
Chapter 108

Chapter 6 - The Two Who Were Washed Away...?Part 1New Year"s Day had pa.s.sed. It was roughly 4pm on January 2.Before Kusanagi G.o.dou were the vast emerald-green South Seas.Furthermore, currently beneath some trees in a white beach"s shadedcorner, he was staring into the eyes of his one and onlycompanion — Mariya Yuri.They were both dressed in swimwear. Apart from that, G.o.dou was wearinga shirt while Yuri had a windbreaker. From a bystander"s point of view,these two probably looked like a j.a.panese couple enjoying a swim at thebeach.But that could not be further from the truth. After forging the "black blade"and destroying the island of the demonic realm using a deadly gravitationalstorm, only mere hours had pa.s.sed.After that, the two found themselves collapsed on this beach by the timethey regained their senses.Other than physical exhaustion and severe depletion of magic, their bodiesshowed no abnormal symptoms and one could consider them safe andsound. (G.o.dou also owed his current vigor to Yuri"s casting of healingmagic back when performing the ritual.)But it was true that they were currently on an unknown beach somewhere.They had already frantically investigated their surroundings accordingly."Simply for the fact that this is Malaysian territory and inhabited, we arealready quite fortunate. But let alone an airport, this is a remote islandwhere ships only come once every three days..."G.o.dou muttered with deep feeling.The only person around was a Caucasian male surfing in the distance.This was not a usual tourist destination for enjoying a swim at the beach.After all, this place was terrible in terms of transportation.Locals had explained that only experienced surfers and scuba diversconsidered this a good place to visit.As a remote island somewhere in the South China Sea, the population wasdefinitely less than a thousand."Since this is Malaysia, at least the money exchanged beforehand can stillbe used."Yuri nodded. The two of them were still wearing the same clothes as whenthey were swept away by the sea.Could one consider this fortune amidst misfortune? The windbreaker Yurihad put on at the island"s beach was suitable for both hiking and protectionfrom wind. Furthermore, her purse was in her pocket.Not only coins and paper tender but also US dollars and j.a.panese yen,very precious in many aspects, were kept in there."But there isn"t much in total, so we can"t afford to waste any.""If we are returning to Borneo, we must reserve enough money for thattrip."A regular ship came by once every three days on schedule. The one fromthis morning had already departed just earlier.In other words, the next ship would arrive three days later. G.o.dou and Yurihad to think of a way to survive on their limited cash.Things would be fine as soon as they contacted relevant parties of interest,but neither of them had their cellphone. In other words, without a contactlist, they had no numbers to call."I must apologize. I cannot even remember my home telephone orKaoru-san"s number...""I haven"t memorized any useful contact info either. Don"t worry. Oh well,we"ll just cross our bridges as they come."G.o.dou comforted Yuri in her depression.He knew that being technologically incompetent, Yuri even went as far asto avoid her home telephone. Hence it was only natural for her to beunfamiliar with that string of numbers. Although G.o.dou knew his own homenumber, there was no way he would tell his mother about his currentsituation."Erica and the rest must be trying to track down our location."G.o.dou"s memories of swinging the black blade were quite hazy.But he could still vaguely recall seeing the blue light of flight magic. Notonly Liliana, but Erica and Ena were together with her as well, so the trioshould be safe."But to think it had the power to blow away an entire island...""I"m sorry. As expected, with me in control instead of a G.o.ddess, simplyunsheathing the sword already exhausted all my strength... Looks like it"squite hard to control..."Recalling the catastrophe from several hours earlier, the two of them hungtheir heads at the same time.Furthermore, although G.o.dou tried to attack the G.o.ddess back then, sheshould have most likely escaped. Indeed, trying to use the black blade as aweapon in the current situation seemed quite challenging."Well, in any case, I"ll have to trouble you for now, Mariya. I"ll be in yourcare."Without a single penny in his pocket, G.o.dou naturally had to turn to Yuri.It was still unknown how long the duo would have to live here. The oneholding the purse strings during this time would be Yuri. Of course, G.o.douintended to split costs and pay her back afterwards.But Yuri stiffened her expression and declared sternly:"No such thing. Since this is an emergency situation, the money herebelongs to both of us. Please do not say Til be in your care" or anything ofthat sort.""No, this is only right.""Then I should be the one to say it instead. G.o.dou-san, although I may beunworthy, please let us get along well during this time."This time, Yuri bowed her head and deliberately knelt down formally on thesand in seiza posture.The Hime-Miko"s seriousness made G.o.dou quite fl.u.s.tered. Then as shelooked up and their gazes met, they both burst out laughing.The two of them found their polite behavior hilarious.After that, G.o.dou and Yuri went shopping in the grocery stores by thecoast.Clothes such as t-shirts. Daily necessities. Sweetened buns and mineralwater for a belated lunch.In a certain way, the current situation resembled the beginning phase of anRPG.Having bought their equipment, it was time to find a place to stay for thenight. There was only one choice in this regard.This remote island was not a tourist destination. From what they heard, aset of cottages by the sea was the only room and board facility. No betterhotel existed on the island.Although it was a little problematic, the pair decided on the cottages astheir accommodations then went out for dinner.Even choices in this area were quite few. A diner-style place was the onlyeatery near the cottage. Without any hesitation, G.o.dou and Yuri entered.Yuri