/ / Can I Survive More than 3 Chapters? – Chapter 2
Can I Survive More than 3 Chapters? – Chapter 2

2 hours ago 45 Views

Note: After we began translating this novel, after some time the author stopped releasing chapters for it, so we have only translated the first volume of the novel.

Chapter 2: Want Some Yandere?


Just as he stepped out of the house, thunder rumbled in the sky. After a while, it rained, which cooled the weather.

Shinichi opened the umbrella, looked up at the overcast sky, and sighed.

“It"s the first day of the semester, but it happens to be a rainy day. What a bad luck.”

Previously, he was awakened from a nightmare this morning, so that he didn"t have a good mood. And he felt that his chest was stuffy. Especially his right eye had been twitching for a while, which reminded him of the superst.i.tions about the eye twitching.

However, Shinichi, who lived in a modern society, certainly didn"t believe in these.

He adjusted his breath and relaxed his mind.


Reborn into the world for 16 years, Shinichi was very satisfied with his life so far. He got a sister, a house, healthy parents, and a wealthy family. He also thought that he was as handsome as Daniel Wu. For him, this had been a perfect start.

But what he yearned for was a quiet and stable life. Ah, in addition to have a sister and a house, he also had a childhood friend growing up with him.

Her name was Katsura Aoba.

"Is that you Shinichi?"

Not far away, a soft voice was heard.

A woman with a red umbrella was standing there quietly.

Under the umbrella was a girl with long hair. Her eyes were gorgeous and gentle. Her eyelashes were long. Her beautiful and thin face looked like Yamato Nadeshiko. She gave a coy smile when looking at Shinichi.

And the most important is her BIG b.o.o.bS!

BIG b.o.o.bS!

BIG b.o.o.bS!


"Good morning, Aoba."

"Good morning, Shinichi."

Aoba gave a lovely smile. She handed a box wrapped in delicate tablecloth to him and said gently.

"It"s the bento for today."


Since she was a kid, Aoba had trained her cooking skill under the guidance of her mother, her cooking skills were very good. She often made bentos for him like this. At first, Shinichi was very embarra.s.sed, and he thought that she was too considerate. But in the end, he could not resist her kindness. He honestly praised at the bentos. He even got accustomed to eating her bentos.

However, after thinking over, Shinichi recalled that it was the first day of the semester. They could go home early after the opening ceremony in the morning. So the bento became a bit redundant.

“I also recalled when I finished wrapping it…” Aoba spit out her tongue embarra.s.sedly. “But it doesn"t matter. You can take it home. Heat it up and then eat it. Bring me the lunch box after you wash it tomorrow.”


Shinichi laughed.

He looked at the bento in his hand with expectation written all over his face.

"What"s for today?"

“Ah, there are omelettes, fried shrimps, grilled salmon, parsley and white rice.”

Aoba expertly reported the name of the dishes, and immediately she seemed to want to ask for a praise but was a bit shy. So she said hesitantly.

"They"re all your favorite dishes."

"I love you, Aoba."(づ ̄3 ̄)づ


What Shinichi casually said made an amazing effect when the girl heard it. Her fair face blushed rapidly. It seemed that if pouring water on her, steams would come out from the top of her head.

In the meantime, her emotion changed rapidly.

Not sure if she had gone nuts……

"Shinichi, I love you too……well, let"s get married now. I always bring the marriage contract. My parents will definitely agree to it!"

"Well, we still have to go to school though."

Looking at her unusual exciting moves, Shinichi"s eyes started twitching. He thought that it happened again. Even though he couldn"t understand why, Aoba sometimes became crazy like she was now since she"s a kid.

According to his memory, once Aoba became crazy, it would take quite a long time for her to calm down.

And this was also why Shinichi feared this childhood friend of his.

Can"t help it. She was indeed too similar……

Too similar to Katsura Kotonoha…….

"Not only her name, but also her appearance and character are undeniably similar to Katsura Kotonoha."

Initially, after realizing this, Shinichi had spent a lot of time trying to confirm that he had not pa.s.sed through into the anime world and had never seen any anime character. In addition, he also entered Aoba"s room several times to repeatedly confirm that she didn"t hide anything terrible, such as axe, hatchet or a large number of his personal photos.

After confirming these, Shinichi was eventually relieved.

He stopped thinking if his childhood friend was a twin sister of Katsura Kotonoha. Even if she was, it wouldn"t be a big deal.

After all, Katsura Kotonoha never killed Makoto in the original. Instead, she killed Saionji Sekai.

So it"s all Sekai"s fault……well, it meant that he wouldn"t get killed if he didn"t head for his doom.

Well, maybe.

"Well, let"s go to school, or we"ll be late."

