
Chapter 24

Chapter 5-1, Have Long Sought DefeatPart 1Ancient ruins and a beautiful ocean. These were known as Sardinia"s mostimportant tourist attractions.All over the island were a total of over seven thousand stoneed if i ces — N u rag h es .The civilization that built these dated back to roughly the fifteenth centuryBCE. At that time, the people living on the island of Sardinia gatheredaround the nuraghes to build their settlements and lived there.Then came the period of early history with the arrival of the Phoenicians.They first made contact with the island as seafaring merchants. Finally inthe year 509 BCE, the entire island of Sardinia came under the rule of thePhoenician city of Tharros.Then the Romans came.Under the rule of the Roman Republic and then the Empire, the Romansrebuilt the streets constructed by the Phoenicians, making it their ownresidence.This was why Roman and Phoenician ruins existed side by side on theisland of Sardinia.The current location was now the province of Oristano, on the west of theisland where there was an abundance of ancient ruins.In order to open sea routes to reach the western coastline, thePhoenicians had established cities at Aristanis and Tharros.— Especially Tharros.These ruins were located on a headland protruding from the peninsula.Though half of it had sunk into the sea, it was still preserved till moderntimes.It was a city built by the Phoenicians of Tyre — the people whose divineprotector was Melqart."Melqart and his primary ident.i.ty Baal were deities intimately related toPhoenician culture and customs. Have you heard of Hannibal?""The name of the movie? Or you mean the general who marched intoRome?"This was the provincial capital of Oristano on the west of the island.Like Nuoro it was a well-developed city, but closer to the sea. The windcarried the taste of seawater. Perhaps due to that, the air felt very free andopen here.It was inside a certain pizza shop in the city.Seated at the open air tables, Erica and G.o.dou were eating. Now that hethought about it, this was the first time for G.o.dou to eat pizza in Italy.This was Roman crispy and thin-crusted style rather than the rumoredNeopolitan thick-crusted style."Of course, Hannibal means "beloved son of Baal" while his father"s name,Hamilcar... That one is "Melqart"s servant." Both were very typicalPhoenician names.""...So, is this why we came here?"The next day after encountering the giant beasts at Dorgali, the two ofthem had set off for this little town.First they returned to Cagliari in the south, and then traveled west takingthe car hired by Erica, arriving at Oristano after about two hours.Erica had mentioned, the ruins of Tharros was approximately twentykilometers away from the town.The ruins of the foundation laid by Phoenicians, later enhanced by theRomans with aqueducts and other city functions, was now just a desertedtourist attraction."So, about that G.o.d with the golden sword, is there any problem? And theother guy — the fellow who claimed amnesia and disappeared, is it fine tolet him be?""It doesn"t matter anymore, I"ve pretty much solved the riddle."Erica"s response made G.o.dou very anxious.To G.o.dou, rather than what they were doing, he wanted to learn moreabout the [Sword] G.o.d he saw yesterday.The G.o.d that had defeated the giant beasts all over the island, the G.o.d thatseemed closely linked to the youth. But Erica appeared to have completelylost interest in that G.o.d."Currently, the incarnations causing havoc all over the island belong to thesword G.o.d, right? That should be the most dangerous, which is whypreparations should be made against them first.""Even if the incarnations of the sword G.o.d appear, at most there will be oneor two, and they will be defeated as soon as they show up. Which is why itis more efficient to track down the missing Melqart... Besides, I think I havea good idea of the ident.i.ty of the sword G.o.d."Erica"s answer made G.o.dou surprised, when did she investigate to suchdetail?"You"re amazing... Even though I didn"t see you investigate, how did youfind out?""Because I already spent a lot of effort finding out yesterday, it"s probably adeity from around Persia or India... It feels more like a Persian G.o.d,because there was something like a hawk or an eagle."Sitting in the open air, Erica spoke as she looked bored."But for you to say those monsters will be instantly defeated, isn"t thatjudgment too early to make?""No problem. Even though the incarnations know they will be vanquished,they are still compelled to follow the body — So, end of discussion.I need to contact the local a.s.sociation and it will take some time. Do youunderstand?""Local? ...That"s right, the secret a.s.sociations between magi."G.o.dou was puzzled by the term a.s.sociation, but immediately recalled."Correct, this is the closest town to the Tharros ruins, so the chance ofgetting information is highest.""Could it be, there"s a G.o.d in those ruins?""That shouldn"t happen. [Heretic G.o.ds] usually avoid people, it is rare forthem to stay in tourist spots. However, ancient holy lands and temples dohold some attraction for them. If the G.o.ds are near, the local magea.s.sociations should have noticed."After this conversation, Erica left the pizza shop first.When G.o.dou suggested to make a phone call inquiry first, Erica explainedthat it was very impolite to make direct requests to local magi withoutmeeting face to face.It looked like there were all sorts of rules in the world of magi.After that, G.o.dou took a stroll in town to kill time.Thinking carefully, it"s been a while since he did something like a tourist,but there was no feeling of happiness. He had been meeting G.o.ds allalong, and was now chasing after them.