
Chapter 1 - Appearance of Devil King and Knight[Excerpt from the book Devil Kings, auth.o.r.ed by the 19th century Italianmage Alberto RiganolUpon each of those who have accomplished such a terrifying feat, I shallbestow the t.i.tle "Campione."Wise readers may express doubts regarding this t.i.tle, possibly dismissingmy records as exaggerations.But allow me to emphasize once again.Campiones are conquerors.Because they are capable of slaughtering the G.o.ds of the heavens,thereby obtaining supreme power.Campiones are kings.Because they are able to rule anyone on Earth by wielding authoritiesusurped from the G.o.ds.Campiones are devil kings.Because none of the living can oppose their powers!On a certain spring morning, the sky was bright and clear without a singlecloud for miles.The refreshingly cool blue sky of May stretched overhead to as far as theeye could see. Nevertheless, thirteen-year-old Alessia"s little bosom wasbr.i.m.m.i.n.g with unease. In contrast to the weather, her mood was hardlycheerful."...If only things could settle down today."She murmured to herself softly as she walked along the path through thefields towards the monastery.Alessia lived in a remote village located within Italy"s central region ofTuscany. Here, the inhabitants mostly made their living off agriculture andforestry. This place was simply a small village and not a tourist attraction.Also, Alessia was just an ordinary middle school student living in thisvillage... Well, not exactly.She possessed a secret skill. Namely, "magic." This ominous skill was theability she gradually acquired under the tutelage of an old monk who usedto live in the monastery at the village entrance until he pa.s.sed away a fewmonths ago.After the old man died, sweeping and cleaning this little ancient monasterybecame Alessia"s daily ch.o.r.e.She came before this Romanesque stone building, one that could havebeen built in the twelfth century. As she advanced towards the depths ofthe chapel, she muttered the reason why she was worried."...How is the situation underground? If only it would settle down..."The mysterious old man who once lived here had secretly told her before.He claimed to be no ordinary monk but belonged to a knightly order thatheld mastery over rare magic. Furthermore, he even said that Alessiapossessed the same talent as himself.That was what he had said in the past when he taught Alessia basicmagic."The holy sanctum dedicated to ancient deity"s "beast of strange forms"...This monastery was built to conceal its traces. As for this beast of strangeforms, it might be a reference to a certain "G.o.ddess of Beasts" perhaps.""G.o.ddess of Beasts?""Yes. Given some incomprehensible opportunity, these [Heretic G.o.ds]descend on the earth with alarming simplicity. And they bring disaster,causing great hardship to us humans."These were the faithless words of an old man, one without any relatives toaccompany his last and dying days.Alessia recalled the incident as she ventured forward in trepidation.Beneath her current position was the underground location where terrifyingmagical power could be sensed starting a week ago.Hence, she naturally recalled what she heard about "G.o.ds." As well as thedeceased old man"s warning of the door "never to be opened no matterwhat." That door was concealed behind the statue of the Virgin Mary.In a corner of the chapel was a statue of Mary which had been paintedcompletely black for some reason.Apparently, the wall behind the statue could be pushed and spun around toreach the deep s.p.a.ce on the other side.A week earlier, sensing strong magical power, Alessia had tried openingthe door with trepidation....Behind the door was a flight of stairs that led underground. Reaching thebottom, she discovered a path leading to a natural cave.She did not have the courage to continue. The endless black s.p.a.ce feltterrifying. However, the main reason was because she heard the howls ofwild beasts.It sometimes sounded like the barking of dogs and the neighing of horseson other occasions.As well as the chirping of birds, and the indiscernible cries of some kind offerocious beast. However, she never heard the same sound twice...That time, Alessia frantically ran up the steps and returned to the chapel —In the past week, as the underground magical power gradually increasedeach pa.s.sing day, her uneasiness rose accordingly. Then on this particularmorning, Alessia felt extremely uncomfortable the instant she stepped intothe chapel.This was the result of being bathed in magical power more intense thanshe had ever felt before."Has a great G.o.d really descended...?"Just as Alessia"s heart was filled with worry and she was about to murmuragain.Clang! Clang! A metallic impact could be heard from above the ceiling.This was the result of [Alarm] magic being triggered.This took effect whenever a being above a certain threshold of magicalpower approached the monastery.This was the first time for Alessia to hear this sound.It was magic that she had cast as a precaution against outside intruders.Nevertheless, she was delighted instead. Although she did not know whythey had come, at least