
Chapter 7 - The Stirring of Heroes

Chapter 7 - The Stirring of Heroes

Part 1
Who could have expected a time traveling journey that would leave them
stranded for almost two months?
After experiencing a great commotion in ancient Gaul, Kusanagi G.o.dou
and his companions finally returned to the modern era.
The "corridor" leading to the past era was located in the Casentino area on
the east end of Italy"s central region of Tuscany. This was a zone of lush
vegetation, designated as a national park.
The time tunnel"s entrance was situated in a flourishing forest in a corner of
this region.
Upon returning to the modern era, the sun happened to be rising in the
eastern sky. The forest was thickly covered with acc.u.mulated snow. The
snow"s pure whiteness was even brighter and more vivid than the trees"
The sunlight of dawn illuminated this part of the world with a rosy shade of
color —
After admiring this landscape of fantasy from afar, the group started to
make their way towards human settlement.
The group consisted of Kusanagi G.o.dou, Salvatore Doni, Madame Aisha,
Erica Blandelli, Mariya Yuri, Liliana Kranjcar and Seishuuin Ena.
"The world on this side really is more convenient after all."
After a brief break at the hotel, G.o.dou was muttering to himself.
Before going on the journey to the past, Doni had gathered the knights of
Italy at this ancient castle hotel.
The interiors, fitted with heating, were quite warm whereas hot running
water came readily from taps. Showering facilities as well. Not only was
there coffee to drink, but also pizza to eat.
The hotel had been converted from an ancient castle dating back to the
Middle Ages. In contrast to its antique appearance, the hotel was filled with
a sense of comfort.
"Yeah, it feels like I"ve finally come home."
After a refreshing shower, Doni was sitting in the hotel"s bar, taking large
swigs of beer and ravenously wolfing down three slices of pizza.
On the other hand, G.o.dou was hoping to return to his home country as
quickly as possible to have some j.a.panese food.
But due to various reasons, he had decided to stay at this hotel for now.
"Sorry, G.o.dou-san, for my sake, you have to deliberately..."
"That"s not something you need to apologize for. Besides, there"s plenty of
time since we"re still in the middle of the post-exam break. Mariya, you
should get some proper rest."
That was what G.o.dou had said to Yuri who had suddenly fallen ill with a
fever after returning from the past.
The fever"s cause was probably not due to a flu but from the fatigue
acc.u.mulated during the long journey. Furthermore, Yuri"s state of health
was already unstable before setting off from j.a.pan. She would feel
exhausted and dizzy in crowded places — Those were the symptoms
presented by her current physiological state. It would be best to take more
There were other reasons for G.o.dou"s return to be delayed.
"Fufufufu. Somehow, I find myself quite happy to be in the modern era
This woman, smiling innocently, was also part of the reason.
Namely, Madame Aisha who was currently smiling radiantly, sitting on the
sofa in the hotel lobby.
Finally removing her ancient attire, she had changed into a navy-blue
knitted ensemble with a long white skirt.
Dressed in this manner, the Madame was flanked by a scowling woman
and a young man with a cautious expression, both sitting beside her.
The ponytailed female Paladino was Saint Raffaello and Doni"s master.
The other was Paolo Blandelli, Erica"s paternal uncle.
"Good grief, how could you say that so casually? You"ve no idea how much
trouble we had to go through."
"Madame, while making your stay in the local area, please do not hesitate
to inform me or my a.s.sociation, the [Copper Black Cross], should you have
any requests. I, Paolo Blandelli, intend to serve provisionally as your knight
to fulfill your every bidding."
"My! Erica-san"s uncle is truly quite the gentleman!"
The Madame was quite touched by Paolo"s respectful offer.
However, rather than a show of chivalry, this should be considered a ploy
to stay by a dangerous character"s side for monitoring purposes.
In fact, the same idea had occurred to G.o.dou after sensing the Madame"s
intention to take up accommodations at this hotel.
(I should stay here for now to monitor her.)
Et cetera. At least while the post-exam break lasted.
Before setting off from j.a.pan, G.o.dou and the other students had sat the
third term"s examinations at Jounan Academy where they were studying.
After that, they had used the post-exam break to make the long trip from
j.a.pan to Italy.
Meanwhile, at a hidden position out of Madame Aisha"s sight, several
people were having a secret conversation.
"Will the people in this hotel be fine? Is there not quite a substantial risk for
them to be charmed by Madame Aisha"s authority?"
"Well, this place is run by the [Capital of Lilies] to begin with after all."
While looking at the happily smiling Madame Aisha from a distance, Liliana
and Erica were whispering to each other.
As a side note, the [Capital of Lilies] was the magic a.s.sociation
headquartered in the ancient city of Florence in Tuscany.
"In fact, the majority of employees are equipped with knowledge of magic.
I"ve also heard that they have already used magic to protect their brains
and minds beforehand as a precaution... Well, only to the extent that one
could feel slightly relieved."
"Even Ena and you were also affected by Aisha-san"s authority once."
Resonating strongly with heartfelt emotion, Ena agreed with Erica"s
In any case, this trip had turned into a great expedition lasting almost two
months. Nevertheless, upon returning to the modern era, they discovered
that the calendar had merely advanced to the second day.
In the end, G.o.dou and company had returned the next morning after the
departing day.
"1 suppose I should say: as expected of a journey through time. Truly
absurd to an excessive degree."
Liliana"s astonished murmurs were understandable.
The current guests at this ancient castle hotel in Tuscany not only included
Saint Raffaello and Paolo but also Doni"s butler, Andrea Rivera.
When G.o.dou"s group first returned to the hotel, Rivera had been out
handling matters.
But upon returning, he was reunited with his foolish master.
"Come, Salvatore Doni. I"m sure you"ve fully prepared yourself to be sunk
into the Mariana Trench together with a thirty-thousand-ton tanker.
Perhaps now is the perfect opportunity to exile you from the surface world
forever. Let"s have a good discussion regarding this issue."
Dragging the neck of the whole commotion"s culprit, Rivera
dragged the man into another room...
In addition, these were not the only people present to welcome G.o.dou and
the other"s return.
"Onii-sama! As well as Onee-chan and everyone else, thank goodness that
you"ve all returned safe and sound!"
"We flew here from j.a.pan after hearing about the emergency situation.
Looks like the problem has already been resolved while we were on our
way, that"s really wonderful."
During the afternoon after their return, two j.a.panese had arrived at the
Yuri"s younger sister, Hikari, and tlie History Compilation Committee"s
special agent, Amakasu Touma. Upon hearing that "j.a.pan"s Campione
and his entourage are on a time traveling journey!?", Amakasu had
immediately hurried to Italy. Furthermore, Hikari had also expressed her
wish to come along.
"Although my original intention was to a.s.sist in Onii-sama"s return, it ended
up turning into a free trip to Italy."
After explaining the situation, Hikari added mischievously.
