
Chapter 7 - Unruly Devil King, Sun"s HeroPart 1He was walking under the night sky in Naples.Bringing with him Liliana Kranjcar, Kusanagi G.o.dou finally arrived at SantaLucia district, and they slowly made their way on foot through the bustlingstreet.Even though there had been such a huge commotion the previous day, thecrowds still filled the streets.If this were j.a.pan, it would definitely have become as deserted as a boaton the verge of sinking, that even the rats would be gone. As expected ofItaly, and the residents of Naples famous for their optimism.G.o.dou was strolling in that city.The one who had an appointment with him here was that handsomehero-sama, but he should be drawing closer from the other side too. Ifyou"re going to come, come out faster.His mind thinking over that, the sound of a flute reached his ears.A flute, but the sound did not seem to be the clear sound of an instrument,but rather a simple nostalgic feeling, leaving people with a deepimpression, it was a sorrowful yet incredible melody.G.o.dou looked towards the crowds.Towards the source of the melody.It was shocking to see the handsome youth standing in the middle of thecrowd, blowing a gra.s.s whistle.The people, who had noticed this performance, had quickly cleared awayand made way for him.Their behavior was almost like they had only noticed the sound of the flutefor the first time. No, surely that was the case. The beautiful youth [HereticG.o.d]"s divine power must have had something to do with this.Using his majesty as a G.o.d, causing the humans to give way of their ownvolition.Those who laid their eyes upon him, wore a trance-like expression.An appearance that caused people to feel that he was cosplaying, thehandsome youth dressed in pure white. But somehow, he gave off theimpression of someone special, a sacred existence, a result of the innatecharm of a G.o.d."Well met again, G.o.dslayer. You"ve kept me waiting."The hero smiled.G.o.dou walked towards him, with Liliana following behind. The surroundingpeople parted and gave way, hence it was not too much of a task to arriveright before Perseus."How should I address you from now? Should I continue calling youPerseus?""...Ho."Perseus, like a brilliant sun, revealed a smile on his beautiful face. Hethrew aside the gra.s.s whistle which was a leaf from some unknown tree,and replied,"Have you discovered my secret? Did Athena tell you?""That"s how it is. I never expected that a G.o.d would lie when giving hisname.""If you"ll allow me to explain, that isn"t a false name, as I have manydifferent names. The "One who came from the East" is an especiallyfamous one... I had concluded that this name is the most widely acceptedone, nowadays."He smiled like someone who had played a trick.Even with this kind of expression, he was still very charming, truly, thisbeautiful youth was a despicable character."I will not allow you to use my other name casually, it"s fine if you continueto address me as Perseus... you might be surprised to know this, but I"msomeone who likes to be in the spotlight."Totally not surprising. Though our time together has been short, G.o.doualready knew this very well.G.o.dou, tensing his muscles, took no notice of Perseus" refusal.This man who liked playing tricks - the one who wanted to be referred to asPerseus, was very strong. If he did not fight with all his might, it would noteven be close to a fair fight."... If that"s the case, I think there"s a better place to do this. A place wider,bigger, which would catch the eye of more people, and allow them all towatch our battle.""Ho?""Since we"re going to do battle, let"s do it there... Liliana, please lead theway."Nodding her head with a simple "Understood.", Liliana took the lead.The new location for their duel had already been decided when the two ofthem were making their way here in a discussion.Behind the chivalrous and calm female knight, the Campione andhandsome G.o.d followed.On the bustling street of Naples, even though it was nighttime, it was stillvery bright.The three of them walked on the road, the goers automatically giving way,because they were attracting a large amount of attention -Is something special going to happen?The surrounding people had such a question hanging on their faces,looking towards them.They proceeded under the gaze of the crowds, like a wrestler making hisway to the ring, and the wrestler would try to display his power on the way.... It was hard to believe that this small journey would end up becoming soepic.G.o.dou was rather stressed out over this unexpected development."I see, this was quite the good suggestion. If it"s this place, the ma.s.seswould be able to properly appreciate our battle, it"s a great place for ourfinal showdown!"Inspecting the location Liliana had brought them to, Perseus nodded,satisfied.It was a particularly famous tourist sightseeing attraction, in the SantaLucia district.- Piazza del Plebisito. It was a semi-circle shaped plaza, with a great view.In this plaza, there were two buildings of historical significance.The church of San Francesco di Paola.Palazzo Reale Di Napoli. In other words, the royal palace of Naples.Adjacent to the royal palace were one of the three great opera houses ofItaly, Teatro San Carlo, and also Castel Nuovo, a castle constructed duringthe same age as the Castel dell"Ovo.In short, this was a random collection of famous sites.Hence, even in the night, there were many people, but when Perseus hadentered the plaza, they had in turn maintained their distance.The people formed a large circle around the perimeter, wanting to seewhat happens next.It was as though this were a movie shoot with many extras.In this situation, G.o.dou was like the one playing the villain, about to dobattle with the good-looking protagonist, as he followed behind Perseus,embarra.s.sed.Halfway through, they had to force their way through the crowd, and hiseyes met with Liliana"s, who was in the front row.Her immediate nodding of her head in response was rea.s.suring.- Thus, the G.o.d and the Campione stood in the center of attention, in themiddle of the square, facing each other.Perseus summoned his sword out of thin air.On the other side, G.o.dou was barehanded.This time, he should not choose an incomplete weapon. Against the herowho was victorious yesterday, he had to go all out in his first attack, whichmeant that he should pick -"To not use your other name casually.... You did say that, right?"Even the simplest of words could be turned into words of power, a sacredsword.The golden secret sword that rend G.o.ds.However, the trump card that was his strongest weapon, to what extendcould its potential be reached this time?His other forms having been sealed, antic.i.p.ating that the [Sword] would bean exception, this way of thinking was somewhat weak. Yet, he did notcare, he would simply go ahead."Excuse me, but I will not be able to do that. I"ll say this first.... the One whocame from the east, the Invincible Sun Heliogabalus - you who possessesmany aliases, the name that you conceal is Mithras, the sun G.o.d born onwinter solstice. That is the other you!"At that moment, G.o.dou reinforced his resolve, and in one breath, pulledout the [Sword].Enveloping the surrounding in light, the words from his mouth becomingwords of power, and the light spheres that turned golden, it as the weaponused by the [Warrior], the last form of Verethragna - the spell words of the[Sword]."The hero of light, Mithras. This is the name you have hidden!"He started with the restrained first sword.G.o.dou controlled the many lights of the [Sword], and slashed towardsPerseus/Mithras. In return for that arrow the day before, he did not holdback at all."Hoho - you had concealed such an ability? Hahaha, truly magnificent!"The Mithras who called himself Perseus moved, at a speed like a whitepanther.Instantly jumping back, dodging the sword of light."You were originally known only as Perseus - the Man who came from theEast, the stranger who had saved the princess Andromeda from the giantserpent, a serpent-slayer and a skilled swordsman... originally you wereonly thus."G.o.dou, who had caused Perseus to step back, extended the [Sword].Countless lights like the stars, illuminated the entire plaza, each and everyof those lights weapons to kill Perseus/Mithras."Since ancient times, the serpent - and the dragon, the heroes that foughtthese were many, and you were one of the prime examples. A hero whostruck down the serpent and saved the beautiful maiden. What were theirreasons for doing battle with the serpents? This was because serpents anddragons which were, by the former rulers of the divine world, the greatG.o.ddesses of the land - they had reduced them to these forms due to theirevil nature."Now, G.o.dou"s mind still had the knowledge of the time when Athena wasstill a G.o.ddess of the land.If he did not begin to understand from this part, he would not be able tounderstand the nature of the [Serpent-Slayer]. In the primeval world thatthese G.o.ddesses had been worshipped as the highest of G.o.ds, the [Lady]had possessed the most authority. This was knowledge that had beengained from that time when he fought against Athena.This wisdom was shaped into words of power, into the radiance of the[Sword].In order to make keen this radiance, G.o.dou continued to chant the wordsof power."The Queens of the divine world struck down those that were known asdemonic beasts. The result was the collapse of the world where theG.o.ddesses reigned, and with that came the world where warriors withbronze and metal weaponry reigned. With the coming of an age wheremilitary strength ruled the countries, and the mission of the heroes of steellike you, was to carve out such a new world of violence!"The preparations were done, what would the result be like?In response to G.o.dou"s words of power, the light spheres that circledaround Perseus began to speed up."Hm - Is this something like those flight implements? What strange wordsof power."The hero murmured to himself, his interest piqued.The sword in his hand vanished, and in its place appeared a longbow,along with a quiver on his back, of course, within the quiver were multipletens of arrows."If that"s the case, then I shall exchange blows with you by my bow. Come,let us see whose technique reigns supreme!"In contrast to Perseus who was giving off a manly smile, G.o.dou did nothave that kind of allowance.Desperately chanting the words of power, he gathered his [Sword]."I am the dragon of injustice, the strongest and the most wicked ofbutchers! The sword that protects the men and women of righteousness,obey me!"An infinite amount of light spheres answered G.o.dou, gathering, formingtens of swords.A golden formation of swords.The swords were aimed directly at Perseus, surrounding him from allsides."In that case, by the sun that rises from the east, grant me strength!Bestow upon me the strength to crush my comrade Verethragna!"Perseus had also begun chanting his own words of power.A halo appeared behind him, standing as proof of the Man from the East"sident.i.ty as the sun G.o.d.That light was a powerful ability that he had gained from Mithras, the G.o.dwho came from the east that had a.s.similated into Roman mythology, whichwas also the origin of the troublesome ability that could seal Verethragna.G.o.dou made up his mind, and in a single breath, released the golden[Sword]."Right now, I have borrowed the divine protection of the sun, to fire thisone arrow. Young G.o.dslayer, a light, when present before another yetwhose radiance its own will lose its splendor, learn this lessonwell!"At the same time, Perseus fired an arrow towards the moon in the sky.The single arrow soared high into the heavens - and then split intohundreds of lights that bathed the ground, and the [Sword] that was. .h.i.t bythe rain of light dissolved, much like an ice cube beneath a hot summersun.As I thought, this won"t work? That"s really a troublesome ability."G.o.dou griped about his opponent"s troublesome power.How is it? Perseus who had said that to him puffed out his chest. Hischildishness was overflowing, yet his charm and charisma as a hero didnot diminish.Strong to the point of causing others to click their tongues.Though his comprehensive capabilities could not be thought of to behigher than Athena"s, G.o.dou"s affinity against him was comparativelyworse than with Athena. As long as he carried the aspect of Mithras, thehero of light, any attack against him was ineffective.