
Chapter 13

Chapter 3 - Arrival of a Devil KingPart 1The night of the strange hallucinations had pa.s.sed, and the next morninghad arrived.Going to school at the usual time, Mariya Yuri packed with her a cellphonewith an aluminum sh.e.l.l.It was given to her last night from Amakasu for the purpose of emergencycontact. When the phone began to vibrate in silent mode, it happened tobe during the noon break.The call display did not reveal the name of the caller.Since the phone handed over was brand new, Yuri had not entered anyinformation into it. Though she knew it was Amakasu"s phone number, shewas not familiar with how to operate it."Eh? What should I do?"Yuri hesitated for an instant as the display showed Amakasu"s number.Perhaps it was some kind of urgent incident. Yuri happened to be outsidethe school building and was walking in the central courtyard. She pickedup the call in a place where she could not be seen.Since it was her first time using a flip open phone, it took a bit of effort."Hey, hey... I am Mariya!"Finally ending her struggle with the phone, Yuri picked up with a tone ofpanic.This is Amakasu. How are you feeling over there? Did you make alunchbox for him as suggested yesterday?""Of, of course not! Please don"t joke around!""It"s not a joke. Today"s request for Yuri-san is to use all sorts of methods toget close to him. Let"s a have a real strategy meeting later.""Ah? Amakasu-san!?"The call ended.What should one do to get closer to Kusanagi G.o.dou? Yuri felt it was atough decision. Last night, she felt quite depressed due to accepting thisdifficult mission." — Excuse me, Mariya-senpai, could that possibly be... a cellphone?"Yuri turned to see the one greeting her, and found Kusanagi Shizukastanding there.The younger sister of the current subject of interest, in addition to being themiddle school third year student who was Yuri"s junior in the tea ceremonyclub. This chance encounter gave Yuri quite a surprise."What, what happened? Everyone had been saying that senpai didn"t havea cellphone until now? Didn"t you say you had no interest?"Shizuka was very surprised.During club activities, whenever anyone asked about her cellphonenumber or email address, Yuri"s negative reply was always "because Idon"t think I have any special need...""A necessary reason came up recently. It"s also a lot more convenient forstaying in contact with each other..."Feeling that an excuse of convenience was rather sad, Yuri felt depressedas she answered.In such a place she did not have an obvious reason for using such a fullfeatured phone. In fact she was totally technologically illiterate and did notunderstand networks very well. Yuri regretted her answer as she spoke."Eh? Contact each other? With whom do you need to stay in contact?""Sorry, please don"t ask any further because it is something I cannotanswer in detail. My apologies."Though she was talking to someone younger than her, Yuri was bowingher head down with full seriousness throughout.Her ident.i.ty as the Hime-Miko as well as the existence of the HistoryCompilation Committee were absolute secrets. It would be best if shecould muddle through this without issue."Could it be that... the other person wanted to keep it a secret?""No, not at all. However, cellphones are quite hard to use, right? Buteveryone seems to use them so easily, I really cannot understand — "In response to her honest and frank answer, Shizuka suddenly feltapologetic and bowed her head."Sorry, Mariya-senpai. For you to be so troubled due to my Onii-chan — ""Eh? This matter and Kusanagi-san — your brother — are totallyunrelated — But then again, what is the commotion about?"Brother — Unable to understand why Shizuka was apologizing on G.o.dou"sbehalf, Yuri blinked."However, could there be any other reason? Wouldn"t the most likelyreason for a sudden need for a cellphone be for staying in touch with aboyfriend at all times... As for Mariya-senpai, the most probable candidateis... my stupid Onii-chan, isn"t that right?"Yuri thought that Shizuka was a rather clever child.She was a girl with quick wits and had picked up all the club knowledgerapidly.Yuri frantically tried to deny."No, that is not the reason. It is due to work, I need the cellphone for mywork!""But Mariya-senpai"s part-time job is being a miko. I"ve never heard ofshrine miko having a need to be on call for emergencies. Even if you denyit, I know you are lying, but I understand! It"s all my stupid Onii-chan"sfault!"Shizuka furiously scolded her brother with intensity.Sigh, as