The Mariya family"s second daughter was only twelve years old but was
already a Hime-Miko in training. Presumably, that was precisely why her
request to be sent on this mission was approved. G.o.dou expressed his
thanks from the bottom of his heart.
"It"s the thought that counts. I"m sorry for making you come all the way
"Oh right. Although this doesn"t count as a congratulations gift, I do have a
present for you, Onii-sama. I"ll give it to you later!"
It was difficult to imagine someone so considerate and thoughtful was only
just a sixth grader. Hikari smiled cheerfully while she spoke.
As a side note, the unexpected welcoming committee did not just include
j.a.panese people. An hour after Hikari and Amakasu arrived, an American
woman suddenly appeared in the hotel lobby.
"It"s been a while, Kusanagi G.o.dou."
A missed friend, Annie Charlton.
She was the collaborator of Los Angeles" Devil King, John Pluto Smith.
The cool beauty was dressed for midwinter in a trenchcoat and gray pants,
matched by her short, fiery-red hair.
A dozen minutes or so later, G.o.dou was sitting opposite Annie in the
hotel"s lounge.
Two steaming cups of espresso were placed on the table between them.
"Apparently, you"ve been doing as you please in fifth-century Gaul."
"If I had to describe it, I was tlie one restraining tine willful and reckless
Doni and Aisha-san..."
G.o.dou raised mild objections against her sardonic remark.
However, Annie Charlton scoffed and said coldly:
"At "Plutarch"s Residence" in the Astral Plane... Smith heard from the old
man who lives there. Reportedly, a certain Kusanagi G.o.dou was building
his harem in the land of ancient Gaul, enjoying a life of pleasure
surrounded by numerous beauties."
"Th-They only gathered around me on their own without my consent,
G.o.dou"s group had made the Roman colonial city of Colonia Aggripina
their final base of operations.
Out of excessive and unnecessary care, local bigshots had continually sent
many beauties over to Kusanagi G.o.dou — the man wielding the most
influence and martial power in the region.
Back then, Kusanagi G.o.dou"s status in Colonia Aggripina was akin to that
of a feudal lord.
To think she would know about the journey to the past, she truly lived up to
her name as Smith"s collaborator. Moreover, Annie"s purpose for coming
here was to retrieve the magic gun that had served as a trump card during
the battle in Gaul.
Indeed. John Pluto Smith had entrusted his weapon to Liliana during that
After returning the magic gun to her, G.o.dou changed the subject.
"Oh right, what happened to history in that era after we returned? Did that
whatever residence"s old guy say anything else to Smith?"
"Nothing in particular that bears mentioning. Speaking of which, this is
basically it."
Annie responded fluently to G.o.dou"s sudden questioning.
True to the image of a "capable woman," the cool beauty was intelligent
and highly competent.
"Didn"t history remain unchanged, broadly speaking? This is all thanks to
history"s corrective force and your side"s devoted efforts."
"In that case, that Uldin guy also got killed by the "King of the End"...
Uldin was the ancient Campione whom G.o.dou had met in ancient Gaul.
Muttering Uldin"s name, G.o.dou began to ponder. Excessively strong,
stubborn, a man who seemed unkillable. A warrior among warriors, a
barbaric and crafty Devil King.
Although impossible to imagine, did that man still lose to the "King of the
End" ultimately?
As though trying to dispel the heavy atmosphere, G.o.dou brought his cup of
espresso to his lips. Annie did the same. At this moment, G.o.dou realized
that there ought to be other things to talk about.
"Oh right, Annie-san. Thank you very much."
Although still seated, G.o.dou bowed his head deeply.
"Sorry for troubling you to come all the way over to Italy from America to
retrieve the gun. I should be the one paying a visit to Los Angeles instead."
"Pay it no mind. I happen to be pa.s.sing by anyway."
Annie shrugged and accepted his apology generously.
"Due to my — our conflict against the [King of Flies] organization. Smith and
I have not left Los Angeles for a long time already. Hence, I wanted to go
on a sightseeing trip as a long-awaited break, arriving here with intentions
to tour Europe. Visiting this place did not require me to go out of my way."
"Even so, you"re still doing a big favor. I"m really thankful to you."
The [King of Flies] sorcerer^^^ organization led by Asherah had also
appeared before at Nikkou"s Toushouguu.
G.o.dou had heard that they had been John Pluto Smith"s mortal enemies in
recent years.
G.o.dou wondered if the care and concern expressed by the cool beauty
stemmed from her worried feelings or from her natural personality.
In any case, G.o.dou"s grat.i.tude towards her remained unclianged.
Tlianking once again, G.o.dou continued witli a smile:
"Also, please pa.s.s this message to Smith: Thank you for your care. I will
repay the favor one day. I"ll pay you a visit once I find the free time.""
"After hearing such words, he will surely reply with the following."
Asked to deliver a message, Annie responded by imitating Smith"s tone of
""Understood. In that case, you should prepare as rich a return gift as you
can. I won"t accept any complaints about the interest being too high so I
hope you prepare yourself for that — " Presumably, a reply along such
Annie"s facial expression remained stiff, serious to a fault as always.
Nevertheless, she had changed her tone of voice to mimic the masked
G.o.dslayer"s speech of subtle pretension.
This unexpected playfulness brought a smile to G.o.dou"s lips.
Finally, Annie finished her espresso in one breath then quickly left the
"By the way, Aisha-san, can I ask you a few questions?"
"Sure, what would you like to ask, Doni-san?"
After spending four hours in a friendly conversation with the loyal butler
then escaping, the young Devil King was sitting side by side with the
adorable female Devil King (age indeterminate) whose appearance
suggested teenage at most.
The location was the bar in a corner of the hotel.
Salvatore Doni and Madame Aisha were currently sitting at the bar
"So, Aisha-san, since you spend long periods traveling everywhere, you
should be quite knowledgeable in a broad range of things, right?"
"Not at all. You are too kind. My level of knowledge is really nothing
special... Fufufufu. So, what would you like to ask about, Doni-san?"
Despite her modest att.i.tude, Madame Aislia"s expression sliowed tliat sine
was greatly pleased by his praise.
She smiled back innocently at Doni who was taking a gulp of whiskey.
Placed before her was a gla.s.s of fresh orange juice.
Meanwhile, two knights were currently sitting at a table in a corner of the
bar, staring at the two Devil Kings.
Erica and Liliana. Without drawing attention, they were warily monitoring
the movements of these two super dangerous characters.
"Basically, the King of the End" we met earlier in ancient Gaul. Have you
seen that G.o.d in other time periods? Or heard things about him?"
"No, there"s nothing... Oh wait, however."
Just as she was answering, the Madame revealed an expression of deep
"During my travels in China during the Tang Dynasty, I once heard about a
"hero manifesting in the latter days of decadence" who, in his quest to
pursue G.o.dslaying Rakshasha kings, headed to the farthest ends of the
orient — the nation of j.a.pan. Hearsay of that sort. Yes, I remember that it
was a great monk at Chang"an who accidentally leaked the rumor."
