His black, black eyes moved over her face. Brooding. Moody. "That is exactly what you are doing, Blaze. You had better be able to trust her, because I can read your mind. I know who she is to you and if she betrays you, I will kill her."

He delivered the statement matter-of-factly, and she knew it wasn"t an empty threat. He meant every word. He didn"t raise his voice. He spoke very softly, just as he usually did, but she felt his words in her belly. Deep. Branded into her bones. She tipped her head back, searching his remote, icy eyes, looking for an expression.

"Why are you helping me?"

"You belong to me. I take care of what is mine. I searched centuries for you. No one is going to take you away from me."

Again it was a calm statement of fact. She found herself shivering. She believed him. She believed he"d been alive for centuries and that he hunted vampires. She believed him because she"d been having detailed nightmares since she was ten years old and Emeline saw a vampire. Emeline didn"t lie and she didn"t exaggerate. And Maksim had shown her what and who he was. There was something very old world and courtly about him. At the same time when he moved into a s.p.a.ce, the air around him electrified with danger, as if he was an extremely dangerous predator.

"Maksim, we barely know each other," she pointed out, still pressed into him, too weak to move even when she knew she should. That predatory air was very much in evidence.

"You know me. You are in my mind. You know I speak the truth. You do not want to know, but you do. We are hunting something monstrous. You need to understand if I allow you to do this thing . . ."

That stiffened her spine and she jerked back, or tried to. His arms immediately locked around her like iron bars. "Allow?" She felt tiny sparks snapping over her skin and in her mind. "No one allows me to do anything, Maksim. If that"s the kind of woman you believe me to be, you have the wrong woman. You need to keep searching."

His arms remained tight even though she bent backward to try to put s.p.a.ce between them. His smile was anything but humorous. "I am not a human, Blaze, and I have immense power. The undead hides from me, and there are few things on this earth more powerful than he is, yet he hides and trembles when I am close. Do you really believe that I would search centuries, hundreds of years for the other half of my soul, find her and then risk losing her because she is strong willed and stubborn? You need to look deeper into my mind and really see me."

She didn"t want to do that. She already had far too much to process. She realized there was logic to what he said. She knew little about vampires, other than what she saw in the movies and in her nightmares, and who knew how close to the truth that was. If she believed he hunted vampires through the centuries, and he lived that long, he had far more experience than she did. If there was one thing Sean had drilled into her over and over again, it was that her brain was her greatest weapon. Her greatest a.s.set. He had taught her that she always needed to know her own capabilities and limitations. So maybe she could fight the Hallahans and have absolute faith she would be on equal footing, but vampires . . . no way.

"You may have a point, Maksim, but please don"t use words like "allow." I"m not going to kick you in the shins when you try to dictate to me; I"ll walk away."

"We are past walking away. We talk things out. But first, kiss me. You have not kissed me and I think I woke up starving for your kiss."

His mouth was close again. Tempting. He had nice lips. An invitation, and she knew exactly how he kissed.

"When I kiss you, I forget everything. I told you, I have a friend inside and I want to get in there and watch out for her."

"Only Jimmy Hallahan is inside. His other brothers are working, doing what they do, being Reginald c.o.o.nan"s muscle. At the moment I also have a friend in there. Picture this woman and I will send him a message to keep an eye on her until we get inside."

She took a breath. "It"s one thing to trust you with my life. It"s something else to trust you with hers." She wasn"t being defiant, but really, things were moving altogether too fast.

"Draga mea, you know I will defend you with my last breath, and that means your friends are under my protection as well. I see you love this woman. That she is a sister to you. Look into my mind. There is no need to be afraid."

But she was. Not because she feared he would hurt her. Or betray her. She was already far enough into his mind to know that much. She knew he was being honest, but still, he was taking her down a path there was no returning from. She knew that instinctively. Already she craved him. Craved his taste. Craved his body moving in hers. She was becoming lost in him very fast and there was no real explanation for him. She didn"t trust anything she couldn"t explain.

She felt him move in her mind and she should have protested, but she"d already given him that, sharing herself with him. She was open to him. Vulnerable. He took the information on Emeline out of her head. He didn"t pull away from her, allowing her to see him instructing his friend, sending him Emeline"s information, including the pictures of her Blaze stored close.

