
Chapter 65

Chapter 4 - Black Prince, White Witch, and theHero"s AttendantPart 1Cretan legends are a particularly famous category of Greek mythology.For example, there was the Minotaur, the half-man half-bull monster bornfrom an affair between the queen and a bull.The Greeks were obliged to regularly offer their young children assacrifices to this monster imprisoned in an underground labyrinth.The young warrior Theseus entered the labyrinth in order to slay it —This is the well-known story of the "Labyrinth of the Minotaur."In order to imprison the monster, King Minos ordered the construction of alabyrinth. Trapped by a maze of intersecting pa.s.sages, outsiders wereeaten by the monster as soon as they stepped foot into the labyrinth. Lateron, Minos ordered King Aegeus to make tribute of seven pairs of youths,male and female, once every nine years to be sent into the labyrinth to besacrificed as the bull-headed monster"s food. The Athenian prince,Theseus, decided to go to Crete to kill the Minotaur in order to save theyoung men and women of Athens. King Minos" daughter Ariadne fell inlove with Theseus and gave him a sharp sword and a ball of yarn. Thanksto these items, Theseus finally killed the Minotaur and escaped thelabyrinth with the Athenian youths and Princess Ariadne."The key to this myth is the Minotaur born from the queen and the bull"saffair."Alexandre Gascoigne spoke thus. His current location was Cornwall.Also called the Black Prince Alec, and known as the n.o.bleman of G.o.dSpeed. In fact, he was also a [King] widely versed in myths originating fromall over the world.Although he was not an elite mage by training, nevertheless, he stillmastered all sorts of spells.He became a Campione at the age of sixteen.In the four years after that, he was in conflict with the Witenagemot 1 J ,known as the organization of top experts in the realm of magic. Travelingall over Europe to look for mysterious treasure, he fought against G.o.ds andmagic a.s.sociations from all over the world.Very likely it was during this period that his abilities as a first cla.s.s magewere gradually honed."Ever since ancient times, the bull was a symbol of abundant harvests.Hence, the Cretans equated the bull as being divine. Conversely, this alsoestablishes a parallel interpretation of the queen being a miko."Perhaps the following was the background prototype for the legend of theMinotaur —In the early days of the Greek city states, the island of Crete in theneighboring sea had a powerful and flourishing civilization. These islanderswould regularly demand the young children of the Greeks as tribute to besacrificed. These children were live sacrifices to be offered to the island"sG.o.d of harvests.The "G.o.d of Harvests" that desired young children, was served by thequeen who acted as a miko —"Well, it"s not without archaeological basis..."There was also the Cretan prehistoric civilization: the Minoan ruins wherelarge amounts of human bones were discovered, speculated to be theremains of the people who were offered as live sacrifices.Alec usually explained these kinds of topics when facing subordinates whohad little knowledge of magic.The a.s.sociation he founded, [Royal a.r.s.enal], recruited all sorts of talentand its ranks not only included powerful magi but also occultists whofocused purely on research, commoners who sought revenge againstsorcerers for deaths of relatives, and even street hoodlums, con artists andunrepentant thieves. As long as they knew the existence of G.o.ds, evenordinary commoners were included.These were people who hoped to follow Alec and oppose the elite magica.s.sociations led by the Witenagemot. Perhaps this was the only point ofcommonality between the members of [Royal a.r.s.enal].This was why their levels of competency and expertise were extremelyvaried.Hence it was necessary for Alec as their leader to start giving lectures onwhat magi would consider common sense basics.Trusted subordinates — especially Sir Iceman, had advised many timesthat it was not necessary for their commander-in-chief to give lecturespersonally. However, Alec did not mind looking after his subordinates.(As a side note, this aspect of his personality had been criticized by themaiden, his eternal rival, as "cautious and unexpectedly lacking inboldness." In response, Alec had replied dejectedly that "providingguidance and education to subordinates is the duty and responsibility ofthe leader.")It happened two days before the lecture at the Cornwall stronghold.A museum situated in a quaint peaceful village... Was the concealedheadquarters established by Alec"s subordinates where precious foci andtreasures acquired from the British Museum and the British Library werehoused and displayed, along with mountains of grimoires. These variousartifacts were stolen on impulse a year ago when the conflict with theWitenagemot had peaked with great intensity.But anyway, Alec was currently in the deepest level of a ma.s.sive labyrinth."Kukukuku... Foiling the final step of the grand designs of my return toearth? So be it! Delightful!"Echoing as if coming from underground, it was the deep voice of a [HereticG.o.d].The voice came from the bull-headed giant lying on the ground. Its bodywas roughly 30m in length.The muscle-bound gigantic body was wearing a short tunic weaved frompalm fibers along with a red cape. A normal person would probably kneeldown and swear allegiance on sight, and obediently commit suicide even ifit commanded.The ferocious [Bull] deity embodying powerful dominance.The Cretan G.o.d of harvest that appeared in Greek myths of King Minos inthe past. Or perhaps it should be called the Minotaur?However, even such a solemn and mighty appearance was for naught —"Young G.o.d-slayer... The warrior sparkling with the light of thunder! Takestmy blood, flesh and strength as thy sustenance! Swallowest me, steppestover my corpse, becomest even more powerful! Heaven and earth! For thesake of I, who has been slain, open the road to h.e.l.l as an offering to theking!""...Tsk. Even on your death throes you still need to chant insultingverses..."The dying giant bull-headed G.o.d.Alec was crouching down beside it, making heavy breathing noises.As the result of an intense battle that exceeded his limits, his brain wasnow struck with pain akin to being sawn apart; the body was severelyinjured, especially with pain in the internal organs and that poundingheartbeat. Capillaries all over the body as well as a portion of the arteriesand veins had burst, causing internal hemorrhage.Then he spat blood. Bones were probably broken all over his body.This pitiful state was the result of being struck by the bull-headed G.o.d"sangry roar. In truth, he almost died."So farewell, G.o.d-slayer! May endless curse and conflict accompany thyremaining life!"In other words, a declaration that disaster will fill the rest of his life.Leaving behind these last words, the G.o.d"s body dispersed like smoke.In that very instant, Alec felt a great weight on his back.It felt like a new authority had been obtained."I came to investigate partially due to pure curiosity; coming here with arelaxed and leisurely mood, this was the result...!"My life exactly. Even without a curse it was full of disaster.Alec smacked his lips and turned his head.Whether friend or foe, he absolutely could not let anyone else approach.For the sake of vanity, he was concerned about his current poise andappearance.However, there were no others in this vast empty s.p.a.ce. Things should befine after a bit of rest....The deepest level of the expansive underground labyrinth.This circular hollow had a diameter of almost 1 0km.Bare ground and ma.s.sive empty s.p.a.ce. In the central area were an altarand a throne for worshiping the bull-headed deity.Whether the labyrinth or the circular s.p.a.ce, neither of them existed on theisland of Crete a week ago. This location was born from divine authoritywith the manifestation of [Heretic Minos].Dragging his battered body, Alec finally returned to the surface.