"I see I see."
Saying that, Doni nodded in acknowledgement of the Madame"s reply.
Perking up their ears to listen to this conversation. Erica and Liliana
exchanged looks to communicate.
Salvatore Doni was a Devil King who would dance with a lighter in a
powder keg with total nonchalance as long as it satisfied his desires.
Furthermore, he had always been searching for great and formidable foes.
To think a man like him was collecting information on the "King of the
Most likely, he was unable to forgot the power exhibited by the hero he had
witnessed in ancient Gaul.
Of course, this was undoubtedly an ominous sign. Even though the time
traveling incident had come to a conclusion, the dangerous embers
surrounding the various Devil Kings were already gradually set aflame.
Part 2
"Eh, what happened to Amakasu-san?"
After seeing Annie off, G.o.dou visited the IVIariya sisters" room.
Inside the room were three people: Yuri who was lying in bed due to her
fever, her little sister Hikari at the bedside taking care of her, as well as
Seishuuin Ena sitting casually on a chair.
However, there were no signs of Amakasu Touma. G.o.dou had expected
him to be present.
"Could he have gone outside to ski or something?"
G.o.dou brought up the first possibility that came to mind. Abundant snow
had fallen just earlier in the lush Casentino forest and the surrounding
mountain range. Currently, the outside world was a realm of silver.
In that case, skiing would seem like something attractive to try out as one
of many winter sports.
Well, given Amakasu"s laziness and indoor preference, G.o.dou was
doubtful that he would actually choose this type of sport.
Nevertheless, the answer waiting for G.o.dou was even more unexpected
than skiing.
"Oh, Amakasu-san said he"s visiting the hotel"s beauty parlor."
Ena"s carefree answer surprised G.o.dou.
"That guy went to the beauty parlor!?"
"Yes, Amakasu-san mentioned that he must get an oil ma.s.sage no matter
Leaning her back against a cushion, Yuri sat up and provided additional
explanation. G.o.dou was rea.s.sured to find her more energetic than
Furthermore, sitting by her elder sister"s side, Hikari smiled.
"Saying that he needed to recover from the damage from sitting rigidly in
the plane and the fatigue from driving all the way here from the airport of
Florence, he ran over to make an appointment."
"Now that you mention it, 1 guess it"s not tliat usual for a man to be
frequenting that kind of place."
Rather than beauty treatment, Amakasu"s aim was for relaxation.
Last time at Cape Inubou, Amakasu had also enjoyed all kinds of
ma.s.sages fully. Perhaps spending time in those types of places was his
hobby. G.o.dou understood.
"Well, it"s no big deal anyway."
Smiling happily, Ena reached towards the bedside.
Placed there was a plate of apple slices, arranged neatly in rows. Picking a
piece and popping it in her mouth, Ena continued:
"This time, the ninja"s job is already being done by those people in Italy. He
also said this is a pleasure trip."
"He"s always busy and rushing everywhere after all."
"By the way, Onii-sama, I have something to report!"
Hikari suddenly smiled at the nodding G.o.dou.
"I"ve already decided to enroll in Jounan Academy"s middle school division
starting this coming spring."
"In fact, Hikari already took the entrance exam last month... and pa.s.sed
successfully. Consequently, she will become our junior starting April.
Please look after her, G.o.dou-san."
After reporting energetically, Yuri bowed her head deeply while sitting on
the bed.
G.o.dou went "eh" and felt impressed. The school where he and the others
were studying, Jounan Private Academy, required pa.s.sing entrance exams
to enter the middle school because it was not a public school.
"This is really something worth celebrating, but are you really okay with our
"Yes, not only Onee-chan but Onii-chan and the other Onee-samas are
also there. But apart from that, there"s still one more thing to report. It"s the
present I mentioned earlier."
"Oh yeah, isn"t that what you told me when you first arrived?"
"Although there"s a couple of days left so it"s a bit early, I"m not sure if I"ll
be able to see you on the actual day, so I"m giving it to you now in
advance. Please accept this!"
Hikari had taken out a square box from her bag. It was wrapped very
beautifully. A slender box. It even had a cute ribbon wrapped around it.
What was this? Smiling, Hikari explained to G.o.dou in his puzzlement.
"Yes, Valentine"s Day will be arriving soon, Onii-sama!"
"...Oh right, I see now."
It probably contained chocolate inside. Figuring out the hidden contents,
G.o.dou smiled wryly.
Due to spending the past two months in early fifth-century Gaul, he had
lost all calendar sense completely. However, calendars in the modern era
were clearly displaying a date in early February.
"Also, since we go to different schools, it"s quite true that we might not see
each other on the actual day."
Speaking of which, it was still undecided whether they were going to return
home before February 14 or not.
In light of that, even if Hikari gave her present a few days early, there was
probably nothing wrong with that.
G.o.dou gratefully accepted the wrapped box, smiling at the sixth grader
who had given the present and could not help but stroke her head. If he did
that to his own younger sister, she would express her displeasure by
saying "Don"t treat me like a child!" However, Hikari simply responded with
a happy and radiant smile.
As a side note, the older sister, Yuri, had shock written all over her face.
Ena was also making an expression of great surprise.
"S-Speaking of which, I have totally forgotten about this day..."
"Ena paid zero attention to tlie calendar on tiiis side. So it"s Valentine"s
Day, huh? Ena has heard rumors before. It seems like it"s a day for giving
"So, I guess I"ll have to start thinking of a present for White Day and
congratulating you on getting in our school."
Deciding that a return gift was definitely required for Hikari"s show of care,
G.o.dou muttered.
"Hikari, is there anything you want?"
"Nothing in particular. But if I"m allowed to be "indulged" — I want to go out
with you to have fun, Onii-sama! Like amus.e.m.e.nt parks, theme parks or
"Eh? Together with me?"
Although he wanted to fulfill this request as much as possible, G.o.dou
Taking a girl out to leisure spots made him feel a bit embarra.s.sed. Unable
to agree readily, he found it difficult to answer. Of course, this did not count
as a date. After all, she was a girl whose age made her like a little sister.
Nevertheless, G.o.dou really felt embarra.s.sed about spending time alone
with a girl, just the two of them —
Seeing G.o.dou searching for an answer, Hikari instantly said:
"Please, Onii-sama. You must take me, my Onee-chan, Ena-neesama,
Erica-neesama and Liliana-neesama together somewhere to have fun!"
"Oh, I have to bring everyone along as well!?"
"Yes, of course!"
Being the only man in a group of girls, it still felt embarra.s.sing. However,
G.o.dou believed that rejecting this request would be unseemly as an elder,
so he smiled wryly and said with generosity:
"Sure, let"s do that. Then we"ll plan a schedule after returning to j.a.pan."
"Really? I"m so happy!"
