
Chapter 70

Chapter 3 - Athena ReappearsPart 1Work was proceeding cautiously under strict security.Big clumsy machinery (seemed to be called cranes?) was being employedto excavate a target below the the red sacred seal (called something liketorii).— King who manifests at era"s end.The secret to his location lies dormant in this coastal holy sanctum.The place was much more crowded than the last time Guinevere hadvisited. The hidden guardian of this place had been able to vaguely sensethis land"s "life force."Even though Guinevere had concealed herself using magic, the other partyseemed to have sensed her presence slightly.Due to the sudden increase in alert level, Guinevere had quickly retreated."As feared, things will not progress that easily."Using the [Witch"s Eye] to enhance her vision, she was watching theexcavation from afar.She had originally intended to revisit this beach in the Far East to seek outits secret. But the local wizards seemed to be planning on entrusting thesecret to the Campione. While the uninteresting machines were engagedin digging, the joint effort of several dozens of wizards had released theunderground seal. Guards were also set up to prevent interference.Amongst those dozens of people present were skilled swordsmen, ninjas,wizards and miko on standby —The most troublesome opponent of all would be that sword-wielding mikowho could use divine possession. Guinevere had seen her last time whenthe Great Sage Equaling Heaven had appeared. It would be prudent toavoid a frontal confrontation with this girl."It is still too early to lay Guinevere"s life on the line. Rather than standaround helplessly, it would be better to reverse the situation in theopponent"s hand."Seeking a.s.sistance from Lancelot"s might... Was not an option sheconsidered.Even though he was the knight who served Guinevere, he was a deity withall things considered. If a pertinent level of respect was not maintained,their bonds would likely grow progressively weaker.But then again, making a request to that lowly human would really beridiculous to the extreme."Kusanagi G.o.dou-sama who defeated the Great Sage Equaling Heaven...Already exhibits the might of a G.o.d-slayer. Come to think of it, Athenacalled him her mortal enemy..."Just as Guinevere was a.n.a.lyzing the developing situation, she noticed"movement.""She came as expected, G.o.ddess Athena. Coming to send Guinevere tothe grave instead of sitting somewhere waiting for her demise."( — Beloved child, this Knight is fit for battle.)Whispers were carried to her ears, from wherever Lancelot lay resting.(If the G.o.ddess reappears, just meet her in battle. Truly, she is a formidablefoe... But it will be an excellent opportunity to make contact with the HolyGrail. If we succeed, the Divine Sword of Salvation will also be able toretrieve its true power, and Athena"s immortality will reach an end, sendingher on her way to h.e.l.l.)It was a very attractive proposal, but Guinevere shook her head."No, let"s not do that yet. If you go all out like previously, the time requiredfor Sir Knight to recover will be further delayed."With roughly ten more days before Lancelot would recover his true power,there was no point in overexerting themselves. After all, other heroes wereavailable to battle the G.o.ddess —"Stay hidden for now. Today is definitely not the right time to meet Athena."Guinevere activated her magical powers of a Divine Ancestor.Dissociating her witch"s body, she became one with the air, and flew awayriding on the wind.Erasing her trail as she ran away in this manner, even Athena would havedifficulty tracking her down."Tsk, was one a step too tardy?"Clicking her tongue in disapproval, Athena was standing on a seaside cliffin the form of a young girl.Her gaze pointed towards the white waves crashing upon the cliff. Therehad been a minute remnant of Guinevere"s lingering presence. However, ithad now vanished —"Forsooth, "tis the Holy Grail within one"s body... Alerted the prey."Athena murmured to herself.Thanks to swallowing the Grail, she now understood its nature fully."As long as this object remaineth in one"s body, "tis impossible to approachthe descendant of its creator?"Guinevere was the witch born from the white matriarch deity"sreincarnation.She had apparently fled as soon as she sensed Athena approaching. Ifnothing changed, this situation would only repeat time and again."Is there no way to send that witch to her grave, and stop that man"srevival...? Hmm, "tis one"s destiny to defeat Kusanagi G.o.dou. But as thingsstand, he cannot defeat that man. For no G.o.d-slayer can prevail againstthat man once he awakens."If that was the case, what could be done? What could G.o.ddess Athenado?" — Fu. One had wished for a ripened opportunity, but the time for harvesthast arrived. One shall have a decisive showdown against KusanagiG.o.dou here."If this life persists after the duel concluded, then Lancelot will be forced topay back his dues at that time...!Her remaining time was not abundant.Having made her decision, Athena displayed a brave and fearless smile.The G.o.ddess" battle spirit roused, the waves beneath intensified in turn.Violent winds blew across the sky to answer to the G.o.ddess" raging spirit."Superbly done, war G.o.d Lancelot. As befitted proper [Steel] inheriting theways of ancients. Desecrating one"s immortality in this manner!"The swallowed Holy Grail continued to erode her life from within.The immortal G.o.ddess"s life was gradually absorbed by this divine artifact.Slowly but surely, Athena was approaching death."Hohoho. Were one to take this Holy Grail and crosseth over to the[Boundary of Life and Immortality], perhaps this life may persistindefinitely..."There were occasional [Heretic G.o.ds], tired of endless wandering, whochose to live secluded in that world.It could very well be Athena"s one and only path of survival."Nevertheless, one is not obliged to take that path. Letting the riotous spiritrage in war, and choosing the path of battle is what befits this G.o.ddess.One shall first defeat