Card Disciple

Chapter 9 – Feel the Connection

Chapter 9 – Feel the Connection

“Yan’er, why the long face? Can you tell big sis what is worrying you, do not keep it in your heart.” A female voice sounds.

Gentle and pleasing to the ear, this voice is very nice to hear. Chen Mu can not help but to evaluate it in his heart, but he isn’t going to open his eyes to take a look. He does not think it is that attractive.

He had once seen an extremely beautiful woman, stamping and grinding his fellow street urchin using her high-heel, continuous cursing coming out from her mouth. He never expected that such pleasant voice can put out those vicious words. And she did this just because his partner accidentally dirtied her shoes while begging for food.

At that time his companion was only six years old, while he was 8 years old. He didn’t even think, without hesitation jumped in, trying to separate that beautiful woman, too bad he was too small. The result, both of their bodies are left with countless small bruises. His travelling companion left him that winter, never to wake up again. That winter was colder than usual.

Since then, every time he heard such a sweet-sounding female voice, he couldn’t help but to remember that scene.

Chen Mu frowned slightly, but immediate loosened his brow. He told himself, it is not worth it to let that voice disturb his good mood.

The sound of two people conversing still enters his ears.

“Big Sis, I don’t know what the problem is, but I couldn’t complete the blue-furred rabbit magic card. I have tried repeatedly, yet it is still no good. My perception is the best in the cla.s.s, but I am the only one that hasn’t made a magic card!” A crisp and clear sound sounds very disheartened.

It is the sound of a little girl. There’s no need to guess the girl’s age, it definitely will not exceed 12 years old.

“Yan’er, tell Big Sis, when Yan’er is making the magic card what did your perception felt?” The Big Sister spoke patiently.

“Ai, I also can’t say, the pen felt unpleasant in my hand. When used, though I remember the structure, but I can’t complete the magic card.”

Chen Mu who’s lying down on the ground suddenly opened his eyes. Although his back is turned towards those sisters, his ears p.r.i.c.ked up, afraid to miss any words. This little girl’s problem and his own is surprisingly similar.

“Yan’er, don’t be impatient. One-star magic card is very simple, Yan’er is very clever, definitely will succeed.” Big Sister encourages the Little Sister, and then began pointing out a few key points: “Yan’er, you haven’t created a card yet, although your perception is the best, but because you lack experience, it is normal. A lot of teachers couldn’t explain this point clearly. We didn’t use our perception to forcefully bond the materials, but we lead them to bond together, just like intermission music, only guiding. The real bonding process varies, depends on the nature of the materials itself. Do you understand?”

Chen Mu’s felt like his mind was struck by lightning out of the blue; all of a sudden everything suddenly becomes clear. Guiding… guiding… guiding, originally it is like this! All of the problem he has, seemingly, in this moment, unravelled quickly.

When Chen Mu stood up, both of the sisters already gone. He doesn’t know, the two sisters are already gone for more than an hour; he has been deep in thought for a whole hour.

He, too impatient to wait, turned around and starts to run. If he has a “Fly Card”, it would be much better, he can just fly home.

He ran like mad all the way, almost ran into the entrance door. Entering the room, he took a seat in front of the table, become engrossed in making one-star magic card again. His heart is now full of confidence. He had a premonition, he now can absolutely succeed.

He breathed in deeply, calming his churning mind, and himself, down.

After calming down, he gets a piece of blank card stock, placed it before him, and gently pick up the pen with his right hand.

Without hesitating, the nib falls onto the card’s surface.

Clear and smoothly, his perception, now like strings of hair, wrapped up the nib, moving it smoothly, just like sliding on top of ice, without any obstruction.

Chen Mu finished the entire construct lines smoothly, without any feeling of obscurity. His sense of perception feels wonderful!

Proud of the card he made in front of him, Chen Mu’s heart is filled with a sense of accomplishment. This feeling is incomparably marvellous, he felt like a paper window was just pierced through, opens into another realm.

He then took the card, inserted it into the apparatus, and pressed down on the activation b.u.t.ton.

A fist-sized, floating light sphere popped out of nowhere in front of him, warm, emitting a gentle, white light.

Chen Mu excitedly extended a finger, lightly touching the light sphere. The finger pa.s.sed through the air, right through the light ball. This ball of light is just a virtual body, just an image, not a real substance. This is the trait of a low-levelled, rudimentary magic card, while on the other hand, high-ranking magic card can use energy to simulate real substances. Those are precisely the distinguishing properties of elementary and advanced magic cards.

The success of making one-star magic card let Chen Mu, who was very tense, to loosen up. These days, working day and night, already brought his body to the brink of danger. When he finally relaxed, he immediately entered a deep, endless sleep.

He slept for a whole 2 days and nights, only waking up when he felt hungry.

Waking up, Chen Mu randomly chooses some food to cram to his stomach.

Habitually sitting in front of the desk, Chen Mu is somewhat in a daze. This stretch, making one-star energy card, the biggest issue in his heart, was successfully conquered by him. From now on, developing one-star magic card is just an issue of carefulness. It is a slow work, needs to acc.u.mulate skills day ad night to somewhat succeed.

Making a magic card is Chen Mu’s desire. Now that the desire has been realized, he felt somewhat at a loss. Two-star magic card? The theory behind making one- and two-star magic card is not that different, for him, is not a problem.

For a moment, he lost his objectives. Not so long ago, one-star magic card is out of reach in his eyes, yet he still spent a great effort to attain this desire. He never has considered, after successfully learning how to make one-star magic card, what would he do next.

Forget it. During the days he spent on this endeavour, he still creates one-star energy cards. He, however, has spent a lot of money during this time. His own savings have also shrunk quite a lot, he now needs to make up for it.

Taking a sheet of card stock, Chen Mu was about to begin making one-star energy card when he suddenly thought of that mysterious card.

The pen stops in midair.

That mysterious card seems to possess an unusual charm in his mind. No matter what, he couldn’t get rid of it.

Putting the pen back down, Chen Mu took that card out from the drawer. The complicated, spider web-like silver construct lines on the card’s surface have vanished long ago. Now, the pure black surface of the card shows countless big and small, dim and bright silver dots. Every time Chen Mu saw the card’s current appearance, he saw an illusion of boundlessness.

Boundless, this sort of sensation is very strange! Chen Mu let out a self-deprecating laughs.


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