"When the day comes, I"ll make sure you"re treated as the main guest,
"Fufufu. Please don"t go out of your way, treating me the same as usual is
While conversing with the upfront Hikari, G.o.dou felt quite unbelievable.
Listening to the conversation that had just taken place before her eyes,
Yuri was looking at her younger sister in utter surprise. Ena also looked as
though she were whispering something like "Hikari really is amazing. She"s
got a bright future ahead."
"Mariya Hikari"s potential really cannot be underestimated..."
After hearing about what transpired, Liliana commented with heartfelt
It was the second day after they had returned to the modern era. Going out
by car, three girls had traveled to a town named Poppi, not far from the
ancient castle hotel where they were staying. The time was currently still
Seishuuin Ena was accompanying Mariya Yuri whose fever had subsided.
Currently, the trio was shopping at a supermarket. That said, being located
in a rural European town, the shop was no different from a j.a.panese
convenience store in scale. The selection of goods was not very complete.
Currently, the girls were browsing the goods offered in the confectionery
corner of this kind of shop.
As expected, the shop did not offer the same abundant variety that
j.a.panese stores would have during this occasion. Even so, Liliana still
pondered in concentration while murmuring:
"Prioritizing the rescue of Kusanagi G.o.dou while simultaneously taking into
the account the possibility that he would survive through his own power,
even going as far as to prepare chocolate in her luggage beforehand. She
must have calculated that this would leave him the strongest impression in
the event that she is able to hand him the present during the stay in Italy..."
"D-Do Hikari"s considerations go that far?"
"Although probably not to the extent of a wily female fox like Erica who
calculates everything, she should have considered the possibility of that
outcome, hence preparing for it. That is what I feel. Also, the return gift is
another matter that must not be overlooked."
The silver-haired knight spoke next to Hikari"s older sister, Yuri.
"Also, there is combining the chocolate"s return gift with the enrollment
celebration. Despite a wish to have a date with Kusanagi G.o.dou alone,
she deliberately requested to take us along. This approach makes it easier
to obtain Kusanagi G.o.dou"s consent and also minimizes the backlash
relative to other methods."
"By backlash, what you mean is... Coming from Ena and the rest of you?"
"Ena isn"t going to reprimand Hikari for something of this level... Well, but
perhaps Ena definitely would feel a bit jealous."
Commenting with slight surprise, Ena added. Liliana nodded.
"In any case, this is how things are. Using the incident known as "giving
chocolate," Mariya Hikari has won a small victory. However, she is quite
careful, or rather, I should say that she is subconsciously avoiding an
excessive victory. Instead, by sharing happiness together with us all, she is
probably aiming to avoid causing friction."
"Indeed, that may possibly be one facet of Hikari"s."
Yuri murmured as though appraising her younger sister"s personality.
"Very early on, she was already a child skilled in expressing her opinion
without causing dissent in the surrounding people. Occasionally, I would
feel quite envious of that..."
"Strategy... No, a keen sense in savoir-vivre."
"Perhaps this isn"t a bad thing. Say, given what His Majesty is like, more
girls will continue to gather around him in the future, right? If a girl like
Hikari is present, harmony and compromise can result in all sorts of things.
There"s that thing called human relations, right?"
Hearing Ena"s philosophical outlook of resignation, Yuri and Liliana nodded
in agreement.
The person in the center of their circle was someone who possessed the
talent of "increasing the number of intimate partners without conscious
intent." Even though he had the kind of personality that treated both
genders equally, at the same time, he also had the kind of destiny that
caused him to cross paths with women quite frequently —
"In any case, many issues exist in the current situation."
Liliana shrugged lightly as though summing up.
"The spot beside him will be yielded to Mariya Hikari for today."
"Hikari is going to take a walk with His Majesty, just the two of them, right?"
"Ah yes. Hikari had G.o.dou-san indulge her wish to go sightseeing in the
town, so they went together."
"Well, I could have found some random reason to go along, but it is better
to read the mood a little in times like these."
"Ena and you two also need to buy chocolate first."
"I am so sorry.."
The three girls conversed while selecting the goods they wanted to buy
respectively. After checking out and paying, they left the supermarket.
As a land filled with natural scenery, this area consisted of rural
settlements, of course. No modernized buildings were built. Compared to
buildings constructed from steel-reinforced concrete, brick structures were
far more common.
The atmosphere of ancient European towns was everywhere.
Furthermore, the thick volume of acc.u.mulated snow everywhere was
almost like a makeup layer of white winter. Yet despite this kind of
snowscape, the sky was cloudless for miles around.
Ignoring the possibility of sinking into the deep snow, this could be
considered perfect weather for a walk in a certain sense.
Even making a quick and casual round in the vicinity would be filled with
fun for j.a.panese people from the Far East.
"Oh, by the way, Erica-san seems to be monitoring King Salvatore at the
moment, right?"
Walking in the lead, Ena asked.
"Yes. After a discussion with Sir Andrea and Erica"s uncle, they a.s.sembled
an emergency force to keep Sir Salvatore under surveillance. Of course,
this should be enough to handle him if only he were a normal person."
Liliana"s explanation was mixed with sighing.
"However, Sir Salvatore is no normal person. This is the
headache-inducing part..."
"Well, Ena also knows clearly that King Salvatore is very curious about
things related to the "King of the End." That G.o.d seems to be outrageously
"The king manifesting at era"s end — "
Hearing Ena murmur that name, Yuri suddenly whispered.
"Just as I mentioned before, I cannot see that G.o.d"s true name at all... Be
that as it may, there is a kind of ambiguous feeling."
"You actually saw something? As expected of Yuri!"
"If I had to describe the extent... It really is just a kind of ambiguous feeling.
Perhaps the key to elucidating that G.o.d"s origins exists as an unexpected
form in j.a.pan — located in our surroundings."
Mariya Yuri was an outstanding user of spirit vision.
Her capability in this area was perhaps the highest pinnacle in the world.
Feeling deeply interested, Ena and Liliana listened to this hint revealed by
the beautiful Hime-Miko.
G.o.dou and Hikari were visiting a town named Poppi, a rural commune that
was quite small in area.
Its population numbered six or seven thousand at most. However, the town
reportedly had fairly antique origins, tracing all the way back to ancient
Roman times. Furthermore, this was where a castle and its a.s.sociated
castle town had been built by feudal lords ruling the area during the Middle
streets from the Middle Ages were still preserved in this little town"s
historic zone.
Chapels, churches, the aforementioned castle town and other buildings
dating back to that era were still standing.
These ancient streets were now adorned by a layer of snow like makeup. A
simple stroll through this place was enough to evoke a sense of foreign
exotic atmosphere that could not be experienced in j.a.pan.
One could say it was definitely worth touring on foot while enduring the
chilling cold.
"Say, isn"t it time for a cup of hot coffee?"
"Then let"s find a place to have lunch, Onii-sama!"