Kusanagi G.o.dou, then Lancelot shall be vanquished.If this life lingereth still, justice shall be met upon that maidservant, andvengeance brought to that man...!"Precisely because she had transcended mortality, she was not one tostruggle for the sake of prolonging her life.Death was welcome as long as all those unaccomplished tasks could besettled without regret. When the time comes and her power is fullydepleted, she will lay down upon the earth and pa.s.s away as if enteringeternal slumber.Athena was not only the tripart.i.te G.o.ddess, but also the G.o.ddess of war.As the end drew near, would it not be particularly meaningful to embracedeath as the G.o.ddess of war?!Standing before the turbulent eastern sea, Athena felt exhilaration as heremotions rose to new heights.Part 2On the Friday after the school festival had ended, Kusanagi G.o.dou wasgoing to Chiba Prefecture. The day before, he had received a phone callfrom Seishuuin Ena."h.e.l.lo, Your Majesty, please! I hope you can help!"It was the first time ever for him to receive a call from Ena. This was the girlwho seldom used modern tools of civilization with their intended purpose."Sure, if it"s within my power... Is it something troublesome?""I"m afraid so. Ah, but Amakasu-san said Your Majesty once accepted asimilar request from Erica-san, so it shouldn"t matter.""Something Erica once requested..."G.o.dou was reminded of all sorts of unreasonable demands she had forcedupon him before.They all pretty much sowed the seeds for future conflict with G.o.ds."The worst time was when she forced me to bring back the stone medallionwhich drew Athena to Tokyo.""Yes yes, that"s exactly it. There"s a medal-like thing that we want YourMajesty to safeguard for us. It"s still being dug out of the ground, but it"llprobably be ready tomorrow or the day after."Last time he had been entrusted with the unforgettable Gorgoneion. It wasa medallion with the mother earth G.o.ddess" wisdom engraved on it.Well, it can"t be helped. G.o.dou sighed.This was like volunteering himself to finish the job. It meant helping Ena,Amakasu and the rest of them even more in the future. Starting aroundspring earlier this year, he had been completely sucked into involvementwith the supernatural world —G.o.dou lamented to himself as he answered."Understood. I"ll help. What do I need to do first?""We will welcome Your Majesty here tomorrow. Ena is currently at Chiba,oh?"The next day after that phone call was a bright and sunny Friday.After returning from school, G.o.dou lied about staying at a friend"s place forthe weekend before setting off from home.Having arranged a ride with an acquaintance beforehand, he waited at anearby main road. A common silver domestic car stopped briskly beforeG.o.dou on the roadside.G.o.dou was shocked to see the person at the steering wheel.It was the androgynous Hime Miko, Sayanomiya Kaoru, who resembledboth a handsome youth and a beautiful lady at the same time."Actually I just received my driver"s license, so let me be the chauffeur fortoday."She winked and explained as he sat down on the pa.s.senger seat besideher.Come to think of it, she (often feels like a he) was in her third year of highschool.Even if she had just reached eighteen years of age, it was sufficient to geta normal official license."Thank you for your efforts... But Kaoru-san seems to be quite familiar withdriving?""Yes. I "just happened" to get my license recently. On the other hand,having a car is a lot more convenient when going out with girls to variousplaces for fun. In the past, I sometimes carried authorization underanother"s name, and it often proved to be useful."Kaoru"s control of the steering wheel was very steady. Somehow, G.o.doufelt like verifying if she might drive recklessly like a novice..."It feels quite incredible when I realized recently just how many amazingpeople are around me, leading normal lives...""Hmm, this could very well be called "birds of a feather, flock together.""Kaoru replied cheerfully to G.o.dou"s exclamation.Furthermore, she was suggestively grouping herself with G.o.dou and hisother strange companions together."Well, from this moment on, I will be the proud driver in charge of ourjourney. Do you want to go for a spin and pick up girls? I"m sure ifG.o.dou-san partners with me, we"re in for quite a catch!""I"m not used to hitting on such a large number of girls!"Kaoru continued to drive steadily as she made her unsettling suggestion.Along the way they picked up two girls. Mariya Yuri and Liliana Kranjcar.Both of them in casual dress, Yuri was wearing a one-piece dress with amatching knitted top while Liliana was dressed in a short-sleeved blouse,jeans and a halfcoat."So, now that everyone is here, I will briefly explain the situation."Kaoru spoke slowly as soon as they got on the Shuto Expressway.The Hime-Miko and History Compilation Committee executive revealed anincredible legend.Queen Oto Tachibana-Hime, jumped into the sea with sword embosomed.Sea currents carried her sword to a landless location, whence a floatingisland subsequently appeared."Now that it"s mentioned, Kazusa and Awa are certainly places with deepties to Yamato Takeru no Mikoto and Oto Tachibana-Hime."Yuri the Hime-Miko was the first to nod in agreement."Is that so, Mariya?""Yes. G.o.dou-san should probably know already — "Yuri proceeded to recount the last moments of Oto Tachibana-Hime. It wasa most familiar story."The place where Takeru no Mikoto and Hime set off to sea, calledHashirimizu, still exists in Kanagawa Prefecture. Shrines were built inworship of Oto Tachibana-Hime as a deity on both sides of Tokyo Bay inKanagawa and Chiba."It was the story of Yamato Takeru that G.o.dou knew from childhood.For Tokyo Bay to be involved in that setting... G.o.dou was honestlysurprised."The interesting thing here is that the surfacing rumors always involve OtoTachibana-Hime. Even the discontinued version had a part about YamatoTakeru and Hime."Kaoru provided supplementary details."The prestigious sword and its owner the n.o.ble One