the Hime-Miko, all sorts of emergencies have come up ever sincethe supernatural Campione appeared by her side... Yuri felt very gloomythat she could not reveal such things honestly."Starting from the last spring break, it was already very suspicious.Frequently staying out overnight! And then suddenly becoming so closewith Erica-san and Yuri-senpai all of a sudden!""It"s not due to Kusanagi-san, please don"t get so upset...""Mariya-senpai just said previously that it has nothing to do withOnii-chan — but isn"t it related to Onii-chan now?"Truly, Shizuka was very smart and picked up what was carelesslyrevealed.Her cute face might suggest otherwise, but she was very compet.i.tive inspirit. Furthermore, she was also much better with words, and Yuri felt anabsolute disadvantage in trying to argue with this opponent."I get it, Onii-chan also seems to be carrying a cellphone lately, and wastalking to someone last night. Since he had to hide in his room to take thecall secretly, I"m guessing the other person was Erica-san.""Eh? Is that so?"Yuri innocently believed Shizuka"s speculation.G.o.dou"s actual caller was the Italian young man, completely unrelated tolove and l.u.s.t, but there was no way for these two to know that."Apparently, school is not enough, and they still have to talk so intimatelyby phone at home — if Mariya-senpai didn"t have a cellphone, it would bevery difficult to compete...""Eh, eh? Has things progressed to this stage already — !"This news gave Yuri quite a serious shock.She felt very concerned at the thought that Erica and G.o.dou were doingthings together outside of school.However, what really needed vigilance were the impure relations betweenopposite genders outside of school, right?Yuri felt ashamed of her shallow experience with the ways of the world.(No, it is not too late to start now. To correct my own deficiencies... toachieve a closer relationship with Kusanagi-san than what E-Erica-sanhas!)Yuri whispered to herself, and vowed to her own heart to improve herself.Even though it was at someone else"s request, if she agreed to it she willgive it her best!"Shizuka-san, I have a request.""Yes, yes."Yuri suddenly lifted her head, and said seriously.Feeling her spirit, the angry Shizuka began to calm down."Could you teach me how to use my cellphone? Though I already knowhow to pick up and dial calls, but I know nothing other than that.""Oh, oh that, I don"t mind."As if crushed in spirit, Shizuka answered in a state of panic.Unaware of her dominating power whenever she faced others with herstern and serious demeanor, Yuri felt it was a little strange but nodded."Actually your brother — Kusanagi-san — once told me his telephonenumber, but I am not sure how to use the contact list in the phone.""Mariya-senpai, you don"t mind giving your number to Onii-chan, right...""Also, I have another request. Could you tell me how to get closer to aboy?""Eh!?"To Shizuka"s shock, Yuri got more excited as she spoke."I have a need to establish a much closer relationship with your brother.This is not just for me, but for others around me as well, and for yourbrother"s future. However, why this is necessary, I don"t understand it atall.""But, but, Mariya-senpai, I also don"t have any clue...""Though I can"t explain it very well, but time cannot be wasted any more. Ireally need someone who can be my teacher... I think if it"s the smartShizuka-san, you can definitely be a good role model for me. Please, lendme your strength."Worrying was pointless, it is best to take action first — Yuri deeply bowedher head."Oooh? You are really asking for my help? But definitely, Mariya-senpai ismuch better than Erica... Ah ah, to think that you would be attracted tosomeone like my Onii-chan..."Yuri kept her head bowed sincerely as Shizuka chattered on.Soon after, Shizuka sighed deeply."...Mariya-senpai, about my stupid Onii-chan, is it really true?""Yes, it"s true."Yuri had misunderstood Shizuka"s "is it really love" question as "do youreally have to improve relations," but neither of them noticed."An, an immediate answer... Well, if it"s come to this, I guess a suggestionor two can be given... Just a little bit..."Shizuka spoke extremely softly.Hearing such a response, Yuri"s eyes were like flashing lights, and shesmiled naturally."Much appreciated! This feels like a bright light appearing out of totaldarkness!""Please, please don"t show such a bright smile... It"s just minor support.""Yes? What is it? Shizuka-san?""Nothing. Ah, right, Mariya-senpai, do you have my Onii-chan"s