
Chapter 77

Chapter 1 - Smoldering Devil KingsPart 1On this particular day, Alexandre Gascoigne had appeared in Taipei.Taipei — the well-known central city of Taiwan.He had gone to the Ningxia Road Night Market. A night market filled withmerchandise stalls and snack shops. Every night, the market was crowdedwith locals and tourists who came here for the distinctive roadside snacks.People could either eat while standing or sit at tables next to the stalls.However, tonight Alec picked an aged and worn down restaurant instead.Sitting down at a table outside the shop, he arbitrarily ordered a fewdishes. Since this type of night market did not offer much in terms ofalcohol, he brought his own canned beer.Steamed dumplings, boiled dumplings, rice dumplings with meat fillings,spiced sausages, oyster omelettes, etc.Just as the dishes were placed on the table, the one he waited for arrived."...It"s been a while, Alec.""Ah yes. Approximately a year."The other person greeted using Min Nan^ dialect, so Alec replied in thesame language.The one who had arrived was a seventeen oreighteen-year-old girl.Called Cecilia.She was wearing a modest sweater over a white shirt with an una.s.sumingskirt. Even though her face was quite cute, it was lacking in glamor.Alec had become acquainted with her a few years ago when traveling inthe far east. In order to return the favor she owed to Alec that time, shebecame a member of [Royal a.r.s.enal]."Then show up at St. Ives from time to time... Wait a minute, have you everbeen to headquarters? If memory serves me correctly, you haven"t."St. Ives.Where the organization led by Alec, [Royal a.r.s.enal], had located itsheadquarters.Situated in the region of Cornwall on the westernmost tip of England. Itwas a little seaside town."Your memory is correct. I have never met any comrades apart from you."Cecilia spoke with a monotonous and indifferent tone. She was a girl whoseldom showed emotion through her voice or facial expressions."Let"s leave it at that... That said, lazy as you are, you still accepted thisinvitation so readily?""Because I wanted to see you.""Stop joking around. It"s making the beer taste funny."Her joke instantly rejected, Cecilia fell silent.Even though she was essentially a reticent and expressionless girl, shealmost seemed to be showing a bit of resentment.Nevertheless, Alec paid it no mind, because there were more importantmatters."You were the one who communicated a wish to see the Island-FishingNeedle. That"s what you came for, right?"Despite her young age, Cecilia was an outstanding Daoist priestess.Daoists. The term used for those who studied ancient Chinese wizardry,Daoist arts, that had been pa.s.sed down for generations. At the same time,she was well-versed in oriental myths and legends."I don"t mind either way.""Or in other words, that is the sole reason."She was casting that slanted gaze of subtle resentment again. Was theresomething she wanted to say?"This is the Needle in question."Alec did not mind entering the main topic.He took a rod out from his shirt pocket. It had roughly the same length andgirth as a ball point pen, and appeared to be made of beige plastic. Thiswas the divine artifact obtained from j.a.pan, the Heavenly ReverseHalberd."By the way, I"ve mentioned to you before. Myths that probably originatedfrom southern Chinese sea-faring tribes first crossed over to Taiwan, thenspread to southeast Asia, followed by Polynesia and Micronesia. In theprocess they also spread to j.a.pan.""Yes, I remember.""In the creation myths of sea-faring tribes, the world began as an ocean.An endless ocean without any land. At that time, the primordial G.o.d ofcreation lowered a fishing line and fished dry land out of the ocean tocreate islands. That was the birth of land — the story of the country"sfounding."Alec casually explained as he brought food to his mouth with chopsticksbetween gulps of beer."From 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE, the people of the sea traveled south oncrude boats across the Pacific, migrating to various parts of the world. Thisresulted in the scattering of East Asian oceanic creation myths. Of course,this includes j.a.pan.""Izanagi and Izanami"s founding of the country.""Correct. Izanagi and Izanami were on the primordial sea where there wasnothing but minuscule floating and suspended debris. Dipping in theHeavenly Reverse Halberd and stirring, dry land was made to appear,creating the islands of j.a.pan. Well, using a needle as a hook, stirring witha rod, it doesn"t really look the same on first glance...""That doesn"t pose a significant problem."Alec nodded at Cecilia"s brief and casual response.In ancient j.a.pan, the halberd for fishing — there were records of it being atool for catching fish. All of these little stories were identical in essence."This halberd is a divine artifact with the same name. Naturally one wouldthink it is the country founding tool.""Alec intends to investigate this thing?""Yes. I want to find out exactly what powers this artifact holds, and how touse them flexibly."Cecilia coldly remarked to Alec:"No way. Born of mortal flesh, there"s no way we could do that. Give it up?""Not necessarily. Actually I already came up with one or two ideas.""...Really?"Cecilia looked impressed. Beneath her, her pupils were wide open.Alec shrugged at that honest expression of admiration."It"s nothing mind blowing. Deducing from the myths, this thing should be adivine artifact related to the divine aspects of water or land. In that case, ifa similar G.o.d is found somewhere, just use this rod and observe whatchanges may occur, then proceed with verification.""...In any case, don"t do that in this country. Too dangerous."Alec smiled knowingly at her refusal.All along, he had no intention of doing something worthless like that."If that"s the case, only one option remains. Find divine dragon bones thatare related to either the earth or the sea, and use them to make contactwith this thing. To a.s.sist me, first investigate thoroughly all records ofmother earth G.o.ddesses and snake or dragon deities that have manifestedhere in the past hundred years.""