- Even so, G.o.dou did not plan on going down without a fight.He renewed his a.s.sault.If the opponent"s ability was troublesome, then he would just have to seal itfirst. If that plan did not work, then he would have no chance at victory. Atany rate, it was better than hesitating.In order to revive the [Sword] that had partially disappeared, he continuedto chant the words of power."The second name that you"ve hidden - Mithras. The place that this divinitywas worshipped, reigning over the center of the world, is the RomanEmpire that we all know of. The people of that country worshipped thedivinities that were introduced from foreign places, becoming new religions,a broad-minded and perfunctory inclination."Yes, G.o.ds introduced from foreign places.For example Cybele from Asia Minor, Isis from Egypt, and even Moses.The early Roman Empire had introduced many different G.o.ds from manydifferent places, prophets and beliefs, and then reinforced it with their ownadjustments, and the origin divinities had turned into G.o.ds which were filledwith the style and culture of Rome.Among those G.o.ds, Mithras was included."The foreign G.o.d IVIithras" homeland was Persia, to the east of Rome, andanother G.o.d that also came from the east, Heliogabalus - the Greek sunG.o.d that had its own palace at the end of the east, the G.o.d that was called"Sol" in Rome!"Continuing to speak out words of power crafted from the origins of thehero, the light of the [Sword] began to intensify again.Likewise, the halo behind Perseus glowed brighter and brighter.He raised his longbow once more, nocked an arrow, any further and itwould be a repeat of earlier. However - !"The [Sun G.o.d] that was one and the same as [One who came from theeast]. The careless Roman people, unintentionally, had thought ofHeliogabalus as Mithras, and then with yet another [The Man from theEast] - Perseus, was added into the mix!"If the power of Mithras could seal Verethragna, then he would have to startfrom that point.Even if it meant using the words of power of the [Sword]. If he could notsucceed at this, then the outcome would be decided, there was no roomfor hesitation.Like professional gamblers who have gone all-in, G.o.dou would decideeverything with this.The overflowing light from the words of power. The [Sword] that had beenbestowed upon him by Liliana, expanded significantly."The Man from the East - what was hidden beneath this name was, theancient Romans that had combined the Greek hero Perseus withHeliogabalus, and also the Persian sun G.o.d as one ent.i.ty, only theRomans who had loose and generous religious beliefs, could be capableof performing this drastic move. You are not the hero of the ancientGreeks...! In the Roman Empire that did not have a single unified belief ofthe G.o.ds, you are just an emergent hero G.o.d!""Fufu, though you have a way with your words, but what should be usefulon the battlefield is a weapon of steel!"Perseus who had been surrounded by a mult.i.tude of [Swords] fired anarrow again.The rings of the [Sun] behind his back flared up brilliantly.The released arrow turned into a thousand shafts of light that burst forth,and the [Sword] was vanquished immediately. However, at the same time,G.o.dou continued to create new swords.The target of the [Sword], from Perseus to Mithras - to be narrowed down."Why is my power of Verethragna largely ineffective against Mithras? Theanswer is simple. The G.o.d who came from the east Mithras, his origincould be traced back to Mitra - Verethragna"s master!"The secret of the G.o.ds that Liliana had told him.Before the appearance of Verethragna, the previous [Persian Warlord] wasthe sun G.o.d Mitra. Whether it was in Latin or Greek, his name would beread as Mithras.Guessing what G.o.dou was aiming for, Perseus fired off another arrow.Though he only saw Perseus firing off one lone arrow, but from this arrowalone, burst forth tens of arrows of light that pierced the [Swords], and whatwas like the stars of the starry sky disappeared one by one.However, the [Sword] that were converted from targeting Perseus toMithras were untouched.Though the amount was not much, what remained was still about a quarterof the original amount."The leader of the ancient east, Mitra, who was your original form, thepower with the capability to seal the G.o.d Verethragna! That"s why firstly, Ihave to sever that power of the sun!"The spell words of the [Sword] had almost run out, hence G.o.dou releasedthe remainder in a single breath.G.o.dou extended his hand towards the precious weapon, and the gatheringgolden light formed into a giant sword, and the divine sword of gold wascreated."Verethragna, rejecting the rule of the King of the Sun? Don"t get ahead ofyourself!"Knowing that he was about to lose that absolute advantage of his, Perseusyelled out in a loud voice."Truly you are my sworn enemy, G.o.dslayer! ....Hahaha, although I hadforgotten about it, I"ll take this opportunity to ask you! G.o.dslayer, tell meyour name, Perseus will hereby acknowledge you as the man who becamemy sworn enemy, I will remember it well!""My name is Kusanagi G.o.dou! But, I don"t think there"s a need for you toremember it!""No, I have already fully committed it to my memory, now let us continueour battle!"The hero excitedly shouted his reply to G.o.dou"s introduction of his name.Are the heroes of old all the same as him? If that"s the case, I definitelydon"t want to get to know them better. I"m not Salvatore Doni, to be able tochat and drink beer with people whom I have been slashing away at asenemies an hour earlier. It"s regrettable, but I don"t have this kind ofinterest. Realizing the cultural gap between him and the G.o.d, G.o.dou tightlygripped a golden sword.He continued to forge the [Sword] that was meant to rend Mithras."Your peak was before the beginning of the third century, the time whenHeliogabalus became the Emperor of the Roman Empire, he was a tyrantof extreme decadence. Heliogabalus then impersonated the name ofMithras, threw aside the ancient G.o.ds of Rome, and became your highestpriest!"^""]"Correct, Kusanagi G.o.dou! You knew even that!"While answering, he fired off arrows of light.G.o.dou moved the [Sword] slightly, waving it and fending them off."However he was by his own guards, ending his rule inmerely four years. Even though you were a G.o.d worshipped by theEmperor, you could not stand at the summit of the G.o.ds. In replacement,the Son of G.o.d^^^ with the heart of compa.s.sion took your place as thetarget of the religions" worship, conquering the religious world of theRomans!"313 AD, the legalization of Christianity by the Milan Edict.It was an opportunity, for the once persecuted Christianity to become thestate religion of both the eastern and western Roman Empire. The tableswere turned, and they arrogantly branded other religions of divinities as[Paganism], persecuting them, and included amongst these, was of coursethe Invincible sun G.o.d.- Therefore, these words of power would be the last sword to finish offMithras.G.o.dou as though brandishing his sword, threw his weapon towardsPerseus. The golden sword flew, like an arrow, straight and true,Perseus used his longbow to guard against the a.s.sault.However, G.o.dou"s sword destroyed the longbow, and the sword of goldenlight embedded itself in the hero"s powerful body.In the next second, there was an explosion of pure light.The powerful Shockwave sent both G.o.dou and the hero flying through theair.Part 2The amount of time the two of them were down for, were a few tens ofseconds."... To have severed the [Mithras] that is contained within my body?Though the method wasn"t magnificent, it was still quite impressive,Kusanagi G.o.dou!"Exhilarated, the hero picked himself up.Now, the only name remaining for him was "Perseus". Before the damageis recovered, the name of "Mithras" that was severed by the [Sword] had nomeaning.Seeing the energetic figure before him, G.o.dou surrept.i.tiously nodded hishead.That previous attack was the [Sword] that slew Mithras, and just as hethought, it did no damage against the divinity of Perseus, but that could notbe helped, as he could not have asked for a better outcome.Furthermore, he had been lucky beyond his expectations.Previously, when he had changed the [Sword]"s target from Apollo to Osirisin his attack, he suffered from an immense fatigue due to that, but this timeround he did not feel any of the aftereffects. It was probably because hedid not force himself as much as that time, when he forcefully changed thenature of the ability.- While he was thinking, Perseus started to move.When he had noticed it, Perseus had appeared right in front of him, andthen grabbed his left arm, casually flinging him aside, sending G.o.douflying." - Guha! What ridiculous strength...!"G.o.dou smashed into a white stone pillar.Fortunately his head was not the point of impact, but his back was partiallyembedded into the wall.In the Piazza Plebiscite which had become a battlefield, this was betweentwo historical buildings, San Francesco di Paola church and the royalpalace of Naples.At the facade of the former, the church, there were many pillarsconstructed from white stone, and it had thusly become a rather famoussightseeing spot.G.o.dou had been thrown onto one of the pillars..... The impact had been ma.s.sive. Though he did not have any priorexperience, it probably felt like being hit by a truck."Since the olden times, wrestling was never a warrior-only technique, itwas also a sport for the Perhaps you might have already knownthis as well. Come, let us test our skills!""No way I"ll do it! I"m an exemplar modern person, I didn"t have that kind ofupbringing!"G.o.dou retorted instinctively. Perseus should have been referring to mixedmartial arts, but there was no way G.o.dou had those kinds of martial artsskills.While standing up, G.o.dou felt a chilling sensation.His body was unable to exert its full flexibility, due to the impact to his backregion. His body was hurting all over, and Perseus slowly approached.He had no choice but to fight, and G.o.dou caught sight of a beautiful girl inhis field of vision.While feeling confused about the fight between G.o.d and Campione, were watching in a trance-like state. They did not number over athousand, but it was at least a few hundred.And standing at the front of the audience was a beautiful silver-haired girl,an expression of anxiety, as though she wanted to call out her magicsword and stand between G.o.dou and the hero.G.o.dou hurriedly tried to tell her "it"s still too early" through his expression,looking straight at Liliana.When doing battle with a divinity that possessed many strange andpowerful authorities, it would be best not to show your entire hand at once,or the possibility of a complete wipeout would be high.A more practical way would be to judge the flow of combat, then graduallyincreasing your combat strength, that would be more efficient.It was like switching players out in the middle of a soccer or baseballmatch, Liliana felt rather regretful, and she loosened her tense shoulders, itseems that she had realized his intentions."... For I am strongest amongst the strong. Truly, I am one that holds eachand every victory. I care not whom challenges me, whether man or devil; Imay face all my foes and all my enemies. Regardless, I shall crush allthose who wouldst stand in my way!"G.o.dou recited the words of power.The sacred hymn of Verethragna that declared of being the strongest andof victory. Visualizing that image. That of the heroic and indomitable,horned divine beast - the incarnation of the [Bull]."O" mighty bull that possesseth the horns of shining gold, grant me youraid!"As one with G.o.dou"s determination, the pain in his body gradually left him.At times like tiiis, tine adrenaline that rushes through the Campione"s body,is roughly a hundred times higher than that of a normal person. Because ofhow haphazard their bodies are, in battle, even if their bones break, innerorgans get pierced, they can endure the pain."Oo, using a new power? With the divine power of transformation that youobtained from that war G.o.d, what kind of power will it be this time!?"Perseus grabbed hold of him again, while shouting.Does he intend on throwing me again? However, my strength won"t loseout to his this time.The activation condition for the [Bull] was for the opponent to possesssuperhuman strength. If the foe was Perseus, then there would be noproblem - !G.o.dou grabbed onto Perseus body while bending back, and flung himbackwards splendidly.This time was the beautiful hero"s turn to be sent flying through the air andsmashing into the stone pillar."Hahaha, you do understand after all! Magnificent, come, give me anotherattack!"Perseus stood up, laughing in a loud voice.The look in his eyes started to get more serious, perhaps the attack haddone no damage.G.o.dou went "hmph" with his nose.Though he was slightly disappointed, but G.o.dou did not plan on fightingwith the hero of the myths for too long. Because he had a more efficientand realistic battle plan, G.o.dou held back his thoughts of shame andtouched the stone pillar..... The him of now possessed a superhuman strength.A strength that was not generated by muscle, but a strange, supernaturalpower.When using the incarnation of the [Bull], he only needed to place his feeton the land, and a burning hot power would flow from his feet to the rest ofhis body, that should be the source of this strange power.G.o.dou used both his arms to hug the white stone pillar of San Francescodi Paola church.The pillars crafted of beautiful stone in the front of the church were aboutfour, five meters tall, of pure limestone. Of course, they were firmly fixedinto the ground, and onto the church above."O, 000000000000000!!"In sync with his roar, his mind focused.The power of the [Bull] had one absurd characteristic, that is when thetarget of this authority is heavier, the strength also increases in proportion.In a direct comparison of strength with Perseus, he could probably bethrown away for a distance of roughly over ten meters, but right here infront of the church, with his full strength -... Creak... Crack... Unpleasant sounds could be heard from the pillar.Cracks began to appear at the top of the pillar, and G.o.dou felt that it wasalmost ready. In one breath, he plucked out the pillar - no, more accurately,he broke it off.It was such an unbelievable sight, even though that he was the one whodid it, G.o.dou still felt dumbfounded by it.Like Popeye, the one who gained superhuman strength after eatingspinach, or Judge Samson from the Old Testament who pulled down thepillars of the Temple of Dagon, that kind of feat.(By the way, this church was designed in the early nineteenth century bythe famous architect Pietro Bianchi, which the Pope recognized as abuilding of historical significance. The act of damaging this building wouldprobably incur divine wrath.)Without thinking, G.o.dou swung that pillar back and forth -With a heavy impact, he struck Perseus.No, to use the verb [struck] would be a gross understatement, it was likeusing those industrial cranes with the gigantic steel ball used for demolitionto attack Perseus."Ngh! What terrific strength!"Perseus used both his hands to protect his face, and G.o.dou forcefullypummeled him flat out on the ground.The stone pillar being used as a weapon of brutality was made oflimestone, hence it broke into pieces after a short while. Shaking off thedust on his body, the hero then glared at G.o.dou with a sharp gaze.It was neither hateful nor angered, but rather a look of determination andappreciation of the aggression shown."You too are a man known as a King, and I feel that you should use a morefitting weapon - But this is fine too, although I still wish for your actions tobe more beautiful!"While still speaking, he spread out his arms, and Perseus kicked off theground.A tackle with a lowered body. It might have been a technique fromwrestling or pankration"-^^. However, they were not competing in theirfighting skills, but rather this was a free style, no holds barred deathmatch.