
Chapter 4 - The Imprisoned CampioneKusanagi G.o.dou.j.a.panese nationality, sixteen years old, male.He, from the Jounan Academy High School Division, did not think ofhimself as the type that particularly stood out.His personality was on the gentler side, more or less.He was not like those who enjoyed making a racket in the middle of cla.s.s,nor was he a pupil who often voiced his opinions out loud. It wasn"t that hewas bad at a.s.sociating with people or was an eccentric.Looks wise, he was ordinary.According to his fault-finding sister, "If he works harder he should be ableto become even better, but it"s because he"s been slacking that he"s theway he is now". And to Erica Blandelli, his "partner" with whom he alreadyhad an inseparable relationship, "His physique isn"t bad, but he"s lacking inthe charisma and majesty departments".His results were above average. His forte was in arts and humanities,whereas he did not do well in science.He had confidence in his physical abilities, but not in the same way asthose Olympic athletes.In actual fact, he possessed an inexplicable power that went against thelaws of nature, but what could only be said of him in the context of thisschool was that he was a perfectly normal student.Which is why, [mediocre] and [moderate]... that sort of expression wasprobably appropriate for him.- Hey, Kusanagi. What kind of person do you think you are?One day during break time, in the cla.s.sroom of the first year"s fifth cla.s.s.In the face of that question from his peers, G.o.dou did not answer.At that time, the ones that happened to be present were Takagi, Nanamiand Sorimachi.The three of them were the same; from the fifth cla.s.s of the first years.Then, the three of them together, for some reason, stared strangely atG.o.dou"s face.... What"s up with that bizarre look you"re giving me?It was the expression of peasants suffering under heavy taxation andoppressive rule, who were glaring at the responsible tyrant in anger andinfuriation. With enmity in their hearts, the eyes that revealed the enduredfury within. Like a blade with a seemingly dull edge, it was a dangerouslook -It was exactly like that description."... Hey, are you listening?""... Yeah, he heard you. This guy does not understand his own situation atall. This b.a.s.t.a.r.d king!""... The usual plan, as I thought it seems that we have to proceed with it,eh."Then, they started to whisper and murmur to each other."Oi, what are you guys talking about in secret? Also about that question,was there some meaning behind it?""Don"t be concerned with such insignificant details, Kusanagi. This scoremust be settled!""Hahaha, what are you saying^^l Forget what was just said, Kusanagi.Don"t a.s.sume that there"s a moon every night!""Oi oi, you let your true feelings slip, control yourselves a little more. Byretributive justice, the devil ought to die!"".... Are you alright, guys? You all look seriously weird."G.o.dou asked worriedly.However, they did not answer him, simply returning to their own seats withdark expressions on their faces.- After school, on the same day as that event.Kusanagi G.o.dou was abruptly, kidnapped and confined."- With that, let us begin the first commission of inquiry on that son of ab.i.t.c.h Kusanagi G.o.dou who has monopolized the two great bishoujos of thecampus. Everyone, are you ready?""No problem! Let us pa.s.s the judgment of righteousness on KusanagiG.o.dou, enemy of the unpopular!""Agreed! We, based on the impartial ideology of love collectivism, cast ourblame upon the bourgeoisie^^^ that hog the wealth injusticely!"That day, G.o.dou was on duty.He needed to just collect the printouts to be submitted that day and placethem on the teacher-in-charge"s desk in the staff room. Finishing that task,he returned to the first year"s fifth cla.s.s cla.s.sroom.It was on the way back that the act of kidnapping was carried outdecisively.In a place where there was no one close by, G.o.dou was covered head-firstwith a large jute bag.No matter how much he struggled with his arms and legs, it was useless.G.o.dou was then lifted up by a few people, and brought away like that. Tomake matters worse, his limbs were all bound by duct tape, his movementsrestrained.And then, the one who removed the bag from his head, before him -It was a room with windows that were covered by black curtains, blockingout the sunlight, a cla.s.sroom somewhere in the school. The lights were off,and it was pitch-dark.The only source of light was the torchlight that someone was holding.With just that, it was difficult to understand the situation.But G.o.dou had night-vision on par with an owl"s, and with that he surveyedthe surroundings. Perhaps, it was an empty cla.s.sroom that was not oftenused.That could be surmised from the fact that there were no desks arranged inthe cla.s.sroom.And, the shape of the three people before him -They had paper bags over their heads. There were openings in said paperbags, slits for their eyes.He could not discern their ident.i.ties by just that. Just who were they? They,who had captured and subsequently confined him. He had no clue whothey were exactly, but he could guess. At last, have the people from themagic a.s.sociations infiltrated into the school?Even so, Kusanagi G.o.dou was a [King].Having undertaken such bold measures, could it be that someone powerfulwas pulling the strings behind this?They were also thoroughly prepared, dressed in the correct High SchoolDivision uniform. And on their head were paper bags. Only the eyes andmouth regions were cut open. Like this, their ident.i.ties could not be dis -cerned.... {{#ifeq: {{PAGE NAME}} | Campione!:SS 1 | |}}G.o.dou remembered something about the voices earlier, and looking attheir stature, he realized."What are you doing, Takagi. Over there, are Nanami and Sorimachi,right?""F-fool! We do not go by those kinds of names!""Yea, yeah. We are absolutely not cla.s.smates with a b.a.s.t.a.r.d like you!"Yes, we are the Gang of Justice, those who lament over the state of thecountry, and love the nation! Do not misunderstand!"The trio proclaimed, evidently in a panic."How should I say this... I didn"t think you guys were this stupid. As of now,your crimes are still forgivable. Kindly release me."Filled with pity and amazement, G.o.dou advised.At any rate, why do I have to suffer something like this?"Keh! This guy, from the look in his eyes, he thinks that he"s being confinedunder false charges!"One of the idiot trio shined his torchlight right in G.o.dou"s face, and spatout.As 1 thought, that was Takagi"s voice."Calm down. We have plenty of time. To this insolent a.s.shole, withoutrushing, let us tell him the true severity of his sins!"Almost like an "underling A" type of character entering onto the stage insome historical play. This should be Nanami."Aaah, let us teach this guy a lesson or two. In the place of G.o.d, we shallpa.s.s judgment over him!"And this was the trademark phrase of the hero protagonist. The voicebelonged to Sorimachi.".... Although I don"t really get what"s going on, but I understand yourdetermination. First, remove the tape, and then we"ll talk this overpeacefully, ok?""Kukuku. You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, it seems you still do not understand your currentposition."One of the idiot trio, probably Sorimachi, declared."What we seek, is not to talk things over with a b.a.s.t.a.r.d like you! This isjudgment!""... J-judgment?""Kusanagi G.o.dou! You are a b.a.s.t.a.r.d who toys with the hearts and desires,the bodies of the two great bishoujos of the school, the tyrant managing aharem! For that crime, you deserve certain death!"".... What?"G.o.dou felt the sensation of giddiness, hearing Sorimachi"s accusation.The two great bishoujos. Harem. What on earth were these guys talkingabout?"Comrade T^^^! Read out loud, the first of Kusanagi G.o.dou"s crimes!""Ooh! ... Number one, the accused, was involved with the blond G.o.ddesswho possesses a transcendent body, at various locations - t-thecla.s.sroom, the campus, the roadside, before the general public! Flirtingwhile clinging together, confirming their love, and yet he insists that there isnothing going on between him and Erica-sama!""Ngh! That crime, is something inexcusable!""No objections! Kusanagi G.o.dou deserves certain death!"... G.o.dou was stunned.Up till now, he had been stunned, but that last exchange was the finalconfirmation he needed. How should he put it, it was simplyoverwhelmingly r.e.t.a.r.ded. He had keenly realized just how genuinelymoronic these guys were.It was unnecessary to play along with this kind of stupid skit.He threw out his chest, and with resolution, he felt that it was aconversation that was best ignored.With regards to this matter, Kusanagi G.o.dou did not carry any guiltyconscie.... nee, but in actual fact, although it was a case of sour grapes,the circ.u.mstances might justify this lie."Hey, G.o.dou..."The sunlight of the evening sunset shone in from the window, dyeing theafter school cla.s.sroom in a shade of orange.At this time, there were only two students left. Namely, the pair comprisingof Kusanagi G.o.dou and Erica Blandelli."Now, we"re all alone in this place... Fufu, isn"t it somewhat lovely?Although it"s always crowded with people, it"s just the two of us here? Ithink that this is very luxurious, don"t you agree."The bishoujo with slightly reddish blond hair said, while gazing up atG.o.dou"s face with seemingly moist eyes.Yes, a bishoujo.Erica Blandelli was undeniably an extraordinarily beautiful maiden. If onewere to ask a hundred people, all of them would undoubtedly acknowledgethis fact.However, her looks were not the only extraordinary part about her.Smart, strong, having great confidence in herself, and furthermore, shewas a tactician. On top of her beauty, she had absolute confidence in herown abilities, and G.o.dou could strongly feel her presence, more than anyother bishoujo he knew."Then, let me ask you a question. The two of us, sharing such a lovely timeand place together, what do you think we should be doing now?""H-how about obediently going home like good students?""Of course I"ll reject that... Hmph, with such a heart-thumping scene likethis, what kind of absurdity are you saying, G.o.dou. If you weren"t you, I"dtear off that mouth so that you wouldn"t be able to say that kind of thing asecond time."While on top of G.o.dou"s lap, Erica whispered softly.The words themselves were brutal, but her tone was absurdly sweet.Moreover, what she was sitting on, was not the chair.Upon Kusanagi G.o.dou"s lap, her soft, tender thighs and bottom wereplaced. Moreover, both her arms were wrapped around G.o.dou"s neck, andshe snuggled up against him....To say in advance, G.o.dou had been strongly against being in thisposture.However, there were reasons as to why this was the case.First, the legs. Erica"s supple legs were entwined around G.o.dou"s lap. Thetightness of this clamp, was almost like a latch.Next, the neck. Resembling white snakes, her slender hands couldinstantly break G.o.dou"s neck should she feel like it. Also, she couldcertainly constrict his carotid artery - and render him unconscious.He could be rendered unconscious, in front of Erica who was