a great and powerful mage must have entered thearea. This could very well be her chance to seek counsel regarding thedeity who was about to awaken underground!Alessia focused her magical sensing to read the danger report provided bythe [Alarm] spell.Extraordinarily powerful — No good, that "excessively powerful" beingseemed to be moving along the river behind the mountain. Alessiaimmediately rushed outside, hoping to catch the presence before it left.On this cool and refreshing spring morning, the rosy clouds of May couldbe seen floating slowly up in the sky above.However, Kusanagi G.o.dou"s current mood had nothing to do with cool andrefreshing.This was only natural. Just earlier, he had spent the entire night fightingsome monster whose appearance he could not see. In the end, he wasswept into the river and had been clinging onto driftwood while he floatedfor the past dozens of minutes.Only now did he manage to get ash.o.r.e with great difficulty.However, G.o.dou was hurt. His body was covered with burns and his backhad suffered a deep slashing wound. He was covered with bruises all over.Nevertheless, these painful sensations gave him a sort of pleasure ofbeing alive."It feels... Feels like I seem to be gradually getting used to this kind ofstuff..."" "Seem to be" is completely redundant, G.o.dou. You are fully accustomedto this sort of adventure already."This "partner" declared with effortless certainty towards G.o.dou as heendured his pain.Erica Blandelli. The beautiful girl who possessed a head of reddish l.u.s.trousblonde hair.However, her beauty was not only based on her physical appearance, forErica"s aura of ambition and intellect that exuded from her entire being wasthe major contributor to the deep impression of glamor she left on others."Clearly so little time has pa.s.sed since you defeated Verethragna on theisland of Sardinia... Yet in all aspects you are already a Devil King who canstand in his own right. This I can guarantee completely.""That kind of guarantee is completely unnecessary... Well, anyway."Sitting quietly on the riverbank from exhaustion, G.o.dou spoke up."Thank you for your help this time as well. Thanks."After the battle against the Persian Warlord Verethragna and becoming a"Campione," all sorts of pandemonium broke loose one after another.After that, he had fought the ancient Mediterranean sky G.o.d Melqart at theisland of Sicily, and also arrived at Milan to battle his fellow Campione,Salvatore Doni, the sword genius...The only reason G.o.dou was able to overcome all of these deadlychallenges, was due to Erica"s aid and support....Well, this time, it all started from her "let"s go check out this giant eelmonster that has been sighted in Tuscany" suggestion. She was the trueculprit who proposed and forced him to take on this venture.But in spite of everything, her being his savior remained as unchangeablefact.Not only was G.o.dou completely wet from being carried by the river current.Erica was also fully drenched. This was because his "partner" had jumpedinto the river in order to pull G.o.dou back ash.o.r.e. For the sake of savingG.o.dou, she had done so without any hesitation.The river flowing before them was the Arno.It was said to be a great river traversing the region of Tuscany from east towest. However, due to the current mountainous location, the river was notparticularly wide. Such was the scenery belonging to this slightly biggerthan average river."This river apparently through Florence, right?""Yes. Continuing along downstream sliould reacli tine city of lilies,Florence. If you go further along the river, you will reach Pisa, famous forits leaning tower. Beyond that, the river flows into the Tyrrhenian Sea."The ones Erica listed out were the most famous cities located in the regionof Tuscany.Hearing these familiar geographical names, G.o.dou muttered with heartfeltfeeling."How fortunate that I didn"t have to take a river tour through all thoseplaces...""But precisely because you are G.o.dou, wouldn"t it be most unbecoming todie a death of drowning?"Completely drenched. Erica bore a serious expression. She did not seemlike she was joking.G.o.dou felt slightly displeased. Even though he believed that his body was"perhaps" rather excessive in survival ability, at least that kind ofunreasonable result should not happen. Probably...Feeling the chilly air against his completely drenched body, G.o.doushuddered.His strength was being drained. He seemed to have lost too much bloodand energy from drifting in the river with all his injuries. Seeing hiscondition. Erica smiled with a chuckle. Rather than taking s.a.d.i.s.tic pleasurein G.o.dou"s misfortune, it was probably the opposite.Though G.o.dou figured out what she was thinking, it was already too late.In the next instant. Erica had already swiftly approached and embracedG.o.dou in her arms."Hoho. Now first we must heal your wounds. Accept this obediently."Erica displayed a mesmerizing smile towards G.o.dou as she whisperedsoftly. She drew her face extremely near.Had she gone another 10cm or so, their faces would probably have stucktightly together."No, don"t. After all, my