
Chapter 74

Chapter 7 - Farewell My Mortal EnemyPart 1"Ho... Thy va.s.sal apparently clasheth with that man"s maidservant."Alone on this beach, just the two of them. Athena suddenly smiled.Indicating that her duel with Kusanagi was about to begin."Maidservant? You mean Guinevere?""She hath a name like that? She is the witch of the ancient matriarch deity,the inheritor of the Holy Grail."In response to G.o.dou"s question, she gave a proper answer.Athena was probably using some kind of clairvoyance to spy onGuinevere"s whereabouts. She probably wanted to guard against rudeinterlopers from intruding on their fight.G.o.dou had expressly ordered Ama no to inform him if the otherpartner ran into any danger.He had also reminded Ena to call the name of Kusanagi G.o.dou in case ofa desperate situation, so that the [Wind] incarnation could be used to savethem. Currently, neither of them had given any notice.Ena seemed to have put forth all her efforts to halt Guinevere"s advance."Isn"t calling her "maidservant" going a bit too far? Besides, who do youmean by "that man"?""He is the hero who standeth as the mortal enemy of G.o.d-slayers. Oneknoweth not where he lieth. Be that as it may, he apparently sleepethsomewhere on this island.""...Could it be that guy, the strongest [Steel]?"G.o.dou recalled what he heard before from that old bunch."Thou knowest? From that earlier attack, thou seemest to have maturedwell.""That"s not maturing, it"s called "stepping deeper into the puddle." Anyway,to think Guinevere was actually hiding a side like that..."Objecting to Athena"s approval, G.o.dou continued:"So all her conspiracies and schemes to this date, were all for the sake ofreviving that guy?""Forsooth. Thou shouldst pay attention. That man is the warrior fated todestroy all G.o.d-slayers. Were he to awaken, a war to exterminate the DevilKings shall begin. If that happens, surely thou shalt perish."G.o.dou could not help but object to this sudden declaration.How could anyone be sure without trying? I may be a pacifist, but if theother person comes murdering on his own initiative —But then again, Athena"s p.u.b.escent face had never shown such a severeexpression.Faced with such solemnity, G.o.dou had nothing to say. And so, the cornersof the G.o.ddess" mouth began to rise with delight."No matter, such words carry meaning only if thou art able to win ourduel... Didst thou know? Virtually no G.o.d-slayer hath ever come to apeaceful end. The vast majority dieth on a battlefield somewhere. Thouonly needst to follow in the footsteps of thy kin of past!""If that"s the case, I will become one of the few exceptions. Let"s go!"Their fighting spirit was quietly rising.In that case, G.o.dou will rely on these heightened spirits to engage inbattle. Athena glared sharply with her serpentine eyes once more asG.o.dou readied his battle stance. Just at that moment, a crash of thunderwas heard."Tsk! Thy arrival was expected, Lancelot du Lac!"Athena smacked her lips as she gazed up into the sky.Thunderclouds were rapidly filling the sky and furthermore, a flash of whitelightning came flying from the direction of the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway."Beware! This fellow is pure [Steel] like me!"Ama no no Tsurugi warned from G.o.dou"s right arm.The lightning carried all sorts of omens, announcing the extraordinaryvisitor, mounted on his flying divine horse.His body was wrapped in white armor. The helmet"s lowered visorobscured the face. Furthermore, wielded in his hand was a l.u.s.trous lancewith a platinum blade —That kind of color and brightness had been witnessed the day before. Wasthat not the same brilliance as the white star of [Swords]!?"Hey, isn"t that the...!?""Yes. Yonder fellow is indeed the war G.o.d Lancelot. As that man"ssubordinate, the white maidservant"s guardian. Furthermore, the wielder ofthe [Sword] that seeketh to tear us into pieces!"Athena nodded with displeasure as she answered G.o.dou"s immediatequery.Lancelot. Isn"t he the guy from the Knights of the Round Table?Shocked, G.o.dou heard an awe-inspiring manly voice from overhead."Athena. It is most pleasing to encounter you once again before your lifedepletes. And G.o.d-slayer Kusanagi G.o.dou. Though the G.o.ddess hasalready introduced it, let this Knight"s name be heard once more. Lancelotdu Lac. Commonly known as the Knight of the Lake.""...I don"t remember telling you my name."G.o.dou responded to the mighty self introduction with displeasure.If this guy and Guinevere were the masterminds of the current incident,there was no reason to trust him at all."Apologies. This Knight had no intention of insulting you... Even thoughforgiveness is unwarranted, apologies will still be expressed. For the act ofambushing you from the dark, taking advantage of your conflict as a thirdparty. This kind of behavior is indeed an affront to chivalry. Mostregrettable."What the heck was up with this guy? G.o.dou was intrigued.An extremely forthright disposition. A kind of wondrous charisma similar toVerethragna when he had lost his memories —"Hmph. Doth not be deceived. Even though yonder fellow is indeed asoldier of upright principles, he is merely a fool who displayeth might andvalor for the maidservant"s sake!""Perhaps. But all things considered, swords are that type of tool."Lancelot agreed to Athena"s accusation as he lightly kicked his belovedsteed"s belly.The white divine horse began to slowly descend to the beach."The so-called heroes of steel, are sword G.o.ds who express the sword"sattribute of living for battle only. Furthermore, this Knight has sworn to offerone"s blade to beautiful women only."Ama no no Tsurugi called Lancelot its kin.Expressing nothing but an obsession with battle. This was likely the trait ofpurebred steel."Fufufu. The knight indulges in rainstorms of bloodshed on the battlefield,tempered by a dash of womanly charms. Unfazed by mockery fromothers."Despite his words, he did not give off the same impression as thoseuseless men that were infatuated with women. Rather, he seemed like thetype who demanded women of great quality, a Casanova who deliberatelysought challenging conquests.Perhaps this was only fitting for a G.o.d"s prestige?"But who knows if either of you two would approve..."Lancelot"s divine horse descended, its four feet landing on the beach.Wielding the lance in one hand, Lancelot held a short pewter staff in hisoff-hand. Shaped like a twin-headed snake, it was being fiddled aroundlovingly as if it were a little flower."The Holy Grail"s function has completely halted. Hmm... Even though thebeloved child already preserved the power taken from the vessel, it ismeaningless like this.""In that case, war G.o.d, what dost thou wish to do?"Athena displayed a G.o.ddess" solemnity as she spoke.The child-like beautiful face glimmered l.u.s.trously with dignified battle spirit.She issued an obvious challenge.On the other hand, Lancelot muttered liberally."Hmm, no other way then. Your chest shall be cut open so that this Knightcan retrieve the Grail and do everything possible to awaken this mightyunparalleled divine artifact."An indifferent declaration of slaughter. True to form as a [Heretic G.o.d], afellow who could not be underestimated.G.o.dou tightly gripped his fist and glared at Lancelot."It seems like you two are having a duel of honor. Intruding in such amatch would be unbecoming of a knight. However, this Knight has grownweary of waiting."The white knight raised the lance"s blade towards the sky.His valor was apparent from this action. His rising battle spirit wasimpossible