Guard her well, but do not approach unless she is in trouble.

That isn"t Asenguard, she protested.

She could tell he was Carpathian like Maksim and Tariq. She sensed his power, just as she felt Maksim"s when he was near.

"His name is Tomas. Tomas and his brothers arrived a few days ago and have offered to help hunt Reginald c.o.o.nan. We have known each other a very long time, and a few times, when we were on the same continent, in the same vicinity, we have hunted together. He is very good at what he does, as are his brothers. They are triplets. Where one is, the others are close by. Your friend is in good hands."

"Emeline." She cleared her throat. "She saw him. Or someone like him. Two someones."

"She saw Tomas?" Maksim asked.

Blaze shook her head. "c.o.o.nan. I suspect it was c.o.o.nan. Emeline witnessed a murder. Two men, pale faces, gums receding, sharp teeth biting into a man and his wife. They killed the couple, nearly draining all the blood from both of them. It was messy and horrible to witness. She must have made a sound because one turned his head and saw her, but suddenly others came, men who approached the murderers, and they fled."

"How long ago was this?" Maksim asked gently.

"You believe what she saw?"

He nodded.

"It was about eight months ago, right around the time the cops claimed there was a serial killer loose going after the homeless. They called him "Strike Twice," because he always struck twice in one night. He always took two victims. Because there are two of them," Blaze said. "Emeline saw them, but the police wouldn"t believe her."

"I was there. Tariq and I were there that night. We just missed them. We have been trying to find their lair ever since. It is a big city. When we realized that the Hallahans were doing c.o.o.nan"s bidding, we began to concentrate our efforts on protecting the remaining businesses."

She took a deep breath, still leaning into him. Still circling his neck with her arms. She fit there against him. One of his hands slid up to her neck, fingers gently ma.s.saging as if he could ease the tension out of her.

"Do you know why they target certain properties?" Her eyes searched his. He knew. "You don"t want to tell me, but you know," she whispered. Disappointed. She slid her arms to his shoulders to push away from him.

Before she could, he tightened his grip on her nape, fingers curling deep. "I do not want to frighten you with too much information at once about what it is we are. We acquire fortunes and properties and leave them to ourselves every so often so as not to raise suspicion. All Carpathians do this. I am Carpathian, a species that is older than you can imagine. We have certain gifts and one is longevity. Some say we are immortal, but truthfully, we can be killed. The male loses his ability to feel emotion or to see in color until he finds his lifemate, that one woman who holds the other half of his soul."

He"d said as much before and she figured perhaps it was an ancient belief that still persisted. She nodded her head for him to continue.

"Vampires are Carpathian males who have chosen to give up their souls so they can feel the rush a kill provides them when they feed. Having been Carpathian, they have also acquired property and wealth. Most are too vain and too addicted to the adrenaline in their victim"s blood to think or plan, and that makes them easier to track. But some are extremely intelligent and they have learned through experiences, just like the hunter, how to recruit newly turned vampires and use them as p.a.w.ns. Still others have gone further and created an army of humans by infiltrating their ranks. They are the most difficult because they have patience and the cunning to plot for centuries to get what they want."

She frowned. "So you"re saying that these vampires could already own some of the properties in the neighborhood and are looking for the ones they don"t own?"

"It stands to reason. They would leave the businesses intact because it doesn"t matter to them one way or the other about the business itself, just the building."


"I do not yet have an answer to that. But we are getting closer. Reginald c.o.o.nan is the name the Carpathian used to leave his property to, perhaps before he turned vampire. Tariq is right now researching to see who owns the other buildings, the ones they have not yet touched. If any of the families still own the buildings such as you do, we will also know who they will target next. Still, with all that, your friend should not be anywhere near a property owned by the vampires she witnessed killing that night. If they were able to catch her scent, they can hunt her. They cannot do so during the day, but they can send their human puppets after her, the way they sent them after your father."

"Emeline isn"t going to give up any more than I am, not until they"re stopped," Blaze said. "She loved my father. She won"t let this go. Even if I did, which I won"t"-she narrowed her eyes at him to make certain he knew she was giving him the truth-"she wouldn"t stop. She"s already got a job dancing."

