
Chapter 1 - In Search of Lost TimePart 1In a group that is comprised mainly of females, there is someone stickingout like a sore thumb. A single male.If someone should think that they would be super happy or "This world istoo perfect", then there is something seriously wrong with them.Recently, G.o.dou had started to have this kind of viewpoint upon hissituation.All in all, his shoulders felt very heavy, his mood was not good at all and hefelt very uneasy.G.o.dou had no idea why he had to leave j.a.pan and come all the way hereto Sardinia, Italy for his summer vacation.The layout of the island was similar to Shikoku (j.a.pan), and was alsofamous for being a summer vacation tourist spot.Because of the surrounding emerald-blue seas, it grew to fame as a touristspot as celebrities frequently came here for vacations.Originally, G.o.dou and company had intended to stay on the area aroundthe western coast.As the airport was very close to Alghero, there were also many attractionsnearby.There were quite a few gothic, baroque and renaissance style buildingswhich served as world heritage sites.Lastly, to trump everything else, the breathtakingly beautiful beaches andseas.Except for the fact that it"s slightly hotter than what would be comfortable,this would be the perfect vacation spot.Even so, G.o.dou"s mood had not improved much.And all of it was due to being surrounded by females. From the time hearrived until the current moment, four days have already pa.s.sed. In thistime, G.o.dou had not even a day of peace.For example, this morning -In a room in the villa they had rented, after a refreshing wake-up, G.o.douhad headed to the bathroom.After brushing his teeth and washing his face, someone had sprung asurprise attack against him from the back.Gagged, handcuffed and blindfolded, he was brought outside the villa andplaced upon something like a rubber dinghy.About twenty minutes had pa.s.sed.Taking the rubber dinghy to the sea, G.o.dou was finally released from hisbindings, and was given a ridiculous explanation."Finally, we can be alone together, G.o.dou. I"ve been looking forward tothis."The voice expectedly came from Erica Blandelli.Twirling her blond hair with her hands and giving off an expression ofabsolute happiness, G.o.dou somehow felt like he was swooning, andbegan his retort."No way is this a situation where "we can be alone together", isn"t it morelike a kidnapping?""That"s not it... Because, it"s all your fault that this happened."Erica replied, still maintaining her immaculate smile.In heaven and earth, I am the one and only, once said by SiddharthaGautama Buddha^^^. This young girl"s actions had always seemed to beinspired from that phrase, hence G.o.dou was already used to it."Whatever sins I have committed to deserve this fate, please tell me allabout it. I would like to have a peaceful life in the future.""Of course, it is the sin of not wanting us to be together alone."Upon the first day of arrival, G.o.dou had already been a victim of Erica"srelentless and ferocious hugging.After that, he had taken extreme caution not to be caught in a situationwhere he was alone with Erica.Will I be able to return in one piece? Did the chicken or the egg come first?in order to prevent a tragedy and taking preventive measures, in the end itwould still lead to the same tragedy. If whatever I do will result in the sameending, then isn"t life just cruel and meaningless?... G.o.dou fell into deep thought, attempting to escape from reality via hisrandom inner monologue.The Erica who was naturally wearing a swimsuit temptingly gazed atG.o.dou, her swimsuit revealing -a lot- of skin.Their skin came in contact intimately, her face gradually getting closer andher mesmerizing lips slowly closed the distance.Not good. To continue escaping reality would result in fatality. To bespecific, it would not be strange for it to end in an engagement to Erica inthree days.Comparing their physical strength, combat would not be a viable option.From her combat capability, G.o.dou would already be hanging by a thread.Even in a war of attrition, stamina would only be slowly chipped away. Ifthat was the case, then he would entrust everything to that instance ofbattle.The amorously approaching Erica had relaxed her guard, and it was at thismoment that he took action."Ah, hold on a moment G.o.dou! After coming this far with me, where areyou planning on going?""Sorry, but I"m going to head back by myself. Don"t follow me!"Stripping off his shirt, he focused on the sh.o.r.e in the far distance amidstthe rolling waves.With all his might, he swam, not stopping even for a brief moment.On the endless sea, he swam towards the sh.o.r.e which seemed like amirage in the desert. Not just his body, even his spirit was suffering fromthis ordeal.Finally, after what seemed like eternity, he finally managed to reach therented villa.Mariya Yuri and Lucretia Zola were waiting togetlier for liinn."G.o.dou-san, wliere on eartli liave you been tiiis morning?"Yuri asl