They had been strolling casually on the snow-covered streets for an hour
and a half already.
As a result, G.o.dou"s body was already frozen stiff. It was probably the
same for Hikari too.
That being said, the young girl who suggested lunch still looked quite
cheerful in voice and demeanor. She looked like she was quite enjoying
things. As a side note, the two of them were fully prepared with winter
gear. G.o.dou was wearing a soft jacket made of polyester for winter sports
use, while Hikari was dressed in a white duffle coat.
In addition, they were wearing knitted caps and mittens while Hikari even
had a scarf wrapped around her neck.
"If only there"s something like a restaurant here."
Walking with Hikari, G.o.dou muttered.
In fact, he had visited this town before.
That was during March last year when Erica accompanied him to track
down the mysterious divine beast lurking in Casentino. Uldin"s dragons
from fifth-century Gaul had also made appearances here.
Nevertheless, the visit last time was extremely brief and thus had not
offered G.o.dou much of a chance to get to know the town.
Consequently, they had no choice but to continue their journey while
looking around.
"Come to think of it, Shizuka sent me a text message."
Due to being accompanied by a young girl, G.o.dou suddenly remembered
about his younger sister.
The text message was received this morning before they headed out from
the hotel.
"It was sent by Onii-sama"s sister?"
"Yeah, because she"s a sharp-tongued girl, the message was filled with
ranting and griping. Oh well, I guess it"s my fault after all for leaving home
without saying anything."
Unlike the younger sister in the Mariya family, the Kusanagi household"s
younger sister had a personality that was a bit excessively strict.
Smiling wryly at this thought, G.o.dou began to recall the contents of the text
message where sentences like "Where the heck did you run off randomly
to, idiot Onii-chan!" subst.i.tuted for seasonal greetings.
That said, her words were filled with harsh reprimand for the older brother
who had left without notice.
"She wrote a few things that made me quite curious. For example, she
mentioned a chance encounter with the boy from the Christmas
party— Stuff like that."
"The boy at the Christmas party — Speaking of which, that"s probably
Lu-san from Hong Kong."
Lu Yinghua was the only boy attending the Christmas party who matched
the description.
Nodding at Hikari who had easily guessed the answer, G.o.dou remarked
with heartfelt feeling.
"I hope Shizuka didn"t cause any trouble for Yinghua... Last time, she even
said something weird by accident."
G.o.dou remembered her commenting that Lu Yinghua had an underling
flavor to him despite his arrogant demeanor.
Moreover, Shizuka was born with a personality like a bossy older sister"s.
A female member of the Kusanagi family who was destined to follow the
footsteps of the mother with her natural vocation of queen —
Although it was already too late, G.o.dou still prayed for his surrogate
nephew who had terrible luck when it came to women.
On the other hand, while walking beside G.o.dou, Hikari was more
concerned with another issue.
"I still haven"t gotten to know Shizuka-san and Lu-san very well. Next time I
see them, I"ll try my best to become better friends with them!"
"Eh? There"s no need to devote so much effort into that."
"No no, as someone who serves by your side, Onii-sama, these
sentiments are much obliged. Furthermore, I try hard in these areas
partially for Onee-chan"s sake — "
"I believe that it"s necessary for us, the Mariya sisters, to have good
relations with your family, Onii-sama. We sisters will continue to be in your
care, Onii-sama^"
As always, Hikari acted with such care and consideration that it was
impossible to believe that she was still a young girl only in six grade.
But at the same time, G.o.dou found it quite interesting.
The elder sister, Yuri, was a pure and n.o.ble young lady, quite detached
from the mundane world, for better or worse. In contrast, Hikari was quite
adept in handling worldly affairs with pertinence.
In terms of personality, there was nothing similar about these two sisters.
But perhaps this was precisely why they formed a combination that
sustained balance —
G.o.dou and Hikari were currently walking along a main street.
Ten-odd meters ahead was a familiar young man, featuring a head of
blond hair and a tall build, roughly 185cm in height. A face displaying
frivolity and lack of discipline — Salvatore Doni.
Dressed in a gray coat, he had a slender, cylindrical case slung on his
Doni could be seen approaching a light van that was parked on the
roadside. Without warning, he opened the door and sat inside.
Then the engine started immediately. The light van began to move quickly.
"Where"s that guy planning to go...?"
G.o.dou felt intrigued. Earlier, he had received Liliana"s report.
The reckless troublemaker was apparently quite interested in the "King of
the End."
That was what the female knight, akin to Kusanagi G.o.dou"s grand
chamberlain, had reported.
"Of course, the King of the End is a divinity that has lain dormant for almost
a thousand years. A being whose true ident.i.ty remains unknown despite
the Divine Ancestors" search efforts over the ages. It is essentially
impossible for him to revive from something on the level of Sir Salvatore"s
minor commotions... But just to be safe, it is still necessary to keep Sir
Salvatore under surveillance for now."
And among various influential people including Andrea Rivera, Paolo
Blandelli and Saint Raffaello, agreement was apparently unanimous. They
were all familiar with and understood clearly the truth that Campiones were
a troublesome race, always ignoring probabilities somehow, easily
overcoming odds of
G.o.dou hesitated as he watched the light van"s departure.
Should he intervene "just in case"? But Madame Aisha was also someone
who needed to be kept on priority surveillance. Which side was more
"Th-The person just now was Sir Salvatore, right?"
Noticing G.o.dou"s gaze, Hikari also looked at the light van.
"I"ve heard that he is your dear friend and fated rival too!"
"Who the heck is feeding such a rubbish and totally wrong profile to you!?"
"l-lt"s wrong? Last night when I encountered Sir Salvatore by chance and
greeted him, that"s what he said himself — "
Hearing Hikari"s explanation, G.o.dou felt his strength draining away.
Under those circ.u.mstances, the sixth grader had done nothing wrong in
offering polite greetings on their first encounter, even when the other party
was the world-renowned Campione. The senior who introduced himself
totally erroneously was the one to blame.
"I knew it, I must chase after that idiot...!"
After G.o.dou made his decision out of instantaneous anger rather than
rational thought...
"G.o.dou, perfect timing for you to be here!"
G.o.dou was surprised to be called by a gallant and beautiful voice.
The voice came from the vehicle lane. G.o.dou turned his gaze to see a
female rider approaching them on a mid-sized motorcycle, then stopping
her vehicle on the roadside.
The motorcycle"s paint job was a vivid shade of bright red whereas the
leather suit was pitch black.
A rossonero combination of red and black. The female rider took off her
helmet, revealing Erica"s beautiful face and head of blonde hair.
"I"m currently following Sir Salvatore who has left this town, thinking it
would be terrible if anything were to happen. Want to come along?"
"Yeah. Letting him run wild is too worrying!"
G.o.dou instantly replied then looked at Hikari. The young Hime-Miko in
training nodded immediately in response.