"Blaze. You do not know me very well," Maksim said. "But know this. When a man finds a woman after hunting for so long, he has a jealous streak. A possessive streak. Dancing is out for you, unless you wish to dance for me."

In spite of everything, she found herself laughing softly. Relaxing into him. "You don"t have to worry. I couldn"t dance even if I wanted to."

He leaned closer, his teeth nipping at her chin, and then he kissed his way up to the corner of her mouth. She felt the soft brush of his lips like a brand, a trail of flames dancing over her skin. His mouth settled on hers. Gentle. Unlike any of the kisses the night before. Gentle scared her. Gentle terrified her. Gentle was about emotion, not chemistry. She couldn"t give this man more of herself than she already had, because he could destroy her.

He deepened the kiss as if he knew exactly what she was thinking and wanted to short-circuit her brain. He did so easily. She tasted hunger. Wild. Possession. She tasted need. His kiss went from gentle to hard. Wet. Demanding. She gave herself up without a fight, moving into him, tightening her hands at the nape of his neck, curling her fingers into his hair, her mouth as aggressive as his. Her need as wild and possessive, every bit as hungry as his.

He kissed her over and over until she was on fire. The world dropped away, the danger, the fear, the sorrow, everything, until there was nothing left but pleasure, pa.s.sion and heat rushing through her veins. She forgot she was on a rooftop. She forgot what she was doing and what her name was, there was only Maksim and his fantastic mouth, his strong arms and hard body pressed so tightly against hers.


MAKSIM"S MOUTH TRAVELED from Blaze"s lips to her throat. To the side of her neck. Her heart began to pound in antic.i.p.ation. Her sheath clenched and deep inside she felt a spasm of pure pleasure. She felt as if she"d waited a lifetime just to see him again, to feel his touch. To feel his teeth sc.r.a.pe gently over her pounding pulse.

Who knew that such a small gesture could feel so intimate? So erotic? Her fingers tunneled deep into his hair. Anch.o.r.ed there. She turned her head to give him better access. The wig was short, the dark hair brushing her chin as his tongue swirled over her skin, sending tiny streaks of fire rushing through her blood.


He whispered her name over her thundering pulse. Just that. His voice was sinful. Wicked. Stroking over her like fingers. Caressing. Tempting. She closed her eyes, drawing in her breath, taking the scent of him deep in her lungs as his teeth slid into her neck. The bite was painful. She heard her own gasp, and his arms tightened, enfolding her, his heart beating against her body so that her own beat found and followed the steady rhythm.

At once the pain slipped away to be replaced by something altogether different. Pleasure burst through her. Every cell in her body came alive, was aware of him. Of her. Of them. She closed her eyes and gave herself up to him. To the dark pa.s.sion that ensnared her completely. She should have run screaming from him. Or used one of the many weapons she had on her. Instead she burrowed closer and gave herself to him.

There was no denying him. She didn"t want to. She knew exactly what he was doing, and deep inside excitement spread, right along with the flames building and the tension coiling.

Open your mind. Feel what I am feeling.

She didn"t stop to think. She obeyed his whispered temptation, letting him inside. Completely. He poured into her. Warm. Strong. Sensual. The feeling of him filling her was so beautiful her eyes burned with tears. She felt alone most of her life, different from others. She had never thought she might want to belong to someone. She felt complete and confident in herself, until the moment she laid eyes on Maksim.

Her legs suddenly felt weak and it was only his arms holding her up. She tasted herself as he drew her blood into his body, as he took her essence, that wild, exquisite addicting taste. So good. He would never tire of it. Never get enough of it. Without thinking, without effort, she poured herself into his mind, filling every one of those lonely places. Giving him-her.

She wanted him. She couldn"t have told Emeline why, but she knew. She was a strong woman, raised by Sean to be confident and take care of herself-and she liked that. But she was also a woman. She wanted a man to be strong and confident as well, a man who was every bit the warrior she was. Matching her strength for strength. She hadn"t believed there was such a man, not until she laid eyes on Maksim Volkov.

Blaze knew it was even more than that. He had incredible gifts-gifts that would allow him to take down men like the Hallahans, and killers like Reginald c.o.o.nan. She was warrior enough to want those gifts. She knew that first time with Maksim, when he had given her his blood, had changed her somehow. Her hearing was more acute. Her vision far better in spite of her sensitivity to the sun. She felt the way her body moved, so much more coordinated when she"d always had fast reflexes and extraordinary coordination.