...Dragon bones. There is that option indeed. But Alec, trying to find thatkind of thing is even harder than finding G.o.ds.""Hard, but not impossible. It"s worth considering."Listening to his subordinate"s opinion, Alec was completely nonchalant.For the sake of solving all sorts of mysteries, he had stepped foot intomany sacred domains. This level of exploration was merely on the level ofwarm-up exercises."Considering the fact that discovering them could mean avoidingmeaningless battles, it will be far more efficient than searching for a G.o.d.Don"t overlook that.""I didn"t. It"s just that your ideas are very strange."Cecilia was expressing simple and easily-read emotions for once. Shesighed deeply."Alec, you are truly extraordinary. In matters of bringing chaos to the world,no one can surpa.s.s you. Compared to the other Campiones, you aredefinitely ahead."Casual praise. But abjectly notorious."I"m nowhere near as barbaric or reckless as those people. Don"t eventhink of grouping me together with them."Alec could not help but retort displeased.A few days pa.s.sed.Alec was strolling casually in Los Angeles.He had been to Taiwan, the Philippines and even the interior of China. Inthese past days, he had journeyed far and wide across many differentcountries and regions. In the end, he chose to finish his trip here.Alec was operating alone. Having given Cecilia new instructions, he senther off on a separate mission.He took a taxi cab from the airport to the great city on the American westcoast.Los Angeles. An ethnic melting pot. A major economical and industrialstronghold. The city of evil that was swirling with crime. The capital wheredepravity and prosperity vied for domination.Hidden in this "chaotic" city were many whose existences would not betolerated by common reason.Wielders of unnatural abilities who obtained magical powers by sellingmorality and conscience to the devil — sorcerers. Last but not least, therewas John Pluto Smith!Alec did not believe he could avoid dealing with him during this trip toAmerica.Steeling his determination, Alec took the taxi to Samantha University atLos Feliz. He had been there only once, a few years ago. The internallayout of the university had remained completely unchanged.Consequently, everything went smoothly for Alec.Getting off from the taxi, he began making his way without even glancing atthe directory. The route had already been memorized.Arriving at Professor Joe West"s research lab in the modern languagesdepartment, he knocked. Receiving a reply of "Please enter," he pushedthe door open without reservations. Two people were already present.The elderly African-American with the intellectual appearance and aCaucasian woman with fiery red hair.The former was naturally Professor West. A world-renowned researcher offantasy literature and benevolent mage. His power as a fairy doctor wasalso unmatched in Europe.As for that woman, she was most likely Annie Charlton.A student in West"s cla.s.s. The impressive bespectacled beauty who wasthe same age as Alec. A calm and composed character who took actionwith great initiative. She also worked as John Pluto Smith"s subordinate,apparently performing detective work or the like —The Professor seemed to be in shock while his student displayed cautioussurprise.Previously, they had already seen the Campione known as the BlackPrince."I remember today"s visitor should have been a Mr. Gascony introduced byPires-kun. What kind of funny idea is this?"Professor West scrutinized Alec"s face as he spoke."Exactly as was said. I am Alex Gascony. A Frenchman heading to Oxfordfor study, and a student hoping to meet you today. That"s the story."Alec admitted the pretense without reservation. After all, it was likely thatthe fairy doctor would have seen through a disguise. Hence, he openlyshowed the face of the Black Prince and made a visit under an awkwardalias."Hmm. I see."Using the name of Alexandre Gascoigne to make a visit to a facility relatedto John Pluto Smith would have been strange behavior that would easilydevelop into diplomatic problems between Devil Kings.In order to avoid undue alarm, Alec had chosen to arrive in such amanner —Presumably having figured out Alec"s intentions, the Professor shruggedand sighed slightly."I guess I"d better ignore the fact that the name is reminiscent of a certainsomeone who is cause for concern. No, I think I"d better think morecarefully about it!""Come on, at a time like this, formality is more important than substance.Hence this is enough.""Then for what purpose has Mr. Gascony come to this place?"Annie Charlton interrupted.She glared very sharply at Alec. If the Professor was met with danger shewould immediately step forward to protect him. Such resolve was clearlyvisible. What an amazing heroic female."I don"t plan on hanging around for long, so let"s cut to the chase. Dragonbones — or using the way they call it in this city, that would be "Angel"sRemains." Please lend them to me for a brief little while.""What?""What are you intending to do with that sort of thing?"Alec smiled proudly in response to Annie and the Professor"s surprise."For experiment and verification.""Are you planning to bring turmoil to the world again?""So, what are you going to do? Even though I intend to perform an act ofcharity by removing a seed of disaster from the world, people who don"tmind their business would probably disagree. Whether what I described isan act of good or evil, there is no way for you to ascertain."Alec seemed to be deliberately evading Annie"s question."Anyway, I need dragon bones for this reason. Professor, I received newsthat you obtained dragon bones from Sichuan province in China roughlyten years ago. If you"ll lend them out generously, I won"t have to waste anyunnecessary effort. I hope you will consider it."Unnecessary effort. Namely, theft.Whenever there was something he wished to obtain, no matter what kindof wealth, authority, or magic the owner possessed, he would never shyaway from the act of theft. Being concerned with society"s notions ofmorals or common sense was completely not his style."You are a terrible man! Despite your usual serious demeanor andbehavior, once you get into action, you reveal that horrible troublemakingnature of yours!"West shook his head with great annoyance."Very well, As you wish. I will provide you with the "Remains" I possess.""Joe! You cannot decide so rashly!"In response to Annie Charlton"s warning, Joe West answered with deepconsideration."Asherah has perished, and the [King of Flies] is disbanded. Los Angelesis currently celebrating long awaited peace that had not appeared foryears. It"s time to put aside the conflict between Pluto and the BlackPrince. Besides, Annie, I don"t believe he is the kind of Devil King whowould easily resort to theft and take what he wants without warning."In a duel between two Devil Kings, the outcome was completely uncertain.This was not a matter of who was stronger.Because a Campione"s talent lay precisely in seeking victory no matter theodds, achieving success through apparently foolish but bold action.However, the matter of winning or losing was not only limited to "theft."Joe West was correct. This was Black Prince Alec"s personal victory.He was the Devil King of divine speed and the labyrinth. The one whovanquished innumerable foes using suspicious authorities. Furthermore,he was skilled in magic and strategy. This sort of disposition made him themost powerful eccentric thief in history.Finally with great reluctance, Annie nodded in agreement to her teacher"swords.Part 2On a table in the research lab was a shallow dish.In it sat a milky-white little stone."Reportedly, when a [Heretic G.o.d] manifesting on earth loses their materialbody, in extremely rare instances, a portion of their remains survive asflesh and bone. Chinese Daoists call them "Dragon"s Bones" while NorthAmerican magi call them "Angel"s Remains." Isn"t that right?""Ah