body should heal on its own!"Kusanagi G.o.dou"s body had already become one that "could not dieeasily."Although this was completely beyond common logic, even if he suffered asufficiently severe injury, a nap was probably not enough to heal thingscompletely."So anyway, healing isn"t completely pointless, you know?"Erica smiled innocently and adorably as she pressed her lips close toG.o.dou"s face."Currently, you should recover your wounds as quickly as possible and dryyour clothes. For this purpose, all effort must be spent. Because I am yourlover who stands as Kusanagi G.o.dou"s knight... Even offering you my lipsis nothing particularly out of the ordinary.""T-That is exactly the problem!"Like that supernatural ability to survive, this was also part of the newconst.i.tution G.o.dou had obtained.Namely, absolute resistance to magic. Once reborn as a Campione, aperson became immune to all magic, rendering it ineffective.This applied indiscriminately towards all magic, whether friendly or hostile."However, as long as it is through oral intake, magic can still be applied toyou. Hoho, I really must express my grat.i.tude towards the existence ofsuch a loophole. Thanks to that, not only can I help G.o.dou but I can alsoenjoy the pleasure of kissing you."With such a seductive tone of voice. Erica took G.o.dou"s lips.Her sweet kiss sealing his mouth, G.o.dou began to feel dizzy. Those softlips of hers felt pleasurable beyond belief, plunging one into ecstasy. Ericabegan with light pecks on G.o.dou"s lips then proceeded to kiss him as iftrying to envelope his entire mouth.Then using her moist lips to caress G.o.dou"s lips, she slipped her tongueinside.Using her tongue to tie down G.o.dou"s, the two tongues entangled witheach other. Tongue and tongue were wrapped around each other inseparable intimate contact.With great intensity of emotion, Erica opened lier lips and carefully savoredthe taste of G.o.dou"s mouth. With pa.s.sionate Latin style, she soughtG.o.dou"s tongue, boldly licking with her own.Then G.o.dou felt [Recovery] magic being poured forth from her mouth,easing away his pain. {{#ifeq: {{PAGE NAME}} | Campione!:BR SS 1 1 1}}"Hey Erica. My wounds are already healed, isn"t it time to stop..."However, the blonde beauty continued to lick his lips, completelyunconcerned."Very well. The kiss just now was to heal your wounds. From this pointonwards, the kissing is purely to enjoy the pleasure of making out with you,the task of affirming our love."Erica declared thus.Obviously, she did not move her lips away. She was conversing withG.o.dou in whispers as she kissed him....In the end, this kiss persisted for another five minutes until Erica finallyreleased her lips. However, the reason was not because she was tired ofkissing."Time to warm our bodies. I will start a fire now."Standing on the riverside in drenched clothes, both of them were feelingquite a chill.Feeling embarra.s.sed, G.o.dou silently nodded once emphatically as if hewas unable to stare Erica in the face.The two of them had met for the first time towards the south of the Italianpeninsula, on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia.While they were running around all over that island. Erica"s att.i.tudetowards G.o.dou had been rather unfriendly.However, after enduring many desperate trials together, before they knewit. Erica had changed to the point that she could openly declare her "love"to G.o.dou.Not only verbally, but also in att.i.tude and behavior. Even to the point ofengaging in this sort of pa.s.sionate kissing..."Hey G.o.dou, now that the issues after the battle have all been handled,why don"t we spend some private time together to make some sweet andloving memories?"Beyond that, she even made this request. G.o.dou frantically asked:"Uh, well, what?""Sweet and loving memories. I"ve already spoken to Uncle. Who knows if itwould be a few months or years down the road, but I do intend to havechildren with you for sure, G.o.dou, so we have to coordinate.""Children—!""I have no intention to rush, but this is inevitable. You should prepareyourself beforehand accordingly."Ignoring G.o.dou"s dumbfounded surprise. Erica snapped her fingers loudly.A ma.s.s of flames suddenly ignited before their eyes. This was apparentlymagic for starting a fire instantly."How convenient..."G.o.dou calmed his emotions and walked near the fire. Erica did the same.The two gathered around the bonfire, warming their cold bodies. But twominutes later, G.o.dou began to scream."Hey, what the heck! What on earth are you doing!?"Erica was slowly removing her wet clothing before the fire. "What are youtalking about, G.o.dou? It"s not like I can continue wearing these clothes likethis, right?""True, you have a point! But I"m right here — a man is present, you know!?""Back on the island of Sicily, haven"t you seen the naked body of EricaBlandelli, mine, completely already? By this point, what do you have to beconcerned about?"With a seductive smile, Erica boldly displayed her figure before G.o.dou.The only articles of clothing on her body were her red bra and underwear.Her pale and pristine complexion was a dizzying