(The labyrinth that manifested somewhere on the La.s.sithi Plateau of Cretecould very well be discovered one day, becoming a tourist attraction thatreminded people of the Minotaur"s legend. However, I couldn"t care less atthis moment.)The authority of G.o.d speed was activated briefly.Enveloping himself in a flash of lightning and feeling with his body thepa.s.sage often-odd seconds, this was enough to reach the hotel located atthe coastal beach resort area.Ingesting the healing potion prepared beforehand in his room, he went tobed and slept for six hours. It was already night when he woke up.By this time most of the external injuries had already recovered."Still with this inexplicable body..."The headache had not improved, however, so he should probably take iteasy for now.Alec endured the nausea and headache as he tidied up his appearance.Then he took a bath, had a shave and fixed up his hairstyle. He changedinto a new shirt and pants, even though upper garments were optional inthe resort area.Still tired, but he will not compromise on personal style.After having some completely unremarkable seafood at the hotel"s westernrestaurant, he found a bar outside with a quiet atmosphere and took a seatat the bar table.Taking a sip of the alcohol, his mood finally lightened up a bit.Come on, why does every time have to be a brush with death?"There you are, Alec. Ditching me at the airport, what a cruel man you are,really..."A greeting came from behind, carrying extremely sorrowful words spokenby a very gloomy voice.Without looking back, it was obvious it was Sir Iceman.Alec waited until his trusted subordinate sat down beside him beforestarting to grumble."I think it"s about time for you to overturn the nickname of the "UnflyingDutchman." After all, overcoming one"s weaknesses is the privilege ofmankind.""Give me a break! Do I really have to overcome that chunk of metal!?"Alec"s follower was Sir Iceman, a Dutchman named Denis, age twenty-fiveor six.Nicknamed the Iceman because of his resilient and calm personality, hewas a mage who had been knighted in England and obtained the t.i.tle of"Sir."Furthermore, he was also called the "Unflying Dutchman" due to a severephobia of flying."I will gladly take on a hundred, no, a thousand men in battle, and evenfollow you into a fight against G.o.ds. However, that lump of garbage metalsuspended in the air is the only exception. That thing is... the symbol ofhuman stupidity. Mankind should not challenge the skies..."With meandering words, he tried to justify his stance.On the other hand, Sir Iceman was a valiant warrior. His power made himone of the few people who could stand toe to toe with the forces of Italy"sgreatest hero, Paolo Blandelli.Humans are never perfect. Alec shook his head."Well, it couldn"t be helped. There were only thirty minutes left before thelast flight for the Dover Strait was going to take off, and yet you were hidingin the washroom reluctant to come out... I believe a majority of peoplewould agree it wasn"t my fault.""Refusing to admit your faults, how cruel. Fine, I"ll forget about it....Anyway, Alec, you already fought, right?""What?""Yesterday there was a report of a [Heretic G.o.d] manifesting on this islandof Crete."He knew it would happen sooner or later but to be discovered so soon?Alec shrugged his shoulders."Can you give me the details of the G.o.d fight? Don"t deliberately do a lazyjob of reporting again just because it was your own battle."It was unacceptable no matter what. Besides, the other side also hadreasons that could not be disclosed.Alec simply raised his gla.s.s for another sip.G.o.d speed — which the Witenagemot had named the authority of [BlackLightning]. Due to this being Alec"s trump card, there were very fewcomrades who were capable of supporting him.Very few people could keep up with his speed. Rather than wait for backup to arrive at the front lines it was easier to just fight alone."The sense of helplessness, from finding out they did not have the ability tohelp, is always a painful experience. Thoroughly impressed we may bewith our king"s sense of worry/concern, I still hope to know if you are safeor not. As much as possible, please keep this in mind."Alec silently slid the winegla.s.s over to Iceman.Though he had no intentions of apologizing, buying him a drink wasacceptable. Iceman in turn caught the winegla.s.s without saying a word,and poured the amber-colored liquid into his own gla.s.s."By the way, please allow me to add a few words.""What is it?""Since we came expressly to Crete, why are you having a shot ofBowmore? I love drinking too, and that aroma of the sea is simplymarvelous. However, that"s still not enough reason to drink a cold climatecountry"s alcohol when we"re in the Mediterranean, for goodness" sake."The trusted subordinate was talking about a type of Scotch whiskyproduced in Scotland. This strong liqueur was filled with the local flavor ofthe tides of the Irish Sea."What"s wrong with faithfulness to one"s preferences? No matter what, themost important thing is what one desires.""Still, this place is really too hot. How about having some local beer to wetour throats?"Iceman calmly suggested in the face of Alec"s response.On the calendar it was currently the middle of May. However, for theMediterranean island of Crete, it was already very hot, enough to wearshort sleeves.Alec licked his lips, intending to retort.In truth, I cared little for vacation sense or awareness of seasons.However, I hate downing beer in ma.s.sive gulps like some kind of glutton. Itis truly imperative to maintain one"s style and aesthetics.Alec was just about to speak but he stopped —A young Caucasian beauty was approaching.She was rather young in age, about twelve or thirteen or so. Clearly not anage that should be coming and going in a bar like this.However, none of the staff or customers in the bar reprimanded her.Everyone ignored her as if she did not exist at all."It must be a [Concealment] spell. She hid her appearance from everyoneapart from us.""Probably. This is a spell that certain fairies and witches are talented in."As Alec and Sir Iceman exchanged glances, the girl walked over to them."Salutations for the first time, [King] known as Prince. Allow me to greetYour Highness."The girl in the white summer dress was stunningly beautiful. The veryimage of a cla.s.sic doll made by a master craftsman.Alec felt an unusual sense of intangibility from the young girl.Definitely not an ordinary person no matter how you look at it. Very likelyno ordinary mage.Though only based on instinct, it should not be far from the truth."If you have something to say, be quick with it. I am enjoying a privatemoment and have no interest in a suspicious fellow like you."Alec was a handsome man with a tall and slightly slender build. Though hewas not actually a n.o.ble, his natural poise and dignified airs earned himthe nickname of "Prince."Sir Iceman was also quite outstanding in appearance with solemn facialfeatures like a carved sculpture. He was even taller than Alec and lookedmore strongly built with his wider shoulders. Even when wearing a ruffledsuit there was an air of masculine charm.Whenever they sat together they were frequently accosted by women.Standing out amongst the crowd was everyday life for them. However, thisyoung girl was clearly different from those women.