yes. But of course, flesh and bone that is completely different from anyother creature on earth."As Alec muttered while examining the stone, the Professor replied."When deities pa.s.s on, their bodies either turn into sand and collapse orchange into stone and shatter. On those occasions, if a part maintains itsform by chance, then it becomes worshiped as a sacred relic, to be usedas a ma.s.sive power source for magi. Well, it is an exceptionally rare thingto find."The Professor looked down at the stone in the shallow dish."This was the object found by chance from a place in China where thecreation G.o.ddess Nuwa^ had descended.""Nuwa. Also a mother earth G.o.ddess possessing a "snake" divinity."Alec took out the Heavenly Reverse Halberd from his pocket, and broughtit close to the milky-white stone.The Halberd proceeded to lengthen. From the length of a ballpoint pen itbecame almost a meter long. The change rendered Professor West andAnnie speechless."As expected, it reacted to the mother earth G.o.ddess" remains..."Alec knew from his decade long experience in adventuring.The "remains" of deities carried divine properties far surpa.s.sing divinebeasts in level. They could very well provide the same effect as contactwith a G.o.d —Alec smiled at the smooth progress of his plan.So, how should he use this Halberd? Let"s try stabbing the tip into the floorand see... It went through. It almost felt like sticking a rod into mud.The Heavenly Reverse Halberd"s tip was embedded into the ceramic tiledfloor."Before the founding of the country, amorphous land was floating andsuspended like globules of fat. Izanagi and Izanami were tasked with"maintaining and stabilizing this floating country," and were bestowed theHeavenly Reverse Halberd. The two G.o.ds stood atop the Floating Bridge ofHeaven, inserting this Halberd into the sea, and started to stir..."Alec recalled the pa.s.sage in j.a.panese mythology.He attempted to stir the tiled floor using the Heavenly Reverse Halberd.Amazing. The ceramic tiles gradually lost hardness and cohesion. In thebeginning, it felt like mixing concrete, but gradually the sense of resistancedisappeared, like ice-cream melting."...Melted? Did it lose its form?""Usina the j.a.panese way of description, it should be called the "LeechChild"^ state."The Professor and Alec, as well as Annie who had remained silent all thistime, were all focusing their gaze on this phenomenon.Mere dozens of seconds ago, the ceramic tiles were still a part of the floor.But now they had become a flowing liquid with a color that was hard todescribe. On first glance it appeared transparent and colorless, butcontinued scrutiny found it to be pure white, then glittering with light.Flashing all sorts of colored light, it kept changing colors like akaleidoscope.Within it, all the colors of the human world could be found. Colorlessnesscarrying infinite color."...Gascony. Or rather, Alexandre Gascoigne. What is the "Leech Child"?"Annie suddenly questioned, but not in a student"s manner.Or more accurately, it was like the royal tone of one king questioninganother as equals."That was the deformed child who was the firstborn of j.a.pan"s creatorG.o.ds Izanagi and Izanami. His body was said to be amorphous and lackingin bones. Soon after his birth, he was washed into the ocean and buried indarkness..."As Alec explained, he suddenly had an idea.He reversed the clockwise motion he was using to stir the HeavenlyReverse Halberd, and tried going counterclockwise instead. After stirringfor a while, the sense of resistance gradually increased.The feeling of stirring water soon became that of stirring ice-cream.Then it became like stirring concrete, and finally, completely solid....The ceramic tiles on the floor were restored. Well, except there was aspiral pattern in the center of the tiles, so it was not exactly back to itsoriginal appearance."The "island-fishing" and "country-founding" myths pa.s.sed down in EastAsia and the South Seas.^ Could this Halberd be that divine artifactreappeared...? The key to forming land and even giving birth to the LeechChild..."Alec"s mind was a turbulent sea of recalled facts and imaginings.The strongest [Steel]. The king who manifests at the end of eras. Pastincidents in j.a.pan. The Heavenly Reverse Halberd"s requisite powers.Also, Avalon and Guinevere..."Come to think of it, now should be a perfect opportunity to cut thosecursed ties with that woman..."Alec used the magic of [Dismissal] to dispel the Heavenly ReverseHalberd.This allowed it to be retrieved when necessary by the magic of[Summoning]. European knights used this magic whenever they needed tocarry their swords and lances with them. Alec proceeded to turn to theowner of the lab."My apologies for taking up your time. My matter has finished so let metake my leave.""For us, that is the greatest favor you could do."Towards Alec"s statement, Annie responded with a displeased expression:"Then leave, before you bring disaster to our city. Alexandre Gascoigne, Isincerely hope you never step foot in California ever again!"Leaving the research lab, Alec turned himself into lightning and headedtowards the sea.In order to test the functions of the Heavenly Reverse Halberd again.Satisfied with the results, he decided to spend the night in Los Angeles.It was a room facing the Pacific Ocean, in a high cla.s.s hotel. Havingarranged room service and finished his meal, his bed was alreadyprepared.However, Alec was sitting on a chair by the window, deep in thought.Traveling to the west coast of North America all the way from East Asia, hewas both exhausted and jetlagged. Be that as it may, there was still amountain of matters to consider.Alec had cast "barrier" magic in the room beforehand.Simple magic for warning about the approach of danger. Nevertheless, itwas more than sufficient for the Campione of divine speed. Whetherfleeing, fighting, or confusing the enemy, the choice was up to him. As aresult, Alec simply spoke indifferently when the magic alarm sounded."If you want to visit at night, shouldn"t you call first?""This level of rudeness is completely acceptable for a gentleman"s roomthat was booked under a fake name. Avoiding unnecessary toil is mystyle."What kind of mystic technique or method had been used?What should have been a locked window was now flung open, causing thecurtains to flutter in the wind.Casually stepping in from outside the window was a black-maskedeccentric. Furthermore, this room was on the tenth floor of a high-risehotel.The mask"s visor had a design reminiscent of insectoid eyes.Under the cape which resembled a demonic bird"s wings, an eccentricperson was dressed in an opera-style high cla.s.s outfit."Gascoigne. You and I had agreed to a non-aggression pact. Does yourcurrent visit not violate those terms?"John Pluto Smith. The dark Devil King who lorded over Los Angeles hadappeared."I"m not visiting as Alexandre Gascoigne... I have already communicatedthis fact to your subordinates.""From the abysmal att.i.tude you showed to my friends at