to suppress."Guinevere had warned this Knight before getting involved. To wait untilyou were both exhausted before killing either. However, a man inpossession of lance and horse should never have to act in such a manner.Athena, this Knight"s lance wishes to greet you with a cordial welcomeonce more!""Very well! One shall exact from thee what thou owest, before taking onKusanagi G.o.dou!"Athena"s sharp serpentine eyes turned to Lancelot. Lancelot faced her inturn with his white helmet.G.o.dou swiftly inserted himself between the two of them."Your opponent is not just Athena. Please let me partic.i.p.ate in this battle.""Oh?""What dost thou wish, Kusanagi G.o.dou?"The white knight was shocked, while Athena questioned. Unfazed, G.o.doucontinued."This is Athena and my duel after all. There"s no rule preventing me fromhelping drive out the intruder. Or rather, it can be said that this is onlynatural.""Natural? Hahaha, your words are truly interesting indeed!"Lancelot"s helmet shook in laughter in response to G.o.dou"s declaration.It was not mockery. His tone was clearly overjoyed and he was laughingsincerely from the depths of his heart."G.o.d and G.o.d-slayer — irreconcilable foes fighting in cooperation, howcould that be called natural!? Be that as it may, one cannot help but thinkas a warrior, it is impossible to reject. This Knight welcomes you to thefray."Lancelot nonchalantly accepted the two versus one battle.Truly the war G.o.d, such magnanimity. However, his opinion was actuallynot that important.The problem was the haughty G.o.ddess. Turning his gaze to her, G.o.douwas shocked. Athena"s face was filled with surprise."...Dost thou know? In battles past — what that group of people did to vexthat man so...?""— ? What and what?"G.o.dou frowned at the cryptic question."Anyway, I want to drive this guy out quickly. That"s why I want to fighttogether with you. Is that unacceptable?""No... One thinketh over it, this could very well be a good opportunity."The look of surprise vanished in an instant as Athena resumed a dauntlessexpression immediately.G.o.dou began to wonder if he was imagining things."One hast instructed thee how to fight. Dost not become a burden!""Gonna say the same thing to you. I have more strength to spare thansomeone who"s half a patient!"Together, Athena and G.o.dou stared at the war G.o.d.They had once fought each other with all their strength, and had alsotraveled together. However, fighting side by side was a first experience.G.o.dou was now relieved.Athena"s extreme haughtiness had made him worry whether she wouldaccept the battle of two against one.What could be the reason for her to accept fighting in cooperation?Was it due to Lancelot being a formidable challenge, so she choseefficiency over honor? Or was there some other reason?No matter what, an unprecedented deadly battle was now beginning.Part 2"Kusanagi G.o.dou, that fellow"s divine sword poseth no threat for now!"Athena was the first to summon her favorite weapon, the grim reaper"sscythe.However, she did not change her height unlike previous battles, retainingher p.u.b.escent form. Perhaps she was trying to control her depletion ofenergy."A weapon that consumeth the earth"s essence for nourishment. As longas the Holy Grail in one"s body remaineth inactive, that blade cannot beswung.""Oh? You"ve seen through it. How befitting of the G.o.ddess of wisdom."Seen through by Athena, Lancelot offered praise from atop his mount.Furthermore."In that case, there is no need to be swinging around Master"s relic."He tossed the lance into the air, sending the horrific weapon to theopposite end of the clouds.A barbed lance then materialized in Lancelot"s hand."Hmm. This is more familiar after all. So, Athena, receive this Knight"slance!""Ha! One doth not believe this G.o.ddess shall lose to you in the arts of war!"And thus the war G.o.d and the G.o.ddess began engaging in close quartercombat.The mounted knight"s white steed began to run, not at full speed, but onthe level of a leisurely trot.It was running towards the scythe-wielding G.o.ddess Athena. Mounted onhis horse, Lancelot thrust his lance forward.Once, twice, thrice. G.o.dou was just able to see it clearly. However, fromthat point onwards his eyes could no longer keep up with the actions of thebattling duo.Like torrential rain that riddled the ground with holes, the raging barrage ofthrusts aimed at the p.u.b.escent G.o.ddess.Athena evaded the attacks with the tiniest of movements as she swung hergrim reaper"s scythe.Was she trying to overcome the enemy"s mounted advantage — She wasswinging the scythe towards the white horse"s front legs, chest and neck.Furthermore, she even attacked Lancelot"s legs on the stirrups as well asthe lance-wielding arm.However, Athena"s scythe was blocked on all occasions.First of all, Lancelot"s steed was exceptionally agile, jumping backimmediately whenever the blade approached. Or stepping lightly back or tothe side, skillfully changing defensive positions to let its master"s lanceblock Athena"s scythe with ease. The rider and horse truly acted as one.Furthermore, Lancelot"s armor was especially st.u.r.dy.The white armor of iron essentially covered his entire body. Every attackfrom Athena"s jet-black scythe towards his arms and legs, gauntlets andgreaves, or breastplate were deflected."Make use of me, jump here!"G.o.dou yelled out as he ran forward.In front of the white knight and divine horse. Even further ahead thanAthena and her swinging scythe."Ohoh. How brave of you to charge before a knight without even drawingyour sword!"Lancelot was distracted for an instant.Without failing to take advantage of this excellent opportunity, Athenasprang into action. Leaping lightly into the air, she stepped onto G.o.dou"sshoulder, using it as a platform for a second jump.Leaping higher than Lancelot on his horse, Athena raised the scythe uphigh."Death bestowed by the underworld deity, infused into this blade!"A full powered attack carrying spell words smashed into the white knight"schest.It was not deflected this time. The jet-black blade penetrated lightly into thewhite breastplate. Near the area where the blade was embedded,corrosion began to spread."Ooh— !"Lancelot"s upper torso shook violently.This single action made the scythe fall off from the breastplate whileAthena"s body was also sent flying as if she were crafted out of paper.In a direct frontal confrontation, the knight G.o.d did not seem to approachthe G.o.ddess of war. Seeing Athena land like a cat, G.o.dou readied hisstance.The war G.o.d"s next target was obviously himself!"It is customarily in war for mounted warriors to bypa.s.s infantry. Thoughthis is slightly unorthodox, exceptions will be made for the G.o.d-slayer!"Yelling out, Lancelot patted the side of the white horse"s neck.With a loud neigh, the white divine horse stood up on its hind legs.Now freed, its front legs swung at G.o.dou"s head.A fierce horse"s horseshoes were weapons rivaling iron hammers. Thusthe two iron hooves descended.Furthermore, it was no ordinary horse despite its ordinary-looking build, buta divine beast. Even a Campione"s unreasonably st.u.r.dy body would beeasily crushed by this exceptional kicking power — !G.o.dou immediately raised his arms to defend like a boxer.Before the hooves of the divine horse, G.o.dou could not expect too muchfrom this paper-thin defense. However.Clang! The strange noise of metal clashing was heard.G.o.dou"s arms were currently as hard as steel. At the same time, hepossessed unyielding strength that allowed him to hold his ground