- Therefore, G.o.dou threw the remains of the stone pillar.Taking only weight into account, the weight of the pillar in this situationmust have been at least a hundred kilograms.He threw, with the supernatural power of the [Bull], and with KusanagiG.o.dou"s past experience as a skilled baseball catcher, he had confidencein his throwing power and control.Puuun!!What was formerly a stone pillar gave off a terrific noise from the airturbulence as it moved through the air.Perseus jumped aside, dodging the stone pillar, and on where he hadstood moments ago, near the stone steps, the remains of the stone pillarmissed its target, smashing onto the ground and then rolling aside."I"m sorry, but using improper methods to obtain victory is my favorite thingto do. I don"t intend on listening to your request, like having anothermagnificent and grand duel.""Is that so... Fine, then you may use your own preferred methods to displayyour strength."Perseus" favorite sword appeared in tiiin air, and iiis liand firmly grasped it."It"s not fair if only you use a weapon, so let us do battle, with this sword inmy hand."The words this time marked the start of a magnificent fight.G.o.dou broke off yet another pillar from the San Francesco di Paola church.With that he swung, he threw, he struck, and he threw down.His foe, Perseus was moving like a white panther on flatlands, running,jumping, dodging. And then, with his body that was as solid as steel, heventured to withstand a blow from the stone pillar, causing it to shatter intopieces.Whether it was the offensive or defensive side, this was a battle betweenextraordinary supermen..... On a related note, the audience, upon seeing the tragedy of destructionunfold, finally regained their senses, screaming, shouting, sighing,breaking out into chaos. The crowds began shouting and yelling, scurryingaway into the surroundings, and the situation had become a state of panic.I hope no one gets hurt -However even as G.o.dou looked onto their panicked states, he grewworried.No one was foolish enough to stumble into this plaza that was a battlefieldbetween supermen, but in their jostling and shoving in that chaos, mightcause someone to be injured, and that caused him to worry.Before the start of the fight, G.o.dou was constantly troubled over that. Bynow, he had already fought with all his might for roughly ten minutes -Piazza Plebiscite had been reduced to a vacant land, like ruins.On the stone pavement of the plaza, pieces of limestone had beenscattered all over, in the form of small pebbles or rubble.The church, with the white pillars like a cloistered corridor now destroyed,any trace of resemblance to its original self had vanished along with them.Most of the pillars having been removed by G.o.dou, and thus, theexemplary historic building that used to be the Roman church, became ascene of devastation.It had been such a huge sacrifice, and yet Perseus remained relativelyunhurt."Hahaha, well fought. However, it"s about time to end this!"Tightly gripping his sword, the hero shouted.With the nimbleness of a white panther, with speed that made him seemlike a meteor, G.o.dou could not even see his figure.His foe was fast, and there was also a ma.s.sive gap between their meleecombat capabilities.Although G.o.dou could still hold on with the range of his weapon and hisown reflexes, the odds were heavily against him. The pillars were almostfully smashed up, and with that his sources of weapons ran low..... G.o.dou remembered about Liliana.Should he call her here, and leave the defense to her? After consideringthat, G.o.dou immediately shook his head.Against someone who had that level of speed, even if the two of themattacked at once, it would not make much of a difference.Before the battle, he had heard from her that her trump card - was on parwith Erica"s [Spell Words of Golgotha], and he wanted to make use of it ata better time.- He would have to rely on his own power to get out of this situation, andgrit his teeth, withstanding the blows he was going to take.G.o.dou steadied his resolve.His lips twisting to the side, he revealed a grim smile, and threw aside thestone pillar in his hands."All of the enemies before me, fear me."From his mouth escaped words of power.Perseus sped towards him, thrusting his sword out in a direct piercingattack.Unleashing a thrust of certain kill, it seems - just the right timing.G.o.dou took the attack head on without dodging. One of the reasons forthat was that the attack had been simply too fast to evade."Every sinner shall tremble before my power. Now is the time, that I obtainthe toughness often mountains, the strength of a hundred rivers, and thepower of a thousand camels! Upon my mighty self, I shall bear the symbolof the raging camel!"While chanting the words of power, he was penetrated by the sword.His chest was pierced into by the thick, heavy blade.Perseus wanted to run him through completely, devastate his body, and riphim open from the back - !"What?"Perseus murmured, with uncertainty.As expected of the serpent-slaying hero, his senses were impressive, ashe had noticed the unusual circ.u.mstances that had happened to hisopponent.Even with the sword pierced into his body, G.o.dou raised his left leg, andkicked out sharply. He had, with his unsteady body, kicked forward directlyat Perseus" chest, sending him flying.G.o.dou was an amateur at martial arts. However, this kick was at a levelthat surpa.s.sed those of every human martial artist.An awesome kick, as though he were swinging a steel hammer.If it had hit a concrete floor, most likely the floor would be smashed intopieces." - Guh!?"It was the first time he had heard Perseus let out a pained gasp.His st.u.r.dy, strong body was kicked away, sending him flying back overtwenty meters.At the same time, the sword that was embedded in G.o.dou"s chest waspulled out, flying back with the hero." - Gah!"This time it was G.o.dou who let out the gasp of pain. The blade wasremoved from his body suddenly, and fresh blood began to flow out fromthe wound.It hurts, ithurtsithurtsithurtsithurts, itsoutrageouslypainfullThe pain from the stab wound began to fade slowly, and though it was stillvery painful, it was a degree that was more tolerable, and the blood hadclotted.This was the ability of the [Camel] incarnation, r.e.t.a.r.ding the sensation ofpain, and gaining an abnormal endurance.On top of that, the strength and power of his legs skyrocketed. If he wereto challenge a Muay Thai master at a battle of kicks now, he was confidenthe would easily win. Furthermore, the destructive power was -... In G.o.dou"s field of vision, he saw a white meteor accelerating towardshim.With such terrifying speed, perhaps it was moving more rapidly than astraight fastball from a Major League ace pitcher.However, before he even realized it, G.o.dou"s right leg had already entereda defensive motion.An excellent high kick. It was impressive that Perseus had somehowmanaged to defend against it, but his defense was smashed right throughby the kick.... The body of the hero soared through the air once again.The distance travelled in flight was roughly fifty meters this time, andPerseus flew from the devastated building of San Francesco di Paolachurch all the way to the opposite side, the wall of the royal palace ofNaples."Guah!?"The walls of the royal palace had been constructed with dull orange bricks.A gigantic hole like that of a volcano crater was created, and with a heavythump, the body of Perseus fell onto the stone floor of Piazza Plebiscite.Parts.... Even he himself thought that the destructive power was absurdlyshocking. Although he wanted to follow up the attack, G.o.dou lowered hisknee.The pain from the stab wound was still hard to bear, and G.o.dou winced inpain.However, the pain was an exchange for the power of the [Camel], it couldnot be helped.The condition for using this form was to have taken a certain degree ofdamage. One or two punches would not be enough to activate it. It mustbe something at least to the extent of being stabbed by a sword.At any rate, he was already thanking the heavens for the fact that hesurvived.G.o.dou felt relieved from the bottom of his heart. The power ofreincarnation of the [Ram] was meaningless if he suffered an instant death."Kusanagi G.o.dou!"The cool voice of the girl"s voice could be heard, and Liliana ran to G.o.dou"sside."A, are you alright!? You had suddenly stood still frozen, and thenpurposely took his blade, what were you thinking!""S, sorry that I made you worry... Liliana, watch out!"Noticing the status of Perseus who he had kicked away, G.o.dou let out awarning.He had picked himself off the stone floor, as though unhurt."Hahahahahaha! I had originally wanted to just kill some time before mybattle with Athena, but Kusanagi G.o.dou, you"ve granted me somehappiness! Fufu, the brave girl has come back? Very well, allow me to endthis G.o.dslayer, and rescue the maiden!"Perseus proclaimed, trying to boast of iiis lionor."G.o.d Perseus, I"m very sorry, but please do not make such terrible jokes. Iam the knight of Kusanagi G.o.dou, there"s no need to rescue me - !""Ho, you"re brave indeed, I like that personality!"Seeing the summoned magic sword II Maestro, Liliana who was donned ina black and blue battle dress, the hero smiled in return."However, for a maiden held by a demonic ent.i.ty to submit to me, it wouldbe the same as the lovely Andromeda. To say nothing of your being a miko- a virgin maiden serving the great G.o.ddesses of the land. All the better forme."The words that Perseus spoke held powerful magical energy.Words of power, and it seemed like he had heard this before - feelingstrange, G.o.dou immediately realized.Verethragna, the rebellious war G.o.d, had once bound G.o.dou and Erica,using the exact same magic art on the island of Sardinia."The hands of a graceful maiden are ill-suited for holding a blade, it wouldbe good to throw that kind of thing aside and await my victory.""Don"t listen to him, Liliana. That is a strange power that compels others todo his bidding, even if you resist it with all your will, you will not be able toresist!"G.o.dou warned her immediately.Having fought with G.o.ds on numerous occasions, G.o.dou someway or theother understood how to counter it, even if he were a normal human hewould be able to resist the spell, it should not pose a problem -However, Liliana only stood there motionless, blankly looking at Perseus."It"s futile, Kusanagi G.o.dou. It"s a little different from what you think. If onehas the will to resist a G.o.d to the end, then it is possible to remove ourspell, but in actual fact it"s hard. That girl, she is a mage, hence fromyoung, she had been aware of the existences of G.o.ds, and inculcated inthem the superiority of the divinities. For someone to lose the many yearsof brainwashing, it would require a long time at the very least."Perseus nonchalantly explained.The smile, aggression and inability to define good and bad was a littledifferent from his initial impression of the hero. Now, he had started to talkabout the truths of the world, the true face of a G.o.d."Furthermore she is also a miko. If you understand my origins, then youshould know the role that they play, with regards to me? After I slay theserpent, they become my bride, something akin to spoils of war, that istheir origin. Are you not aware of this?"G.o.dou found the answer from the knowledge given by Liliana.The tradition that dragon-and-snake-slaying heroes become husband andwife with the maidens they rescue originated from [The Myth of Perseusand Andromeda]."The G.o.ddesses of the land, after doing battle with the hero and beingstruck down, were pa.s.sed down in history and myths as dragons orserpents, this was for the purpose of praising the deeds of the heroes,glorifying their valor.""Mm. That"s right.""Then, to act as proof, the defeated G.o.ddesses were forced to submit,which is to say the heroes took the fallen G.o.ddesses as their brides, thisway it became a [defeated the monster and even saved the maiden] story,a happy ending. Your wife - Andromeda is in fact the great G.o.ddess of theland Tiamat, possessing the same divinity as the giant serpent which tookher away!"G.o.dou looked straight at the handsome hero, the look in his eyes sharpand focused.It was frustrating that he did not use this as part of the [Sword]. The herowho rescued the maiden. Behind their tales, such truths were hidden,G.o.dou found this infuriating and unbearable."Indeed, you know of this. The points you had stated were accurate, henceyou should understand, the reason why that girl cannot disobey me. As ahero of steel, the great G.o.ddesses of the land are targets of conquest, thesame goes for the miko. For them to go against my will, it is too difficult afeat."He said it as though the witches were his own belongings.By Perseus who was acting as if tiiis was common sense, G.o.dou wasannoyed."Wiiether it"s futile or not, we"ll only know after we try it."Mm. To disregard a pact between human and G.o.d, and even fightback? Fufufu, what a likeable guy you are. If I didn"t know I was a G.o.d, Imight have said the exact same words as you."Perseus revealed a slightly sorrowful smile.An unlikely expression from the beautiful and ferocious hero, seeminglylamenting over the flaws of the world."Regrettable it may be, but I am a hero that became a G.o.d. I understandyour mistake. The miko who will obey, one could say that it is destiny, thusit"s best if you gave up.""Who"s going to give up!"This guy was the same as Verethragna. G.o.dou was very certain.Though he was a hero, he could not become a hero. If he were a truehero, he would realize the mistake in his words!".... Liliana, it"s as you heard. Is it really fine to blindly follow the G.o.ds? I"mnot willing, and I will never accept you being manipulated by that kind ofguy.""It"s useless. Young maiden, throw aside your weapon and come to myside. This is something you must do."Hearing the words from both her king and the G.o.d -Unnoticed, Liliana had closed her eyes, and seconds later, she reopenedher eyes and then her mouth."Hear the sorrow of David, people! Alas, may the heroes fall! Alas, may theweapons of war be destroyed!"The singing voice resounded through the plaza."O" mountains of Gilboa, I pray that dew and rain will not fall upon yourpeaks! I pray that your lands grow infertile, unable to flourish! There, theshield of the hero was cast away! The shield of Saul, unpolished with oil,was cast away over yonder!"The surrounding air slowly began to grow chilly.This bone-chilling cold was extremely similar to the [Spell Words ofGolgotha] that Erica used.For Erica"s, the atmosphere was heavy with despair and hatred, that kindof sensation. As for Liliana"s, it was the anguish of the terrible melancholyof regretful departed spirits, an exclamation of warriors who tired of battle.This description was fitting for the situation, an unbearable feeling thatmade one want to flee."