1. A wasp is a very pretty insect, black and yellow in colour. There are several kinds. Some burrow in the ground and make their nests there.

Others build their nests in trees.

2. Wasps live together in large numbers. They are very busy. Some lay eggs; some are masons, and build the nest; others are soldiers, and guard the home; whilst others carry away all the rubbish, and keep everything clean and tidy.

3. The wasp"s sting has poison in it. This is why it gives us such pain if we get stung.

4. The wasp is something like the fly in shape, only much larger. It preys upon other insects.

_Write and learn:_

The Wasp has-- Six legs.

Four wings.

A sharp sting.

The Wasp-- Makes a nest.

Works hard.

Sleeps all winter.

The Wasp likes-- Insects.


Sweet things.

THE SUNFLOWER. [_Page 104._

1. This flower is called _sun_-flower because it always turns its face to the sun. It turns as the sun goes round.

2. The sunflower grows on a strong, tall stalk. It is something like a daisy in form.

3. The deep-yellow leaves stand out in rays from the dark-coloured middle of the flower, which is called the _disk_. This disk is made of a large number of tiny flowers closely packed together.

4. The seeds of this flower are large and oblong, and contain oil.

5. Bees and flies visit sunflowers, to gather honey.

_Write and learn:_

The sunflower has-- A strong stalk.

A large disk.

Many rays.

The sunflower-- Grows from seed.

Contains honey.

Turns to the sun.

The sunflower has-- Small flowers in its disk.

Oblong seeds.

Oily seed.

THE ROSE. [_Page 108._

1. Roses are of many kinds and many colours. Most of them are sweet-scented. Some rose-bushes do not grow very high. Others grow up as high as our houses.

2. Roses have thorns on their stems. Wild roses have many thorns. Wild roses are small--have only five leaves--but they are very pretty.

3. When they die they leave berries, called hips, which make good food for the birds in winter. There are seeds in them.

_Write and learn:_

The rose has-- A sweet scent.

Sharp thorns on its stem.

Soft, smooth leaves.

The rose is-- Sometimes white.

Sometimes yellow.

Sometimes red.

The wild rose-- Grows in hedges.

Has five leaves.

Has berries called "hips."

WOOD. [_Page 111._

1. Wood seems to be almost as useful as iron. Hundreds of years ago, houses were built of wood. All the houses in London were. There is much wood in our houses now.

2. There are many kinds of wood--each comes from a different tree. Oak is a very hard wood. Pine is softer. Willow is very soft; its thin branches will bend easily. It is used for making baskets.

3. When the trunk of a tree is sawn into planks we can see the grain or marks in it. Some are very prettily marked. Oak and walnut are. Wood can be highly polished.

_Write and learn:_

Wood grows-- In most countries.

In forests.


Wood is-- Very useful.

Mostly hard.

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