
Chapter 140


After G.o.dou and the other"s battle ended, the world welcomed peace oncemore — Of course that was impossible.Early fifth-century Europe was a war-torn era to begin with. The embers ofwar and turmoil scattered in various places were being lit ablaze. Orperhaps, they were already burning with great intensity.It was clearly very dangerous if the modern Campiones continued to lingerin this era."They"re all individually capable of destroying armies by themselves toestablish their own country.""Also, it"s absolutely impossible for these three — G.o.dou, Sir Salvatore andMadame Aisha — to live in seclusion together, right?""As expected, returning as soon as possible is imperative.""E-Excuse me, everyone. Saying such things so loudly seems to be a bit..."After the battle, Ena, Erica and Liliana were all nodding at one another.Despite raising objections cautiously, Yuri was not defending anyone inparticular.That said, they were unable to return immediately to the modern world.Madame Aisha"s "corridor" only opened on the night of a full moon. Also,the night after the "King of the End" disappeared was a crescent moon,which meant they needed to wait half a month for the next full moon.After learning of the situation, a certain man smiled frivolously."Just use the same method as when we came here. All I need to do ismake that corridor go berserk and the entrance will automatically open,then it"ll suck us all in, right?""Who knows if the same thing will happen as last time, so that"s a definiteno!""Oh well, whatever. But waiting half a month is too boring.""This will proceed firmly no matter how boring!"Naturally, G.o.dou immediately rejected Doni"s opinion and chose thehonest route of "waiting."However, there were other things that needed to be handled during thisperiod. Namely, returning to Colonia Agrippina to disband the alliance ofthe Franks of which Doni and Madame Aisha had a.s.sumed the role ofgreat chieftain.This turned out to be surprisingly difficult.G.o.dou originally thought that the matter could be easily dealt with usingMadame Aisha"s charm authority."1-1 already expressed my wish to retire, but pushed by everyone"s zeal, Iended up going back again!"The main culprits included the woman who uttered this comebackdeclaration as well as certain people who intended to have her resume thegreat chieftain"s role as "Salvatore Doni the Second."While they were busy handling these matters, more and more peoplebegan to worship Kusanagi G.o.dou as one of the city"s bigshots.They all regarded G.o.dou as Colonia Agrippina"s ruler in practice. For somereason, the number of servants (female) working in G.o.dou"s residencedoubled.Influential people from neighboring areas would frequently bring beautifulwomen along to offer their "greetings" at the residence. Such was thestrange situation that evolved.During this time, although Erica, Yuri, Liliana and Ena had some slightdisputes between the four of them, G.o.dou still managed to live his dayspeacefully —Before he knew it, the night of the full moon was already fast upon them.The corridor was located in Uldin"s forest.That night, G.o.dou"s group informed the Hunnic G.o.dslayer of their"departure."With Liliana present, reaching that place did not take much time. Duringthe daylight hours of that day, the modern time travelers all paid Uldin"sfortress a visit. The liberal Uldin prepared a feast in advance to wait for thegroup"s arrival."Well, I can smell the scent of war spreading from various places. Rightnow, I"m considering how to handle those cities downstream."Uldin spoke while b.u.mping cups with G.o.dou who was drinking water.The Hunnic Devil King"s base of operations in this forest was located onthe Rhine"s sh.o.r.e while Augusta Raurica, Colonia Agrippina and manyother Roman colonial cities were situated downstream on the of thisriver.Uldin was literally the most powerful person in the Rhine basin"s area."Since you are leaving, comrade, it can"t be helped. Why don"t I simplytake my tribe to visit various places, thereby using this opportunity to find aman fit to be my proxy? Not a bad idea. Perhaps I might end up nurturing apromising child."No way — While listening to Uldin speak, G.o.dou began to imagine.A person nurtured in such a manner could very well end up as "Attila, thegreat king of the Huns" one day, leaving his name in history while beingprotected by Devil King Uldin."By the way, comrade, I saw your battle against the war G.o.d who washolding the strange blade.""Just as expected, huh."G.o.dou was told that during that battle, Uldin had also visited the vicinity ofColonia Agrippina.In that case, being able to scout the Franks and the "hero whoexterminated all G.o.dslayers" was no surprise as long as he sent out thosepterosaurs. G.o.dou nodded."It is quite unclear how strong he is. However... It"s quite strange howeasily he exited the stage in contrast to that t.i.tle.""Even if that guy turns into a sword, it looks like he"ll still reawaken again."One day, the "King of the End" was going to fight the G.o.dslayers of thisera. Not Kusanagi G.o.dou.G.o.dou told Uldin these warnings as a parting gift."That"s why it"s possible that you"ll meet that guy in the future.""Got it. When the time comes, I will be very careful. When we saw that warG.o.d together, Ruska also spoke a strange oracle."Uldin"s wife, Ruska, was a very powerful user of spirit vision. Just likeYuri"s predictions, her warnings could not be ignored."This is what Ruska said. That war G.o.d will further increase in powerduring his incessant wandering. A hero who persists in the journey of DevilKing extermination."A journey undertaken to defeat all Devil Kings, increasing in powerthroughout his wandering days, finally