— When Erica returned, the sun was already setting.Without deciding on a time and place to meet up, she suddenly appearedout of nowhere, probably using that person finding magic she mentionedthe day before."Coming here was right."Those were Erica"s first words." — Though it"s not clear whether it"s Melqart or the sword G.o.d, a [HereticG.o.d] definitely descended near here. The local magi sensed the divinepresence and are now panicking. Since I came here as a scout, I was ableto obtain a lot of information.""A G.o.d is coming again..."Completely unable to hide his nervous tension, G.o.dou"s reaction madeErica show an expression that was hard to describe.If you have something to say, just say it directly. This wasn"t like her usualexpression."What is it? You have some kind of worry?""G.o.dou, may I ask... You"re not going back to j.a.pan?""Ah?" To the sudden question, G.o.dou was taken aback. Up until now,weren"t you the one who insisted on dragging me along, this ordinaryj.a.panese?"It"s already come to this, like a patient in advanced stages of the disease,how can I just quit in the middle?"He was certain he would regret it if he returned to j.a.pan without seeingthings to the end. Angry that he had lost sight of the youth again yesterday,G.o.dou replied immediately:"At least, without confirming the status of that guy, I do not plan to return.""That guy — must be the boy, right? Even if you obsess over him, I don"tthink it will end well.""...Not only the G.o.d, you even know about that guy?"Erica answered the question with the same subtle expression just now.In other words, she knew but did not wish to reveal the answer. Thispessimism was unlike her."I know, but it"s completely different from my initial expectations. But I thinkI understand the gist of it. I was worried it might come as blow to you, so Ihaven"t told you."Seeing Erica"s expression, G.o.dou realized he made a huge error.He always thought she was an arrogant and self-centered narcissist, butshe turned out to pay more attention to details than he imagined, and alsohad a thoughtful side to her.Perhaps the reason why Erica didn"t want to say more, was inconsideration for G.o.dou.Realizing that, G.o.dou fell silent....Thinking back, this was perhaps the earliest instant when the distanceshrank between Kusanagi G.o.dou and Erica Blandelli."However, personally, I have no opinion as long as the [Secret Tome ofPrometheus] is here. Whether you carry it and tag along or give it to meand return to j.a.pan, it doesn"t matter to me. So if you are afraid, pleasereturn to your homeland, I won"t stop you."Perhaps Erica also noticed herself the sense of dissonance stemming fromher concern for G.o.dou.Her att.i.tude became stiff and she spoke rapidly.Seeing such a reaction from her, G.o.dou felt like laughing for the first time,so he immediately answered."Then it"s decided. I will follow you to the end. Even if you say no, I willfollow you, and probably bring you lots of trouble. Is that fine?"" — Not fine, but whatever. From now on, you will continue to beresponsible for my luggage. Be prepared!"Seeing Erica act a little embarra.s.sed, G.o.dou nodded.Thinking carefully, he had already spent three days traveling with her. Itwas pretty much time to make peace."Let me make this clear, all I need is this grimoire, don"t misunderstand. Tobe honest, it"s not like I need you at all. Understood?""Understood, carved into my heart."Regarding the words mentioned by the youth about the [Secret Tome ofPrometheus], all of it was reported completely.After that, Erica carefully examined the grimoire dating from the era of theG.o.ds, manipulating it in various ways, but could only give up in the end.She still couldn"t figure out how to use it.The youth who could easily solve this problem that stumped the geniuswitch, who on earth could he be?Part 2The faint light of the setting sun had become true darkness.With Erica in the lead, and G.o.dou following behind, the two of them wereadvancing in a dark forest."Wait up, it"s so dark I can"t even see beneath my feet, go slightly slower!""How useless. Such poor night vision, you didn"t train enough?""Ordinary people do not have that kind of training! Don"t use your set ofrules to view the world!"Advancing as they talked, the only sources of light were the stars in the skyand the moonlight in the dark night.A forest at night which could not provide any artificial lighting.With only a flashlight in one hand, G.o.dou walked with difficulty, while Ericamoved quickly and nimbly in contrast.Without relying on artificial lighting, advancing swiftly into the depths of theforest, she could see in the dark as well as if it were day.Taking a taxi north from Oristano, it took roughly an hour or so.The Nuraghe sa Bastia was situated in a vast forest nearby.There were the remains of many poorly preserved nuraghes andsettlements. Though the area also contained a number of well-preservedspecimens, but from the perspective of tourists, this place was not popular.However, in spite of that —Before the sun had completely set, the majestic forms of the nuraghesmade for excellent scenery.Green thriving forests, and ancient towers standing tall.Nuraghes were comparatively tall structures on this island, toweringenough to look down upon the tops of the tall trees. Even from outside theforest, one could catch glimpses of the structures skillfully built with stone."...But aren"t these nuraghes built by the civilization before the Phoeniciansarrived? Whether Melqart or the sword G.o.d, why would they hide here?""Perhaps attracted by the spiritual presence of the sacred land."On the way, Erica replied to the question G.o.dou asked due to boredom."The presence of nuraghes indicates the remains of an ancient settlement.These settlements were even more sacred than temples or tombs.Attracted by the spiritual presence of the land, there are often cases where[Heretic G.o.ds] intrude upon the residences of unrelated G.o.ds.""In other words, living in another G.o.d"s territory was more comfortable thantheir own?"As they chatted like this, they finally entered the area around the nuraghe.An empty field in the depths of the forest, it looked like a plaza with greatvisibility.Though obscured by the spreading weeds, the remnants of all sorts ofstone crafted structures could be seen.Now that it"s mentioned, nuraghes also had rooms and staircases.This civilization peaked at around the tenth century BCE.At the time, it is incredible to think such large scale construction could beundertaken in such spa.r.s.ely populated areas. G.o.dou felt that on somelevel, this represented advanced techniques beyond modern constructiontechnology. With his only light source being the bit of light from theflashlight in his hand, the feeling of regret was especially intensified.At that moment, G.o.dou suddenly felt a strong sense of chill.