
Chapter 139


"It is not working. I cannot see anymore..."Liliana Kranjcar"s shoulders shook in regret as she opened her eyes."And to think I finally found Kusanagi G.o.dou after so much trouble — !""This cannot be helped. The other side of the corridor indeed leadssomewhere not of this world. Hence, we should already be happy to havecaught a slight glimpse for a brief while."Mariya Yuri gently comforted her companion who was biting her lip tightlyin self-remonstration.Quietly, she placed her hand on Liliana"s shoulder. Calming down a little asa result, Liliana nodded."Fair enough. Using my magic and your power, Mariya Yuri, we were ableto explore the situation on the other side. I suppose finding this out isalready an accomplishment.""Yes. Now the rescue mission officially begins!"Yuri spoke with resolve as though to encourage not only her companionbut also herself.Seeing Yuri acting a little affectatiously, Liliana could not help but smilewryly. Feeling a little embarra.s.sed, the Hime-Miko also smiled slightlywryly.The two girls were currently in the mountains of a place called Casentino,located in the region of Tuscany.They were following a stream at the bottom of a ravine. This was the placewhere the quartet had disappeared. Namely, the four people: SalvatoreDoni, Kusanagi G.o.dou, Erica Blandelli and Seishuuin Ena.Yuri and Liliana were standing by the cliffs.In other words, this was where the "corridor" had appeared — the darknessresembling a cave when triggered by the authority that caused magic to goberserk.Using spirit vision to find out that the distant endpoint of this pa.s.sagewayled to "this world on the other side," Yuri was apparently able to usepsychic sensing to share what she had seen with her companion.Hence, Liliana had used witchcraft for locating people and flown the[Witch"s Eye] towards the direction indicated.This resulted in the discovery of "their companions fighting a dragon-ridingyoung man" at a castle somewhere.Using psychic sensing to share their sight, Yuri and Liliana were both quitehappy for this result.Since they needed to help Kusanagi G.o.dou, the two of them transmittedtheir "power" through the corridor.However, before they could make contact with him, the [Witch"s Eye] andpsychic sensing were both dispelled. Using magic on the other side was noeasy task after all.Liliana sighed deeply."That said, I never expected he would be able to draw out the "black blade"for battle.""Just to be on the safe side, I unsealed it beforehand. However, thatperson who resembles G.o.dou-san so much, what on earth are hisorigins...?""Would it be correct to recognize him as the eighth Campione...?"Liliana turned to face Yuri who was clasping her hands together in doubt.There were too many incomprehensible aspects to this "corridor created byMadame Aisha." Due to too many things happening and rushing abouthastily, they had not been able to listen to a proper explanation from SaintRaffaello."Speaking of which, having only entered this cave no longer than threehours... Yet G.o.dou-san appears to have embroiled himself in a conflictagain.""And finally, it looked like he was forced to make an emergency crashlanding. Oh well.""L-Liliana-san. Please do not say anything like "he probably survived."Although G.o.dou-san is human, even if something were to happen to him,he will surely be fine!""In other words, Mariya Yuri, you and I are in perfect agreement."In any case, Yuri and Liliana began to shift their thoughts from "confirmingthe safety of their companions" to considering "how to rescue them.""Wow, I almost thought I was going to die back then."G.o.dslayer Uldin laughed heartily as he spoke.Holding the reins, Ena was sitting cross-legged on the cargo section of acart drawn by two horses. G.o.dou was sitting opposite her and frowning atUldin"s statement that no normal human would make.As a side note, Erica was currently riding her horse in a trot beside thecart."How unbelievable that they could survive that...""Yes. His Majesty and Uldin-san are truly absurd people..."Rather than amazed, Erica and Ena"s words were filled with a different sortof overtone.The two Devil Kings had crash landed several hours earlier.Crashing down in the plain somewhere, the pterosaur had slid along theground like a aeroplane. After that, the Campiones were tossed off withcountless cuts and bruises as well as broken bones all over their bodies.Unable to stand up, the pair had fainted temporarily. But they did manageto survive. After Erica and Ena caught up to them, they were rescued."Hey comrade, let me offer another invitation. Will you be king in myplace?"While rocking from the motions of the cart, Uldin suddenly proposed.Although G.o.dou was in the same state, the other guy seemed to havecompletely recovered his energy."How about we build our harems in Rome or over in Constantinople? Ithink it would be a great idea.""Like I said, stop talking about that. I already told you before our duel."In response to G.o.dou"s displeased grumbles, Uldin replied with surprise."Hey hey. I thought that was a promise only if I lost.""What nonsense are you talking about? You clearly couldn"t fight anymore.And I"m the one who put you in that state.""But going with that logic, you couldn"t fight anymore either, comrade.""1-1 was fine. I deliberately made myself like that.""No no, don"t forget that before the crash, I was the one who thrashed yousoundly."The two Campiones were going at each in the spirit of "an eye for an eye."While this meaningless dispute was going on, the cart returned to thestronghold at Augusta Raurica.Ruska and Clotilde were scheduled to arrive later. Fortunately, the Romanarmy had not returned, thus avoiding an encounter with Uldin.Since Aisha was with the people of the Roman army, she was probably nothere either.Just as Erica and Ena stopped their horse and cart respectively before thecastle gates —"What"s going on? He looks like he"s in a great hurry.""A Roman courier. He probably has urgent news to report to Lugdunum."Ena looked out towards the main road ahead and murmured. Staring in thesame direction, Uldin also commented.Apparently, a Hun"s eyesight rivaled that of a j.a.panese child of nature."Lugdunum?""In modern parlance, that"s Lyon in France. During this era, it was animportant stronghold in the Roman province of Gaul."Seeing G.o.dou confused, Erica clarified.The city of Lyon in southern France. G.o.dou had heard of it before butnever visited the city. Soon after, the Roman cavalryman could be