ordered ethnic style fried rice — nasi goreng.As for G.o.dou, his order appeared to be curry cooked with a white fishresembling Spanish mackerel. Containing okra and eggplant, the flavor ofthe fish stock came out particularly well.Although it was not particularly delicious, one could count their blessingsfor the fact that it was not terrible.While tasting each other"s food, the pair finished their dinner withoutincident. However, a bit of a problem arose when Yuri took out her purse topay.The staff lady spoke cheerfully in English as she summed up the bill."Visiting this kind of island specifically, what a weird married couple youare!"She must have concluded based on the way they ate together.That said, G.o.dou did agree that this island did not feel like the typecouples would normally visit as tourists.With G.o.dou dumbstruck by the question, Yuri bowed her head andanswered:"N-No, we are not in that kind of relationship. We are simply, umm, justcla.s.smates, wholesomely... Well, not exactly this kind of relationshipeither... I mean..."But she was answering in j.a.panese, all in a mess.She was apparently fl.u.s.tered by the misunderstanding. After that, the pairleft the shop and returned to their temporary lodgings at the cottage. Alongthe way back, G.o.dou and Yuri remained silent.This could not be helped. Due to the question raised just now, the problemof their accommodations was highlighted once again.The quaint little cottage was built on the seaside.At least it was equipped with a bathroom. Considering how cheap the ratewas, the bathroom was excessively clean. Due to the fact that this was nota tourist destination, users dirtying the bathroom did not happen frequentlyperhaps?Then there was the cottage"s problem —The fact that there were no separated rooms meant that G.o.dou and Yurihad to spend the night under the same roof.Since multiple cottages were available, there existed the solution of rentingone each per person.But when G.o.dou considered the idea, Yuri rejected it as "Too wasteful."Advice worthy of a virtuous wife. In the end, they decided to share thesame cottage.This type of open cottage had excellent ventilation and was rich withtropical flair.However, illegal entry was quite easy if one had the intention. G.o.douwould not feel comfortable letting a girl live alone in a place like this.Part 2Back at the cottage, G.o.dou and Yuri took turns showering in the bathroom.Although they discovered the shower had no hot water, since this was aremote island after all, this inconvenience was tolerable due to the tropicalheat.Furthermore, G.o.dou and Yuri had already spent two nights on anuninhabited island.While they were there, despite using hot moistened towels for body wipingand swimming in the sea, they had no access to showers, let alone a bath.Consequently, a shower no matter how restrictive still gave them fullsatisfactionThe actual problem came after that.A quiet night. Two people alone in a cottage on a liberal island. A dearth ofconversation. A delicate atmosphere."l-lf only we could watch television.""Q-Quite so."Their conversation ended with just a single exchange. Then the two fellsilent.Instead, G.o.dou threw Yuri a glance. Feeling his gaze, Yuri bowed herhead, but G.o.dou felt that she did so not because she was displeasedabout being looked at.Although G.o.dou was unable to read Yuri"s mind, for some strange reason,he was quite certain of this.Furthermore, delusions suddenly began to pop up in his mind —Such as G.o.dou reaching out to her and then Yuri taking his outstretchedhand matter-of-factly, then in this manner...G.o.dou suddenly jumped in surprise. What on earth was he thinkingabout!?Coming back to his senses, he shook his head vigorously. Yuri looked upas a result of his actions."What is the matter, G.o.dou-san? Why are you making such a horribleexpression?""N-Nothing.. It"s nothing at all, really..."Probably suspicious of his answer, Yuri leaned in close. Studying G.o.dou"sexpression from the side, her face was pressed quite near.G.o.dou felt his heart beginning to race. Yuri also suddenly jumped insurprise, then lowered her gaze again.Another silent interval took place.However, their separation was even closer than before. Not only in termsof their physical distance but also between their hearts, probably —G.o.dou and Yuri cared for each other beyond necessary levels. Indeed, thisprobably could not be helped. After all, the two of them had engaged inbehavior that crossed the line many times already.From G.o.dou"s perspective, Yuri"s attire consisting of a t-shirt and shortswas also quite problematic.It felt quite fresh to see the young lady, whose personal wardrobewas usually limited to skirts, dressed so casually. Inexplicably, G.o.dou hada feeling that staying in the same room as her might not turn out too well.Lightly dressed, Yuri"s excellent figure was in clear display. Her exposedarms and legs offered a dazzling and unavoidable view of her skin...This was not the first time for them to spend the night in the same s.p.a.ce.However, last time"s situation was completely different. G.o.dou felt his heartthumping in his chest uncontrollably. There was no reason to have a guiltyconscience. Clearly he had no intention of doing anything indecent!"L-Let"s rest for the night! M-Mariya, you should be tired, right!?""Y-Yes. It is said that children who go to bed will develop better!"The Hime-Miko"s complete non sequitur revealed her agitated state. Ofcourse, G.o.dou was nowhere near composed enough to point that out.G.o.dou quickly switched off the light and lay down on one side of thetwo-person bed. Yuri was already lying on the other side of the bed. Thenimmediately —"Kyah!""What"s wrong, Mariya!?"Hearing Yuri"s scream, G.o.dou jumped up immediately."Th-There is something cold on the bed!?"G.o.dou switched on the light and together with Yuri examined her side ofthe bed —"Uh... It"s a lizard.""Well... When did it get there?"A tiny lizard was crawling on the bed. Unfazed by human gazes, itdisplayed no intention of fleeing. Was it simply slow in reaction or had itgrown accustomed to humans already?Fortunately, it was not a