againstthe full force of a divine horse"s trampling."Iron arms bearing peerless strength! Is that your authority!?"Lancelot made a thrust with his lance.It was too fast to see clearly. However, it probably aimed for KusanagiG.o.dou"s head. Using a Campione"s instincts for victory, G.o.dou guarded hisface with his right arm.Clang! The same strange sound was heard again. It was the sound of hispalm blocking the lance."Couldn"t you have told me beforehand properly...""My a.s.sisting you? It"s only expected!"As G.o.dou grumbled, Ama no no Tsurugi replied throughthoughts.When facing an enemy"s overwhelming strength, Verethragna"s secondincarnation, the [Bull], provided monstrous might.Furthermore, Ama no no Tsurugi had the ability to absorb theauthorities of G.o.ds and Campiones, lending power to G.o.dou.What had been absorbed here was the st.u.r.diness of the white armor.Consequently, G.o.dou"s arms had obtained the hardness of steel, togetherwith the [Bull]"s monstrous strength infused.G.o.dou furiously swung his left arm, striking at the white horse"s chest.An improvised left hook. Except that this iron fist could probably demolish afour or five-story commercial-residential building.Perhaps aware of the punch"s power, Lancelot"s divine horse jumped backa great distance."So that is how it is... Kusanagi G.o.dou. Thou hast probably procured arather useful tool — of steel"s kind."Athena remarked, having been thrown back into the distance just now.Instead of approaching where G.o.dou and the war G.o.d were positioned,she knelt down where she had landed, striking the sand with her hand."Marry! In that case, one hath no choice but to exhibit a mother earthG.o.ddess" power!"Immediately, an earthquake occurred.Violent tremors. The beach battlefield was intensely shaking.G.o.dou"s sense of balance was overcome and he had to fall back on hishands and knees. Had this earthquake occurred in towns and cities, manyhomes would likely have collapsed.Rumble rumble rumble rumble — the quake was on a scale where onecould vaguely hear the actual ground sounding out.On the other hand, Lancelot remained upright despite the conditions.Splendidly controlling his steed without losing to the cataclysmic event. No,not only that, his divine horse had leaped into the air and started flying."...Right, he arrived here by flying just now."Continuing to lie on the ground, G.o.dou muttered.Lancelot and the divine horse"s rapid ascent was like a rocket"s takeoff,speeding up towards the clouds. In that case, the earthquake becamemeaningless.However, just as G.o.dou wondered, Athena stood up all of a sudden."Hohohoho... Knight of the Lake. Thou mayst perchance be a peerlessknight upon the earth. However, how dost thou fare in the sky!?"As the shaking of the ground subsided, Athena smiled fearlessly as wingssprouted from her back.Brown wings, covered with countless spotted patterns, rather than purewhite feathers like an angel"s. I see. G.o.dou understood as he stood up.Athena"s forms were not limited to the snake. Those were wings of an owl.The sacred bird that flew freely in the night sky. The symbol of wisdom.Moreover, the messenger of death from the underworld. The form of theG.o.ddess" favorite bird of prey!"O Night. Tis the time ruled by the queen of the underworld. Respondest toone"s invitation and lowerest the curtains of the sky!"Athena commanded the sky as she pointed with her index finger.The brightness vanished in an instant. The morning sun was occluded,turning day into night.If this cataclysmic event had only occurred on this beach, it would probablybe easier to cover up the truth — G.o.dou could not help but try praying tosomething other than G.o.ds."Oh. Is this the darkness invoked by the queen of the sky, the earth andthe underworld!? In that case, this Knight shall summon lightning ascomrades-in-arms, it is only natural to return the favor!"Lancelot"s voice came from above. At that moment, white light flashedrepeatedly, tearing through the night sky.It was produced by the thunderclouds summoned when white knight firstappeared. Even though battles between G.o.ds and Campiones were veryfar-fetched, internal strife between G.o.ds were equally ridiculous or evenmore so —G.o.dou expressed utter surprise at the series of cataclysmic events. It wasreally too ridiculous.Unaware of such thoughts in G.o.dou, Athena spread her owl wings andtook off. Gliding smoothly as if skating on ice, she crossed the night sky."One"s feathered wings may be regarded as the avian ruler of the sky, warG.o.d!""If that is the case, then savor this Knight"s lightning, G.o.ddess!"As lightning repeatedly flashed and exploded across the night sky, thestage was set for the G.o.ds" intense confrontation to transition to an aerialbattle.Lancelot and his divine horse simply flew in straight lines.Charging at the G.o.ddess like an arrow, targeting her with straight thrustsfrom the lance. Both the knight and his beloved steed were enveloped inflashing lightning and cracking thunder.Banking gracefully, Athena avoided the charging attack.That smooth flowing trajectory was like the movements of a seabirdengaged in a hunt. As if targeting shoals offish beneath the sea, divingsilently to strike with its beak —"As expected. The sky is not thy domain. Thou art full of openings!"Athena circled around to Lancelot"s back as she dodged the attack.Held in her slender and beautiful hands were a silver bow and arrows.The sight of Athena firing the arrow was reminiscent of another GreekG.o.ddess, Artemis the huntress."Hahaha. Perhaps you are right. Who knows if this Knight was bornclumsy, but flying was never learned properly. However, this is not enoughto strike this Knight down!"True to his words, Lancelot and his divine horse evaded in a V-shape andmanaged to escape the arrow shot from behind.The abrupt and forceful change of trajectory stood in stark contrast againstAthena"s graceful turns.His flying speed also slowed down. Targeting this, Athena drew the bowonce again. The second arrow struck Lancelot"s white helmet, but wasdeflected with a loud clang.Discovering the G.o.ddess" intentions, G.o.dou nodded.A battle on land favored the knight. But in the air they were equals.Firing arrows with her silver bow, Athena was an owl gliding across thenight sky, gracefully flying in silence.In contrast, Lancelot"s strengths did not lie in flying.He probably could not fly in anything but straight lines (basically tracing outparabolas).Consequently, he could only change directions using V-shapedmaneuvers. Even though his top speed could catch up to Athena, he wasforced to slow down when making turns, and was thus unable to maintainany advantage.That said, his exceptionally st.u.r.dy armor meant that he was not at adisadvantage either —"But then again, if they continue buzzing over my head and flying around, Ican"t help at all."G.o.dou grumbled as he looked up at the aerial battle.His arms of iron bearing monstrous strength could not reach that height...No, could he figure out a way? Then the problem became finding asuitable projectile. Just as G.o.dou began to search the beach..."War G.o.d Lancelot... This G.o.ddess is aware that one"s weapons have beenunable to destroy thy steel. Nevertheless, this arrow is different. It lookethlike an arrow but arrow it is not. "Tis the temptation of death, released forthe sake of the underworld"s queen. Namely, "tis death itself."Athena flew casually to evade Lancelot"s charge as she circled around thewhite knight"s head as she called out.The G.o.ddess" right hand placed the arrow onto the silver longbow.The