... You actually broke out of my control?"Perseus was shocked.The usually grand, magnificent and handsome hero, was confused for thefirst time."Undrinking blood of murderers, the unretreating bow of Jonathan!Unconsuming oil of the brave soul, returning the sword of Saul in vain!Alas, the heroes, fallen in the midst of battle!"In Liliana"s left hand, blue light began to gather, and a longbow as long asshe was tall was formed.In her right hand that was also glowing with blue light, appeared fourarrows."O" bow of Jonathan, with eagle"s swiftness and lion"s strength, a hero"sweapon. Go forth in a.s.sault, upon my fleeing enemies!"From the longbow that was a shade of rare blue, the four arrows werereleased, seemingly like comets.The arrows flew in an unnatural arc, aiming directly at Perseus.The targeted Perseus displayed his superb speed, a brilliant white meteorthat jumped aside at blinding speeds, dodging all the blue arrows.However, one of the four arrows pierced into iiis left slioulder."Ku - !"A visible look of pain could be seen on Perseus" face.His left shoulder that was. .h.i.t by the blue arrow suffered major damage, hisclothes dyed red by his flowing blood, and his left arm rendered useless.This was Liliana"s trump card, [Spell Words of David], G.o.dou could nothelp but be in awe.The summoned bow of Jonathan that could pierce a G.o.d, the secret art ofthe sword of Saul that could slay a G.o.d, it was indeed impressive. Perseushad suffered from it."Are you okay, Liliana!?""Of course, weren"t you the one who taught me how to break out of it?""No, although that is... aren"t witches unable to turn upon the heroes - ""Not "unable", but rather "difficult to". However, carved upon my heart, arefeelings of burning flames. Even when facing a G.o.d, I cannot allow thesefeelings to be trod over... When I thought of that, the spell was instantlybroken!""Fe, feelings of burning flames?""Yes. My bonds with you... Yes, we are like a pair of birds flying wing towing, branches of the same tree entwined together, no matter in life or indeath, our hearts will be as one. Naturally, I felt that I could not let you fightalone."Liliana"s face had turned a deep red, revealing an extremely cuteexpression.The power of friendship, or something like that? A little unsatisfied, G.o.dounodded his head, and then looked towards the Perseus who lookedeuphoric for some reason, while raising his sword."Then, shall we clean him up, the two of us? That skill earlier, can you stilluse it?""Yes, one way or another. One more time is the limit.""Got it. Then, use that last time and pin that hero-sama on the ground."But, if I simply shoot him, he"ll just dodge it just like last time.""I"ll go hold him down! Take the chance to attack then!"If it were Erica, they should be able to convey their intentions to eachother, heart to heart.With Liliana, they were not a combination of that level yet.However, this will be resolved, with time. For sure, he"ll be able to achievean extraordinary level of rapport with this girl, and G.o.dou who trulybelieved that, dashed towards Perseus."What have you done to that IVIiko, Kusanagi G.o.dou!""I didn"t do anything! It"s just that the bonds between us have triumphedover your abnormal powers!""Is that so! Hahaha! As I thought, since ancient times, the power of lovehas always been the strongest weapon! I, Perseus, had actually forgottenthat truth! I must be getting too old!"For some reason he was laughing really joyfully. The hero brandished hissword with only his right hand, his left arm, due to the damage from beingpierced by the bow of Jonathan, was unable to move.G.o.dou and Perseus both gritted their teeth, each confronting the other.The area around the stab wound was unbearably painful, but he only hadto endure for a while longer -A slash. The sword was swung towards him.G.o.dou wanted to jump aside to dodge, but the movements of the woundedbody had become sluggish.His posture had already fallen apart, at this rate, he"ll be directly hit. Sincehe was moving forward, left or right were not an option, G.o.dou could onlydodge by falling towards his back.G.o.dou laid down flat on the floor, facing Perseus who was in an a.s.saultstance.He maintained tine posture on tlie floor, and kicked out forward, like a movefrom the Brazilian martial art Capoeira, an attack from a lower position.The target was Perseus" arm that was holding the sword.If he could break that area - the hero noticed his intentions, and raised hisarm high accordingly, and G.o.dou"s leg hit only air.What followed was a downward slash. G.o.dou quickly rolled aside to evadeit.The blade embedded itself deeply into the ground - it was time."O" bow of Jonathan, with eagle"s swiftness and lion"s strength, a hero"sweapon. Go forth in a.s.sault, upon my fleeing enemies!"The chance had come. While he was thinking, Liliana"s words of powerfilled the air. As expected of my new partner, you"ve properly answered myexpectations!The awaited four comets came from upwards.Perseus, whose gaze was on the stone floor, had reflexively tried to pullout his sword."Ooh, is it coming - !"As expected, a white meteor! He managed to dodge three of the comet-likearrows.The last remaining one pierced his left leg completely, embedding itselfdeep into the stone floor, nailing him to the ground splendidly.In order to regain his mobility, Perseus who wanted to pluck out the arrow,stretched out his right hand.Taking advantage of this opening, G.o.dou ran away from Perseus."Thus speaketh Lord Mithra. The sinful shall be met with justice."If he used this method, he should be able to defeat Perseus once and forall.- That"s why, get here faster. This time round, surely, I"ll let you go on arampage as much as you like. Anyway, just come out faster!Chanting out the words of power, G.o.dou ran with all his strength. Becausethe [Camel] form was being removed, his body no longer had asuperhuman endurance, and the pain from the stab wound grew,becoming more intense by the moment.Even so, he moved his legs through sheer willpower, and recited the lastwords of power."May spines be crushed, may bones be broken, tendons torn; hair, brains,and blood mingled and trampled together with the earth! The oneunblunted and unapproachable! Oath-breaking sinners be purged by theiron hammer of justice!"A distortion appeared in the air, the doorway between reality and the"imaginary" world.This time, it appeared above the stone floor - not on it.In the plaza where G.o.dou had lain down, and had been diced up byPerseus" sword - in the air above, twenty meters long roughly, estimatedfrom the ground.From the doorway appeared the pitch-black visage of the [Boar].Savagely glaring downwards, it was restless. Yes, the target this time wasPiazza Plebiscite - the place where Perseus was pinned down on.RUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!The divine beast"s roars boomed forth, resounding throughout the whole ofNaples.That ma.s.sive black body, descending from the air - though the elevationwas rather low, it was still considered as "descending from the air"."Mu - Ooh!!"While looking upwards at the ma.s.sive body of the [Boar] in astonishment,Perseus yelled out.Immediately after, the ma.s.sive pitch-black body rapidly fell onto theground, trampling and rampaging on the hero"s body, along with the stonefloor of the Piazza Plebiscite.Part 4As the pitch-black [Boar] used its powerful body and rampaged through theplaza and on the [Heretic G.o.d], G.o.dou also fell on the ground.It seems that he had finally reached his limit, and he lost consciousness.Liliana who had hurriedly rushed over to him, almost burst into tears uponseeing his condition.The abdomen area that was wounded by Perseus was stained deep red,and the amount of bleeding was severe. Even if it were the body of a devilking Campione, it would definitely not hold out for long."A-Ah, why did it turn out like this, please get a hold of yourself, KusanagiG.o.dou! My lord!"Liliana who had instantly fallen into a state of panic, calmed down just asfast.At any rate, she had to get him to the hospital. The body of a Campionehad a tremendous vitality, but she still had to get medical treatment for himas soon as possible.Liliana closed in on the [King]"s body, checking for palpitations.At that moment, she remembered the magic art of healing, [Recovery].Thinking that, she thought that she should use that magic first. Because ofthe fixed idea that Campione"s bodies are resistant to magic, she did notthink of using it at first, but now, she knew how to bypa.s.s that."T, this is for the sake of treatment, hence I"m ki-kissing you, there won"t beany problems... no, or rather, this should be my duty...."Embarra.s.sedly murmuring to herself, she looked at the [King]"s lips.Her heart was beating furiously.For the heavily injured person lying on the ground before her, she had todo her best to save him.She wanted to cook for him, wanted to knit something and give it to himduring winter, and also taking care of his daily life, cleaning his room andother things...At any rate, he had to get better first, and then she would slowly nurse himback to health afterwards. Just as she made up her mind to kiss him...."... Hm, some way or the other, he succeeded? Though still inexperienced,at least the ending has met the bare minimum standards."Suddenly the voice of a girl could be heard, and Liliana turned around in apanic.Standing there was a young girl with the majesty of a Queen.She had silvery hair that shimmered even in the night, and pupils as blackas darkness.- Heretic Athena."I had personally made a special trip to inform him not to let down hisguard after victory, only to find him in such a state. Such an inexperiencedbrat... But well, to have fought that troublemaking G.o.d this far is alreadypretty good. After all, that guy is a hero that had defeated me - "Though her tone was strict, Liliana still sensed that the G.o.ddess thatlooked at the [King] with a little praise in her gaze."However, as a warrior that is also King, one must also prepare formoments of weakness like this. I have told him this before, but apparentlyhe has not fixed this problem at all. Tsk, what an unexpected fellow."Athena approached Kusanagi G.o.dou, and then bent over in front of him.Realizing the G.o.ddess" intentions, Liliana cried out, "PI, please wait!"attempting to stop her...It was too late.Athena had already kissed Kusanagi G.o.dou, using those small lips of hers."Take this as a compensation for involving you in that battle, and also as aprize that you won. Your wounds have healed... but next time, do fightbetter!"Haughtily proclaiming that, Athena stood up.After that, she threw Liliana who was standing at the side a glance, andordered with the majesty of a Queen,"Girl, take good care of your master. After some rest, his body should fullyrecover. Also, remind him not to forget that promise - someday, Athena willappear once more, before your eyes!"With those words, Athena disappeared from the streets at night.(Though one might call it a "street", but Piazza Plebiscito and thesurrounding area had been destroyed thoroughly, it would be anunderstatement to even call it "ruins".)The remaining witch who was also a Great Knight, because of that missedgood opportunity, was kneeling on the ground in disappointment, hershoulders drooped unhappily.The pitch-black divine beast in the distance offered a roar of victory to theheavens.In an alley of Naples from where the roar of the divine beast could beslightly heard, particles of light shone, gathered, forming into the shape ofa human.The light became the handsome man, the hero - Heretic Perseus."Seriously, by such a savage and unbeautiful method, I was done in bysuch a method of this degree. Not even in the myths has such a thingoccurred!"Panting heavily, Perseus was trembling with excitement.Before he was almost smashed by the divine beast, he became light, andsucceeded in rebirthing. The sun that set in the west would rise again inthe morning, this was the grace of light"s life-force.Because he had used up all the remaining divine power of the [Sun], hecould no longer use this method to escape from a crisis. However...Perseus looked in the direction of Kusanagi G.o.dou while smiling."If I return right away, perhaps I might be able to continue our duel... wouldit be a good time? Fufu, to sheath my blade like this, indeed it would be awaste."Although he was a divinity, taking that kind of intense attack was still veryexhausting.To be honest, he had already reached his limits, though that may be thecase, he still wanted to continue battling. To be in the physical world thathe had not been in for a while, to have finally fought a worthy opponent, hisspirits were roused."Eeh - 1 think that it"s about time, if it"s pro wrestiing, it"ii tal

