Charles Di Tocca

Chapter 16

GIULIA: His words were low

FULVIA: Why were You not asleep?


FULVIA: Did he beat his hands Briefly--and then no more?

GIULIA: I was behind----

FULVIA: And could not see? But heard their names?

The Greek is still without?

GIULIA: My lady, yes.

FULVIA: Your voice is guilty. How came Haemon in?

Answer me, answer! No, go quickly! If The duke has entered now and sleeps! Or if----!

(_Words and swords are heard, then a shriek from HELENA.

CHARLES rushes in furious and wounded in the arm, followed by HELENA, ANTONIO, who is dazed, and from Castle side by HaeMON, guards, etc._)

ANTONIO: You, you, sir? father? I knew it not, so swift Your rage fell on me.

CHARLES (_to a guard_): Gaping, ghastly fool!

Do you behold him murderous and lay No hand on him!

ANTONIO: But, sir----!

CHARLES: Let him not fawn About me! Seize him! G.o.d forgives not h.e.l.l.

Not this blood only but my soul"s be on him.

HELENA: O, do not, he----

CHARLES: Stand! stand! Touch me not with Your voice or eyes or being! They are soft With perfidy, and stole me to believe There"s sweetness in a flower, light in air, And beauty in the innocence of earth.

Bind him! Leucadia"s just cliff awaits All traitors--"tis the law, they must be flung Out on the dizzy and supportless wind.

FULVIA: But this shall never be! No, though your looks Heave out with hate upon me.

CHARLES (_convulsed, then coldly_): You are dead, And speak to me. Once you were Fulvia-- No more! And once my friend, now but a ghost Whom I must gaze upon forgetlessly.

Obey, at once! and at to-morrow"s sunset!

(_ANTONIO is taken and led out._)

HELENA (_falling at CHARLES" feet_): You cannot, will not--O, he is your son And loves you much!

CHARLES: Touch me not! touch me not!

(_To HaeMON._) Lead her away--and quickly, quickly, quickly!

(_HaeMON goes with HELENA through the postern._ Friends--friends-- (_unsteadily_) I am--quite--friendless now--?

(_Clutching his wounded arm._) Ah--quite! (_He faints._)

FULVIA: Charles! Charles! my lord! return!--A numbness Has barred the way of soothing to his breast!



_Scene._--_A chamber in the Castle, opening on the right to a hall, curtained on the left from another chamber. In the rear is a window through which may be seen silvery hills of olive resting under the late afternoon sun: by it a shrine. Enter the CAPTAIN of the Guard and a SOLDIER from the Hall._

SOLDIER: There is no more?

CAPTAIN: Not if you understand.

SOLDIER: That do I--every link of it! I"ve served Under the bold de Montreal, and he For stratagems--well, Italy knows him!

CAPTAIN: You must be quick and secret.

SOLDIER: As the end Of the world!

CAPTAIN: Our duty"s with the duke. But then Antonio has our love.

SOLDIER: That has he! Ah, That has he!

CAPTAIN: Well, be close. None must escape, Remember, none be hurt. As for the princess, We"ll hear the c.h.i.n.k of ducats with her thanks.

SOLDIER: Madonna save her!--The Judas of a father Who robs her rest!

CAPTAIN (_looking down the hall_): "Tis she who comes this way.

So go, and haste. But fail not.

SOLDIER: If I do, Bury me with a pagan, next a Turk!


_Enter FULVIA._

CAPTAIN: Princess--

FULVIA: Our plans grow to fulfilment--are No way misplanted?

CAPTAIN: Lady, all seems now Seasonable for their expected fruit.

FULVIA: No accident appears to threat and thwart them?

CAPTAIN: Doubt not a fullest harvest of your hope.

The duke himself shall for this deed at last Have benediction.

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