—What was this?There was an unbelievable feeling coming from a corner of the plaza.His eyes were drawn to it.There was only a large tree with a thick trunk, as well as a ma.s.sive pile ofstone from something that collapsed.Hidden on the ground by these objects, was something like a cave.Pointing his flashlight into the darkness, G.o.dou focused his eyesight.This was roughly triangular, there was a hole in the ground shaped like atriangle."What is that? There"s a very unpleasant feeling, what is going on withme?"Hearing G.o.dou speak, Erica seemed to be mouthing to herself some kindof chant. She was probably using some kind of magic."...G.o.dou, you"re quite sharp, that must be the entrance to the temple.But...""But?""I am currently using a spell to sense for magic. And it looks like my hunchis correct. Magical power with a slightly unique feeling is leaking out fromthere, he is probably there."He was referring to a G.o.d, of course.Erica stared at the silent G.o.dou, and then spoke."After we have encountered those supernatural phenomenon severaltimes, your senses towards the presence of G.o.ds seems to have becomevery sharp, like an animal, miko, or Shinto priest... What unexpected talent.However, by itself it can"t be regarded as a useful talent — who knows whatmay happen, wait for me here."Leaving those words behind, Erica went forward.Climbing over the stones, she jumped into the triangular hole.G.o.dou waited for a while, looked at the hole where Erica had disappeared,thought for a while and then finally with a cry of "d.a.m.n it", followed afterher....Within the hole were stairs leading down.An underground temple.For people that worshiped primitive nature, to think that they wouldpossess such intricate buildings —The knowledge and techniques of the ancients sometimes surpa.s.sed theaverage modern human. This was evidence before his eyes. G.o.dou feltvery touched, but he couldn"t stand there for long.The interior of the temple was also skillfully a.s.sembled with rocks, with thegaps filled in by using small stones.Using the flashlight to illuminate the ground near his feet, G.o.dou advancedalong the underground pa.s.sage as quickly as he could.Sardinia had a Mediterranean climate, so the air was basically quite dry.However, the air flowing underground was very humid. Could there besome kind of pool?"G.o.dou! Why did you follow me?"After walking for a bit, a sudden voice came from in front.Erica was staring with eyes as sharp as a sword, so it seems like G.o.doucaught up to her without issue."You forgot that, the thing called Prometheus whatever.""By the way... Since I still don"t know how to use it, I forgot all about it.Rather than this unreliable tool, I believe it"s more practical to rely on myown techniques."G.o.dou"s improvised excuse, was immediately refuted by her.I see, so that"s why Lucretia was worried about her."The one who said there"s a G.o.d here, wasn"t that you? Is it fine to just goin directly?""Even if it"s a [Heretic G.o.d], such a thing as eating humans onsight — should be very rare. Unlike those divine beasts, they don"t goaround causing random destruction, so the danger isn"t as high. I"m justgoing to slip in to investigate a bit and then come back. You don"t have toworry.""That"s not how it goes, worrying is human nature..."Hearing Erica"s reply, G.o.dou suddenly felt taken aback by his suddendecision to follow and disregard his own safety.She did not say it was completely safe, but from her judgment, danger wasnot that high, so willing to bear that risk, she decided to enter thisdangerous place alone.Perhaps fully confident in her talent and skills, even though a little reckless,she believes she can handle things herself. From her actions so far, whenthe time comes to retreat, she will calmly retreat..."Besides, you"re the unbelievable one. An ordinary boy with clearly nocombat ability, daring to enter this place. It is enough for you to carry theluggage obediently. Please don"t make such decisions on your own!""Yes, well... Perhaps it"s because of that.""Ah, what?""...Don"t look at me like that. I am a man after all. Even if you tell me not tofollow because it"s dangerous, I can"t agree obediently. How can I hide in asafe place and let a girl do something so dangerous alone. Perhaps it"s aman"s principles, I believe that"s why I insist."Ever since he came to this island, G.o.dou has been frustrated by hisimpotence.Erica was the genius witch with the t.i.tle of knight.Even someone as amazing as her had enemies that were deemedimpossible to overcome... heretic G.o.ds.The handsome youth who possessed incredible power and claimedamnesia.In the midst of these people, G.o.dou was only a minor side character. Arole whose absence or presence was irrelevant. A powerless personwithout any influence over the final outcome of the entire incident.Even so, when the status of the youth familiar to him was unknown, G.o.douwanted to search for him.For the people who suffered from the tyranny of the G.o.ds, G.o.dou wantedto offer his own efforts.Seeing a girl fight alone by herself, he cannot back down. Without forcinghimself too much, he had to protect her.Spurred by these feelings and principles, G.o.dou had come this far.He also realized it was unbelievable, but stopping himself was a difficultthing, or perhaps, completely impossible."You are an idiot. A completely hopeless idiot — you seemed a little smarton first glance, but how can you be this stupid? I am totally speechless."Faced with Erica"s mockery, G.o.dou did not retort but simply continued:"Also, if the sword G.o.d appears — perhaps that guy will also appear? So Iwant to come along to find out what happened to him. If I don"t confirm itwith my own eyes, I will not return to j.a.pan.""Is this also part of a man"s principles? What an idiot."Just as you say. Faced with G.o.dou"s confession, Erica could not help butsigh deeply."Fine, whether the child or the sword G.o.d, if I"m with you, it will be safer forme. That child has fancied you...""Fancied me?""Don"t mind me, I"m just talking to myself — fine, even if I send you backright now, you"re going to return? Then follow me! But please don"t get inmy way!""Sorry, I"ve made trouble for you.""Really! Let me declare beforehand, no matter what happens to you, Iwon"t be responsible!"The exasperated Erica began to grumble."Really! A man"s principles whatever, just like that Genaro... I hate thosekinds of ideals! I forbid you to mention them a second