leech or a poisonous scorpion —As G.o.dou felt relieved, Yuri smiled with a chuckle beside him afterdiscovering the intruder"s ident.i.ty. She had clearly recovered and evenused both hands to scoop up the lizard, personally taking it to the windowand releasing it outside."I wouldn"t have thought you"d be the type to be unfazed by reptiles,Mariya."G.o.dou was impressed by the composure in her series of motions and wellas the unladylike manner with which she caught and released the lizard.On the other hand, his fearless childhood friend Tokunaga Asuka had aphobia of insects, spiders, reptiles, amphibians and the like, alwaysrunning away screaming whenever she encountered them.Meanwhile, Yuri, the person in question, was puzzled by why G.o.dou wouldfeel impressed."Y-Yes. Because its size is so small, even my level of strength is enough tocarry it out."An answer that missed the point. His curiosity piqued, G.o.dou inquired as atest."Mariya, do you have any creatures you have trouble dealing with? Thosewhose very sight disgusts you, ones that you"ll never want to touch, stufflike that? Such as insects, spiders, frogs, moths etc.""Nothing comes to mind immediately. Since Hime-Miko training requiresgoing to sacred mountains and shrines in other places, I had manyopportunities to come into contact with the local wildlife.""Really?""Yes, because I was frequently together with Ena-san since childhood, thistype of contact happened quite often."I see. G.o.dou understood now.The majority of places considered sanctuaries or sacred mountains wouldof course be shrines protected by forests. Frequenting those kinds ofplaces with a child of nature like Ena would naturally produce this result."Ah, but there is the A certain black insect is the exception. That isone thing I have no wish of seeing.""Well, I"m quite sure of all the people on Earth, those who like them belongto a very small minority."Located on an island"s sh.o.r.e, this place was not only hot but very humidalso. That type of creature could very well lurk within the cottage.But G.o.dou specifically avoided pointing it out. Instead, he felt gratified towitness this surprising side to Yuri. Was this discovery possible onlybecause they had been together for so long?G.o.dou also noticed.Due to the commotion just now, the awkward atmosphere between themhad been dispelled completely.Yuri also seemed to have realized this. Looking into G.o.dou"s face, shesmiled shyly. The mood between the pair became natural as usual.G.o.dou sat down cross-legged on his side of the bed and Yuri also took aseat on the other side. Even facing each other again, they no longer feltembarra.s.sed. With the light still on, they spontaneously began to chatcasually. Perhaps prompted by the old story brought up just now, theirconversation revolved around their childhood memories and middle schoolexperiences.There were times when conversation ended.A cottage without a television was naturally silent. But the two of them didnot mind.During these occasions, the pair would silently listen to the waves lappingagainst this tropical beach. The pleasant sensation was truly impossible todescribe.The next day, G.o.dou went out alone.He wandered around places like the sh.o.r.e and the pier where a smallnumber of fishing vessels and boats were tied down and moored.His intention was to directly ask the fishermen and ship owners staying atthe island if they could transport him and Yuri to Borneo. However, none ofthe responses were favorable."Oh well, even if there was a boat willing to take us back, who knows ifthey would be trustworthy or not..."G.o.dou muttered his grumbles.It looked like there was no choice but to wait for the regular ship after all.G.o.dou decided to return to the cottage without a fuss. Along the way back,he suddenly realized.Residing in his right arm, Ama no, which had been unusablesince yesterday, was now awakened.Athena"s entrusted secret technique relied on the divine sword as amedium, thereby generating a gravitational storm. This drastic moveseemed to have heavily strained the sword, resulting in an unresponsivestate of slumber earlier."...You"re fine now?"G.o.dou"s inquiry only obtained an acknowledging "Mmmhmm" in response.Then there was nothing. Too lazy to answer, it seemed.Since the sword probably had not fully recovered from exhaustion, G.o.doudecided to overlook it. The fact that Yuri and him were able to drift to thisisland safe and sound was surely thanks to Ama no noTsurugi"s protection.Despite being an arrogant, condescending problem child with no interest inanything apart from battle, the sword is unexpectedly adept at taking careof others.By the time G.o.dou returned to the cottage, it was already close to noon.He could smell a very fragrant aroma of chicken soup. Entering the cottagewhere they lived, G.o.dou found Yuri preparing lunch."Welcome back. How did it go with the boats?""No good. Looks like we really have to wait for the regular ship."After G.o.dou reported his findings, Yuri went "oh well" as she set down theearthenware pot she was carrying onto the dining table.Since this cottage was meant as long term accommodations for guestssuch as backpackers or divers, it was equipped with a kitchen and cookingutensils despite its small size.In that case, cooking would be more economical than eating out.While G.o.dou was searching for a boat, Yuri was responsible for buyingingredients and cooking. The timing of G.o.dou"s return was perfect, for itseemed like lunch was ready immediately.Yuri lifted the lid of the earthenware pot, releasing a very fragrant whiff ofchicken soup aroma. However, the pot was actually filled with white riceinstead. This is rice cooked using soup rather than plain water, Yuriexplained. Scattered on its surface were also diced ingredients such asham and mushrooms."I tried to imitate the cooking I saw inside the restaurant yesterday."In any case, he decided to have a taste first. The taste of Chinese cuisinewas delicious beyond description.G.o.dou felt rather moved, for he never expected to taste Yuri"s cookingduring this trip. Since they had been relying on instant food for the past