sight. Furthermore, morethan anything else, the perfect proportions of her figure were greatlytroubling to G.o.dou. Despite Erica"s slender build, her body was voluptuousand full in all the right places yet slender and taut where appropriate.The sight of this perfect body that would put a magazine model to shamesent G.o.dou into a state of panic.Seeing G.o.dou in such a state, Erica displayed a ladylike smile, full ofopen-minded acceptance. Nevertheless, this sort of mischievousness andbroad minded personality were indeed quite attractive —"G.o.dou, shouldn"t you take that off as well? Aren"t you cold wearing it?""Feeling cold is fine!"Even though G.o.dou"s upper torso was bare, he kept his jeans on.This was because he was mindful of the presence of the woman beforehim. But to his surprise, she acted in such a manner. G.o.dou"s inner worldwas turned upside down in complete turmoil, his heart beating rapidly outof control.But immediately...Erica suddenly tensed her facial expression and performed [Summoning]magic.This was a spell for summoning a personal object from a certain location.What she summoned was a garment that resembled a short cape. Thiscape was striped with the red and black colors of rossonero. Wrapping itaround her shoulders. Erica covered her upper torso.G.o.dou also prepared his stance.Probably, Erica was trying to prevent her bare body from being seen bysomeone apart from G.o.dou. That was why she covered up? In otherwords, someone was probably approaching right now.As a master swordsman in addition to being a mage, did she hear thesound of footsteps or sense someone"s presence?After a while, a girl came running. She appeared to be twelve or thirteenyears old or so, and gave off quite a cute impression. As soon as she sawthe fire Erica had lit, she jumped in surprise."Magical flames? Are you two users of magic!?"This was the beginning of a "little commotion" in which Kusanagi G.o.douwas caught up in."In other words, Alessia, you were taught by a mage descended from thelineages of the Templar Knights and he lived in this monastery."The stone-built ancient monastery. Thus spoke Erica in the front yard.G.o.dou and Erica were already dressed in clothes that Alessia had takenfrom her own home for them. After that, they had traveled from the riverArno over to this monastery."Templar Knights...?""It refers to medieval European knights and monks who masteredswordsmanship and magic. Both your master and I are their descendants.Hoho, it"s fine if you don"t understand yet."Erica smiled as Alessia displayed complete surprise.Along the way here, the blonde beauty had conversed with the young girlin a gentle manner, successfully finding out from the girl "how she learnedmagic."There was also a reason why they had come here with Alessia. At theriverside just now, she had made a request."Please! If it is not too much trouble, could you come over and let mediscuss something with you!? It is very important!"It seemed to be a case involving magic. In order to thank her for the favorof lending the clothes, G.o.dou and Erica had come to this place."Then what did you want to discuss? But let me first say I have no ideaabout stuff like incantations and magic. On the other hand, this Erica here is an expert so I"m sure she can help you."Erica nodded as if saying "Well, no problem" in response to G.o.dou.Then Alessia spoke with an awkward expression —"Yeah. In actual fact, there is a possibility that a deity is about to wake upunderground below this monastery..."A shocking report. Erica went "well" and stared with widened eyes as shesmiled slightly wryly.On the other hand, G.o.dou simply emotionlessly went "Eh" in a mutter.Just a few hours earlier, he had been fighting against what was known asa deity"s servant...Seeing him lil

Chapter 1 - Appearance of Devil King and Knight[Excerpt from the book Devil Kings, auth.o.r.ed by the 19th century Italianmage Alberto RiganolUpon each of those who have accomplished such a terrifying feat, I shallbestow the t.i.tle "Campione."Wise readers may express doubts regarding this t.i.tle, possibly dismissingmy records as exaggerations.But allow me to emphasize once again.Campiones are conquerors.Because they are capable of slaughtering the G.o.ds of the heavens,thereby obtaining supreme power.Campiones are kings.Because they are able to rule anyone on Earth by wielding authoritiesusurped from the G.o.ds.Campiones are devil kings.Because none of the living can oppose their powers!On a certain spring morning, the sky was bright and clear without a singlecloud for miles.The refreshingly cool blue sky of May stretched overhead to as far as theeye could see. Nevertheless, thirteen-year-old Alessia"s little bosom wasbr.i.m.m.i.n.g with unease. In contrast to the weather, her mood was hardlycheerful."