the lab, thisstatement of yours is as good as junk."Smith shrugged his black-caped shoulders. It was an exaggerated motionthat one would find in a theatre performance.The ordinary hotel room had essentially been turned into a theatrical stage."In the coastal waters of Los Angeles... In the Channel Islands" vicinity, anisland not recorded in maps had suddenly appeared. This strangephenomenon happened around 1500 hours today.""Oh?""Furthermore, at around 1700 hours, this island suddenly vanished again.""Really?""It was reported to me by a benevolent mage who sensed ma.s.sive magicalpower and deliberately went to investigate. By the way, Gascoigne, youseem to be personally carrying a divine artifact?""Purely coincidence. So what?"Alec replied nonchalantly."With regard to this matter, it"s in your best interests not to get in my way.""That really sounds oh so attractive... What are you planning, Gascoigne?"The mask"s visor glared at Alec"s handsome face."It is true that your grand imagination and initiative are your strong points.However, if memory serves me, you have never applied those strengthstowards anything apart from personal hobbies. Even one such as I,believes that you need to be treated with caution.""Stop talking nonsense. I am neither as self-centered nor as destructive aspeople say I am.""That I can agree. However, compared to common morality, you placegreater importance on your personal aesthetic ideals. Furthermore, yourreckless, inconsiderate, and troublemaking personality is exactly asrumored. Hence I believe public opinion cannot be dismissed.""...Eh.""Consequently, trusting you unconditionally would be equivalent to adangerous gamble."Alec smacked his lips, declining to retort.This melodramatic cosplay maniac was different from China"s freakishlystrong girl or Italy"s idiot. If one were to offer negotiations, this man could atleast be counted on to respond rationally. The agenda must be pushed."How about eliminating the leader of the Divine Ancestors? A plan to rootout and cleanse the seeds of trouble. This should have personal relevanceto you.""Divine Ancestor. A term last heard many months ago.""Entrenched in North America, sorcerers have been cla.s.sified into variousfactions. One of them is composed of witches who worshiped as queensthe European Divine Ancestors of old. That group of witches crossed overfrom Europe to the American continent during pioneering days, andwreaked much havoc."Alec brought up the dark side of history known only to magi.Of course, Smith was well aware of it. After all, the [King of Flies] he hadspent the last few years fighting was a faction of sorcerers related to witchlineages.Finally, the black-masked king nodded and went "True.""These witches" secretive activities and troublemaking preparations,caused the Protestant clergy to enter a pathological fervor on witch hunts.This resulted in the torture of many innocent women. A most tragic event.""...So, Gascoigne."The mask"s visor pointed straight at Alec as Smith began to speak."In other words, is this what you are proposing? The Divine Ancestors, whostill hold great influence over sorcerers — in order to deal them adevastating blow, I should turn a blind eye to your secretive dealings.""Ah yes. You don"t want to fight a second Asherah, right?""Hmm."Smith paused silently for a brief moment, then began to mutter slowly."True, this is mutually beneficial. However.""What is it? Do you need evidence that I am speaking the truth?""Demanding that from a man like you would be useless. Only becauseyour wit and imagination are indeed exemplary. However, whenunexpected incidents flare up, it is also true that you abandon thosequalities without hesitation.""That"s not abandoning. It"s just ad-libbing in response to changingsituations!"Alec could not help but make a violent outburst at the accusation."Our opponents have always been G.o.ds and our peers, the Campiones.Precisely because common sense and logic are never applicable to theseopponents, reacting flexibly is only natural.""Well. I can"t disagree with that... But for you, being flexible can result inthe original plan going completely awry. Probably that time when the fakeGrail had appeared, you began taking reckless action on your own, andignored your negotiations with that Princess."Princess.Naturally, Smith was referring to the former spokesperson of England"sWitenagemot, daughter of Duke G.o.doddin, Alice Louise of Navarre.Alec could not believe that that woman had disclosed their secretagreement so easily...!Alec was secretly incensed by Smith"s sarcastic tone. However."Having said that, I am also well aware that Alexandre Gascoigne"s plansdo succeed on occasion, numerous times... Very well, I shall turn a blindeye to your rudeness this time.""Really. Then I apologize."Alec calmed down from Smith"s words. Even though he was nowhere nearas melodramatic as that masked eccentric, the Black Prince was also arather vain Campione.Having ended the conversation, John Pluto Smith bowed elegantly and leftthrough the window.Exactly how a famous actor would exit the stage after the curtain call.In less than twenty seconds, Alec took a brief glance out of the window,but there were no signs of the black-caped black-masked hero. He hadvanished like a puff of smoke."Still a man who comes and goes so mysteriously."After grumbling to himself, Alec took out his cellphone.He made an international call to his trusted subordinate in England, SirIceman.Alec succinctly summed up for the legendary knight the "plan" he hadcrystallized over the past few hours. For the organization leader to beabroad for extended periods of time, strategizing and taking actionpersonally, Sir Iceman could only lament against the reckless plan."...Also, protests against your activities have been received from thoseworking under j.a.pan"s Campione. They demand us to disclose thewhereabouts of Alexandre Gascoigne which we don"t even know. Wemanaged to contain the situation for now.""Ignore them. I will handle it directly later."To be on the safe side, Alec quickly added:"Just handle things at headquarters as usual. If Kusanagi G.o.dou intrudesin a rage, retreat immediately. There is no need to directly confrontdisasters such as G.o.d-slayers. As much as possible, just let him waste hisenergy.""As you wish. With the leader absent, that"s the best we could do anyway."Alec retorted coldly in reply to Iceman"s sarcasm."Don"t say it like that. In order to permanently sever this ill fate withGuinevere, taking back what is owed is only right. It would be stupid towaste an opportunity to lay a trap for that woman. So let me act as I wishfor a while."This was late at night on Thursday in Los Angeles.At the same time, it was early Friday evening in j.a.pan due to the timedifference. Furthermore, the Campione who lived in the east had alreadybegun his move.Part 3One week had gone by since Athena had pa.s.sed away in j.a.pan.During this time, the world"s busiest Devil King was Alexandre Gascoigne.On the other hand, j.a.pan"s Kusanagi G.o.dou