fewdays, her food felt especially delicious."I"m so glad for a proper meal like this."Life on the uninhabited island in the demonic realm. The battle with theG.o.ddess. Then there was the gravitational storm the two of them hadcaused. G.o.dou recalled scenes from the past few combat-filled days andexpressed his feelings earnestly."Fufu. If you like this kind of food, I can cook it for you every day.""Really? That"s wonderful. I"m so looking forward to it."Although they had not intended to imply anything else, the pair suddenlyfell silent.The exchange just now was essentially like a couple about to get marriedor newlyweds... Both G.o.dou and Yuri became aware of this sort of feeling,which would be a bit inappropriate given their current delicate situation,right?However, they had already overcome many crises similar to the one theday before. G.o.dou averted his gaze slightly and Yuri nodded in return.Silently, they reached consensus to disregard the previous dialogue, mindsconnected as one.Yuri quickly made a dry cough and amended her words."G-G.o.dou-san. If you wish, I can cook anything for you no matter what.""R-Really? That makes me so glad.""Fufu. Please let me know if you have particular likes and dislikes. I willbear them in mind. But since we have been spending time together everyday, it is unlikely I would make anything unsuited to your tastes.""You don"t need to worry about that. I think that so long as it"s cooked byyou, Mariya, I"ll be satisfied no matter what.""If you say something like that, I would be tempted to cut corners, youknow?""Even if corners are cut, Mariya, it"ll still taste good so long as it"s cookedby you, right? Instead of eating at a restaurant somewhere, even if it"s ahalf-hearted effort, I"m satisfied provided that it"s your cooking, Mariya."G.o.dou"s honest opinion brought a shy expression of happiness to Yuri"sface.Then the two of them noticed once again.The conversation sounded like a couple who had just started cohabitation.After all, if two people were living together, they should take turns cookingfor fairness. Nevertheless, Yuri was matter-of-factly proposing she take upthe role and G.o.dou accepted naturally.Chatting over such matters as they finished lunch, they cleared up thetable.After that, there was nothing in particular that needed to be done. Until theregular ship arrived, they really had nothing to do but wait.In the end, the pair went to yesterday"s beach for a brief swim, took strollsaround the island and pa.s.sed time in this leisurely directionless manner.It was simply a casual tropical afternoon with time spent unproductively."If this kind of life continued, I think I"d start hating the daily grind of goingto school every morning...""1-1 can understand. If I had remained in j.a.pan, I would still be working mymiko duties at Nanao Shrine today. Most likely, I could not be doinganything like this...?"These kinds of conversations occupied their time.In any case, it was currently the third day of the new year, an afternoon onJanuary 3.The beautiful sunset glow had painted the ocean and the beach an orangehue when they returned to the cottage. Then Yuri set about preparingdinner.Although G.o.dou wanted to help, Yuri refused, saying "the kitchen is toocramped." Consequently, he could do nothing but idly watch the cla.s.syyoung lady at work from behind.Despite the fact that his companion was toiling by herself, there wassurprisingly no feeling of resentment.Perhaps because they had too much time to spend idling on the island? Ordid the reason lie in his companion"s modest personality?G.o.dou was feeling glad that he had a chance to spend time together withYuri like this. Yuri was also humming happily as she prepared fried rice inan experienced manner.Despite being a simple dinner prepared casually from existing ingredientson hand, it was quite delicious and completely satisfying."Yeah, this is quite good.""Fufu. G.o.dou-san, I keep getting the feeling you are quite happy.""Really?""Yes, really."A trivial conversation indeed. Time spent together, just the two of them. Butthis was good enough. But just as it seemed as if this tropical night wouldpa.s.s leisurely like this —G.o.dou and Yuri heard the noise.Clang... Clang... Metallic friction could be heard coming from outside. Soonafter, a figure appeared at the cottage"s entrance. The person approachingwhile making strange metallic noises was wrapped in a heavy coat despitethe island"s perpetual summer heat."Fufufu. You are here, G.o.d-slaying monarch."The coat was deep blue in color and had a hood which obscured theperson"s face. But everything became clear as soon as they heard thevoice. This was indeed the Fire G.o.ddess whom they had fought yesterdayon the island of the demonic realm.Part 3The G.o.ddess" alter ego was barely humanoid.But aside from that, the coat"s sleeves were abnormally long, covering herarms and legs completely. Without a single patch of skin exposed, thismanner of dress was rather jarring in the context of a tropical cottage.G.o.dou noticed that he did not experience the usual excitement arisingfrom facing a deity.In other words, this coat-clad figure was not actually the G.o.ddess" truebody."Enough of this. I want to meet your true person.""In that case, please accept my invitation this time, Kusanagi-sama."G.o.dou stepped in front of Yuri to protect her. The figure, apparently theG.o.ddess" alter ego, proceeded to reply:"Although you have used your authority to destroy my territory,Kusanagi-sama... I still have another island that once served as my masterbedroom. Please allow me to take you there."Another island huh? G.o.dou frowned. Could this G.o.ddess really be thatobsessed with islands?"Fufu. For a stay spanning decades long, I suppose a house needs to bebuilt there.""Not needed at all. I will simply blow the entire island away like last time."The black blade exhibited astounding destructive power.But since G.o.dou could not control it properly, its practicality as a weaponwas limited. In fact, he did not even succeed in injuring the Fire G.o.ddess.Nevertheless, it could still be used as a threat.The G.o.ddess had already