Chapter 7 - Unruly Devil King, Sun"s HeroPart 1He was walking under the night sky in Naples.Bringing with him Liliana Kranjcar, Kusanagi G.o.dou finally arrived at SantaLucia district, and they slowly made their way on foot through the bustlingstreet.Even though there had been such a huge commotion the previous day, thecrowds still filled the streets.If this were j.a.pan, it would definitely have become as deserted as a boaton the verge of sinking, that even the rats would be gone. As expected ofItaly, and the residents of Naples famous for their optimism.G.o.dou was strolling in that city.The one who had an appointment with him here was that handsomehero-sama, but he should be drawing closer from the other side too. Ifyou"re going to come, come out faster.His mind thinking over that, the sound of a flute reached his ears.A flute, but the sound did not seem to be the clear sound of an instrument,but rather a simple nostalgic feeling, leaving people with a deepimpression, it was a sorrowful yet incredible melody.G.o.dou looked towards the crowds.Towards the source of the melody.It was shocking to see the handsome youth standing in the middle of thecrowd, blowing a gra.s.s whistle.The people, who had noticed this performance, had quickly cleared awayand made way for him.Their behavior was almost like they had only noticed the sound of the flutefor the first time. No, surely that was the case. The beautiful youth [HereticG.o.d]"s divine power must have had something to do with this.Using his majesty as a G.o.d, causing the humans to give way of their ownvolition.Those who laid their eyes upon him, wore a trance-like expression.An appearance that caused people to feel that he was cosplaying, thehandsome youth dressed in pure white. But somehow, he gave off theimpression of someone special, a sacred existence, a result of the innatecharm of a G.o.d."Well met again, G.o.dslayer. You"ve kept me waiting."The hero smiled.G.o.dou walked towards him, with Liliana following behind. The surroundingpeople parted and gave way, hence it was not too much of a task to arriveright before Perseus."How should I address you from now? Should I continue calling youPerseus?""...Ho."Perseus, like a brilliant sun, revealed a smile on his beautiful face. Hethrew aside the gra.s.s whistle which was a leaf from some unknown tree,and replied,"Have you discovered my secret? Did Athena tell you?""That"s how it is. I never expected that a G.o.d would lie when giving hisname.""If you"ll allow me to explain, that isn"t a false name, as I have manydifferent names. The "One who came from the East" is an especiallyfamous one... I had concluded that this name is the most widely acceptedone, nowadays."He smiled like someone who had played a trick.Even with this kind of expression, he was still very charming, truly, thisbeautiful youth was a despicable character."I will not allow you to use my other name casually, it"s fine if you continueto address me as Perseus... you might be surprised to know this, but I"msomeone who likes to be in the spotlight."Totally not surprising. Though our time together has been short, G.o.doualready knew this very well.G.o.dou, tensing his muscles, took no notice of Perseus" refusal.This man who liked playing tricks - the one who wanted to be referred to asPerseus, was very strong. If he did not fight with all his might, it would noteven be close to a fair fight."... If that"s the case, I think there"s a better place to do this. A place wider,bigger, which would catch the eye of more people, and allow them all towatch our battle.""Ho?""Since we"re going to do battle, let"s do it there... Liliana, please lead theway."Nodding her head with a simple "Understood.", Liliana took the lead.The new location for their duel had already been decided when the two ofthem were making their way here in a discussion.Behind the chivalrous and calm female knight, the Campione andhandsome G.o.d followed.On the bustling street of Naples, even though it was nighttime, it was stillvery bright.The three of them walked on the road, the goers automatically giving way,because they were attracting a large amount of attention -Is something special going to happen?The surrounding people had such a question hanging on their faces,looking towards them.They proceeded under the gaze of the crowds, like a wrestler making hisway to the ring, and the wrestler would try to display his power on the way.... It was hard to believe that this small journey would end up becoming soepic.G.o.dou was rather stressed out over this unexpected development."I see, this was quite the good suggestion. If it"s this place, the ma.s.seswould be able to properly appreciate our battle, it"s a great place for ourfinal showdown!"Inspecting the location Liliana had brought them to, Perseus nodded,satisfied.It was a particularly famous tourist sightseeing attraction, in the SantaLucia district.- Piazza del Plebisito. It was a semi-circle shaped plaza, with a great view.In this plaza, there were two buildings of historical significance.The church of San Francesco di Paola.Palazzo Reale Di Napoli. In other words, the royal palace of Naples.Adjacent to the royal palace were one of the three great opera houses ofItaly, Teatro San Carlo, and also Castel Nuovo, a castle constructed duringthe same age as the Castel dell"Ovo.In short, this was a random collection of famous sites.Hence, even in the night, there were many people, but when Perseus hadentered the plaza, they had in turn maintained their distance.The people formed a large circle around the perimeter, wanting to seewhat happens next.It was as though this were a movie shoot with many extras.In this situation, G.o.dou was like the one playing the villain, about to dobattle with the good-looking protagonist, as he followed behind Perseus,embarra.s.sed.Halfway through, they had to force their way through the crowd, and hiseyes met with Liliana"s, who was in the front row.Her immediate nodding of her head in response was rea.s.suring.- Thus, the G.o.d and the Campione stood in the center of attention, in themiddle of the square, facing each other.Perseus summoned his sword out of thin air.On the other side, G.o.dou was barehanded.This time, he should not choose an incomplete weapon. Against the herowho was victorious yesterday, he had to go all out in his first attack, whichmeant that he should pick -"To not use your other name casually.... You did say that, right?"Even the simplest of words could be turned into words of power, a sacredsword.The golden secret sword that rend G.o.ds.However, the trump card that was his strongest weapon, to what extendcould its potential be reached this time?His other forms having been sealed, antic.i.p.ating that the [Sword] would bean exception, this way of thinking was somewhat weak. Yet, he did notcare, he would simply go ahead."Excuse me, but I will not be able to do that. I"ll say this first.... the One whocame from the east, the Invincible Sun Heliogabalus - you who possessesmany aliases, the name that you conceal is Mithras, the sun G.o.d born onwinter solstice. That is the other you!"At that moment, G.o.dou reinforced his resolve, and in one breath, pulledout the [Sword].Enveloping the surrounding in light, the words from his mouth becomingwords of power, and the light spheres that turned golden, it as the weaponused by the [Warrior], the last form of Verethragna - the spell words of the[Sword]."The hero of light, Mithras. This is the name you have hidden!"He started with the restrained first sword.G.o.dou controlled the many lights of the [Sword], and slashed towardsPerseus/Mithras. In return for that arrow the day before, he did not holdback at all."Hoho - you had concealed such an ability? Hahaha, truly magnificent!"The Mithras who called himself Perseus moved, at a speed like a whitepanther.Instantly jumping back, dodging the sword of light."You were originally known only as Perseus - the Man who came from theEast, the stranger who had saved the princess Andromeda from the giantserpent, a serpent-slayer and a skilled swordsman... originally you wereonly thus."G.o.dou, who had caused Perseus to step back, extended the [Sword].Countless lights like the stars, illuminated the entire plaza, each and everyof those lights weapons to kill Perseus/Mithras."Since ancient times, the serpent - and the dragon, the heroes that foughtthese were many, and you were one of the prime examples. A hero whostruck down the serpent and saved the beautiful maiden. What were theirreasons for doing battle with the serpents? This was because serpents anddragons which were, by the former rulers of the divine world, the greatG.o.ddesses of the land - they had reduced them to these forms due to theirevil nature."Now, G.o.dou"s mind still had the knowledge of the time when Athena wasstill a G.o.ddess of the land.If he did not begin to understand from this part, he would not be able tounderstand the nature of the [Serpent-Slayer]. In the primeval world thatthese G.o.ddesses had been worshipped as the highest of G.o.ds, the [Lady]had possessed the most authority. This was knowledge that had beengained from that time when he fought against Athena.This wisdom was shaped into words of power, into the radiance of the[Sword].In order to make keen this radiance, G.o.dou continued to chant the wordsof power."The Queens of the divine world struck down those that were known asdemonic beasts. The result was the collapse of the world where theG.o.ddesses reigned, and with that came the world where warriors withbronze and metal weaponry reigned. With the coming of an age wheremilitary strength ruled the countries, and the mission of the heroes of steellike you, was to carve out such a new world of violence!"The preparations were done, what would the result be like?In response to G.o.dou"s words of power, the light spheres that circledaround Perseus began to speed up."Hm - Is this something like those flight implements? What strange wordsof power."The hero murmured to himself, his interest piqued.The sword in his hand vanished, and in its place appeared a longbow,along with a quiver on his back, of course, within the quiver were multipletens of arrows."If that"s the case, then I shall exchange blows with you by my bow. Come,let us see whose technique reigns supreme!"In contrast to Perseus who was giving off a manly smile, G.o.dou did nothave that kind of allowance.Desperately chanting the words of power, he gathered his [Sword]."I am the dragon of injustice, the strongest and the most wicked ofbutchers! The sword that protects the men and women of righteousness,obey me!"An infinite amount of light spheres answered G.o.dou, gathering, formingtens of swords.A golden formation of swords.The swords were aimed directly at Perseus, surrounding him from allsides."In that case, by the sun that rises from the east, grant me strength!Bestow upon me the strength to crush my comrade Verethragna!"Perseus had also begun chanting his own words of power.A halo appeared behind him, standing as proof of the Man from the East"sident.i.ty as the sun G.o.d.That light was a powerful ability that he had gained from Mithras, the G.o.dwho came from the east that had a.s.similated into Roman mythology, whichwas also the origin of the troublesome ability that could seal Verethragna.G.o.dou made up his mind, and in a single breath, released the golden[Sword]."Right now, I have borrowed the divine protection of the sun, to fire thisone arrow. Young G.o.dslayer, a light, when present before another yetwhose radiance its own will lose its splendor, learn this lessonwell!"At the same time, Perseus fired an arrow towards the moon in the sky.The single arrow soared high into the heavens - and then split intohundreds of lights that bathed the ground, and the [Sword] that was. .h.i.t bythe rain of light dissolved, much like an ice cube beneath a hot summersun.As I thought, this won"t work? That"s really a troublesome ability."G.o.dou griped about his opponent"s troublesome power.How is it? Perseus who had said that to him puffed out his chest. Hischildishness was overflowing, yet his charm and charisma as a hero didnot diminish.Strong to the point of causing others to click their tongues.Though his comprehensive capabilities could not be thought of to behigher than Athena"s, G.o.dou"s affinity against him was comparativelyworse than with Athena. As long as he carried the aspect of Mithras, thehero of light, any attack against him was ineffective.