
Chapter 32

Chapter 5 - The Missing KingsPart 1s.p.a.ccanapoli - In a small alleyway in the old street of Naples.Kusanagi G.o.dou and Liliana Kranjcar had met with the G.o.ddess Athena."What"s with describing me as "tenacious", stop that. Because of you, Ialmost died.""You too, stop saying those deplorable things. To be injured in a battle, itwas due to your own inexperience. Firstly, you should be lamenting overyour own weakness."A calm reply to G.o.dou, and the mood became heavier.Unreasonably dragging in innocent bystanders who had no intention offighting, this G.o.ddess-sama was the root of it all. Her self-centerednessevidently surpa.s.sed even Erica"s. What a selfish fellow.".... Kusanagi G.o.dou."Liliana who had been standing at the side, said in a very soft voice.As though she were looking to him as for what to do next, and awaiting hisorder.G.o.dou shook his head.He did not intend on fighting the G.o.ddess, only temporarily gauging thesituation. Although unsure if she had understood from that, Liliana lightlynodded her head.Counting on this powerful supporter in his heart, G.o.dou turned towardsAthena."Hey, tell me one thing. This time round, you were the one who draggedme into the battle, so would you mind explaining something to me?""What is it? Speak your mind.""Why was Perseus able to - seal the powers of Verethragna? He, being abane of serpents, therefore countering Athena"s power, that I canunderstand, due to the story of Medusa, right? But, Perseus andVerethragna have no direct connection, so isn"t it strange?""About that - "Her response to G.o.dou"s question was a simple faint smile.As though she were a.s.sessing them, she stared at them intently. Her eyeswere like that of a predator eyeing its prey.She was a predator, after all. The aspect of a G.o.ddess of battle andhunting."No matter how I answer it, there will be things that you cannotcomprehend. Indeed, I was the one who dragged you into this, but if Ireveal the answer here, this game would not be able to amuse me asmuch.""Isn"t that fine? I got involved only because of your willful personality."G.o.dou snapped back in retort."Yesterday... you said that you had wanted to train me. The truth probablyisn"t that you had wanted to avoid conflict with that serpent-slayer, thusdragging me in, correct?""Do not sully the name of a G.o.ddess of war, Kusanagi G.o.dou."Athena glared at him, her eyes heavy with threat. "It"s true, that I am not ina hurry to battle with that person. The serpent-slaying words of power arean extremely troublesome existence to myself. However, thecountermeasures I have against that unfavorable element are far andmany, do not treat so lightly the Queen of the land and darkness.""I"d never would have thought... that you"d have a countermeasure?"Hiding the joy in his heart, G.o.dou asked.If it were true, then he might be able to use his trump card againstPerseus."That"s right. If he would use his serpent-slaying words of power, then Iwould use the scorching flames to melt his steel... Fufu, while you were ina deep sleep, I had already awakened the dormant volcano that liesyonder. If he were to be enveloped by molten lava, even the hero of«Steel» will fall!""It"s fine even if you don"t fell him! I will go and fight him, so you can just sitback and watch!"This guy wants to blow up the volcano! G.o.dou resisted the urge to exclaimout loud.Athena was referring to Mount Vesuvius, east of Naples.During the time of the Roman Empire, Pompeii had been partiallydestroyed, and buried under ash and pumice from the eruption of MountVesuvius. The last time that this volcano had been active was back in1949, and its distance from Naples was nine kilometers.G.o.dou finally understood.Why Athena had accepted the truce after her attack on Perseus.He was not sure how she had done it, but in order to triumph over Perseus,she had prepared to make use of the volcano, to overcome theunfavorable condition of fighting against a serpent-slayer."But, about using the volcano, are you implying that Perseus is weakagainst heat?""It must be an exceedingly intense heat, to the extent that even a dragonwould be incinerated. This isn"t the only weakness of that guy, either.«Steel» , after all, is that kind of thing, isn"t it?"Steel.Hearing that word, his emotions were unable to stabilize, and G.o.doureturned to that topic."Then let me ask again, why was Verethragna"s power sealed?""I don"t mind telling you, but will you pay the price, Kusanagi G.o.dou?".... How unreasonable."Since you do not want me to personally step in, then wouldn"t this requestbe natural? Though I have dragged you into this, is it not evened out whenI listened to your request to back out of the battlefield? Now, if you wouldlike for me to grant you the key to victory, then you will be indebted to me."In other words, G.o.dou just had to promise her something. Athena smiledwryly.G.o.dou knew for sure that this G.o.ddess would think of something strangeand illogical, poking fun at him, for all he knew she might have beenoverjoyed inside watching his troubled expression."You"re really an absurd G.o.ddess-sama, you know. Fine, what"s the price?""Hm. I haven"t thought that far yet."G.o.dou had asked, testing the waters, but this was the answer. Please stoptormenting me already."Fufu, I haven"t given it much thought yet - then, in return for my telling ofthat secret, you would have to grant a request, a desire of mine some dayin the future. Do you accept?"Athena asked, her att.i.tude bold and haughty.That gaze and that way of speaking, certainly was that of a powerfulQueen. As if she were challenging him, testing his courage -"So, what will you do? You might be gambling away your own life, or evenperhaps the life of the person most important to you. Will you accept?"G.o.dou pondered his options.The G.o.ds were not vicious or evil by nature, but sometimes, they could bea little cruel.Beings of such power and might, they did not care for the humble humans.In that case, about Athena"s request, what would be the correct option?He thought about it for tens of seconds, and finally made up his mind.In this situation, it would be a transaction of both high risks and returns,even if things turned out to be the worst case, he could alwaysshamelessly back out of his agreement.The most important reason actually was - he did not want to give a vagueanswer. What comes