witnessed the level of power. Was it enough topressure her — ?However, the G.o.ddess" snickers shattered G.o.dou"s hopes."Indeed I could sense exceptionally terrifying power from that sword.Nevertheless, it is a sword forged from a dragon"s remains, controlled via awoman"s wisdom... I can tell that you do not possess the knowledge, mydear."Two glints of golden light shone from the depths of the figure"s hood,sinister as a pair of witch"s eyes."Next time that sword appears, how about I inject my wisdom as the witchwho stands as the Fire G.o.ddess? I think it will do just what I want it to."G.o.dou had not expected her to see through the crucial fact that this was a"weapon wielded by a G.o.ddess."He frowned deeply. Perhaps the Fire G.o.ddess was bluffing, but were thatnot the case, the situation would instantly plunge into a worst casescenario."Come, let us not discuss such uninteresting matters. Very soon, we willarrive at the island that serves as my mattress.""What on earth are you talking about? I have no intention of accepting yourinvitation — "Just as G.o.dou retorted with annoyance, he found someone tugging hist-shirt from behind. This could be no one but Yuri. He also heard theHime-Miko"s whispering voice behind him."...G.o.dou-san, please look outside."What? At her behest, G.o.dou glanced out the window — And was shocked.The view outside the window was an expansive ocean in the night. At thesame time, G.o.dou noticed the ground shaking beneath him, like a ship"shull getting rocked by the waves...G.o.dou and Yuri exchanged glazes and frantically ran over to the window.— They were on the sea. The cottage where G.o.dou and Yuri was livingwas now floating on the vast, pitch-black ocean like a boat!Overhead, the sky was filled with twinkling stars. Were he to try searching,G.o.dou could probably locate the North Star which had guided sailors sinceancient times. But of course, G.o.dou was not going to do that. He simplyglared angrily at the Fire G.o.ddess — or rather, her alter ego."Since it is quite a challenge to invite you to come willingly, please excuseme for this type of surprise method. Fufu, please relax and enjoy the boatride along the way to my island.""H-How could I possibly enjoy this..."G.o.dou never would have expected a voyage in the South China Sea,traveling in a cottage rather than a seafaring vessel.This was far more serious than the time he crossed the Mediterraneantogether with Athena. G.o.dou clicked his tongue disapprovingly. TheG.o.ddess must have taken advantage of his diverted attention caused byher appearance. Moving this cottage across the sea, magic was probablyused to make it subst.i.tute for a boat.Finding himself completely caught by surprise, G.o.dou concluded that theG.o.ddess was still such a tough enemy to handle.Turned into a boat, the cottage was now sailing in a certain direction. Thespeed was unexpectedly fast and G.o.dou could see that the lights on theisland were already tiny. Accepting it as a done deal, G.o.dou sighed andplopped himself down on a chair.By this point, there was no choice but to follow along obediently.G.o.dou communicated to the worried-looking Yuri with his eyes, promptingthe Hime-Miko to immediately walk over to his side."I got it. Then I"ll come to this island to pay you another visit. But don"t youeven think of doing anything to this girl. Should you dare... I will use thatblack sword once again.""Fufufu. Like I already said, I will just — ""You may have said so, but who knows if it"s true or not."The Fire G.o.ddess had said something implying she would be able to usethe black blade very well.But this magical technique was Heretic Athena"s legacy for KusanagiG.o.dou. Fire G.o.ddess notwithstanding, could she really seize controlcompletely?Yuri nodded from beside G.o.dou. She seemed to have seen something thatreinforced his skepticism.Precisely because of her, G.o.dou was able to glare at the G.o.ddess withconfidence. Even if she took half the control privileges, he was still going tofight to the very end with the remaining half."Wow, how scary. But no matter. It is only commonplace for a hero like youto be waited on by maidservants. For something so trivial, I could stillconsent, you know?""Don"t use words like "maidservant" or "waited on." This girl... Mariya is mycompanion."Despite occupying the same room, the G.o.ddess treated the Hime-Miko asthe G.o.d-slayer"s possession.G.o.dou frowned in response to this typically G.o.d-like arrogance as he madehimself clear:"She comes with me wherever I go. We will always be together. If you darelay a finger on her, I will absolutely tear you into a million pieces. Even if itmeans pursuing you to the ends of the earth, I will make you pay."G.o.dou seldom voiced threats, but he was completely serious now. He wasclearly the one who had brought Yuri to this dangerous place and keptcausing her trouble. Although he would rather have his mouth torn openthan declare "I will protect you" or the like, conversely, G.o.dou had notrouble swearing revenge openly.Were Yuri to fall to any misfortune, he would avenge her at the cost of hisown life.G.o.dou felt that this was a distinction of his own, affirmed once and for all.In his mind, G.o.dou was quite surprised to discover himself as a mancapable of saying such terrible things —"G.o.dou-san..."Yuri gazed at G.o.dou, her eyes clearly conveying how touched she felt.She leaned her shoulder closer to him.For a n.o.ble young lady like her, was she not supposed to be fine withabandoning a recalcitrant like Kusanagi G.o.dou?Although this was about himself, G.o.dou really believed that.On the other hand, the G.o.ddess reacted strangely to his threats."In other words, Kusanagi-sama... This girl is your spouse?""S-Spouse!?""Based on your words just now, is there any description more apt thanthat?"Cold words delivered in monotone. The G.o.ddess" excessive princess-likeimpression felt diminished.However, G.o.dou"s reason for being surprised was not limited to that alone."Uh, no, like I said, we"re companions. Always together... No matter whereI go... Huh?"In that case, describing her as his spouse did fit after all?In