carried on with his ordinarylife.No matter what, he was still a student. Going to school was his duty.However, that did not mean he was leading a peaceful life. In fact, it couldvery well be described as the opposite.The upcoming and Sunday were part of a long weekend alongwith Monday. During this time, G.o.dou had been making preparations withgreat determination. The entire detailed story follows.It was the following night after G.o.dou had fought Lancelot and seenAthena off as she pa.s.sed away.G.o.dou was greatly surprised to read the arrived letter."Seeing as this object piques this humble servant"s interest, one shall retaincustody for now. By this simple expression of borrowing intent, yourconsent would be most desirable. The object in question shall be returnedafter thorough experimentation. Should the object in question be deemedto require our protection, the experiment could possibly be extended, onehumbly prays for your understanding — Alexandre Gascoigne."This letter had been delivered to the History Compilation Committee.Signed Alexandre Gascoigne, the Campione who had taken the HeavenlyReverse Halberd by force. G.o.dou recalled that the guy was nicknamedsomething like Black Prince Alec."...In other words, he"s saying "I borrowed it because it interested me, sodon"t be offended if I happen to decide not to return it." What the heck, thisguy!"G.o.dou objected as he finished the letter.It had reportedly been sent via magic to the Sayanomiya residence atSanbanchou in Tokyo"s Chiyoda ward.After returning from Kisarazu, he did not head home immediately butvisited the Sayanomiya residence to examine Alec"s letter and discusstheir next move."So this is Black Prince Alec"s infamous "borrowing note"? This is my firsttime seeing one."The one grumbling was the next Sayanomiya family head, SayanomiyaKaoru.Occupying the drawing room in the house were the three: thecross-dressing beauty, G.o.dou and Erica.A three-person emergency meeting. Ena had been forcibly hospitalized foroveruse of divine possession. Yuri and Liliana were still at the hospitalundergoing examinations for sequelae from the petrification. Amakasu hadalso gone out to oversee the handling of the aftermath."That guy has apparently done this kind of stuff many times, right?""Yes, that person has plundered sacred treasures and divine artifactscollected by various European magic a.s.sociations. His explanation isalways "Now this is interesting, let me check it out.""Erica shrugged as she answered G.o.dou"s question."He prefers dramatically penetrating heavy security to steal after a priordeclaration of intent. Unless there was no opportunity to put on a goodshow, then he simply leaves a borrowing note and takes by force. Also,items of particular significance are never returned but kept and displayedat his a.s.sociation [Royal a.r.s.enal].""It"s said he boasts of imitating the style of traditional British imperialism."England"s pride, the British Museum.Within it was displayed a mult.i.tude of artifacts plundered from variousplaces around the world, a rather well-known fact...So that Campione was deliberately imitating it. G.o.dou was reminded of thedescription "the eccentric man with dismal character" that he had heardbefore."The English Campione, no mistake about it, right?""Yes. It is often rumored that amongst the seven Devil Kings, his interestswere slightly different from the others."Kaoru answered as she gave Erica a glance."Regarding this matter, shouldn"t Erica-san be particularly informed?""That"s right. We European magi have been greatly troubled ever sincethat particular person became a Campione twelve years ago."Erica began to lead the conversation."Marquis Voban, Her Eminence Luo Hao, Sir Salvatore, John PlutoSmith-sama, and Kusanagi G.o.dou. These five are all "warriors." They onlyshine with true radiance and feel satisfaction during battle. But limited toG.o.ds or other Campiones as opponents, of course.""...Can you stop grouping me with those people so easily?"Even though G.o.dou complained about the inappropriate example, Ericacontinued unfazed."Since the Black Prince is a Campione after all, I believe he has to be a"warrior." But from the way he acts, he is also an "explorer" and an"adventurer" at the same time.""Explorer and adventurer...?"G.o.dou began to ponder the unexpected description."So you mean that guy not only lives to fight, but also seeks meaning in lifeby challenging mysteries and dangerous things?""An apt description. Indeed it is so. Thus resulting in this note we weretalking about.""It"s not that different from that idiot Doni who keeps saying "have a littleduel with me, please"..."G.o.dou continued to grumble as he looked at the note Erica was referringto."However, why did he steal the Heavenly Reverse Halberd? Could heintend to give it to Guinevere"s gang?""I consider that extremely unlikely. The Black Prince has been enemieswith Guinevere for many years.""If that"s the case, then let"s just put aside for now the issue of thatGascoigne guy."Hearing Erica"s answer, G.o.dou remarked."If the Heavenly Reverse Halberd is in his hands, Guinevere and hergroup"s attentions should be focusing on him, right? Then during this timewe can prepare for other things.""Other things?""Yes. To prepare for the battle against that guy — Lancelot."G.o.dou a.s.serted in response to Kaoru"s question.Hearing the war G.o.d"s name, both the cross-dressing beauty and Ericanodded."Even though it is baseless intuition... I believe that guy will come to j.a.panagain for a fight. I want to be ready when the time comes."Lancelot du Lac who had killed Athena.Without even thinking, G.o.dou had declared he will fight that G.o.d again.Furthermore, his heart believed that day would not be far away.Or perhaps, it was a G.o.d-slayer"s instincts that made the prediction.In that case, forging the [Sword] in preparation for Lancelot"s duel wasimperative.The following day was Monday.Yuri and Liliana missed cla.s.s because their checkup at the hospital hadbeen extended.Then came Tuesday. a.s.sured that they were fine, the two had returned toschool.On this day, G.o.dou and the rest were having lunch in the courtyard.Even though they had been meeting for lunch on the roof all along, it wasnow the middle of November.The blowing wind had become rather chilly so they changed their lunchlocation to the courtyard. Since the surroundings were enclosed by thebuildings" walls, it was quite warm as long as there was direct sunlight.Having sat down for lunch, G.o.dou received the report of "Black PrinceAlec, whereabouts unknown.""G.o.dou, you asked me to express your displeasure concerning thisincident, right?""Ah yes.""Hence, [Royal a.r.s.enal] had been contacted. As their second-in-command,Sir Iceman acknowledged the Black Prince"s appearance in j.a.pan whichoccurred two days ago."Erica reported with a glum expression."They expressed ignorance as to the Black Prince"s current whereabouts.""Normally, when an organization"s leader is absent, shouldn"t they knowexactly where he is