The Kazekage surveyed the short stature and could only conclude he was dealing with someone very quite young. "You don"t seem like the usual Anbu used by Konoha? And any way put too young to be here alone without backup."

Standing upright, Fuzen met his eyes. "And what does that tell you? Mr Kazekage..."

"That they"re either very dumb to send you or very overconfident in your abilities."

"Actually, if anything they underestimate them, just like you that is... But that"s fine. You"ll see what I mean in a minute."

With all Suna and Kagero eyes on him, there was little reason to go about this quietly.

Ignoring the Kazekage, Fuzen vanished from his spot using "Body Flicker" and weaved past the nearby leaving them either dismembered and or dead by pa.s.sing "Void Fists" through different parts of their bodies.

Near instantly arriving beside another cart, he kicked open the door and peeked inside where a pair of fat idiots held where one held onto a shaking katana.

"That stick isn"t going to help you."

Reaching toward the weapon, it looked to them as if the tiger-masked killer intended to stab himself in the palm. What happened instead was that the entire blade got consumed, eaten by the black hand like it was a delicious snack.

However, the hand didn"t stop there. It continued up the length of the representative"s arm. Despite howling in pain as his arm disappeared before his very eyes and waving it around wildly, the devouring hand tracked his movements without error and continued its chosen path.

"Argh...Please, make it st–"

Fuzen obliged to his demands and swiped forward with both hands causing the two representatives to lose their heads simultaneously.

"Protect the last three carts at all cost! And don"t let him get close, use ranged attacks! Try to slow him," the Kazekage bellowed his orders.

Hearing the Third Kazekage, Fuzen couldn"t help shaking his head in dismay. "Why do you have to be such a c.o.c.kblocker, huh?"

Throwing down a smoke bomb, Fuzen disappeared into his realm of darkness and materialized under the cart that had been leading the convoy.

Even though the strange pulsating ba.s.s was gone, the Kazekage didn"t for a second believe it was over. "Where is he? Someone tell me his location."

"He"s... gone," a sensor-nin detected. "Wait, I sense him. Under that cart, over there!" He pointed his finger alarmed.

"Iron Sand: Spears of Destiny!"

Several tens of black spears instantly whizzed through the air, piercing through the cart showing no hesitation in killing a couple of representatives as long as, he also nailed down the slippery opponent in the process.

Fuzen expected this and had used the Kazekages ruthless nature to help achieve his objective. Now, he only had to confirm the kills.

On his way to the next cart, Fuzen grabbed one of the freely available enemy and by performing a fast spin threw him at the cart breaking it wide open. As he"d hoped, the representatives inside were pierced through at multiple angles and most definitely dead.

With the kills confirmed, he focused on the remaining two carts. Fuzen felt no inclination to face off against the Kazekage who"d placed himself in his way and motioned to move directly pa.s.sed him.

"Oh, no. You"re not getting past me, you little runt!" And moved to follow Fuzen by surfing on a wave of iron sand. Placing both palms against each other multiple black tendrils formed and were sent off at an astonishing speed.

Noticing the whip-like constructs incoming attack too late since he was already busy dodging the other long-range attacks coming from the front, Fuzen had to take the incoming hits and as a result, was sent flying.

"s.h.i.t!" The Kazekage exclaimed.

"That"s right, s.h.i.thead..." Fuzen grinned and prepared himself for chaos to ensue.

At the last second, before the hit went through, Fuzen had used the ninjato he carried on his back to take the brunt of the damage, and positioned himself so the force would carry within range of the second last cart.

"Here I come!!!"

With feet first, he rammed into a Kagero with such force the chest cavity caved in upon impact. Enemies surrounded him on all, yet he couldn"t be happier.

Activating "Black Sea", a dark circle spread with him at the centre. A couple of the physically weaker ones visibly trembled as the gravity increased by several folds.

"You"re in my zone now. Let"s see how you deal with me in close range."

Carving a b.l.o.o.d.y trail of death through their midst, he arrived at the cart and ripped open the door to find both representatives pushed down in their seats unable to move a finger. The Kazekage had nearly caught up with him, so he ended them quickly.

"Four carts down, one left."

With "Body Flicker", Fuzen moved and repeated the same slaughter as previous, not allowing the Kazekage to catch up as in a match of pure speed, few could match him, much less overtake him.

When the Kazekage caught up everything was already finished. One representative was lying dead on the blood-soaked ground with a hole through his chest, and while the final representative was still alive, he was on his knees facing the young, begging for his life.

"How do you like me now, eh?" The Konoha Anbu provoked him before a quick hand silenced the representative"s pathetic pleas.

Reaching into his pouch, Fuzen took out the flare given to him by Akata and fired it into the air. A green light lit up the night sky for everyone in the area to see.

"I admit I sorely underestimated you, and it won"t happen again. Know that this only happens once. Next time, I"ll have found a strategy to deal with you." The iron sand looming like a giant tsunami behind him trembled more and more as the rage built. "I"ll find you. As Kage of Sunagakure, I swear I will not let this insult stand, you hear me!?"

"I"d expect nothing less. Well, until next time..." Fuzen waved goodbye and disappeared like a dark phantom.

After he left, the tune emitted from Fuzen"s "Void Fist" finally stopped playing in the air, yet to those who"d witnessed his carnage, the sound of a beating heart continued to reverberate in their minds.

Bb.u.mP, Bb.u.mP, Bb.u.mP, Bb.u.mP...

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