sank into the sea,floating towards "the island where there was neither land nor sea." Whenthe sword reappears on earth, the n.o.ble One shall reawaken... That iswhat was said.""In that case..."Liliana suddenly interrupted.Since the conversation topic had been about j.a.panese myths which wereoutside her expertise, she had remained silent until now."What this fantastic legend is really trying to convey, is not the finalmoments of Hime, but the whereabouts of the sword... Is that not correct?""That could very well be true. At least, that was how Amakasu-san and Igot our hands on this matter."Kaoru expressed agreement as she continued to drive."Regarding this issue, I have a whole list of questions I"d like to ask theElders. Originally, a policy of absolute secrecy was enforced over thatplace for a very long time, most likely over a thousand years. But since anexplosive situation is definitely unavoidable, we thought, why not just addKusanagi-san to the mix to detonate it.""It is a rather helpless situation, Sayanomiya Kaoru.""Well, not exactly. As a secret matter related to G.o.ds, there is always ahigh probability that G.o.dou-san will be involved eventually. In that case,why not call him in from the very start?""I see. If you put it that way, I certainly agree."Liliana nodded in agreement with Kaoru who had just described G.o.dou asif he was a walking bomb.G.o.dou was about to object with indignation."That said, is there actually a n.o.ble One in eternal slumber with thesword? In this world, there is no such thing as an island in a place withneither land nor sea. The description is virtually the same as King Arthurand Excalibur sleeping in Avalon the land of the fairies."The silver-haired knight mused further, surprising Kaoru."As befitting of Liliana-san. Amakasu-san had also made the sameobservation. Yamato Takeru, King Arthur, and the war G.o.ds of steel are allimplicated in this legend."Thus, a dangerous statement was made.The car carrying the group entered the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway from theKawasaki-Ukishima junction.Pa.s.sing through Shuto Expressway that was illuminated by a shade ofdusk, they entered the tunnel that traversed Tokyo Bay. Continuing forwardwould reach the parking area of the Umihotaru artificial island. From there,the Bousou Peninsula could be reached via the Kisarazu link route.As the stage where a myth took place, this sea could be traversed indozens of minutes."The so-called floating island is commonly believed to be the "Palace of theFloating Island" where Yamato Takeru"s father, Emperor Keiko held hisbanquets when he was visiting his sons in the Kantou region."Kaoru explained along the way.It was almost dark by the time they reached Kisarazu. Kaoru stopped thecar somewhere near the coast."I"ve been waiting for everyone!""Ah, a very great welcome to our special guests from far away."Two familiar faces approached as they got off the car.Seishuuin Ena and Amakasu Touma. Ena was wearing her usual uniformwhile Amakasu also had his usual sloppy suit. In that regard they were arather good match for each other. Along with Kaoru who was impeccablydressed in a winter jacket, this notion of usual attire was further reinforced."Eh, Erica-san didn"t come?""She said she was busy and had to return to Italy."Ena muttered "hmm" in response to the simple explanation.A frantic expression flashed across her face. But Ena ignored G.o.dou"sgaze of curiosity and went on to greet the others.Yuri smiled in response to Ena"s usual enthusiasm, while Liliana greetedgenerously."By the way, can we talk for a moment?"Amakasu called out, not to G.o.dou, but to Yuri and Liliana."An object called the Heavenly Reverse Halberd is currently beingexcavated. To be honest, it"s impossible to guess at this point what thething will look like. Therefore, we hope you two can lend your eyes ofwisdom."Basically they wished for a.s.sistance from the power of spirit vision.In response to the request to "view" the excavation site, Yuri and Lilianareplied in the following manner:"I cannot be certain if anything will be seen, but let us go to its vicinity fornow.""I see. Perhaps as a witch, I might be able to a.s.sist the investigation.""...Do I have to go along?"Without thought, G.o.dou asked. Because he was slightly intrigued."Oh, Kusanagi-san, all things considered, you still have many othermatters to attend to.""Umm, yes, can Your Majesty accompany me for a bit?"— ? G.o.dou found it rather strange. The laid-back special agent had manyhidden interests. Be that as it may, his tone of voice was slightly differentfrom usual. This time, it was a serious tone of voice.But before G.o.dou could voice his doubt, Ena held him by the hand anddragged him away."Then I entrust all matters to everyone. Especially you, Kusanagi-san,please handle things appropriately."Amakasu, Yuri and Liliana on one hand. G.o.dou and Ena on the other.As the two groups departed for different destinations, Kaoru bid themfarewell with a strange remark.Part 3"So Seishuuin, what do you want me to do?"Walking along the beach at night, they were on the Kisarazu sh.o.r.e facingthe sea of Edomae.G.o.dou spoke to Seishuuin Ena"s back as she walked ahead of him."Why do we have to come here? I feel like there"s nothing to see here."The coast at night was completely devoid of people.The two of them had walked for close to ten minutes along the beach. Theonly light sources were street lamps from roads in the distance, starlightand the white glow of the half moon.Well, there were no inconveniences since G.o.dou had excellent nightvision.Ena was probably the same. But then again, what was the point of takingthis walk in the night?"Probably about time? Actually Ena has a request to make of YourMajesty.""Request?""Yes. Actually, Ena only found out about Your Majesty"s school festivalafter it had ended."Ena stopped and turned around. Facing G.o.dou, she stared at him with anervous expression."I see. I tried calling you, hoping you could come in case you were free, butcouldn"t get