— How troublesome. Alec summed up curtly in his mind.No matter how extraordinary a person, she was decidedly less than a G.o.d.Completely uninteresting."Then I shall get straight to the point, Prince. Your Highness arrived at thislocation in order to ascertain whether the G.o.d Minos of Crete was [Steel], isthat correct?"Oh? Alec"s curiosity was piqued.Could this pa.s.sing girl have seen through his intentions from a glance?"I feel that Your Highness" body contains a presence similar to the Chinese[Steel], the bull-headed iron-bodied war G.o.d Chi You^, or j.a.pan"sSusanoo who is also known as the Bull-headed Heavenly King."Sir Iceman instantly signaled with his eyes, asking if he should handle it.But Alec shook his head"Wrong but close enough. It was a war G.o.d with the [Bull] attribute,probably the evolved form of a G.o.d of the land like Minos — I was onlyinvestigating when I suddenly encountered it."Well, choosing to go traveling on a whim and encountering a battle with aheretic G.o.d was an unexpected bonus...Rather than that, there were more interesting questions to interrogate thisgirl."So, could you answer my question in return? Why are you asking meabout the subject of [Steel]? I am more commonly known as a seeker ofthe Holy Grail. But there should be virtually no one who knows that I aminterested in the connections between war G.o.ds and the Holy Grail."The following year after becoming a Campione, Alec had gone searchingfor the [Magic Holy Grail].At that time, he had declared war on the English magi centered on theWitenagemot. Furthermore, the gathering of high level magi in Englandfrom all over Europe to become either Alec"s enemies or allies erupted intoa great conflict — the Battle for the Magic Grail.Anyone involved in the world of magic would have heard of this greatincident."The only ones who know about the connections between war G.o.ds andthe Holy Grail are a very small number of Templar Knights and witches....With no smell of iron from your body, you are unlikely to be a knight. Butyou are no ordinary human — someone known as a Divine Ancestor,right?"Outstanding senses of smell and taste beyond normal humans wereseveral of Alec"s little-known talents.As well as a mind that maintained a delicate balance with calm andinsightful instincts.Through logical thinking and a.n.a.lysis of instinct, the term Divine Ancestorsurfaced in memory.The girl before his eyes should not be an ordinary witch or knight.a.s.suredly."As befits the one known for being particularly wise amongst theG.o.d-slayers, the truth really was discerned from my greeting. Very likely itreflects development as a result of Your Highness" growth. I begforgiveness if I, Guinevere, have given offense.""A mere greeting?""Yes. Knowing Your Highness has slaughtered three G.o.ds, I felt that I hadto pay my respects no matter what."Then I shall take my leave — Leaving behind a smile and a greeting, theyoung girl disappeared.Taking only an instant, it was as illusionary as mist dispersing. Some sortof transfer spell must have been used."That person called herself Guinevere.""Ahah. I wonder if that name was chosen as a joke or with special meaningbehind it, how mysterious."Once the witch vanished, Sir Iceman muttered as Alec shrugged."Hmm... By the way, Alec, I had a thought."Planning on making some kind of proposal, the trusted subordinate bore aserious expression. However, somehow there was a detestable sense ofpremonition."Regarding the one calling herself Guinevere, why don"t we ask the mostaccomplished witch about her? Particularly outstanding witches areconnected to special networks transcending a.s.sociations and countries. Itis very likely that the "Princess" knows something."The most accomplished witch! Alec showed displeasure in his expression.He understood Sir Iceman"s reasoning, but he did not want to do assuggested."Since you two are so closely bound by destiny, I think it"s best to preparebeforehand when something like this happens.""Stop the nonsense! There is nothing but ill fate between us! There is noother significance!"Part 2The Witenagemot"s headquarters were situated in Greenwich, London.A four-story Victorian building constructed with red brick, very similar inlikeness to the government offices of Scotland Yard in Westminster.The office of the Witenagemot"s spokesperson was located in the depths ofthe building"s first floor.In truth, all the past spokespersons had their offices on the top floor of thisbuilding. However, the inc.u.mbent declared a relocation as soon as shea.s.sumed her position, and the office was moved.It was rumored that she said something like this:The highest floor in a building with no elevators? Unacceptable!"The graceful and gentle young beauty.The Princess regarded as Europe"s most aristocratic lady.Unexpectedly more outspoken than what her appearance and t.i.tle mightsuggest, the current spokesperson was ignoring the words of hersubordinate who acted as both secretary and governess."What is the [Magic Holy Grail]? It is the greatest treasure sought by theTemplar Knights — the successors of the twelfth century Crusaders whoattempted to take back the holy land Jerusalem from the Muslims. It iscommonly believed that it is an item that was born with the great land, andstores a ma.s.sive amount of magical power."The one speaking was Patricia Ericson.Hair tied up, wearing a thin-framed pair of spectacles, thirty years of age orso."Since ancient times, appearances of the Holy Grail in this world havebeen very rare. Records placing great importance on the "miraclemanifested when the Holy Grail is found by the Sacred Chosen One" havebeen left behind by many magi and seekers of the Holy Grail."Miss Ericson"s stiff manner of speech lacked feminine gentleness, andsimply listening to her was tiring.However, the Witenagemot"s inc.u.mbent spokesperson listened silentlywithout a single comment, until she finally smiled calmly and spoke:"Yes, I know. And it is still unclear what the "Sacred Chosen One" refers to....Hey, Miss Ericson, I don"t really need to revise knowledge on the HolyGrail, am I a bad student if I don"t want to learn about things I alreadyknow?"Yes, Alice Louise of Navarre was an outstanding honors student.Nicknamed Princess Alice.Though the highborn daughter of a Duke"s family, she was also a miko withboastworthy spirit powers.Becoming the spokesperson of the Witenagemot by recommendation atthe tender age of sixteen, she was extremely well-learned.Perhaps it would be apt to say that she was a world-cla.s.s authority on thesubject of the Holy Grail."In terms of knowledge, true... But not in terms of putting into actualpractice."Miss Ericson spoke coldly as she pushed up the rim of her actions embodied the quintessential "strict and upright femaleprivate tutor."Precisely because of this, she had secretly registered herself as a memberat a marriage agency. Humans were truly interesting beings. (As for howAlice came to know of this, she was using spirit powers when she peekedinto Miss Ericson"s heart by chance.)"Concerning the miracle of the Holy Grail, Princess, did you know there isanother legend pa.s.sed down the ages? Another important element forinitiating the Holy Grail miracle, the "valiant and