time!""Who is that? Sounds like someone I could get along with.""My colleague, a Great Knight of the Copper Black Cross... Probably theone currently closest to achieving the t.i.tle of [Diavolo Rosso]. The reasonwhy I came to this island, was to prevent that honor from falling in thehands of that unrefined man!"Having spoken in hateful tones, Erica turned her sharp gaze to G.o.dou."To think you would be such a troublesome boy, I am completely surprised.Whoever becomes your future lover or wife will definitely have a life ofhardship, oh how I pity her.""W-Why are you suddenly talking about that kind of thing?"Every male in the history of the Kusanagi family, had been legendary withthe uncanny ability to make women cry broken-hearted.G.o.dou had always prided himself on the fact that he was not that type ofman. Why did this strange witch have to mock him in that particular way?Anyway, the two of them continued towards the depths of the temple.The pa.s.sage stretched longer than imagined, and they had been walkingfor ten minutes or so. Along the way, there were quite a few forks in theroad, but Erica used spells to sense and guide them, so they didn"t get lost.And then, the two of them finally encountered.A true G.o.d. True might. True power personified — a [Heretic G.o.d]."Humans fated to die. So, how long has it been for me, since I last metexistences like you, face to face?"His extremely low voice sounded like a roar from deep underground.Like thunder, the sound was very thick and heavy."This little island was once part of my territory, but has now been taken anddevastated by unknown people. Though I have left the earth for a very longtime, thinking about what is happening on the surface pains me so... Myapologies, to speak such words to you, please regard it as an old foolgrumbling to himself."Flowing in the depths of the subterranean temple was an undergroundspring.The stone pa.s.sage ended abruptly, and soil could be seen everywhere.For a nation that worshiped [Water] as a sacred existence, this spring wasprobably the divine body that they made sacrifices to.He was located on the bank of the spring.A giant man in his prime, sitting on the altar at the water"s edge.Hair that probably had never been cut, as well as a beard that covered theentire lower half of his face. These gave an extremely strong firstimpression. He had a very wild appearance, and his height was easily overtwo meters.It was the first time for G.o.dou to see such a solid and muscular body.Usually, with that kind of height, a person would look rather thin, but hewas different. Given those ma.s.sive bulging muscles, simply looking at himfelt very oppressive.His body was so spectacular, strong, and sacred.Clearly wearing very coa.r.s.e attire — dirty rags and a leather cuira.s.s on hischest, as well as a tattered cape over his body, but there was a sense ofawe and majesty.Just facing him face to face made one want to bow their head and kneel."Letting you see my unsightly body, my apologies. You can understandfrom the sight, right? I am currently heavily injured, and treating mywounds, waiting for my body to be filled with power once again."It was as he described.Upon those solid pectoral muscles, a golden sword was deeply embedded.However, the body of the blade was snapped, leaving no hilt behind. Whatremained was probably two thirds of the original length."So, do you know my name? Must I introduce my name and t.i.tle? Or doyou people find the names of ancient kings unimportant? Come, answerme.The giant was questioning them with a voice carrying laughter.Open and uninhibited, it was a voice full of humor. However, were he to bedispleased, it would not be surprising to find it violently out of control — thevoice was like the calm before a storm.The meaning of his words were not lost, even on an ordinary person likeG.o.dou.Based on the characteristics he had heard previously, the figure before himmatched completely."Please allow me to speak. Your royal name is Melqart — if I am notmistaken."The one who answered was Erica.Afraid. The self-centered, unrelenting beauty was afraid!Her trembling could be heard from her voice. The slight fear appearing onher beautiful face made G.o.dou certain.This could not be helped. Next to her, G.o.dou had been shivering all along.It was too terrifying, the giant before them — the [Heretic G.o.d] Melqart wastoo terrifying!This was a real king.King of kings, king of G.o.ds.Ruling the sky, possessing the right to destroy the world and all humans,he was the one with absolute authority. For the first time in his life of fifteenyears, G.o.dou truly experienced what the word [King] meant."Yes! I am Melqart. I also like the name Baal. Baal Hadad also soundsnice. But on this island, I should be called Melqart, hahahahaha!"The king"s laughter shook the underground temple.This was no metaphor. Like a real earthquake, the ground shook, the wallsshook, and so did the ceiling.Waves were created in the spring water, splashing about, while G.o.dou felta shock on his skin as if electrified."So, little ones who don"t even know the manners for a king, let me taskyou with a mission. Hurry back to the surface, and toil for the revival of theancient king. Tell the people that Melqart is furious over the insignificantrats that have infested his territory. This little island, I will smash with myvery arms and cast into the sea — you will warn the others thus!""Cast the island... into the bottom of the sea...?"The sudden declaration made G.o.dou speechless.A divine king"s decree could not be a lie. Though there was no evidence,G.o.dou believed so."Correct, children who cannot escape the fate of death! When your owntoys are covered in mud, surely you will do the same? Yes, wash the dirtaway with water. I will use water to cleanse my land of this maggotinfestation. Understood?"I don"t understand. How can I understand such twisted logic?However, against the voice of the G.o.d declaring divine punishment, G.o.douwas unable to object and could only tremble on the side.Erica beside him was the same, though her expression was dark, shedared not retort against the G.o.d"s outrageous decision, without even a hintof resistance in her eyes. G.o.dou would never expect to see her with suchan expression.G.o.dou was overcome with sadness and pity.For this proud girl to show such an expression of