
Chapter 26

EpilogueIn the latter half of July, it was the peak of summer.For southern Italy, beginning in May was already the warm season forshort-sleeved clothing.So during the peak of summer, the sun"s heat was especially intense, andbecause of that, the seaside resorts were packed with people every singleday."Young man, after you became a Campione, I had given you my honestadvice — "Under the cloudless Sardinian blue sky.A beautiful beach, as well as the deep azure ocean extended before hiseyes.This was not a place where he had visited with Erica during spring. Insteadthis was on the north-western part of the island, a beach near theabandoned silver mines.Though it was located close to Alghero which had the airport, the beachwas not recorded in travel guides.Currently present were Kusanagi G.o.dou and Mariya Yuri, their hostLucretia Zola, as well as Erica Blandelli with her a.s.sistant and maidArianna."Your greatest flaw is that you don"t suspect your friends. As a young man,this is admittedly adorable, but you are a real and proper devil king-sama.As both a king and a warrior, how could you be so careless? This is whythis happens to you."The one who explained with such an att.i.tude was Lucretia.The nostalgic Witch of Sardinia, the chief culprit who caused G.o.dou tobecome a Campione, the old lady who looked like a beautiful girl in theprime of life.She was now lying on a mat on the beach, elegantly having sun tan lotionapplied on her.The one applying the lotion was Kusanagi G.o.dou, yes, that"s him.As a side note, the two of them were wearing swimwear, though Lucretia"sbikini top had been untied, in other words, she was lying there half-naked.Applying lotion to her back, G.o.dou had lifeless eyes, and remained silentwithout speaking a word."When backed into a corner, your judgment and decisiveness can befrightening, but I hope you learn to think ahead a little."As a side note, Lucretia"s body was rich with the voluptuous feel of amature woman.A bosom possessing overwhelming oppressive presence, a narrow waistdespite a very decadent lifestyle, every voluptuous curve of her bodysurpa.s.sed those of Erica"s.Besides, at a height of roughly 160cm, Erica was considered somewhatshort amongst Italian women.By j.a.panese standards, her figure rivaled swimsuit models, but in herhome country, Erica only stood out as a particularly slim and slender girl.However, Lucretia was completely different.With a height of 170cm plus a bit, and a body that exploded with thesensual beauty of her curves.That kind of s.e.xy litheness, was like a show girl appearing on European orAmerican television, or comparable to a celebrity s.e.x symbol."The first thing you should have suspected, was whether the craftyErica-san was provoking your wariness on purpose by that kind ofproposal. From that moment on, you should have pondered whether it wasthe beginning of a conspiracy, hey... Keep your hands moving, you need toapply the lotion more thoroughly.""By the way, Lucretia, isn"t it time to return G.o.dou to me?"With a joyful voice, Erica started a conversation with the half-naked beautyin the middle of her lecture.Dressed in a black bikini with red patterns and designed for activity, Ericagenerously exhibited her well-proportioned limbs and tender skin."Because you helped out, I lent G.o.dou out for you to command. But thepurpose of this trip is to hasten the development of my relationship withG.o.dou, right? That"s about enough."...Kusanagi G.o.dou and Mariya Yuri had arrived at the Alghero airport.Welcoming the pair were the three of them — Lucretia and Erica, withArianna standing behind them as their maid.That"s right, everything was conducted within Erica"s grasp.From inciting G.o.dou"s sense of emergency with the travel plans at the verybeginning, to making the cornered G.o.dou seek help from an acquaintancewho was already complicit in the conspiracy.And just like that, G.o.dou rushed towards a summer vacation island, to thisopen location.The plan designed by Lucretia and her secret ally Erica, was perfectlyexecuted to success."G.o.dou-san... Did you not say this was your host and savior? Then youshould serve her even more earnestly, and with full sincerity, right?"As G.o.dou serviced Lucretia as she lied down, Yuri"s cold voice waswarning him.She was wearing a blue one-piece swimsuit with a mini-skirt design. Evenso, the pale complexion of her shoulders clearly gave off a feeling uniqueto young ladies.Though a lot of places were covered, it was still a swimsuit.Yuri"s graceful figure was unambiguously displayed. Though her curveslost to Erica and Lucretia by a step or two, they were still extremelypleasing to the eye, and her air of n.o.bility was something wonderful thatthe other two lacked."