foolish child of heaven" ofrumor."Pertinently, Alice responded with "is that so?"Of course, she was fully aware but feigning ignorance. Furthermore, itneeded no mentioning that the "fool" was a veiled reference to the DevilKing Campione."With all that said, in the end what are you trying to get at, Miss Ericson?""To sound the alarm against the multiple contact incidents between "thatman" and you, the most suitable "Sacred One" recognized by the world."It turned out to be this after all. Alice sighed."The miracle brought upon by the Holy Grail... No matter howconservatively speculated, the effects of its manifestation must be nodifferent from the disasters brought by [Heretic G.o.ds]. Disregarding "thatman" as the disastrous heavenly child, please do not forget you are thespokesperson of the Witenagemot who is responsible for maintaining orderin the activities of the magical world. Please be a bit more mindful of yourident.i.ty.""But it"s very interesting. Oh my, I"ve got to go.""Princess!"The highborn Princess had a weak const.i.tution. Due to this reason, Alicewas unable to leave the house casually as she desired.However, when a "major incident" involving the Holy Grail and the BlackPrince occurs, she just could not help but rush to the front lines to see howthe problem would be solved.It was a bit unfair to Miss Ericson, but let"s hope her anger will only betemporary — no, rather, she could control her anger semi-permanently.Besides, if this spirit power of flying all over the place could be reinforced,perhaps the frail body might also be strengthened at the same time...Clinging to the belief of opportunism, Alice pondered.It was again time to meet that poker-faced and unfriendly Prince and sownew seeds of discord. This young man pa.s.sionately devoted himself towork, vigorously applying himself to the job of threatening the world as thegreat devil king.There will definitely be a response —With this thought, a letter appeared on the office desk.This was something sent over by the magic of [Mailing]. It was emergencycommunication sent by a spy trained since childhood.Trying to suppress the excitement in her heart, she quietly picked up theletter."Black Prince Alec slew a G.o.d in Crete."One short sentence.However, Alice was crying out with delight in her heart.It"s here! The expected person came at last. Also, this time it is the longtime unseen Campione. This was the perfect excuse for a long durationbusiness trip!"Sorry, Miss Ericson, I express my utmost grat.i.tude to your kind advice.However, I must leave due to some urgent matters. If I were to becomesickly and unwell again, please take good care of me then."She made her request with a n.o.blewoman"s smile.However, she did not wish to hear an objection. This was in reality anorder."What on earth is this emergency, Princess!?""Same old, a world crisis!"Alice activated the power of spirit body separation.Separating from her material frame, the astral body flew towards the sky.Rendered an empty sh.e.l.l, the real body slumped over but was caught byMiss Ericson.Well done. As expected of my private tutor.The White Miko-Hime offered praise as her spirit body flew out of theWitenagmot"s headquarters.Part 3Thinking back four years ago —Letting his body rock freely with the vibrations of the running train, Alecreminisced.As a side note, he was alone. Whenever he crossed seas, Sir Iceman wasalways left behind to take a ship.However, this time he was directly informed beforehand.The other party also agreed with Alec"s suggestion that having two battlesagainst G.o.ds within a week should be impossible....Come to think of it, the last time he enjoyed a train ride so casually likethis must have been how long ago?After becoming a Campione, every single day of these four years had beenexceptionally busy.Everything began four years ago.Growing up in a town in the Cornwall countryside, Alec was introduced tomagical knowledge from a young age.However, compared to magic he was more skilled in gambling and tricks.Of course, he was not outstanding enough to be recruited by powerfulmagic a.s.sociations or the Witenagemot.The one who taught the knowledge of magic to Alec was his father,someone who most people would call an occultist. The occult that hesought until the day he died was the Magic Holy Grail.His obsession with seeking the occult was the reason why his wifeabandoned him. As a result, he had to raise young Alec as a single father.When Alec was sixteen, his father"s dying words revealed to him a secretcode.Thus began his adventures. Through good fortune and sharp instincts, hefaced off against the fallen angel Ramiel, obtaining the authority of divinespeed in the first battle...How nostalgic to recall all these memories.Soon after, he was embroiled in the battle for the Holy Grail. In order toface the difficult battles arising from continued seeking of the Holy Grail, heestablished [Royal a.r.s.enal].If none of this had happened, he most likely would not have met that girl oftaboo.The "Princess" four years his junior bearing a delicate sense of hostilitytowards him.Alec smacked his lips.Why would the face of that annoying girl he was about to meet suddenlyappear? It must the result of recalling those unpleasant memories."Yeah, I already know that popping up anywhere unannounced is yourspecial skill. But I hope you can learn to behave a little. In a situation likethis, it would be proper manners to greet first before taking a seat.""Oh well. When the terrifying Great Devil King starts explaining manners, itmust be an omen for a world-shaking cataclysm."Princess Alice"s spirit body spoke nonchalantly.There were no other pa.s.sengers in Alec"s train car.This was exactly why the spirit body of England"s most accomplished mikoas well as one of Europe"s rare witches had sneaked into the seat oppositeto him.Did she detect my location as usual through magical information networks?Speculating thus, Alec frowned....What ill fate, the bothers of this woman never end."Rumors say that you have successfully slain your third G.o.d at Crete. TheG.o.d dormant on that island... turns out to be the divinity of Minos after all?""I have no obligation to answer you. What a boring question.""There. Your habit of twitching your right eyebrow the instant someoneguesses correctly. It is Minos as expected... So what kind of authority is itthis time? It must be one suited to you, a power that is extravagant andconvoluted at the same time."A troublesome woman who always talked back with every sentence.Their first meeting was when she was twelve. But even back then she wasnot the least cute: a frail and sickly princess who proposed to the DevilKing terms of bribery and negotiation at the tender age of twelve.Recalling the details of their unpleasant first encounter, Alec clicked histongue."...Come to think of it, historically there have been many members of theEnglish royal family originating from fabricated claims of kinship, thusproducing incompetent kings."A sudden change in conversation topic.There was a need to make this troublesome encounter into somethingslightly more constructive."That"s an affront to England"s hero of the Red Dragon...