despair, he did not wantto see it!G.o.dou clenched his teeth, the will to resist showing on his face."So — I am currently in the middle of a battle against a troublesome foe. Ifyou little children were able to sneak into this hole, that"s not a very goodsign."Melqart laughed lightly.To call the normal G.o.dou and the witch Erica "little children," he wasclearly looking down on them.Perhaps it was all the same to him, just like compared to the brilliant sun inthe sky, a first cla.s.s star shining in the night was no different from a sixthcla.s.s star."In order to prepare for the duel, I must sleep to recover my wounds. I havealso cast a spell to prevent sneak attacks during my slumber, so you twobetter leave. Understood?"Melqart laid himself down on a rock.The action was crude and without thought. Whether this was a cave or outin the wilderness, or on silken bedding, this uninhibited sleeping posturelike a savage was probably what he used on all occasions. His fort.i.tudecould be seen from this act.— Scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch.As soon as Melqart fell asleep, G.o.dou and Erica heard strange noises.Looking downwards at the source of the noise — the two were speechless.Before they knew it, swarms of locusts had appeared on the stony groundbeneath their feet. These tiny pests arrived in great numbers. Probablyhundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, no, much more than that. Anuncountable number of locusts were restless and ready to move.Disgust and fear instinctively filled G.o.dou"s heart.This was a completely different kind of terror compared to Melqart"styranny.The locusts were approaching, jumping all around, and some were evenspreading their wings to fly in the air.G.o.dou and Erica looked at each other simultaneously.Exchanging glances, nothing needed to be said. Their minds thought alike,let"s get out of here quickly from the way we came.Paying attention to their surroundings, they dashed towards the exit as fastas they could.In order not to be caught by the army of locusts pursuing them, the two ranat full speed without letting down their guard for a single moment, escapinghand in hand.Part 3Finally escaped from the underground temple, the two were pantingheavily.Looking back at the triangular entrance, several dozens of locusts werecrawling and jumping about, or just lying there."W-What was that? S-So disgusting...""L-Locusts are the servants of Melqart. He is the G.o.d of storms, and alsothe G.o.d of the sea, G.o.d of the sun, and the G.o.d ruling over harvests andextinguished life... C-Consuming crops and causing widespreaddevastation to the land, locusts are also a symbol of his authority.""S-Something like that, i-isn"t that more like a demon"s messenger!""M-Most demons used ancient G.o.ds like Baal or Melqart as theirprototypes. R-Religions that developed later, demoted them to demonsand pa.s.sed along those stories, producing the current result... Y-Youknow? The demon, Lord of the Flies is based on Baal"s other name,Beelzebub..."Though they were still panting, G.o.dou and Erica continued to converse.For a great period of time, both of them did not even have the strength tostand, and simply let time pa.s.s.The Nuraghe sa Bastia.The forest surrounding these ruins.The constellations of Italian spring twinkled quietly in the night sky.During this time, the escaped genius witch and the former baseball youthmet with setback, the two of them were leaning back to back, withoutseeing each other"s face, tightly together.Their heavy breathing had returned to normal, but even so, due to thesweat, the night breeze felt chilly and the two of them did not stand up."...That was amazing, I think I definitely cannot resist that G.o.d.""...Same here, seeing those divine beasts have made me lower my guard.The [Heretic G.o.ds] who stand at the true summit, I never expected suchpresence."Through their backs pressed together, G.o.dou could feel Erica"s warmth.Most likely she could also feel G.o.dou"s warmth the same way....In the end, the two of them were too naive. A true [Heretic G.o.d], thedominating power of the highest ranked G.o.ds, neither of them understooduntil now!The presence and oppressiveness which utterly shattered a man"sprinciples and a genius witch"s pride.Simply facing him caused all resistance to be blown away. AfterwardsG.o.dou thought, to have faced him without bursting into tears was alreadyvery brave."...So, what are you planning next, are you still going to investigate?""...What are you joking! Facing that kind of thing is impossible! If Melqartwas in a bad mood, we surely would not have survived!"Finally breathing smoothly, G.o.dou turned his body around towards Erica.But she replied to G.o.dou anxiously, then remained silent as if displeased.After that, the two of them sat on the ground for another ten minutes or so,simply staring at nothing.The two were silent, and tried to avoid eye contact.Particularly Erica, she hid her face behind her knees, clearly trying toignore G.o.dou.This was the result of two people taking an optimistic att.i.tude based ontheir capability and principles. Unworthy humans who underestimated aG.o.d, there were no grounds for complaint about the result.All in all, it was very shocking.G.o.dou thought back to the embarra.s.sment just now, and felt troubled.Even though he prided in his compet.i.tive personality, he simply ran awayjust now. Clearly he dared to face the divine beasts at Dorgali despite hislack of power, but this time it didn"t work.What Erica had called divine beasts, as well as a true [Heretic G.o.d].The two were on completely different levels. Absolute failure, complete andutter defeat.Humiliation, impotence, and anger at himself.Many intense feelings surfaced in his heart.Even so — G.o.dou renewed his thoughts as he watched the girl before him.The impact she suffered, in terms of quality and quant.i.ty, must be on anentirely different level.No matter what, Kusanagi G.o.dou was just an ordinary person. No matterhow he forced himself, he cannot defeat a G.o.d, it was just a setback, that"sit.But Erica was the one called the genius witch.Even someone as talented as her, when faced with a G.o.d, ended up in thesame state of terror as a commoner like G.o.dou and ran for her life inpanic. The shock she received could not be compared to his.G.o.dou gazed upon