
Chapter 57

Chapter 4 - Enter the Black Hero, the Great SageExhibits Steel"s True WorthPart 1It was 6pm on the second day after their arrival at Nikkou.G.o.dou had re-entered the resort and was now in the men"s bath.Previously, his mood to enjoy a good soak had been ruined completely,and this time he made sure to give the girls an express order of "forbiddenentry.""Come to think of it, those fellows" behavior was completely out of hand..."Though the men"s bath was not the open air type, the beautiful scenery ofthe sh.o.r.e of Lake Chuuzenji could be viewed through the window.However, night had already fallen and the scenery was no longer visible,so G.o.dou watched the starry autumn sky instead....In a daze, he even recalled images from the mixed bath just now."D...d.a.m.n it, I have to dispel these unnecessary thoughts. Form is nodifferent from emptiness, and emptiness is no different from form,prajnaparamita, gate gate paragate...?""- ^In order to drive away those erotic memories, G.o.dou began recitingfragments of scripture he could still remember."Isn"t this the Heart Sutra translated into Chinese by Xuanzang the Monk?In a certain sense, you are currently reciting a divine spell intimately linkedto the origins of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, one that seeks as itsgoal the realm of the void — hohoho... It"s not a bad idea."This wonderful voice, like a yueqin^, surely belonged to no one else butthat particular person.Turning his head back, G.o.dou found the transcendent beauty sitting on theedge of the bathing pool."For me to come this close without you being aware, you still have far togo. Reflect well on this, King Kusanagi!"The one gazing at him with eyes of superiority was Luo Cuilian without adoubt. One couldn"t possibly make a mistake in recognizing thatunparalleled beauty.The Leader of the Demonic Cult was wearing something like a yukata,whose fabric was so sheer that one could virtually see the jade-like skinglistening with beads of sweat underneath!"Your Eminence!? How did you come here!?""Of course I escaped from the stone prison... King Kusanagi, Luo Cuilian isnot one of those fools who make claims they clearly cannot fulfill. Are youtrying to insult me?"Seeing her severe glare, G.o.dou felt himself breaking out in cold sweat."No, that"s not it. I"m just very surprised that you were able to escape insuch short time.""In that case, that would be a more appropriate thought. In actual fact, Ihave yet to destroy that prison utterly. All I did was find a weakness andescape through it to the outside.""A prison escape, in other words? ...You didn"t destroy it?"G.o.dou simply said what he thought, but Luo Hao frowned."What shallow thinking. I am the Ruler of the Martial Realm. It is my policyto smash a prison completely at the moment of liberation from thehumiliation of imprisonment, and walk out the front gates openly. Escapingfrom a prison like a rat is completely unacceptable! Today my only purposeis to see your face, and I shall be returning to the stone prison in a shortwhile!"Come on, this person seriously had way too much pride!G.o.dou couldn"t help gazing at Luo Hao with eyes of concern."I can"t agree completely, but I get what you mean. Anyway, why did youcome to the bath?""Is there a problem? I already said I came to see you. If you are in thebath, then it is only natural for me to be here.""That"s not really right. You should wait outside until I finish my bath.Besides, why are you dressed like this...?"Luo Hao was wearing a garment as light as gossamer. Rather thanobscure, it heightened the sense of voluptuousness from her bountiful bustand hip measurements despite her very slender appearance."What kind of stupid question is this? Do people who enter baths in heavyclothing actually exist? King Kusanagi, are you taking me for a fool? Or areyou — "Watching G.o.dou"s face, Luo Hao appeared to have noticed something.With an ominous feeling, G.o.dou was quite sure that Luo Hao did notinterpret his thoughts accurately."Your eyes seem to be looking down on me. You must be trying to saysomething like "Ha, I am standing here completely unarmed and unclothed.If you don"t do the same, you are a coward and weakling who lives bydeceiving the world with the king"s t.i.tle." That must be it!""Not even for one second did I consider something so stupid!""Hmm... You cannot stop looking at me in this manner? Fine, I, Luo Cuilianwill show you proof that I have reached the pinnacle not only in martialmight, but also courage and magnanimity."Luo Hao reached to her sash and untied it after some slight hesitation.With the sound of clothing sliding off bare skin, Luo Hao"s sheer robe fell tothe ground."Y-Y-Y-You! What do you think you"re doing!?""Now that both sides are completely vulnerable, let us proceed withcomplete honesty and openness. Isn"t this kind of interaction known asskinship in Wakoku?"Saying that, Luo Hao stepped into the bathing pool.With the orchid-like^ beautiful body right beside him, and completely opento view without reservation, G.o.dou entered a state of panic. Looking at herslim and slender figure, it was difficult to imagine where in her body thatoverwhelming might was stored.In addition to a visage as beautiful as a flower and a waist as slim as awillow, the gracefully shaped b.r.e.a.s.t.s constantly flaunted their existence.The cherry-colored flower buds in the forefront were also adorable to theextreme. The body, from the narrow waist to the full and round b.u.t.tocks,gave off a certain seductive sensuality, reminiscent of a tiger lily^blooming in the depths of a secluded mountain, alluding to the intoxicatingfragrance of nectar hidden deep within.Uncontrollably, G.o.dou swallowed hard several times at the sight of nakedLuo Hao"s otherworldly and absolute beauty."...King Kusanagi, I have no intention of harming you, so you have no needto be wary of me. In order to show your magnanimity in return, pleasedivert that sharp gaze of yours."Luo Cuilian covered her bosom in the water with her right arm. A slightshade of pink entered her ivory-like complexion. Most probably, watertemperature was not the main cause."...Please be more considerate towards a maiden like me. Your intensegaze is quite lacking in propriety.""S-Sorry, I understand!"Reproached by the naked beauty, G.o.dou fixed his gaze outside thewindow."Ah... The natural spring water here is not bad."Bathing as she looked into the distant starry night, the demeanor of theRuler of the Martial Realm gradually relaxed. Her voice felt even calmerthan usual, and carried an additional sensual feeling."B-By the way. Thank you for your help at Toushouguu.""Not at all. I already explained at the time, I have my own plans. Anyway...The Great Sage seems to have released himself from the bonds of the[Keeper of the Horses] spell."Luo Cuilian stood at the pinnacle of Daoist mastery.As befitting of her stature, she noticed such developments immediately.She was no sheltered greenhouse flower after all."Yes, it also seems like he summoned helpers like Zhu Bajie and ShaWujing. Things are getting more and more troublesome.""Eh? One never expected the Great Sage to reach this stage so soon...So, King Kusanagi, do you still wish to fight as my representative? Perhapsyou may feel that the caliber of your enemies have exceeded yourcapacity? I, Luo Hao, allow you to beg with crying eyes for me to saveyou.""What do you mean... by that?""Hohoho, I may have saved you earlier for the sake of my honor, but theGreat Sage Equaling Heaven, this peerless heroic G.o.d is my mortal rivalafter all. It seems a bit of a shame to miss the opportunity to finish himmyself."Should she be described as too tactless, or honest?What she meant was, it would be a pity for her to give up the chance toshow off, all because of a careless mistake. Realizing Luo Hao"sintentions, G.o.dou shrugged. This was his opportunity to get out of a fightagainst G.o.ds.Let Luo Hao take on all of the risk and responsibility, and then leave thisplace — but what of Hikari? What about the people who had becomemonkeys? Most importantly, what about G.o.dou himself? Could he allowhimself to flee in the middle of a battle? The answer was obvious."I am grateful but I cannot accept your good intentions. It is too late forsuch words. This is my fight and I will handle that monkey. Please awaitthe outcome of the battle from within your prison.""