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Chapter 26
Hunting Festival (second)

◆Side Lilica◆

It’s the day of the hunting festival .

There were many elves she knew around her .
50 in total .
There were still-young elves all the way to the elderly veterans .

They don’t need to be so excited about an event that happens every year, Lilica thought silently .

Was it funny because she wasn’t a child but she was using a short bow? From time to time, she could hear the chuckles and laughter from her surroundings .
At her waist hung the medicine she had gotten from Reiji .

“Open the bottle in an area with good visibility? If done, then-”

That was said, but it wasn’t tested so she only half believed it .
However, Noela said it wouldn’t fail, so the effect was probably excellent .

She could see her brother Kululu waving his hand from a spot a little bit removed .

“I’ll definitely make you look at me properly, so -”

When they heard the opening signal, all the partic.i.p.ants ran towards the forest simultaneously .

The time limit was until sunset . It was a compet.i.tion on who could hunt the most animals .
Last year’s champion was her brother Kululu, and he had brought down sixteen animals .

That was more or less the standard .

Lilica ran and arrived at her predicted point, opening the lid of the bottle .



Immediately, a small wild dog came rushing madly over .

“- Wah . I,it really came over-!?”

Lilica was a little put off by the beast rushing madly over like it was thirsting for blood .
At that moment, Reiji’s voice crossed her mind .

“Calm down .  Draw . Release the arrow at the distance you’ve practiced . ”

– Now .

Swish .
The arrow gave off a short sound and hit the wild dog .

“It it!”

That’s the first – it was when she was feeling relieved .


Rumble rumble; with that ominous sound, the wild dogs ran full speed towards her .

“- . … . Calm down – – – pull – – the distance I practiced at!”

At her predicted spot, Lilica had great visibilty, and there were rocks and large trees around .
If the monsters came here, they have to use the s.p.a.ce between them that made a narrow path .

If they came towards her, then they will have to come in a line .

Swish; another arrow flew a short course .

The leading wild dog collapsed, and the arrow released immediately after also hit the wild dog behind it .

“If Lilica draws the beasts over with the ‘attractant,’ release an arrow when it enters the range you’ll hit . That’s all you have to do . ”

That’s what Reiji had said when he explained the plan .

“You’re not hunting them, you’re having them come at you .  It’s nice to save time from searching, right? If you have an attractant, they’ll come straight at you .  It will be easy both to predict their movements and hit them . ”


When the arrow hit the last of the four beasts that had come, Lilica gave a sigh .

“Just like Reiji said … Reiji is amazing…”

“Don’t get spooked, okay?”

She remembered his lightly teasing words, and she immediately objected .

“I won’t be spooked – with beasts as my opponents!”

Rumblerumblerumble; she could hear a sound like the earth was rumbling, and Lilica’s eyebrows furrowed .

“What’s that sound…?”

In the distance, she could see wild dogs, small monsters, and the like flooding in towards her .

“ – Eh? … . Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!? A,a loooooooot caaaaaaame!? This medicine is too effectiiiiiiiive!”

Even though a stampede came, as expected, they could only come in a row, and thanks to that, while muttering, “Calm down . Draw . The range I practiced,” Lilica fired the arrow as the lead monster entered the set range .

The result .
The monsters that Lilica had hunted since the beginning of the hunting festival .
That number was 89 .
And the arrows all hit dead on .

Lilica, who had received the honor of the champion, ran to the nearest town, all the way to Kirio Drug .

Lilica turned her head .
She had wanted her brother to recognize her from the hunting festival .
But the person she wanted to share the result with first wasn’t her usual brother .

During the hunting festival, she kept hearing Reiji’s voice inside her head, encouraging her .
It was thanks to you and your medicine; she wanted to say these words .

But she might become obstinate and avoid meekly saying that exactly .
If that happens, Reiji will smile in amazement but he’ll probably say, ‘That’s great,’ definitely…

“… I wonder if Reiji’s around?”

With her heart beating wildly she peeked inside the store, and Reiji was sitting at the counter during a lull in customers, and the girl called Mina sat right next to him .

“Reiji-san, which shelf should this medicine go on?”
‘Ah, that one goes – -”
“Oh, that’s right, Noelsan did – – -”
“Hahaha, what’s with that?”

The two of them were working while have a friendly, close-sounding conversation .

Pierce –

Seeing that, a sudden sharp pain ran through her .

Pierce pierce pierce .

It was painful, but fuzzy . A feeling she didn’t understand .
Why did it feel like she had seen something she shouldn’t see?

Even though it was something she had seen many time .
Even if she thought about it, she didn’t understand, and for a while she didn’t move from there, like her feet had frozen .

“Lilica . What’s up?”

Noela, who was returning to the shop from outside, asked .

“Ah . Um … uh . I wanted to say thanks, to Reiji…”
“ – Master, Lilica, came . ”

When Noela faced the inside of the shop and said so, from inside the shop a voice said, ‘Ou . ”
With a snap, like magic had been disenchanted from her, Lilica’s feet moved .

Even though she came to meet him, now she didn’t want to meet him .

When she came to, she was running through town while carrying the pain in her chest .

“What do I do, what do I do … I, I …”

– I might like him .

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