emailaddress?"Yuri showed a mystified expression at Shizuka"s mentioning of a term shedid not recognize."Email... address? What is that?""You really don"t know what it is eh. Well then, I have a good idea, just goask him directly in the cla.s.sroom — let that idiot Onii-chan suffer theconsequence."Shizuka laughed "hoho" malevolently and suggested.Unable to understand the intentions, Yuri felt troubled. However, it was noteasy to find someone to give advice, so Yuri decided to go along with it.Part 2In the cla.s.sroom of the First Year Fifth Cla.s.s, Erica and G.o.dou werepreparing to have lunch.It was the lunch prepared by Erica — no, Arianna who played the role of themaid. Today, G.o.dou brought his own lunchbox.If he didn"t make preparations, he felt like he was making trouble forothers.Arianna generously accommodated G.o.dou"s suggestion. By the way, Ericawho had no intention of cooking anyway, kept a neutral stance and wasfine either way.At this time, unexpected visitors arrived."Hey, Onii-chan, can you lend this to me?"Hearing his sister"s usual voice from home, G.o.dou turned his head around.It was Shizuka in her middle school uniform, and behind her was MariyaYuri."Ara. Isn"t it Shizuka and Yuri? How rare for you both to be here..."Erica spoke with all smiles.Yuri simply nodded in response, while Shizuka greeted her with somethinglike "h.e.l.lo, Erica-san.""Shizuka, is it really ok for you to come to a high school cla.s.sroom?""I"m not certain, but there"s no school rule forbidding it right? By the way,Mariya-senpai has a cellphone now."A middle school girl who seemed close to G.o.dou, plus the appearance ofYuri. The boys of the Fifth Cla.s.s were busy listening in with an expressionof "what!"— Mariya, has a cellphone now?— Idiot. Don"t you know the last virtual girl"s IT revolution blog?— d.a.m.n it, the creature known as man truly has the ability to changewomen?Subtly sensing their fury, G.o.dou felt an ominous premonition.By the way, Shizuka was smiling proudly. Yuri was surveying the changesin the surroundings. Erica was quietly watching everything with interestwhile saying "eh.""Onii-chan, give your cellphone number and email address toMariya-senpai. She wants to enter it right now.""Ah? Didn"t I tell her my number before?"Yuri shyly lowered her head and answered G.o.dou."My apologies, Kusanagi-san... I am actually bad with technology. Since Idon"t know how to operate it I decided to come here to exchange ourinformation after discussing it with Shizuka-san.""Well, it"s actually quite simple, not difficult at all."So, she is surprisingly unfamiliar with these things. G.o.dou took out hiscellphone.Yuri also frantically extracts the silver phone."So, let"s do it quickly with the infra-red then.""Sure. So, does making calls have anything to do with infra-red?"Did she even know how to send information using the infra-red? ToG.o.dou"s suggestion, Yuri"s hesitant face was full of questions....First, it"s probably best to teach her the basic way to use the phone.After reconsidering, G.o.dou told his phone number and email address toYuri and showed her how to send mail. He explained to her all she need todo was register the incoming mail and showed her how.The two of them operated Yuri"s cellphone together.Without paying attention, the distance between them gradually shrank.— Their exhaled breaths were almost reaching each other"s faces. Thoughit was a delicate and beautiful face, it was also a nervous one as Yurioperated her phone clumsily.Finally aware that she was a beautiful girl, G.o.dou began to feel shy.In the instant G.o.dou turned his face away, his gaze met with Shizuka"ssmiling eyes full of challenging intent.This fellow, what was she planning this time? By the time he discovered it,the boys" riot was about to begin."Ah ohohoh, Mariya-san, could you tell me what is your phone number!"Nanami suddenly yells from his seat on the left near the front.The boys in the cla.s.s were making comments like "secretly confessing witha serious expression that I actually find miko moe", or "Mariya who seemsto be working as a miko, please bury Kusanagi in darkness for the safety ofall bathing miko." It was impossible to pretend not to have heard suchwords of jest."Same here! I also want Mariya-san"s phone number!""We will never let you keep such important information all to yourself.""This is for the love of all the boys in the cla.s.s! The opportunity is here.""Go die, Kusanagi! We are the poor proletariat, and we swear we willoppose to the utter end