prepared toa.s.sault him.That would be a foolish action, much like trying to climb a wintry mountainnude. No matter what happened after, he would not be able to make anyexcuses or complaints.Erica Blandelli, Italian, sixteen years old. Possessing an attractive face andfigure, a brilliant mind, amazingly athletic, she was surely a superhuman.However, with regards to any form of domestic, she couldn"t andwould not do them. And lastly, one who had joke-like t.i.tles such as [Witch]and [Knight]..... That kind of girl"s moist lips were, approaching G.o.dou"s own.What to do? What do I want to do? What should I do? G.o.dou"s mentalstate was caught in a whirlpool of chaos. In the face of this unavoidablethreat, he wanted to escape from reality.In the horror novels he had once read, there would be a monologue in thiskind of extreme situation. Afterwards, he would see a white figure outsidethe window, and then a black monster would show up there. And finally, itwould be a bad end-like ending.In order to gain victory over tiiis impending pressure, G.o.dou looked outtowards the window.Aah. Outside the window, outside the window - !... There was no way there would be anything there, and then G.o.dou wastoyed around by Erica, just like that. Their tongues overlapping, he endedup amply tasting her mint-flavored lip gloss.This was an incident that had happened two days ago."Reporting! I saw it. It was yesterday, after school, in a desertedcla.s.sroom, this guy was ki-ki-ki-ki-ki-kissed by Erica-sama! With all theirstrength, a s-s-super deep one!""W-whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatI?"G.o.dou, who was strongly reminded of that, became fl.u.s.tered.For someone to have witnessed that scene, it was simply.... However, hewas not pushed down. Only a kiss with the meeting of their lips, he haddesperately defended himself from sinking any further.That was why, with regards to having a guilty conscience... of course, hedid have it, but somehow, he had been able to overcome that problem andregain his tranquility.However, at the moment G.o.dou had been secretly relieved, he was askedsomething like this."Kusanagi. You, could it be that you"ve progressed even further than thatwith Erica-sama?"Progressed even further?It was an ambiguous expression. As was expected, just how far - no, whatexactly had he been referring to?G.o.dou racked his brains out over that.In the three months that he had come under Erica"s fierce a.s.saults, he haddesperately resisted her approach. His life flashed before his eyes(Although he was not particularly on the verge of death), and he recalled it.That kind of thing, this kind of thing, and also those kinds of things hadhappened before..... Hm, well, in some way or another, it felt like he had managed toobstinately resist crossing the line. Forcibly agreeing with himself, G.o.doucould barely manage a reply."... Hey you, don"t accuse me of such strange doings. It"s true that Ericaand I have been rather overly daring in certain areas, but there really isn"tany suspicious relationship between us. Believe me.""Comrade N, how long did he take for that reply?""According to my stopwatch, it was 8.3 seconds. From his silence until hehad said, "Hey you, don"t accuse me", that amount of time has beenconfirmed.""From the statistics, that timing is extremely suspicious.... Indeed,suspicious.""No, what kind of statistics do you mean by "statistics"!? In the first place,why did you expressly go out of your way to measure that kind of time!"Ignoring G.o.dou"s outcry, the idiot trio gave him a look of contempt andjealousy.He could not be bothered with them any longer, and needed to escape.Though determined, G.o.dou"s limbs were still bound, and there was naughthe could do about it.The other party was comprised of normal civilians. In this case, he couldneither utilize his superhuman strength nor teleportation.G.o.dou, who had several superpowers, could only demonstrate them whenfacing against a powerful enemy or in certain situations.".... That is indeed a grave problem to be considered, but we"ll go furtherinto that later. Next up on the agenda, Kusanagi G.o.dou"s sin number two!""Ooh! Allow me to read that out loud!"The voice which had responded immediately belonged to Sorimachi."Kusanagi, though you bear the sin of monopolizing the two greatbishoujos, you have also committed another unforgivable great sin. That isthe coldness you have shown to your [Imouto]! I blame your stupidity, youb.a.s.t.a.r.d who lacks an Imouto fetish!"Imouto?"G.o.dou was confused. Why did Sorimachi (presumed) suddenly mention"Imouto"?"Ngh, it"s come to this...""As expected of Comrade S, the man who possesses 108 Imoutos in the2D world... A tenacity to always have "Imoutos" on his mind, any time of theday, truly we should respect and endeavor to become like him...."The other two of the idiot trio were greatly impressed. Seriously, theseguys were hard to understand."Hey Kusanagi. Being so cruel to the Shizuka-chan who is always comingto the cla.s.sroom, aren"t you embarra.s.sed of your own behavior? Don"t youconsider that to be sinful!?"".... I didn"t really treat her cruelly. It was normal."G.o.dou"s sister - Kusanagi Shizuka was a third-year student from JounanAcademy"s Middle School Division.For some reason, she had appeared on the rooftop above the cla.s.sroomsof the High School Division, tagging along with him."