afterwards would be not to get blindly lead around bythe other party, and maintaining his own pace, but..."I understand, then...""Allow me to answer in the place of the King. Of course, we refuse!"Just as G.o.dou had wanted to give his answer, he was interrupted.The one who had been standing by his side and silently watching theentire time, Liliana, had spoken out suddenly."I apologize for my rudeness, Athena. The warrior that protects us humans,the King, how could he possibly make such a commitment? Please forgetthat we had ever said anything!"That answer, is no fun at all. Boring."The total opposite of the Liliana whose head was bowed respectfully,Athena looked around in disinterest."Forget it, if that"s the case, then I will be staying at the sea over yonder.Should you have a change of mind, go to the harbor where we were lastnight, and call my name. No matter the time, I will give you the answer thatyou seek.... Before that troublemaker returns, any time is fine."The G.o.ddess of the land and darkness, with those words, departed fromthe alley.Part 2"Are we supposed to reject those kinds of offer, in this situation? We couldhave gotten some information out of Athena, too."On the way back to Diana"s abode, G.o.dou complained.As he understood the reason why Liliana had done that, he wasn"tparticularly reprimanding her. He could have snuck out later to meetAthena, after all."When you put it that way, are you perhaps thinking of accepting her offerafter all?""Basically, yes, as long as I state some conditions and try to reach acompromise, it shouldn"t be that bad a trade... But, you knew I was goingto accept her offer?"G.o.dou was slightly impressed.As he thought, Liliana had guessed his intentions."Of course I knew. Although the time we have spent together has beenshort, I can understand the feeling that people get before you dosomething utterly outrageous!""D, do I seem that weird a person to you?""Without a doubt. For example, yesterday, when you had summoned the[Boar] out in the middle of the street."Hearing her say that, G.o.dou felt somewhat guilty.Due to his revival from death, he had slept for half a day, and had forgottenall about it."Kusanagi G.o.dou - although your daily actions are normal, but duringtimes of crisis, you tend to become reckless, and make impulsive and rashdecisions."As they walked along the road of the old street, Liliana chided him.Though the att.i.tude and speech were wholly different, in some ways shewas as troublesome as Erica and the others. Indignant, G.o.dou retorted."I"m not as reckless as you say I am! In that earlier exchange with Athena,it was already going according to my plan!""Negotiations with high-ranking mages or [Heretic G.o.ds], you cannot makethat sort of commitment or promise, for fear of being controlled! Even if youhave the intent to rebel against it, if you had said something like. Til do asyou say", they will have absolute power over your will!"This was a surprising piece of information.Liliana was truly angry, glaring at the shocked G.o.dou."Because you are a Campione, hence even if it were a mage of thehighest-tier, his magic would have no hold over you, but she is a G.o.ddess!If you make a pact with Athena, a G.o.ddess of that level, you won"t be ableto resist whatever she asks of you!"".... I see. Then I must thank you for having saved me."Seems a crisis had been averted earlier.The self-reflecting G.o.dou honestly expressed his grat.i.tude and apology,and Liliana immediately turned her head away."I, it"s nothing. As a knight, lending my a.s.sistance to the [King] is onlynatural, I"ve done nothing to deserve your grat.i.tude, don"t worry about it."She seemed embarra.s.sed.Her cheeks red, Liliana smiled faintly."You shouldn"t have fallen for those words in the first place. I had noticed itsince last night, but you are too careless at times, please be careful ofwhat your powers might do to the environment in the future!""I did try to minimize the collateral damage...""That"s not what I was trying to say. I wanted to let you know that, to thesurrounding people or an organization, a Campione is a being capable ofthe greatest destruction, and hence, please be more careful next time."After she said that, Liliana turned her head back.She looked straight at G.o.dou."Although I would like you to be more mindful of the surroundings, buttruthfully, it is an unnecessary. No matter how much destruction aCampione causes, only a being of equal standing, another Campione, hasthe right to criticize. It"s because of the authority that you possess, that youhave gained the t.i.tle of [King]."Come to think of it, he had been told something like that by some magebefore.- What you have attained is power on par with the G.o.ds and devil kings, ahuman yet to be above humans, an absolute privilege... for example.Remembering those ridiculous words, G.o.dou shook his head. Truly, it wasa cruel joke."You should know this too, but both Sir Salvatore and Marquis Voban,neither of their personalities have any praiseworthy aspects. They lackmorals that a normal person should have, but as a Campione, a [King],whatever actions they do will be forgiven."That should not be the case.G.o.dou shook his head again, that shouldn"t be the case at all."The only duty a Campione has to bear, is when a [Heretical G.o.d]manifests, to defend the powerless humans and engage it in battle. This isthe one thing that you have to abide by, the one thing that humankind asksof you. Anything else is unnecessary, be it a n.o.ble obligation, or aridiculous request. Tlie only thing you have to do is to follow your baseinstincts, and do battle with the G.o.ds, as a protector of the land.""What kind of reasoning is that?!"G.o.dou a.s.serted his stand.Facing Liliana who was going full steam about the ways of the world."Those guys being useless members of society, it was because of the factthat they were originally beyond saving to begin with. Because of that kindof reason, forgiving a Campione no matter what they do, what kind ofreasoning is that? Let me ask you, do you really agree with that? I don"tthink that you really do, but at any rate, please don"t, Liliana-san!"Being on the receiving ends of his questions, Liliana lowered her head,troubled.This way of thinking had already been ingrained and instilled into herserious, stubborn, yet gentle self, which is why she could tolerate