through.""Umm, it"s like this... But anyway, Ena thinks it"s quite a shame."Though gloomy for an instant, Ena immediately recovered her spirits."I missed a rare chance to enjoy a festival together with Your Majesty.Because of that, I asked Yuri and Liliana-san to let me have today to enjoywith Your Majesty. Starting now.""So that is what you mean by request?! Which is why we deliberately cameto the beach..."G.o.dou felt like surrendering."I knew it. Then Amakasu-san and Kaoru-san"s unnatural att.i.tudes werebecause they were part of the conspiracy!?""Yes. Those two knew about the school festival but remained silent aboutit. I threatened them to make up for it, or else I"d withdraw my a.s.sistance.Luckily Erica-san isn"t here, so we won"t be disturbed."It had been mentioned before that the Hime-Miko were not subordinates ofthe Committee. They were honored guests who provided a.s.sistancethrough invitation.Nevertheless, it was probably unnecessary to lean on authority for a matterlike this.Ena acted even more coyly towards the stunned G.o.dou."Hey, Ena would sometimes like to have some private time with YourMajesty, may I?"Now that it was brought up — it finally occurred to G.o.dou. He had neverspent any time alone with Ena. Almost every time there were otherspresent."...Well, occasionally should be fine."Intentionally avoiding someone for the sake of being with someone elsewas not G.o.dou"s preferred way of doing things. But it was true that he hadvery little opportunity to spend time alone with Ena.He certainly could not bear to turn down her openly expressed good will."As expected of Your Majesty, it"s exactly what Ena wants!""But how are we going to enjoy ourselves? There"s nothing here."A beach in early winter. Furthermore, it was night.During daylight hours on a warm day might have been fine, but the currentconditions were really not quite suited for amus.e.m.e.nt.Well, the winter constellations shining in the sky could be thought of as abackdrop, while the rustling of breaking waves could count as backgroundmusic. Alone with just the two of them. The stage was set for a romanticand dramatic scene. But what terrible casting of actors!For the current two people present, this situation was a bit tooinappropriate?!"Look, an empty can over there. Let"s play kick the can?""It"s no fun with only two people, right? Or maybe it"s not that fun anyway."Just as expected, the conversation quickly became awkward andmeaningless.If the other person was Erica, Liliana or Yuri, she would likely have takenother measures to get intimate.Nevertheless, G.o.dou felt rea.s.sured.Although he had gained some familiarity, he still did not have muchconfidence in getting along with girls."Ah, there"s even a soccer ball here. Back when Ena was a child, I"d mixmyself into the boys" games and defeat them completely.""But then again, beach soccer isn"t something for two people to play..."Ena recalled her childhood memories of personal athletics.She must have been the type to dribble the ball alone, repeatedlypenetrating the defense to score.He already had one of those super athletes amongst his companions —Erica, who relied on individual performance even in team matches. Enawas probably the same kind of player as her. If they played baseball, theywould probably be trump card fourth hitter material."Well in that case, it finally comes to this? There happens to be two, justthe right number."Ena bent over to pick up two branches, each less than a meter long. Mostlikely driftwood brought to the beach by the waves."This is a duel between two people. Ena versus Your Majesty one on onewould be nice.""Nice? I can"t defeat Seishuuin that easily.""Ah, come to think of it, Your Majesty doesn"t know any swordsmanship ormartial arts. If other people went through the same experiences as YourMajesty, they"d probably rush off to learn some self defense in a last ditcheffort.""Really? But I don"t think it"d be particularly fruitful."G.o.dou was reminded of Salvatore Doni.That man"s existence was proof of the fruitlessness of that course ofaction.For idiot Doni, only training in swordsmanship was meaningful. First of all,he was an unorthodox genius, and secondly, mastery of swordsmanshipwould enhance the power of that guy"s authority.In contrast, Kusanagi G.o.dou was not a genius. Even if he trained for fiftyyears, he would probably not develop martial arts to a level that couldmatch G.o.ds or Doni.In that case, he should figure out how to use his own advantages to matchthose monsters instead —Because following the same path as that guy is definitely not the way todefeat him....No no, wait a minute.Could it be possible that as a Campione, G.o.dou himself had already beendeeply influenced by that idiot?G.o.dou began shaking his head in an attempt to dismiss the unpleasantpossibility."Anyway, let"s first decide how to play with this thing... How about this?"G.o.dou received a branch from Ena.Using the tip he drew a large tic-tac-toe grid on the beach, and marked thecenter with an "O.""Your Majesty wants to play this... If that"s the case, Ena will follow suit."Ena drew an "X" on another spot.Finally, the two competed in games of tic-tac-toe."Together with the kids who played baseball, I used to play this a lot.""Ah, I know it. As a child, I only had occasional free time. Though manychildren had handheld games, Ena did not.""Seishuuin always played outdoors when you were a child like me?""Uh huh. Probably until third grade or so. Very naughty, right? But verysoon, swordsmanship and Hime-Miko training began. And there were otherthings to learn too. Often traveling to the mountains, Ena no longer hadtime for those kinds of pastimes.""Ah... So Seishuuin had all sorts of responsibilities. You must have beenquite busy."The child of nature who took pride in her swordsmanship. The talented girlequally well-versed in cla.s.sical learning and martial arts. As a Hime-Miko,a Yamato Nadeshiko skilled in various areas.Her complicated experiences could not have been cultivated in one day.G.o.dou"s childhood achievement was