instead?"G.o.dou exclaimed in surprise.Where did Black Prince Alec disappear to after stealing the HeavenlyReverse Halberd from Amakasu? The History Compilation Committee"sspecial agents also seemed unable to find out. What a mystery."In actual fact, Sir Iceman happens to be acquainted with my EsteemedUncle since childhood. Here are his exact words."A legendary knight on the same level as Erica"s uncle, Paolo Blandelli."My utmost apologies. Alexandre Gascoigne has completely ignored ourefforts to contact him for the past few days, and his status is currentlyunknown. It is most regrettable, but it happens quite often unfortunately.""In that case, the only option is to wait for him to contact us. Our chief"slocation, what he"s doing, facing what kind of danger... We usually find outonly after the fact. And this time, even j.a.pan"s Campione has expressedhis displeasure. Really, my stomach pains are going to kill me..."Those were the words of the man known as Sir Iceman.Listening to the voice through the phone, Erica could not discern any intentto conceal the truth. Rather, it felt like she was catching a glimpse of aloyal va.s.sal"s troubles over an excessively unruly master."I too, have heard stories of Prince Alec"s excessive preference for actingalone, often leaving his subordinates behind. In that case, it could very wellbe the truth."Liliana spoke as she opened the lunch basket."Of course, the possibility that he is deliberately hiding the truth remains.But still, their explanation is quite plausible."Liliana glanced at G.o.dou as she handed the hamburger over to him.Held between two pieces of bread was a beef patty, tomatoes, lettuce,bacon, avocado, and cheese, secured with a plastic toothpick.Other than that, she had also prepared pickles, onion rings and more.Despite the sumptuous menu, rather than eating, G.o.dou was moreconcerned about the knight"s att.i.tude."What"s with that strange look?""Ah, no. I was just thinking whether all the various Campiones were naturaltroublemakers without exception.""It really is true. They are a group to whom common sense cannot beapplied."Why was even Yuri gazing at G.o.dou as she spoke?Recently, it felt like the girls around him were increasing the frequency ofsuch biting commentary... It always gave G.o.dou an uneasy feeling."Anyway, it"s unclear where in the world Black Prince Alec is currentlylocated. That person has the ability to fly around like lightning. Even if hehad been traveling from the Arctic to Antarctica these few days, it wouldcome as no surprise."In a rare moment, Erica declared defeat as she gracefully received andsipped the tea handed to her by Yuri."A genius who can move and act instantaneously in a composed manner.Acting as if the surrounding people would just get up and follow him. Hadhe been the boss of Amadeus Mozart, he would have made a really goodrole model.""Let"s just put that guy"s issues aside for now. No matter what, handling theproblem of Lancelot would be the most practical course of action.""Heretic Lancelot is a very difficult to understand divinity."Liliana said to G.o.dou as he pondered."He only acts as a guardian for an extremely rare number of top witches,protecting them secretly. Neither Erica nor I know what his prototype is.""I have something to say to G.o.dou regarding this."Erica interrupted."If you want to find out the secrets of witches, just go ahead and ask awitch. Since this is a secret not even Liliana knows, the candidates forcounsel are obviously limited, right? Hence, I"ve already attempted tocontact that person, and received a response of "I can offer a.s.sistance ona personal level."""That person?""Yes. The highborn one in London."G.o.dou nodded. After the battle with the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, hehad heard about her origins. Amongst those he was acquainted with, theonly witches surpa.s.sing Liliana were Lucretia Zola and that person."That person also said, "if you want to approach the mystery of HereticLancelot, bring the miko over.""Hearing Erica pa.s.sing along the message, G.o.dou looked to the YamatoNadeshiko sitting on his left.Miko. Of course it meant Mariya Yuri. G.o.dou immediately spoke:"May I trouble you, Mariya?""Y-Yes. Of course you may!"Yuri nodded and blushed for some reason."As long as G.o.dou-san wishes... No matter where, I will alwaysaccompany you...""That"d be a great help. Thank you very much.""Even though it bears no mentioning, I will come as well. To take on therole of contacting that person, the prime candidate is obviously your knight,Erica Blandelli.""Of course. Things would be difficult without you there."G.o.dou instantly agreed to Erica"s interruption. The thought of the blondered maiden not accompanying him never crossed his mind."Liliana, can I leave travel preparations in your hands?""You, Erica and Mariya Yuri. That is three in number, right? ...Umm, canyou tell me if you will be needing one more person...?"The one who called herself Grand Chamberlain, Liliana, answered ratherawkwardly."Isn"t that a strange thing to ask?""Y-Yes. Well then, it is decided."After hearing G.o.dou"s deliberately ambiguous response, Lilianaimmediately brightened up in mood.Travel preparations would be made for four people. Next they only had towait for the day of departure — Just as G.o.dou nodded to himself..."But G.o.dou-san, are you planning to go this weekend?""Ah yes, that"s the plan.""You already spent last weekend away from home. Will everyone in theKusanagi household allow this?"Only when prompted by Yuri"s worried reminder did G.o.dou finally realize.Last week he had spent two consecutive nights away from home on Fridayand due to the battles with Athena and Lancelot. If he set off afterschool this Friday, it would be having excursions two weeks in a row.Any normal high school student"s family would never allow such a thing.In this regard, the Mariya family which supported their daughter"sresponsibilities as a Hime-Miko, as well as the Blandelli and Kranjcarfamilies which do not have guardians in the first place, were quite atypical.However."I don"t know if I should feel lucky or not, but the guardians in my family arequite unusual so there shouldn"t be a problem."As he imagined the responses of the Kusanagi household, G.o.douexplained without a worry.If his mother Kusanagi Mayo was being asked for permission to go on atrip:"Oh? Don"t bother bringing back souvenirs. I"m not interested in food I don"tlike. If you insist on a gift no matter what, I"ll only accept alcohol."Something like that. She would answer without even caring to ask wherethe destination was.If his grandfather Kusanagi Ichirou was being asked for permission to goon a trip, he would probably smile suddenly and gaze at G.o.dou like somesort of accomplice.My legal guardians are truly extraordinary. G.o.dou marveled in surprise ashe imagined."However, would your little sister Shizuka not say anything? Actuallyyesterday, during the tea ceremony club"s activities, she was very angrybecause G.o.dou-san spent the night outside without even telling her whereyou went.""