Before the first appearance of sunlight even managed to decorate the horizon, city officials, high standing clan members and veteran could be seen leaving their homes and travel through empty streets towards the Hokage"s office premises.

Inspired after hearing news of an approved request for one of the Academy students to attempt the exam for early graduation while not yet having turned five inspired, a lot of influential people came to spectate the event.

Knowing the event would attract much attention, the Hokage had put two chunins in charge of checking the ident.i.ties of all who wished to enter the scheduled examination hall.

Having just closed the door after allowing the current head of the Uchiha clan to enter, another ent.i.tled city official approached.

"Can I get a name?" Skipping any form of pleasantness as they knew more people were scheduled to arrive

"Iwaki Atsumori."

Looking down at the list they"d been given, "I"m very sorry, sir. It appears you"re not on the list."

"Hah? What do you mean? How can I not be on the list, don"t you know who I am?"

None of them answered his question.

Agitated by being ignored, Iwaki tried to push his way through, but both chunin"s stepped in to block his path. "Imbeciles, let me in right now!"

"Only those on the list can enter, and since you"re not on the list, it means you can"t enter."

"Tsh... Fine, okay." He straightened his clothes. "I want your names?"

"I"m Okazaki," the one who"d been speaking pointed to himself, "and this is Kodama."

Meanwhile, a young boy with spiky blond hair came up to stand before them.

"Minato Namikaze."

Looking down at the list, "you can enter."

"Wait, now you"re letting kids enter? What is this disrespect?" Turning around he left with a warning. "I"ll make sure to issue an official complaint to the Hokage"s office when I return."

The chunin who"d dealt with Iwaki issued a deep sigh. "Some of these people sure are difficult to deal with."

His partner shrugged both shoulders. "What do you expect? They all believe themselves important enough to be here, otherwise, who"d go out this early in the morning. And how often do we see anyone graduate from the Academy this early?"

"This is the first time I"ve heard of since..."

"Exactly! Since never, and that"s why this event is gaining so much attraction among the upper echelon of the village."

Inside the examination hall, Minato found a seat in the back next to his cla.s.s teacher Osamu and looked down the four row of seats in front of him with many already occupied.

"Thanks for the invite."

"The Hokage gave me an extra "ticket" if you will. You know, for putting up with Fuzen for a whole month." Osamu shook his head in disbelief. "And I thought you might be interested to see this, so I invited you."

"I am," he nodded. "So how does this work?"

"Well, when Fuzen eventually sees fit to grace us with his presence, he will first have to pa.s.s an oral exam administered by those over there sitting beside the Hokage." Osamu pointed towards a long desk where two examiners flanked the Hokage on each side.

"a.s.suming he it, Fuzen will have a practical exam going up against a senior opponent."

Minato scanned the crowd for possible candidates. "Do we know who he"ll be facing?"

"Not yet, though I have heard whispers of it being someone close to the Hokage."

A half an hour went by, and Fuzen still hadn"t shown. From Hiruzen"s position behind the desk, he could see the people present were starting to grow impatient.

Puffing out a cloud of smoke, he indicated for one of the Anbu behind him to step forward. "Go to his apartment and find him. I don"t care if you drag the little rascal if you have to, but bring him here now!"

"Right away, sir!" And the Anbu vanished from his spot.

Glancing at the clock above the doors leading into the examination hall, Hiruzen noted the examination should have begun fifteen minutes ago.

About to puff out another mouthful of smoke in frustration, a hateful voice interrupted and caused him to choke on it instead. "It"s weird, but I think I can see your hair becoming more grey by the minute, old man."

"h.e.l.l! Are you trying to kill me?" He managed to say in between a coughing fit.

"No need to be so sensitive, old man. It"s not my fault you didn"t notice me in time," Fuzen rejected any fault committed on his part.

By this time the entire audience had honed in on them and observed Fuzen and Hiruzen"s interaction.

Pointing to the multiple rows of people watching, "That"s quite a few more than a couple of people like you mentioned yesterday night."

Hearing him, Hiruzen turned away sheepishly. "Yeah, well... One thing led to another, and here we are."

"But can we get this thing started? I"ve got plans later today."

"Hokage, you can"t let him speak to you like that!" A female examiner sitting beside him interjected.

Fuzen could feel her accusing eyes follow him as he went to inspect the audience, trying to identify faces.

Hiruzen put on a stoic face. "Arguing with Fuzen serves no purpose besides working towards an aneurysm. I value both my sanity and health, so I"ve more or less learned to ignore it."

"Pretending to be all wise and sage-like doesn"t suit you," Fuzen hollered back causing Hiruzen to shake his head.

As he reached the end of the seating arrangement, he noticed Osamu and Minato sitting together. Unlike this previous month where Minato had avoided him like the plague, this time he surprisingly met Fuzen"s eyes head on. Not in a challenge sort of way, but in recognition of having met someone better than himself.

Deciding now was as good an opportunity as any, he mid-step disappeared using "Shadow Walk" and when the step finished appeared right next to Minato shocking everyone present.

"Neat trick you got there, Mr. showoff."

"Thanks," Fuzen gave him a winning smile. "Took a while for it to become this cool though."

Fuzen held out his hand with fingers positioned to accept the Seal of Reconciliation, the last part which they never finished after their spar.

Minato glanced at it in surprise and Osamu had to shove him with a discrete elbow before he woke up to lock fingers with Fuzen, completing the seal and acknowledging they were still comrades.

Leaning close to him, Fuzen whispered. "Don"t worry I"ll hook you up with someone else later, promise."

With that, he went away as he"d come and practically teleported to stand in front of the examination table, ready for the first part of the exam.

"Let"s go people." He clapped his hands. "I don"t have all day."

Hiruzen had to physically restrain the female examiner to avoid her from a.s.saulting him.

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