... Onii-chan, recently you"ve been extremely dishonest."And then suddenly, she had thrown out that line, her mood seemingly bad.By the way, Shizuka"s areas of determination were impressive, as she wasa sweet girl in the first place.Perhaps in the near future, she might become a beauty just like theirmother of the Kusanagi household. Even if she were only fourteen as ofnow, she was already said to greatly resemble their mother."Why? Although I haven"t been particularly very honest, it shouldn"t be tothe point where my sister is accusing me of dishonesty?""Nonsense, why don"t you try saying that one more time once you"ve takena good look around you!?"Speaking of which, the conversation took place while they were currentlyhaving lunch on the rooftop.Since June, G.o.dou had been spending his lunch breaks on the rooftop.He did not spend the time alone. From the same cla.s.s, Erica was seatednext to him, her expression saying that it was perfectly natural of her to doso, and on the other side - was a schoolgirl with black hair tinged with ahue of chestnut, Mariya Yuri.Together with these two girls, they spent their lunch break on the rooftophaving lunch.It has been G.o.dou"s daily routine, recently. Adding Shizuka on top ofthat.... Just what exactly was dishonest about this situation?"May I ask what"s wrong, Shizuka-san? Indeed, G.o.dou-san... cannot besaid to have perfectly irreproachable conduct, but I feel that he isadequately honest. It would not be good to speak of your Onii-sama in thatmanner"Yuri gently chided her, while smiling.Occasionally dignified, while during other times she could exhibit theintensity of a yasha, but normally she was a refined, tidy Ojou-sama. Andabove all else, beautiful.Mariya Yuri could stand shoulder-to-shoulder against Erica as a bishoujo.However, from an onlooker"s point of view, one would feel that Yuri did notpossess a degree of glamour comparable to that of Erica"s. In place of thatdifference, Yuri was more of the kind that would cause you to be attractedthe more you look at her.For example, the lovely yet unseen mountain cherry blossoms thatbloomed in profusion.That was Mariya Yuri."But, that"s true. Just as Shizuka-san had said, it might be better ifG.o.dou-san became a little more honest... Up till now, you have caused meto worry to no ends. Your relationships with friends, your relationships withgirls, your normal actions, G.o.dou-san, you ought to take another good lookat your surroundings, hm?""You"re strict as ever, Mariya..."G.o.dou grumbled, in response to Yuri who had said that demurely.She was not your normal Ojou-sama. Her other ident.i.ty was that of aMusashino Hime-Miko that served to guard the entire district of Kantospiritually. The possessor of a clairvoyance-like ability, her powers wereacknowledged even by Erica.And, she was a friend who supported G.o.dou after finding out about histroublesome situation.After the incident in June, his relations with Yuri had improved greatly. Thegirl, who had been nothing but harsh and severe to him at first, could nowcrack such jokes with him. And then, when their gazes crossed, smiling,they could understand the minds of the other.Being able to communicate without needing to say much — they had builtup such a comfortable relationship."0-Onii-chan! And Mariya-san too, stop being in your own worlds when thetwo of you are looking into each other"s eyes! That kind of thing isdishonest, imprudent! Mariya-san, don"t allow yourself to get cheated by aguy like Onii-chan! Please be more wary!""Ara? Shizuka-san, what is not allowed, and what should I be wary of?""That"s right Shizuka, we totally don"t understand what you"re trying to say.You have to be more straightforward."Against Shizuka"s complaint, G.o.dou and Yuri refuted in unison.They did not plan this in advance, it was merely by chance. However, thatkind of timing and the synchronization of their actions was uncanny."... Well, what Shizuka-san wanted to say was dishonest was this. Thestatus quo of being flanked by two beauties, me and Yuri, at all times."Erica interjected, giggling.Since the start when Shizuka had been voicing out her grievances, shehad pretended to be only a bystander."The quiet, unsociable Onii-sama tliat you"ve always been monopolizingsince before High School is now being waited upon by girls like this,causing you to want to say that... Well, it"s not that I don"t understand howyou feel.""E-E-E-E-E-Erica-san, please don"t get a strange misunderstanding!"There was such an impression of Shizuka becoming unusually fl.u.s.tered,after being told that in a know-it-all air -"No-normal? You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, are you trying to say that you can only actnormally to a sister like that!?""But, that"s how it is. I think we get along well, even as a high schoolstudent and a middle school student, we"re still pretty close."In the many times where the parents had been absent during theirchildhood, no matter where he went he had always brought his sisteralong.Reminiscing, G.o.dou felt nostalgic.Continuing to do so after the siblings had hit p.u.b.erty, it would be veryawkward... Perhaps Shizuka"s constant tagging alongside him recently wasbecause of nostalgia, too?"Kuhaa!?"As though smashed over the head by a blunt weapon, Sorimachi cried out.It seemed as though he had suffered a great shock from G.o.dou"s reply."Get a hold of yourself. Comrade S!""I-I"ll be fine. More importantly, we have to make clear the crimes ofKusanagi. Listen well, Kusanagi, what you say is normal, a real Imoutobeing [normal], when she"s so very cute! Which part of that do you notunderstand!"" Huh?"G.o.dou faltered before this outcry from Sorimachi, about the truths of thisworld."Yep, just as Comrade S has mentioned! On the contrary, your sarcasm isunbearable!""Agreed! Shizul