...Lucretia-san. Umm, it"s about time to stop, right?"Yuri"s glance of derision caused G.o.dou piercing pain.They had been caught at the airport then kidnapped to this beach.Subsequently, G.o.dou was forced into manual labor by the pretext, "youwere invited here specifically so that you must repay the favor using yourbody."Just as he was about to refuse, Lucretia deliberately looked at him fromafar."I see... By the way, you are a man, so it is natural you would not servicean old lady like me, but would prefer the fresh young bodies of Erica-sanand the girl you brought here. Hohoho, a fellow who would ditch his friendsfor his lovers, a fellow who doesn"t return favors, you s.e.xual predator... Bythe way, if you don"t agree to my demands, from now on, I will be callingyou s.e.xual predator all the time."Due to this convoluted threat, G.o.dou had no choice but to serve her."G.o.dou-san. If you don"t mind, let me subst.i.tute for you?"The one speaking beside him was Arianna Hayama Arialdi with her verylong name. Though she was Erica"s a.s.sistant, she was basically her maid.By the way, she was currently wearing an ap.r.o.n over her swimsuit. In acertain sense, it felt like something was reversed.When G.o.dou asked her "why wear an ap.r.o.n," she immediately answeredwith something like "but when serving others, don"t you have to wear this?"As long as one avoided her driving or any cooking involving stewing, shewas a naturally healing female presence."Please do give me a hand, Anna-san!""Wait a while, young man, this is no good. Arianna, don"t get impatient.""Ah, Lucretia-san, why is that?""It feels great to know that the young man serving me hates it. So, youngman, do your work with ever more loving care. Besides, this should be nicefor you, right? To openly and legally caress the skin of a beauty like me.""...The one who called herself old was yourself, Lucretia-san!"G.o.dou protested loudly.It is almost time to stop, for I am next. G.o.dou knew Erica was thinking thatas she laid beside him, and wanted to escape from her. More importantly,the silently watching Yuri"s cold sharp glares were like those of ademoness^, making G.o.dou very terrified."How can I harbor such strange thoughts against an old lady from thesame generation as my grandfather?! Please do not say these kinds ofstrange things.""Hoho, your mouth denies it, but your body is honest. I can feel yourfingers trembling on my back, it"s OK to be a little more daring, eh? Ah...That"s the way, your technique is good, you"ve already figured out thesensitive spot on my shoulder. Yes, now gently, slowly just like that, don"thurry — ah..."A seductive atmosphere and subtle sounds were deliberately releasedfrom Lucretia"s lips.Unable to stand it, G.o.dou could only surrender."I beg you, please could you spare me."Anyway, that was the seaside in the peak of summer.G.o.dou casted his mental fatigue aside. Whenever he started playing, heautomatically felt full of pa.s.sion.Hearing that the locals were gathering for a beach football tournament,Lucretia suddenly suggested joining in."I don"t mind, let"s have fun.""I see. So, you guys come as well."Lucretia was ordering him with a matter-of-fact tone of voice, and G.o.doushook his head."Why do we have to join as well?""It"s a tournament where the winning team gets the luxury prize of a fullyautomatic washing machine. There is no meaning unless I form a teamwith our group. For the sake of bolstering the ranks of my householdappliances, you all must help!""Because I have a bad premonition, I must refuse. Besides, we can"tpossibly win in a sports event with our roster of team members."G.o.dou, Erica, Yuri, Arianna and Lucretia. Five of them.There was absolutely no sense of balance. How could such a teampossibly function normally? G.o.dou was certain of that."You"ve been spoiling your lover, but now you ignore me, your localwife [2] !?""W-Who is my local wife?""I, Lucretia Zola, am the local wife of you, Kusanagi G.o.dou. How could youpossibly not know that?"The Witch of Sardinia declared nonchalantly.Watching the frowning G.o.dou, Yuri showed a terrible expression thatseemed to say "It really was like that!? To think I believed in you so much!"Really, please spare me and don"t play these kinds of jokes."I have completely no idea. You cannot just decide on your own.""No, I also want to experience it, how it feels to be Erica-san, who becamethe lover of the recently born Campione and won the t.i.tle of [DiavoloRosso]. And coincidentally, my dear friend