completing his mission.This was almost like a role playing game, G.o.dou thought. Then thinkingover it once again, it was probably the opposite. It was probably the storyof the "King of the End" that served as the prototype myth for this sort of"legendary hero"s saga"...Spontaneously, G.o.dou looked up at the sky. Up until now, it had been ared evening sky.But now, the sun had already set, causing the sky to darken.Hanging high in the eastern sky was the full moon, shining clear andbright. It was about time to set off. That said, always being unable to enjoya relaxing journey could be considered the source of G.o.dou"s troubles."We ended up spending almost two months here huh."G.o.dou muttered with heartfelt emotion.This was like taking a long summer holiday in advance and felt quiteunbelievable.Then back to time in the present...A girl stood upright on a mountain"s peak at an alt.i.tude of 1912m abovesea level. She was dressed in a white garment reminiscent of ancientGreece. Her silver hair reached down to her shoulders while shimmeringwith faint light as though droplets of the moon had melded into it.Adding to the allure of her young but beautiful face was a pair of eyes, thecolor of darkness —It was currently nighttime on the peak. The girl exuded a quiet sense ofbeauty, quite fitting for the pitch-black darkness of the night.However, the wind blowing around the peak was quite noisy. A strong gustof wind, blowing across the southern Mediterranean Sea, was producingrumbling howls.This lone peak of Mont Ventoux stood on the land known to humans asProvence.Moreover, the name of Mont Ventoux even carried the meaning of "wind"...Nevertheless, even the bone-chilling wind was unable to disturb the girl"sserenity. Her white garment and silver hair fluttered in the wind while shewas standing casually on this snowy peak.Naturally, rather than an ordinary mountain climber, the girl was asupernatural existence."Thou hast arrived, O wind king."The girl smiled with delight and whispered.From between the stars shining above the mountain peak, a gust ofwhirlwind was blowing here.Blowing from the gaps between the stars, the wind changed forms beforethe girl, turning into a war G.o.d whose body was wrapped in white cloth andwhose face was hidden behind a red mask."Hoho. Since the previous Witch Queen appointed the war G.o.d of the lanceas her knight, one should require an equivalent servant. O wind king,respond to mine invitation."The girl was meant to serve the hero, the "King of the End."The wind king was the war G.o.d whom one could call his right hand man,rather than the likes of a subordinate G.o.d. Like Lancelot du Lac of old, thewind king was a G.o.d a.s.sisting him as a brother-in-arms. His valor rivaledthat of the war G.o.d of white. A top-cla.s.s warrior and a hero at the sametime.Having spent a month"s time to complete the wind king"s invitationceremony, the girl smiled with queenly dignity."In that case, what follows ought to be searching for the slothful hero, is itnot...?"The girl gazed into the eastern sky while murmuring."Or perchance, that hitherto unencountered opponent, bound to one by illfate. Hohoho, truly a conundrum herewithal."The girl was unaware that three hours later, three G.o.dslayers were aboutto return from ancient Gaul. Among the three was a youth named KusanagiG.o.dou.Furthermore, she did not know that the opponent of ill fate, carved beneathher eyelids, bore the same face as this youth —The beginning of the end was imminent.That very moment was already approaching, albeit slowly.AfterwordIt"s been a while, everyone.This series finally reaches its fifteenth volume. A number that would betotally fine for an ending.Despite reaching this volume count, with the anime"s broadcast alreadyended as well, let alone falling, the sales of this series have grown nonstopin the opposite direction, resulting in a development that contradicts theindustry"s norms.This is all thanks to your love and support, readers.For this, I once again express my solemn grat.i.tude.So, having reached Volume 15, a certain character finally makes a firstappearance.Only appearing by name until now, he makes his first appearance in anincomplete state. With this, the story enters the next phase.Once it"s time for the volume where his true ident.i.ty is elucidated, it mightbe fun for me to simply imitate Shinjou Kazuma-sensei and gather answersfrom readers on Twitter. But at the same time, it would be quite sad if noone partic.i.p.ated. Bearing such fears, in the end, I gave up on the idea,(wry smile)Due to quite an increase in clues starting from Volume 12, it is possiblethat there are people who already realized his true ident.i.ty...Also, Volume 3 of the manga adaptation has also gone for sale at thesame time as Volume 15.Included with that as a gift are appendix notes about the sevenCampiones.This is information that summarizes the stats of the seven G.o.dslayerswhere finally all members have made their appearance. In particular, thereshould be quite a lot of content about authorities where "this may be thefirst time they are described in such detail."Readers who enjoy this type of content, do please check it out.(Due to ma.s.sive spoilers for Volumes 14 and 15, the descriptions aboutMadame Aisha are glossed over in brief...)Okay okay. About the next volume"s content, I"m currently still thinking.I am considering various ideas such as writing a certain little storymentioned at the end of Volume 15, or content related to Valentine"s Day,or how about I simply do a spin-off like "Case Files of Annie Charlton", etc.Letting the Marquis and Onee-sama reappear after their long absencesalso sounds quite interesting.

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