whateverridiculous shenanigans the other Campiones had done."Whatever those guys have done has nothing to do with me. I"ll do thingsmy own way. It was only because of a stroke of luck that I have obtainedthis unimaginable power. While trying not to cause too much trouble to theworld, I will find the right way to use this power."G.o.dou declared loudly.However, thinking of the constant mistakes that he had made, he decidedto add one more thing, just in case."But.... sometimes I might be a little too careless, and make somemistakes, but I have Erica and Mariya, and also you. Because of everyonethat is lending me their hand, I"m sure that things will work out. I"m countingon you, once again.""M, me too?""Didn"t you just help me out big time earlier? If you find it to be too harsh,then just this time would be fine too, you"ve already done too much forme...Thinking carefully and calmly, there probably wasn"t anyone who would gothis far for someone else.Neither Erica nor liinn, would stick tlieir nose tliat far in someone else"sbusiness.G.o.dou was misunderstanding this, and Liliana shook her head, stoppingand heaving a sigh. And, in a knightly manner, she replied,"If you - if the [King] desires so, then I am prepared to offer my very beingto you, and to do my very best for you... However, shall we rest for today?It"s getting rather late."The serious conversation was abruptly ended.It was the first time he had seen such a heart-warming smile on Liliana"sface, while speaking with such gentleness.Seeing that expression, he felt that she was no different from a normal girl.Discovering this side to Liliana, he felt a little shy, and nodded.Before they had realized it, they were in front of Diana"s bookstore.When they were returning, the sun had started to set, and darkness beganto cover the sky."Ah, that"s right, about Perseus" secret, we probably have to figuresomething out ourselves..."The two of them walked into the building, and headed straight for thekitchen. Neither Karen nor Diana were around, they were alone together."I"ll go prepare some tea, please take a short rest in the meantime."Liliana said, while taking out the necessary equipment from the kitchenshelves.All G.o.dou had been drinking so far in Italy was only coffee. It was eitherespresso, cappuccino or latte, usually.Thinking that it wouldn"t be so bad to have a change of pace, G.o.dou took aseat on the chair, and obediently awaited the tea. The unique fragrance ofthe herbs began to diffuse throughout the house." - Please enjoy your tea."A few minutes had pa.s.sed.From Liliana"s hands, G.o.dou received a cup of hot amber liquid.The fragrant smell of mint wafted across his was a refreshing aroma, but it felt somewhat queer. He took a small sip,and felt the taste spread through his taste buds, but it was accompanied bya bizarre feeling of unease."The taste isn"t so great, it feels a little odd.""That is because of the herbs that are used to brew the tea, rather than thetaste, it is a drink that focuses on the nutritional value."G.o.dou had commented without thinking, and Liliana had replied with ashrug.So it"s that kind of drink, and G.o.dou who had understood that point, gulpedthe entire drink down in one breath.It was after ten minutes of chatting with Liliana before he noticed thechange within his body."What... what is this?"His body had gradually started to feel numb. It had started with his fingers,but only a few moments had pa.s.sed before his limbs had ceased tofunction.Before long, he had lost all motor functions throughout his body."As I thought, if it"s an internal cause, even if you are a Campione, magicwould have an effect."Liliana said, to the G.o.dou who was unable to move.Was she forcing him to rest!? G.o.dou was shocked. Why had she donethat!?"I had mixed a drug that numbs magical energy into the tea... Even thoughit had the taste and aroma of herbs, you still managed to sense it, I did notexpect that - "So that was what it was, the sensation of drinking a drug?The enhanced senses of a Campione, detecting the drug being ingested,had sent warning signals to the body, and G.o.dou swore to himself that hewould not fall for this again."It"s as you"ve said, we can obtain tlie needed information if we negotiatewith Atliena. Tliere was notliing wrong witli it, just tliat tine one to negotiatewitli lier sliouldn"t liave been you. if our trump card against tine G.o.ds wereto be sacrificed, it would be putting the cart before the horse."Unsure whether it were a problem with the five senses or his brain, hisbody simply would not obey.Liliana gently held G.o.dou, and placed him against the wall, in a leaningposition."About my going to negotiate with Athena about what was mentionedearlier, of course, I"ll have to make her promise not to harm you in anyway... Because I"m a witch, I should be able to get along with a greatG.o.ddess of the land like Athena just fine. Please leave it to me, I should beable to obtain at least a little bit of information."It had only been because he was a Campione that Athena had offered thesecret, and a [Heretic G.o.d] most likely would not make a deal with a merehuman. This was too risky.G.o.dou would very much liked to have told her that, but he could not evenutter a single word."If you came along, the negotiation might very well go wrong, in some wayI won"t expect. Hence, it would best if I went alone. The drug was a lastresort, please forgive me."With those words, Liliana left the kitchen.Only G.o.dou remained in the room. Mustering all of his will and strength, heattempted to force his body to move, but it did not work.- 1 am strongest amongst the strong. Truly, I am one that holds each andevery victory.