Most of all, she didn"t feel alone. Even with her father-and she"d adored him-often she felt very alone. She knew that came from feeling different. She was different. The only close friend she"d ever had was Emeline. Emeline never had the family life Blaze did, but still, they worked somehow, filling those empty spots for one another. But all her adult life, Blaze was aware of loneliness spreading slowly through her.

She wanted a man of her own. A family of her own. She just didn"t relate that well to the men she met and as a rule dismissed them totally from her mind after she walked away. She thought about Maksim from the moment she"d opened her eyes-even when she was talking to Emeline and had come up to the roof for surveillance.

She felt a pull toward him that she had to admit-but only to herself-was more than s.e.xual. She wanted to know him. To see beyond his cold eyes, and remote expression. She needed to be that person that could have all of him. She might tell herself and Emeline that she only wanted a s.e.xual relationship, but she knew better.

You are going to join me in my world, draga mea, he whispered softly into her mind as if reading her thoughts easily.

She had forgotten she had allowed him in. That she was also just as deep in his mind. His tongue slid across her pounding pulse, a delicious, soothing, intimate gesture that stole her breath and maybe a little piece of her heart.

You will be strong. And fast. Far faster than you are now.

He was tempting her. Luring her to take a step further into his world, and he knew it. They both knew it. She held her breath as he opened his shirt. She couldn"t look away from his dark eyes. Eyes so black she could see shadows in them. Hunger was there. Dark and terrible. Beckoning.

She knew he was the devil tempting her, but she couldn"t resist. Already the taste of him was in her mouth. She dropped her gaze to watch as one fingernail slid across the heavy muscle of his chest, just above his heart. At once ruby beads welled up. She inhaled, taking the scent of him into her lungs. He smelled every bit as good as she remembered.

Maksim"s hand cupped the back of her head, urging her mouth toward those drops of tantalizing spice. She glanced up at his face. "If I do this, can I go back?"

He shook his head slowly, his body utterly still. "But I will always be with you. Always. You will never be alone again, Blaze."

She knew she shouldn"t. She didn"t know exactly what she was getting into, but his body was hard and strong, and he smelled like a gift. And that thin line drew her like a magnet. She was mesmerized by it, unable to do anything but look at the sinful temptation.

She was lost and she knew it. Perhaps this wasn"t the way to find herself again, but there was no resisting, not when her body had already melted into his and the hand cupping the back of her head pressed her closer. Especially not when she licked at those ruby drops, brought them into her mouth where the taste of him swallowed her whole. Took her to another place. Sent fire rushing through her veins.

She had been so certain she could just take a small taste, just to see if the memory was real. The moment her tongue touched his chest, brought those ruby drops into her mouth, the craving became overwhelming. Not just for the exquisite, unique taste, but for him. For the hardness of his body. His strength. His scent. The sweep of his long hair and the feel of his hands moving over her, claiming her. Most of all because his mind was in hers, filling her, taking away fear and loneliness.

She drank when she knew it was something forbidden. She took everything he offered because there was no stopping. In that moment, everything he offered was real. What she had searched for. Waited for. Dreamt of.

Take off your shirt.

They were outside. She knew enough to know that much, even though she was lost in the rising tide of pa.s.sion. The persistent throb between her legs became an urgent demand, and at his whispered command, she felt the growing dampness there.

Someone could see us. She used the more intimate whisper of telepathy. The need for him began to dance down her spine. The lure of the forbidden. He always gave her that, and for some reason she responded with a rush of heat surging through her veins, pounding through her c.l.i.t, causing a spasm deep inside.

No one will see. Do this for me. I do not think I can go much longer without being inside of you. Carpathians do not dream, Blaze, but all through the day, I dreamt of you. Your soft skin. Your hair like silk. The taste of you. The way you surround me with fire when I am inside you. That mouth of yours. Sweet. Hot. I craved the feel of your hands on me.

She had dreamt of him. She had woken up with the taste of him in her mouth. With his name on her lips. Looking for him. Disappointed and hurt that he wasn"t right there in bed with her.

You left me. Her voice betrayed her. Shook. Just a little, but it was enough. He heard. He knew. He felt her hurt.