- Even so, G.o.dou did not plan on going down without a fight.He renewed his a.s.sault.If the opponent"s ability was troublesome, then he would just have to seal itfirst. If that plan did not work, then he would have no chance at victory. Atany rate, it was better than hesitating.In order to revive the [Sword] that had partially disappeared, he continuedto chant the words of power."The second name that you"ve hidden - Mithras. The place that this divinitywas worshipped, reigning over the center of the world, is the RomanEmpire that we all know of. The people of that country worshipped thedivinities that were introduced from foreign places, becoming new religions,a broad-minded and perfunctory inclination."Yes, G.o.ds introduced from foreign places.For example Cybele from Asia Minor, Isis from Egypt, and even Moses.The early Roman Empire had introduced many different G.o.ds from manydifferent places, prophets and beliefs, and then reinforced it with their ownadjustments, and the origin divinities had turned into G.o.ds which were filledwith the style and culture of Rome.Among those G.o.ds, Mithras was included."The foreign G.o.d IVIithras" homeland was Persia, to the east of Rome, andanother G.o.d that also came from the east, Heliogabalus - the Greek sunG.o.d that had its own palace at the end of the east, the G.o.d that was called"Sol" in Rome!"Continuing to speak out words of power crafted from the origins of thehero, the light of the [Sword] began to intensify again.Likewise, the halo behind Perseus glowed brighter and brighter.He raised his longbow once more, nocked an arrow, any further and itwould be a repeat of earlier. However - !"The [Sun G.o.d] that was one and the same as [One who came from theeast]. The careless Roman people, unintentionally, had thought ofHeliogabalus as Mithras, and then with yet another [The Man from theEast] - Perseus, was added into the mix!"If the power of Mithras could seal Verethragna, then he would have to startfrom that point.Even if it meant using the words of power of the [Sword]. If he could notsucceed at this, then the outcome would be decided, there was no roomfor hesitation.Like professional gamblers who have gone all-in, G.o.dou would decideeverything with this.The overflowing light from the words of power. The [Sword] that had beenbestowed upon him by Liliana, expanded significantly."The Man from the East - what was hidden beneath this name was, theancient Romans that had combined the Greek hero Perseus withHeliogabalus, and also the Persian sun G.o.d as one ent.i.ty, only theRomans who had loose and generous religious beliefs, could be capableof performing this drastic move. You are not the hero of the ancientGreeks...! In the Roman Empire that did not have a single unified belief ofthe G.o.ds, you are just an emergent hero G.o.d!""Fufu, though you have a way with your words, but what should be usefulon the battlefield is a weapon of steel!"Perseus who had been surrounded by a mult.i.tude of [Swords] fired anarrow again.The rings of the [Sun] behind his back flared up brilliantly.The released arrow turned into a thousand shafts of light that burst forth,and the [Sword] was vanquished immediately. However, at the same time,G.o.dou continued to create new swords.The target of the [Sword], from Perseus to Mithras - to be narrowed down."Why is my power of Verethragna largely ineffective against Mithras? Theanswer is simple. The G.o.d who came from the east Mithras, his origincould be traced back to Mitra - Verethragna"s master!"The secret of the G.o.ds that Liliana had told him.Before the appearance of Verethragna, the previous [Persian Warlord] wasthe sun G.o.d Mitra. Whether it was in Latin or Greek, his name would beread as Mithras.Guessing what G.o.dou was aiming for, Perseus fired off another arrow.Though he only saw Perseus firing off one lone arrow, but from this arrowalone, burst forth tens of arrows of light that pierced the [Swords], and whatwas like the stars of the starry sky disappeared one by one.However, the [Sword] that were converted from targeting Perseus toMithras were untouched.Though the amount was not much, what remained was still about a quarterof the original amount."The leader of the ancient east, Mitra, who was your original form, thepower with the capability to seal the G.o.d Verethragna! That"s why firstly, Ihave to sever that power of the sun!"The spell words of the [Sword] had almost run out, hence G.o.dou releasedthe remainder in a single breath.G.o.dou extended his hand towards the precious weapon, and the gatheringgolden light formed into a giant sword, and the divine sword of gold wascreated."Verethragna, rejecting the rule of the King of the Sun? Don"t get ahead ofyourself!"Knowing that he was about to lose that absolute advantage of his, Perseusyelled out in a loud voice."Truly you are my sworn enemy, G.o.dslayer! ....Hahaha, although I hadforgotten about it, I"ll take this opportunity to ask you! G.o.dslayer, tell meyour name, Perseus will hereby acknowledge you as the man who becamemy sworn enemy, I will remember it well!""My name is Kusanagi G.o.dou! But, I don"t think there"s a need for you toremember it!""No, I have already fully committed it to my memory, now let us continueour battle!"The hero excitedly shouted his reply to G.o.dou"s introduction of his name.Are the heroes of old all the same as him? If that"s the case, I definitelydon"t want to get to know them better. I"m not Salvatore Doni, to be able tochat and drink beer with people whom I have been slashing away at asenemies an hour earlier. It"s regrettable, but I don"t have this kind ofinterest. Realizing the cultural gap between him and the G.o.d, G.o.dou tightlygripped a golden sword.He continued to forge the [Sword] that was meant to rend Mithras."Your peak was before the beginning of the third century, the time whenHeliogabalus became the Emperor of the Roman Empire, he was a tyrantof extreme decadence. Heliogabalus then impersonated the name ofMithras, threw aside the ancient G.o.ds of Rome, and became your highestpriest!"^""]"Correct, Kusanagi G.o.dou! You knew even that!"While answering, he fired off arrows of light.G.o.dou moved the [Sword] slightly, waving it and fending them off."However he was by his own guards, ending his rule inmerely four years. Even though you were a G.o.d worshipped by theEmperor, you could not stand at the summit of the G.o.ds. In replacement,the Son of G.o.d^^^ with the heart of compa.s.sion took your place as thetarget of the religions" worship, conquering the religious world of theRomans!"313 AD, the legalization of Christianity by the Milan Edict.It was an opportunity, for the once persecuted Christianity to become thestate religion of both the eastern and western Roman Empire. The tableswere turned, and they arrogantly branded other religions of divinities as[Paganism], persecuting them, and included amongst these, was of coursethe Invincible sun G.o.d.- Therefore, these words of power would be the last sword to finish offMithras.G.o.dou as though brandishing his sword, threw his weapon towardsPerseus. The golden sword flew, like an arrow, straight and true,Perseus used his longbow to guard against the a.s.sault.However, G.o.dou"s sword destroyed the longbow, and the sword of goldenlight embedded itself in the hero"s powerful body.In the next second, there was an explosion of pure light.The powerful Shockwave sent both G.o.dou and the hero flying through theair.Part 2The amount of time the two of them were down for, were a few tens ofseconds."... To have severed the [Mithras] that is contained within my body?Though the method wasn"t magnificent, it was still quite impressive,Kusanagi G.o.dou!"Exhilarated, the hero picked himself up.Now, the only name remaining for him was "Perseus". Before the damageis recovered, the name of "Mithras" that was severed by the [Sword] had nomeaning.Seeing the energetic figure before him, G.o.dou surrept.i.tiously nodded hishead.That previous attack was the [Sword] that slew Mithras, and just as hethought, it did no damage against the divinity of Perseus, but that could notbe helped, as he could not have asked for a better outcome.Furthermore, he had been lucky beyond his expectations.Previously, when he had changed the [Sword]"s target from Apollo to Osirisin his attack, he suffered from an immense fatigue due to that, but this timeround he did not feel any of the aftereffects. It was probably because hedid not force himself as much as that time, when he forcefully changed thenature of the ability.- While he was thinking, Perseus started to move.When he had noticed it, Perseus had appeared right in front of him, andthen grabbed his left arm, casually flinging him aside, sending G.o.douflying." - Guha! What ridiculous strength...!"G.o.dou smashed into a white stone pillar.Fortunately his head was not the point of impact, but his back was partiallyembedded into the wall.In the Piazza Plebiscite which had become a battlefield, this was betweentwo historical buildings, San Francesco di Paola church and the royalpalace of Naples.At the facade of the former, the church, there were many pillarsconstructed from white stone, and it had thusly become a rather famoussightseeing spot.G.o.dou had been thrown onto one of the pillars..... The impact had been ma.s.sive. Though he did not have any priorexperience, it probably felt like being hit by a truck."Since the olden times, wrestling was never a warrior-only technique, itwas also a sport for the Perhaps you might have already knownthis as well. Come, let us test our skills!""No way I"ll do it! I"m an exemplar modern person, I didn"t have that kind ofupbringing!"G.o.dou retorted instinctively. Perseus should have been referring to mixedmartial arts, but there was no way G.o.dou had those kinds of martial artsskills.While standing up, G.o.dou felt a chilling sensation.His body was unable to exert its full flexibility, due to the impact to his backregion. His body was hurting all over, and Perseus slowly approached.He had no choice but to fight, and G.o.dou caught sight of a beautiful girl inhis field of vision.While feeling confused about the fight between G.o.d and Campione, were watching in a trance-like state. They did not number over athousand, but it was at least a few hundred.And standing at the front of the audience was a beautiful silver-haired girl,an expression of anxiety, as though she wanted to call out her magicsword and stand between G.o.dou and the hero.G.o.dou hurriedly tried to tell her "it"s still too early" through his expression,looking straight at Liliana.When doing battle with a divinity that possessed many strange andpowerful authorities, it would be best not to show your entire hand at once,or the possibility of a complete wipeout would be high.A more practical way would be to judge the flow of combat, then graduallyincreasing your combat strength, that would be more efficient.It was like switching players out in the middle of a soccer or baseballmatch, Liliana felt rather regretful, and she loosened her tense shoulders, itseems that she had realized his intentions."... For I am strongest amongst the strong. Truly, I am one that holds eachand every victory. I care not whom challenges me, whether man or devil; Imay face all my foes and all my enemies. Regardless, I shall crush allthose who wouldst stand in my way!"G.o.dou recited the words of power.The sacred hymn of Verethragna that declared of being the strongest andof victory. Visualizing that image. That of the heroic and indomitable,horned divine beast - the incarnation of the [Bull]."O" mighty bull that possesseth the horns of shining gold, grant me youraid!"As one with G.o.dou"s determination, the pain in his body gradually left him.At times like tiiis, tine adrenaline that rushes through the Campione"s body,is roughly a hundred times higher than that of a normal person. Because ofhow haphazard their bodies are, in battle, even if their bones break, innerorgans get pierced, they can endure the pain."Oo, using a new power? With the divine power of transformation that youobtained from that war G.o.d, what kind of power will it be this time!?"Perseus grabbed hold of him again, while shouting.Does he intend on throwing me again? However, my strength won"t loseout to his this time.The activation condition for the [Bull] was for the opponent to possesssuperhuman strength. If the foe was Perseus, then there would be noproblem - !G.o.dou grabbed onto Perseus body while bending back, and flung himbackwards splendidly.This time was the beautiful hero"s turn to be sent flying through the air andsmashing into the stone pillar."Hahaha, you do understand after all! Magnificent, come, give me anotherattack!"Perseus stood up, laughing in a loud voice.The look in his eyes started to get more serious, perhaps the attack haddone no damage.G.o.dou went "hmph" with his nose.Though he was slightly disappointed, but G.o.dou did not plan on fightingwith the hero of the myths for too long. Because he had a more efficientand realistic battle plan, G.o.dou held back his thoughts of shame andtouched the stone pillar..... The him of now possessed a superhuman strength.A strength that was not generated by muscle, but a strange, supernaturalpower.When using the incarnation of the [Bull], he only needed to place his feeton the land, and a burning hot power would flow from his feet to the rest ofhis body, that should be the source of this strange power.G.o.dou used both his arms to hug the white stone pillar of San Francescodi Paola church.The pillars crafted of beautiful stone in the front of the church were aboutfour, five meters tall, of pure limestone. Of course, they were firmly fixedinto the ground, and onto the church above."O, 000000000000000!!"In sync with his roar, his mind focused.The power of the [Bull] had one absurd characteristic, that is when thetarget of this authority is heavier, the strength also increases in proportion.In a direct comparison of strength with Perseus, he could probably bethrown away for a distance of roughly over ten meters, but right here infront of the church, with his full strength -... Creak... Crack... Unpleasant sounds could be heard from the pillar.Cracks began to appear at the top of the pillar, and G.o.dou felt that it wasalmost ready. In one breath, he plucked out the pillar - no, more accurately,he broke it off.It was such an unbelievable sight, even though that he was the one whodid it, G.o.dou still felt dumbfounded by it.Like Popeye, the one who gained superhuman strength after eatingspinach, or Judge Samson from the Old Testament who pulled down thepillars of the Temple of Dagon, that kind of feat.(By the way, this church was designed in the early nineteenth century bythe famous architect Pietro Bianchi, which the Pope recognized as abuilding of historical significance. The act of damaging this building wouldprobably incur divine wrath.)Without thinking, G.o.dou swung that pillar back and forth -With a heavy impact, he struck Perseus.No, to use the verb [struck] would be a gross understatement, it was likeusing those industrial cranes with the gigantic steel ball used for demolitionto attack Perseus."Ngh! What terrific strength!"Perseus used both his hands to protect his face, and G.o.dou forcefullypummeled him flat out on the ground.The stone pillar being used as a weapon of brutality was made oflimestone, hence it broke into pieces after a short while. Shaking off thedust on his body, the hero then glared at G.o.dou with a sharp gaze.It was neither hateful nor angered, but rather a look of determination andappreciation of the aggression shown."You too are a man known as a King, and I feel that you should use a morefitting weapon - But this is fine too, although I still wish for your actions tobe more beautiful!"While still speaking, he spread out his arms, and Perseus kicked off theground.A tackle with a lowered body. It might have been a technique fromwrestling or pankration"-^^. However, they were not competing in theirfighting skills, but rather this was a free style, no holds barred deathmatch.