improving his baseball ability.Overall, he felt he could empathize with the great sacrifices Ena had madefor the sake of building up all those accomplishments."I can"t come to Your Majesty"s side very often these days, which is why Iwanted to see you at the school festival. Now that I think about it, I havenever gone out for fun with Your Majesty and the rest of the group."Ena continued to talk as she played tic-tac-toe.Rather than an intensifying compet.i.tion, it was more like a game for killingtime as they chatted."If that"s the case, just come next time.""Eh?"G.o.dou"s expression naturally became very warm and gentle.Without really knowing how to express her femininity, Ena"s personalitywas rather simple and laid-back. There were a couple unnecessarilystubborn aspects and occasions when she was very hard to get along with.But they could all be attributed to her unusual upbringing, which likely gaveher little chance for normal social contact."I still have two more years before I graduate. Even if you missed thistime"s, Seishuuin, you can still come next year. So like I said, there aremore chances. I will gladly accompany you any number of times."It was hard to believe, but Seishuuin Ena was a very easy girl to get alongwith.There was no other girl that he could spend time like this as if she was amale friend. She would be most welcome to visit any time she wanted.Concluding with such a feeling, G.o.dou smiled rea.s.suringly."Ah okay. Thank you, Your Majesty. I"m very happy to hear that comingfrom you.""You don"t have to thank this kind of thing. That"s too polite.""Ah, but then again, isn"t Your Majesty frequently in danger? Isn"t it aconcern whether you"ll live to see this time next year? But don"t worry, nomatter what, Ena will always guard Your Majesty with her life!""Don"t say something so foreboding. I still intend to live a good life and diepeacefully!"The two chatted casually, joking around. But Ena suddenly frowned.She threw away the branch and stood up. With a wary gaze she surveyedthe surroundings. Without asking "what"s the matter?", G.o.dou also stoodup silently.It was at this very moment that the intruder"s ident.i.ty was revealed."It"s here, Your Majesty. Please be careful."Ena whispered softly. The Hime-Miko of the Sword directed her gazetowards the other side of the beach — near where a boat was parked.A young girl was approaching from there. The familiar face of a beautifulp.u.b.escent girl. Nevertheless, that power and solemnity emanating from herbody definitely belonged to no ordinary human."...It"s her."G.o.dou felt his body br.i.m.m.i.n.g with power, having entered a state of battle.He had already sensed immediately that the one approaching was a G.o.d,the mortal enemy of every Devil King Campione. However, her ident.i.ty wasmost unexpected, even to G.o.dou.The young G.o.ddess slowly made her way over. Heretic Athena was hername.Part 4"How fares thee? Kusanagi G.o.dou!"The G.o.ddess called out loudly. Her eyes were entirely focused onKusanagi G.o.dou.She completely ignored Seishuuin Ena beside him. To G.o.ddess Athena,even the premier Hime-Miko"s existence was akin to weeds or pebbles onthe roadside.On the other hand, the Hime-Miko of the Sword took out her j.a.panesesword from its bag.She entered a battle stance — But G.o.dou signaled with his eyes, orderingher to stand down. This opponent was out of her league."One arriveth once more, to ascertain thou fulfillest thy promise of past.""Promise... That one?"In the battle against Perseus, Athena had bestowed upon him the hint todeciphering the mysterious divine hero"s ident.i.ty.Without a doubt, he had a made promise then. He definitely had to returnthe favor and accept one request from the G.o.ddess."One hath but a single wish. A duel, Kusanagi G.o.dou."Athena"s eyes were infused with golden light.Fluctuating with a seductive brightness, those serpentine eyes flashedbrilliantly in the dark night."Like blazing fires which die down and burn out before long. Like windstrongly swirling into a vortex, gone quickly like the pa.s.sage of a hurricane.Thou shalt fight with one and scatter the beautiful sparks of battle!""What!?"Even though he had been instantly bewitched by the snake"s seduction,G.o.dou immediately yelled out."I should have said so at the time. I will not accept requests that bringtrouble to others. Have you any idea how much destruction will result froma battle between us!?""When a G.o.d dueleth a G.o.d-slayer, "tis only natural for the people to besacrificed."Such incomparable stupidity — was what Athena"s eyes of despiseseemed to be saying."Certainly there will be sacrifices if we fight. Dost not forget, thy fellowhumans trample gra.s.s and flowers beneath their feet as they walk theearth. "Tis the same principle."Sigh. Realizing what the G.o.ddess was trying to convey, G.o.dou had nothingmore to say.After all, G.o.ds were all identical in this regard!"Such are the constant ways of heaven and earth. Worryest not thyself,Kusanagi G.o.dou."G.o.ds were set apart by their mentality of not caring for any individualhuman.All humans on earth were indiscriminately grouped together as simply"humanity." Even if half of the world population were to die, it would onlyfeel like "oh, humanity still survives" to them. This must be why theconcrete thought of "people died, cities destroyed, trouble causedeverywhere" never occurred to them?That was what G.o.dou reckoned."Our battle shall cause people to collapse, the earth to suffer, and theheavens to sigh. But no matter, humanity and nature constantly enduressuffering for endless repet.i.tion. We only need to rouse our hearts inexcitement and rage on.""How can that be acceptable! Stop talking nonsense!"G.o.dou could not stop himself from shouting gruffly.To this G.o.ddess of wisdom perhaps it would come as a surprise or beregarded as desecration."Anyway, I don"t want to hear such a wish. Choose a new one!""Nay, those words cannot be taken back."Athena coldly rejected G.o.dou"s refusal."As a G.o.d-slayer, thou art still an immature