front of the shocked G.o.dou, the body of the G.o.ddess" alter ego gave offa screeching sound and raised its arm.From the sleeve of the long coat, an arm suddenly reached out. A doll"sarm, made of gold. Its index finger pointed straight at Yuri."Lowly servant who hinders my search for love... It is only natural that youshall be punished accordingly."The G.o.ddess" fingertip was about to fire something nasty. Without evenconfirming what it was, G.o.dou instantly reacted."Ama no!"He summoned the partner that finally woke up this morning.The jet-black divine sword instantly appeared from G.o.dou"s right arm andflew towards the G.o.ddess" alter ego.Before the golden fingertip could release anything, the divine swordpierced the body clad in the long coat.The alter ego collapsed on the floor with a crash. From the fallen opencoat, the doll wrapped inside was exposed, made of gold shaped into awoman"s form. This was the object that had moved like a living human toconverse with G.o.dou in the G.o.ddess" place."Are you okay, Mariya!?""Yes. Thanks to G.o.dou-san, I am completely... Kyah!"Yuri screamed briefly because of a sudden impact felt from the floor.Then the motion calmed down completely. Up until now, they had beenswaying in tune with the boat-like rocking motion as the cottage floatedamidst the waves of the South China Sea.Looking outside, G.o.dou was shocked. The cottage had somehow driftedonto a beach."Welcome to the sanctuary that serves as my hall of dreams,Kusanagi-sama."The night sky reverberated with the Fire G.o.ddess" cold voice."Please make your way into the depths of this island. I will makepreparations of hospitality to welcome your arrival. However, as the pricefor receiving my love, please hand over this girl — the one consideredKusanagi-sama"s spouse! In order to obtain new love, one must forsakethe old wife. This is what is known as etiquette between men and women!""What kind of utter nonsense is this G.o.ddess talking about..."G.o.dou was stunned by the absurd terms of exchange she proposed.The midwinter incident that began at Cape Inubou was now reaching itsclimax through unexpected developments.Part 4This time, G.o.dou was truly located on an uninhabited island no one knewabout.He had a feeling this was still somewhere in the South China Sea, except itwas unclear which country"s marine territory this was. Was it still Malaysia,or maybe somewhere like Indonesia or the Philippines?Yuri used the spirit power of psychic sensing to explore the island.According to her report, this place was not as large as the island of thedemonic realm. Compared to the city of Tokyo, this island was roughly thearea of Yoyogi Park at Shibuya.In addition, the island lacked greenery and the spa.r.s.ely growing shrubberymade the rocks particularly conspicuous.Furthermore, the island"s center was filled with an intense divine aura."Even my attempts to explore further with tendrils of sensing weredeflected. The G.o.ddess is surely there...""Supposing this island has no water source, it"s not a place we could stayfor long..."G.o.dou muttered in response to Yuri"s report.He looked up to find the South Seas" clear and un.o.bscured night sky. Eventhis type of small tropical island would be to sudden showers so theycould not afford to waste time. It was necessary to leave as soon aspossible.However, the G.o.ddess who would surely interfere was nearby. Without adeity on this island, Yuri probably could have done something usingpsychic sensing and wizardry —G.o.dou simply pondered for a brief while to make his decision."Mariya, I will go settle things with the G.o.ddess.""Eh? Immediately right now!?""Yeah. I think it needs to be done as quickly as possible. Letting it drag anyfurther won"t be a good thing."This was a place where the availability of freshwater was not guaranteed.Hence, victory should be sought as quickly as possible before his staminawaned.Yuri responded with an expression full of worry for Kusanagi G.o.dou."G.o.dou-san, just as the G.o.ddess proposed, there is the option of handingme over...""No. Do not mention that kind of nonsense again."G.o.dou sternly cut her off as if refusing to hear the rest of her words.Yuri answered "Very well" with a delighted expression. Then her faceinstantly showed tension and she said with a serious voice:"In that case, please allow me to accompany you. If I venture forth withyou, G.o.dou-san, I will surely be able to see the G.o.ddess" name andorigins.""But so far, you haven"t been unable to, right?"After asking his question, G.o.dou realized that the usually modestHime-Miko had declared firmly using the word "surely." Could it bepossible!"Could it be possible, Mariya, you"re planning on doing that!?""Yes. I intend to use the spell that allowed me to see the origins of theGreat Sage Equaling Heaven. Extracting knowledge of the G.o.ds from theNetherworld, to see with these eyes of mine... If I use that spell, I will surelybe able to see the G.o.ddess" true name.""Don"t talk nonsense. Last time, you almost died because of that!""But you saved me, G.o.dou-san."G.o.dou could not find any words to refute Yuri"s calm response.As the power of a hero and savior of the world, Verethragna"s sixthincarnation, the [Youth], was able to heal those whose lives were on theverge of death for the sake of Kusanagi G.o.dou and bestow protectionupon them. However, even if he could save her, G.o.dou did not want Yurito take the risk. He continued to ponder how to dissuade her.The Hime-Miko suddenly exhaled and her expression relaxed."I want to follow G.o.dou-san to the end, to be together forever. However,this implies a life never far away from danger."A gentle smile naturally surfaced on Yuri"s lips."Ena-san, Erica-san and Liliana-san... Everyone knows this very well. Theyhave all fought with their lives on the line for G.o.dou-san"s sake. I am theonly one who is so weak, always powerless in times like these. But I alsowish to make the most of my abilities in hopes of helping you obtainvictory, G.o.dou-san. This sentiment is the same."Faced with her heartfelt words, G.o.dou hung his head.Aware of the extent of his incompetence, he did