you came along, so I have tomake you spoil me.""Please don"t have such thoughts. How old are you, what good is there inrelying on others?""Despite how I look, I am actually a very stubborn woman, oh? If you doubtmy words, you can ask your grandfather.""Don"t describe those things in such vivid detail!"Losing to Lucretia in spirit, G.o.dou had no choice but to partic.i.p.ate in thecompet.i.tion.If it was a normal football match, five people were definitely not enough.But since there was a lack of partic.i.p.ants, it suddenly became a beachfootball tournament that five people could play.With such unfettered rules of typical Italian style, the compet.i.tion began —G.o.dou"s worries became reality.Yuri and Arianna were incompetent at sports, while Lucretia was sportscapable but too lazy.Those three could not be counted on at all, so it was up to the remainingtwo.As the trump card, Erica charged before the opponents" goal and scoredalone. On the other hand, G.o.dou ran everywhere, taking possession of theball, pa.s.sing, and was a total manual laborer.With this sort of team, how could victory be sustained, and they weredefeated in the third match.After the tournament ended, G.o.dou walked alone towards the beach.Finding something that was either a coconut or a cycas tree, he leanedagainst the tree trunk to alleviate the fatigue from the beach football.Looking out towards the sky, the direct sunlight made his eyes narrow to aslit.Thinking back, the current situation was much different from the first timehe came to the Mediterranean.Having obtained the supernatural body of a Campione, but moreimportantly —"You"re here at such a place, G.o.dou? I was looking for you."Chatting with him as she sat down beside him was Erica.The first time he sat on a bench with this girl, they kept such a far distancefrom each other, but now — what distance, they were completely stucktogether.Oh no, too careless — ! G.o.dou realized his mistake.Having claimed such an advantageous position, Erica pursued victory withmonstrous strength and it was already impossible to escape from her.Furthermore, an originally very attractive young beauty, was now dressedin this manner..."E-Erica... Your current posture is not really appropriate, it"s definitely notright, let"s keep a little distance.""Why? It wasn"t easy to find time alone together, of course I have to makethe most of every opportunity... And don"t we lean close together like thisall the time anyway?"They weren"t just leaning close to each other. With her calm voice, Ericawas forcefully pressing against G.o.dou.Her two legs entangling G.o.dou, sitting on his thighs, her bountiful bosompressing upon him, her arm wrapped around his neck, their faces slowlynearing each other, and finally a light kiss beside his ear."True, if you put it that way, but with your current attire...""Yes, how do you feel about it? How"s my swimsuit? Really, G.o.dou, youkeep diverting your gaze away from my body, do you dislike this one...That"s not possible? Or should I say, the opposite?"It was just as Erica described.Kusanagi G.o.dou did not make any comments about the tastes of thisyoung beauty in her choice of glamorous clothing, because too much ofher body was exposed, and G.o.dou could not admire normally with astraight gaze."Please don"t do this! I beg you!"Lamenting his lack of vocabulary, G.o.dou could only plead clumsily.Of course it had no effect, and he was pushed down by her.Her bright red and moist lips had gently surrounded G.o.dou"s, from abystander"s perspective, this was clearly a daring pair of lovers making out."...The two of us, isn"t it time to resume what happened the night in Sicily?Right, G.o.dou, at that time, I already offered my purity to you — "Sucking on G.o.dou"s lips for a full minute, Erica spoke lightly with alubricated voice."Nothing of that sort. I already said it. Sleeping on the same bed hasnothing to do with purity...""Ah, but that"s not all there was to that night? Hoho, G.o.dou and I werewearing much less than right now, or rather, wearing nothing at all wouldnot be an exaggeration?""Uh... Yes... You are right."Recalling the memories of that time, G.o.dou still could not bear it."However, this is the main point! Aren"t we in the middle of a group trip?""Just change it to a private one, G.o.dou and me, just the two of us."G.o.dou lost strength in that moment, as thoughts surfaced of giving up anddoing as he was told.But he suddenly thought, no way! I can"t do this.If he didn"t put up any resistance, she would simply go further and furthereach time! He must rally his fighting spirit, and continue his battle