the capitalist cla.s.s who acquired their wealththrough illicit means."As Nanami"s roars echoed across the cla.s.sroom, the room was filled withthe yelling of the boys.Yuri felt surprised by the forcefulness of their desperation, and surveyedthe surroundings with a look that approached extreme fear."Ah ah, this isn"t looking good, Onii-chan. It"s tough to be a popular boy."The sister who came over with Yuri, the focus of attention, was speaking ina rather unfriendly manner."Shi... Shizuka, what are you trying to say...""Hmph. What a great important character to be so welcomed by the girls,but you need your medicine once in a while."Dear sister, please don"t create situations for me with these kinds ofmotives.G.o.dou prayed towards the sky in response to Shizuka"s merciless words." — Sorry everyone."It was Yuri who spoke.She seemed to have recovered from her shock, and spoke with adetermined voice."I have no intention of exchanging phone numbers with anyone other thanKusanagi-san. None whatsoever. So please calm down and don"t make ascene. Thank you."Though her words were serious and polite, but there was a certainirresistible force to them.The boys quieted down in an instant and the cla.s.sroom became peacefulagain. However, the entire cla.s.s of boys angrily watched G.o.dou with eyesof murderous intent.— You again with all these fortunate happenings.— This is truly another trial, go to the roof.— Shot in the back on a battlefield, sigh.Caught in a silent eddy current, G.o.dou began to have cold sweat from thefeeling of danger. Shizuka adds fuel to the fire by making comments like"Wow, such a bold declaration in front of so many people, it really must betrue..."In addition, Erica who was observing everything from the side waslaughing to herself."Hey Yuri, though it"s true that my G.o.dou is quite attractive, but the otherboys are really pitiful. They have already been watching G.o.dou and mylove life every single day, and so acc.u.mulated a lot of stress."The gazes of the cla.s.s immediately gathered upon the blonde Italian girl.Maintaining an elegant motion, Erica began to project her voice as if shewas the female lead in a performance."Since there"s no rain today, let"s have lunch on the roof then. Is that fine,G.o.dou? We welcome Yuri and Shizuka to join us. Isn"t it true for meals, themore the merrier, right?"Erica hurried G.o.dou and addressed the two visitors, then took lead byleaving the cla.s.sroom.Completely confident that her orders will be followed, she exited thecla.s.sroom without turning back.Truly, Erica"s experience in this area was no joking matter. Whether as thespeaker or as the listener, she had ample insight. G.o.dou took his lunchbag out of his school bag.Gesturing for his sister and Yuri to follow him, G.o.dou ran after Erica."Feels like things have become more interesting, G.o.dou?"Erica"s mood was great as she spoke after G.o.dou caught up to her."...You"re just having fun without concern for others. It"s probably just youwho thinks it"s funny. Meanwhile I am being burdened by these strangetroubles... Shizuka has also started to notice something is abnormal.""Don"t worry, no matter what that child thinks, she will soon understand thedifference in power.""Difference in power? What is that?"Erica made a glamorous smile at G.o.dou"s question."No matter what troubles the sister-in-law or the secondary wife cause, theone with the most power is still me — G.o.dou"s first wife Erica Blandelli.Anyway, don"t concern yourself with such trivial matters, for them to seeksupport is fine with me!""Don"t say something like sister-in-law, where did you learn that kind ofj.a.panese anyway!"This day, what G.o.dou brought was an ordinary lunch with rice b.a.l.l.s and allsorts of pickles.The salmon and the fish roe in the rice b.a.l.l.s should be fine....Originally, Erica"s situation was that she would comment with a subtleexpression that eating dried plums and the like was a challenge toeveryone except the j.a.panese. However, starting from some point, shestarted describing the extremely sour Kishu plum as "a fruit with anamazing taste," and even ate it along with the seed by shattering it with herteeth.A girl with a well-developed body, who turned out to be someone whowould eat anything.This is probably the success of the elite education of the knights to betteracc.u.mulate stamina in the body by avoiding picky eating.She was now wolfing down the rice b.a.l.l.s G.o.dou made."Last time when I was having sushi at G.o.dou"s home, I wondered if thiswas