G.o.dou"s intention was for her to return to the hotel first on her own, having
heard that she already had experience traveling overseas many times
already despite being only twelve years old. More importantly, she was
quite a clever girl. G.o.dou did not worry.
Hence, G.o.dou immediately climbed on to sit behind Erica, resulting in two
people riding astride the motorcycle.
"Please hold on, Onii-sama! Please take this!"
Just as Erica was about to start the engine, Hikari quickly ran over.
Swiftly untying the scarf on her neck, she wrapped it tightly around
G.o.dou"s neck instead.
Freezing-cold wind was currently blowing in the first place. Riding a
motorcycle in such conditions would mean exposing the entire body to
extremely strong, chilling wind.
Hikari was probably offering her scarf to G.o.dou because she was worrying
about this fact.
"Thanks. Let"s go. Erica!"
Expressing his grat.i.tude for the young girl"s care, G.o.dou reached his
hands behind his waist.
He supported his weight by gripping the handle at the back of the seat.
This was a horizontal bar for increasing safety for tandem riders.
The blonde partner instantly twisted the accelerator, causing the bright red
motorcycle to start moving.
She raised the speed all at once. Within the blink of an eye, the motorcycle
had sped off, leaving Hikari behind.
The motorcycle was able to move without hindrance because the
acc.u.mulated snow had already been cleared from the roads.
Furthermore, traffic was quite low in volume. The motorcycle was currently
trailing Salvatore Doni"s light van by several hundred meters.
G.o.dou was quite impressed with Erica"s outstanding driving skills.
"You sure can ride well, not just horses but also this kind of thing!"
"Yes. During the Great Sage Equaling Heaven incident, I felt there was a
need for this, so I started learning a lot subsequently. I"m now totally
different from back then!"
Carrying two pa.s.sengers, G.o.dou and Erica, the mid-sized motorcycle
sliced through the powerful wind, propelled by its 400cc engine.
To avoid getting drowned out by tlie noise of tlie wind, tiiey liad to raise
tlieir voices in order to converse. Just now, Erica was referring to tlie time
wlien sine liad driven a four-wlieeled automobile during tlie Great Sage
Equaling Heaven incident, not a two-wheeled motorcycle.
Still, sitting behind the young Italian girl, G.o.dou could understand.
Definitely quite different from before. Last time, Erica was skillfully
controlling a car as a driver for the first time(!), using only her inborn talent
and sense for driving.
However, back then, she clearly knew nothing about matters such as traffic
regulations and driving techniques.
But this time. Erica not only controlled the mid-sized motorcycle with
graceful motions but also did it without causing any trouble for the
surrounding vehicles in motion.
Erica was driving the motorcycle smoothly along the flow of traffic.
Completely stable and safe driving.
What she meant by learning a lot was probably knowledge and experience
of driving on ordinary roads.
"Nothing less expected of Erica Blandelli — G.o.dou, you could praise me like
that, you know?"
"That"s true. Even though you"re always so busy, you still managed to learn
such amazing skills. Although only half a year has pa.s.sed since that time, I
can"t believe you"ve already obtained a driving license that"s also usable in
"Huh, what license?"
"...Hey Erica."
"Speaking of which, the matter of obtaining a driving license needs to be
"You"re actually driving without a license!? I take back what I said!"
"Why does it even matter? There are no problems at all with my driving
knowledge and vehicle control. Suppose a situation does arise where a
driving license is needed, I also have magic to take care of things."
Erica replied, completely unremorseful.
In those circ.u.mstances, she was probably intending to use hypnosis magic
to bewitch police personnel. Still maintaining a magnificent driving posture
flawlessly, the [Copper Black Cross]"s premier knight was staring sharply at
the light van that was traveling ahead.
As always. Erica"s respect for common sense values was quite weak.
"Anyway, that"s enough of that, G.o.dou! Please hold on tight!"
"Then there"s no helping it... Don"t lose that idiot"s trail!"
"Yes, you can count on me!"
Slicing through the winter season"s chilling wind, the motorcycle sped
along at seventy to eighty kilometers per hour —
Naturally, this meant getting frozen solid all over for the duration of the
journey. Hence, feeling the scarf around his neck, G.o.dou felt very grateful
to Hikari.
Part 4
Doni"s light van traveled west, cruising along Tuscany"s state highways.
The light van traversed mountainous areas near mountain pa.s.s roads to
reach Florence"s provincial roads, then arriving in the vicinity of the
provincial capital. But instead of entering the city of Florence, they
continued westward.
Using provincial roads, Doni"s contingent reached the Italian peninsula"s
western coast.
"G.o.dou, why don"t we stop nearby for a late lunch?"
Driving the mid-sized motorcycle. Erica had been maintaining a certain
distance in their pursuit of Doni"s light van, persisting for the past hour and
a half or so.
But as soon as they arrived in the outskirts of Florence, she quickly
decelerated and stopped her vehicle by the side of the road.
The light van they had been following soon departed into the distance.
Since it stood to reason that Erica could not have made such an
elementary blunder, G.o.dou asked with certainty:
"Another tracking team is taking over liere?"
"Yes, indeed. In fact, we are not tine only ones tailing Sir Salvatore. Two
other teams had also departed Casentino and are currently tracking him as
well. Furthermore, I was supposed to pa.s.s the job along to other members
of the [Copper Black Cross] near Florence in the first place."
"Just as I figured."
When experts in this area undertook tailing operations, it was natural to
split into multiple teams.
G.o.dou had heard about these arrangements before. Members of the
Italian faction had apparently made flawless plans in this regard.
Nevertheless, the blonde female knight frowned.
"Actually, using magic would be the best method of tracking... But because
Sir Salvatore"s senses are rather sharp, using magic would probably risk
getting discovered by him instead."
As a side note, G.o.dou was told that Doni had left his usual cellphone in his
room before setting off.
Hence, it was not possible to confirm his location using various means
such as call records or GPS. Eschewing gadgets like phones despite living
in the modern era, he probably intended to go off the grid, out of contact.
"Next, we"ll see if the organization picking up Sir Salvatore has any means
of getting past our side — "
"Those guys are Doni"s subordinates?"
"I doubt it. All the staff under his name have been commanded by his
butler. Sir Andrea, to withdraw from the region of Tuscany. There shouldn"t
be anyone in that faction who"s foolish enough to defy the strict order of the
King"s Butler."
"Then that means the idiot has summoned secret subordinates that even
Andrea-san doesn"t know..."
"That"s probably right if you look at it that way."
Starting the motorcycle again. Erica drove towards the city of Florence.
Soon, she discovered an appropriate cliurcli and parked tine motorcycle in
tine adjoining car park, not for tlie sake of siglitseeing but to visit a nearby
Finally, they had a chance to sit down and start enjoying a late lunch.
"Where does that guy Doni want to go?"
"He presumably intends to leave Tuscany. Going along that road which
follows the Arno River, he will reach Pisa."