ofresistance!"G.o.dou-san, and Erica-san! You two are really unbelievable! At this earlyhour, and out in open public, what on earth are you two doing!?"Awe-inspiring with a hint of embarra.s.sment, the words of reproachsuddenly interrupted them.Due to embarra.s.sment, Yuri had yelled out with her face all red. It seemedlike she noticed the two were gone, and had come chasing after them."What"s the matter? At this beach, aren"t all lovers like this?""N-No good at all, you two are too shameless!""Hmm... How about we take turns then. For every week, I will take fourdays as the proper wife, Yuri the lover can have two. And then leave theremaining day for the local wife Lucretia, not bad, right?""What crazy words are you saying!?""A schedule. The times and number of days for honeymoon moments withG.o.dou. I am not a woman who ignores the situation in order to monopolizethe Campione who is [King]. Of course, to be honest, I"d like it to be justthe two of us forever, but I can"t put him on too tight a leash.""You, what do you take me for!"G.o.dou"s emotional outburst was dismissed by the witch who saw througheverything.G.o.dou and Yuri looked at each other meaningfully, and Erica sneered:"Yes, I took into account G.o.dou"s fetishes and personality when I madethat suggestion. G.o.dou always speaks with righteousness, but those aremere words. In actual practice, every time he will go out of hand. See, I lostsight of him for just a little while and he goes over the line with Yuri.""Uh, ummm... There were compelling reasons... No other way.""Uh, because there were reasons it had to be done that time... No choiceat all.""Hmph, how come in an instant, you two spoke with such unity, perhapsyou"ve been secretly colluding?"Faced with the two who spoke as one, Erica frowned with displeasure. Andthen —"It hurts! Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuch, please don"t twist my ear with yourmonstrous strength!""E-Erica-san, please stop. If this continues, G.o.dou-san"s ear will come off!"Not long after they finished their lovers" quarrels.Yuri suddenly asked."By the way, from G.o.dou-san"s story, the G.o.d Melqart also woke up, right?What happened to the divine king?"She asked about that incident.G.o.dou had not covered this event because his story stopped at that point."Ah, you told her the story of Verethragna, but you didn"t tell her theending? This is a wonderful memory of how G.o.dou and I were united inboth our hearts and our bodies. OK, let me tell you the rest of the story.Actually, after that, we were at Sicily — ""W-Wait, Erica, could you please not express things in such an easilymisunderstood manner?""...G.o.dou-san. Could it be that something happened that you are ashamedto tell others, so you are hiding it from me?"The Sardinian sky was an endless deep blue.Now the true summer really began.The quarrelsome story of the threesome, was only just about to begin.Flowing along the sounds of the tide, came a familiar voice."...Oh?"She nodded lightly.Trying to focus her ears to listen. As the ruler of darkness and the earth,she also had a deep history with the sea. Borrowing the unpredictablepowers of the wind and the waves, perhaps she could listen clearly to whatthey were saying.It was a success."...What, "tis that fellow. Crossing the oceans to come here, for whatreason?"Several months ago, the Campione who defeated her.A young novice who recently usurped the authority of the victoriouswarlord. Though unrefined, the youth"s fort.i.tude proved to beimmeasurable. His voice was currently very soft, but could still be heardclearly.Looking out into the distance at the sea before her, she bore a smile.Sharp rocks and reefs which seemed to cut open skin with a single touch.Every time the waves made contact, they turned white and scattered. Thesea breeze was howling, and the clouds inhabiting the sky were rapidlymoving.On the other side of the sea — probably near the sh.o.r.e, that youth wasthere."Hmph, to think that the time for one to meet that fellow again would be sosoon."She smiled lightly, adding a spot of radiance to the corner of her lips.The heretic mother earth G.o.ddess, ruling the sky, earth and underworld,the descendant of the oldest and strongest G.o.ddess.Possessing silver hair and black eyes, appearing in the form of a tenderyoung girl — Heretic Athena, declared to the sea:"Kusanagi G.o.dou, thou shalt wait for the time to come, though it is yetunknown whether one will fight thee or get along in peace. However, theplace one shall encounter thee again, will surely give rise to newchaos — lookest forward to it with patience!"Predicting the omens of a