...Oh? In other words, I, Luo Hao, no longer have a chance to shine?"The impression given off by Luo Hao suddenly shifted, and acute battlespirit seemed to have made its way into her beautiful visage.She no longer tried to cover her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and her pristine body wasrevealed without reservation. Suppressing embarra.s.sment withoverwhelming will of battle, she stared at G.o.dou directly from the front."Yes, during that time in the prison, you already yielded to me the right tothis battle. If you must take it back no matter what, then defeat me first."Of course, G.o.dou knew full well the horror of Luo Hao from the memoriesdeeply carved into his body.However, this was not a time to back down. That"s right, Kusanagi G.o.douwanted to fight the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, and for this he will put ineverything he had."You are truly an incredible king. I originally thought you feared battle, andyour usual speech and behavior made you look so weak. However, on thebattlefield, you not only possess the courage and ferocity of a lion, but alsothe cunning and shrewdness of a fox or a wolf."Luo Hao smiled tenderly."You possess dual qualities of uselessness and great promise that cannotbe ignored. These opposites will be mixed together one day. Towards ayoung man with such an uncertain future... How should I, Luo Cuilian,respond?"What was Luo Hao going to do? Attack in rage? Generously yield theopportunity to him? Or make some kind of deal in exchange?All kinds of thoughts crossed G.o.dou"s mind as he gazed upon Luo Hao"sbody."We"ll do it this way, Kusanagi G.o.dou. Please use the term "Onee-sama" toaddress me from now on.""...What?"As developments completely defied his predictions, G.o.dou"s thoughtsfroze for an instant."If I simply give up this opportunity because of a mere request, it would bea blemish upon the authority of I, Luo Hao. However, it would be different ifthe other party was related to me by a familial bond of a sworn pact."Luo Hao revealed her idea proudly with great satisfaction. Undoubtedly,the levels of her pride had reached unimaginable heights."I was thinking, you are a youth who has gotten the better of me a numberof times. Rather than eliminating you here like plucking a tender shoot, itwould be better to cultivate you properly into a great hero. Such a courseof action befits the Ruler of the Martial Realm... A-And besides, you and Ihave already reached the intimacy level of baring our unclothed bodies toeach other."Luo Hao"s tone of voice suddenly lost that fear-inspiring quality, and shecovered her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as if suddenly realizing something."As the saying goes, "from an exchange of blows friendship grows," whichis why I will have a sworn pact with you, and I shall instruct you as yourolder sister. Dear adoptive little brother, in return you must repay me withutmost respect, and fulfill the duties of familial piety."In the Oath of the Peach Garden^, did the words "though born on differentdates, we hope our lives will end on the same identical day" refer tosomething like this?Though this came out of the blue, G.o.dou continued to listen, his paralyzedthought processes returning."I will shower affection and protection upon my adoptive little brother, andrespect your authority over Wakoku, refraining from vocal criticism thatinterferes in your affairs. How"s that?"Luo Cuilian smiled faintly. It was a lovely smile much like the sun"sreappearance after a violent storm.Though a sworn pact felt rather unnecessary, the accompanying conditionseemed quite attractive."Yes, very well. I am in your care, Your Eminence."Though G.o.dou accepted very quickly, Luo Hao glared at him severely inreturn. What went wrong?"Little brother, how could you address your older sister like that? Correctyourself in the manner I already explained.""Uh, I. ..I"m in your care, Nee-san."G.o.dou truly found himself unable to call her "Onee-sama."As a student who did not attend some sort of super high cla.s.s youngladies" school, this was his absolute limit."Your words should carry utmost respect to an ultimate older sister like me.Anyway I shall let it slide for today. You need to show improvement nexttime."What would count as improvement? G.o.dou could not help agonizing."Once again, I shall return to the stone prison and lie dormant for now.Little brother, stand up."As the two of them got up, Luo Hao kept her arm over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s whileG.o.dou covered his lower body with a towel.In the next instant, something happened that was even more shockingthan the sworn oath of fraternity. Luo Hao leaned tightly against G.o.douand suddenly kissed him."I am applying Daoist arts to your body, so do not move recklessly fornow.""!?""I am very impressed by your mettle, but your opponents are three G.o.ds.The odds are highly stacked against you. Your elder sister has used aDaoist art that will alert her, no matter where she may be, whenever yourbody is invaded by extraordinary divine power. When the decisive battlearrives, I will surely be present."The sensations of the small cherry lips and the pristine white skin pressingtightly against him, made G.o.dou"s entire body stiff beyond compare.This contact with the beautiful adoptive elder sister lasted for twentyseconds or so."T-The action just now cannot be disclosed to anyone else. Though youare my little brother now, if rumors of contact with a man were to spread, Iwill be secretly criticized by others for acting in a manner unbecoming of amaiden. F-For the sake of my honor — you must agree to this."Having exhorted, Luo Cuilian"s figure vanished like the glow of the settingsun.In order to cool off his boiling brain, G.o.dou jumped into the cold waterpool.Part 2Having gained a sworn elder sister under such unexpected circ.u.mstances,G.o.dou returned to the main hall of the resort for dinner.With no one else other than his companions in this little inn that only hadaround ten guest rooms, they had essentially commandeered the entireplace. All staff and guests had been transformed into monkeys andseemed to have run off to join their fellow monkeys in the main streets.Examining the kitchen facilities and food supply, Erica suggestedsomething like "since the food will go bad eventually, and feeding monkeyswould be such a waste, it would be far better for us to make effective useof it." Thus, Yuri and Liliana went to work with the cooking.After leaving their payment for staying and eating at the cash register,G.o.dou decided to help out in the kitchen. Since Erica and Ena were nohelp at all, while Annie was a guest, this was the best arrangement.By the way... This American guest"s gaze followed G.o.dou all along as hebusied himself.As if trying to verify the movements of a dangerous criminal, her gaze evenshowed occasional signs of wariness. Clearly, the notion that "KusanagiG.o.dou = public enemy of women" had become completely entrenched.Under her surveillance, G.o.dou made a number of dishes. Though he hadmany specialties, these were mostly dishes that went along with alcoholbecause they were taught by his grandfather or mother."