...Eh? Her, something like that happened?"Little sister Kusanagi Shizuka. G.o.dou was greatly surprised to hear theunexpected name.Now that he thought about it, she did complain to him when he returnedfrom Kisarazu."Right. She"s the one person who belongs in the normal category."G.o.dou muttered as he hugged his shoulders.Well, she was also the little sister who had shown remarkable potentialduring the Kusanagi clan"s new year celebration by nonchalantly opening abottle of whisky."Man, I"d better find a suitable excuse, or else..."He could not let his family worry. G.o.dou grumbled as he thought tohimself."So, would you like me to intercede with Shizuka on your behalf?""Mariya?""Yes. I shall tell her that a matter urgently requires G.o.dou-san"sa.s.sistance, and that you need to go somewhere a little far."Yuri suggested with a calm smile.That"s right. Under the pretext of helping friends, perhaps Shizuka couldempathize. Because the younger sister had such a compet.i.tive spirit, sheloved making fusses over nothing."That could work. Thanks a lot, Mari — ""I don"t want to rain on your parade, but I would suggest otherwise. If youseriously go that route, it will only pour oil over the fire.""It is as Erica says. Please do not make unnecessary provocations towardsan injured beast."Erica and Liliana both voiced their objections to Yuri"s proposal."Actually, I think if this reason was used, my little sister wouldn"t object.""Yes. Little sister Shizuka is a person with a gentle heart..."G.o.dou and Yuri were mystified."Gentleness is irrelevant here.""The problem here lies in using Yuri to bail you out. Naturally, using eitherLiliana or my name won"t work either. You"re going to have to find a moreeffective excuse, G.o.dou... Well, if worse comes to worst, you can simplyleave without saying a word, thereby preventing any resistance inparticular."The genius negotiator, the [Diavolo Rosso], shrugged.No matter what, ignoring the little sister too much was a bad idea. Whatshould G.o.dou do?Wednesday arrived the following day, but G.o.dou had yet to come up withan explanation for his sister.G.o.dou went to visit Seishuuin Ena.Having fought desperately on her own in the battles a few days ago, Enawas about to return to her ancestral home at Chichibu for recuperation.G.o.dou had heard that her body had acc.u.mulated an extraordinary amountof fatigue and injury due to overusing divine possession."Yes, even though it"s true my body continues to feel quite heavy, it"s stillbarely okay, and I"m fine with going along with Your Majesty. But I can"tbelieve everyone wants to lock up poor Ena in the old home!"The Hime-Miko of the Sword voiced her displeasure to the visitor G.o.dou.She was on a hospital bed."Seishuuin, you worked very hard already and should rest properly now.Erica has returned so you don"t have to worry about me.""That may be true, but Ena still wants to stay with Your Majesty."In a rare moment, Ena was acting cute like a spoiled child as she pleadedwith G.o.dou.Maybe she was feeling lonely and worried due to her weakened body?G.o.dou placed his hand on Ena"s shoulder and persuaded her gently."If you force yourself too much and wreck your health, I will be verytroubled. I want to be together with a lively and healthy Seishuuin. Soplease, get some rest obediently during this time.""Mmm, come on... I can"t believe you"d say it like that, Your Majesty is sosly."Faced with G.o.dou"s sincere request, Ena pouted as she nodded."No matter how reluctant I am, this is the request of my husband after all.Ena will rest properly.""1-1 see. I"m sorry it has to be like this."Even though G.o.dou grew frantic at being called her husband, he smiledwith rea.s.surance."However, if there is a next time... Ena needs a kiss, oh? Otherwise, Enawill not listen to Your Majesty"s orders ever again."Shyly throwing a little tantrum, Ena was irresistibly cute. Nevertheless, thatwas a truly problematic demand.Panicking as he tried to come up with an answer to muddle throughambiguously, G.o.dou was instantly trapped by Ena."Because this is a promise. Keep your word properly!"Despite the unexpected development, G.o.dou managed to convince Ena torecuperate obediently without issue.The remaining problem was Shizuka. He was in big trouble this time.Would he need to resort to departing unannounced? G.o.dou continued tocontemplate the troublesome issue.Part 4Thursday arrived at last, the day prior to departure.Walking home from school, G.o.dou had almost resigned himself to leavewithout telling Shizuka, but an encounter with the childhood friend changedthe situation."Hey G.o.dou, you came at the right time."Walking along the shopping street in Nezu Sanchoume, he was stoppedby his twin-tailed childhood friend with the forceful personality, TokunagaAsuka.She must have just returned from school as well, since she was still inTokyo Metropolitan High"s uniform."Early next month is Shizuka-chan"s birthday, right? Have you prepared agift?""...Now that you brought it up, yeah you"re right."Asuka instantly frowned at his answer."Look at you. You must have forgotten completely. Unbelievable! So ofcourse, you still haven"t gotten a gift, right?""Uhyeah, nothing at all.""Oh come on! If you take such sloppy care of girls, even if it"sShizuka-chan, she will be angry for sure. You"re a really useless olderbrother!"As always, Asuka was scolding mercilessly."Taking care and whatnot... She"s family, my sister, right? I shouldn"t needto take great pains, right?""It"s how you should act as a man."Really? G.o.dou began to ponder Asuka"s words with a "Hmm.""Well, fine. How about going shopping for a gift with me this weekend?Which day would be better for you, or Sunday? But I"ll need towork on, so only the morning is free."Making plans on her own before G.o.dou could respond, Asuka proposedwith great ferocity."Sorry, I"ve already got plans this weekend. Neither nor Sundayworks."G.o.dou refused.Since he had long distance travel plans, there was no time to spare forAsuka."Shopping only takes an hour or two, right? You can"t even spare a littletime like that?""I need to make a brief trip abroad... And all sorts of troubles will be comingup later. I feel like it"d be a disaster if I can"t handle that guy properly, so Ihave no choice but to go."Unable to give out any details, G.o.dou could only word things ambiguously.Will she accept this explanation? Just as G.o.dou worried over what heshould add to the explanation, Asuka sighed deeply with a great "hah~""Oh fine. Then let"s go shopping the following week. That"s not a problem,right?""Right. Nothing"s planned. But I can"t guarantee emergencies won"t comeup.""Worry about it when the time comes. We"ll just adapt flexibly as thingschange. Then let"s decide the details next week."G.o.dou was amazed at the childhood friend"s response. He could notbelieve she did not raise a fuss over his explanation.Asuka was someone whose scoldings had always been as common asgreetings to him. She proceeded to remark