Chapter 19

The Fear that Starts to Move (7)


Though half of the Multifaceted Hekatonkhieres had been swallowed by the blackness, it still lived. Losing half of its body while scattering purple, acidic blood, it cried out in disbelief. However, it was not a cry to gather grudge, but rather that it remembered fear before Harumi.

While Irori is preoccupied, announcements flow from the sleeping Harumi again. Irori could not quite determine, but it seemed different from the first time she heard it.


『 Incomplete elimination of sleep disturbance factor. Skill [Nightmare Eater] has paused. 』

『Harumi Makura failed to fully subdue Mulitfaceted Hekatonkhieres, Ray Arachne…』

『Harumi Makura leveled up! Harumi Makura leveled up! Harumi Makura leveled up! Harumi Makura leveled up! Harumi Makura leveled up! Harumi Makura leveled up! Harumi Makura leveled up! Harumi Makura leveled up! Harumi Makura leveled up! Harumi Makura leveled up! 』(Levels x10)

『Harumi Makura’s [Nightmare Eater] copied the skills [Incantation] [Death Technique] [Toxic Fluids] [Grudge Absorption] [Immortality] [Infinite Regeneration] [Darkness Beast Magic] [Seal] [Dance Technique] [Black Magic] [Shadow Control] [Subs.p.a.ce Magic] [Kindred (眷属化)] which have been transferred…』

『 Expansion of acceptable maximum level of skill [Nightmare Eater] recommended. 』

『Skill [Nightmare Eater] re-constructing. Count of 30 seconds until restart』

『While [Nightmare Eater] is reconstructing, [Sleep Learning] is in force and all damage is disabled』


“After all these years, to be prepared to die by this mistress…” (Ray)

As the voice of a Death G.o.d continues, Ray Arachne was trying to crawl from the shadow of Irori.

Just as the blackness from Harumi was about to swallow her, the Avatar of Crow, or Ray, used the skill [Shadow Control] to spring to Irori and somehow narrowly escaped absolute death. However, the tip had gone through her shoulder. Her beautiful light hair and dancer clothing had been disturbed. Breathing roughly, it was obviously impossible for her to continue the fight. (TL: kind of cheap that she survived Harumi’s all-encompa.s.sing attack, but oh well. Maybe she’ll learn some humility)

“It is the rule of the Avatars that any person who knows who we are must die, so remember that we’ll make sure to kill you and this sleeping cat mistress by all means… though having to revive someone is a ha.s.sle, like I did with the former hero as well.” (Ray) (「知った者の死、知られたものの死は我々アワタールの掟よ 覚えておきなさい眠り猫 妾は必ず貴女を殺しに行くわ…… 童の元勇者ちゃんもやられちゃったみたいね、生き返らせるのが面倒だわ」)

(TL: …Or not. Ray, you are not going to kill Harumi, he’s literally not on your level. Neither are you going to get Harumi to work for you either – it’s just not gonna happen.)

Keeping track of the [Nightmare Eater] countdown, Ray glared at the sleeping Harumi before diving into the shadows and disappearing.

Irori is surprised at the words that Ray left before disappearing in the shadows. But she is distracted by seeing the dying Hekatonkheires do something. Before the countdown finished around the number 10, the Multifacted Hekatonkhieres began to move. It began to regenerate the half of its body it lost unnoticed, and its many hands growing from its head attacked the sleeping Harumi. Somehow, the giant is being visibly careless.


“Just a few more seconds remain! I’ll do something, [Whirlwind Barrier]!” (Irori)

More than a hundred arms of the Multifaceted Hekatonkhieres were obstructed by Irori’s magic. In order to protect herself and Harumi, Irori extended her right hand and opened the iron fan while casting the wind barrier. Being in the center of the whirlwind, Irori and Harumi were unaffected by the strong gales that repelled the arms of the looming giant.

“As expected there is truly a lot.” (Irori)

Irori could only withstand the crushing attacks from the large arms for a few seconds, as the whirlwind barrier began to twist and collapse. (巨腕一本一本はかるくイロリの捻り潰せるほどの大きさで、イロリはたった数秒旋風結界を発動して攻撃を阻止するだけで精一杯だった。) But in this battle, her hold-out should probably earn her an award. The skill [Nightmare Eater] reported its count to 0.

『Skill [Nightmare Eater] reconstruction countdown has reached 0. Restart. 』

As the black…something again rose from Harumi, incomparable from before it expanded its darkness to the sky, wriggling like a snake. It obscured the sky enough to block out the sun.


The vision of the Multifaceted Hekatonkhieres filled with the black…something in an instant. It regrets that it would promptly disappear after acc.u.mulating enough grudge, destroying the seal, and finally showing its form from the earth.

Seeing Harumi’s [Nightmare Eater] for the second time without distraction, the image securely burned into her eyes. Its power to eliminate any recognized enemy, caused even the generally emotionless Irori to only feel astonishment.

“Just what are you Harumi? To have such power even while asleep and swallow such a devil is…” (Irori)


『skill [Nightmare Eater] has completed elimination of sleep disturbance factor』

『 Harumi Makura has successfully subdued the Multifaced Hekatonkhieres』

『Harumi Makura leveled up! Harumi Makura leveled up! Harumi Makura leveled up! Harumi Makura leveled up! Harumi Makura leveled up!…… 』(5+ levels)

『Harumi Makura acquired the t.i.tle [Devil of Sleep] [Champion of the Northern Land] and [Demon Eater]. Status has been corrected. 』

『With the skill [Nightmare Eater] Harumi Makura usurped the skills [Devil Intimidation] [Life Drain] and [Life Creation] successfully』

『Harumi Makura has learned the skill [Daydream] 』


As the whisper of a Death G.o.d stops, Irori, who is completely exhausted, drew close to the sleeping Harumi and snuggled up to his side. Not caring if his clothes were dirty, she held on to Harumi like a pillow and went to sleep.

“Su- Su-” (sleeping Harumi and Irori)

On the wasteland north of the city, the lovely sound of these two breathing in sleep was heard quietly.

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