- Therefore, G.o.dou threw the remains of the stone pillar.Taking only weight into account, the weight of the pillar in this situationmust have been at least a hundred kilograms.He threw, with the supernatural power of the [Bull], and with KusanagiG.o.dou"s past experience as a skilled baseball catcher, he had confidencein his throwing power and control.Puuun!!What was formerly a stone pillar gave off a terrific noise from the airturbulence as it moved through the air.Perseus jumped aside, dodging the stone pillar, and on where he hadstood moments ago, near the stone steps, the remains of the stone pillarmissed its target, smashing onto the ground and then rolling aside."I"m sorry, but using improper methods to obtain victory is my favorite thingto do. I don"t intend on listening to your request, like having anothermagnificent and grand duel.""Is that so... Fine, then you may use your own preferred methods to displayyour strength."Perseus" favorite sword appeared in tiiin air, and iiis liand firmly grasped it."It"s not fair if only you use a weapon, so let us do battle, with this sword inmy hand."The words this time marked the start of a magnificent fight.G.o.dou broke off yet another pillar from the San Francesco di Paola church.With that he swung, he threw, he struck, and he threw down.His foe, Perseus was moving like a white panther on flatlands, running,jumping, dodging. And then, with his body that was as solid as steel, heventured to withstand a blow from the stone pillar, causing it to shatter intopieces.Whether it was the offensive or defensive side, this was a battle betweenextraordinary supermen..... On a related note, the audience, upon seeing the tragedy of destructionunfold, finally regained their senses, screaming, shouting, sighing,breaking out into chaos. The crowds began shouting and yelling, scurryingaway into the surroundings, and the situation had become a state of panic.I hope no one gets hurt -However even as G.o.dou looked onto their panicked states, he grewworried.No one was foolish enough to stumble into this plaza that was a battlefieldbetween supermen, but in their jostling and shoving in that chaos, mightcause someone to be injured, and that caused him to worry.Before the start of the fight, G.o.dou was constantly troubled over that. Bynow, he had already fought with all his might for roughly ten minutes -Piazza Plebiscite had been reduced to a vacant land, like ruins.On the stone pavement of the plaza, pieces of limestone had beenscattered all over, in the form of small pebbles or rubble.The church, with the white pillars like a cloistered corridor now destroyed,any trace of resemblance to its original self had vanished along with them.Most of the pillars having been removed by G.o.dou, and thus, theexemplary historic building that used to be the Roman church, became ascene of devastation.It had been such a huge sacrifice, and yet Perseus remained relativelyunhurt."Hahaha, well fought. However, it"s about time to end this!"Tightly gripping his sword, the hero shouted.With the nimbleness of a white panther, with speed that made him seemlike a meteor, G.o.dou could not even see his figure.His foe was fast, and there was also a ma.s.sive gap between their meleecombat capabilities.Although G.o.dou could still hold on with the range of his weapon and hisown reflexes, the odds were heavily against him. The pillars were almostfully smashed up, and with that his sources of weapons ran low..... G.o.dou remembered about Liliana.Should he call her here, and leave the defense to her? After consideringthat, G.o.dou immediately shook his head.Against someone who had that level of speed, even if the two of themattacked at once, it would not make much of a difference.Before the battle, he had heard from her that her trump card - was on parwith Erica"s [Spell Words of Golgotha], and he wanted to make use of it ata better time.- He would have to rely on his own power to get out of this situation, andgrit his teeth, withstanding the blows he was going to take.G.o.dou steadied his resolve.His lips twisting to the side, he revealed a grim smile, and threw aside thestone pillar in his hands."All of the enemies before me, fear me."From his mouth escaped words of power.Perseus sped towards him, thrusting his sword out in a direct piercingattack.Unleashing a thrust of certain kill, it seems - just the right timing.G.o.dou took the attack head on without dodging. One of the reasons forthat was that the attack had been simply too fast to evade."Every sinner shall tremble before my power. Now is the time, that I obtainthe toughness often mountains, the strength of a hundred rivers, and thepower of a thousand camels! Upon my mighty self, I shall bear the symbolof the raging camel!"While chanting the words of power, he was penetrated by the sword.His chest was pierced into by the thick, heavy blade.Perseus wanted to run him through completely, devastate his body, and riphim open from the back - !"What?"Perseus murmured, with uncertainty.As expected of the serpent-slaying hero, his senses were impressive, ashe had noticed the unusual circ.u.mstances that had happened to hisopponent.Even with the sword pierced into his body, G.o.dou raised his left leg, andkicked out sharply. He had, with his unsteady body, kicked forward directlyat Perseus" chest, sending him flying.G.o.dou was an amateur at martial arts. However, this kick was at a levelthat surpa.s.sed those of every human martial artist.An awesome kick, as though he were swinging a steel hammer.If it had hit a concrete floor, most likely the floor would be smashed intopieces." - Guh!?"It was the first time he had heard Perseus let out a pained gasp.His st.u.r.dy, strong body was kicked away, sending him flying back overtwenty meters.At the same time, the sword that was embedded in G.o.dou"s chest waspulled out, flying back with the hero." - Gah!"This time it was G.o.dou who let out the gasp of pain. The blade wasremoved from his body suddenly, and fresh blood began to flow out fromthe wound.It hurts, ithurtsithurtsithurtsithurts, itsoutrageouslypainfullThe pain from the stab wound began to fade slowly, and though it was stillvery painful, it was a degree that was more tolerable, and the blood hadclotted.This was the ability of the [Camel] incarnation, r.e.t.a.r.ding the sensation ofpain, and gaining an abnormal endurance.On top of that, the strength and power of his legs skyrocketed. If he wereto challenge a Muay Thai master at a battle of kicks now, he was confidenthe would easily win. Furthermore, the destructive power was -... In G.o.dou"s field of vision, he saw a white meteor accelerating towardshim.With such terrifying speed, perhaps it was moving more rapidly than astraight fastball from a Major League ace pitcher.However, before he even realized it, G.o.dou"s right leg had already entereda defensive motion.An excellent high kick. It was impressive that Perseus had somehowmanaged to defend against it, but his defense was smashed right throughby the kick.... The body of the hero soared through the air once again.The distance travelled in flight was roughly fifty meters this time, andPerseus flew from the devastated building of San Francesco di Paolachurch all the way to the opposite side, the wall of the royal palace ofNaples."Guah!?"The walls of the royal palace had been constructed with dull orange bricks.A gigantic hole like that of a volcano crater was created, and with a heavythump, the body of Perseus fell onto the stone floor of Piazza Plebiscite.Parts.... Even he himself thought that the destructive power was absurdlyshocking. Although he wanted to follow up the attack, G.o.dou lowered hisknee.The pain from the stab wound was still hard to bear, and G.o.dou winced inpain.However, the pain was an exchange for the power of the [Camel], it couldnot be helped.The condition for using this form was to have taken a certain degree ofdamage. One or two punches would not be enough to activate it. It mustbe something at least to the extent of being stabbed by a sword.At any rate, he was already thanking the heavens for the fact that hesurvived.G.o.dou felt relieved from the bottom of his heart. The power ofreincarnation of the [Ram] was meaningless if he suffered an instant death."Kusanagi G.o.dou!"The cool voice of the girl"s voice could be heard, and Liliana ran to G.o.dou"sside."A, are you alright!? You had suddenly stood still frozen, and thenpurposely took his blade, what were you thinking!""S, sorry that I made you worry... Liliana, watch out!"Noticing the status of Perseus who he had kicked away, G.o.dou let out awarning.He had picked himself off the stone floor, as though unhurt."Hahahahahaha! I had originally wanted to just kill some time before mybattle with Athena, but Kusanagi G.o.dou, you"ve granted me somehappiness! Fufu, the brave girl has come back? Very well, allow me to endthis G.o.dslayer, and rescue the maiden!"Perseus proclaimed, trying to boast of iiis lionor."G.o.d Perseus, I"m very sorry, but please do not make such terrible jokes. Iam the knight of Kusanagi G.o.dou, there"s no need to rescue me - !""Ho, you"re brave indeed, I like that personality!"Seeing the summoned magic sword II Maestro, Liliana who was donned ina black and blue battle dress, the hero smiled in return."However, for a maiden held by a demonic ent.i.ty to submit to me, it wouldbe the same as the lovely Andromeda. To say nothing of your being a miko- a virgin maiden serving the great G.o.ddesses of the land. All the better forme."The words that Perseus spoke held powerful magical energy.Words of power, and it seemed like he had heard this before - feelingstrange, G.o.dou immediately realized.Verethragna, the rebellious war G.o.d, had once bound G.o.dou and Erica,using the exact same magic art on the island of Sardinia."The hands of a graceful maiden are ill-suited for holding a blade, it wouldbe good to throw that kind of thing aside and await my victory.""Don"t listen to him, Liliana. That is a strange power that compels others todo his bidding, even if you resist it with all your will, you will not be able toresist!"G.o.dou warned her immediately.Having fought with G.o.ds on numerous occasions, G.o.dou someway or theother understood how to counter it, even if he were a normal human hewould be able to resist the spell, it should not pose a problem -However, Liliana only stood there motionless, blankly looking at Perseus."It"s futile, Kusanagi G.o.dou. It"s a little different from what you think. If onehas the will to resist a G.o.d to the end, then it is possible to remove ourspell, but in actual fact it"s hard. That girl, she is a mage, hence fromyoung, she had been aware of the existences of G.o.ds, and inculcated inthem the superiority of the divinities. For someone to lose the many yearsof brainwashing, it would require a long time at the very least."Perseus nonchalantly explained.The smile, aggression and inability to define good and bad was a littledifferent from his initial impression of the hero. Now, he had started to talkabout the truths of the world, the true face of a G.o.d."Furthermore she is also a miko. If you understand my origins, then youshould know the role that they play, with regards to me? After I slay theserpent, they become my bride, something akin to spoils of war, that istheir origin. Are you not aware of this?"G.o.dou found the answer from the knowledge given by Liliana.The tradition that dragon-and-snake-slaying heroes become husband andwife with the maidens they rescue originated from [The Myth of Perseusand Andromeda]."The G.o.ddesses of the land, after doing battle with the hero and beingstruck down, were pa.s.sed down in history and myths as dragons orserpents, this was for the purpose of praising the deeds of the heroes,glorifying their valor.""Mm. That"s right.""Then, to act as proof, the defeated G.o.ddesses were forced to submit,which is to say the heroes took the fallen G.o.ddesses as their brides, thisway it became a [defeated the monster and even saved the maiden] story,a happy ending. Your wife - Andromeda is in fact the great G.o.ddess of theland Tiamat, possessing the same divinity as the giant serpent which tookher away!"G.o.dou looked straight at the handsome hero, the look in his eyes sharpand focused.It was frustrating that he did not use this as part of the [Sword]. The herowho rescued the maiden. Behind their tales, such truths were hidden,G.o.dou found this infuriating and unbearable."Indeed, you know of this. The points you had stated were accurate, henceyou should understand, the reason why that girl cannot disobey me. As ahero of steel, the great G.o.ddesses of the land are targets of conquest, thesame goes for the miko. For them to go against my will, it is too difficult afeat."He said it as though the witches were his own belongings.By Perseus who was acting as if tiiis was common sense, G.o.dou wasannoyed."Wiiether it"s futile or not, we"ll only know after we try it."Mm. To disregard a pact between human and G.o.d, and even fightback? Fufufu, what a likeable guy you are. If I didn"t know I was a G.o.d, Imight have said the exact same words as you."Perseus revealed a slightly sorrowful smile.An unlikely expression from the beautiful and ferocious hero, seeminglylamenting over the flaws of the world."Regrettable it may be, but I am a hero that became a G.o.d. I understandyour mistake. The miko who will obey, one could say that it is destiny, thusit"s best if you gave up.""Who"s going to give up!"This guy was the same as Verethragna. G.o.dou was very certain.Though he was a hero, he could not become a hero. If he were a truehero, he would realize the mistake in his words!".... Liliana, it"s as you heard. Is it really fine to blindly follow the G.o.ds? I"mnot willing, and I will never accept you being manipulated by that kind ofguy.""It"s useless. Young maiden, throw aside your weapon and come to myside. This is something you must do."Hearing the words from both her king and the G.o.d -Unnoticed, Liliana had closed her eyes, and seconds later, she reopenedher eyes and then her mouth."Hear the sorrow of David, people! Alas, may the heroes fall! Alas, may theweapons of war be destroyed!"The singing voice resounded through the plaza."O" mountains of Gilboa, I pray that dew and rain will not fall upon yourpeaks! I pray that your lands grow infertile, unable to flourish! There, theshield of the hero was cast away! The shield of Saul, unpolished with oil,was cast away over yonder!"The surrounding air slowly began to grow chilly.This bone-chilling cold was extremely similar to the [Spell Words ofGolgotha] that Erica used.For Erica"s, the atmosphere was heavy with despair and hatred, that kindof sensation. As for Liliana"s, it was the anguish of the terrible melancholyof regretful departed spirits, an exclamation of warriors who tired of battle.This description was fitting for the situation, an unbearable feeling thatmade one want to flee."