brat who hath hardly lived as aDevil King. As a result, one had hoped to wait until the fruit ripeneth. Onewanted to rely on this immortal life, patiently waiting for the proper time ofharvest. However, the leisure for that, no longer existeth..."The G.o.ddess" appearance remained the same, that of a beautiful younggirl"s.However, that beauty was certainly like a great serpent standing before itsprey. Staring with serpentine eyes, baring snake fangs hidden deep withinthose red lips. Violent and ferocious as a snake!Noticing Athena"s fighting spirit, G.o.dou secretly trembled in fright."So, dost not hold back and fight. Tonight shall be our final duel.""d.a.m.n it, no other way..."Faced with Athena"s fierce advances, G.o.dou made his decision.Battle was unavoidable. In that case he must come up with a plan tohandle it. He must find a way to minimize human casualties and propertydamage. He must stay as far away as possible from city streets, andcontain the G.o.ddess with all his power. Though he could not be certain ifthat was possible, that was the only way —"Hmph, those are irrelevant concerns, G.o.d-slayer."But suddenly, Athena whispered softly to G.o.dou as he racked his brains.Cold as a snake, but also with a slightly disappointed tone of voice. Shewas like a senior looking at a junior from far above, worrying about hisimmaturity, hoping he would show dramatic improvement and growth."A hero destined to become a fierce tiger, but merely a tiger"s cub rightnow. Thou mayst carry a warrior"s instinct, but a warrior"s mettle is stilllacking by far."G.o.dou gradually became intrigued.Why? Why did she change her tone of voice after those fierce wordsearlier?"Fu — In that case, one shall mercifully do thee a favor once more. Forgetstthe request for now. Kusanagi G.o.dou shall be shown his foolishness!"The G.o.ddess bore a fearless smile, and turned to leave.In the direction she had come from. Step by step, she walked away fromG.o.dou."To prepare the proper stage for our unfavorable destiny. When the timecometh, thou shalt display thy mettle to this G.o.ddess. Only then shalt thoube worthy of bargaining with one!"So she means she will be back?Listening to those words of farewell, G.o.dou stared blankly at Athena"sdeparture."She"s gone, Your Majesty. That was the one who came to Tokyo earlier inspring this year...""Ah yes. The great snake G.o.ddess..."G.o.dou replied hoa.r.s.ely to Ena who had kept a stance ready to draw hersword.Without a doubt, that was Heretic Athena.However, something did not feel right. G.o.dou could only feel there wassomething, but could not express into words...Part 5With the pa.s.sage of night, it was now and friends stayed at a nearby hotel arranged by Amakasu.Athena"s reappearance had been reported. Both Liliana and Yuri, who hadfaced the ancient G.o.ddess before, paled as soon as they heard the news.Amakasu scratched his head as if extremely troubled."In case something happens, we need to prepare countermeasures..."In a rare moment, even the elegant Kaoru was musing solemnly for once.Anyway, their original purpose here was to safeguard the HeavenlyReverse Halberd.The excavation had completed around daybreak. Hearing that the workhad completed while they were sleeping, G.o.dou and his group went totake a look as soon as they finished breakfast.The solitary torii stood near the Kisarazu sh.o.r.e.The ma.s.sive digging operation undertaken for "a certain object" buriedbeneath it.Over the course of many days, the underground barrier was carefullyremoved as the heavy machinery continued to dig from the surface.After 8am, G.o.dou arrived at the excavation site."I have some mundane business to handle, so I"ll leave Amakasu-san incharge for the remaining proceedings."Having said that, Kaoru left for Tokyo.Most likely to make all sorts of preparations in light of Athena"sreappearance.The remaining members of the team, Yuri, Liliana, Ena and Amakasuaccompanied G.o.dou to the site.The excavation site had already been sealed off by tape. Around ten-oddlocal policemen were standing on guard, making it seem like some sort ofmurder crime scene."These are real policemen here, but the majority of them are affiliated withus. If you count the ones who are not visible right now, there are evenmore of them."Amakasu casually explained.With that, G.o.dou and his group were like criminal investigators entering acrime scene for inspection."...This is the Heavenly Reverse Halberd?"The "object" dug up that morning had been placed on a blue plastic sheet.On first glance it appeared to be a very ordinary stick. Roughly the lengthand thickness of a pencil.The material was unidentified, with a beige color like carefully varnishedtimber. It felt very solid to the touch, though not as hard as stone, but muchharder than plastic."Last night, Mariya Yuri and I tried to investigate this object while it was stillbeing excavated."Liliana reported."There is no doubt that it is a divine artifact. Just like the Gorgoneion youwere entrusted with last time. The object you see is only its surface, buthidden within it is the crystallization of divine wisdom and power, a symbolof the immortal and indestructible."It was going to turn into a conflict with G.o.ds again.G.o.dou concluded with certainty as Liliana continued."Had it been made of the essence of the earth like the Heraion, then therewould be the possibility of destroying it before it becomes the object ofcontention. However, this type of divine artifact is indestructible. Very likely,even a [Heretic G.o.d] would not be able to fully destroy it.""That"s why it was buried underground, and secretly guarded..."G.o.dou sighed.Things would be so much easier if it could be destroyed..."Fortunately, spirit vision about the Heavenly Reverse Halberd had beenreceived."It was Yuri"s turn to report."This is likely a divine artifact related to earth and rock. I can sense theMl T21power of Izanagi no Mikoto 1 J and Izanami no Mikoto 1 J used to give rise tothe primordial sea and Yamato"- 3 ^ country."