- 1 care not whom challenges me, whether man or devil; I may face all myfoes and all my enemies. Regardless, I shall crush all those who wouldststand in my way.G.o.dou chanted the scripture of Verethragna in his heart, and his bodybegan to fill with the power of the Persian war G.o.d. The numbness hadbegun to fade little by little.The effect will wear off if I keep going at this.Not relying on his physical body, but instead making use of the magicalpower, G.o.dou had managed to purge a little of the drug.Directly channeling the magic into his body, without a doubt, was the mosteffective method to use on a Campione"s body, but it was a desperatemeasure due to his powerlessness at the moment.Leaving aside the G.o.ds, to lose like this to a normal magic user -While telling himself that, G.o.dou continued the fight against the numbnessin his body.PartsThis was the harbor of Santa Lucia district.It was the location of the confrontation with Perseus the previous day, andalso where G.o.dou and Athena had showed up. Liliana had spent abouttwenty minutes to return here, and called out towards the sea,"O" great G.o.ddess Athena, the humble knight Liliana Kranjcar herebyrequests an audience with you! Please allow me this honor of being in yourpresence!"Liliana"s voice resounded across the sea, which was dyed red by thesunset.It was only a brief while before a patch of darkness with an outline of silverbegan to form at another end of the harbor. The darkness rapidly took theshape of Heretic Athena, who slowly walked towards Liliana."Why did Kusanagi G.o.dou not come? Little girl, my business is not withyou."The G.o.ddess said with an air of arrogance, but she had expected that.No matter what happens later, she had to obtain some information onPerseus.Liliana was nervous and tense.To negotiate not with a blade but with words, it was not her specialty.Rather, Erica was better at the arts of persuasion, but in this situation shecould only grit her teeth and do it...."On behalf of the King I have come to make a request, an enquiry on theprinciples of Perseus" power which allowed him to seal the authorities ofKusanagi G.o.dou. Because of our shortcomings, we were not able tounderstand the mystery behind it, and thus, I beseech you to grant us yourwisdom - ""I"ve said it before, there is a price to be paid."Athena coldly stated, and Liliana hesitated.She had not been expecting Athena to give an answer easily.Her aim was to obtain a few tidbits of information from the G.o.ddess. If theyhad gone with this strategy earlier in the negotiation by Kusanagi G.o.dou,they might have been able to get a few clues by now. But from the coldexpression of the other party, the chances of being lied to were rather high,and thus she said..."Please, to Kusanagi G.o.dou who is fighting on your behalf, do you nothave any parting gifts?""Didn"t I say this before too? He could have chosen not to fight, and to letme fling that troublemaking hero right into the depths of that volcano. If hehad done that, then wouldn"t it have been much less troublesome for him?"Athena"s tone had not a single bit of interest in it.If this willful girl were a human, Liliana would have given her quite thescolding. However...Liliana resisted the urge, and was repeatedly reciting, "Bear with it, bearwith it!" to herself. A normal mage would have given up by then, given suchan unreasonable G.o.ddess.She had the disposition of a witch, after all.The origins of the witches of Europe, were the mikos who had worshippedAthena.Studying the spiritual senses, listening to the words of the G.o.ddess.The words of power and divinity of the G.o.ddess of the land granted powerto the witches. The resulting possibility of obtaining the scattered wisdomof the G.o.ds and revelations were high -"Though, when I had initially brought Kusanagi G.o.dou here, I did notexpect a G.o.d of that nature to manifest. Perhaps this might be destiny.Encountering the leader of the ancient east is indeed harsh, but should hefail to succeed, we can only say that the brat"s capabilities were simply notenough..."Athena laughed happily.Leader of the ancient east? Come to think of it, what was it she saidearlier? A troublemaker. She had called that beautiful hero a troublemaker,or something like that.Athena had many things to say about Perseus.All her words continued to spin around in Liliana"s head, like a burst ofinspiration through a broken barrier. The G.o.ddess had, from the start, seenthrough the hero"s origins.Then, what was that image that she had seen?A brilliant, golden light. The fragments of the sun that rained down from thesky. Rays of the sun.The hero who had combined all of these also had the attribute of steel, oneof the G.o.ds of the sword.Diana had said that he was "One who came from Persia". His name wasPerseus. However, that was not enough. The true name of the G.o.d, no, thetrue origin was -".... Ho. You, are a miko, aren"t you?"Athena who had discovered that fact, stared at her.Liliana felt a shuddering chill, as though she were a rodent being stared atby a snake, an insect being hunted by an owl. She was in the samesituation as those vermin, as helpless as them."Speaking of which, Kusanagi G.o.dou has quite the talented miko servinghim, back in his homeland. Fufu, a revelation, from only my words? Nowthen, should I allow you to return with the answer in your head..."Like a predator playing with its prey.With that kind of feeling, Athena pondered to herself. The sharp eyes ofthe G.o.ddess of knowledge had seen through the fact that Liliana haddiscovered something tlirougli inspiration - to Liliana, tine situation liadtaken a turn for the worse.Athena extended her hand to the chin of the taller Liliana, making contactwith the tip of her finger.If the finger were to turn into a weapon at that instant, it would not havebeen surprising.Liliana instinctively held her breath, in the face of the death and darknessstaring her in the eye. At the very least, she had to find some way toconvey what she had discovered to Kusanagi G.o.dou.H, hold it right there."Out of the blue, a voice was heard.To Athena, it was a voice of the youth she had been waiting to hear, but toLiliana, it was the voice of a youth she did not expect to hear here."Finally appeared, have you. To have kept me waiting for so long, howrude of you.""Kusanagi G.o.dou! Why did you come here!?"The precious miracle drug of paralysis - a cow or horse that drank thatamount would have been paralyzed for at least half a day.But the person, who was swaying and walking with unsteady steps towardsthem, was surely Kusanagi G.o.dou. It looked like he had not quiterecovered fully from the effects of the drug.Given how unsteady he was, it would not have been shocking if he were tofall over at any time.Even with his body in this state, he still looked at Athena with a sharp gaze.".... What are you planning to do with her?""I am still thinking of that. This girl with neither manners nor properupbringing, had obtained a revelation from within my words. Originally, Iwould simply pa.s.s divine