...Seeing these dishes, really makes me want to have a drink!"Ena murmured as she looked at the tray G.o.dou balanced on his hand.There was sashimi and salt-roasted rainbow trout. By lightly salting theskin and roasting a little, a completely new delicacy was created wheneaten together with salmon. Other than that, G.o.dou made Italian pastawith shrimp sauce, using garlic, chili and olive oil to sautee many smallshrimps and garnishing with a dash of parsley to produce an excellentspecimen of maritime-style cuisine."Come on, you"re not Erica, please don"t say strange things like that. Inever thought Seishuuin would also be an accomplished drinker...""Ah, I originally wasn"t planning on drinking because of the upcomingbattle, but this taste would really go well with j.a.panese sake or white wine,though beer would not be bad either."Listening to Erica"s additional comment, Ena nodded frequently.G.o.dou deeply regretted not having learnt any homemade dishes thatwould be appropriate for a normal highschooler"s lunchbox. On the otherhand, Liliana and Yuri"s serious efforts produced dishes such as troutmeuniere^, deep fried fish, as well as mountain vegetable rice.G.o.dou did not reveal the fact that he had a conversation with Luo Hao.After all, for something like that to happen in the bath, G.o.dou found itdifficult to explain. Furthermore, there were more pressing concerns todiscuss."By the way, Liliana, is that visual investigative spell still blocked?""No, since we have entered the Great Sage"s territory, there should not beany problems using it from within. Do we still need that spell?""I want to use it to locate the Great Sage."G.o.dou turned to Yuri after replying to the incredulous Liliana."My body has already recovered, so there is no point in delaying the battlewith the Great Sage. However... the [Sword] is needed to fight him.""Which is why we must carefully discern what kind of G.o.d the Great Sageis, correct?"Yuri spoke softly."That"s right, I have been thinking over many things since yesterday.""Annie Charlton, may I have a word with you for a minute?"The redheaded American woman showed surprise as Erica suddenlysingled her out."Though we have teamed up temporarily, it doesn"t mean that we mustshare all information. Rather, it should be stated that certain critical factsmust be prevented from leaking out. What do you think?""...Looks like my presence is an inconvenience for certain discussionshere."The sword of spell words was G.o.dou"s trump card. Understanding Erica"sintentions of safeguarding this secret, Annie got up and left them todiscuss in private."Since yesterday, I have been thinking about how I should get along witheveryone from now on — Erica, Mariya as well as Liliana."After the guest had left, G.o.dou explained cautiously."In other words, you wish to clarify our relationships with you?""Finally some decisiveness, G.o.dou, and your conclusion is?"Liliana and Erica"s answers were full of determined confidence."Yes, after all sorts of troubles, I have finally made a decision.""Looks like it"s time to determine who is the wife and who will bethe concubines! What about Ena and Yuri? You will be marrying the two ofus after all, right?""E-Ena-san, please do not ask about such matters, it... it is not veryproper.""...Seishuuin, what are you talking about?"As Ena showed an expression of excitement, Yuri frantically admonishedher.Seeing everyone"s solemn gaze focused on him, G.o.dou stoodmotionlessly and stared blankly with a perplexed expression."To this day, I have always tried to avoid battles with G.o.ds as much aspossible, but now the time for an unavoidable fight has come. Basically, Iam going to become no different from other kings — detestable beings likeVoban or that idiot Doni. This morning Mariya already said to me, whoknows how many more G.o.ds I will have to fight over the rest of my life, andwho knows when my life will be extinguished, therefore — "As G.o.dou expressed his innermost feelings, he felt fighting spirit flow outfrom within.That"s right, this is my true nature. This battle began far earlier than themoment of becoming a Campione. The humans who possessed theunrelenting will to oppose and defeat G.o.ds, were precisely the ones whogained such power to resist them."Even so, in my battles against G.o.ds, whether Erica, Liliana or Mariya,everyone... Everyone has been essential to me. For the sake of stayingtogether with me, your lives will always be in peril. Will you continue to bemy partners in spite of all this?"Somehow G.o.dou made a smile.It was a slightly grotesque smile like a wild beast"s, with the corners of hislips slightly upturned.It was the mark of a king, the smile displayed when the joy of battle couldno longer be suppressed."Protecting you all and never letting you die — those are words I will neversay even if my mouth is forced and torn open. The most I can say is this: ifyou are going to die, I will die together with you. Furthermore, whenreceiving everyone"s help, that certain behavior will have to be performedas usual."The girls were shocked into silence. It was only natural. G.o.dou felt that itwould be unbelievable if a boy made such stupid requests without beinghated, but he was determined to clarify things.It wouldn"t do to be pa.s.sively caught up into things step by step like thecurrent incident. That was what G.o.dou felt deeply about."I know very well that my demands are very off-putting. If anyone feelsrepulsed, they can depart from here immediately, and leave my side fornow.""G.o.dou, is this what you mean by something important you had to telleveryone?"Erica pursed her lips and frowned with displeasure."Didn"t I swear an oath already? Even until the final moments of the world"sdestruction, I will forever stay with you.""I will also follow you for a lifetime as your knight, and offer my undyingloyalty.""I already said this morning, I hope that G.o.dou-san and I will be togetheras long as our lives endure. I am still waiting for your answer. What are youtalking about at this time?"Liliana declared with dismay while Yuri showed the angered look of aYakshini^, an expression she had not shown for quite some time. Enaalso went "Ah — how disappointing" and shrugged her shoulders."Ah, no, but in the past these things were said in desperate situationsunder great duress. I just want to reconfirm how everyone feels, and makesure once again..."G.o.dou felt his determined spirit shaken by the unexpected responses, andtook a few steps back in embarra.s.sment.In his current life, G.o.dou was already well aware that compared to G.o.ds,girls were far more terrifying."G.o.dou, may I ask you a question? The three of us... hmm, as well as Ena,will soon encounter a most desperate crisis.""Ah? Sure."G.o.dou shrank back at Erica"s sudden questioning."If you could only save one of us, who would you pick?""Hmm... Of course everyone, I will save everyone together."Although G.o.dou answered quickly without hesitation, the three girls couldnot help but sigh at the same time. Only Ena was happily going "Howbefitting of His Majesty! That"s the way things should be done!""I already said, only one person can be