...If only things could settle down today."She murmured to herself softly as she walked along the path through thefields towards the monastery.Alessia lived in a remote village located within Italy"s central region ofTuscany. Here, the inhabitants mostly made their living off agriculture andforestry. This place was simply a small village and not a tourist attraction.Also, Alessia was just an ordinary middle school student living in thisvillage... Well, not exactly.She possessed a secret skill. Namely, "magic." This ominous skill was theability she gradually acquired under the tutelage of an old monk who usedto live in the monastery at the village entrance until he pa.s.sed away a fewmonths ago.After the old man died, sweeping and cleaning this little ancient monasterybecame Alessia"s daily ch.o.r.e.She came before this Romanesque stone building, one that could havebeen built in the twelfth century. As she advanced towards the depths ofthe chapel, she muttered the reason why she was worried."...How is the situation underground? If only it would settle down..."The mysterious old man who once lived here had secretly told her before.He claimed to be no ordinary monk but belonged to a knightly order thatheld mastery over rare magic. Furthermore, he even said that Alessiapossessed the same talent as himself.That was what he had said in the past when he taught Alessia basicmagic."The holy sanctum dedicated to ancient deity"s "beast of strange forms"...This monastery was built to conceal its traces. As for this beast of strangeforms, it might be a reference to a certain "G.o.ddess of Beasts" perhaps.""G.o.ddess of Beasts?""Yes. Given some incomprehensible opportunity, these [Heretic G.o.ds]descend on the earth with alarming simplicity. And they bring disaster,causing great hardship to us humans."These were the faithless words of an old man, one without any relatives toaccompany his last and dying days.Alessia recalled the incident as she ventured forward in trepidation.Beneath her current position was the underground location where terrifyingmagical power could be sensed starting a week ago.Hence, she naturally recalled what she heard about "G.o.ds." As well as thedeceased old man"s warning of the door "never to be opened no matterwhat." That door was concealed behind the statue of the Virgin Mary.In a corner of the chapel was a statue of Mary which had been paintedcompletely black for some reason.Apparently, the wall behind the statue could be pushed and spun around toreach the deep s.p.a.ce on the other side.A week earlier, sensing strong magical power, Alessia had tried openingthe door with trepidation....Behind the door was a flight of stairs that led underground. Reaching thebottom, she discovered a path leading to a natural cave.She did not have the courage to continue. The endless black s.p.a.ce feltterrifying. However, the main reason was because she heard the howls ofwild beasts.It sometimes sounded like the barking of dogs and the neighing of horseson other occasions.As well as the chirping of birds, and the indiscernible cries of some kind offerocious beast. However, she never heard the same sound twice...That time, Alessia frantically ran up the steps and returned to the chapel —In the past week, as the underground magical power gradually increasedeach pa.s.sing day, her uneasiness rose accordingly. Then on this particularmorning, Alessia felt extremely uncomfortable the instant she stepped intothe chapel.This was the result of being bathed in magical power more intense thanshe had ever felt before."Has a great G.o.d really descended...?"Just as Alessia"s heart was filled with worry and she was about to murmuragain.Clang! Clang! A metallic impact could be heard from above the ceiling.This was the result of [Alarm] magic being triggered.This took effect whenever a being above a certain threshold of magicalpower approached the monastery.This was the first time for Alessia to hear this sound.It was magic that she had cast as a precaution against outside intruders.Nevertheless, she was delighted instead. Although she did not know whythey had come, at least a great and powerful mage must have entered thearea. This could very well be her chance to seek counsel regarding thedeity who was about to awaken underground!Alessia focused her magical sensing to read the danger report provided bythe [Alarm] spell.Extraordinarily powerful — No good, that "excessively powerful" beingseemed to be moving along the river behind the mountain. Alessiaimmediately rushed outside, hoping to catch the presence before it left.On this cool and refreshing spring morning, the rosy clouds of May couldbe seen floating slowly up in the sky above.However, Kusanagi G.o.dou"s current mood had nothing to do with cool andrefreshing.This was only natural. Just earlier, he had spent the entire night fightingsome monster whose appearance he could not see. In the end, he wasswept into the river and had been clinging onto driftwood while he floatedfor the past dozens of minutes.Only now did he manage to get ash.o.r.e with great difficulty.However, G.o.dou was hurt. His body was covered with burns and his backhad suffered a deep slashing wound. He was covered with bruises all over.Nevertheless, these painful sensations gave him a sort of pleasure ofbeing alive."It feels... Feels like I seem to be gradually getting used to this kind ofstuff..."" "Seem to be" is completely redundant, G.o.dou. You are fully accustomedto this sort