not feel worthy enough todeny her steadfast resolve."I want to become your power. Please allow me to do what I can for thatpurpose."Indeed. If it were not for himself, she should not have to say something likethis.G.o.dou sighed. After a brief moment of hesitation, he had no choice but toanswer in the following manner:"I am truly sorry that you had to get involved with an idiot like me.""Not at all. Ever since a long time ago, I have been fully aware that you area person who causes trouble for others, G.o.dou-san."G.o.dou lamented how useless he was, unable to say anything apart fromapologizing.Furthermore, Yuri was exceptionally adorable, the way she smiledcheerfully as she offered herself to him.At the very least, he must obtain "victory" for her and all the girls. G.o.doulifted his head resolutely."Mariya, if you^ can a.s.sist me, I will absolutely put that troublesomeG.o.ddess in her place. Will you lend me your strength?"In actual fact, G.o.dou had never used such a rude form of second personreference as omae to address Yuri before.Although G.o.dou could casually use omae to address the fearless trio ofErica, Liliana and Ena, telling himself "Oh well, it"s fine to treat them as ifthey were guys," Yuri was the one and only exception.No matter what, she was the most gentle and feminine girl among all thegirls around him.Yet he naturally addressed her in this manner at this time."Yes, naturally!"G.o.dou had no idea if she figured out what he was thinking, but Yurianswered without hesitation. At the same time, she awkwardly added thefollowing as if she had something too embarra.s.sed to bring up:"Umm... But G.o.dou-san, since this is a spell for prying into Netherworldknowledge through one"s own will... It is quite dangerous after all, so Ishould not attempt it except as a very last resort. After seeing the G.o.ddess"name, it would also be quite problematic if I were unable to pa.s.s on theinformation to G.o.dou-san immediately."G.o.dou nodded in agreement. It was a reasonable a.s.sessment of thesituation."Actually, I have another method I would like to try. It occurred to mespontaneously during your earlier conversation with the G.o.ddess,G.o.dou-san..."One should not underestimate the things that occurred "spontaneously" tothis exceptional user of spirit vision. G.o.dou was well aware of this fact.What kind of secret plan was it? G.o.dou"s sense of curiosity andantic.i.p.ation was piqued.Taking Yuri with him, G.o.dou walked across the beach for roughly twentyminutes.Finally, they reached the destination at the center of the island where evenYuri"s psychic sensing could not reach. Marble steps covered the groundhere.Perhaps another structure once existed here apart from these steps.But currently, nothing remained but these steps of stone. Furthermore,there was a ferocious beast present. A lioness."Ara... What an unexpectedly early arrival.""Because nothing will be accomplished even with more time."G.o.dou was not surprised to hear the G.o.ddess speak through the lioness"jaws.More importantly, his body was now filled with power and his heartnaturally became excited. Achieving such a state, G.o.dou could tell that thelioness was the [Heretic G.o.d].This lioness was transformed from the G.o.ddess rather than something likea manipulated puppet."The girl is here with you, I see. Come, Kusanagi-sama, please bestow thismaidservant to me."G.o.dou deliberately ignored what she said and replied:"Hey. In the past, did you try to trap that Gascoigne guy, a peer of mine, onthis island?"G.o.dou asked bluntly in order to provoke a response from her.It was about time to clear up the nature of that man"s relationship with thisG.o.ddess."Fufu, of course. His Highness Alexandre is also a present-generationwarrior among the G.o.d-slayers. A man worthy of a G.o.ddess" love. I first methim back when I was liberated.""What do you mean by liberated?""Yes, His Highness was the one who woke me from my long slumber.Together, we searched for the wandering hero."Hero. A word one could not ignore.That Gascoigne really did explore this region as expected... Or moreaccurately, he was probably embroiled in some kind of nefarious affairhere. More than likely, it was during the time when he busied himselfnonstop because of Guinevere. G.o.dou nodded."We created that island together and enjoyed a brief romance... Speakingof His Highness, he left because he tired of life on the island. And he evenused his labyrinth authority as a lock to imprison me on there!""Ah, so it wasn"t actually meant for disorienting intruders, huh."G.o.dou grumbled in response to the disclosure of this unexpectedlyridiculous truth.But considering this G.o.ddess" temperament and that guy"s personality,G.o.dou could imagine more or less how things happened.Her earlier mentions of "a divine artifact gifted as proof of love" or the likewere all lies. G.o.dou was convinced that Alec had approached the G.o.ddesswith ulterior motives but fled halfway because he discovered she was moretroublesome than expected."It took me four days to see through the labyrinth"s magical effects andbypa.s.s them. During this time, that fleet-footed hero already went intohiding. I pondered whether I should destroy this island that had become alabyrinth, but it is the legacy of the man I once loved after all. Fufu, so thatwas why I built my residence on the island."Confronted with the G.o.ddess" surprising confession, even G.o.dou himselfwas overcome with a sense of amazement.The G.o.ddess was unexpectedly adorable in certain ways and G.o.doubegan to feel slightly sorry for her. She did not need to specificallypreserve something left behind by that man for that kind of reason.However, this feeling vanished immediately."Ever since then, I stayed alone on that island for a number of years beforeventuring out to seek a suitable new love... And finally, I have found you,Kusanagi-sama."Divine power overflowed from the lioness transformed from the G.o.ddess.This critical moment had apparently arrived. G.o.dou tensed his nerves."Very well, Kusanagi-sama. For the sake of the love between us, pleasehave the maidservant walk over to this