saved. A choice cannot beavoided.""How could I possibly make such a choice? Isn"t it better to saveeveryone? What a strange question.""Actually, G.o.dou"s lack of hesitation on the subject of selecting someone iseven stranger. No matter, that is why you are our king."As Erica spoke, Liliana and Yuri nodded in agreement."As mentioned just now, I have sworn eternal loyalty before everyone elseand I am the woman who bears G.o.dou"s protection. This is simplyacknowledgement of my earned merit as G.o.dou"s wife.""Protection? From the Ama no no Tsurugi incident?"Liliana was very concerned after hearing Erica"s statement."The [Youth] incarnation used that time? When I asked G.o.dou about thedetails he only stuttered with misleading answers, while Erica played dumball along. In the end, it became some kind of secret — ""Rather than secret, it is better described as private.""Private!? Could it be, that G.o.dou and Erica did something indecentagain!? If that is the case, then the eternal loyalty mentioned just now wasreferring to that!?"Erica"s smile carried mysterious airs, while Yuri looked shocked.Furthermore, Ena was throwing glances of "Wow! That"s His Majesty! Sovery cool!" whereas Liliana bore an expression that seemed to say "Youare that kind of person, no surprise there.""Back then, G.o.dou was ferocious, forceful and very strong like the timeswhen he is in battle. It made me feel like I could offer up this body for yourpleasure. However — "Erica professed as if intoxicated, but quickly changed expressions."Putting all this aside, there are issues I need to know. G.o.dou, do you planon taking Ena, Yuri and me into your embrace as lovers?""No, I"ve never even thought about that..."G.o.dou answered with irritation, but this provoked the Hime-Miko"sdispleasure."Eh eh? Your Majesty is so mean! Didn"t you say you were going to takecare of me along with Yuri... Ah, I get it now. Sorry, looking back, it reallywas an unreasonable demand."Ena looked down as if she realized something."Uh, you finally understand what I meant, right? Seishuuin.""Yes, but it doesn"t matter. Ena will act modestly until Your Majesty comesto love Ena. But please summon Ena if you ever have the whim. Enadoesn"t need the wife"s position. Even as Your Majesty"s secretlover that cannot be exposed to the world, I am fine with it. Please arrangethings however Your Majesty finds convenient.""Don"t speak like that when you are an unmarried maiden!"Ena"s forthright att.i.tude completely ignored society"s moral expectations,and casually spoke terrifying words.G.o.dou clutched his head in frustration. It seemed like Ena had undergoneYamato Nadeshiko education like Yuri, which accounted for thisanachronistically submissive conception of male-female relationships."What do you actually see in me to say things like this!? Please, treasureyourself more!""It is because I treasure myself that I wish to stay by the side of the one Ilove most — Your Majesty. Your Majesty is very powerful, very dashing,and very compatible with Ena, and also... The first for Ena to offer her kiss,and lay bare her naked body..."Ena"s face went red as she confessed.In that instant, Liliana"s face seemed to say "Are you still lacking inself-awareness?""Listen to what has been said, Kusanagi G.o.dou, this is the truth. Youpossess the unaware talent of gathering women. This is why you needsomeone by your side to offer reminders and advice."What was all this about? The original intention was to confirm theirdetermination before the battle, and get everyone to unite.At this time, Erica gave yet another heavy blow to G.o.dou who was alreadyat the end of his wits."If I"m not mistaken, I stated clearly before that G.o.dou is only allowed twolovers — Yuri and me, but in this brief time just short of six months, you notonly captured Lily but Ena as well, exactly like a Don Juan.^ By the way,G.o.dou, didn"t you once say something like "relations should developslowly", is that correct?""T-That"s right.""If you also take Ena as a lover, it doesn"t contradict your words, but even ifyou conquer her slowly, I will not accept it!"If you want to go out and womanize, you"d better placate the one at homefirst.Keeping the reins of the wayward husband tightly in her hands, wasexactly the skill possessed by the wife."I will not go easy on you if it really happens. But if you are determined togo through with it no matter what, I demand reasonable justification alongthe lines of affirming that I am the one you love most. Should you fail to dosomething like that, I will never accept Ena as your lover, got that?"Issuing her ultimatum to G.o.dou, Erica was like a queen who challengedthe devil king.The other three watched this scene unfold with great interest. How did itcome to this? Just as G.o.dou stood there in shock, Yuri unexpectedlystepped forward.After leaning close to the window and looking outside diagonally, sheslowly turned her head back."...The Great Sage Equaling Heaven has awoken. I believe he will bedescending here very soon."Yuri informed everyone the oracle she had received through spirit vision.Hearing the news, G.o.dou quickly recovered his senses, dispelling thefeelings of intimidation from Erica and the girls that was overwhelming him.The swiftness of the change came as a surprise, even to himself."I"ve decided to check out the Great Sage"s condition. Everyone get ready.""Are we going to fight now, Kusanagi G.o.dou!?"G.o.dou shook his head at Liliana"s question. It was still too early for that."No, I have no intention to fight yet, since the required weapon against thatmonkey hasn"t been prepared yet... So Mariya, there is something I mustrely on you.""Yes, very well.""I hope you can use spirit vision to discern clearly what kind of deity theGreat Sage Equaling Heaven is. The earlier the [Sword] can be used, thebetter."Yuri answered "yes" to G.o.dou"s instructions and shyly lowered her gaze."In other words, after capturing the Great Sage"s divinity with spirit vision,G.o.dou-san and I will be...""Yes, that included. I will do everything I can to escape and prepare acounterattack for the second round. As for your question this morning, I willtake this opportunity to answer it. I will persevere and always have you bymy side, as long as you don"t mind the kind of fellow I am.""Yes!"Yuri"s expression brightened immediately.As he pondered over these things, G.o.dou walked towards the entrance ofthe inn. In the end, the matter with the girls was cast aside once again as abattle with a G.o.d approached. Just as usual, for the sake of battle, in otherto obtain victory, he was forcing them again.Perhaps this personality of his would persist until the day he died.The answer to Erica"s sudden question was no longer important. Squarelyfacing the personality flaws he had always been vaguely aware of, G.o.doustepped outside.Part 3On the peak of Nantaisan, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukongjumped up to a start.As things stood, his figure was still in the form of Mariya Hikari. Gazing up,the vast heavens was filled with twinkling stars. He must have slept forroughly half a day.Despite the hard surface of the mountain being used as a bed, he hadrested soundly. After all, he was the divine monkey born from stone and ast.u.r.dy soldier, with few demands in everyday comforts."Now, what should I do with my kingdom next?"Even if he didn"t use clairvoyance, the Great Sage could survey the entireOkunikkou area with normal vision as he looked down from the mountain.At the foot of Nantaisan were the wide streets around Lake Chuuzenji.North from there