arrow"s fletchings were made of owl feathers. The arrowhead wascarved out of obsidian. All were products of Stone Age."Heroes of steel are indeed immortal on the battlefield. However, what ofpestilence? Or perhaps, faced with termination from old age!?"Athena"s fingers released the arrow. The obsidian arrowhead flew atLancelot below!Just at that moment, the white knight and the divine horse disappeared.G.o.dou saw the black arrow trace across the sky fruitlessly, falling onto thebeach. Furthermore, the surroundings were suddenly covered byexceptionally dense mist."W-What is this?""Lancelot must have used the protection of immortality."Ama no no Tsurugi responded to G.o.dou"s surprise.That fellow seems to have melded into the mist to seek refuge. Mist canneither be pierced nor severed. Even curses cannot take effect. Well, it canstill be dispersed by storm winds.""If that guy is hidden in the mist then that means he can ambush Athenaand me?""Impossible. Pure-blooded [Steel] will not do anything underhanded of thatsort. The level of nocturnal or morning a.s.saults is the limit. If not glorious tothe very end, our kind"s battles are always intense as lightning. When thatfellow switches to offense once more, the mist shall surely disperse."A similar kindred spirit after all? It almost sounded as the sword was talkingabout itself.In that case, conversely, there will be some respite before the knightreturned from the mist. A certain notion surfaced in G.o.dou"s mind. He hadto find that thing now. Where on earth was it?In thick mist with visibility less than 5m, he could only rely on a Campione"sinstincts.A G.o.d"s movements — searching for divine power, G.o.dou began toconcentrate.A huge ma.s.s of power was swirling high in the air. That must be Athena.At the same time, somewhere in the air precipitated a weak power.Perhaps it was Lancelot in his mist form. I see. Once he could be sensedin this manner, there were no more concerns of a surprise attack.Further more, there was one more presence.Even closer than the G.o.ds in sky, there was something else that had fallento the ground.It was fine as long as it had not sunk into the sea. G.o.dou began walking inthe mist, seeking the presence of divine power. Luckily, his search borefruit in a matter of minutes."—So cold!?"Picking it up from the beach, G.o.dou was shocked. This was even colderthan dry ice."In that case, this is actually a very dangerous object..."G.o.dou broke out in cold sweat.Were he not bearing arms of iron, he might have suffered already?The effects were probably not as simple as cold burns. Definitely wouldhave suffered more severe injuries... Just as G.o.dou shuddered, the mistdispersed in an instant."It"s coming, King! That fellow has entered the thunderclouds. The nextstrike intends to annihilate that mother earth G.o.ddess — no, all of us!"G.o.dou knew without needing the divine sword"s warning.The sky was filled with dark clouds as before. However, not a single flashof lightning could be seen.He must be storing power. G.o.dou realized.Instincts of a Campione, or perhaps experience gained from various h.e.l.lishtrials, allowed him to understand immediately.G.o.dou sought out the position of Athena who should still be in the sky.Found her. Slowly flapping her owl wings, she was hovering in the nightsky.However, the young and beautiful face was tense with deathlydetermination, and her glare was as sharp as a ferocious bird of prey. Shealready knew it was a decisive moment.G.o.dou hurried and ran over in Athena"s direction.Part 3Alas. An excellent battle —With great satisfaction, Lancelot savored the thrill of battle he had missedgreatly.He was currently hidden within the thunderclouds. Lightning crackled andpopped in his surroundings, exploding, raging. A most familiar scene.Having turned into mist together with the white divine horse, they hadmade their way here.Protecting his favorite woman was not disagreeable, but it was insufficientto satisfy his hunger. Other than the battlefield, no other place allowed himto fully apply his skills and talents.Pursuing this way of life even into bitter death, the implements of war andhorse could not be done without.He had guarded the Witch Queen, the Divine Ancestor, for over amillennium. Along the way, he had also offered minor a.s.sistance to witcheswho had attained the pinnacles of heaven and earth.Spending his days in this manner could not be considered unhappy.However, would a raging warrior who charged on the battlefield besatisfied with such a life? No, impossible.Lancelot could feel his body and mind awakening."Having a G.o.d and a G.o.d-slayer as opponents, displaying the valorousmight against unfavorable odds of two against one. Now that is a man"slong-cherished wish. Hohoho, this Knight is reminded of battles past."Lancelot soliloquized and looked down at the world beneath him oncemore.Using the mind"s eye he located two "presences."Namely, the G.o.ddess Athena and the G.o.d-slayer Kusanagi G.o.dou. Bothwere amazingly roused in battle spirit."One would really like to enjoy a duel like this for eternity. Be that as itmay, it is not this Knight"s style. Time to gallop forth."The dim mist vanished. Spurring the white divine horse onwards, Lancelotrestored the valorous form of the knight.Within the thundercloud, Lancelot lightly caressed his partner"s neck."This Knight"s incomplete form probably cannot endure battle beyond this.If this joy of battle were to be savored for too long, this Knight"s heart willbegin to lose composure. Perhaps it would hasten the arrival of the daywhen the beloved child shall be abandoned. Indeed, it is about time for thetide to ebb."Finishing his muttering, Lancelot instantly made his divine powerincinerate.Last time, the lightning infused meteor crash had defeated Athena. For thesake of this full powered attack at maximum speed...He had already began preparations when he turned into mist.In order to reach lightning speed — G.o.d speed, a great amount of lightningneeded to be absorbed.Which was why he had entered the thunderclouds."In this current state, a single charge at maximum speed will probablydeplete all energy. Failure means defeat and repeating the past. One shallcharge with care."Reminding himself, he lightly kicked the divine horse"s abdomen.First Athena shall be pierced in the sky, and then Kusanagi G.o.dou shall beflattened on the ground. Having thus decided, the white knight and divinehorse instantly descended from the sky with lightning speed.Turning into a white meteor flying out of the thunderclouds — !Knowing Lancelot was coming, G.o.dou ran at full speed.Meanwhile, Athena had suddenly stopped at a certain position in the air,and called out spell words."Aegis of the Gorgon, defendest this G.o.ddess to the death!"The silver longbow previously held in her hand had transformed into ama.s.sive shield.A rectangular shield large enough to cover the entire body of p.u.b.escentAthena. The shield"s surface was carved with a design in the likeness ofthe snake demoness Medusa.Lifting the shield high towards the sky, Athena readied her defensiveposture.Abandoning her weapon and taking out the shield. She must have decidedshe would be struck down immediately otherwise. Was this still the greatand aggressive G.o.ddess!?In the instant of G.o.dou"s surprise, the white flash descended.With hardly any time elapsed, Lancelot and the divine horse collided withAthena.What amazing speed. Indeed it was a descent of G.o.d speed as fast aslightning!Riding the galloping white divine horse, Lancelot made a thrust of