Erica as she wallowed in despair, refusing to look up.The proud and headstrong girl was now burying her peerlessly magnificentface in her knees.G.o.dou knew from his experience in the past, battling alongside or againstthose with genius talent.Currently, the root of Erica"s "magnificence" — her absolute confidence inher talent, capability and achievements was lost. Encountering such anevent, a genius was still just an ordinary human.If possible, G.o.dou did not wish to see her like now.Actually these were words that G.o.dou would never speak out... even if hismouth would be ripped apart. Even though he had quarreled with her allthis time, his heart had already been completely taken by the beauty ofErica Blandelli.G.o.dou took a deep breath.If even himself, the less affected one, continued to despair, then all theycould do was wait for their deaths.It was now a situation where the seventh inning had ended and the firstMl 3half of the eighth was beginning. 1 JAs long as a homerun is. .h.i.t with the bases all loaded, there was still achance, and the former catcher and fourth hitter was not going to stayquiet like that."I... was playing baseball all along up until half a year ago."G.o.dou tried to speak in a cheerful manner."Though I am not very talented, I did practice with great effort, andgradually became one of the starters in a fairly high-ranked team. I wasalso picked in things like the Tokyo selection, etc... But gave up due to ashoulder injury.""Your past is unexpected... Although I wouldn"t think you were just aregular person from your stamina."Her head still down, Erica"s expression could not be seen.But at least she responded, though her voice lacked strength, it was not abad start."There were also many practice matches. Once, we were facing against avery strong high school baseball club in a match. We were only a middleschool team. In other words, our opponents were restructuring their teamand wanted to have a match with a weaker team.""...In the world of sports, that"s common, right?""True, but during middle school, ours was one of the top teams in Tokyo,so we went all out for the sake of our dignity... Though in the end we lostnine to two.""...Completely expected from the two team"s abilities.""No, that"s what it looks like, but the two points were scored all at once inthe final inning, redeeming ourselves. It was a great match where we put inall our effort."The batter who hit a double in the final inning, and scored two points wasG.o.dou, but he didn"t mention it."So... What are you trying to say?""Ah yes, that"s to say, even if we"re losing we have to take back two points.That"s the rough idea. So yeah, let"s try hara.s.sing them for a little while...""...G.o.dou, you"re really terrible at speaking, time to shut up!"Erica finally lifted her face.Showing a deep frown that suited her good and proper beauty, this angryexpression had great presence."...You can"t be comparing an encounter with the king of G.o.ds, to a middleschool student"s extracurricular activities, right? If that"s the case, you areso ridiculous I don"t even know what to say!""Yes, is that so? But then, the determination required should be thesame — ""How can it be the same?!"Unlike the time facing Melqart, this was now the beautiful face of anger.G.o.dou breathed in relief, compared to her disheartened look, anger suitedher much better. As long as she didn"t act like this all the time, treating himas an idiot."Really! And to think you would say something nice, so I listened quietly!Too disappointing. No talent, cannot speak, there"s not even any value torate!"Uh, I didn"t expect to be criticized that much."Umm, yes I really don"t have a way with words, but do you really have todescribe me that way?""So annoying, if your job is to carry the luggage, then act like it. Just shutup and follow me!"Erica picked up G.o.dou"s backpack from the ground.And then she violently threw it at G.o.dou.Skillfully catching his own backpack, G.o.dou smiled."Yes, fine, as long as you pull yourself together, telling you those thingswas worth it.""You"re saying pull myself together? I always thought you were an idiot, butI never knew you were an idiot, first cla.s.s. Could you be saying that I wasfeeling down?"Though Erica"s words were full of anger, G.o.dou did not change his tone ofvoice."There"s nothing to hide, right? It was a G.o.d, the opponent was too strong.Besides, weren"t you bowing down your head, looking very depressed justnow?""That kind of judgment is unforgivable stupidity... That was — fine, I wassimply watching the ground, no other special meaning. Please do notrudely speculate."This reason was too contrived.Though her ability to deny was still skillful, but this explanation was way tooforced. Even someone as strong as Erica could not find any goodexplanation for the way she acted just now.Shrugging his shoulders, G.o.dou smiled wryly, feeling that she was verycute.Probably realizing her reason was very contrived, Erica"s face went red."And that"s that, about my actions being affected by you, please do nothave any weird misunderstandings... However, for those very incompetentwords of comfort, I will reward you one day. Though you have no gift withwords, given that you have made the effort, you will be compensated withequal value. I, Erica Blandelli, will absolutely not be stingy in this regard.""I know I know. So, I will look forward to your reward."Faced with the smooth and relaxed G.o.dou, Erica could not continue toargue.Nodding lightly, her face was still slightly red. Those unsightly behaviorsthat did not suit her, made her shyly shift her gaze away from G.o.dou.