his peculiar and ghastly sense ofhumor.Knowing that the previous marquis had kept a savage dog called "Voban",he picked it as his own family name. Then he ordered the former marquisto serve his relative, the former pet dog...[Dame^ Liliana Kranjcar, Achieving an Audience with the [King] inBudapest!They were in a room of a high-cla.s.s hotel, the kind that could be found inany country.As luxurious and pleasant as it was the room that held the [audience] wasstill a little too common to be called a devil king"s palace.The master of the room was called Sasha Dejanstahl Voban.He was one of the Campione whom magi throughout the world feared askings, devil kings.All of them possessed a tremendous magic power called [Authority]. Thosewere all plundered from the G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses murdered by the devilkings" own hands."You"re Kranjcar"s granddaughter? We met four years ago, but I have nomemory of your face... ahh, don"t think of me as a senile old fool. People inyour generation grow up too fast. The same would happen even with aperson other than me."His voice was clear, even intellectual.His physical appearance was the same. He had a wide forehead, deeplysunken eyes, and his complexion was terribly pale. If one claimed that hetaught at some university, everyone would consent.His silver hair was combed straight and his beard was also carefullyshaved clean."It is only natural. At that time I was nothing but a child and we met for noteven ten minutes. Please bear it no mind."Liliana Kranjcar bowed as she replied courteously.She fell on one knee and held her right arm over her chest.For a greeting in a hotel suite, it was extremely unusual. But on top ofbeing in front of a [king], a knight had an obligation to present herself withsuitable courtesy.The girl who belonged to the magic a.s.sociation "Bronze Black Cross" wasstill sixteen.Her handsome features, which gave the impression of a fairy, were moregallant than lovely. Her long silver hair was drawn up in a ponytail.Yet despite her youth, the girl was a mage holding the t.i.tle of Great Knight.Even in Milan, where outstanding talents from all over the world gathered,the only one with comparable talent was the Erica Blandelli of the "CopperBlack Cross"."That"s splendid. Now then, I think you already know, but I am impatient bynature, so let"s get to the point. I called you here all the way from Milan forone reason."Voban narrowed his emerald eyes ever-so-slightly.Whenever those evil eyes glittered, any living being before them would turninto of salt. It was an authority that he was said to have usurpedfrom the Celtic demon G.o.d Balor^.[Eyes of Sodom], [Legion of Hungry Wolves], [Sturm und Drang], [Cage ofUndead Servants].Among the mages of Europe, every single one knew a few of hisAuthorities."I take it you haven"t forgotten the ritual four years ago? That ritual for thegreat sorcery to summon a heretic G.o.d. I"ve been thinking about attemptingthat secret ritual you helped me with once more."Liliana fixedly looked back at the devil king"s face.That great magic had produced more than just a few victims. Why was hetrying such a dangerous ritual again? After pondering over that question foronly a moment, Liliana realized."A G.o.dslayer summoning a G.o.d. How can there be any other reason excepta fight?""Back then, that d.a.m.n Salvatore got the better of me. I had not antic.i.p.atedthat a fool would get to the summoned G.o.d first and s.n.a.t.c.h it away. Yousee, I had never dreamed that such a greenhorn would appear in ourworld!" Voban said indifferently, but the iris of his evil eyes flickered.Four years ago, that incident had spread the fame of the young devil kingSalvatore Doni and his Italian origin throughout the European magicalworld like thunder. The story of the G.o.dslayer stealing the old [king]"sspoils.Liliana, who happened to be present at that time, remembered the entirestory well."In three more months, the stellar constellations and the flow of ley lineswill form the right conditions to call a G.o.d for the first time in four years. Imay not be interested in that kind of knowledge myself, but I made aprofessional make sure. Isn"t that right, Caspar?"All of a sudden, Voban happily redirected his gaze behind Liliana.Suddenly feeling an eerie presence behind her, Liliana grew anxious assomeone had come up unseen and unheard. Just who could sneak up ona great knight like her?She hurriedly turned around only to sigh.Standing behind her was an old man dressed in black. The old mannodded awkwardly at Voban"s question, as if he was a machine that lackedoil.There was no expression on his pale face. Neither was there any light inhis eyes. They were terribly empty and unfocused.The appearance of death.The old man with such an expression couldn"t be called anything otherthan a moving corpse.