thebarbed lance with one hand, using the other hand to hold a rhombic shield.Over his armor was a combat surcoat. Flawlessly armed to the teeth.Furthermore, his entire body was giving off the light of electricity.Bringing astounding heat and Shockwaves, this was exceptionaldestructive power.With her ma.s.sive shield, Athena blocked this attack like a canopy guardingthe earth.The tip of Lancelot"s lance pierced into the Gorgon"s shield, trying to digthrough. However, with Medusa"s protection, the defensive equipmentsqueaked as it resisted —"Gwooh! An astounding attack as ever!""What! This Knight professes admiration. Twice you have blocked mymaximum speed full powered charge, as befits one along the lineage ofthe matriarch deity, and the G.o.ddess of war!"The war G.o.d and the G.o.ddess who blocked his rapid descent were lockedin a standstill.It was a battle of strength in the divine realm, comparable to a violentimpact between a meteorite and the earth"s surface.Nevertheless, it seemed like Lancelot had the advantage? G.o.dou feltanxious.It was readily apparent that Athena was halting the white knight"s descentwith all her strength. Conversely, Lancelot gave the impression that he hadyet to go all out.Were Lancelot to strike the ground, it would result in a tragic disaster onthe level of a ma.s.sive meteorite impact.Certain in this belief, G.o.dou raised his arms above his head.The war G.o.d and the G.o.ddess were clashing about a hundred meters inthe air above.Then there was no problem. G.o.dou was originally a baseball player;moreover, he had been a catcher with a strong throw.On many occasions, too many to count, he had foiled base-stealingattempts of fast runners. G.o.dou had absolute confidence in the speed,power and accuracy of his pickoffs.Furthermore, he still had the monstrous strength provided byVerethragna"s [Bull].In that case, his pitch will surely reach its target. Besides, Lancelot andAthena were hovering motionlessly in one spot, pushing each other at fullstrength.In terms of sumo wrestling, this would be the grappling phase. A perfecttarget. Evasion would be impossible!"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"G.o.dou yelled as he threw the piece of obsidian.It was the arrow that Athena had fired but Lancelot had dodged by turninginto mist. This was the arrowhead portion that G.o.dou had ripped off. Thatlovely thing G.o.dou had been searching for in the mist.Stone. This was probably the most primitive weapon humans ever laid theirhands on.No matter what situation, a stone could be used to strike as a weaponsimply by holding it in one"s hand. If thrown, it was an excellent projectile.G.o.dou initially intended to throw the concrete blocks that were being usedas wavebreakers on the beach. With his current monstrous strength, actingas a catapult was a simple task.However, he remembered the white armor"s st.u.r.diness as well as thearrowhead"s matter.Throwing as hard as he could, the piece of obsidian was launched towardsthe sky. Right on target, it struck the white helmet of Lancelot while heclashed his lance against Athena"s shield, trying to overpower her."Gufu! This was the earlier...!?""Ohoh! Superbly done, Kusanagi G.o.dou."In that very instant, Lancelot expressed shock as Athena offered praise.The obsidian shattered into a thousand fragments, scattering inside theknight"s armor. Furthermore, a black amorphous shadow manifested,entangling itself around Lancelot"s shoulder and back.This blackness was equivalent to death itself.Even more pitch-black than the surrounding night sky, a Campione"ssenses knew.A shadow darker than black night. This was true darkness surpa.s.singaphotic black.Expressly prepared for the purpose of sending Lancelot to his grave, mostlikely. In any case, it was like the time when Athena was prepared to rousea dormant volcano for the sake of exterminating Perseus."Guh, oooooooooooooooooooh!"Lancelot roared like a wild beast.It was a sound similar to a lamenting wail. A loud scream that expressedsuffering far greater than a cry of pain.G.o.dou could sense that the divine power released by the white knight hadsubstantially weakened. Most likely his strength and endurance had beeneroded completely.This strength was probably what the knight had used to power his meteoricdescent.Athena, just about to reach the limits of her strength and be sliced apart,forcefully used her shield to push Lancelot and his lance back andsummoned spell words."Medusa, one of this G.o.ddess" avatars! The time cometh to restrain thisenemy!"The snake demon"s likeness had been carved onto the great shield.Despite being a beautiful maiden, countless snakes instead of hair grewout of her head.Shining with golden brilliance, her eyes glared at the weakened war G.o.dLancelot and his white divine steed!Instantly, the divine steed was turned into stone, from a vigorous whitehorse into a statue of a galloping horse. Lancelot"s left arm, left leg andarmor were also petrified at the same time.The battle was decided, right —This thought only crossed G.o.dou"s mind for an instant before he changedhis mind. Even though an arm, a leg and the white horse had beenpetrified, the knight did not stop charging. He continued to clash againstthe Gorgon"s shield.For the goal of skewering Athena and flattening Kusanagi G.o.dou to theground!"This resolute resistance on the verge of death, deserveth one"s praiseindeed! But war G.o.d, dost thou have a way to overturn this unfavorablesituation!?""Ooohmmm... That other one..."Lancelot replied in feeble moans to Athena"s call.He was originally in an abnormal state already. Enduring [Death] from theunderworld deity and deprived of power, even moving a single finger feltexhausting. All movements felt like heavy burdens.He also felt colder than anything else.This sort of coldness could probably be savored only in the instant beforeone froze to death.What a blessing it would be to simply lie down and die just like that.Nevertheless, Lancelot did not halt his charge, pouring forth whatremained of his divine power into the petrified beloved steed, forcing hisleft arm and leg to move, continuing to act as a white meteor.It was truly hard to believe. His body was clearly in such a state, yet hisheart continued to yearn for battle!Perhaps it was precisely this perilous situation that incited him to fightforcefully like scattering sparks. This was a knight"s talent, the style of thewarrior — !"This Knight apologizes for the earlier rudeness. One had no intention ofdeceiving you...""Hmm?"As Athena expressed surprise while she pushed against him, Lancelotcontinued clashing against the Gorgon"s shield.Rather, his current situation would be more accurately described as"falling." At the same time, he turned his gaze up towards the air. To aplace even further beyond the clouds. Where the object of his attentionswas currently hovering."One originally thought it unnecessary for this battle, so it was cast aside.With no ulterior motives, this cannot be helped for there is no other trumpcard. Surely you are unable to block in that direction, hence, this Knightshall take advantage of that!""War G.o.d, couldst thou..."Athena"s beautiful face clearly showed she understood. Nevertheless, itwas too late.The divine lance that had been tossed into the sky before the battle. Evenif the blade had slipped off the thunderclouds, it remained motionless,hovering in midair still.However, summoned by the thoughts of the wielder it was magically boundto, it began to stir.Lancelot began chanting in secret.