were the plains of Senjougahara, and even the hot springstreet of Okuyumoto could be seen. There were also the streets next toLake Yunoko, and the villages gathered all sorts of different monkeys,carrying on their lives with a hint of human feeling. The might of the GreatSage"s divine power apparently reached that area too.Even so, the Great Sage was not in the least amused."This is a bit too quiet. Things need to be more lively, what should I do?"The Great Sage twisted his head, trying to come up with things that couldbe accomplished with monkey intelligence. Nothing came to mind so hestood upside down, and with no ideas still, he made a somersault. Finallyafter a while, he clapped his hands."Thinking over again and again, the people of my past kingdom wereprepared for battle against the heavenly armies with great enthusiasm andhot-blood. What these guys lack is ambition and the spirit of conquest."What a great idea, let"s run with this. The Great Sage Equaling Heavenimmediately summoned a golden cloud.Somersaulting onto it, he rapidly descended to the ground surface. Thatsort of speed was like lightning, and all mortal eyes could see was a flashof golden light.Despite all their powers, Devil King Campiones were neither omnipotentnor invincible.Especially those young fellows, they often had weaknesses. Feeling thatKusanagi G.o.dou was the same, Annie left the resort. After all, she had littleinterest in finding out the secrets of other kings.Annie casually strolled along the sh.o.r.e of Lake Chuuzenji, but suddenlysaw a flash of light descending from the sky, landing in a central streetwhere the bulk of the monkeys were gathered. Annie instantly ran towardsthe location.Concealing herself as she approached the scene, she was met with a veryrepulsive sight."All day long the superior man is creatively active. At nightfall his mind isstill beset with cares. Danger. No blame. Wavering flight over the depths.Flying dragon in the heavens. It furthers one to see the great man.Arrogant dragon will have cause to repent. There appears a flight ofdragons without leadership!""- ^The one reciting spell words was a young girl standing on a golden-coloredcloud.The cloud was hovering about 10m above the ground, overlooking all sortsof monkeys gathered in the streets near Lake Chuuzenji."The Creative works sublime success / Furthering through perseverance!"It was the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, the one who wasoccupying the body of Mariya Yuri"s younger sister.The monkeys on the ground knelt in prostration and worshiped the monkeyG.o.d like a G.o.ddess, but as the Great Sage"s spell words worked theireffects, the underlings began to undergo changes.The monkeys with origins from all over the world, gathered here withoutany organization or sense of principle, began to transform in appearance.Their eyes twisted with ferocity and they bared their teeth.Wrath and apprehension, as well as murderous intent, all appeared ontheir faces. At the same time, there were also subtle changes to themonkeys" body. For example, the j.a.panese monkeys" claws became likesharp knives, while the gorillas expanded several times in size to becomegiant brutal gorillas.Some of the chimpanzees" mouths gaped wide open, and out flowed salivadripping on the streets that dissolved the asphalt as if it was strong acid.All the monkeys were full of murderous intent and had become veryviolent.Threatening their neighboring companions, they even began to fight!Biting, scratching with their claws, spitting things like acid or flames fromtheir mouths.Like a tragicomedy, the peaceful monkey kingdom transformed into arealm of bloodthirst in an instant.Furthermore, at this time, one of the monkeys came before Annie who hadconcealed herself.It was a gibbon with claws as sharp as blades.Kisyaaaaaaaa!Making such a terrifying noise, the violent gibbon made its attack. Could itbe possible that the monkeys were given orders to attack people on sight!?As Annie leaped back to avoid the attack, she began to chant spell words."Pentacle of the ages! Grant unto me thy protection!"The gibbon made cries of fear and reluctance as it crashed into theinvisible barrier.As a mage, Annie was around upper average in ability, but purely in termsof magical power, she surpa.s.sed the most elite of magi by far.This number of enemies was nothing to worry about.Annie continued observing, protected by the invisible shield.The gibbon in front, as well as monkeys nearby which had begun to closein on Annie"s location, charged at the invisible barrier with greatdetermination and bloodl.u.s.t.It seemed like they were especially aggressive towards humans.Chanting spell words in the air, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven gaveAnnie a side glance. G.o.ds were always arrogant and viewed humans asmere toys. No matter how much the world had changed, even though thehuman world existed for humans to live in, it was all just a playground tothem in the end.Should I get changed? And transform into the black-clad demon whosaves the people and protect the powerless.Annie abandoned such thoughts.It was too early. Laziness was not the reason why John Pluto Smith senthis a.s.sistant to investigate first. In a battle, he had two main authorities —metamorphosis and the magic gun, but both of them were accompanied byrestrictive conditions.Using these authorities without consideration would quickly attract attacksfrom all directions. It was necessary to get a handle on the situation first.At this time, Annie"s cellphone made a noise. It was a text message.This was a cellphone rented from a shop at the airport for usage in j.a.pan.The message came from the other Campione, for they had exchangednumbers when the decision to team up was made.Annie returned to the resort and met up with Kusanagi G.o.dou"s group.Through the results of spirit vision and investigative magic, they alreadyknew the Great Sage had appeared.Thereafter, they all began to advance on the main road where the GreatSage had descended — National Route 120.Along the way, they were met with attacks from berserk monkeys, but thegroup easily reached their destination without peril.Around the monkey king, the violent monkeys began to riot, jumping upand down, creating quite a commotion.Hidden behind a building, Annie and the rest began to scout."How is it, Mariya Yuri? Have you obtained some kind of hint?""No, not yet. Perhaps this distance is too far away as feared..."Yuri replied to Liliana"s question with melancholy.This team"s primary objective was to a.n.a.lyze the divinity of the Great SageEqualing Heaven. This appeared to be related to Kusanagi G.o.dou"spowers."Whenever Yuri discerned a G.o.d"s origins with spirit vision, she was alwayscloser to them than this. To expect a result by spying from far away is toonaive after all.""The phenomenon known as spirit vision will not occur when it comes tomatters of personal interest or benefit."Met with the problem raised by Erica, Ena answered in a matter-of-factmanner."Nothing ventured, nothing gained..."As the Campione and the king, Kusanagi G.o.dou muttered softly to himself."No other way, I will pay the Great Sage a visit. When G.o.ds like thesecatch sight of kings like me, they usually ignore ordinary people, right?Let"s take advantage of that.""It"s too dangerous, G.o.dou, I will come along.""Even if Erica comes with me, it will still be dangerous. Think of a betterplan, there must be better ones? If I run into trouble, I will be relying on youall."After Kusanagi G.o.dou finished the discussion with his lovers, their