of adventure already."This "partner" declared with effortless certainty towards G.o.dou as heendured his pain.Erica Blandelli. The beautiful girl who possessed a head of reddish l.u.s.trousblonde hair.However, her beauty was not only based on her physical appearance, forErica"s aura of ambition and intellect that exuded from her entire being wasthe major contributor to the deep impression of glamor she left on others."Clearly so little time has pa.s.sed since you defeated Verethragna on theisland of Sardinia... Yet in all aspects you are already a Devil King who canstand in his own right. This I can guarantee completely.""That kind of guarantee is completely unnecessary... Well, anyway."Sitting quietly on the riverbank from exhaustion, G.o.dou spoke up."Thank you for your help this time as well. Thanks."After the battle against the Persian Warlord Verethragna and becoming a"Campione," all sorts of pandemonium broke loose one after another.After that, he had fought the ancient Mediterranean sky G.o.d Melqart at theisland of Sicily, and also arrived at Milan to battle his fellow Campione,Salvatore Doni, the sword genius...The only reason G.o.dou was able to overcome all of these deadlychallenges, was due to Erica"s aid and support....Well, this time, it all started from her "let"s go check out this giant eelmonster that has been sighted in Tuscany" suggestion. She was the trueculprit who proposed and forced him to take on this venture.But in spite of everything, her being his savior remained as unchangeablefact.Not only was G.o.dou completely wet from being carried by the river current.Erica was also fully drenched. This was because his "partner" had jumpedinto the river in order to pull G.o.dou back ash.o.r.e. For the sake of savingG.o.dou, she had done so without any hesitation.The river flowing before them was the Arno.It was said to be a great river traversing the region of Tuscany from east towest. However, due to the current mountainous location, the river was notparticularly wide. Such was the scenery belonging to this slightly biggerthan average river."This river apparently through Florence, right?""Yes. Continuing along downstream sliould reacli tine city of lilies,Florence. If you go further along the river, you will reach Pisa, famous forits leaning tower. Beyond that, the river flows into the Tyrrhenian Sea."The ones Erica listed out were the most famous cities located in the regionof Tuscany.Hearing these familiar geographical names, G.o.dou muttered with heartfeltfeeling."How fortunate that I didn"t have to take a river tour through all thoseplaces...""But precisely because you are G.o.dou, wouldn"t it be most unbecoming todie a death of drowning?"Completely drenched. Erica bore a serious expression. She did not seemlike she was joking.G.o.dou felt slightly displeased. Even though he believed that his body was"perhaps" rather excessive in survival ability, at least that kind ofunreasonable result should not happen. Probably...Feeling the chilly air against his completely drenched body, G.o.doushuddered.His strength was being drained. He seemed to have lost too much bloodand energy from drifting in the river with all his injuries. Seeing hiscondition. Erica smiled with a chuckle. Rather than taking s.a.d.i.s.tic pleasurein G.o.dou"s misfortune, it was probably the opposite.Though G.o.dou figured out what she was thinking, it was already too late.In the next instant. Erica had already swiftly approached and embracedG.o.dou in her arms."Hoho. Now first we must heal your wounds. Accept this obediently."Erica displayed a mesmerizing smile towards G.o.dou as she whisperedsoftly. She drew her face extremely near.Had she gone another 10cm or so, their faces would probably have stucktightly together."No, don"t. After all, my body should heal on its own!"Kusanagi G.o.dou"s body had already become one that "could not dieeasily."Although this was completely beyond common logic, even if he suffered asufficiently severe injury, a nap was probably not enough to heal thingscompletely."So anyway, healing isn"t completely pointless, you know?"Erica smiled innocently and adorably as she pressed her lips close toG.o.dou"s face."Currently, you should recover your wounds as quickly as possible and dryyour clothes. For this purpose, all effort must be spent. Because I am yourlover who stands as Kusanagi G.o.dou"s knight... Even offering you my lipsis nothing particularly out of the ordinary.""T-That is exactly the problem!"Like that supernatural ability to survive, this was also part of the newconst.i.tution G.o.dou had obtained.Namely, absolute resistance to magic. Once reborn as a Campione, aperson became immune to all magic, rendering it ineffective.This applied indiscriminately towards all magic, whether friendly or hostile."However, as long as it is through oral intake, magic can still be applied toyou. Hoho, I really must express my grat.i.tude towards the existence ofsuch a loophole. Thanks to that, not only can I help G.o.dou but I can alsoenjoy the pleasure of kissing you."With such a seductive tone of voice. Erica took G.o.dou"s lips.Her sweet kiss sealing