something I could make myself? Isn"t it just rice with some fish mixedinside, very simple, right?""If that"s what you think, try it yourself some time."G.o.dou had never seen Erica cook anything other than instant noodles,probably since her primary concern towards food was the "eating" part."Those, really are troublesome."To Erica"s change of subject, G.o.dou nodded at the expected response.The sky was cloudy, and there were a few other groups eating lunch onthe roof apart from them.Next to G.o.dou was Yuri eating her own lunch brought from the cla.s.sroom,while Shizuka was having the sandwiches she had bought."So that"s what Onii-chan was making in the kitchen early this morning...Really! You had to spend so much effort!"Shizuka complained as she ate her sandwiches, while Yuri slowly workedher chopsticks at her mini-sized lunchbox.In it was a small amount of rice, fried yellowtail fish with soya sauce, aswell as fried egg and side dishes like spinach.A few touches of tomato greatly enhanced the overall color, and lookedvery appetizing."...The content looks a lot less than what G.o.dou made for lunch.""Erica, don"t speak so tactlessly and stare at other people"s lunch with suchinterest. My apologies Mariya, please don"t mind and continue eating.""If, if you want to try, please feel free to pick what you like."Though her tone of voice seemed slightly forced, Yuri spoke with a smile.Perhaps she wanted to improve the initial rocky relationship she had withErica.As G.o.dou thought to himself, the blonde girl beside him reached her handout without hesitation.Directly grabbing a piece of fried egg and putting it in her mouth, Erica"smanners were poor but the motions of her hand was very elegant."Hmm, the taste is not bad. If you made it slightly fluffier with a more stickytexture then that would be my favorite style. If Arianna made it, it wouldhave been perfect, but that"s asking for too much.""You don"t know how to cook but you sure know how to talk."As he commented about Erica, G.o.dou also reached out to try some of thefried egg.The fried egg with sauce was very delicious, and the skipjack tuna saucewas very enjoyable to the taste buds."Ah, this is really great. Is it Mariya-senpai"s mother who made this? Unlikemy own mother, this cooking is wonderful."Her interest piqued, even Shizuka took a portion of the fried egg to try out,but the answer to the question shocked everyone."Ah, no. My mother didn"t make this. I made it myself. It"s wonderful that itsuited everyone"s tastes.""Mariya"s cooking is pretty good... Do you make your own lunch everymorning?""Something like that, however since I used some of the leftovers from mymother"s cooking last night, it doesn"t really count as my own exclusivework.""Well, still it"s quite amazing. Compared to my house... it"s very different."G.o.dou spoke extremely impressed.And then he glanced at the younger sister beside him."What now, Onii-chan, your expression is saying something.""Let me make this clear, G.o.dou, the cooking that Arianna does issomething prepared specifically for me the master. Don"t forget that."Shizuka was feeling indignant about her lack of cooking talent, while Ericawas simply selfishly throwing out her own willful comment.Compared to these two, Mariya seemed much more n.o.ble no matter howyou looked at it.By the way, it was completely different from G.o.dou who had tried very hardto knead the rice b.a.l.l.s with the appropriate amount of force."Once you get used to it, it doesn"t feel so amazing right? If you"d like, I canshare some tips on how to prepare food quickly.""That sounds quite interesting. Thanks. If possible, those two should — "G.o.dou turned his head around to find Shizuka glaring angrily at herbrother, while Erica was deliberately averting her gaze and staring at birdsflying in the sky.Yuri and G.o.dou could not help but look at each other and smile.Part 3"Hoho, lunch together at noon, good job! Though this is just a small step,but it will matter a lot in the future. Please continue doing your best likethis.""Yes, yes..."Yuri was talking to Amakasu on her cellphone in her room at the NanaoShrine.After returning from school, it was almost dusk. Yuri called Amakasu toreport the day"s results and to discuss some concerns."In the end, you went with cooking for him, and developing into a heartracing event of having lunch together. Looks like you have to continueworking hard for this... Ah, did you look at the materials beforehand?""Yes, yes, I took a look."Back at the Nanao Shrine after school, Amakasu had given an envelope toYuri which seemed to contain reports.In it were a thick stack of doc.u.ments with a suspicious report t.i.tle of TheDifficulties of Approaching Males by Females Who Were NotStraightforward: a.n.a.lysis and Solutions?"Those were just some hastily summarized materials prepared last night.How were they? Any reference value?""Are, are these written by Amakasu-san!? I seriously read all the lines anddialogues written in there, but that kind of method for expressing affection!How could one utter those shameful words!"Recalling the content of Amakasu"s special report, Yuri"s face went red.