— Come, Divine Sword of Salvation. The sacred sword that brings stars tofall.The platinum blade fell from the distant sky.And stabbed directly into Athena"s defenseless back.The G.o.ddess began to weaken as her life force was absorbed, becominglike Lancelot. She had already depleted most of her remaining strength inthe current battle. Using such a body to block the white meteor, she likelylacked spare capacity to defend against the Divine Sword of Salvation.In the instant the brilliant blade struck, golden light erupted all at once fromAthena"s body.Part 4The Holy Grail"s creation was almost fifteen hundred years ago.However, the Divine Sword of Salvation had existed even before that. Theking who manifested at the end of ages — was the war G.o.d who was thedivine sword"s original user. What did that imply?In other words, even without the Grail, the Divine Sword of Salvation couldstill be used.Before Guinevere"s previous incarnation and Lancelot had joined under hiscommand, the "King of the End" had already wielded the divine bladecountless times.The Divine Sword of Salvation was fueled by the life force of the earth —So before the Holy Grail existed, how was it provided to the sword?The answer was simple. The "King of the End," strongest amongst [Steel],provided it himself.So-called heroes of steel were themselves warriors who fought against themother earth G.o.ddesses. In the myths, they defeated desperate motherearth G.o.ddesses who had turned into dragons and snakes, therebyobtaining power. Furthermore, they would often take as their lovers orsupporters the mother earth G.o.ddesses who had been reduced to the formof young girls.The majority of [Steel] possessed the attribute of exploiting the earth.In that sense, it was only natural for Him to be called the strongest man. Infact, there was no other war G.o.d who could surpa.s.s him in this domain.The so-called Holy Grail, was the divine artifact offered to the "King of theEnd" for the purpose of lessening his labors.For the first time, Lancelot imitated his former master"s authority ofexploitation."For this Knight"s victory, one beseeches. Grant unto this Knightpermission to plunder the sacred!"Lancelot never expected to develop such a relationship, fighting alongsidethat man on the battlefield, riding shoulder to shoulder.How he gathered power, how he fought, everything was etched clearly inLancelot"s memory.Furthermore, Lancelot was also [Steel]. He believed he could surelyachieve the same thing. Gambling upon this belief he yelled out the spellwords — and it worked as expected.Golden light was bursting out of Athena"s slender body.This brilliant splendor was the mother earth G.o.ddess" essence, life force ofthe purest form beyond compare.The Divine Sword of Salvation absorbed it and began to awaken. This wasfollowed by an explosion of golden light. Life force flowed out fromAthena"s body as if dynamite had exploded.Between Athena and the Divine Sword of Salvation, a "pathway" had beenestablished towards Lancelot.The "pathway" for absorbing life force from the G.o.ddess who embodied theearth was rather narrow and weak. Imitation was merely imitation after all.The difference in the ability compared to the original possessor wasimmensely vast.However, this was sufficient to use the divine sword —Blown back by the explosion of golden light, Lancelot nodded. Transmittinghis thoughts, he summoned the Divine Sword of Salvation to return.Meanwhile, Athena crashed towards the earth.Whether the white meteor whose descent was halted or the flying wingedG.o.ddess, both were blown away by the explosion of golden light."d.a.m.n. Was she defeated!?"G.o.dou yelled as he ran towards where Athena was free-falling.He made it at least. Just barely before she hit the beach, he caught her inhis arms.Even though it was the slender body of a young girl, having fallen fromsuch a height up in the sky, G.o.dou would probably not have caught her soeasily without the [Bull]"s strength."...Tis most unfavorable, Kusanagi G.o.dou. Yonder blade shall attack usonce more..."Held in G.o.dou"s arms, Athena moaned as she spoke.This was his first time to witness the G.o.ddess" face showing vulnerabilitycommensurate with her p.u.b.escent appearance.In addition, his arm cradling her back was wet. With blood. Blood wasflowing from the wound in her back and the owl"s wings had alreadyvanished."Did Lancelot do this?""Yes. "Tis no easy feat for thee to have sealed the Holy Grail. But thatfellow is using his own power to absorb this G.o.ddess" life. If one were notinjured, that kind of undeveloped authority, should more or less hath beenresisted..."She no longer had the strength to proudly raise her head up high.Athena leaned powerlessly against G.o.dou as she whispered. Just asG.o.dou was overwhelmed with surprise at the unusual situation, he saw awhite sun shining in the sky.It was currently night. Night forcefully summoned by Athena.However, the white star hovered in midair, illuminating the area brightly."...For one"s full powered attack at maximum speed to be blocked for thevery first time, you deserve this Knight"s praise, Athena. Young G.o.d-slayer,Lancelot is delighted to be able to fight you!"Furthermore, a muttering voice, as gloomy as a dead ghost"s, could beheard.Lancelot must have landed at some point in time. His left arm and left legpetrified, the white knight stood a couple dozens of meters ahead.He was speaking in a cheerless and commanding tone, yet his entire bodyexpressed delight in battle.Probably because he no longer had the strength to talk cheerfully. Lancelotwas also covered in wounds. However, that lance — his hand held theDivine Sword of Salvation. He still held the overwhelming advantage."A long drawn-out battle is not this Knight"s style. Let the conclusion bereached right here. O Sword, split apart the earth!"In response to the spell words, the white star released a flash of bright lightthat resembled a laser beam.G.o.dou gritted his teeth. He had not wanted to use this incarnation due toits time restrictions. Nevertheless, for the sake of the overall situation,there was no choice now!Verethragna"s seventh incarnation, the [Raptor]. This meant abandoninghis current great strength, but G.o.dou obtained G.o.d speed movement andperception in return.G.o.dou embraced Athena as he dodged sideways, managing to evade theflash of light."That sort of speed had been seen yesterday already. Hohoho, do youreally think this Knight would have no skill to counter it?"Lancelot was completely unfazed.G.o.dou was certain. Even if Lancelot did not bother to scrutinize KusanagiG.o.dou"s every move, he could still discern them as if he was watchingfrom the sky, far above.Even if G.o.dou completely unleashed G.o.d speed, it felt like his moves willbe seen through completely —G.o.dou was filled with unease. How... No, there was no mistake. That guymust be able to use the mind"s eye. The divine skill that Luo Cuilian andSalvatore Doni had mastered after undergoing harsh and grim trials!If G.o.dou moved recklessly, he would be sliced apart in an instant.However, if he stayed still he would still be shredded like a carrot.Cold sweat flowed down his back. What should he do? He cannot despairat a time like this. Think!"