punishment over her, however...""A revelation?""Correct. In order to discern the origins of tlie one you call Perseus, andfurthermore, she almost succeeded in fully understanding his ident.i.ty....Now then, what should I do with her?"Athena twirled the finger pressing against Liliana"s chin, and slowly broughtit downwards.Gently caressing her neck, as if to warn her that she could break her bodyany time she wanted.Continuing downwards, her finger applied a pressure on Liliana"s chest,which could definitely not be described as full, as though telling Liliana thatit could pierce through if she exerted more force.Compared to any battle she had ever experienced, the current situationwas far more dangerous.Liliana"s life was literally in Athena"s hands, and she felt despaired."Let go of her, and as the price, I accept your conditions earlier!"Frightening words escaped the [King]"s lips.The pleading look in Liliana"s eyes, telling him not to do it, had been invain."Kusanagi G.o.dou, isn"t it too late to be saying that?""It doesn"t matter, does it? You"re a G.o.ddess, at least give me this much. Idefeated you last time, too, to the humans, there"s this thing called"preferential treatment for the winner", it wouldn"t be too far-fetched to doso.""... Hm.""The negotiation will be the same as what we had agreed on last time.You"ll tell me Perseus" secret, but if that girl had managed to deduce it fromher senses, it might be a little different from our initial agreement, but still,that shouldn"t be a problem, should it? Do you find the terms agreeable?"As G.o.dou finished, Athena casually nodded her head.Liliana seeing her worst fears become reality, could only cast her gazedownwards."Forget it, I"ll promise you. Although it didn"t go as I"d have liked it to, theboth of us stand to gain from this ending, it"s fine, isn"t it?""No, I have one condition."What is he going to request?Athena looked over at the boy, raising her brows."Although I"ll promise you, that one day I"ll listen to any one command ofyours, but this must never concern the people around me. The only oneinvolved and affected by your command will only be me.... Would that befine?""Though you had said that you agreed to the terms, you still demand foranother favorable condition for yourself?"Kusanagi G.o.dou had unabashedly thrown out his condition.Liliana was astonished to see such a serious and firm expression on hisface."Try to learn more about human society. Moreover, aren"t you theridiculous and willful one. Against someone as self-centered as you are,using unreasonable methods to deal with them, that is the way of theKusanagi family... And as you said, the result would be a gain for both ofus.""And if I refuse?""Then before that b.a.s.t.a.r.d hero comes back, I"ll take you on.... Even if youdefeat me, you still have to face Perseus in single combat, I highly doubtyou"ll take such huge risks."Watching the exchange between the G.o.ddess and the boy, Liliana finallyunderstood.Kusanagi G.o.dou was indeed a kind person, but he wasn"t naive.Showing others his sincerity, but at the same time, measuring the pros andcons, picking the best possible choice and telling them that he still has thepower and authority. This was a pleasant surprise for Liliana."Hm, finally picking up your pace, aren"t you?"Acknowledging his qualification, Athena laughed, and added,"Very well. In response to my request as a Queen, you have accordinglyreplied in the style of a King. How fitting of your status as a G.o.dslayer, andthus, I hereby agree with the deal.... girl."Athena lifted her finger from Liliana"s body.And pushed Liliana lightly with a tap from her finger.Just like that, she was sent flying, and was caught by the still shakyG.o.dou."One last thing, this way you"ll be able to completely see through his act -listen well, Perseus is a serpent-slayer from Babylon, and one of thosewho allowed that sun G.o.d to become a leader of the ancient east, was aperson of your pioneer empire."Person of the pioneer empire. Was she referring to a country that onceexisted on this soil?And then, a leader of the ancient east, sun G.o.d, that brilliant light that couldseal the power of Verethragna, which means that -Liliana, who was in the embrace of G.o.dou, understood at long last.The inspiration that she had gotten from Athena and the knowledge shepossessed as a mage had merged together, and she finally couldunderstand the true nature of Perseus, and with that, she heaved a sigh ofrelief.If that were the case, then having a power that could seal the divine powerof Verethragna was nothing unfathomable."Have you understood? Then, there"s nothing left to do... Kusanagi G.o.dou,the next time we meet will be after your battle has ended. The outcome ofthat battle, none can predict."Athena"s shape started to distort.The figure of the young girl began to shrink rapidly, becoming an owl withgrey feathers and pitch-black eyes.The G.o.ddess-turned-nocturnal bird flew off towards the horizon, andthen....His body swaying severely, Kusanagi G.o.dou collapsed to the ground alongwith Liliana whom he had been supporting."What"s wrong!? Please get a hold of yourself!""l-lt"s nothing. It looks like I haven"t fully purged the effects of the drug, andI can"t fully use my strength I"m sorry, I"ll have to leave things to youafter this...""I, I"m very sorry, for the sake of someone like me - !"Tightly hugging the weakened [King] to her chest, Liliana cried out.The footsteps of the night drew closer as twilight approached. Theappearance of the half-moon that hung high in the sky, seemed to her as ifit were laughing at them.Part 4"Has this all been your doing!?""Fufufu, since you"ve already made it here, yes, you"re correct, I am themastermind behind this incident! The culprit behind this strangephenomenon!"It looked as if it were an exchange from a cruel serial killer having the finalshowdown with a famed detective, as Erica Blandelli faced the immortaldevil king.Behind Erica who had chased him all the way here, was Mariya Yuri.It was only when she was truly angry that she revealed that chilling coldand strict expression. (She refers to Yuri here)Yuri"s feelings were understandable.Erica would have very much liked to thoroughly punish the failure of ahuman in front of her, and then teach him the proper way to live as anormal human being.At the northern end of the island of Sardinia, the