his mouth, G.o.dou began to feel dizzy. Those softlips of hers felt pleasurable beyond belief, plunging one into ecstasy. Ericabegan with light pecks on G.o.dou"s lips then proceeded to kiss him as iftrying to envelope his entire mouth.Then using her moist lips to caress G.o.dou"s lips, she slipped her tongueinside.Using her tongue to tie down G.o.dou"s, the two tongues entangled witheach other. Tongue and tongue were wrapped around each other inseparable intimate contact.With great intensity of emotion, Erica opened lier lips and carefully savoredthe taste of G.o.dou"s mouth. With pa.s.sionate Latin style, she soughtG.o.dou"s tongue, boldly licking with her own.Then G.o.dou felt [Recovery] magic being poured forth from her mouth,easing away his pain. {{#ifeq: {{PAGE NAME}} | Campione!:BR SS 1 1 1}}"Hey Erica. My wounds are already healed, isn"t it time to stop..."However, the blonde beauty continued to lick his lips, completelyunconcerned."Very well. The kiss just now was to heal your wounds. From this pointonwards, the kissing is purely to enjoy the pleasure of making out with you,the task of affirming our love."Erica declared thus.Obviously, she did not move her lips away. She was conversing withG.o.dou in whispers as she kissed him....In the end, this kiss persisted for another five minutes until Erica finallyreleased her lips. However, the reason was not because she was tired ofkissing."Time to warm our bodies. I will start a fire now."Standing on the riverside in drenched clothes, both of them were feelingquite a chill.Feeling embarra.s.sed, G.o.dou silently nodded once emphatically as if hewas unable to stare Erica in the face.The two of them had met for the first time towards the south of the Italianpeninsula, on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia.While they were running around all over that island. Erica"s att.i.tudetowards G.o.dou had been rather unfriendly.However, after enduring many desperate trials together, before they knewit. Erica had changed to the point that she could openly declare her "love"to G.o.dou.Not only verbally, but also in att.i.tude and behavior. Even to the point ofengaging in this sort of pa.s.sionate kissing..."Hey G.o.dou, now that the issues after the battle have all been handled,why don"t we spend some private time together to make some sweet andloving memories?"Beyond that, she even made this request. G.o.dou frantically asked:"Uh, well, what?""Sweet and loving memories. I"ve already spoken to Uncle. Who knows if itwould be a few months or years down the road, but I do intend to havechildren with you for sure, G.o.dou, so we have to coordinate.""Children—!""I have no intention to rush, but this is inevitable. You should prepareyourself beforehand accordingly."Ignoring G.o.dou"s dumbfounded surprise. Erica snapped her fingers loudly.A ma.s.s of flames suddenly ignited before their eyes. This was apparentlymagic for starting a fire instantly."How convenient..."G.o.dou calmed his emotions and walked near the fire. Erica did the same.The two gathered around the bonfire, warming their cold bodies. But twominutes later, G.o.dou began to scream."Hey, what the heck! What on earth are you doing!?"Erica was slowly removing her wet clothing before the fire. "What are youtalking about, G.o.dou? It"s not like I can continue wearing these clothes likethis, right?""True, you have a point! But I"m right here — a man is present, you know!?""Back on the island of Sicily, haven"t you seen the naked body of EricaBlandelli, mine, completely already? By this point, what do you have to beconcerned about?"With a seductive smile, Erica boldly displayed her figure before G.o.dou.The only articles of clothing on her body were her red bra and underwear.Her pale and pristine complexion was a dizzying sight. Furthermore, morethan anything else, the perfect proportions of her figure were greatlytroubling to G.o.dou. Despite Erica"s slender build, her body was voluptuousand full in all the right places yet slender and taut where appropriate.The sight of this perfect body that would put a magazine model to shamesent G.o.dou into a state of panic.Seeing G.o.dou in such a state, Erica displayed a ladylike smile, full ofopen-minded acceptance. Nevertheless, this sort of mischievousness andbroad minded personality were indeed quite attractive —"G.o.dou, shouldn"t you take that off as well? Aren"t you cold wearing it?""Feeling cold is fine!"Even though G.o.dou"s upper torso was bare, he kept his jeans on.This was because he was mindful of the presence of the woman beforehim. But to his surprise, she acted in such a manner. G.o.dou"s inner worldwas turned upside down in complete turmoil, his heart beating rapidly outof control.But immediately...Erica suddenly tensed her facial expression and performed [Summoning]magic.This was a spell for summoning a personal object from a certain location.What she summoned was a garment that resembled a short cape. Thiscape was striped with the red and black colors of rossonero. Wrapping itaround her shoulders. Erica covered her upper torso.G.o.dou also prepared his stance.Probably, Erica was trying to