/ / Can I Survive More than 3 Chapters? – Chapter 5
Can I Survive More than 3 Chapters? – Chapter 5

2 hours ago 43 Views

Note: After we began translating this novel, after some time the author stopped releasing chapters for it, so we have only translated the first volume of the novel. We will release all 30 chaps we translated for this novel today.!

Chapter 5: Broken World

Mirrors, in many tales, often serve as a special function similar to medium.

It can reflect the true side of a person, as well as the illusory side.

Therefore, elders always told the youngsters not to look at their own reflection in the mirror too often.

……If one day, when you look at yourself in the mirror, the reflected self didn"t act the same as you, but sneered at you instead. Are you surprised?

Shinichi had never believed in this.

He was a resolute Atheist

Until now, that is…..

A weird bug with a human face was lying on his shoulder.

It also had a smile similar to humans.

As if it was telling him.

“Are you surprised?”


Shinichi just wanted to shout.

h.e.l.l no!


Immediately, Shinichi grabbed the bug on his shoulder hard and threw it to the wall.

He even hated c.o.c.kroaches, let alone this weird species.

That bug with human face was so tough that it survived after being thrown to the wall. Then it ran toward the slit under the door, as if it wanted to escape.

Shinichi hastily grabbed a slipper, what he always used to deal with the c.o.c.kroaches.


Along that sound, the bug seemed to be totally crushed.

However, he wasn"t very sure about it, so he rubbed it back and forth with the sole. Then he raised the slipper to take the second look at it.

However, what made Shinichi caught off guard was that when he raised the slipper, he didn"t saw the crushed dead bug, but a black mist rushing over.

He didn"t have the time to dodge, so he got hit in the mouth.

His eyes were widened.


As a normal teenager, Shinichi had naturally read some p.o.r.nographic magazines. He had also imagined how he would feel if a beautiful girl gave him a b*****b.

However, what he couldn"t imagine was that he got f****d in the mouth first. His widened eyes showed how humiliated he was.

The black mist rushing into Shinichi"s mouth disappeared in his body before he could react.

This made Shinichi uncomfortable. His stomach was twitching, and he immediately wanted to vomit.

d.a.m.n, did I just eat a bug?


【Demon value +4】

A crisp sound came, which shocked him.

Subsequently, a somewhat transparent screen emerged in front of him.

Level 1: 4/20 (Demon value)

Strength: 9 (+)

Agility: 9 (+)

Physique: 8 (+)

Spirit: 8 (+)

Free attribute point: 10

Skills: (Basic Kendo, Beginner, Proficiency: 4%, 0/1)

"This is……?"

Shinichi, who wanted to vomit, was stunned at the sudden change.

What"s this?


At the moment, a sudden knock on the door interrupted Shinichi"s thought.

His mother"s voice came from outside of the door.

"Shinichi, are you alright? I just heard a loud noise in the bathroom."

"Nothing, I just slipped on the soap." Shinichi answered hurriedly.

"Fine, stay safe."

After that, he heard that his mother"s footsteps were getting far.

Shinichi sighed with relief. But it felt really inconvenient in the bathroom, so he took a shower in a rush, and returned to his room after changing clothes.

He closed the door and locked it.

He sat down along on bed.

"What was that?"

After thinking for a while, he couldn"t get a conclusion out of it.

He just speculated.

"Is that my cheat system?"

But Shinichi was confused at this since he had reborn into this world for decades. How could a cheat system needed such a long period of time to be loaded?

"Ah, by the way….."

Suddenly, Shinichi thought of the dark mist he swallowed and the prompt he heard. He said to himself.

"Is it possible that the cheat system has never appeared because I"ve never got any demon value?"

Well, very likely……

Then he realized that the black bug wasn"t a usual insect, but a special creature. Maybe a ghost?

"Forget it. First, let me see what I can do with it."

Shinichi paid attention on the transparent screen in front of him.

The cheat system was similar to the games that he always played in his previous world. It"s simply adding the attributes. The only difference was that it didn"t take experience but the demon values to level up.

Since he had 10 free attribute points to distribute, Shinichi tried to allocate 1 point on the strength and agility respectively.


Free attribute point: 8

With the reduction of the value, Shinichi felt his body heated up, as if an invisible natural energy had been circulating inside him. When he tried to clench his fist, he felt his strength became stronger a bit than before. As for his body, he felt it became quite lighter.

Though the changes weren"t big, he could still feel the difference, which made him had the impulse to allocate all the attribute points on these two attributes.

Luckily, he calmed down in time.

"Since the points can increase my strength and agility, it should take effect on skills." Shinichi thought.

He just noticed that a skill called "Basic Kendo" on the attribute panel.

In fact, Shinichi actually had learned Kendo, but it was back in his time attending middle schools. He joined the Kendo club out of curiosity. But he got exhausted after practicing for a couple days. Therefore, he hadn"t showed up since then.

Now, he couldn"t imagine that the skill was kept on the attribute panel.

After thinking about it, he allocated one point on it.

The values changed again.

Free attribute point: 7


He felt a special energy circulating in his body again. Shinichi felt his body heated up, as if his power was strengthened.

In the meanwhile, ma.s.s knowledge about Kendo flowed into Shinichi"s brain, as if he gained it through lots of training and enlightenment.

He took another look and found out that the skill description had changed.

(Basic Kendo, Basic, Proficiency: 0%, 0/3)

"Well….. the point did take effect on skills. Now, let"s try it."

Shinichi walked to the corner of the room and picked up the bamboo sword he hadn"t used for quite a long time. He dusted off the sword gently.

He had trained in the Kendo club for half a month when he was in middle school, but he gave up since he couldn"t bear it. But now, he felt familiar with the bamboo sword he grasped.

In j.a.panese Kendo, "swing" is the most basic move. Raise the bamboo sword over your head, swing it down hard, and stop at a certain point. With repeated practice, until you can firmly control the force of the bamboo sword and the height it lands down, it means you"ve master it.

"Sssss!" With a whistling sound of wind, Shinichi focused on repeatedly swinging the bamboo sword. He could control not only the force but also the direction very accurately.

If the seniors in the Kendo club saw this, they would definitely be surprised since a layman who only had practiced Kendo for half a month shouldn"t be able to swing so well.

After practicing for a while, Shinichi had sweats on his forehead. He also felt his arms sore, so he stopped.

But he actually didn"t feel tired, but somewhat excited.

He had a feeling that he actually became stronger.

Level 1: 4/20 (Demon value)

Strength: 10 (+)

Agility: 10 (+)

Physique: 8 (+)

Spirit: 8 (+)

Free attribute point: 7

Skills: (Basic Kendo, Basic, Proficiency: 2%, 0/3)

"It seems that practicing could also increase the proficiency. But compared to using the attribute point, the speed is much slower." Shinichi thought.

After confirming the effect of the cheat system, he didn"t continue to practice, but put the bamboo sword aside and lay down on the bed.

Closing his eyes, he wanted to clear his mind.

Images and memories flashed through his mind.

The horrifying face of Teacher Yamamoto.

Those weird news.

And the bug with human face.

He opened his eyes again.

"Is this world broken?"

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Note: After we began translating this novel, after some time the author stopped releasing chapters …

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