outskirts of Alghero.They were going to meet up with Kusanagi G.o.dou who was in Naples, andjust as they began to move, a strange phenomenon occurred.Every electronic device had ceased to function.The electrical appliances in the house could not be turned on, the carwould not start, the gas was unusable, even the phone could not be used.Electrical, natural gas, steam, anything that was reliant on being poweredby these had been rendered useless."Erica-san, this is just like the time when Athena had descended uponTokyo....""I agree. If a [Heretic G.o.d] manifests here.... just when we were planning togo to G.o.dou"s side too, and such a troublesome thing had to happen."During the afternoon this day, in the rented villa that G.o.dou had oncestayed -The clearly worried Yuri had pointed out a question, and Erica nodded,with a not-so-happy look.For now, I"ll just probe around."Lucretia was currently seated beside the window, looking outside with anannoyed expression.She was using bread crumbs to attract birds, and then in a low voice,towards the sky, released the magic of [Bewitchment], a spell that turnedsmall animals into familiars.A magic art that could only be mastered by one possessing the dispositionof a witch, one of the arts of [Witchcraft].Even the publicly acknowledged genius Erica Blandelli could not perform it,hence they patiently waited for the results of Lucretia"s work.The old witch of Sardinia closed her eyes for a moment.The birds who had become her familiars most likely were sent to scout upto the inside of Alghero, and a highly-skilled witch like Lucretia, would beable to feel everything that her familiars saw and heard.And, through their eyes as an intermediary, [Spirit Vision] could beemployed.Though it would be nowhere as effective as Yuri"s, Lucretia knew quite afew spirit vision techniques."The area around us, a strange curse - enveloped in some kind ofcompelling force, even the whole city too, quite the large area ofinfluence.... equipment and devices used for a civilized life are beingdisabled, perhaps a barrier of [Restriction]?"Ten minutes had pa.s.sed before Lucretia slowly opened her eyes andexplained in a curt tone.The impatient Erica immediately tossed out a question."What about the harbor? Were the boats moving?""I"ve not looked into the exact details yet, but, even we have been affectedto this degree, it would be too unreasonable to a.s.sume that the boatswould be able to function. Even if we were able to get the boats working,there would most a.s.suredly be other influences that this phenomenon willhave, given the possibility of it having a ma.s.sive range of influence. If itwere me, I would not consider boats or planes to be a viable form oftransport.""I don"t doubt that. Truly a defeat, if we were to leave Sardinia, those twooptions simply cannot be discounted."Erica replied in a low voice to the languidly given report.She was considering her current options of escaping from the island."Erica-san, are you perhaps thinking of.... disregarding the phenomenonoccurring here, and heading straight for Naples?"Her beautiful features strained with anxiety, Yuri enquired.As expected, she"s sharp. She had already guessed what Erica wasthinking of from her expression."That"s right. Over there, G.o.dou is battling with the [Heretic G.o.d] - and itseems he had lost, but did not die. Right now, he is surely facing a crisis, ifI do not help him, who will?"The strange phenomenon that had occurred was indeed bothering her.How troublesome.However, she knew her priorities, Erica Blandelli, above everything else,was the most worried about Kusanagi G.o.dou - the Campione that sheloved.Travelling from Sardinia to Naples in about two to three hours wasabnormal.With regards to that, the power of the G.o.ds had to have been involved,some way or the other. Although G.o.dou was more strong-willed than hisappearance let on, but without sufficient support, he was a [King] thatcould not display his true strength.At any rate, she wanted to be at his side as soon as possible, even if itwere only an instant earlier.For the sake of this goal, whatever happened with the phenomenon onSardinia - she could not be bothered."B, but, Erica-sama, this is like that time in Tokyo, the area of influencemight very well be immense, right? Although the matter of G.o.dou-san"swell-being is worrying, there"s also the problem of whether we can leavethe island..."A troubled expression could be seen on Arianna Hayama Arialdi"s face."Even that Athena could not engulf the entire Tokyo in darkness, andSardinia is bigger than Tokyo. If we wanted to leave Alghero immediately,it would not be difficult to accomplish."Erica immediately rejected her personal maid"s uneasiness.Cars and motorcycles being non-functional would only affect normalpeople. For mages, they could easily employ magics that enhance theirmobility to reach the nearest city, or stables to obtain a horse.".... No. That is simply no good, Erica-san."The one who had suddenly stated that was Yuri."We must first resolve the disaster here, and then set out for Naples. Abarrier that can disable the functions of mechanisms, is not a spell that anormal mage is capable of. Without a doubt, this is the work of a [HereticG.o.d], or the magic of a similar existence.""Of course I know that. But, to me, G.o.dou is more important."Hearing those words, Erica could not help but frown, and replied."Thus, I"ve decided that I have to leave this place as fast as I can. Yuri,what about you? Aren"t you bothered by the fact that G.o.dou is fighting aG.o.d on his own?""Of course, I am worried! Unbearably so!"Yuri firmly responded, and her voice was trembling with unease.From that beautiful face, a resolute determination could be felt. She wasnot as strong nor as resourceful as Erica, but this girl was, at times, farmore courageous and n.o.ble than anyone else. This was the case now.In times like this, one would feel that Mariya Yuri was indeed aHime-Miko^^^ - in other words, a [Princess].She would control her personal feelings, and would care for people whoshe did not even know, speaking out for them, and understood theimportance of taking action."Besides Lucretia-san, the strongest person on this island is Erica-san. Ifyou were to leave, how would the situation turn out? This phenomenonwould continue, and if the damage radius increases even further, whoknows