Chapter 4 - The Imprisoned CampioneKusanagi G.o.dou.j.a.panese nationality, sixteen years old, male.He, from the Jounan Academy High School Division, did not think ofhimself as the type that particularly stood out.His personality was on the gentler side, more or less.He was not like those who enjoyed making a racket in the middle of cla.s.s,nor was he a pupil who often voiced his opinions out loud. It wasn"t that hewas bad at a.s.sociating with people or was an eccentric.Looks wise, he was ordinary.According to his fault-finding sister, "If he works harder he should be ableto become even better, but it"s because he"s been slacking that he"s theway he is now". And to Erica Blandelli, his "partner" with whom he alreadyhad an inseparable relationship, "His physique isn"t bad, but he"s lacking inthe charisma and majesty departments".His results were above average. His forte was in arts and humanities,whereas he did not do well in science.He had confidence in his physical abilities, but not in the same way asthose Olympic athletes.In actual fact, he possessed an inexplicable power that went against thelaws of nature, but what could only be said of him in the context of thisschool was that he was a perfectly normal student.Which is why, [mediocre] and [moderate]... that sort of expression wasprobably appropriate for him.- Hey, Kusanagi. What kind of person do you think you are?One day during break time, in the cla.s.sroom of the first year"s fifth cla.s.s.In the face of that question from his peers, G.o.dou did not answer.At that time, the ones that happened to be present were Takagi, Nanamiand Sorimachi.The three of them were the same; from the fifth cla.s.s of the first years.Then, the three of them together, for some reason, stared strangely atG.o.dou"s face.... What"s up with that bizarre look you"re giving me?It was the expression of peasants suffering under heavy taxation andoppressive rule, who were glaring at the responsible tyrant in anger andinfuriation. With enmity in their hearts, the eyes that revealed the enduredfury within. Like a blade with a seemingly dull edge, it was a dangerouslook -It was exactly like that description."... Hey, are you listening?""... Yeah, he heard you. This guy does not understand his own situation atall. This b.a.s.t.a.r.d king!""... The usual plan, as I thought it seems that we have to proceed with it,eh."Then, they started to whisper and murmur to each other."Oi, what are you guys talking about in secret? Also about that question,was there some meaning behind it?""Don"t be concerned with such insignificant details, Kusanagi. This scoremust be settled!""Hahaha, what are you saying^^l Forget what was just said, Kusanagi.Don"t a.s.sume that there"s a moon every night!""Oi oi, you let your true feelings slip, control yourselves a little more. Byretributive justice, the devil ought to die!"".... Are you alright, guys? You all look seriously weird."G.o.dou asked worriedly.However, they did not answer him, simply returning to their own seats withdark expressions on their faces.- After school, on the same day as that event.Kusanagi G.o.dou was abruptly, kidnapped and confined."- With that, let us begin the first commission of inquiry on that son of ab.i.t.c.h Kusanagi G.o.dou who has monopolized the two great bishoujos of thecampus. Everyone, are you ready?""No problem! Let us pa.s.s the judgment of righteousness on KusanagiG.o.dou, enemy of the unpopular!""Agreed! We, based on the impartial ideology of love collectivism, cast ourblame upon the bourgeoisie^^^ that hog the wealth injusticely!"That day, G.o.dou was on duty.He needed to just collect the printouts to be submitted that day and placethem on the teacher-in-charge"s desk in the staff room. Finishing that task,he returned to the first year"s fifth cla.s.s cla.s.sroom.It was on the way back that the act of kidnapping was carried outdecisively.In a place where there was no one close by, G.o.dou was covered head-firstwith a large jute bag.No matter how much he struggled with his arms and legs, it was useless.G.o.dou was then lifted up by a few people, and brought away like that. Tomake matters worse, his limbs were all bound by duct tape, his movementsrestrained.And then, the one who removed the bag from his head, before him -It was a room with windows that were covered by black curtains, blockingout the sunlight, a cla.s.sroom somewhere in the school. The lights were off,and it was pitch-dark.The only source of light was the torchlight that someone was holding.With just that, it was difficult to understand the situation.But G.o.dou had night-vision on par with an owl"s, and with that he surveyedthe surroundings. Perhaps, it was an empty cla.s.sroom that was not oftenused.That could be surmised from the fact that there were no desks arranged inthe cla.s.sroom.And, the shape of the three people before him -They had paper bags over their heads. There were openings in said paperbags, slits for their eyes.He could not discern their ident.i.ties by just that. Just who were they? They,who had captured and subsequently confined him. He had no clue whothey were exactly, but he could guess. At last, have the people from themagic a.s.sociations infiltrated into the school?Even so, Kusanagi G.o.dou was a [King].Having undertaken such bold measures, could it be that someone powerfulwas pulling the strings behind this?They were also thoroughly prepared, dressed in the correct High SchoolDivision uniform. And on their head were paper bags. Only the eyes andmouth regions were cut open. Like this, their ident.i.ties could not be dis -cerned.... {{#ifeq: {{PAGE NAME}} | Campione!:SS 