— Here, lunchbox. Last night I accidentally made too much, throwing itaway would be a waste.— Don"t misunderstand! I definitely don"t like you, there"s nothing to it at all!— You idiot brother, you don"t understand how I feel...!And so on..."Hahaha, that"s very important. Since ancient times, we j.a.panese havebeen very subtle in our ways of love. It should feel something like the caseof Lady Aoi in "The Tale of Genji"?""Eh? It should feel something like that?""No no. That Genji had inexplicable attributes like Oedipus or lolitacomplexes which are no good. A normal male would definitely fall for theslightly older tsundere childhood friend who was the young mistress of ahigh cla.s.s family and betrothed to him. Decidedly, Sakurano Youko was anadorable existence, but the current trend is towards older women fetishes!""I have no idea what you are talking about, could you please translate!"This kind of idiotic conversation had no meaning at all. Yuri decided tochange the topic."So, Amakasu-san, about the grimoire yesterday — ""Ah ah, about that. Are there any concerns?""Yes, if it"s possible, could you let me take a second look at that book?""...That I don"t mind, however, is it related to you fainting yesterday?""Yes. However, I can"t explain it clearly at this stage, but I seemed to havewitnessed a strange hallucination at the time. Just to be careful, I"d like toconfirm by having another look — "Things would become serious if the name Sasha Dejansstahl Voban wasmentioned.Due to these concerns, Yuri only described things in a vague manner."Ah, I don"t really want to be lectured by the shrine elders for the samething two days in a row... Oh well, sure, after all we were the ones whoinvolved Yuri-san in the first place. Since you agreed to a.s.sist us, I have noreason to refuse you."Unexpectedly understanding, Amakasu appended a sentence."Regrettably, I will be busy later so I will arrange for someone else to driveyou there and back in my stead, please wait at the shrine for a little while."— Thirty minutes later.Yuri walked down the stone steps of the Nanao Shrine and headedtowards the shrine entrance.Wearing her miko outfit, Yuri got on the locally manufactured sedanprovided by the History Compilation Committee that was waiting for her.Since she intended to return immediately after using her spirit vision, therewas no need to change her clothes.After being shaken in the back seat for forty minutes, she finally arrived atthe library in Aobadai.After some polite words with the History Compilation Committee memberwho drove her here, Yuri got off and went to the entrance.—Why?The building felt even quieter than yesterday.Precisely because it was a library, having peaceful surroundings wasnatural. Was she becoming a little neurotic? With a slightly worried feeling,Yuri entered the library.At the reception hall.Yesterday, there were several bored History Compilation Committeemembers sitting around. This was to prevent unauthorized people fromentering, by force if necessary.However, all these people were absent. Did they all go on a break?Yuri felt a sense of foreboding and anxiety as she continued onwards.The s.p.a.cious corridor, the reading room on the first floor, the stairs. Therewas not a single soul in sight.Come to think of it, should there not be a guide to subst.i.tute for Amakasu?Furthermore, no one came to receive Yuri.As if trying to dispel the sense of worry and loneliness, Yuri quickened herfootsteps. She tried to find another person amongst the shelves and in thecorners of the reading room that housed tens of thousands of books.However, there was none. Yesterday there had been a few library staff,and Amakasu was present. However, today there was no one at all —Hurrying to the second floor, Yuri felt relieved at the sight of a humanfigure."Excuse me, what is going on today? I felt surprised that there were noother people here..."As she spoke her greeting, Yuri began to lower her voice.Yuri discovered that the person was white, literally as white as snow — face,limbs, body, everything was white.Salt.