(This is a [Dead Servant]!)Liliana instantly remembered one of the authorities of the old king.Forcing a human he personally slaughtered to stay in this world as one ofthe living dead and enforcing absolute obedience as a faithful servant.It was atrocious. Liliana couldn"t help but feel that way.It was most likely that this corpse once opposed the devil king when hewas still alive. He was probably one of the mages who once fought againsthim. It wasn"t something doable through ordinary courage. It was a featworthy of respect.But, this Authority defiled that courage and ridiculed that dignity.Because she inherited the blood of the notable Kranjcar family andbelonged to the magic a.s.sociation [Bronze Black Cross], resistancetowards this devil king would not be forgiven. Otherwise she would haveleft on the spot.No.If the leader of the Italian mages, Salvatore Doni, was in perfect condition,she might have been able to request his protection. But that was currentlyimpossible.Since the wound he had received two months ago had only just healed, itwas still too early for him to resist another Campione."Kranjcar. You were one of the miko^ I gathered four years ago. Do youremember who showed the most outstanding talent back then?"To summon a G.o.d, he had used his influence as a king to gather dozens ofmiko. When the ritual was over, two-thirds of them had lost their sanity,caused by the deep emotional trauma they had suffered.Luckily, Liliana belonged to the third that had managed to stay safe."At that time, I found out that quality is more important than quant.i.ty.Rather than gathering riffraff, I should handpick the very best mikoinstead."The emerald evil eyes pierced Liliana with amus.e.m.e.nt.Like they had seen through her rebellious spirit."Unless I was mistaken, wasn"t she Asian? You wouldn"t happen toremember that girls name and lineage, would you?"In this instant, Liliana hesitated.Should she answer honestly or not? Considering the danger, it was ofcourse the latter. But even if she successfully feigned ignorance here, hewould just hear it later from another.And as a proud knight, she should do the former.She should brave this situation and deeply involve herself, then give her allto make sure that he produced no uninvolved victims. Following hercharacteristic sense of justice, Liliana resolved herself."Her name was Mariya. She is j.a.panese and said that she came fromTokyo. It may be insolent of me, but if you order it, I shall find her and bringher before you," she proposed while lowering her head. But the reply wasunexpected."I"ve got an even better idea. I"ve thought about going to j.a.pan myself.Hmm, now that I think about it, it"s been a while since I"ve traveled thecontinents.""You are a Campione, yet you will go in person?""I also want to breathe some foreign air once in a while. Isn"t it fine? I aman old man with only a few years left that just wants to enjoy a transientvacation, yes?"Mixing this declaration with his ghastly sense of humor, the devil king put astop to the knight"s objections."But having a companion is certainly useful. I order you to fill that role. Anyobjections?"Even if she had objections, there was no way for her to express them.While contently watching the compliant Liliana, Voban said:"Then make preparations right away. You better not make me wait for asecond too long.""Understood. But, is it alright for me to say one thing first? One of yourbrethren is in j.a.pan. Would it not be better to contact him ahead of time?"Kusanagi G.o.dou. The boy who had defeated the ancient Persian G.o.d ofwar Verethragna and became a Campione.He had command over the ten incarnations that the war G.o.d could changeinto and had the crimson knight, who was Liliana"s rival, wait upon him ashis lover.But the most senior devil king simply rejected this proposal with a scornfullaugh."There"s no need for that. If he has something to talk about, he can justcome to me."It was the whim of a devil king with far too much free time.It would not be long before this developed into the turmoil that wouldswallow up Kusanagi G.o.dou and Tokyo.References1 . t Dalmatia: a historical region on the eastern coast of the AdriaticSea, in Croatia. t Zadar: Capital of the old Dalmatia3. t Dame: the female t.i.tle equivalent of "Sir" when addressing orreferring to a Knight4. t Balor of the Evil Eye: king of the Fomorions, a race of semi-divinegiants in Irish mythology similar to the t.i.tans, who had a mystical eyein the center of his forehead and one directly opposite on the back ofhis head; following a prophecy he was killed by his grandson, despitehis best attempts to stop it.5. t Miko: Miko are usually j.a.panese shrine maidens. However, in thisstory the term also refers to a type of magic-user, and not all of thosemagical miko are shrine-maidens, or j.a.panese. That is why we left theterm as miko whenever it shows up.

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