...Believe in this G.o.ddess, runnest. Even Lancelot"s great sword, thoucanst surely evade it."Athena whispered softly.Was it a divine oracle, or the devil"s temptation? Fu. G.o.dou drew in a deepbreath. There was no need to doubt. By this point, they were already in thesame boat.In the instant the white star began firing blades of light again, G.o.doujumped backwards.Seen through. Seen through. This certain belief filled his mind.G.o.dou"s every movement after entering G.o.d speed had been completelycaptured by Lancelot. No matter how he moved, how he dodged, he will besliced all the same — !However, the white light missed its mark. Piercing emptiness, it tunneledthrough the sand."Oh, this. Summoning darkness for this purpose, how thoughtful."Lancelot grumbled.G.o.dou"s instincts were correct. The [Raptorj"s G.o.d speed was roughly onthe same level as the shining sword of light. In a pure race of speed, eithercould win depending on circ.u.mstances. However, Lancelot"s mind"s eyeshould allow him to slice G.o.dou apart despite his G.o.d-like speed."Be rea.s.sured. Let this G.o.ddess" darkness disrupt Lancelot"s vision fornow. But a knight of that caliber should be able to adjust soon enough..."Hearing Athena"s whispers, G.o.dou understood.Darkness was essentially something that robbed creatures of their sightapart from a portion of nocturnal animals.Letting night descend and disrupting others" vision was also part ofAthena"s authority. In that case, even the clarity of the war G.o.d"s visioncould be disrupted. This was why G.o.dou was able to dodge the whitesword.Did she summon the darkness of night in antic.i.p.ation of a crisis like this?"Well then, quant.i.ty shall be used instead to obtain victory... It is going tobe messy, but please understand."But Lancelot immediately responded in that manner.The star up high began to fire off light again, but this time the white lightwas shaped into b.a.l.l.s of lightning instead of beams of light.Two meters in diameter or so. Flying at lightning speed. Four of these b.a.l.l.sof lightning had appeared.Flying towards Kusanagi G.o.dou and Athena from four different directions."Come on, could he attack with any less composure!?"The divine knight probably loved getting into action quickly and decisively.G.o.dou grumbled to himself as he watched out for the b.a.l.l.s of lightningattacking from four directions, namely, straight up, from the left and right,and the last one diagonally above.He would only be unscathed if he dodged them all at once. Judging thus,G.o.dou made a great jump backwards.Roughly a distance often meters or so. The [Raptor] conferred lightness ofbody like a bird. The b.a.l.l.s of lightning descended upon G.o.dou andAthena"s last position.But they immediately changed directions to pursue the prey that hadretreated, chasing them down with lightning speed.G.o.dou unleashed G.o.d speed to the max, and sped across the beach. If hestopped for a single moment he would have been struck by any of the b.a.l.l.sof lightning.From the eyes of an ordinary person, the current scene must have seemedquite horrifying yet fantastical.Something unidentified was running around with the speed of lightning.Some object, whose silhouette could not even be seen, was endlesslyflying everywhere, shuttling between light and electricity that scattered likesparks —However, there were no observers of this battle. The only ones aware ofthis strange situation were the partic.i.p.ants.Particularly maddening for G.o.dou was the fact that Lancelot did notrecklessly squander the divine sword. He did not use the life forceabsorbed from Athena to engage in wasteful rapid fire, but was using theb.a.l.l.s of lightning efficiently instead. Had he been recklessly performingwasteful attacks, G.o.dou would have found an opening!G.o.dou desperately escaped from the b.a.l.l.s of lightning that encircled himlike a net.If Athena had not disrupted Lancelot"s vision, G.o.dou would have beensliced apart many times over already."Pressured so much... Impossible to counterattack."G.o.dou grumbled softly as he ran.Once Lancelot"s eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, he would sliceG.o.dou into two with one strike. Hence it was imperative to mount anoffense before that. But then how should he attack?Even though his arms were as hard as iron, they did not seem like theycould crush that white armor.All things considered, the prototype was Lancelot"s own st.u.r.diness. Atbest, G.o.dou"s arms would just be on the same level of hardness."Asking wouldn"t hurt. If you absorbed my [Raptor], would it help rightnow?""No good. Or rather, it cannot be done. Absorbing your active authority willbe exceptionally painful. It will become unusable for several days."The question directed at Ama no no Tsurugi obtained anexpected answer.G.o.dou did not give up. He knew that if it could help, this meddlesomesword would have acted on its own accord already."This G.o.ddess has a plan, Kusanagi G.o.dou."A voice that sounded like it came from far away. When moving at G.o.dspeed, that was how G.o.dou perceived other people"s voices.Obviously, these were Athena"s whispers.G.o.dou was surprised by her sudden call to him. The content of herproposal was even more shocking. Shouldn"t there be limits torecklessness? However, G.o.dou understood the instant he finishedlistening.Ah, I see. This deity truly lived up to the name of the great G.o.ddess ofwar —G.o.dou thought to himself. As a result, he replied almost instantly."...Ah, okay then."G.o.dou embraced Athena with his right arm as he ran back and forth allover the place.Causing not only himself but also everything he carried to lose their weight,this was the [Raptor]"s unique skill.The G.o.ddess entrusted her entire weight over and leaned her head againstG.o.dou"s face. He could not see her current expression, but he was certain.Athena must be smiling with satisfaction right now.G.o.dou silently moved his hand to touch her slender back and began tocaress gently. Then he penetrated deeply."Guuh— !"Athena began to make brief moans. Beads of sweat appeared from thepain.Ignoring these signs, G.o.dou spread open his palm embedded inside theG.o.ddess" body.There was no bleeding. Neither was there an open wound on the G.o.ddess"beautiful back. G.o.dou"s hand had been invited into Athena"s body by herown will.Right arm. Ama no no Tsurugi. The mortal enemy"s hand whichcontained tabooed steel."The sword which claimeth the power of heretical outsider foes for its ownuse... One shall infuse the life force and energy of this great mother earthG.o.ddess into this fellow. Combined with one"s secret arts, the blade ofheaven and earth"s creation shall be forged...! Goest forth and claim thyvictory, G.o.d-slayer!"Athena endured the pain as she whispered in a hazy voice.The divinity of steel that was in conflict with the mother earth G.o.ddesses. Itmust have been exceptionally painful for such an existence to enter herbody."Thou mentioned earlier. Of seeking a way to save this G.o.ddess in theNetherworld. Hohoho, to be honest, that is the one and only path ofsurvival. Abandoning one"s heretical traits, becoming a hermit in theBoundary of Life and Immortality. In that case, one"s connection to theearth will be severed, and the link to the Holy Grail shall also vanish..."Bearing this torment, Athena resolutely bore a smile."Or perchance, one wondereth of choosing another path... Nevertheless,since things have developed to this state, this G.o.ddess no longer hath achoice after all. Rather than have Athena abandon the ways of Athena,one prefereth to seek an end worthy of this G.o.ddess."G.o.dou halted his footsteps, shutting down G.o.d speed and withdrew hisarm.Setting Athena down on the beach, all preparations for intercepting theenemy were complete."Kusanagi G.o.dou. Wield thy sword in this G.o.ddess" stead...""Yes. Please be patient for a moment, for after this shall be ourconclusion."G.o.dou raised his