^ Though I canunderstand what you are getting at. Disregarding the earlier half of his life,he became rather amazing in the latter half."The girl with the graceful manners but surprisingly sharp tongue began tolaunch into a speech."The legendary King Arthur of England united Great Britain along with theScots who were suffering from invasions from the Saxons and the Picts,defending them resolutely. He was the immortal hero who could slaughtera hundred enemies with a single swing from the magic sword Excalibur...Leading the Knights of the Round Table into battle, he obtained victoryafter victory.""However, being unaware of the immoral relationship between his wife andthe trusted subordinate, he was responsible for the fatal wedge that droveapart the unity of his men.""Aware but feigning ignorance... This kind of explanation may work infiction, but for a legendary monarch of war, it is nowhere sufficient.Likewise for the reason of the country"s ruin, the result of suppression"sfailure."Alice smiled radiantly as she spoke with a satirical tone."Exceptional as a warrior and a commander on the battlefield, but theabsolute worst whether in terms of being a politician, king, or husband...""I don"t know why anyone would wish for such an inept person to revive. Idefinitely would not."Having said this, Alec continued."However he became an authoritative hero in England, Wales, Ireland,Scotland... even France and other parts of Europe. A man that cannot beunderstood with common sense.""Yes, as befits the "Once and Future King"."Alice was quoting from the famous work that stood as a symbol of theArthurian legends.The tomb inscription recorded in Sir Thomas Malory"s Le Morte d"Arthur.HIC IACET ARTHURUS REX QUONDAM REXQUE FUTURUS — Herelies Arthur, king once, and king to be.It implied that the legendary king was not a ruler who would remain in thepast.Awakening in the future world to descend as king once more. Yes, afterbeing fatally injured at the Battle of Camlann, King Arthur sleeps on thefairy island of Avalon to heal his wounds, waiting for his time to reawaken!Hence he is the "Once and Future King.""...I remember now. About a year ago, was it? The two of us wereinvestigating the legends of King Arthur as part of seeking the Holy Grail.What about it, are you doing that again?"Hmph. Alec sneered, declining to give an answer. It was still too early todisclose, and he needed to continue deceiving this woman a little whilelonger."Oh my, what are you thinking now? Fine, I will accompany you for a while.Alexandre, you once said before, the truth of King Arthur"s legend can onlybe uncovered by transcending history and literature.""Ah yes. From a historical perspective, it"s not very accurate. As literature,it"s a mess. Those are the traits of the legend."Alec slowly nodded at Alice"s query."First let"s confirm the historical Arthur. This goes without saying, it"s just afictional character. However, there could very well exist an actual personwho was the prototype.""Yes, if such a person really existed, then it must have been in Englandduring the fifth or sixth century."Regarding specific details in this area, there were many people who kneweven more than the Devil King and the White Miko-Hime.The answer could probably be obtained immediately from them.They were known in England as Arthurians, a group of King Arthurfanatics.Starting from the latter half of the sixth century, there was a sustainedincrease in the number of people named Arthur in Great Britain. As famegrew from outstanding people bearing the same name as the legendarycharacter, popularity increased amongst the commoners and resulted in arapid rise in children named in their honor."However, even if a real person existed as the prototype for King Arthur, hedefinitely was not a king.""Britain at that time... was not an independent country. Still considered aprovince of the Roman Empire even though it was written off asabandoned frontier territory, calling oneself "King" would not have beentolerated."For this reason, there were many who believe King Arthur"s prototype to bea Roman general.In particular, figures bearing the name Artorius (which would be Arthur inEnglish) were the strongest candidates. However, there are no historicaldoc.u.ments recording English history at the time, hence a candidate couldnot be narrowed down.No matter what, Great Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries was in a stateof political turmoil.Furthermore, the original inhabitants of England back then were the peoplereferred to modernly as Celts. Modern Englishmen are the descendants ofthe Saxon invaders who drove the Celts out to flee to what were nowmodern Wales and Ireland.Besides, the ones who wished the most to acquire the prestige of KingArthur were the members of English royalty.Starting with the House of Plantagenet in the twelfth century, this tendencybecame more and more p.r.o.nounced.Ever since the Norman conquest in the eleventh century, most members ofthe English royalty belonged to the clans of foreign invaders.Their justification for ruling England was to declare themselves thedescendants of the "Once and Future King," fabricating family trees in theprocess."However, in the end not a single location remains as evidence of thehistorical King Arthur. It would be more correct to consider thephenomenon of the fabricated legendary king as an achievement ofliterature."As the train shook and rattled on its way, Alec continued to "chat."He was merely speaking out loud as he organized the questions in hismind. The incident of the girl he met a few days ago came to mind."Yes. In the tenth century"s Chronicles of Cambria, King Arthur was just anordinary general. However, by the time of 1135"s Historia RegumBritanniae, he appeared as king instead, along with the wizard Merlin aswell as becoming the owner of the magic sword Caliburnus."Alice"s pupils shone with a mischievous l.u.s.ter. However, rather than thesubject of conversation, her interest lay in interacting with Alec instead."This Historia Regum Britanniae is exactly the origin of literature on KingArthur. After being translated and published in France, where manyadditional stories were added by court bards, it was imported back intoEngland and republished...""Thus the essential framework of the King Arthur legend was formed."The bards on the continent were also the ones who renamed the king"ssword to Excalibur and added the characters of Queen Guinevere and theKnight of the Lake, Lancelot.The story of pulling out the sword in the stone to become king alsooriginated there."So with that, there are too many artificial changes to King Arthur"s story,making it more creative fiction than anything else... Still, this mancontinued to exist as a hero in legend and was pa.s.sed along the ages. Inreality, he also clearly displays the attributes of the war G.o.ds of [Steel]. Acompletely incomprehensible existence!"Alec finally cut to the main point."The "Sword in the Stone" is a symbolic theme of the war G.o.d of theequestrian Scythian tribe. It was due to obtaining this that the young Arthurbecame king. Also, the scabbard of Excalibur carried the magical power ofimmortality.""Immortality on the battlefield. This is also a characteristic of [Steel]."G.o.d of the military, G.o.d of might, G.o.d of war, G.o.d of battle.G.o.ds born to fight belonging to the category known as [Steel].Their existences were metaphors for [Swords], and as living [Swords]never yielded to outsider enemies."Well, let"s put this topic aside for now. Ever since seeking the Holy Graillast time, I have been considering the problem of the hero"s prototype. Theone who set me along this path was no other but you.""Eh, me?""Do you still remember? You once said that Lancelot of the Lake is [Steel]."Lancelot du Lac.Also recorded as Sir Lancelot or Launcelot, etc.He was King Arthur"s dear friend and premier knight. Honored as thestrongest of the Knights of the Round Table, he was a paragon of virtue.However, tainted by the crime of his adulterous relationship with KingArthur"s wife, Queen Guinevere, he was unable to obtain the Holy Grailthat only manifests before "pure knights.""The comrades appearing in the earliest Arthurian legends... Sir Kay, SirGawain, Sir Bedivere and others, all of them can be confirmed as beingmodeled on Celtic deities. The river G.o.d Kai, the battle G.o.d Gwalchmai,and the one-armed war G.o.d Bedwyr. However, Lancelot who first appearedin the twelfth century is still unidentified."Sitting before Alec who recounted fluently, Alice cast a curious glance tothe side.After a long while, she appeared to have realized the key point."There are also theories that suggest Lancelot"s prototype is the Celticdeity Lugh the long-armed master of all arts.