side. Fufu, I shall transform her intoa pig or a goat and rear her where we live!""As if I"d let anyone do that!"Yuri had been worriedly observing G.o.dou"s conversation with the G.o.ddess.Hearing the G.o.ddess" outrageous words, G.o.dou immediately reached outand forcefully drew Yuri to his side, as if trying to use his body of aCampione"s to protect her and prevent harmful spells from being cast onher."G-G.o.dou-san!?"Yuri was caught by surprise but G.o.dou continued holding her in his armsas he turned his sharp gaze towards the G.o.ddess.His prior sympathy for her was genuine. However, this was the first timesomeone provoked his temper to such a degree.Yuri was trembling slightly. One could hardly blame her. For a [HereticG.o.d], who only recognized humans as existences akin to stones, theextent of the G.o.ddess" obsession must have terrified her.Nevertheless, Yuri lifted her head sternly at this time to stare in concertwith G.o.dou at the G.o.ddess.She also embraced G.o.dou tightly and a.s.serted thus:"It should be very clear to you now! Just as you can see, he shall neverabandon me. H-He truly loves — he truly loves me as his wife!"What!? An astounding declaration, completely beyond his expectation.G.o.dou could not help but falter for a second."E-Even if you are a G.o.ddess, even if you are also capable of enactingmiracles, you will never take G.o.dou-san away from my side!"G.o.dou could not believe Yuri was embracing him tightly as she looked upat him with moist eyes.She was seeking something, making an appeal to him. Enslaved by hergaze, G.o.dou bent over slightly and brought his face closer to her.In response, Yuri also shyly drew her face nearer to G.o.dou"s and evenkissed him on the cheek.Compared to Erica"s pa.s.sionate skinship, this light peck was a rather stiffdisplay of loving affection.But G.o.dou felt as though his brain was about to boil, for he never expectedher to do something like that —"Because, great G.o.ddess, you have no intention of revealing yourself tohim, and neither would you embrace him like this..."Although Yuri spoke quite stiffly, these were actually words for provokingthe G.o.ddess.The G.o.ddess watched with displeasure as the two embraced. The lioness"eyes instantly narrowed. It looked as though Yuri"s stinging words wereright on target.G.o.dou now understood what Yuri meant when she mentioned anothermethod she "would like to try."When he asked her about it earlier, she had blushed and refused todivulge her plan.This really seemed like an acting performance and provocation that onlyErica could pull off. Yuri was working hard to realize the imagery shereceived through spirit vision. Finding the Hime-Miko who was hugging himtightly exceptionally adorable, G.o.dou applied more strength in the arm hewas using to embrace her.Yuri also buried her face into G.o.dou"s chest. He whispered in her ear:"Mariya...""Sometimes I wish you would call me by my given name... Only Erica-sanand Liliana-san get first name treatment from you... I find it quite unfair.Even Ena-san has been complaining more and more about this recently..."Although her voice was very soft, Yuri was sulking in a rare instant despiteher gentle nature.Erica and Liliana were foreigners. Calling them by those ridiculouslycomplicated surnames would be quite a ha.s.sle —Refraining from true explanations like these, G.o.dou whispered "Y-Yuri..."in her ear and obtained a very quiet yet satisfied "yes..." from her inresponse. Judging from the current mood, one could hardly call this an actanymore.Then Yuri looked up again and challenged the G.o.ddess again:"W-Whispering sweet nothings to each other nonstop with him... A-Are youcapable of this? I can feel from my spiritual senses. Indeed, your powersmay be great and vast as a witch G.o.ddess... But as for your body,surely — ""Shut up."Surprised, G.o.dou and Yuri tensed up in their expressions.The G.o.ddess" airs changed. Hours earlier at the cottage, her voice hadbeen cold and indifferent. Now, that was not all. Her current voice carriedmuch greater solemnity than before.A queen"s majesty. The airs of an inviolable princess. The authority of aG.o.ddess —She no longer displayed the frivolity of a girl addicted to love. Or perhapsthis was actually her true nature?Yuri"s provocations seemed to have pressed a switch somewhere withinthe G.o.ddess."Such repeated insolence towards the G.o.ddess of dawn, oh how my rageseethes within me... That said, this could be considered a courageous actof a mortal girl. Fufu, as one who seeks and chases after love herself, evenI am inspired to grant my blessing to such reckless behavior undertaken forthe sake of love."A calm voice.Furthermore, the lioness" body proceeded to split apart into halves alongthe line of the spine.A dark shadow emerged from the crack. Conversely, the lioness" bodyturned into sand and crumbled. Then the shadow took on a woman"soutline and several seconds pa.s.sed.As G.o.dou and Yuri watched, the shadow materialized into solid form.A beautiful girl, her figure as slender as a juniper.One would estimate her age to be fifteen or sixteen by appearance. Herl.u.s.trous silver hair was very pretty. With long lashes belonging to a girl ofone"s dreams, rosy cheeks and adorable cherry lips, she was theembodiment of maidenly beauty one could never forget on first sight.If one were to pa.s.s her by on one"s way, it would not be strange to dreamof her that night.However — her arms and everything below the waist were made of bra.s.s.Her arms, legs and lower torso were made of bra.s.s prostheses. The metalwas neither armor nor divine vestments. G.o.dou"s instincts told him shewas bearing wounds that would never heal.He knew from a Campione"s warrior instincts. The G.o.ddess before him washalf dead.Carrying these wounds that would never heal as she continued to exist onthe earth, this half-alive, half-dead G.o.ddess — !"The G.o.ddess of dawn... Heretic... Circe!"Then as her breathing quickened, Yuri finally whispered the G.o.ddess" truename.References1 . t G.o.dou specifically uses omae(fo a rude form of "you" innormal usage.

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