right arm under Athena"s gaze.Manifesting in his hand was the divine blade Ama no noTsurugi. Its blade was jet-black as usual, but this time, it was incineratingwith dark black flames.These were rare otherworldly flames that did not give off any scorchingheat.They were ice-cold instead. Gusts of exceptionally chilling air were beingblown out from the dark black flames. One would likely suffer instant coldburns on contact.At this very moment, the four b.a.l.l.s of lightning controlled by Lancelotarrived.G.o.dou did not even swing Ama no no Tsurugi. Wrapped in darkblack flames, the black metal automatically absorbed the b.a.l.l.s of lightning.Just like that, they disappeared."Hmm... The Divine Sword of Salvation has been countered, yes?"Standing directly beneath the white star, Lancelot seemed to be in doubt."Not exactly countered. But your small demonstration of power wasneutralized, more or less. Right now, this sword is imitating the sameprinciples at work behind yours."G.o.dou explained softly.Time was running out. The battle must be ended as quickly as possible.Part 5"That whatever sword or lance of yours... It"s quite powerful, right?""Hmm. In the legends of this Knight"s master, this steel was calledCaliburnus, Escalibor, Excalibur and other names. The preciousapocalyptic blade that could slice through heaven, earth, and the planets."Lancelot replied quietly to G.o.dou"s question.He was less than twenty meters away from the white knight. Using the[Raptor], that distance could be crossed in an instant."Really? This sword of mine doesn"t have that kind of ability though.Athena said it could create heaven and earth? Well, not as amazing asyours, at any rate.""Indeed. This Knight"s steel body feels bone-chilling fear."G.o.dou made conversation as he searched for an opportunity to charge.Gripping Ama no no Tsurugi"s hilt tightly, he was holding itcompletely like he was swinging a baseball bat.But this was good enough. His intent was not in displaying swordsmanship.He will swing it in the most skillful and familiar manner he knew. That wasthe most important point.In response, Lancelot also pointed the tip of his platinum divine lancetowards G.o.dou"s abdomen.A stance for mid level attack. White light flashed as it descended from thebrilliant star above. Receiving the light, the lance"s blade now shone withradiance as bright as the sun.The opponent was thinking the same thing? G.o.dou"s lips separated into asavage grin.Lancelot also knew the battle had entered the phase when tactics werepointless and there was no longer time to think ahead and antic.i.p.ate theenemy"s moves. On G.o.dou"s side, he did not have much time left.Lancelot, on the other hand, was covered with injuries. Precisely becauseof that, both reached the same conclusion."Ama no, hurry and send that guy flying!""O Divine Sword of Salvation, displayest thy splendorous might to theG.o.d-slayer!"As the two cried out simultaneously, sword and lance attacked at the sametime.G.o.dou turned Ama no no Tsurugi"s blade forward as headvanced with divine speed. Lancelot captured G.o.dou"s movements usingthe mind"s eye and intended to strike him with the divine lance"s blade.Along the way, G.o.dou switched off G.o.d speed to decelerate, planning onspeeding up when the knight was caught unaware.But before that could happen, Lancelot released lightning from the divinelance to hinder G.o.dou.Dodging the lightning, G.o.dou accelerated once more. Ama no Murak.u.mono Tsurugi was only centimeters away from the knight"s white armor whenin the final instant, Lancelot used the divine lance"s platinum blade to blockthe black metal that burned with dark black flames —In the end, black and white sacred steel clashed violently.The Divine Sword of Salvation. The blade of extermination which couldslice apart all of creation.In contrast, having received Athena"s life force and secret arts, Ama no Tsurugi"s jet-black blade sucked everything into it. Like asuper ma.s.sive black hole, it sought to devour all of creation.Taking as nourishment everything it had absorbed, autonomouslyconverting it into new life. Like aged stars exploding into supernovae, theirremains were turned into materials for new celestial objects.Even though this was happening on a tiny scale, it imitated the life cycle ofstars.Consequently, this black metal was capable of heaven and earth"screation —Flashes of white light and lightning flew around in a frenzy, not onlyilluminating the beach and the territory of the Bousou Sea withplatinum-colored brightness, but also creating aurora in the sky.Then Ama no no Tsurugi sucked in everything to produce aspherical s.p.a.ce of pure darkness.Like the white star produced by the Divine Sword of Salvation, the blackhole-esque object hovered high in the sky.The sacred white star and the sacred dark s.p.a.ce collided violentlytogether, exploding, entangling, firing destructive light and gravitationalpulses, finally disappearing. Mutual annihilation.At that moment, a horrifying Shockwave hurtled towards the beach.Altering the landscape — not only that, the power was enough to erase thelandscape without trace.Lancelot was spectacularly blown away.G.o.dou ran with G.o.d speed, desperately trying to evade the Shockwave, butin the end he was still caught in the blast.Although not to the same extent as the white knight, G.o.dou was basicallysent flying. Even so, along the way he still managed to pick up Athena asshe lay on the ground, protecting her with his body the moment they weresent flying.Thanks to this, one of Kisarazu"s beaches was destroyed.A wasteland was created, providing no clue to the landscape"s formerappearance, clouded with flying dust and debris.Even so, Lancelot still stood up by supporting himself with the divine lanceto seek his enemies. Kusanagi G.o.dou also set down Athena once more,walking as he used Ama no no Tsurugi as a crutch.G.o.dou"s body was covered with wounds no less serious than the enemy"s.His right arm was probably broken near the elbow. His chest was hurtingbeneath his arm. How many ribs were broken? Internal organs wereinjured and he was spitting blood. He also felt extremely nauseous. Hisheart was in intense pain, which likely meant the [Raptorj"s time limit wasfast approaching. Scratches, bruises, internal and external bleeding wereinnumerable....Well, this was like being caught up in a terrorist"s bomb. It was a miracleto be alive.Ama no no Tsurugi was also snapped into two. Too reckless.He could no longer hear the divine sword"s meddlesome voice. Apparentlyit was no longer functional for the time being. Unbelievably, G.o.dou felt nocompulsion to flee.G.o.dou dragged his feet as he approached Lancelot.The opponent was also taking up his lance shakily, displaying the will tofight. This guy was unexpectedly similar in temperament." — Sir Lancelot. Your ward Guinevere has already escaped the battlefield.What course of action shall your divine self take?"Just as the battle was about to resume, Erica"s voice was heard.G.o.dou turned to find the long-absent Erica Blandelli approaching nearby,together with Ena who was being supported by Liliana and Yuri....Calming his mind, G.o.dou recalled his goal.Now was the time when Athena should come first. If he forced the fight tocontinue in his current state, there would not be enough time no matterwhat."Oh? This Knight"s beloved child... Concentrating only on battle, did oneforget about her?"Lancelot also seemed to have calmed down.Warning himself with a series of mutters, the war G.o.d l

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