^ However, the truth of thisclaim is tenuous at best. Rather, it would be more convincing to say thatLancelot was created deliberately by bards as a lady-killer character tocater to n.o.blewomen and their preference for romance."As a side note, Alice had been rather adamant in her declaration backthen.Lancelot as a war G.o.d of [Steel]."On the other hand, Lancelot"s mother is the Lady of the Lake, whohappens to be quite similar to Thetis who dipped her son the hero Achillesin the River Styx in Hades to give him an immortal body. A symbioticrelationship with a water-related G.o.ddess is also a characteristic of [Steel]."As [Steel], G.o.ds of living swords had deep roots with the water used forcooling freshly forged swords."Conversely, Lancelot has no other characteristics other than this one as[Steel]."Alec showed a knowing smile as he continued his recollections."If this was really the case, then he is simply a war G.o.d and there"s noneed to have a separate category of [Steel]."II II"However, I actually agree with you. Determining Lancelot as [Steel] isbased on a certain report, the one that you Witans handed over to theBritish Library and had been collecting dust ever since. That thing wasmixed in together with the other doc.u.ments I stole."It was the report of a researcher who came to Greenwich to study for asemester and then moved on to Asia to undertake field studies."Your mind remains sharp as ever, you fellow! Even though you are clearlya devil king!"Alice began to throw a tantrum."Judging from your reaction, Lancelot must be equivalent to what witches— top level witches keep amongst themselves as a secretly communicateddivinity?""Fine, yes. You really are the worst, Alexandre. You"ve always been likethis! Always setting verbal traps to make me reveal the truth to you! Usingmethods of deception makes you the worst kind of man completely failingas a gentleman! And not only failing as a gentleman, you are also devoidof chivalry!""What"s the point of saying all this? Just as you said, I am truly a GreatDevil King."A satisfying victory.Alec gloated over his successful turn of the tables, but at the same time hewondered if it was a bit petty to have brooded over an opponent who was agirl four years his junior..."Ah. Really! So that is why you came to this island! Even though theremight be some kind of unexpected occurrence, I believe it will surely beovercome!""As I"ve already said before, you are too optimistic. You should alwayscalculate beforehand the worst possible situation.""Mind your own business!"Not long after, the train they were riding had stopped.Carrying his baggage, Alec got off the train with Alice following him with adispleased expression."Hey Alexandre. There is still quite the distance from here to thedestination. Why don"t you just use [Black Lightning] directly? In that caseyou can get there instantly, right? I think it"s better to arrive earlier. I don"twant to take the train any more...""It is a good opportunity to train the endurance of a willful little lady likeyou. If you"re complaining then don"t come along."Replying with icy coldness, Alec began searching for the bus stop.It was true that he was able to use the authority of divine speed, but hecould never use it casually: because activating that authority had manytroublesome aspects...The quiet little town they had reached was Nuoro, a city located on theItalian island of Sardinia. Like the Greek-governed island of Crete, it too,faced the Mediterranean Sea.Reaching their destination Oliena would take a b.u.mpy bus ride of severaldozens of minutes.Part 4The little town of Oliena was situated in the interior countryside of Sardinia.Although there were no particular tourist attractions, it was a beautifullyscenic location.The scenery included quiet forests and vast farmland, with a sense ofdelight that could not be found in a bustling metropolis.Alec knew very well where he had to go.Walking briskly with no hesitation at all, with Alice"s ectoplasm followingbehind, the two of them soon came before a little house.The exquisite house and garden revealed the owner"s indifference tohorticulture, for the yard was full of weeds. On the other hand, theflowerbeds were filled with all sorts of herbs and flowers.Overall, the entire compound gave off a suspicious atmosphere, as befittedthe home of a witch.As Alec nodded to himself, the Princess behind him spoke:"Did you make an appointment? What if she"s not at home...""No problem. It was all arranged beforehand.""You haven"t changed at all. Still paying attention to all the details."That"s because compared to your sloppiness, everyone else is meticulousno matter who.Alec was just about to chatter away with his retort, but it looked like thelady of the house was coming out the door."Finally, visitors to my home, if I am not mistaken. Otherwise, pleaseaccept my apologies. My name is Lucretia Zola. You two are — oh my,isn"t this an old acquaintance?"The lazy-looking gaze belonged to an outstanding beauty in her prime,wearing a comfortable fluffy dress. Nevertheless, it was readily apparentthat she possessed a s.e.xy body.Lucretia Zola indeed.Called the Witch of Sardinia, she was one of the highest ranked witches.She seemed to be gazing with interest at her fellow witch friend."It"s been quite a while, Madam. Two years since we last met.""...Ah, time sure flies. You are still as rude as the little child back then. Orperhaps the status of a princess makes you too good for manners? Callinga young beauty like me something like "Madam"...""Calling someone "Madam" is etiquette for expressing respect to elders."Alice and Lucretia chatted away affectionately.Truly, the connections between top witches since ancient times remainuseful even in the present. As Alec nodded at his own deductions, Lucretiaturned her gaze to him."I don"t really think your ident.i.ty needs confirmation, but a greeting is dueas a matter of courtesy. You are Alexandre Gascoigne — the Campioneknown as the Black Prince, yes?""Indeed. It is my honor to meet you, Exalted Witch.""The pleasure is all mine. However, Prince, let me say something first."She showed no signs of fear or hostility in the face of a Campione.Alec felt impressed by her ability to maintain composure. The witchcontinued to speak calmly."It can"t be helped for young ones to become arrogant after becomingCampiones. However, to send a letter saying "arriving tomorrow, hope tomeet then" without even signing a name, don"t you think it"d feel a bitsuspicious to the receiver? It"s not good for the heart, you know, andhopefully next time you invite me on a date you can act a bit more like agentleman."The final mocking sentence — truly made the