1 | |}}G.o.dou remembered something about the voices earlier, and looking attheir stature, he realized."What are you doing, Takagi. Over there, are Nanami and Sorimachi,right?""F-fool! We do not go by those kinds of names!""Yea, yeah. We are absolutely not cla.s.smates with a b.a.s.t.a.r.d like you!"Yes, we are the Gang of Justice, those who lament over the state of thecountry, and love the nation! Do not misunderstand!"The trio proclaimed, evidently in a panic."How should I say this... I didn"t think you guys were this stupid. As of now,your crimes are still forgivable. Kindly release me."Filled with pity and amazement, G.o.dou advised.At any rate, why do I have to suffer something like this?"Keh! This guy, from the look in his eyes, he thinks that he"s being confinedunder false charges!"One of the idiot trio shined his torchlight right in G.o.dou"s face, and spatout.As 1 thought, that was Takagi"s voice."Calm down. We have plenty of time. To this insolent a.s.shole, withoutrushing, let us tell him the true severity of his sins!"Almost like an "underling A" type of character entering onto the stage insome historical play. This should be Nanami."Aaah, let us teach this guy a lesson or two. In the place of G.o.d, we shallpa.s.s judgment over him!"And this was the trademark phrase of the hero protagonist. The voicebelonged to Sorimachi.".... Although I don"t really get what"s going on, but I understand yourdetermination. First, remove the tape, and then we"ll talk this overpeacefully, ok?""Kukuku. You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, it seems you still do not understand your currentposition."One of the idiot trio, probably Sorimachi, declared."What we seek, is not to talk things over with a b.a.s.t.a.r.d like you! This isjudgment!""... J-judgment?""Kusanagi G.o.dou! You are a b.a.s.t.a.r.d who toys with the hearts and desires,the bodies of the two great bishoujos of the school, the tyrant managing aharem! For that crime, you deserve certain death!"".... What?"G.o.dou felt the sensation of giddiness, hearing Sorimachi"s accusation.The two great bishoujos. Harem. What on earth were these guys talkingabout?"Comrade T^^^! Read out loud, the first of Kusanagi G.o.dou"s crimes!""Ooh! ... Number one, the accused, was involved with the blond G.o.ddesswho possesses a transcendent body, at various locations - t-thecla.s.sroom, the campus, the roadside, before the general public! Flirtingwhile clinging together, confirming their love, and yet he insists that there isnothing going on between him and Erica-sama!""Ngh! That crime, is something inexcusable!""No objections! Kusanagi G.o.dou deserves certain death!"... G.o.dou was stunned.Up till now, he had been stunned, but that last exchange was the finalconfirmation he needed. How should he put it, it was simplyoverwhelmingly r.e.t.a.r.ded. He had keenly realized just how genuinelymoronic these guys were.It was unnecessary to play along with this kind of stupid skit.He threw out his chest, and with resolution, he felt that it was aconversation that was best ignored.With regards to this matter, Kusanagi G.o.dou did not carry any guiltyconscie.... nee, but in actual fact, although it was a case of sour grapes,the circ.u.mstances might justify this lie."Hey, G.o.dou..."The sunlight of the evening sunset shone in from the window, dyeing theafter school cla.s.sroom in a shade of orange.At this time, there were only two students left. Namely, the pair comprisingof Kusanagi G.o.dou and Erica Blandelli."Now, we"re all alone in this place... Fufu, isn"t it somewhat lovely?Although it"s always crowded with people, it"s just the two of us here? Ithink that this is very luxurious, don"t you agree."The bishoujo with slightly reddish blond hair said, while gazing up atG.o.dou"s face with seemingly moist eyes.Yes, a bishoujo.Erica Blandelli was undeniably an extraordinarily beautiful maiden. If onewere to ask a hundred people, all of them would undoubtedly acknowledgethis fact.However, her looks were not the only extraordinary part about her.Smart, strong, having great confidence in herself, and furthermore, shewas a tactician. On top of her beauty, she had absolute confidence in herown abilities, and G.o.dou could strongly feel her presence, more than anyother bishoujo he knew."Then, let me ask you a question. The two of us, sharing such a lovely timeand place together, what do you think we should be doing now?""H-how about obediently going home like good students?""Of course I"ll reject that... Hmph, with such a heart-thumping scene likethis, what kind of absurdity are you saying, G.o.dou. If you weren"t you, I"dtear off that mouth so that you wouldn"t be able to say that kind of thing asecond time."While on top of G.o.dou"s lap, Erica whispered softly.The words themselves were brutal, but her tone was absurdly sweet.Moreover, what she was sitting on, was not the chair.Upon Kusanagi G.o.dou"s lap, her soft, tender thighs and bottom wereplaced. Moreover, both her arms were wrapped around G.o.dou"s neck, andshe snuggled up against him....To say in advance, G.o.dou had been strongly against being in thisposture.However, there were reasons as to why this was the case.First, the legs. Erica"s supple legs were entwined around G.o.dou"s lap. Thetightness of this clamp, was almost like a latch.Next, the neck. Resembling white snakes, her slender hands couldinstantly break G.o.dou"s neck should she feel like it. Also, she couldcertainly constrict his carotid artery - and render him unconscious.He could be rendered unconscious, in front of Erica who was prepared toa.s.sault him.That