— Legends tell of a city which incited the wrath of G.o.d and all inhabitantswere transformed into pillars of salt.The person Yuri discovered was the same. The roughly thirty-year-old manwas nothing more but a solid piece of salt now.With intense fear, Yuri began to run.Without any idea of where in the library she was, Yuri ran with all herstrength.— And then, she finally discovered.Pillars of salt stood in the s.p.a.cious reading room. No, there were betweenten to twenty History Compilation Committee members who had beenturned into salt.Behind them stood a tall old man.Of course.Yuri knew. The power to turn live humans into solid salt, the emeraldcolored evil eyes which changed the living into inorganic material. Therewas only one person in the world possessing such an authority."Finally found you, miko. It must be you, the one who had the strongestwolf"s hallucination in this area through the [Wolf]"s book from unknownorigins. It wouldn"t have been possible without that kind of excellent talent."That wise appearance was probably never forgotten. However, this wasnot his true nature.Ferocious and hideous, with a violent and wild nature. The position of rulergave him a very effective disguise to cover up those characteristics."How nostalgic, that face, I seem to recall seeing it before — this girl, what"sher name, Kranjcar?"The one the old man asked was not Yuri.It was the one waiting quietly by his side, the girl with the slim figure. Hersilver hair tied into a ponytail, a tense expression on her face, and a kind ofrigid eastern European beauty."She should be called Mariya Yuri, Marquis. However, for the sake ofobtaining one girl, isn"t what you have done here going a bit too far?""Hohoho, the Milanese blue knight turns out to be surprisingly stubborn."The blue knight — was quite an apt description for her appearance.Long sleeved black t-shirt and miniskirt with frills. Black tights, a blue cape,and a jacket with blue and black vertical stripes — the description reflectedthese elements well.Doesn"t it feel similar to the red and black jacket that Erica wore?"Heh, to be honest — I love conflict. Hunting is good, games are not bad,and I also like random violence. That"s why, I just want to do as I like at thistime, do you understand?"The old man joyfully spoke to the girl who showed a slight dissatisfiedexpression."Hoho, by the way, I don"t like dogs. Seeing obedient dogs who only try togarner favor makes me want to puke. I love wolves however, I love the waythey bare their fangs as they try to resist. Without a certain level ofambition, it would be pointless to keep by my side. In other words, you areone of my favorite wolves, Kranjcar.""The honor is all mine, Marquis."He smiled at the rigid tone of voice and mannerisms, then turned his bodyto face Yuri."Miko, from now on you will belong to me, and become part of my property.Understood?"The monarch possessing the evil eye and the power to determine people"slife and death. The man who called forth evil wolves and ruled over violentstorms. Sasha Dejanstahl Voban.To meet the oldest Devil King once again after four years, Yuri trembledwith fear all over her body.Part 4It was at Aoyama in the Minato ward of Tokyo.A grocery shop named Kogetsudou was located in a narrow streetintersecting with the main street in Aoyama.Within this shop sold all sorts of things from Taiwan, Hong Kong, mainlandChina, southeast Asia, and India. Even things from the northern andsouthern borders of Europe. The shop owner had a habit of buying all sortsof goods from everywhere and this resulted in them being piled high withinthe shop."So, that book really came from that place eh, so why did you put up sucha dangerous thing for sale?"Amakasu Touma spoke as he stared at a shelf near the cash register.By the way, for some reason it was crammed with all sorts of booklets suchas comics and the like."Those? They were rare resources pa.s.sed down by some magi from whoknows where, wouldn"t it be a shame for them to go to waste? ...The saleat the auction was just about complete. It would have gone for a good pricetoo, if it weren"t for the unnecessary intervention of you guys."The one answering was the female shop owner in a kimono.Aged roughly twenty or so, and wearing Meisen silk with a simple cutting.The cashier was reading Chinese comics published in Hong Kong