He held Aoba"s hand and got on the subway. Seeing her face turning better, Shinichi let out a sigh of relief. Immediately, he took out the speech draft and started reading it.

Born into this world for decades, Shinichi never wrote light novels like other world travelers as he had no talent in writing. Influenced by his father, his goal was to study hard in order to get accepted by the top medical schools and become a doctor.

Therefore, Shinichi always got ahead of his cla.s.smates. He even ranked first in the high school entrance examination. He was absolutely a star student.

By the way, the reason why he knew Aoba was because of his father.

"I remember that Aoba was once very sick when she was a kid. She was almost dead, and the hospital even signed the critically ill notice. Thanks to my father"s great skills, he saved her life."

"From then on, I"ve gradually connected with her since we were of same age. We eventually became childhood friend."

While recalling the old memories, Shinichi read back his speech draft to prepare for his on-stage speech.

Soon, they arrived at the station by subway.


When they just got out of the station, thunder rumbled again.

The rain became heavier again like a downpour. A large pool of water was acc.u.mulated on the ground. In order not to get wet, they held the umbrella together and walked into the school quickly.

Since the primary school, Shinichi and Aoba studied in the same school, even in the same cla.s.s. Now they started high school, they happened to study in cla.s.s 1-A.

After coming to the cla.s.s to put down the backpacks, Shinichi and Aoba didn"t have time to rest, but went to the student hall together with other cla.s.smates to prepare for the opening ceremony.

The hall was very s.p.a.cious as it was enough to accommodate thousands of students. But because of the heavy rains and the dark sky, incandescent lights were lit in the hall, which making it quite dazzling.

The crowd was bustling and a bit noisy. It became quiet after the teacher stopped them.

“Next, we have Kitahara Shinichi from cla.s.s 1-A. He"ll give us a freshman speech.”

The teacher posing as the moderator, surnamed Yamamoto, was a middle-aged man. He was about four or fifty years old.

However, he was probably sick, so he didn"t look very good. His skin was dark, his voice was hoa.r.s.e, and his eyes were a little dull. The arm that sent the microphone to Shinichi was pale and slim, even strips of blue veins could be seen on the skin.

“Thank you, teacher.” Looking at him, Shinichi was a bit frightened. He even had gooseb.u.mps appearing on his skin. He hesitated to take the microphone. The other party ignored him and lowered his head, as if he was pondering.

Facing a large number of students, Shinichi cleared his throat and started his speech.

Needless to say, his speech was quite boring. It"s full of boring rhetoric. And the students in the audience also stared blankly, expecting the boring opening ceremony to end earlier. But a few people, such as Aoba, kept staring at him.

Standing on the stage, Shinichi noticed Aoba sitting underneath. He smiled and continued his speech.

Soon, a 3-minute speech ended.

“…I ended my speech, thank you all.” Shinichi sighed with relief and turned to the stage. He turned around. He then prepared to return the microphone to the teacher before he could get off the stage.


At the next moment.

Something weird happened!


In the dark rainy sky, thunder suddenly rumbled. It was so loud that even everyone in the hall could hear it clearly, and they were shocked.

Then, it became dark in the hall without warning. The light bulbs on the ceiling seemed to be burned out and extinguished in unison.

The darkness suddenly arrived, which arouse a small-scale disturbance in the hall.

People were discussing and frightened.

“The fuse flew?” Shinichi, who stood on the stage, was still calm. He took out his phone from his pocket and turned on the flashlight.

But what he saw really startled him. Under the gloomy white light emitted from the phone, a dry face coming out of nowhere stared at him fiercely.

The turbid and bloodshot eyes stared wide-open, as if they were squeezed out of the orbitals.

It"s Teacher Yamamoto.

"Ah…ah…ah…" But Teacher Yamamoto"s condition was obviously weird. He choked his chest desperately, as if it hurt terribly. His face was pale. In the end, he actually spat out a lot of blood.

Accompanied by the large amount of blood, a ferocious bug drilled out from his mouth.

But this wasn"t the scariest part. Instead, the bug actually had a weird human face!

Suddenly Shinichi felt freezing. He took a few steps back.

However, when he took a look again, the bug with a human face disappeared.

Did he see it wrong?


The extinguished lights in the hall were suddenly lit up.

Suddenly, it became bright and dazzling, so everyone unconsciously narrowed their eyes.

Then they found out that Teacher Yamamoto lay on the stage motionlessly out of nowhere.

His head leaned sideways in, and he fixed his gaze with eyes wide-open.

His dull and blank eyes stared at everyone.

Red liquid was oozed from his mouth.

It was so thick.


It"s blood…..

Scarlet blood…..

The blood is everywhere!

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Note: After we began translating this novel, after some time the author stopped releasing chapters …

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