would be a foolish action, much like trying to climb a wintry mountainnude. No matter what happened after, he would not be able to make anyexcuses or complaints.Erica Blandelli, Italian, sixteen years old. Possessing an attractive face andfigure, a brilliant mind, amazingly athletic, she was surely a superhuman.However, with regards to any form of domestic, she couldn"t andwould not do them. And lastly, one who had joke-like t.i.tles such as [Witch]and [Knight]..... That kind of girl"s moist lips were, approaching G.o.dou"s own.What to do? What do I want to do? What should I do? G.o.dou"s mentalstate was caught in a whirlpool of chaos. In the face of this unavoidablethreat, he wanted to escape from reality.In the horror novels he had once read, there would be a monologue in thiskind of extreme situation. Afterwards, he would see a white figure outsidethe window, and then a black monster would show up there. And finally, itwould be a bad end-like ending.In order to gain victory over tiiis impending pressure, G.o.dou looked outtowards the window.Aah. Outside the window, outside the window - !... There was no way there would be anything there, and then G.o.dou wastoyed around by Erica, just like that. Their tongues overlapping, he endedup amply tasting her mint-flavored lip gloss.This was an incident that had happened two days ago."Reporting! I saw it. It was yesterday, after school, in a desertedcla.s.sroom, this guy was ki-ki-ki-ki-ki-kissed by Erica-sama! With all theirstrength, a s-s-super deep one!""W-whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatI?"G.o.dou, who was strongly reminded of that, became fl.u.s.tered.For someone to have witnessed that scene, it was simply.... However, hewas not pushed down. Only a kiss with the meeting of their lips, he haddesperately defended himself from sinking any further.That was why, with regards to having a guilty conscience... of course, hedid have it, but somehow, he had been able to overcome that problem andregain his tranquility.However, at the moment G.o.dou had been secretly relieved, he was askedsomething like this."Kusanagi. You, could it be that you"ve progressed even further than thatwith Erica-sama?"Progressed even further?It was an ambiguous expression. As was expected, just how far - no, whatexactly had he been referring to?G.o.dou racked his brains out over that.In the three months that he had come under Erica"s fierce a.s.saults, he haddesperately resisted her approach. His life flashed before his eyes(Although he was not particularly on the verge of death), and he recalled it.That kind of thing, this kind of thing, and also those kinds of things hadhappened before..... Hm, well, in some way or another, it felt like he had managed toobstinately resist crossing the line. Forcibly agreeing with himself, G.o.doucould barely manage a reply."... Hey you, don"t accuse me of such strange doings. It"s true that Ericaand I have been rather overly daring in certain areas, but there really isn"tany suspicious relationship between us. Believe me.""Comrade N, how long did he take for that reply?""According to my stopwatch, it was 8.3 seconds. From his silence until hehad said, "Hey you, don"t accuse me", that amount of time has beenconfirmed.""From the statistics, that timing is extremely suspicious.... Indeed,suspicious.""No, what kind of statistics do you mean by "statistics"!? In the first place,why did you expressly go out of your way to measure that kind of time!"Ignoring G.o.dou"s outcry, the idiot trio gave him a look of contempt andjealousy.He could not be bothered with them any longer, and needed to escape.Though determined, G.o.dou"s limbs were still bound, and there was naughthe could do about it.The other party was comprised of normal civilians. In this case, he couldneither utilize his superhuman strength nor teleportation.G.o.dou, who had several superpowers, could only demonstrate them whenfacing against a powerful enemy or in certain situations.".... That is indeed a grave problem to be considered, but we"ll go furtherinto that later. Next up on the agenda, Kusanagi G.o.dou"s sin number two!""Ooh! Allow me to read that out loud!"The voice which had responded immediately belonged to Sorimachi."Kusanagi, though you bear the sin of monopolizing the two greatbishoujos, you have also committed another unforgivable great sin. That isthe coldness you have shown to your [Imouto]! I blame your stupidity, youb.a.s.t.a.r.d who lacks an Imouto fetish!"Imouto?"G.o.dou was confused. Why did Sorimachi (presumed) suddenly mention"Imouto"?"Ngh, it"s come to this...""As expected of Comrade S, the man who possesses 108 Imoutos in the2D world... A tenacity to always have "Imoutos" on his mind, any time of theday, truly we should respect and endeavor to become like him...."The other two of the idiot trio were greatly impressed. Seriously, theseguys were hard to understand."Hey Kusanagi. Being so cruel to the Shizuka-chan who is always comingto the cla.s.sroom, aren"t you embarra.s.sed of your own behavior? Don"t youconsider that to be sinful!?"".... I didn"t really treat her cruelly. It was normal."G.o.dou"s sister - Kusanagi Shizuka was a third-year student from JounanAcademy"s Middle School Division.For some reason, she had appeared on the rooftop above the cla.s.sroomsof the High School Division, tagging along with him."