commotion from the sky, the earth and the sea,Athena felt exceptionally roused.The war G.o.d not seen for months, had lit a fire within her heart, and shelaughed violently.References1 . t yakshini: to be precise, Yuri"s eyes were like those of a yakshini, abroad cla.s.s of female nature spirits from Hindumythology. t local wife: a local mistress for having an affair in a foreign ordistant land.AfterwordGreetings, we meet again, or welcome to first time readers, I am TakedzukiJou.Finally a prequel publication worthy of commemoration for this work.Therefore, if this is your first foray into the series, and you picked the thirdvolume, or perhaps you were enticed by the tsundere blonde girl drawn bySirkovsky-sensei, even if you are starting in the middle of this series... donot hesitate, head over directly to the cashier and buy it. It"s not too late toread Volumes 1 and 2 after finishing Volume 3.Of course, buying them all at once is also fine, in fact personally, I wouldrecommend readers buy books in that fashion.And then there are the readers who have finished all the publications,you"re the best.The third volume was something I predicted as an author a long time ago.A very long while back, I was thinking, "in this story"s setting, there isdefinitely a story much different from the first volume!" (wry laugh)The pattern established Volumes 1 and 2 was "the protagonist with theserious personality engaging in all sorts of destructive activities at variousfamous sights and monuments", but this did not happen... Though manyplaces were still destroyed, and our heroine Erica"s behavior isn"t quite thesame as before.It would be great if readers can enjoy and savor Volume 3 rich with sidestory feeling.Next, for this work which has somehow grown into a series, I recently keepreceiving questions about the setting and timeframe.One of the most common questions follows.Question: Amongst the seven Campiones, are there any ladies?This question was received by Supervisor-san at the editorial departmentof Super Dash Bunko.I also know, in this intensely compet.i.tive light novel industry, the concernfor using delicately charming female characters in ill.u.s.trations to attractreaders. This is very important for future business strategy.Personally, I hope that Asaura-sensei"s "Muscle Cop" can be serializedevery month on the web, and that Ranjou-sensei will give Otoya moreappearances. I often think that these kinds of manly male festivals are OK,but actually I am very clear on separating my private interests from mypublic work. So I answered in the following manner.Answer: A good many of them. For example, John Pluto Smith who lives inAmerica."...That is clearly a man"s name.""This is the alias for her Campione ident.i.ty. Unbeknownst to others, shefights evil sorcerers as a solitary masked hero. Virtually no one knows herreal ident.i.ty.""Then why the name John Smith?""The first authority she usurped from a G.o.d was [Metamorphosis]. Thoughit has transformations such as a combat state or a wild beast state, theprimitive state is a muscle-bound masked male in a skintight outfit! Themysterious muscular gentleman appearing out of the dark night, somehowbecame known as a hero. And so the name was chosen!""Let"s use something simpler, a cross-dressing beauty!"And so, from "male form" --> "cross-dressing beauty", the setting wasaltered. Actually, the settings of the seven Campiones are still graduallyunder consideration.. However... due to various reasons (mainly because Ikeep forgetting the settings I came up with earlier), the content keepschanging.Ah, a protagonist who is an American woman living in Los Angeles.(Occupation: Devil King of Justice, Age: 30 years or so, due to being toobusy, she has no boyfriend let alone getting married, thus acc.u.mulatingmuch stress. Has a habit of wearing cosplay out into the streets everynight. *Note from Editor: this setting is still at an unconfirmed stage.Readers please don"t be angry if the setting changes completely when thestory is published.) Treat it as a side story of this series. If readers wouldlike to read this side story, please pour your pa.s.sion into postcards andsend them directly to the editorial department of Super Dash Bunko.Perhaps a refreshing light novel protagonist, which office ladies canidentify themselves with, will be born in this manner! ...Though I kind ofdoubt it.Finally, in Volume 4, two silver-haired characters are set to appear. Finallythe summer vacation, things will develop in the usual fashion. If possible,everyone please continue to look forward to it.

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