seenapproaching.This was almost a full gallop. Continuing to ride in this manner wouldcause the horse to collapse soon."Judging from the way he"s making a beeline for here, he intends to switchhorses?""Yeah. Maintaining speed by switching horses multiple times."Realizing how Uldin discerned the rider was a courier, G.o.dou nodded.On the other hand, Erica blocked the road as if sealing it off, walkingtowards the cavalryman whose horse was decelerating."I belong to the army stationed here. What"s the urgent news?""E-Enemies gathering up north... The Frankish tribes have pledgedthemselves under a certain man"s banner to form a great alliance!"The courier was initially surprised to hear Erica declare herself part of thearmy despite being a woman.But perhaps due to the urgency of the situation, he reported as he pantedheavily. Not only the horse but even the rider was also exhausted. It reallymust be quite an emergency."Who is this man you speak of?""His name is Salvatore Doni... Although it"s unknown where he hails from,that man... No, that monster single-handedly conquered the stronghold ofColonia Agrippina... Uwooh!"It must have been quite a regretful affair, seeing as the young courier criedtears of chagrin.However, G.o.dou and his group had no leisure to notice such details."S-Salvatore?""Looks like the situation has gradually gotten serious...""So that king has already arrived. And even caused all sorts of seriousincidents."The three moderners were respectively dumbstruck, worried andlamenting.Furthermore, even Uldin reacted with "that reminds me.""I"ve heard of that name too. It was the G.o.dslayer wandering my forestthree months ago.""W-What did you say?""After I told him that this area was my "hunting grounds," he said he wasgoing to tour the north and have some fun first. He also said somethingabout wanting to duel me after he gets used to these lands."Uldin recalled with an amused expression the maniacal words thatsounded very much like a certain man.He did not seem like he intended to refuse the challenge. Speaking ofwhich, to think it was "three months ago." G.o.dou could not help but click histongue.Clearly Doni was sent to a time much earlier than them.How many unruly acts exactly had he committed during this time?"Hey. Those Frankish tribes working under Doni are...""I remember they were the founders of France?""Yes. Of Germanic lineage, the Franks were united by Clovis I to establishthe dominance of the Merovingian dynasty, thereby starting the history ofFrance. However, that"s not supposed to happen until a hundred yearsfrom now, you know?"The moderners gathered together and whispered to each other.Hearing Erica describe future events, Ena sighed uncharacteristically."So, this could cause history to change too. So we really should hope forthat whatever corrective force to work its effects...?""About this matter, is it really okay to hope?"As Erica remarked in distress, Ena was shocked all of a sudden."But didn"t Aisha-san already explain about this kind of force?""Ultimately, Madame Aisha is just a traveler. No matter how many yearsshe spent traveling in the world of the past, she would still eventually returnto the modern age. But if a modern Campione were to live in this worldpersistently for decades or even centuries... Do you think that kind ofcontinued distortion can be corrected?"Erica murmured with a gloomy voice and sighed."I think that it won"t come as a surprise if Sir Salvatore were to forget about"returning to the present" and end up living here for more than a century.""Considering that idiot, that"s very possible for sure."G.o.dou could not help but nod, realizing that new trials were about to begin.Clearly it was imperative to find Doni and bring him back even if it meanttying him up. This could very well turn into a problem no less troublesomethan a duel with Uldin.Afterwordh.e.l.lo everyone, it"s been a while. Campione! finally reaches its 14thvolume.I express my utmost thanks to the loving support from each and every oneof you, readers. Due to the anime last year, I was constantly chased afterfor Campione! related drafts and various a.s.sorted affairs for a whole year.There were good things like being featured on Weekly Shounen Jump anumber of times and being invited to Taiwan, all sorts of troublesomethings that I cannot write about here. Every single day was spent in ahectic bustle.One incident left a particularly deep impression on me. A certainmale-oriented fashion magazine almost mistook me for a Cthulu writer,(wry smile)This was during an interview for a light novel feature when a reporter andinterviewer who claimed "I"ve read Campione!" asked me: "This seriesuses the Cthulu mythos as its theme — " Nothing of that sort, man! (sweatdrops)Looks like the guy must have learnt the word "Cthulu" from recent anime.Based on various clues I gathered throughout the interview, it seems likesomeone jumped to the conclusion that "stories about G.o.ds, ahhh, that"sbasically the Cthulu mythos."Before the anime was broadcast, this type of situation also happenedwhen I was busiest in writing Volume 13. Back then, I kept thinking tomyself, just let it be since they should probably realize the mistake beforethe report is published —In the end, "Cthulu" was written clearly on the first draft they delivered tome. (wry smile)Back then, I said "this interview is 90% fabricated in my view, don"t believeit" and gave up on reading it, then relying on the hard work of Super DashBunko"s editorial department, the notion of "Takedzuki Jou = Cthulu writer"was eradicated.Like manga artists who frequently do the same in their manga andtankouban afterwords, I kept a record of these happenings in the hopes ofrevealing them one day.Oh dear, by this point, all I can do is treat it all as a joke, (laugh)Well then, this volume"s story is based on an early idea I considered of"The Devil King one should stay the most away from (World Cla.s.sicsDrama Series) and what if a certain protagonist were born in the MiddleAges or earlier."Then there is the "little story in mid-January" that was mentioned inChapter 2. If any of you would like to read this story, readers, please checkout the limited edition booklet that comes as a gift with buying Volume 14and manga Volume 2 at the same time, or the Drama CD included in theprevious magazine. (Publisher"s note: all sold out already)In the next volume after this, expect a super Campione battle transcendingtime and s.p.a.ce.

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