...Izanagi and Izanami?""Yes. The legendary G.o.ds who created the land of Yamato and foundedthe country."This was the extent of Yuri and Lilana"s findings.G.o.dou examined the Heavenly Reverse Halberd once again. What shouldhe do with this thing? It did not feel safe to carry around personally, butthere was no other way. Besides, it happened to be the size of a pencil —"Til just keep it in my shirt pocket for now.""Even though this is a treasure that can shake the world, but I guess it"s anappropriate measure. I can"t think of anywhere safer than the bosom ofKusanagi-san."G.o.dou felt rather sad that he could not bring himself to openly disagreewith Amakasu"s inauspicious comment.He pocketed the divine artifact. Had it been a lucky charm for traffic safety,it would probably be treated differently."Actually, I tried reaching grampsy just now."Ena suddenly spoke up.Ena"s grampsy — the Old One, namely, the ancient G.o.d Susanoo wholived in the Netherworld."Ena was hoping to get some information about this halberd-thing, but itdidn"t work. The "sound" should have been transmitted to the other side, butthere was complete silence with no response."As the guardian of the Hime-Miko of the Sword, Susanoo and Ena hadalways kept in contact by cellphone.But this time, he was apparently playing the dirty trick of pretending to beaway(?)."It feels like he doesn"t want to give directions..."As G.o.dou grumbled, Ena took out her j.a.panese sword and pushed thesword guard with her thumb, loosening it from its sheath.This was the preparatory posture for unsheathing a sword. The stanceknown as "koiguchi wo kiru."^"White... G.o.ddess. No, it is something else?"Yuri was whispering softly, her eyes focused somewhere in the distant sky.Something that the others could not see. She must be seeing somethingthrough spirit vision."I get it. A visitor is approaching..."A cellphone began to vibrate. Amakasu slowly drew out his phone andresponded to someone who seemed to be a friend."Kusanagi G.o.dou, be on guard."G.o.dou nodded to acknowledge Liliana"s warning and prepared his stance.— In the next instant, a young girl suddenly manifested. At the location inthe sky where Yuri had been staring.With brilliant blonde hair styled into curls, her dream-like beauty was likean antique western doll made by a master craftsman. She wore a blackdress that was reminiscent of funeral attire.A young beauty twelve-years-old or so whose every aspect left a deepimpression."Greetings for the first time, Kusanagi G.o.dou-sama."An adorable voice as exquisite as gemstones.A G.o.d — she was not. But she could not possibly be anyone ordinary.What was she? Despite looking human, she could not be categorized ashuman. G.o.dou stared at the ominous young beauty."Pray forgive me for directly addressing by name Your Highness, theG.o.d-slaying [King]. My name is Guinevere, and I have appeared here toinform Your Highness of certain matters."G.o.dou frowned at the elegant choice of words that did not match theyoung girl"s appearance."If it"s just to listen to a few words, I don"t mind. But I am a stingy personwho doesn"t go around with ready gifts for sudden visitors. Is that okay?""Of course, Your Highness."Guinevere ignored G.o.dou"s cold reception and smiled glamorously.This must be the person Lu Yinghua mentioned. It was just intuition, butshould not be too far from the truth."I"ve heard about you before. You"re the companion of that woman deeplyinvolved with the Nikkou incident, right?""You are correct. Indeed, Guinevere is a Divine Ancestor as Asherah"skin."Her expressions, manner of speaking, motions.Everything felt full of pretense, like some kind of superficial layer drawn ontop.A Divine Ancestor — an existence completely unlike the G.o.ds. G.o.dou hadheard that they were former G.o.ddesses, but Guinevere was acknowledginghumans other than G.o.dou. And also, she was nonchalantly keeping tabson them."My purpose here today is to offer a plan to Kusanagi G.o.dou-sama."The blonde Divine Ancestor smiled elegantly as she spoke."Plan?""Yes. Guinevere already found out. As Your Highness" mortal enemy, theG.o.ddess Athena has once again appeared in this island country. As longas they are nearby, G.o.ds and G.o.d-slayers will mutually attract, encounter,face off and slaughter one another."Calmly explaining like a little bird singing a song.Guinevere continued speaking softly with a melodic voice."Your Highness and Athena"s duel is inevitable. I have a plan that willprove effective when the time comes, if only Your Highness will hear it.""Something effective in a battle with a G.o.d?"It sounded as trustworthy as stock market tips guaranteeing ma.s.siveprofits."Hohoho. Suspicious? As befits the young but experienced warrior! Butplease rest a.s.sured, Guinevere is providing a countermeasure that onlytakes effect in a battle with Athena!""...Hey, that"s you, right?"Ena addressed the witch in a soft voice as if casually humming a song."You are the one who was watching Ena and the others as we stood onguard. There"s a kind of similar feeling. You must be aiming for theHeavenly Reverse Halberd, right?"G.o.dou nodded, aware of the sharp senses of the Hime-Miko of the Sword.For this Guinevere to appear now, it could not possibly be unrelated to theunearthed divine artifact."Yes. Indeed, Guinevere certainly wants that sacred treasure — it is hopedthat Your Highness would offer up that unique divine artifact!"Admitting to her crimes, the Divine Ancestor began to approach.Walking towards Kusanagi G.o.dou. Taking leisurely footsteps like a girlstrolling on a plain blooming with flowers."When Your Highness encounters Athena once more, and my plan workssuccessfully, would Your Highness be so kind as to grant Guinevere"swish? I do hope to obtain Your Highness" consent."It felt like a joking request full of pretense.Of course G.o.dou was going to ignore it. Everyone else felt the same way.Ena drew her sword and Liliana summoned II Maestro. The two girlsstepped forward, blocking Guinevere"s path. However, some spell musthave been used —The Divine Ancestor"s