how much havoc that would cause.... You understand this, don"tyou?"A barrier that disabled the use of electrical devices and machines.If it were only to happen within the villa, the worst that might happen is tosuffer Lucretia"s complaints over the lack of air-conditioning, but, shouldthis affect the hospitals - who knows what terrible things might come of it.If some airplane were to accidentally enter this barrier - neither would thatturn out well.Erica took a deep breath.Her current self was neither calm nor public-spirited, a behaviorunbecoming of a knight that protects, but the priorities in her heart did notchange.There was no other choice. In this case, she would have to resolve theproblem the fastest she could and then rush towards Naples. To fulfill herresponsibilities and aid the people, this was all she could do for now.And thus, Erica and the others, began to spring into action -Those were the circ.u.mstances in which the girls bore a grim resolution.Arianna and Lucretia were on standby in the villa.Erica who had combat capabilities and Yuri who had spirit vision were toscout the area around.They began by splitting the workload this way, wanting to swiftly find theroot of the phenomenon, destroy it if possible. If not, they were to bring itback for investigation.- Perhaps they might encounter a [Heretic G.o.d], this expedition had quitethe risk attached.Yes, that was what they had intended."Somehow, I feel that everyone has become like Lucretia. Self-indulgent.""To that remark, I"m afraid I cannot comment..."They decided to head for the nearest street to gather information.Erica and Yuri who had decided that, moved towards a small street knownas Fertilia.Every single device or gadget of civilization were under [Restriction], whichpuzzled the residents greatly. For now, there were not any signs ofimminent danger...They sighed over the fact that they could not lead a civilized life, but on theother hand, they continued about their lives in laziness and luxury.Some were drinking beer and juice.Some, it might have been due to the unusable machines that they wereunable to work, were simply stoning and daydreaming.Others were outside simply because it was too hot inside, napping besidethe road or beneath the eaves.Erica and Yuri moved to and fro between these people. There were nobars or restaurants as it was a minor street, but there was still asupermarket.What surprised Erica was that familiar face she saw walking out from thesupermarket.A blond youth, skipping and humming as he left the supermarket, wearingan aloha shirt. Hugged to his chest was a bag from the supermarket, mostlikely filled with beer and snacks.He was singing something along the lines of "My ~ sun ~ "o ~ sole ~ mio"^^^."W, why is that person here.... What"s going on?""Erica-san, an acquaintance of yours?""Um, I guess so. If it"s just the name, I think Yuri should know it too."The two of them immediately hid themselves, exchanging whispers.Erica told Yuri the name, and she responded with an "Eeh!?" inexclamation."I think that this incident - the culprit behind the barrier, is very likely to behim.""E, Erica-san! It"s very impolite to be suspecting people with no proof orevidence. Doesn"t he come here occasionally, too!?""No, Yuri. If that person is here, then any strange incidents in the area,usually will have something to do with him.... I"ll follow him. And put an endto this right away!"From then, it was smooth sailing.Paying extra careful attention, using magic at times, that youth did noteven realize that he was being shadowed.As he was walking, he saw a bicycle that had been left at the side of road.He simply hopped onto it and rode off, placing the supermarket bag ontothe basket at the front of the bicycle, while humming, "Santa ~ Lu ~ cia",heading northwards.At once. Erica broke the lock of a nearby bicycle.With great difficulty, she placed the angry Yuri at the backseat, and went inhot pursuit, behind the youth who was riding the bicycle on the coastalroad.It was a relaxing trip, a journey accompanied by the sea breeze andsunset, and lasted for about twenty minutes.- A swimming area of a beach, with a parasol rental service.Perhaps it was due to the strange phenomenon that the beach was almostdeserted. In the sea that was dyed a fiery red from the sunset, there werestill quite a few people playing around, it was not completely devoid ofactivity, at the very least.The youth walked towards the beach.He headed towards a parasol that was at the edge of the beach. For somereason, there was a youth that had been tied up with ropes and an icebox."That"s Sir Andrea! As I thought, he"s up to no good! Yuri, follow me!""Y, yes!"The youth being bound by the ropes was Andrea Rivera, the person theyhad spoken to this morning.Erica dashed towards them, yelling."Sir Salvatore! Has this all been your doing!?""Fufufu, since you"ve already made it here, yes, you"re correct, I am themastermind behind this incident! The culprit behind this strangephenomenon!"The blond youth slowly turned his head, replying in a bold manner.This was of course, the [King of Swords] Salvatore Doni."G.o.dou seemed to be of the impression that I didn"t have any other tricksbesides knowing how to swing a sword, but in actual fact I still had this upmy sleeve. Shocking, isn"t it?""Rather than being shocked, it"s more of a sense of defeat, you giganticmoron...."The tied-up Rivera revealed a disgusted expression.It"s been hard on you. Erica sincerely felt sympathetic towards him.Even someone at the level of Genaro Gantz or the [Old Dame] of SaintPintoricchio would not easily escape."That reminds me, Sir Andrea, wliicli autliority was tine cause of tiiisplienomenon?""It was meant to be a closely guarded secret, but since this much hadalready happened, there"s no choice - it"s all this moron"s... ugh, with theauthority Sir Salvatore had gained from the G.o.d Vulcan, he is able toregress the level of civilization in the area back to the Middle Ages, forabout half a day..."In the middle of calling him a moron, Andrea had suddenly changed thetopic.The Roman fire G.o.d, Vulcan.The G.o.d of fire and blacksmithing, and in Greek mythology he was knownas Hephaestus - the divine attribute of invention.Salvatore Doni possessed four authorities, the first was a demonic swordthat cut through all, the second, an undying body of steel, and not muchwas