moniker "Prince" weep."It can"t be helped, Madam. It"s actually not arrogance since he treats allladies poorly. Please don"t take personal offense."It was Alice"s turn to speak in complaining tones."Really... So you didn"t make a proper appointment after all. Alexandre,despite your appearance, you are really bad at dealing with women.Hearing your attempts at pleasantries is like listening to an awkwardmiddle school student.""Mind your own business! Anyway, back to the subject at hand, LucretiaZola, I have things to discuss with you!"Alec tried to cover up his embarra.s.sment by raising his voice.He stared directly at the elderly — but still extremely beautiful witch."Since you should be the authority in this area, I wanted to inquire nomatter what, regarding the [Steel] war G.o.d Lancelot"s connections with youwitches.""Oh... If it"s about that, I believe you can also choose to ask this Princessover here."Lucretia Zola spoke cheerfully as she alternated her gaze between Alecand Alice, as if comparing the two."Looks like there are complicated factors at work. Well, fine. When I firstheard of the Holy Grail-seeking Campione I already expected an inevitableday like this. If you don"t mind, please enter my humble abode!"Alice followed Lucretia into her home, with Alec entering last.The door to the home of the witch closed automatically, the heavy woodendoor shutting with great momentum."Before we discuss the hero Lancelot, may I ask something first?"Lucretia asked when they reached the living room.Everyone was seated around the table with a serving of herbal tea each."No problem. It is only fair to return the courtesy if you can answer ourquestions.""...Devil Kings really show a gentleman"s magnanimity only at times likethis. You"re going to continue to become even more powerful, and turn intosomething like Marquis Voban."With a displeased expression, Alec ignored Alice"s criticism.It would have been too tactless to say aloud "Don"t compare me to thatsavage who only wears a veneer of intellect." Resolutely, he chose toignore her instead."Then I shall go ahead. Prince, why do you seek the Holy Grail?"The joking atmosphere was gone in an instant. Lucretia asked once againwith a solemn expression."Other than the fact that it is a container for incomparable magical power,no other extraordinary value has been identified for this sacred treasure.However, if such an item were to fall into your hands — as a Campione,Prince, surely you can predict the kind of chaos it will ignite... In the past,your obtaining of the counterfeit already stirred up that particular conflict."In the past four years, Alec had sought the Holy Grail twice.The first time was the second year after becoming a Campione. The HolyGrail obtained and hidden away by England"s King John had manifested.After much fighting, the object of contention was determined to be a fake.The second time was last year.It was an adventure whose goal was the tomb of King Arthur and Avalonthe land of the fairies discovered by ancient heretical monks. It wascommonly believed that the Holy Grail also lay dormant there. In the end, itwas determined that what the monks discovered was completely differentfrom what was expected, and thus the search ended."As a Campione, if you were to obtain the Grail"s incomparably greatmagical power, a cataclysmic event that tears apart the heavens and theearth may arise. Or perhaps you may become the strongest warrior inhistory who can destroy [Heretic G.o.ds] with ease. For the many peopleinvolved in magic that either fear or welcome such an event, a greatcommotion will likely result... So, what is the reason why you seek the Graileven at the risk of such turmoil? Pray tell me.""Nothing much, all I want is to investigate it.""...Huh?"Lucretia greatly doubted this simple answer.Wasn"t I clear enough?"Simply stated, I just want to confirm what sort of thing it is. I want todiscern its true nature with my own two eyes. If it is something useful I willkeep it with me, otherwise I"d throw it away. I am well aware of the troubleit will cause to my surroundings, but oh well."Not unaware.Shrugging at these indifferent words, Alice offered her commentary:"Madam, Alexandre is a Campione after all. Even though I think he is tooserious and petty in weird areas, he turns out to be rather arbitrary with hiswhims. The main point is, people with this kind of personality indulgethemselves in their own little world, bringing trouble to others without athought.""If he didn"t have such obsessions, he would really look like the type ofperson who acts seriously."Lucretia clapped her hands together with a smack."It feels strange to hear an unexpectedly honest answer. Yes indeed,though a little different from the norm, it is still expected of one from thelineages of the Campiones.""Can you shut up with the personality attacks?"A violent outburst.Cough cough. Alec made a series of deliberate coughs and continued."Back to the subject of our request. Please tell me, what exactly is Lancelotof the Lake?""No problem... However, you sure set your sights on a intriguing deity."A mischievous l.u.s.ter returned to Lucretia"s eyes.Alec remained dead serious and shook his head."That can"t be all. It is something whose true ident.i.ty is even more elusivethan King Arthur. At least the hero Arthur was probably based on an actualgeneral. On the other hand, Lancelot"s true origins cannot be traced at all.There are far too few leads."Alec glared coldly at the beautiful faces of the two witches."However, two witches have judged this unidentified hero to be a war G.o.dof [Steel]. One of them is this Princess and the other is you.""I must apologize. He has already read the report.""Report...? Ahah, that one."Lucretia nodded after a bit of thought."Even though it was something rushed out madly before the deadline, thatthing keeps bringing trouble.""It can"t be helped. That level of research paper can only be read byWitens like the Diogenes Club. Even if they inadvertently wrote downknowledge meant to be transmitted orally, those people should not haveleaked..."The Princess seemed to have turned away, feeling responsible for theleaking of secrets.Anyway, it was time to use this material for a counterattack. Just as Alecdecided that, the Witch of Sardinia began to speak slowly."Lancelot du Lac is the guardian deity of high ranking witches — like mewho has reached the earthly pinnacle, or the Princess who has reachedthe heavenly pinnacle."...Oh? — Alec exclaimed."Having said that, the advantages offered are not that significant. Only tothe level of bestowing one or two divine decrees when performing longrituals? If one of us witches had the disposition for theophany, then it mightbe possible to use the violent skill of divine possession."A symbiotic relationship between the adulterous hero deity and witches,the descendants of ancient miko.Alec was secretly overcome with excitement. This subject piqued hiscuriosity and was very interesting indeed. He must dig deeper. However,what if he was unable to pry anything more out of this witch"s mouth..."A womanizing hero who only shows interest towards witches who haveattained ultimate status between heaven and earth...? As for beings knownas "Divine Ancestors," what kind of existence are they?"The term was finally uttered. It would be bad if the witches continued tobeat around the bush. Fully prepared, Alec revealed his trump card."Alexandre, are you trying to say that you met a Divine Ancestorsomewhere?""By chance a few days ago. There was someone who appeared beforeme, calling herself Guinevere. Know her?"The Princess" usual disapproving manner vanished.Hearing her serious reply, Alec secretly cheered in his heart. This sense ofvictory gave him much satisfaction."Even the White Miko-Hime has never encountered a Divine Ancestor.Guinevere in particular, is considered an existence akin to a queenamongst the Divine Ancestors. She is a sacred demiG.o.ddess, havingtranscended human and female boundaries. She does not appear beforeothers very much."Seeing the nostalgic expression on the elderly witch"s face, Alecunderstood.There were no signs of trying to hide anything. In that case, he should askupfront directly."Lucretia Zola. What is the nature of your relationship with Guinevere?""Fellow researchers in the past, I suppose... Back when that princess hadjust reincarnated, she made a suggestion to me once.