dress-clad body moved past the swordsmen andcame before G.o.dou like the wind.Was the Heavenly Reverse Halberd the target? G.o.dou went on full alert.He was not confident he could defend if she used that ability again andaimed for his pocket. G.o.dou took out the divine artifact and tossed it toAmakasu waiting on the side.What a competent ninja. He caught the artifact splendidly and put it awayin his bosom.In the instant when G.o.dou was readying his stance."Hohoho, Your Highness is full of openings as rumored."Guinevere approached with quick light steps.It did not seem very fast, but she closed the distance just like that, beforeG.o.dou could mount any defense.The witch drew her lips close to G.o.dou"s face.And kissed him."On the other hand, this kind of generous leniency can be considered proofof a [King]"s magnanimity. A brilliant genius who is not concerned with suchtrivial things! Guinevere has great hopes for you, Kusanagi-sama!"Was it instruction magic? Knowledge was flowing in through the mouthspressed together.No, that was not all there was to it. There was more feeling to it like somesort of secret know-how.— What is the Holy Grail? The sacred treasure that absorbs the essence ofthe earth and stores incomparable magical power. In order to unlock itsfunctions, these are the required procedures, knowledge, sensitivities,incantations, rituals, magic...Rather than simply transferring knowledge, this spell taught [Magic] on amuch higher level!By the time G.o.dou realized this, Guinevere had already separated her lipsfrom him."I beseech you to vanquish Athena and add new victories to yourrepertoire. The [Spell of the Holy Grail] will be the trump card for thispurpose. Till we meet again!"Bidding farewell, the blonde witch disappeared.As suddenly as she had appeared, she vanished instantly like mist.The witch Guinevere had left the excavation site, leaving behind this magicof unknown purpose."What on earth is she planning?""Her goal seemed to be transmitting knowledge to G.o.dou-san..."Yuri came to G.o.dou"s side as he puzzled over what happened."Do you feel a headache or some kind of mental instability?""Nothing, I don"t feel especially different."G.o.dou a.s.sured Yuri who was worried.In truth, a Campione"s magic resistance and vitality were extraordinary.Extremely resilient. Disregarding the authorities of G.o.ds and devil kings,the chances of receiving serious injuries from enemy magic wasexceptionally low.Indeed, Divine Ancestors did not have magical power on par withCampiones.G.o.dou understood concretely with his own body. However, Yuri waswatching him with sorrowful eyes."What"s wrong, Mariya? I"m completely fine.""No... The witch was very right. G.o.dou-san really does have too manyopenings, it is slightly disappointing..."Yuri spoke with great worry."D-Disappointing? Why?""Even if she was not an ordinary person, for a female to steal your lips inthe first encounter, it is certainly extraordinary. G.o.dou-san must bedeliberately opening yourself up to those kinds of advances..."Yuri"s appearance displayed a kind of dream-like beauty as she mournfullyvoiced her concerns in a soft voice.The mood was completely like a disheartened wife complaining about ahusband who frequently spends the night with a lover instead of returninghome...Was this the feeling commonly known as lying on a bed of nails?G.o.dou found it impossible to bear. In the past he might have felt less of aburden when sternly reproached by her. But as their relationshipdeepened, the sense of guilty conscience seemed to be weighingheavier —Furthermore, even Liliana was joining in the fray."I see now. Precisely due to the existence of such openings, anyone skillfulenough can take advantage of them and intrude successfully. Mariya Yuri"sdiatribe has substantial implications."" !?"The exceptionally loyal knight was now glaring at G.o.dou with eyes ofreproach."In addition, the incident just now has reminded me of something else.What did you do last night when you were alone with Seishuuin Ena? No, Ihave no intention of reproach. Nevertheless, even as the housekeeper Idid not receive any report afterwards... I believe this type of carelessnessis related to the "openings" pointed out just now. If that is the case, thencorrection is imperative."No intention of reproach.Liliana said those words as she stared at G.o.dou with eyes of reproach.Both the incident just now and last night as well!? It would be best not tomake too much of a fuss here.Greatly troubled, G.o.dou could not help but signal to Ena with his eyes,hoping for her to lend a helping hand. However, the Hime-Miko of theSword smiled shyly instead."Hmm. Even though Ena has all sorts of opinions on what happened justnow, last night was very fun and enjoyable, spending time with YourMajesty with just the two of us. I can"t help it, sorry for not saying anythinguntil now."An answer like that. Wasn"t that simply pouring oil on the fire?Clutching his head in his arms, G.o.dou found unexpected aid.Wisely ignoring this pandemonium all this time, Amakasu suddenly pickedup a call on his cellphone."...Yes, yes. Finally appeared, eh? The location is Kawasaki... NearUkishima. Is that right, already fallen to the enemy? Still in motion?Towards Chiba after all? I see. From the Ukishima Interchange towards theTrans-Tokyo Bay Highway tunnel? Hmm, in that case there"s not muchtime left..."G.o.dou and the rest fell silent. Amakasu soon finished the call."I regret to bring bad news. Athena has finally appeared in public. Just likelast time, she has released all her powers and is heading straight towardsthis place."Thus ended the report.References1 . t Izanagi: a male deity who bore many of the islands, deities andforefathers of j.a.pan with his sisterIzanami. t Izanami: a G.o.ddess of creation and death, the former wife ofIzanagi. t Yamato^H): ancient name for j.a.pan.4. t Koiguchi wo kiru($ln literally means "cutting the carp"smouth," the act of loosening a sword from itsscabbard. 01 0071 .jpg

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