The Arno River.
G.o.dou remembered Erica mentioning before that it was a great river that
crossed Tuscany from east to west.
In addition, he had also heard of the other name.
"Pisa is the city that"s known for the Leaning Tower of Pisa, right?"
"Yes. There"s also the Univeristy of Pisa where Galileo Galilei studied as
well as an airport. Rushing from Pisa, a thirty-minute drive is all it takes to
reach Livorno — a harbor city facing the Ligurian Sea."
"A port at an airport, huh."
In other words, a gateway to sea and air travel.
Sitting in the restaurant, listening to Erica"s deductions at the table, G.o.dou
remarked quietly.
As a side note, they were discussing while having various food including
chickpeas salad, cylindrical pasta mixed with lamb sauce, bistecca,
Florentine mixed stew, unsalted bread unique to Tuscany, etc.
Just as they were almost done eating and having an after-meal coffee...
Erica"s cellphone sounded briefly to indicate receiving a message.
Glancing at the LCD screen, the communication device"s owner shrugged
"Some unfortunate news. The tracking teams" valiant efforts have ended in
failure with the target apparently lost. The people Sir Salvatore called over
seem to be quite experienced in this kind of job."
The report presumably arrived via the text message. Erica sighed.
"Since Sir Salvatore is cliasing after sliadow of tine "King of tine End," iiis
destinations are limited. However, it"s still quite difficult to narrow down a
particular location without any clues. What should we do?"
Seeing Erica in deep thought, G.o.dou suddenly remembered.
Before setting off for ancient Gaul, G.o.dou had found out about Doni"s
unexpected connections. That man really did have old acquaintances
whom he could trust to carry out secret tasks —
This time, it was G.o.dou"s turn to take out his cellphone.
Using this tool which he had put aside and ignored throughout his time
traveling journey, G.o.dou tried dialing a number, a task he had not done for
quite some time.
On the fifth ring, the international call connected.
"It"s been quite a while, Honored Uncle. I"ve already heard news of your
return from Madame Aisha"s cave. It"s wonderful that you are safe and
"Well, many things did happen."
The receiver of the call was the young master and leading subordinate in
Hong Kong"s Lu family.
He trained in martial arts under the instruction of Kusanagi G.o.dou"s "sworn
elder sister" Luo Cuilian as her one and only direct disciple. Consequently,
he revered G.o.dou as his master"s younger brother, considered an uncle by
oriental social hierarchy...
"How"s life lately? Things going well?"
"Yeah, thanks to you. Honored Uncle, my days are going smoothly. The
only task I have remaining for today is to get a good night"s rest."
"Huh? It should be roughly ten o"clock over there for you, right? Isn"t it a bit
early for bed?"
Italy was separated from j.a.pan by a time difference of eight hours. The
clock hands on G.o.dou"s side were currently pointing at two in the
afternoon, which meant that the time over in j.a.pan could hardly be called
late night. G.o.dou was quite surprised.
For a fourteen-year-old youth"s bedtime, wasn"t it a bit too early?
"If there"s nothing special to do, I will sleep as early as possible. That"s
because I have to do morning training before dawn every morning."
"That"s getting up a bit... No, quite early."
"Although people are always surprised to find out, this is the truth indeed."
A young leader from a criminal organization based in Hong Kong. If one
were to judge purely from a description of this kind of character, the
impression given would be someone who often stayed up late and
indulged in night life instead. And taking it a step further, Lu Yinghua also
lived in Shinjuku"s Kabukichou, one of j.a.pan"s top entertainment and
red-light districts.
However, Lu Yinghua explained in a calm tone of voice:
"Included in Luo Cuilian"s martial arts is an exercise involving "the
cultivation of internal skills while worshiping the rising sun of dawn."
Starting from the age of three, every morning, I was forced — no, asked — to
train in this, so I ended up acquiring this habit unwittingly, that of rising
from bed as early as eighty-year-old geezers."
"Ah... So Nee-san is the cause as well."
"She described it as absorbing the cleanest and purest solar energies so
as to augment internal skills."
Another confession reminiscent of the harsh childhood he had endured.
Internal skills. G.o.dou currently knew this was what the j.a.panese called
kikou and known to westerners as breathing exercise or spirit cultivation.
Having started his training by Luo Cuilian"s side under her tutelage from
early childhood, Lu Yinghua had consequently acquired various negative
a.s.sets such as misogyny, a s.a.d.i.s.tic att.i.tude towards beautiful female
fighters, as well as professional cooking skills despite his young age of
"By the way, you met my younger sister Shizuka earlier, right?"
"So you have heard, Honored Uncle? Yeah, I ran into her by chance a few
days ago in Shinjuku."
"...She didn"t cause you any trouble, did she?"
Sensing slight anxiety in tine prideful surrogate nepliew"s tone of voice,
G.o.dou asked as a test just in case, in response, Lu Yingliua answered
witli a sliglit sigli.
"No trouble worth mentioning. However, well, she truly does have a
capacity for boldness as befits her position as Honored Uncle"s
sister — That"s basically what I felt keenly."
"How should I say this? I"m really sorry."
"It"s nothing, don"t worry about it. She really didn"t cause me any trouble at
all. Also—"
"I"ve been inspired slightly to resolve myself to escape the next time I see
"I see. If you ever notice her trying to say anything, don"t think and just run
away immediately. Even as her elder brother, I believe that"s the wisest
"Understood. Also, is there anything you"d like me to do for you. Honored
As expected of Yinghua. He instantly figured out that the main subject had
not been broached yet.
"Actually, something a bit troublesome has come up over here in Italy."
G.o.dou briefly summarized Salvatore Doni"s worrying movements, finally
"So last time, you mentioned it, right? You"ve got friends in Chinatown over
here who does dirty work for that idiot Doni. I have a feeling that those
people are involved in this incident too."
This was something that he had heard Yinghua mention before the trip to
ancient Gaul.
"I do remember such a conversation. Well then, I"ll go get some information
from those people."
"You don"t need to do that. Just tell me how to contact those people. We
can handle that side of things."
Hearing G.o.dou"s response, Lu Yinghua laughed malevolently.
"Haha. Indeed, it"ll be faster and easier if your side does it, Honored Uncle.
I understand the particulars now."
After hanging up, several minutes pa.s.sed.
G.o.dou"s cellphone then received a message. Naturally, the sender was Lu
Yinghua. G.o.dou showed the address, telephone number and other
information on the LCD screen to Erica.
Hence, the blonde beauty known as the Diavolo Rosso smiled
malevolently in a manner as befitted her t.i.tle.
"So it"s my turn next, eh? Fufu, leave it to me. Given the mighty name of
Kusanagi G.o.dou and the eloquent tongue of Erica Blandelli, ten minutes
are enough for this sort of thing."
In actual fact, eight minutes was sufficient.