— But in the next instant, Erica suddenly stared towards the depths of theforest.After less than ten seconds, she suddenly held out her hand."G.o.dou, give me water. Quick.""Why do you suddenly want water? Here you go."G.o.dou took out the plastic bottle of mineral water from his backpack andhanded it to her.Pouring the water on ground, Erica then pointed an index finger towardsthe pool of water, chanting lightly.Watching the pool of water stir, G.o.dou was very surprised.Revealed was a stallion with white fur.Compared to the familiar race horses in horseracing, its body was muchstrongly built, the four legs much thicker. Rather than a race horse, a warhorse would be a better description."I say... This is not an ordinary horse, right?""Right, just now I felt strong magic gathering outside the forest. So I tried afar sight spell — "Erica quietly replied to G.o.dou"s seeking of confirmation."An incarnation split from the sword G.o.d?""Of course... I"ve already decided, what are you planning to do?"Go over, or escape.Even unspoken, he understood what Erica wanted to express."Though I understand well that my stubbornness cannot change anything, Iam not someone who changes his mind so easily."G.o.dou exhaled as he spoke. And then Erica laughed as if mocking a fool."Fine, then follow behind me. This is not to protect you, but to let youwitness me in action at close range, not bad right?""Hey... calling others idiot repeatedly, you"re not that smart either.""Please call this unrelenting fighting spirit. Listen carefully, the protagonistfails once but still stands up again and takes the final glory. Isn"t that therequired cliche?"Bantering thus, G.o.dou and Erica walked together.With Erica in the lead, and G.o.dou following, they set off towards theoutside of the forest.Forcing himself to advance through a forest at night with nothing but aflashlight and the moon, it was an ordeal for an ordinary person likeG.o.dou. After an hour or so, they finally left the forest.It was near the outskirts of the forest.More precisely, there seemed to be the approaching sound of a ma.s.siveobject crushing trees as it advanced.—[White Stallion].The divine beast seen just now through the far sight spell, finally began torampage.G.o.dou and Erica exchanged glances and nodded simultaneously. Thenext part was not going to be that simple, and they confirmed each other"sdetermination.And then out of the lush forest, he appeared at that instant."Greetings, boy and the witch. Strolling in such a place."Black hair reaching the shoulders, the handsome youth with the narrowface.His eyes looked as if they could see the future, and he showed a cla.s.sicand elegant smile like a Buddha statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva.^The youth G.o.dou had met twice, at Cagliari and Dorgali."I must warn thee, thou art only mortal, dost not interfere in the waramongst our kind. To that witch there as well. Thou hast learnt the basicsof magic, but thy power is vastly dwarfed by ours. The path of humans andG.o.ds can never cross."No, G.o.dou felt something wasn"t right.Compared to the youth he saw before, there was a decisive difference.Slender and not very tall, yet somehow there was a powerful presence.A delicate face like Maitreya Bodhisattva. However this made one feel thathe was an inhuman existence impossible to understand.This was not a human face, only made in the image of man, so it was awork of art more beautiful than any human.— Right, why did I not notice until now?The force felt from that delicate body, and the divine presence inhabitingthat handsome face.Though their appearances were completely different, he and Melqart hadthe same atmosphere.G.o.dou cursed his own stupidity, for how could someone so out of theordinary be a normal person?Having encountered Melqart, G.o.dou suddenly understood.He was a G.o.d.The other [Heretic G.o.d], was now standing before his eyes.Part 4"Will you grace the unworthy with your name, undefeated G.o.d of the east?"Suddenly Erica knelt down, bowing her head in respect.Looking down at her, the youth — correction, the youth G.o.d showed whatwas clearly a wry smile."Unnecessary. Thou hast discerned my true ident.i.ty so quickly, clever girl!"Then he narrowed his eyes and happily cast his gaze towards the depthsof the forest."King Melqart, hideth in such a place... Casting a barrier, he seemeth verywary of me. Hohoho, excellent, that fellow must be injured, but I too, aminjured. Let us both rest our bodies, and the one who recovereth fastestwill have the advantage.""As expected, it was you who injured the G.o.d Melqart — "Erica asked respectfully.Her expression was still stiff, but compared to when she met Melqart justnow, much more calm.This was the second encounter with a true G.o.d, and she was showing cleargrowth from her last experience."Correct, and the result was mutual defeat. I was heavily injured and lostover half my divine power. See, all the beasts rampaging over the island,divine power scattered from my body obtained life, and became divinebeasts. All save one, hath been vanquished and returned to my body.Hoho, the time I met thee, was when I had recovered half, and feelingtired, I wanted to play around for a while."On the other hand, Kusanagi G.o.dou —Was troubled. The appearance was clearly identical to the youth. However,it was definitely not him."...Who are you? I already know you are a G.o.d, but how should I put it,that — you are definitely not the guy who I was with?""Yes, thou art a boy with excellent instincts. True, I am no longer the sameas that past self."A very aloof att.i.tude, and a smile like a G.o.d looking down upon life on earthfrom above. G.o.dou became increasingly certain.Though very proud, that guy would never look down at G.o.dou in this way."So, the game on this island is about to end. Letting King Melqart awakenwas worth it, to fight that king, let us determine a victor this time."" — Letting him awaken?"G.o.dou frowned at those words he couldn"t ignore."Yes, I am the [Heretic G.o.d] whose essence is the battle for victory. Aslong as I desire an opponent, wanting an enemy to battle against me, anappropriate adversary will appear. I came to this island because of theintertwined fates of this land and my strongest opponent yet."I, have long sought defeat.The youth G.o.d smiled as he muttered to himself."Like so, whenever I come to an island where a powerful enemy liethsleeping, I would chant — pray grant me defeat, grant me a strong enemy,grant me a true battle! Thus, there is no choice but to fight King Melqart,rather, I should say it is wonderful."This youth was the culprit behind the entire incident.Knowing this, G.o.dou held his breath, this was the fact that Erica founddifficult to reveal."Pardon my honesty. You belong to the faction of the light, a protector G.o.dof justice and the people. I believe this act of violence is inappropriate.Please return to the path of righteousness."Erica"s pleas were like those of a high ranking official advising a king.But the youth remained smiling like the rosy clouds of dawn, and