Chapter 1 - In Search of Lost TimePart 1In a group that is comprised mainly of females, there is someone stickingout like a sore thumb. A single male.If someone should think that they would be super happy or "This world istoo perfect", then there is something seriously wrong with them.Recently, G.o.dou had started to have this kind of viewpoint upon hissituation.All in all, his shoulders felt very heavy, his mood was not good at all and hefelt very uneasy.G.o.dou had no idea why he had to leave j.a.pan and come all the way hereto Sardinia, Italy for his summer vacation.The layout of the island was similar to Shikoku (j.a.pan), and was alsofamous for being a summer vacation tourist spot.Because of the surrounding emerald-blue seas, it grew to fame as a touristspot as celebrities frequently came here for vacations.Originally, G.o.dou and company had intended to stay on the area aroundthe western coast.As the airport was very close to Alghero, there were also many attractionsnearby.There were quite a few gothic, baroque and renaissance style buildingswhich served as world heritage sites.Lastly, to trump everything else, the breathtakingly beautiful beaches andseas.Except for the fact that it"s slightly hotter than what would be comfortable,this would be the perfect vacation spot.Even so, G.o.dou"s mood had not improved much.And all of it was due to being surrounded by females. From the time hearrived until the current moment, four days have already pa.s.sed. In thistime, G.o.dou had not even a day of peace.For example, this morning -In a room in the villa they had rented, after a refreshing wake-up, G.o.douhad headed to the bathroom.After brushing his teeth and washing his face, someone had sprung asurprise attack against him from the back.Gagged, handcuffed and blindfolded, he was brought outside the villa andplaced upon something like a rubber dinghy.About twenty minutes had pa.s.sed.Taking the rubber dinghy to the sea, G.o.dou was finally released from hisbindings, and was given a ridiculous explanation."Finally, we can be alone together, G.o.dou. I"ve been looking forward tothis."The voice expectedly came from Erica Blandelli.Twirling her blond hair with her hands and giving off an expression ofabsolute happiness, G.o.dou somehow felt like he was swooning, andbegan his retort."No way is this a situation where "we can be alone together", isn"t it morelike a kidnapping?""That"s not it... Because, it"s all your fault that this happened."Erica replied, still maintaining her immaculate smile.In heaven and earth, I am the one and only, once said by SiddharthaGautama Buddha^^^. This young girl"s actions had always seemed to beinspired from that phrase, hence G.o.dou was already used to it."Whatever sins I have committed to deserve this fate, please tell me allabout it. I would like to have a peaceful life in the future.""Of course, it is the sin of not wanting us to be together alone."Upon the first day of arrival, G.o.dou had already been a victim of Erica"srelentless and ferocious hugging.After that, he had taken extreme caution not to be caught in a situationwhere he was alone with Erica.Will I be able to return in one piece? Did the chicken or the egg come first?in order to prevent a tragedy and taking preventive measures, in the end itwould still lead to the same tragedy. If whatever I do will result in the sameending, then isn"t life just cruel and meaningless?... G.o.dou fell into deep thought, attempting to escape from reality via hisrandom inner monologue.The Erica who was naturally wearing a swimsuit temptingly gazed atG.o.dou, her swimsuit revealing -a lot- of skin.Their skin came in contact intimately, her face gradually getting closer andher mesmerizing lips slowly closed the distance.Not good. To continue escaping reality would result in fatality. To bespecific, it would not be strange for it to end in an engagement to Erica inthree days.Comparing their physical strength, combat would not be a viable option.From her combat capability, G.o.dou would already be hanging by a thread.Even in a war of attrition, stamina would only be slowly chipped away. Ifthat was the case, then he would entrust everything to that instance ofbattle.The amorously approaching Erica had relaxed her guard, and it was at thismoment that he took action."Ah, hold on a moment G.o.dou! After coming this far with me, where areyou planning on going?""Sorry, but I"m going to head back by myself. Don"t follow me!"Stripping off his shirt, he focused on the sh.o.r.e in the far distance amidstthe rolling waves.With all his might, he swam, not stopping even for a brief moment.On the endless sea, he swam towards the sh.o.r.e which seemed like amirage in the desert. Not just his body, even his spirit was suffering fromthis ordeal.Finally, after what seemed like eternity, he finally managed to reach therented villa.Mariya Yuri and Lucretia Zola were waiting togetlier for liinn."G.o.dou-san, wliere on eartli liave you been tiiis morning?"Yuri asl

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