planwas put into action.He stepped headfirst into danger alone, and expressed great care andconcern over the girls who were his lovers. Such behavior was completelyopposite to the predictions of John Pluto Smith — or in other words, thecollaborator Annie.What was he going to do next? Annie felt herself greatly piqued withcuriosity.Part 4G.o.dou slowly walked towards the divine monkey that held dominion overHikari"s body.At least he wasn"t completely unarmed. In his shirt pocket was Cuore diLeone which Erica had transformed into a metal plate the size of a card.This was the intersection of main roads at the sh.o.r.e of Lake Chuuzenji.The monkeys gathered in the area began to rouse as they spotted thehuman G.o.dou.Ferocious stares, threatening expressions and gestures, and evenappet.i.tes for human flesh were conveyed through their eyes like stabbingknives.One would not have expected such brutality from monkeys that originatedfrom leisurely humans."Sigh, too noisy! Shut up and be quiet, and scram!"Standing on a golden cloud, Hikari gave a great shout from midair.The monkeys scattered instantly, fleeing in all directions. This was going tobe one on one. The Great Sage Equaling Heaven manipulated theapprentice miko"s body, and nimbly landed on the ground."My kingdom is built, and I also had a good nap. I want some exercisenext, and here comes a G.o.dslayer... How gratifying!"The Great Sage declared using Hikari"s voice.G.o.dou"s body and mind were prepared for battle, and power flowedcontinuously from within....However, it was strange. G.o.dou quietly tilted his head in puzzlement.Earlier at Toushouguu, the Great Sage displayed immense divine powerthat far surpa.s.sed all the G.o.ds he had ever met, but now nothing could befelt. Of course, there was no doubt that the Great Sage was a verypowerful G.o.d..."Hahaha, you also look like you have fully recovered. I will use the legendof facing off against the heavenly armies at the Mountain of Fruit andFlowers as a model for our duel here. Even if you object, you will not beable to escape.""Don"t joke around, who wants to fight that kind of battle with you!"G.o.dou answered, casting all concerns aside. His current objective was tostall for time."You"ve already released that whatever Keeper of the Horses spell, right?If that"s the case, you no longer require the power of the miko youpossessed — Hikari, right? It"s time you give her back to me!"The Great Sage began to smile using Hikari"s face.Though she was already twelve years old, she bore an even moreimmature looking smile as a result of the G.o.d residing in her body."You really are infatuated with this miko, oh? If that"s the case, you cannotescape as long as I keep this fellow in my clutches. Hehe, if you want totake her back, make your point with the fist. So then, let the blood-boiling,muscle-twitching games begin!"A steel staff suddenly appeared in the Great Sage"s hand. No mistake, itwas the Ruyi Staff!"Master of the Water Curtain Cave in the Mountain of Fruit and Flowers,the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong announces his presence!Speak your name!""Kusanagi G.o.dou! Let me tell you beforehand, I don"t have a t.i.tle as longas yours."With the sound of rushing wind, the Ruyi Staff was casually swung over.Sigh, it really turned out like this after all.The staff of steel smashed heavily towards G.o.dou who jumped to evade."I, Wandering Monk Sun"s Ruyi Staff was forged from precious divine iron.The iron staff that shakes the heavens and the earth, terrorizing the bluesky, savor it well!"The first strike was quite fast, and the speed likely exceeded a 160kmh fastball pitch.However, the staff became faster and faster, and its motions were likelightning as the Great Sage wielded it with a combination of monkey-likeagility and lightning speed.I can"t see it! G.o.dou recalled his earlier battle with Perseus.The current speed matched that of the glorious hero who displayedmovements like flashes of white lightning. Faced with an opponent whosemotions were impossible to capture visually, G.o.dou began to use the[Raptor] form.The power of G.o.d speed and jumping ability was unlocked only whenfacing high speed attacks.Furthermore, G.o.dou had discovered a new way to use it when he tested itin the battle against the beauty who had just become his sworn eldersister.In the process of using the [Raptor], G.o.dou"s senses and reactions wereaccelerated as well, and there was a wondrous feeling as if thesurroundings were being played back in slow motion.In this decelerated world, G.o.dou was the only one who could movenormally. That was how the [Raptor] was used normally.However, this time G.o.dou suppressed his speed as much as possiblewhile making movements.As the Ruyi Staff was slowly thrust forward, the tip inched its way towardsG.o.dou"s throat, but G.o.dou remained completely motionless, shutting offthe [Raptor]"s speed. He reactivated the [Raptor] when his throat was oneor two centimeters from being pierced.Super acceleration. The [Raptor]"s speed was infused in his body, but onlyemployed for an instant.This was sufficient, and good enough to evade the Ruyi Staff"s attack.G.o.dou was missed by 10cm, and the attack was evaded splendidly."...Oh?"The Great Sage grumbled and instantly raised his attack speed.The Ruyi Staff roared and sparks flew as it went through a series ofattacks.Tracing out arcs in the air as it approached G.o.dou from all sorts ofdirections, it was like one of those martial arts movies from Hong Kongwhere Shaolin monks displayed staff skills, except several hundred timesfaster.The series of attacks continued like a barrage of wind and thunder, butG.o.dou dodged them all with the same principle as before.The importance of rhythm was realized during his battle with Luo Hao. Itwas not necessary to use super speed all the time. During that time, hediscovered the defensive technique of applying G.o.dly speed only at criticalmoments of need."Yes, you are defending well against Old Sun"s Ruyi Staff! That"s what atrue devil king is about!"The one who gave such praise was the Great Sage who was also thesecond daughter of the Mariya family. Her ankle had also connected withG.o.dou"s right leg at the same time.G.o.dou kept the speed of the [Raptor] suppressed, and releasing it onlywhen he was 10cm away from striking his target. This was a mostexcellent sweeping kick."Uh, this splendid kicking is quite scary. Hahaha, nice!"Though he wasn"t swept off his feet, the stumbling Great Sage laughed.The success of the attack also owed itself to using speed judiciously. In thepast when under high speed, G.o.dou was unable to make precisemovements and often missed his enemies by 50cm when he tried toattack.Now, he attacked using normal speed and only accelerated at the veryend.Using this method, he was now able to make highly precise movementsthat had previously eluded him.However, the Great Sage"s confidence gave an ominous feeling. As G.o.doucontinued to face off using G.o.dly speed, Hikari"s expression gave a heavyimpression of "I haven"t gone all out yet."Where"s the signal? G.o.dou"s anxiety slowly built up.Meanwhile, during G.o.dou"s confrontation with the Great Sage, the girlshad also begun their operations.At a certain memorial plaque on the lake sh.o.r.e, they were discreetlywatching the situation between the G.o.d and the Campione.In order to secure their escape route, Annie had been sent on a solomission. The current people present were the two Great Knights and thetwo Hime-Miko, a total of four remaining.The one a.s.signing tasks was, of course, the [Diavolo Rosso].Erica spoke to her childhood friend:"Lily, we have to create an opening to let everyone escape and rescueG.o.dou.""Understood. But then, will spirit vision really work?"Liliana looked worriedly at Yuri.Whenever one desired strongly to see something, one would not be able tosee it easily. Erica already knew of this unwritten law in the field of spiritvision. "The success of spirit vision is up to the heavens" was somethingthat Yuri often repeated as a reminder.However, those words seemed doubtful considering Yuri"s high successrate. Then again, Yuri might be subconsciously raising her success rate bytelling herself this again and again."I will make it work somehow... After all, there were a few occasions when Ireceived divine inspiration according to my will. If I do it in the samemanner, it might work.""Gaining insights according to you own will? Even for Mariya Yuri, thatseems hard to believe."Denying Liliana"s objections, the premier Hime-Miko Ena spoke up:"I see. That particular method you learned in the Netherworld, Yuri?""Yes, due to the Memories of the Void floating everywhere in that realm,that ability could be used easily at will. I think using it in the real world willgreatly strain one"s body, but the method should be the same."Yuri had already changed into her miko outfit before she left the resort.To raise her mental concentration, she began to chant the Hime-Miko"sspell words under everyone"s gaze."Once upon a time in the great kingdom of Tang, a child entered themountain forest in spring and was never seen again. The parents venturedon a search but never encountered the child. Lamenting "our child, ourchild" they mourned the child"s death and were turned into spirit birds,sorrowfully singing every spring."Praying with her hands together before her chest, Yuri closed her eyes.If one were to make a painting of the proper figure of this pious mikopraying in earnest, it would surely result in a moving work of art."Form is no different from emptiness, Yuri. Moving your heart as close tothe Netherworld as possible will make your spirit more sensitive.""Is this knowledge gained from j.a.panese wizardry?"As Erica asked after hearing the advice, Ena proceeded to explainconcisely."Form is no different from emptiness, and emptiness is no different fromform. Form itself is emptiness, and emptiness itself is form — everythingthat possesses form in this world are akin to illusions. On the other hand,the truly intangible has their own form. This was taught by the greatAvalokitasvaraJ 10 ^ This is all because the Netherworld is that kind ofplace."This was only natural, as the Netherworld referred to by the Hi me- Mikowas known as the psychic world to European magi.It was a world where spirit and ectoplasm ranked higher than the materialbody."I have almost reached the realm where "form is no different fromemptiness." Once I get there, the kind of spirit vision I used in theNetherworld should be possible.""Yuri has been there before, so she should have grasped the technique... Itshould only be a matter of difficulty now."This was the forthright girl unfettered by society or common sense, but atthe same time a high cla.s.s young lady with excellent upbringing and amult.i.tude of mastered skills.Catching a glimpse of Ena"s facets, Erica frowned lightly. Though shemaintained her graceful demeanor, she could already predict that thispremier Hime-Miko will turn out to become the [Diavolo Rosso]"s greatestenemy."By the way, Seishuuin Ena, can your divine possession be usedanywhere?"Liliana entered the conversation without conscious intent."Speaking from a witch"s instincts, it is an ability that obtains power on thelevel of a demiG.o.d or divine beast. However, it most likely places a heavyburden on the body.""Liliana-san is on the right track. Yes, even for Ena, the conditions of usingthe technique are rather stringent."Though she smiled cheerfully, the content of her response was in no waycasual."Basically like running a complete marathon at full speed? Extremelyexhausting in mental concentration. After using it once, the body feels likeit has been completely hollowed out for a week. While using it, there is noguarantee of safety and death could result in the worst case scenario.However, when the necessary situation arises, Ena is prepared to use itwithout hesitation, so don"t worry."This was the answer of the Hime-Miko of the Sword who was wellaccustomed to harsh training.Erica knew from her investigations that the Hime-Miko would undertakesuch training regularly in order to purify their minds and bodies ofacc.u.mulated worldly influences. They always entered deep into themountains because living too long in urban settings will render divinepossession impossible.However, Seishuuin Ena was formidable not only because of divinepossession.First of all, her usual behavior lacked feminine delicacy but she was at thesame time a beautiful girl with an outstanding face and figure. She couldeasily get close to G.o.dou like a male friend but display feminine wiles inunexpected areas, easily manipulating his affections within the palm of herhand.Whether as a woman or a knight, Erica had realized this was a very difficultopponent to handle. Just now the issue she raised with G.o.dou wasinterrupted, but she really had to settle the matter properly without looseends in the future.As she steeled her determination, Erica led the other knight away from thetwo Hime-Miko.The spell they were going to use next required great concentration. Theritual she was going to perform together with Liliana was fully prepared. Itssuccess would directly determine the survival of everyone in the group.Meanwhile, the battle between G.o.dou and the Great Sage had reached aclimax.Even for Ena"s level of dynamic vision, their speed was frighteningly fastand impossible to capture. As the Great Sage smashed down his RuyiStaff again and again, His Majesty continuously evaded each attack by apaper-thin margin. This was a fight that could only be watched clearly by amartial artist who had perfected the mind"s eye.Amongst the masters in the Imperial Capital, there were only two or threewho had attained this level.Facing the intense battle, the Hime-Miko Mariya Yuri closed her eyes andfocused on praying. What she must discern was the divinity of the GreatSage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong.Ena felt rather regretful that Ama no no Tsurugi was not by herside.That divine sword was also a member of [Steel] and they would have abetter chance with another member of the G.o.ds on their side. If her formerpartner was still in her hand, she could learn the knowledge and transfer itto Kusanagi G.o.dou.That said, it was rather surprising that the exceptionally serious possessorof spirit vision would take initiative to such an extent. In the past, she was agirl who would adhere rigidly to the rules no matter what."