... Onii-chan, recently you"ve been extremely dishonest."And then suddenly, she had thrown out that line, her mood seemingly bad.By the way, Shizuka"s areas of determination were impressive, as she wasa sweet girl in the first place.Perhaps in the near future, she might become a beauty just like theirmother of the Kusanagi household. Even if she were only fourteen as ofnow, she was already said to greatly resemble their mother."Why? Although I haven"t been particularly very honest, it shouldn"t be tothe point where my sister is accusing me of dishonesty?""Nonsense, why don"t you try saying that one more time once you"ve takena good look around you!?"Speaking of which, the conversation took place while they were currentlyhaving lunch on the rooftop.Since June, G.o.dou had been spending his lunch breaks on the rooftop.He did not spend the time alone. From the same cla.s.s, Erica was seatednext to him, her expression saying that it was perfectly natural of her to doso, and on the other side - was a schoolgirl with black hair tinged with ahue of chestnut, Mariya Yuri.Together with these two girls, they spent their lunch break on the rooftophaving lunch.It has been G.o.dou"s daily routine, recently. Adding Shizuka on top ofthat.... Just what exactly was dishonest about this situation?"May I ask what"s wrong, Shizuka-san? Indeed, G.o.dou-san... cannot besaid to have perfectly irreproachable conduct, but I feel that he isadequately honest. It would not be good to speak of your Onii-sama in thatmanner"Yuri gently chided her, while smiling.Occasionally dignified, while during other times she could exhibit theintensity of a yasha, but normally she was a refined, tidy Ojou-sama. Andabove all else, beautiful.Mariya Yuri could stand shoulder-to-shoulder against Erica as a bishoujo.However, from an onlooker"s point of view, one would feel that Yuri did notpossess a degree of glamour comparable to that of Erica"s. In place of thatdifference, Yuri was more of the kind that would cause you to be attractedthe more you look at her.For example, the lovely yet unseen mountain cherry blossoms thatbloomed in profusion.That was Mariya Yuri."But, that"s true. Just as Shizuka-san had said, it might be better ifG.o.dou-san became a little more honest... Up till now, you have caused meto worry to no ends. Your relationships with friends, your relationships withgirls, your normal actions, G.o.dou-san, you ought to take another good lookat your surroundings, hm?""You"re strict as ever, Mariya..."G.o.dou grumbled, in response to Yuri who had said that demurely.She was not your normal Ojou-sama. Her other ident.i.ty was that of aMusashino Hime-Miko that served to guard the entire district of Kantospiritually. The possessor of a clairvoyance-like ability, her powers wereacknowledged even by Erica.And, she was a friend who supported G.o.dou after finding out about histroublesome situation.After the incident in June, his relations with Yuri had improved greatly. Thegirl, who had been nothing but harsh and severe to him at first, could nowcrack such jokes with him. And then, when their gazes crossed, smiling,they could understand the minds of the other.Being able to communicate without needing to say much — they had builtup such a comfortable relationship."0-Onii-chan! And Mariya-san too, stop being in your own worlds when thetwo of you are looking into each other"s eyes! That kind of thing isdishonest, imprudent! Mariya-san, don"t allow yourself to get cheated by aguy like Onii-chan! Please be more wary!""Ara? Shizuka-san, what is not allowed, and what should I be wary of?""That"s right Shizuka, we totally don"t understand what you"re trying to say.You have to be more straightforward."Against Shizuka"s complaint, G.o.dou and Yuri refuted in unison.They did not plan this in advance, it was merely by chance. However, thatkind of timing and the synchronization of their actions was uncanny."... Well, what Shizuka-san wanted to say was dishonest was this. Thestatus quo of being flanked by two beauties, me and Yuri, at all times."Erica interjected, giggling.Since the start when Shizuka had been voicing out her grievances, shehad pretended to be only a bystander."The quiet, unsociable Onii-sama tliat you"ve always been monopolizingsince before High School is now being waited upon by girls like this,causing you to want to say that... Well, it"s not that I don"t understand howyou feel.""E-E-E-E-E-Erica-san, please don"t get a strange misunderstanding!"There was such an impression of Shizuka becoming unusually fl.u.s.tered,after being told that in a know-it-all air -"No-normal? You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, are you trying to say that you can only actnormally to a sister like that!?""But, that"s how it is. I think we get along well, even as a high schoolstudent and a middle school student, we"re still pretty close."In the many times where the parents had been absent during theirchildhood, no matter where he went he had always brought his sisteralong.Reminiscing, G.o.dou felt nostalgic.Continuing to do so after the siblings had hit p.u.b.erty, it would be veryawkward... Perhaps Shizuka"s constant tagging alongside him recently wasbecause of nostalgia, too?"Kuhaa!?"As though smashed over the head by a blunt weapon, Sorimachi cried out.It seemed as though he had suffered a great shock from G.o.dou"s reply."Get a hold of yourself. Comrade S!""I-I"ll be fine. More importantly, we have to make clear the crimes ofKusanagi. Listen well, Kusanagi, what you say is normal, a real Imoutobeing [normal], when she"s so very cute! Which part of that do you notunderstand!"" Huh?"G.o.dou faltered before this outcry from Sorimachi, about the truths of thisworld."Yep, just as Comrade S has mentioned! On the contrary, your sarcasm isunbearable!""Agreed! Shizul

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