knowingly:"Since you described it that way, you must be going on a trip for the sakeof friends, right? All things considered, you were a guy who went all theway to Kanazawa to help out a friend in need back when you were only insixth grade.""Ah yeah. Now that you brought it up, something like that did happen."It was a nostalgic memory he had almost forgotten.At the time, a friend of G.o.dou and Asuka"s had run into trouble aftertransferring to Kanazawa (the one in Ishikawa prefecture, naturally)... AndG.o.dou departed after leaving a voice message of "Just gonna have alook."G.o.dou had originally planned to go alone, but Asuka went along becauseshe was worried.The Tokunaga family went into an uproar, believing "Could they haveeloped!?" As a side note, the Kusanagi family seemed to have reacted with"Nothing special really" in complete nonchalance."Those fleeting footsteps of yours really scared me. And I was completelyawed by your savings which did not match your ident.i.ty as an elementaryschooler. By the way, I"ve heard about your victories in the strangecontests held during the Kusanagi clan"s New Year gatherings, who knewyou could gamble and win money from that..."It was true indeed. The entire travel expenses of the two elementaryschoolers were borne by G.o.dou alone.Asuka had not brought enough money but G.o.dou turned out to be ratherwell off.Every New Year"s, the entire Kusanagi clan gathered for a banquetfollowed by a mix of oriental and occidental games including Hanafuda,cee-lo, backgammon, poker, mahjong. Children were supposed to beforbidden from partic.i.p.ating, but somehow G.o.dou was able to slip past thatrestriction at the age of six.In the beginning, he partic.i.p.ated mostly for fun.However, after trying it out and winning big, he was forced to partic.i.p.ateevery year thereafter as the adults said "this year you will be defeated" intheir quest for restored honor. G.o.dou"s successes were probably thanks tothe tricks taught by the elderly distant relative who had been the subject ofthe legend of Kantou"s strongest gambler in his youth.G.o.dou kept his winnings as rule-breaking "New Year"s money" and savedit all up. This became something of a tradition.Next New Year"s, it"s probably time they start giving me a break, thoughtG.o.dou."So, make sure you"re free next Since her birthday will be heresoon, do try to be more mindful of Shizuka-chan"s affairs, okay?"Asuka went home after offering this advice.Well, Asuka"s not that bad after all. G.o.dou once again reaffirmed thequalities of his childhood friend.Arriving back home, he found Shizuka who happened to be drinking tea inthe living room."Ah, Onii-chan. Welcome home. You came back early today."Seeing his sister, G.o.dou suddenly had an idea. Why not try out Asuka"sadvice for once?"Hey Shizuka, I"m going to be spending this coming weekend at a friend"splace, so I probably won"t be home from Friday to Sunday.""Eh!? Onii-chan is staying outside overnight again!?"As expected, Shizuka entered a rather dangerous mood."I"m sorry, there was something planned last week that couldn"t becancelled no matter what. However, I will be free on the 3rd of next month.Where should we go out for some fun? Let"s also ask Asuka out as wellsince it"s been a while."December 3rd was the birthday of Kusanagi Shizuka.Shizuka was unimpressed by G.o.dou"s sudden proposal."W-What do you think you"re doing? Could it be, you are trying to use thisto hide something!?""There"s nothing to hide. Since I"ve been away from home so muchrecently, we haven"t had as much time to spend together. Wouldn"t it benice once in a while?"G.o.dou recalled his childhood memories when the two of them would oftenplay together.Since both parents were always busy with work, the mother had movedback into her old home after the divorce, and so the grandfather becamethe "guardian," resulting in a decrease in opportunities for the siblings tospend time together alone.This was one of the reasons why Shizuka was overly sensitive about herbrother"s conduct.Perhaps in her mind, the brother was the only one who would never leaveher side. But that was too naive a notion. Hence, G.o.dou would try as muchas possible to show her some care.Finding her brother slightly repentant, Shizuka angrily turned her faceaway."Onii-chan is really terrible, saying something like this, you don"t treasureme at all. I have plans too, so don"t just suddenly say this kind of stuff.""Suddenly? Isn"t this advance enough in notice?""Despite how I look, I"m actually quite occupied. However, if Onii-chanrepents your infamous poor conduct by that time and goes out with the littlesister for some joyous fun, it"s not like time can"t be squeezed out from herschedule."In other words, going out together was fine?How troublesome of her. But then again, this style of speaking was verymuch in Shizuka"s character. As he pondered how this obvious lack ofhonesty made her unbelievably cute, G.o.dou replied:"Ah yes, I"ve repented and changed my ways, so let"s make things like oldtimes once in a while, okay?""Hmph, suddenly saying something so reasonable, it"s very suspicious. Butit would be a shame if Onii-chan"s repentance were to be wasted. Let"sspend this year"s birthday together. But you have to remember! If yourconduct becomes strange again, I will mercilessly ignore you next year!"The little sister declared as she furiously continued to keep her face turnedaway.G.o.dou replied "Til remember." At the end of his wits, he displayed a smileat the same time.And so G.o.dou finally resolved all the pressing personal problems, and wasprepared to set off.At last, the weekend arrived — it was Friday after school.Kusanagi G.o.dou brought his luggage and left for Haneda Airport.Accompanying him were the three girls, Erica Blandelli, Mariya Yuri andLiliana Kranjcar.The destination was England"s Heathrow Airport. Plane tickets and otherpreparations had all been arranged through the History CompilationCommittee"s hospitable efforts.Towards London, for the sake of meeting the witch of the highest rank,Princess Alice. A journey began once more.References1. t Min Nan(IIM): a family of Chinese languages spoken in Taiwanand parts of mainland China such as southern Fujian, easternGuangdong, Hainan, and southernZhejiang. t Nuwa(:£JE): a G.o.ddess in ancient Chinese mythology best knownfor creating mankind and repairing the wall ofheaven. t Leech Child(4i-?-): p.r.o.nounced "Hiruko," the original name ofEbisu(HJ:b2I), the j.a.panese G.o.d of fishermen, luck, and workingmen,as well as the guardian of the health of small children. He was bornwithout bones and the first child of Izanagi andlzanami. t South Seas(j^n¥): the Chinese name for the geographical regionsouth of China, particularly Southeast Asia. The term came intocommon usage in self-reference to the large ethnic Chinese migrantpopulation in Southeast Asia, to be more precise, in Singapore, thePhilippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, andVietnam. region)

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