— If you are interested in [Steel], would you like to search for the "King whomanifests at the end of eras" together?Guinevere invited me like that, so I accepted.""King who manifests at the end of eras?""Madam, what on earth is this...?"The two young adults asked simultaneously.Alec"s cellphone began to vibrate.Tsk. Ruining things at the perfect moment.Nevertheless, only a rare number of trusted subordinates knew thisnumber of his. The LCD screen revealed the caller to be Sir Iceman. Afterbrief deliberation, Alec apologized and took the call."What"s wrong with you, man? It seems like you simply love mystery andadventure, including the accompanying danger and peril. This time I can"thelp feeling that, Alec""What do you mean by that, and where are you now?""Not too long ago, I had just arrived at port Cagliari on the island ofSardinia. After taking a ship all the way from Crete, I received a report fromthe Cornwall headquarters as soon as I arrived.""Report? Is it a report expressly addressed to me as thecommander-in-chief?""Yes. A most urgent report. An hour ago, a [Heretic G.o.d] manifested in thecoastal waters of Sardinia and has started moving towards the east coastof the island. It looks like it will be landing soon."Sir Iceman"s tone of voice became even more depressed.If this continued, a situation of fighting two G.o.ds within a week coulddevelop after all.Part 5Getting results from the conversation with Lucretia was originally the firstpriority.However, news of a [Heretic G.o.d] appearing could not be ignored.First Crete and now Sardinia.Heretic G.o.ds had been appearing one after another at every place Alecvisited as a Campione.The first could be shrugged off as coincidence, but not when it happened asecond time. Alexandre Gascoigne was not an optimist.No matter what, he had to confirm the details with his own two eyes. Alecactivated the authority of [Black Lightning].Those fellows at the Witenagemot were the ones who named thisauthority.Alec did not bother to decide on a particular name himself. This was theauthority usurped from Ramiel, the fallen angel of visions and lightning.G.o.d speed — the power to enter a supernatural realm of acceleration.At the same time, it conferred to the body a kind of agile feline athleticism.However, so-called "G.o.d speed" came with many troublesome aspects. Inthe beginning, he was unable to touch things that were moving at normalspeeds until he grew accustomed to the speed. To others it looked tooslow while Alec was too fast.Moreover, it strained the mind and the body.After entering the realm of G.o.d speed for five minutes or so, his body wouldstart making violent creaking noises. Due to the ma.s.sive difference in timeflow compared to the world of normal speed, processing this disparitycaused the brain to give off a terrible ringing.If he continued for yet another twenty minutes before deactivating theauthority, the unpleasant aftereffects would be a thousand times worsethan the initial symptoms of time disparity.There were also times when G.o.d speed was overused, making itimpossible to return to normal for what felt like three days" worth of time.The whole experience was really similar to the story of Rip Van Winkle.^Even though it was an extraordinarily powerful ability, there were too manytroublesome side effects.However, two years after he usurped the authority of G.o.d speed, Alecfinally discovered a new way to make use of his power.Sustained use of G.o.d speed caused all sorts of troublesome strain on thehuman body. In that case, might as well turn the body into one that wassuitable to the true nature of lightning speed —Campiones often made effective use of their authorities by altering theform of their body.This was called manifesting an [Avatar]. In order to use G.o.d speed fullywithout suffering from the strain, Alec became thunder itself — taking onan avatar of lightning.Turning into lightning, Alec flew towards the sky.This avatar dissociated the human body, transforming it into plasma.Turning into this form completely eliminated the G.o.d speed"s burden on themind and body, allowing him to fly without reservation. That is right, notrunning along the ground on legs as normal, but flying in the sky.— Well, the avatar of lightning also had its weakness. In fact, it was quite afatal one...Nevertheless, it was currently the form most suited to long distance travel.Using G.o.d speed (or perhaps more aptly, lightning speed), Alec flewimmediately to Orosei Bay on Sardinia"s east coast, moving due east fromLucretia"s home inland to reach the sh.o.r.e.Appearing before his eyes was a beautiful beach. Every May, the touristsflocking to frolic in the summer sea must have made quite a bustlingcrowd. However, what occupied this place was currently —Alec stared at the ma.s.sive creature before him and snorted "hmph."Walking from the shallows of the sea towards the beach without slowingdown at all, it was going to land soon. Body size... roughly 50m or so.With a shocking gigantic body and bulging muscles all over, it was the formof a strong and well-built male. However, above the neck it had a [Bull]"shead.A bull-headed human-bodied [Heretic G.o.d]. It was the G.o.d Minos that Alechad just fought previously."...This seems to be quite interesting."Making a comment, Alec released his body of lightning and returned tohuman."Oooh... This appearance... I recognize it! No mistake, the appearance ofan ancient warrior!"Standing tall, it boomed with a loud voice from far above the beach.The call of Minos. Hoh, Alec smiled sardonically."We G.o.ds and ye G.o.d-slayers — the two sides commonly exchangingnothing but swords, spears, arrows and blades! However, thou shalt hearmy declaration first!"It"s coming, what will be said next?Let"s have a guess, right... Something like: Mine appellation be Minos, G.o.dwho ruleth over ancient Crete as the great king of the land."Mine appellation be Minos, G.o.d who ruleth over ancient Crete as thegreat king of the land."A correct guess, how boring.Alec"s smile was infused with greater and greater mockery."G.o.d-slayer! I, king of the land, declare war upon thee! We G.o.ds ruling theheavens, the oceans and the great land, and ye devil kings of taboo, areabsolutely irreconcilable mortal enemies! Come, as determined by ancientFate, it is time for us to duel!"What was with this Minos?Those were the same words uttered before battle by the bull-headed G.o.dthat Alec faced a few days ago.With only minor differences in content, was this an illusion that imitated thatG.o.d"s appearance and behavior? No, as a Campione, Alec"s entire bodyand mind were full of f

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