Very gently he tugged on the hair of her wig. Let his fingers caress the nape of her neck.

Carpathians must sleep during the day, sufletul meu. We are very vulnerable at this time. The soil rejuvenates us. I expected that you would stay asleep and I would be back before you woke. His hand moved over her shoulder in a caress and he deepened the kiss. Gentled it. Made her ache with need. Take off your shirt for me. I will keep all eyes away from you.

Before she could stop herself, her hands went to the hem of her tee and she dragged it off, hating to lift her head and stop taking what she needed from him. Still, she dropped the T-shirt on the rooftop and put her mouth on his chest once again.

His hands moved up her back, along her spine, found the catch of her bra and slipped it off. The night air teased her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She shivered as fingers of desire danced down her spine. The moment he touched her she was lost. He swept his hands down her body, along her spine, over her rib cage, down to her bottom. His fingers dug deep, claiming her. Pressing her tight into him.

Give me your mouth.

Reluctantly she swept her tongue across the thin line on his chest and lifted her face to his. His mouth came down on hers, crushing hers under his. Hot. Hard. Delicious. His tongue teased along her teeth, the roof of her mouth, dueled with hers. Insistent. Making her light-headed. Turning her into a living flame. He trailed kisses from her lips to her chin. His teeth bit gently, causing an instant reaction. Tension coiled and the burn between her legs grew. She moistened her lips. There it was again. The forbidden. Undressing in the open with his hands caressing her body. The night breeze on her. Stirring her senses further. She found the idea aroused her even more.

He pulled back to look at her, his eyes burning over her body. Everywhere his gaze touched felt like the caress of his hands. He cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, lifting them toward his mouth as his head lowered. "So beautiful," he murmured aloud.

She felt the sweep of his silky hair against her bare skin. Her breath left her lungs in a long rush, and then his mouth was on her. His teeth sc.r.a.ped back and forth along her nipple, sending shards of desire pounding through her bloodstream. She couldn"t stop the excitement, the antic.i.p.ation rushing through her like the strongest wave imaginable, sweeping her up into a vortex of need.

His mouth closed over her breast, suckling hard. Rough. Demanding. His hands bit into her, ma.s.saged, tugged and rolled, never stopping while she gasped for breath, clinging to him because her legs went weak. Anchoring both hands in his hair, she held him to her, needing his mouth, needing the hard suction and the brutal demands.

His hand slid over her hip and she felt the cool air on her bare thighs-between them as he inserted his leg between hers and pushed her thighs apart. The cool air fanned the smoldering fire until she thought she might burst into flames. Her breath came in ragged gasps, and l.u.s.t rose sharp and terrible.

He kissed his way back up to her throat. Found her mouth. Took it. Over and over. Long, deep kisses while his hands moved possessively over her body. He lifted his head to look down at her, his gaze feral. A dark predator. Another shiver of excitement went through her, arousal burning high. Her need urgent. Before she could say anything, he kissed his way down her body. Over her throat. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her ribs.

Her breath left her lungs when she realized his intentions. She looked around her. Night had fallen. Stars were out. There was no building hiding her. No shadows out there on the rooftop. He crouched in front of her, his hands pushing her thighs farther apart, causing another spasm of pure hunger.

Someone can see us, she whispered into his mind. She should stop him but she couldn"t. She needed this. His mouth pushing the terrible, brutal burn into crackling flames that would consume her.

I would never allow that. I can shield our presence. No man sees you but me. Ever.

She knew he meant it. She had no idea how he could shield them from sight should someone from another rooftop or window happen to look over at them, but she didn"t doubt that he could. Still, even with that knowledge, she still felt the thrill of the illicit.

I want your legs farther apart, Blaze. His voice was a rough command, the s.e.xy rasp and the hot breath directly against her wet, sensitive entrance.

She clutched his shoulder with one hand, his hair with the other, not knowing if she had the strength to drag him away from her. She could feel the warm spill of liquid in response. The bright, desperate hunger shooting through her like an arrow. Her fingers tightened in his hair.

He lifted her leg, pushing her calf over his shoulder, exposing her even more to him, to the night. A sob of need escaped her. He leaned into her and his tongue swiped through the wet, curling, jabbing, sending that burn into violent flames.

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