_The manner of making_ Chocolate.

Set a Pot of Conduit Water over the fire untill it boiles, then to every person that is to drink, put an ounce of _Chocolate_, with as much Sugar into another Pot; wherein you must poure a pint of the said boiling Water, and therein mingle the _Chocolate_ and the Sugar, with the instrument called _El Molinillo_, untill it be thoroughly incorporated: which done, poure in as many halfe pints of the said Water as there be ounces of _Chocolate_, and if you please, you may put in one or two yelks of fresh Eggs, which must be beaten untill they froth very much; the hotter it is drunke, the better it is, being cold it may doe harme. You may likewise put in a slice of white bred or Bisquet, and eate that with the _Chocolate_. The newer and fresher made it is, the more benefit you shall finde by it; that which comes from forreigne parts, and is stale, is not so good as that which is made here.


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