...Girls will change themselves for the sake of boys. Grandma"s so right!"When she first read Kusanagi G.o.dou"s profile, Ena already felt that he wasan interesting person.He had a modest personality, common-sense behavior, and a pacifistlifestyle. Even so, he occasionally acted in slightly odd ways. From theperspective of Ena who wasn"t bound by ordinary rules, it was like the joyof meeting a long-lost brother. However, it seemed like the honor studentYuri was even more suited to him.In actual fact, having witnessed all sorts of messy situations that arosefrom the results of Kusanagi G.o.dou"s actions, Ena was convinced of onefact.He is my husband, the man decided by fate.In order to ensure the continuation of the Seishuuin bloodline, she wasobliged to bear children sooner or later. However, Ena had never met aboy who suited her until now.Faced with Ena"s lack of common sense, those fellows reacted with eithershock, anger or flattery. Too bad, they were not qualified to be with Ena. Inthis aspect, Kusanagi G.o.dou was fundamentally different from them.Ena had not expected G.o.dou to make her heart race this much, but stillshe dealt with it calmly.Ena did not mind those who indulged in l.u.s.t. As far as a daughter of theSeishuuin family was concerned, there were plenty of fellows (and evenlisted in the family records) who indulged in collecting beauties. On thispoint, G.o.dou was actually a lot better than them.Though he still had no intentions of getting married yet, it was fine even ifall she obtained was his bloodline.Even though a king"s powers were not hereditary, being a descendantoffered substantial influence in the wizardry world. European magica.s.sociations were commonly led by, or even founded by those hailing fromthe lineage of kings.Taking the Copper Black Cross as an example, ten-odd generations ago,their commander-in-chief was a king"s illegitimate child.He was treated like royalty, and in fact, members of the Blandelli family likeErica are his descendants....Thus, Ena focused her attention on the battle of the man whom she hadbeen fated to encounter."This is not going well, if it continues, His Majesty will be more and moredisadvantaged. In order to escape, he"d better hurry."Ena"s natural battle instincts clearly discerned the tides of victory.Kusanagi G.o.dou was having a battle of G.o.d speed against the Great SageEqualing Heaven.It was apparent that the latter was vastly more experienced in high speedbattle than the former, and the Great Sage surpa.s.sed His Majesty"smovements for the first time. Clearly they were supposed to be equal inspeed but it could be seen that the Great Sage was gradually catching onto Kusanagi G.o.dou"s motions.Due to the extreme speed, Ena could only vaguely catch part of the action,but she was able to understand the overall tide of the battle.The Great Sage"s Ruyi Staff seemed to be swiping from the right but it wasonly a feint. As G.o.dou dodged horizontally, the Great Sage made a middlespinning kick from the left. Using this principle, the Great Sage graduallyundermined G.o.dou"s position.Feints and diversions.Since G.o.dou was unable to attack Hikari"s body directly, the tides of battlewould turn for the worse if things continued like this. He will be defeated.Ena unsheathed the sword she had received from the collection at theSayanomiya residence.If anything happened, she would use divine possession to a.s.sist.Having summoned Susanoo"s divine spirit earlier in the daytime, she couldonly use the technique for a short time longer, or else there would be aheavy toll on the body.During the playful ruckus at the open air bath, the Hime-Miko of the Sworddid obtain a little rest for her mind and body.Whenever possible, three days of rest was best, though reaching peakcondition required a week"s time.However, when the necessary time comes, Ena will use it without any fear.As the woman with the prepared determination to serve His Majesty, thiswas only natural. Ena squinted as it was about time to enter the fray."...Far away mountain wilderness, resting in the plains. The lineageof steel is the way of the sword. Wielding the bow on horseback, carryingfierce thoughts in pursuit of flocks of sheep, capturing prey. Sing praise tothe ancient way of the brave."Yuri lightly pleaded with a hoa.r.s.e voice.Opening her eyes, her body swayed as she looked at Ena."Yuri, you got it, right? The true ident.i.ty of the monkey who stole Hikari"sbody, you know it?""Yes, so it is fine now, you can... G.o.dou-san..."The Hime-Miko possessing the spirit eyes fell forward as she spoke.Surprised, Ena frantically caught her. Yuri"s body was frighteningly hot,especially her forehead when Ena tried to touch it."Using spirit vision like this is really reckless, that should have beenrealized from the start. But Yuri, you actually accomplished it!"Ena took out the device she was entrusted with as she called to herchildhood friend.This was Annie Charlton"s personal gun, a slender revolver. As Ena firedthe signal, an unexpected result occurred.Affected by the feints, G.o.dou began to fail in his evasions.Receiving injuries on his arms, shoulders and thighs, the battle had turnedfor the worse. Being unable to counterattack was truly painful. With that,the Great Sage Equaling Heaven halted the attacks."...I see, you are concerned with this little lady possessed by me."The Great Sage finally realized the reason for G.o.dou"s unnatural way offighting.The monkey king occupied Hikari"s body as he scratched her face inthought."Hmm, it"s as if I was using this little lady as a hostage. No good, that"sreally no good. Doesn"t that make me seem just like a villain!""What do you mean by "seem", you were clearly an evil villain all along!"Faced with the Great Sage"s stupid comments, G.o.dou finally burst out witha retort."Hmm, it"s true that I have done all sorts of naughty things. However, beingthought of as a petty villain feels surprisingly unpleasant. I, Great SageEqualing Heaven, Sun Wukong, need to establish proper solemnity ofpresence after all!"This monkey turned out to be even more vain than expected.In front of the surprised G.o.dou, the Great Sage began forming complicatedmudras with his hands."Looks like it is time for me to show my true form. I hereby pray fordustless calm repose, hah!"Golden-colored smoke began to rise from Hikari"s head."Calm repose to the Six Senses^ 1 the divine monarch"s peace comes tomy five organs! The origin of peace, shares the root of all G.o.ds in heavenand earth! Come, bestow upon me the body and divinity of calm repose —ouch ouch ouch ouch!"The smoke gradually became thicker and quickly formed the shape of amonkey. Bit by bit, it became solid, turning into a monkey G.o.d covered withgolden fur!Standing at a height of 160cm or so, he wore a yellow Kao^ outfit asbefore.As the monkey stood up, Hikari simultaneously collapsed on the ground."Next, let me put this miko away."The monkey — the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong who hadretrieved his original form, snapped his furry fingers.Hikari"s body turned into a small sphere of light and was swallowed by theGreat Sage."Hohoho, I didn"t really eat her, but simply kept her in my stomach for thetime being. G.o.dslayer, if you want to save this miko, just cut open my bellyand take her back."" — What?! I thought you said something about not wanting to be like avillain!"G.o.dou loudly admonished the Great Sage who was smiling frivolously withhis monkey face."If you do these kinds of things to girls, what are you but an evil villain?""Hahaha, what surprising words. But didn"t I already declare yesterday? Iam the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who acts with ferocity and exposesevil, except I don"t want to feel like I am some sort of petty villain!"Having spoken, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven renewed his attacks.So fast! In an instant, he attacked with his palms ten times in succession.G.o.dou was able to use the [Raptor]"s speed to dodge until the ninth hit, butwas struck thereafter.This was a wild beast he had never encountered previously — with amonkey"s agility and attacks that were faster than before.No, that was not all.As the Great S

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