whilereceiving customers.Amakasu did not know the original name of this shop and didn"t care to findout.She was the suspicious merchant who used the trademark [Kogetsudou]as an alias. A mysterious and very skilled wizard. Knowing these detailswere enough."Anyway, Amakasu-san, how did the appraisal go? We exhausted allavenues to determine its origin, and we are very interested in what kind ofdangerous consequences came back with the results.""Since it is cla.s.sified information, I"m sorry I can"t comment.""Then, is that rumor true? Isn"t there a girl with extremely acute visionamongst the current Hime-Miko? If we had someone with talent like that,then we wouldn"t have so much trouble finding treasures.""Well, what should I say, compared to that, what is the deal with thatgrimoire?"Amakasu tried to evade Kogetsudou"s questioning.The very young but completely complacent woman and the indifferentyoung man exchanging information — these two were representatives oftheir respective factions.The History Compilation Committee members are the "official" organizationfor supporting wizards.As for the "commoner" wizards — they were the descendants of onmyoujiand curse experts popular before the Meiji Restoration, and many of themsecretly lived around Aoyama.Kogetsudou counts as a central figure in that faction.Perhaps possessing even more dangerous rare books than the werewolfgrimoire, Amakasu"s visit to the shop also included a hint to warn her to becareful."That, Amakasu-san, please wait a moment. I still have something else Iwant to ask, is that fine? If you tell me, you can have the thing you arecurrently reading for free.""...If it"s just the reward for some gossip, then it doesn"t really matter. Letme check out the content first."Amakasu replied as he continued to read the battle manga about the heroarmed in steel and the iron-masked genius villain scientist time travelling insixth century England."Then be my guest — Erica Blandelli, what is that kind of major characterdoing appearing in j.a.pan?""She just came to study abroad, that"s all.""There was a ma.s.sive electrical outage incident on the day that girl arrived.The History Compilation Committee members were all busy manipulatingnews sources and even interfered with things written on the internet.""Coincidence, it just happened by chance.""Destruction of buildings and the Shuto Expressway isn"t just some kind ofjoke. Do you know how many tens of billions of damages occurred thatnight? ...And finally, the seventh Campione turning out to be j.a.panese,hasn"t the joke gone too far?""...Well, all rumors, you can"t believe everything you hear."Admitting it"s the truth to himself, Amakasu put the manga magazine awayin his bag.Looks like there was no need to hide from her the fact that KusanagiG.o.dou is the real thing. Furthermore, there was no meaning in trying tocover up the truth for those in the know. Moreover, if the source of theserumors became broadened, it may come to be useful."Then how about Liliana Kranjcar — the [Sword Fairy] coming to j.a.pan, is itrelated to that? Will it develop into another major incident?""Liliana Kranjcar? From that Bronze Black Cross?"Hearing a name he knew but did not expect, Amakasu"s expressionstiffened.The two magic a.s.sociations ruling over Milan"s mage scene.The Copper Black Cross — organization of the red devils, and the BronzeBlack Cross — organization of the blue berserkers.The former was represented by the young genius Erica Blandelli — theglamorous young woman deeply involved with Kusanagi G.o.dou. Amongstthose of the same age, it was said that only one person could rival this girlas her opponent.Her name was —"Our sources obtained the latest news that yesterday, Liliana and a gloomyold man arrived at Tokyo Narita Airport, did you know that?"The owner of Kogetsudou smiled like a kitten.At that moment, Amakasu"s phone began to vibrate in his pocket."Thank you for your valuable information. Anyway, something came up."Exchanging a few pleasantries with the shop owner, Amakasu left the shopand immediately picked up the phone."...Yes? Dejanstahl Voban?"This name rendered Amakasu dumbstruck in shock, even more than whenhe heard a witch"s name earlier.Mariya Yuri had been kidnapped by Eastern Europe"s Campione.For an instant, Amakasu felt his mind freeze when he received the newsfrom the Committee member. How could such a situation be resolved?Amakasu could not help but look up at the sky and feel compelled to prayto G.o.d.

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