shook hishead."A pity, but I cannot do that. Didst thou forget? I am now in the midst ofrebelling. True, I was once a protector of light and justice — but in mycurrent state, I am the rebelling G.o.d of conflict. Hohoho, boy, the time weplayed together, it was really interesting."The youth narrowed his eyes, staring straight at G.o.dou."Not long before, my divine characteristics had all but vanished, so the[Heretic"s presence was very weak, a different existence compared tomy original self. However, now that the majority of divine power hath beenretrieved, it is completely different, I have recovered my original self. I amnow the heretic G.o.d of war!"Definitely different from before.Grander than before, stronger than before, more sacred than before,inhuman — a completely different person. And to have done so manyunreasonable things, especially with full awareness.This was a [Heretic G.o.d], a G.o.d that resisted the myths created bymankind.G.o.dou finally understood the meaning it held."Hoho, I seem to have spoken too much. That [White Stallion], hathbecome impatient."The gigantic beast wrecking the green forest was approaching.The intruder advancing like a bulldozer, was of course, the [White Stallion].Its furry hide bathed under the moonlight, gave off a white glow. Thanks tothe [White Stallion], G.o.dou could clearly see the surroundings despite hispoor night vision."Haha, good boy! Coming to offer power for my return!"The youth"s figure vanished.The handsome body like a delicately crafted statue of a deity haddisappeared, turning into a gust of wind.— A tornado! G.o.dou immediately realized, the sacred wind that he sawtwice, that blew the divine beasts into the air. This was one of the youth"sdivine powers.Very soon, the gust of wind formed a vortex and became a tornado.He had to stop him quickly, that youth — though their time together wasshort, but G.o.dou felt he was obliged to stop the G.o.d whom he consideredhis friend. But what could he do, Kusanagi G.o.dou was just a powerlessfifteen-year-old mortal. What should be done!?Erica cried out at this time."G.o.dou! Kusanagi G.o.dou! The [Secret Tome of Prometheus] is gatheringpowerful magic!"The first time she called out his full name.However, rather than noticing that, G.o.dou even more quickly reached hishand into his backpack, and took out the stone tablet.Thinking carefully, this was nothing worth worrying about. KusanagiG.o.dou"s power, technique, knowledge, none of them could ever surpa.s.s aG.o.d.Even if there was something that could, it was what the youth called thestone tablet to "steal G.o.d"s power."But something that the genius witch Erica could not use, could G.o.dou useit after all?Not just a figure of speech, but when his hand grabbed the stone tablet,G.o.dou felt scorching heat, as if he had put his hand into a fire.Enduring the high temperature, he maintained his grip and the stone tabletsuddenly gave off light.Taking the carving of the man on the stone tablet — most likely a depictionof Prometheus, and aiming towards the tornado and [White Stallion].These actions were done subconsciously.In that instant, the grimoire from the age of the G.o.ds spewed out blueflames."Eh — I... I used it successfully... right?"Even G.o.dou himself was doubtful, and motionlessly stared at the flames.The tornado transformed from the youth immediately evaded the flames.But the flames surrounded the strong and vigorous body of the [WhiteStallion], successfully devouring it. After burning for ten-odd seconds, itdisappeared immediately.Along with the flames, the tall and ma.s.sive body of the [White Stallion] alsovanished without trace.The result was, over a process of roughly thirty seconds, the blue flamesand the [White Stallion] disappeared from the ground.At the same time, the weight of the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] hadincreased. The heat G.o.dou had been enduring also stabilized, becoming agentle warmth.— Sun.Suddenly, the image of the sun"s brilliance and white flames enteredG.o.dou"s mind.Could this be the divine power possessed by the [White Stallion], whywould a white horse be related to the sun?"...Hmm, thou hast figured out how to use this piece of stone? A littletroublesome."The wind swirled back, forming the figure of the youth G.o.d in its center."Fine, losing just one incarnation will hardly affect me — my divine powerhath mostly been retrieved... Boy, thou shouldst be punished for opposinga G.o.d, but for the sake of our brief friendship, I shall forgive thee once."The youth showed a smile.Not the ancient and elegant smile, but the joyful and resolute grin of seeinga new interloper."Let me remind thee, there is no second time. If thou usest this stone toobstruct me, I shall reward thee accordingly next time. Thou mayst beexcused!"Having said this, it meant that he would not give G.o.dou or Erica any furtherwarnings.Looking straight into the depths of the forest, he advanced with a powerfulpace.However, at that instant —The tree trunks suddenly swayed, and the trees in the forest fell down oneby one, blocking the path of the youth G.o.d"s advance.With originally no road leading to the depths of the forest, it was now evenharder to get there.From the palm of the youth G.o.d, lightning was suddenly released.Under normal conditions, his single attack should have burned a tree toash.But the tree was completely unharmed. The tree barrier that blocked entryinto the forest, did not show a single trace of being burnt, and continued tobar the way."King Melqart"s barrier, looketh like he is very wary of me. Without anypreparation, impossible to barge right in."The youth G.o.d smiled wryly and began to yell at the depths of the forest."Fine, ancient king! I shall wait for thee until dawn! Once I store enoughpower to slice through thy city walls, I shall return!"Finishing the strong declaration of war, his form dissipated.Transforming into strong wind in the air.The last G.o.dou heard was the youth"s loud laughter of "hahahahaha!"References1 . t inning: an inning in baseball consists of six outs, three for eachteam. A regulation game consists of nine innings.2. t Maitreya: a bodhisattva prophesied to appear on Earth, achievecomplete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma, according toBuddhist tradition.

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