... You actually broke out of my control?"Perseus was shocked.The usually grand, magnificent and handsome hero, was confused for thefirst time."Undrinking blood of murderers, the unretreating bow of Jonathan!Unconsuming oil of the brave soul, returning the sword of Saul in vain!Alas, the heroes, fallen in the midst of battle!"In Liliana"s left hand, blue light began to gather, and a longbow as long asshe was tall was formed.In her right hand that was also glowing with blue light, appeared fourarrows."O" bow of Jonathan, with eagle"s swiftness and lion"s strength, a hero"sweapon. Go forth in a.s.sault, upon my fleeing enemies!"From the longbow that was a shade of rare blue, the four arrows werereleased, seemingly like comets.The arrows flew in an unnatural arc, aiming directly at Perseus.The targeted Perseus displayed his superb speed, a brilliant white meteorthat jumped aside at blinding speeds, dodging all the blue arrows.However, one of the four arrows pierced into iiis left slioulder."Ku - !"A visible look of pain could be seen on Perseus" face.His left shoulder that was. .h.i.t by the blue arrow suffered major damage, hisclothes dyed red by his flowing blood, and his left arm rendered useless.This was Liliana"s trump card, [Spell Words of David], G.o.dou could nothelp but be in awe.The summoned bow of Jonathan that could pierce a G.o.d, the secret art ofthe sword of Saul that could slay a G.o.d, it was indeed impressive. Perseushad suffered from it."Are you okay, Liliana!?""Of course, weren"t you the one who taught me how to break out of it?""No, although that is... aren"t witches unable to turn upon the heroes - ""Not "unable", but rather "difficult to". However, carved upon my heart, arefeelings of burning flames. Even when facing a G.o.d, I cannot allow thesefeelings to be trod over... When I thought of that, the spell was instantlybroken!""Fe, feelings of burning flames?""Yes. My bonds with you... Yes, we are like a pair of birds flying wing towing, branches of the same tree entwined together, no matter in life or indeath, our hearts will be as one. Naturally, I felt that I could not let you fightalone."Liliana"s face had turned a deep red, revealing an extremely cuteexpression.The power of friendship, or something like that? A little unsatisfied, G.o.dounodded his head, and then looked towards the Perseus who lookedeuphoric for some reason, while raising his sword."Then, shall we clean him up, the two of us? That skill earlier, can you stilluse it?""Yes, one way or another. One more time is the limit.""Got it. Then, use that last time and pin that hero-sama on the ground."But, if I simply shoot him, he"ll just dodge it just like last time.""I"ll go hold him down! Take the chance to attack then!"If it were Erica, they should be able to convey their intentions to eachother, heart to heart.With Liliana, they were not a combination of that level yet.However, this will be resolved, with time. For sure, he"ll be able to achievean extraordinary level of rapport with this girl, and G.o.dou who trulybelieved that, dashed towards Perseus."What have you done to that IVIiko, Kusanagi G.o.dou!""I didn"t do anything! It"s just that the bonds between us have triumphedover your abnormal powers!""Is that so! Hahaha! As I thought, since ancient times, the power of lovehas always been the strongest weapon! I, Perseus, had actually forgottenthat truth! I must be getting too old!"For some reason he was laughing really joyfully. The hero brandished hissword with only his right hand, his left arm, due to the damage from beingpierced by the bow of Jonathan, was unable to move.G.o.dou and Perseus both gritted their teeth, each confronting the other.The area around the stab wound was unbearably painful, but he only hadto endure for a while longer -A slash. The sword was swung towards him.G.o.dou wanted to jump aside to dodge, but the movements of the woundedbody had become sluggish.His posture had already fallen apart, at this rate, he"ll be directly hit. Sincehe was moving forward, left or right were not an option, G.o.dou could onlydodge by falling towards his back.G.o.dou laid down flat on the floor, facing Perseus who was in an a.s.saultstance.He maintained tine posture on tlie floor, and kicked out forward, like a movefrom the Brazilian martial art Capoeira, an attack from a lower position.The target was Perseus" arm that was holding the sword.If he could break that area - the hero noticed his intentions, and raised hisarm high accordingly, and G.o.dou"s leg hit only air.What followed was a downward slash. G.o.dou quickly rolled aside to evadeit.The blade embedded itself deeply into the ground - it was time."O" bow of Jonathan, with eagle"s swiftness and lion"s strength, a hero"sweapon. Go forth in a.s.sault, upon my fleeing enemies!"The chance had come. While he was thinking, Liliana"s words of powerfilled the air. As expected of my new partner, you"ve properly answered myexpectations!The awaited four comets came from upwards.Perseus, whose gaze was on the stone floor, had reflexively tried to pullout his sword."Ooh, is it coming - !"As expected, a white meteor! He managed to dodge three of the comet-likearrows.The last remaining one pierced his left leg completely, embedding itselfdeep into the stone floor, nailing him to the ground splendidly.In order to regain his mobility, Perseus who wanted to pluck out the arrow,stretched out his right hand.Taking advantage of this opening, G.o.dou ran away from Perseus."Thus speaketh Lord Mithra. The sinful shall be met with justice."If he used this method, he should be able to defeat Perseus once and forall.- That"s why, get here faster. This time round, surely, I"ll let you go on arampage as much as you like. Anyway, just come out faster!Chanting out the words of power, G.o.dou ran with all his strength. Becausethe [Camel] form was being removed, his body no longer had asuperhuman endurance, and the pain from the stab wound grew,becoming more intense by the moment.Even so, he moved his legs through sheer willpower, and recited the lastwords of power."May spines be crushed, may bones be broken, tendons torn; hair, brains,and blood mingled and trampled together with the earth! The oneunblunted and unapproachable! Oath-breaking sinners be purged by theiron hammer of justice!"A distortion appeared in the air, the doorway between reality and the"imaginary" world.This time, it appeared above the stone floor - not on it.In the plaza where G.o.dou had lain down, and had been diced up byPerseus" sword - in the air above, twenty meters long roughly, estimatedfrom the ground.From the doorway appeared the pitch-black visage of the [Boar].Savagely glaring downwards, it was restless. Yes, the target this time wasPiazza Plebiscite - the place where Perseus was pinned down on.RUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!The divine beast"s roars boomed forth, resounding throughout the whole ofNaples.That ma.s.sive black body, descending from the air - though the elevationwas rather low, it was still considered as "descending from the air"."Mu - Ooh!!"While looking upwards at the ma.s.sive body of the [Boar] in astonishment,Perseus yelled out.Immediately after, the ma.s.sive pitch-black body rapidly fell onto theground, trampling and rampaging on the hero"s body, along with the stonefloor of the Piazza Plebiscite.Part 4As the pitch-black [Boar] used its powerful body and rampaged through theplaza and on the [Heretic G.o.d], G.o.dou also fell on the ground.It seems that he had finally reached his limit, and he lost consciousness.Liliana who had hurriedly rushed over to him, almost burst into tears uponseeing his condition.The abdomen area that was wounded by Perseus was stained deep red,and the amount of bleeding was severe. Even if it were the body of a devilking Campione, it would definitely not hold out for long."A-Ah, why did it turn out like this, please get a hold of yourself, KusanagiG.o.dou! My lord!"Liliana who had instantly fallen into a state of panic, calmed down just asfast.At any rate, she had to get him to the hospital. The body of a Campionehad a tremendous vitality, but she still had to get medical treatment for himas soon as possible.Liliana closed in on the [King]"s body, checking for palpitations.At that moment, she remembered the magic art of healing, [Recovery].Thinking that, she thought that she should use that magic first. Because ofthe fixed idea that Campione"s bodies are resistant to magic, she did notthink of using it at first, but now, she knew how to bypa.s.s that."T, this is for the sake of treatment, hence I"m ki-kissing you, there won"t beany problems... no, or rather, this should be my duty...."Embarra.s.sedly murmuring to herself, she looked at the [King]"s lips.Her heart was beating furiously.For the heavily injured person lying on the ground before her, she had todo her best to save him.She wanted to cook for him, wanted to knit something and give it to himduring winter, and also taking care of his daily life, cleaning his room andother things...At any rate, he had to get better first, and then she would slowly nurse himback to health afterwards. Just as she made up her mind to kiss him...."... Hm, some way or the other, he succeeded? Though still inexperienced,at least the ending has met the bare minimum standards."Suddenly the voice of a girl could be heard, and Liliana turned around in apanic.Standing there was a young girl with the majesty of a Queen.She had silvery hair that shimmered even in the night, and pupils as blackas darkness.- Heretic Athena."I had personally made a special trip to inform him not to let down hisguard after victory, only to find him in such a state. Such an inexperiencedbrat... But well, to have fought that troublemaking G.o.d this far is alreadypretty good. After all, that guy is a hero that had defeated me - "Though her tone was strict, Liliana still sensed that the G.o.ddess thatlooked at the [King] with a little praise in her gaze."However, as a warrior that is also King, one must also prepare formoments of weakness like this. I have told him this before, but apparentlyhe has not fixed this problem at all. Tsk, what an unexpected fellow."Athena approached Kusanagi G.o.dou, and then bent over in front of him.Realizing the G.o.ddess" intentions, Liliana cried out, "PI, please wait!"attempting to stop her...It was too late.Athena had already kissed Kusanagi G.o.dou, using those small lips of hers."Take this as a compensation for involving you in that battle, and also as aprize that you won. Your wounds have healed... but next time, do fightbetter!"Haughtily proclaiming that, Athena stood up.After that, she threw Liliana who was standing at the side a glance, andordered with the majesty of a Queen,"Girl, take good care of your master. After some rest, his body should fullyrecover. Also, remind him not to forget that promise - someday, Athena willappear once more, before your eyes!"With those words, Athena disappeared from the streets at night.(Though one might call it a "street", but Piazza Plebiscito and thesurrounding area had been destroyed thoroughly, it would be anunderstatement to even call it "ruins".)The remaining witch who was also a Great Knight, because of that missedgood opportunity, was kneeling on the ground in disappointment, hershoulders drooped unhappily.The pitch-black divine beast in the distance offered a roar of victory to theheavens.In an alley of Naples from where the roar of the divine beast could beslightly heard, particles of light shone, gathered, forming into the shape ofa human.The light became the handsome man, the hero - Heretic Perseus."Seriously, by such a savage and unbeautiful method, I was done in bysuch a method of this degree. Not even in the myths has such a thingoccurred!"Panting heavily, Perseus was trembling with excitement.Before he was almost smashed by the divine beast, he became light, andsucceeded in rebirthing. The sun that set in the west would rise again inthe morning, this was the grace of light"s life-force.Because he had used up all the remaining divine power of the [Sun], hecould no longer use this method to escape from a crisis. However...Perseus looked in the direction of Kusanagi G.o.dou while smiling."If I return right away, perhaps I might be able to continue our duel... wouldit be a good time? Fufu, to sheath my blade like this, indeed it would be awaste."Although he was a divinity, taking that kind of intense attack was still veryexhausting.To be honest, he had already reached his limits, though that may be thecase, he still wanted to continue battling. To be in the physical world thathe had not been in for a while, to have finally fought a worthy opponent, hisspirits were roused."Eeh - 1 think that it"s about time, if it"s pro wrestiing, it"ii tal

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