Calling herself the delegate of j.a.pan"s Campione and successfully
contacting the shady organization called the [King"s Company] and based
in the Chinatown of the ancient capital, Rome, Erica quickly obtained the
necessary information from the company"s representative through verbal
Using the names of G.o.dou and the [Copper Black Cross] as threats, she
also placated the other party with sweet words at the same time.
Still the same as always, what an outstanding negotiator she was.
"Since we"ve clarified Sir Salvatore"s approximate destination, let"s try
some fancy tricks, shall we?"
"Fancy tricks?"
"Yes. Let"s play a slight trick so that we can catch up to Sir Salvatore."
G.o.dou"s cellphone was currently placed on the table in the restaurant.
Pointing at his cellphone. Erica suggested in a delighted tone of voice:
"Hey G.o.dou, I have someone else I"d like to contact."
Hence, several hours pa.s.sed. The sun was almost setting completely.
Night was just about to start.
G.o.dou and Erica"s location liad sliifted away from tine region of Tuscany in
central Italy to somewhere else all of a sudden. Taking a flight from Pisa"s
Aeroporto Galileo Galilei, the two of them had flown for roughly an hour in
the southwestern direction, crossing the Mediterranean Sea to reach the
island of Sardinia — Italy"s westernmost autonomous region.
Even as an island, Sardinia was only slightly larger than Shikoku, the
smallest and least populous of j.a.pan"s four main islands.
Whether for G.o.dou or Erica, this island was where everything had started.
Exiting the airport at the island"s regional capital, Cagliari, G.o.dou and Erica
followed the guides (Caucasian men with scary-looking faces who were
clearly not "reputable" people despite their neat-looking black suits) who
were waiting for them. The pair was then led to be seated in a white BMW.
Their destination was a luxury hotel in the city of Cagliari.
Then they arrived before two men who were chatting cheerfully at a
restaurant inside the hotel.
G.o.dou recognized both men.
One was a blond and handsome man with a frivolous face, Salvatore Doni.
The other was an obese old man. He was dressed gallantly in a high-cla.s.s
custom-tailored suit, puffing on a thick cigar, displaying dignified solemnity
as befitted the mafia —
His public ident.i.ty was the boss of the Sicilian mafia that made their
stronghold on the island of Sicily.
Secretly, he was the commander-in-chief of the magic a.s.sociation
[Panormus]. Walter Zamparini.
"Ohoh, Kusanagi G.o.dou! Sir Salvatore and I are waiting for you together!"
"Jeez... G.o.dou, you"re such a bad man too."
Zamparini"s eyes shone while he was welcoming G.o.dou. On the other
hand, Doni shrugged.
"I can"t believe you ordered this old guy to capture my friends at the airport.
You even asked him to pa.s.s along that whatever "wait for me until I catch
up" message."
"It"s your fault for leaving without your cellphone."
After giving Doni a terrifying glare, G.o.dou continued:
"Oh well, even if you kept your phone, you can still cut off contact by
switching the power off."
"Hahahaha, not like it matters. Even if I"m out of touch for a month or two,
Andrea can get along fine on his own."
"That"s the kind of "so-what" att.i.tude from the man who fled from
Andrea-san"s side."
At this moment, the hotel attendant walked over to the table and pulled out
a chair for Erica.
The blonde beauty sat down swiftly and naturally.
G.o.dou took his seat in the remaining chair. Thus, dinner was ready to
As a side note. Erica had already changed and was now wearing a short,
red, one-piece dress with a black cardigan of lace.
"Uncle Zamparini, I"m so sorry for causing you trouble."
"Don"t worry, Blandelli. I wouldn"t want to miss this rare chance to meet
Kusanagi G.o.dou again after so long either. I must thank Sir Salvatore for
being so understanding and willing to accompany these old bones of mine
for a chat."
Old Man Zamparini smiled proudly and took a puff of his cigar.
The Campione of Swords had made his way to Sardinia with a.s.sistance
from the [King"s Company].
After learning of this fact. Erica had advised G.o.dou to contact Zamparini.
G.o.dou proceeded to do so and made his request: "I hope you can catch
Doni"s contingent at the Cagliari airport, prevent them from leaving and
pa.s.s to Salvatore Doni my intention to have a chat between Campiones
Added as a final note was permission to resort to violence if necessary.
Hence, this immensely wealthy old man and Sicilian mafia boss had taken
his Cessna private jet, spending merely an hour to hurry from Sicily over to
Sardinia. Tlien arriving at tlie airport before Doni"s group, lie liad fulfilled
G.o.dou"s request magnificently.
Naturally, the same request had been made of the magi in Sardinia.
Nevertheless, few possessed the courage capable of opposing Doni, who
stood as Italy"s Devil King, to force the idiot into "having a chat nearby."
Hence, that was why Erica had named Zamparini of Sicily as the
She had nominated the most broadminded man of influence who lived
relatively close to Sardinia.
In the past, this old man had also provided support during the battle
against the divine king, Melqart. Although he had G.o.dou backing him, it
was no less of an accomplishment for him to have fulfilled G.o.dou"s
expectations splendidly —
"Oh well, since G.o.dou already found out my destination, I knew someone
was going to catch up eventually."
"You really came to this island to see her — Lucretia-san?"
G.o.dou brought up a nostalgic name.
Lucretia Zola. Also known as the Witch of Sardinia. At one point, she had
been a researcher who had joined Divine Ancestor Guinevere to seek the
ident.i.ty of the "King of the End."
"Completely correct. I heard from somewhere before that she"s the person
in Italy who knows the most details about the "King of the End" and the war
G.o.ds of the past and present, east and west."
Despite being a fool to the core, every now and then when dealing with
important matters, Doni would display competence that one must not
Doni winked while exhibiting this familiar special skill.
"The war G.o.d we met in ancient Gaul is still sleeping somewhere on the
Earth, right? It should be quite fun to wake up him up for a bit, or at least
some hints could be found. That"s what I"m thinking."
"You can"t wake up that kind of dangerous G.o.d, not even for a bit, okay!?"
Scolding Doni for his idiotic nonsense, G.o.dou tlien muttered:
"Besides, even England"s Gascoigne spent many years and still couldn"t
figure out the guy"s true ident.i.ty. An investigation of your level will surely
fail, right?"
"How will I know if I don"t try...? Oh yeah, would you like a drink?"
"The legal drinking age in j.a.pan is twenty."
"But look, isn"t Erica Blandelli drinking right now?"
"W-When did you start..."
"I"m already sixteen, G.o.dou, which is an age allowed to drink in Italy. Hey
G.o.dou, doing as the Romans do is only polite, isn"t it?"
"In that case, let us prepare some drinks for Your Highness. — ^You there,
bring us everything."
Apart from G.o.dou, the other three were chatting amiably with a wine gla.s.s
in one hand each.
Furthermore, Zamparini had summoned the bartender, pointed at the first
page of the wine list — a selection filled solely with expensive wines — and
recklessly order

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