prevent her bare body from being seen bysomeone apart from G.o.dou. That was why she covered up? In otherwords, someone was probably approaching right now.As a master swordsman in addition to being a mage, did she hear thesound of footsteps or sense someone"s presence?After a while, a girl came running. She appeared to be twelve or thirteenyears old or so, and gave off quite a cute impression. As soon as she sawthe fire Erica had lit, she jumped in surprise."Magical flames? Are you two users of magic!?"This was the beginning of a "little commotion" in which Kusanagi G.o.douwas caught up in."In other words, Alessia, you were taught by a mage descended from thelineages of the Templar Knights and he lived in this monastery."The stone-built ancient monastery. Thus spoke Erica in the front yard.G.o.dou and Erica were already dressed in clothes that Alessia had takenfrom her own home for them. After that, they had traveled from the riverArno over to this monastery."Templar Knights...?""It refers to medieval European knights and monks who masteredswordsmanship and magic. Both your master and I are their descendants.Hoho, it"s fine if you don"t understand yet."Erica smiled as Alessia displayed complete surprise.Along the way here, the blonde beauty had conversed with the young girlin a gentle manner, successfully finding out from the girl "how she learnedmagic."There was also a reason why they had come here with Alessia. At theriverside just now, she had made a request."Please! If it is not too much trouble, could you come over and let mediscuss something with you!? It is very important!"It seemed to be a case involving magic. In order to thank her for the favorof lending the clothes, G.o.dou and Erica had come to this place."Then what did you want to discuss? But let me first say I have no ideaabout stuff like incantations and magic. On the other hand, this Erica here is an expert so I"m sure she can help you."Erica nodded as if saying "Well, no problem" in response to G.o.dou.Then Alessia spoke with an awkward expression —"Yeah. In actual fact, there is a possibility that a deity is about to wake upunderground below this monastery..."A shocking report. Erica went "well" and stared with widened eyes as shesmiled slightly wryly.On the other hand, G.o.dou simply emotionlessly went "Eh" in a mutter.Just a few hours earlier, he had been fighting against what was known asa deity"s servant...Seeing him lil< you="" for="" your="" patience.="" the="" underground="" divine="" beast="" has="" been="" destroyed="" by="" kusanagi="" G.o.dou="" here."="" "destroyed!?"="" alessia"s="" expression="" seemed="" to="" be="" saying="" "unbelievable!"="" as="" she="" looked="" at="" G.o.dou.="" she="" was="" trying="" to="" articulate="" such="" feelings="" into="" words.="" just="" as="" alessia="" was="" about="" to="" speak.="" erica="" smiled="" mischievously="" and="" placed="" her="" index="" finger="" on="" her="" lips.="" "just="" a="" friendly="" warning,="" suspicions="" regarding="" a="" campione="" —="" the="" power="" to="" slay="" a="" G.o.d="" —="" cannot="" be="" uttered="" in="" any="" situation.="" that="" is,="" if="" you="" wish="" to="" continue="" surviving="" in="" the="" world="" of="" magic."="" taking="" G.o.dou"s="" arm,="" the="" blonde="" beauty="" declared="" as="" if="" she="" was="" taking="" pride="" in="" her="" lover"s="" power.="" "they="" are="" conquerors.="" devil="" kings,="" royalty="" as="" well="" as="" warriors.="" bearers="" of="" absolute="" strength="" who="" fight="" on="" humanity"s="" behalf="" when="" [heretic="" G.o.ds]="" bring="" disaster="" to="" the="" earth.="" though="" they="" look="" no="" different="" from="" us="" humans="" in="" appearance,="" their="" bodies="" are="" actually="" monsters="" completely="" removed="" from="" humans!"="" "w-who="" the="" heck="" are="" you="" calling="" a="" monster!"="" "of="" course="" it"s="" you,="" kusanagi="" G.o.dou.="" even="" for="" an="" incident="" like="" this,="" it="" would="" take="" dozens="" of="" magi,="" risking="" their="" lives="" in="" a="" desperate="" struggle="" to="" seal="" away="" the="" divine="" beast="" in="" a="" ma.s.sive="" severe="" crisis,="" you="" know?"="" casually="" ignoring="" G.o.dou"s="" protest.="" erica="" winked="" at="" the="" young="" girl.="" "in="" the="" near="" future,="" you="" will="" take="" pride="" in="" the="" fact="" that="" you="" have="" encountered="" us.="" one="" day,="" the="" world="" of="" magic="" will="" tremble="" before="" the="" great="" name="" of="" the="" seventh="" campione,="" kusanagi="" G.o.dou.="" as="" well="" as="" his="" premier="" knight,="" erica="" blandelli.="" because="" you="" have="" met="" these="" two!"="" just="" as="" erica="" predicted="" at="" tlie="" time,="" tlie="" pair="" continued="" to="" take="" part="" in="" numerous="" victories="" lienceforth.="" ratlier="" than="" a="" heroic="" legend,="" this="" particular="" little="" interlude="" could="" be="" considered="" as="" more="" of="" an="" insignificant="" and="" easy="" favor.="">

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