known of the third and fourth authorities.Likely, they were trump cards to be used as a last resort, hence they weretop secret."Erica-san, please look at the area under Sir Salvatore"s feet."Hearing Yuri"s small voice. Erica did as told, looking at that spot.Doni smiled gleefully as he stood on a revolving board that was carvedwith the Latin words [nudus ara] and [sere nudus]. The meaning of thosewords were [Plow nude] and [Sow nude]. Words of the poet Hesiod.Was this the source of the phenomenon?She glanced aside at Yuri, who nodded. As I thought..... Afterwards, this authority came to be known as [Return to MedievalStyle].Ironically, this was an authority obtained from a G.o.d of invention, yet itseffect was to seal modern inventions. Erica was stunned, but glared at the[King] anyway."My lord. I"ve heard that a [Heretic G.o.d] has descended upon Naples, andKusanagi G.o.dou is in the midst of fighting it, would you happen to knowthe details of it?""Ah - about that, I think it"s at a stalemate right now. That"s what Andreatold me.""Miss Erica, that"s the same thing as what we spoke about on the phonethis morning. The [Heretic G.o.d] Perseus has retreated temporarily, and itwould not be long before battle broke out once more."Erica was a little relieved, but this news was too old.She had to hurry and meet up with G.o.dou and confirm his condition, henceshe had to quickly think of a way to deal with this person, returning thesurroundings to a normal state."Sir Salvatore, to begin with, for what purpose have you come here?""Nothing important, really. I was swallowed up by the waves back inNaples and got swept all the way here. Speaking of which, Andrea, for thepurpose of checking on G.o.dou"s movements, had come to Sardiniayesterday. The moment I was washed up here, I managed to contact himimmediately and subsequently met up with him."After which, Doni had begun coming up with this plan, to prevent Erica andthe others from leaving this place.He had found out about Rivera who had tried to warn them, and disabledhim.When he had thought of restricting the communications and transportationmeans, he used the authority of Vulcan, and then brought the tied-upAndrea to the beach, and had some vacation time.What happened afterwards was the current situation.... just hearing aboutthis rendered one speechless, it was just absurd."Then, since this plan has been exposed, I only have one thing left to do."Doni suddenly said.He stood up sluggishly, his arms hanging loosely.Though he did not hold any swords, but there was no doubt that this wasthe [King of Swords]" combat stance. Erica swallowed a breath."Sir Salvatore, why do you wish to stop us?"Erica began to utilize her magic while asking.She opened the palm of her right hand, and summoned her beloved swordCuore di Leone."Because I would like G.o.dou to become even stronger faster.... If you"re byhis side, it would bring a lot of conveniences for him, hence I would like himto fight this difficult battle alone... It is only in a solitary battle that a warriorcan grow the fastest, that"s how it is."Doni smiled wryly.His ever-present carefree att.i.tude, twisted logic, it was this side of him thatpeople could confirm that he was not a normal youth."Hm, at any rate, I"ll just cause you to be unable to stand up for one, twohours. And as for the lady from j.a.pan there, maybe I"ll give her a specialservice, so she won"t have to suffer any pain. Shall I start, or will you?"It was as though he were asking you how much sugar you would like inyour coffee.Erica heaved a sigh. The [King of Swords] before her eyes was thestrongest swordsman in Europe, there was no chance of her winning.Though she had accepted that fact in her heart, she still charged forthfearlessly.Employing small tricks against him had no meaning, even if he had saidthat he"ll go easy on her, he was still a formidable foe.In that case, she decided to go all out right away, and she closed in for theattack.Fast, and nimbly -Like a flash of lightning, Cuore di Leone was thrust forward, straighttowards the body of the [King of Swords]."You, and also Liliana Kranjcar, aren"t quite there yet, huh...."Simultaneously, as those words were whispered in a quiet voice, Ericasuddenly found herself flying through the air.Her body drew a parabola curve as it flew through the air, finally collapsingin an undignified heap on the sands."Ugh...!"She wasn"t sure when she had been thrown, but when she had thought offinding something to break her fall, she had already hit the ground, theimpact spreading throughout her body.Completely unaware of what he had done, it was a G.o.dlike technique.Erica wanted to get up, but she could not find the strength.It was as he had said, she was unable to move for the time being. Shecould not detect any broken bones or heavy injuries, seems that even thedegree of damage had been perfectly controlled.Seeing the defeated lioness Erica glaring at him, Doni waved his hands."Well, that"s about it. Since I"ve been discovered already, it"s about time Ireturn to Naples. I want to watch G.o.dou"s fight with the G.o.d up close - whois he fighting? Athena?""It should still be Perseus, I think Athena is only tagging along."Rivera replied with a very troubled look on his face.Nodding, Doni turned his attention to Yuri. He quickly pulled out hisremaining length of rope while humming, and walked towards her."Eh? S-Sir Salvatore, what are you going to do to me!? If you are a King,then please be - ah, please stop!""I said I won"t let you get hurt, that"s why I gotta do this. Don"t worry, ropesare one of my specialties, there won"t be any marks.""K, KYAAAAAAAAAAA!?"And thus, Yuri"s hands and legs were tied up.Doni then stomped the revolving board with Latin words written into pieces."With that, we"ll return to a civilized life once more.... And next, I"ll simplyboard a random boat and head for Naples. You guys can take your time tocome, there"s no need to rush!"Doni left that last sentence with the knight lying on the ground and thetied-up Hime-Miko.All of the above, were the exact details of the turmoil that he had causedon the island of Sardinia.References1. t A flashback2. t For further information on hime-miko, please read on to Volume 5- it"s simply too troublesome3. t He"s singing ["O sole mio], a Neapolitan song written in 1898

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