See Histories of Philosophy: Ueberweg, Erdmann, Windelband, Schwegler, Maurice, Rogers; Alexander, _A Short History of Philosophy_ (2nd ed.), 1908; Lecky, _Hist. of Europ. Morals_; Luthardt, _History of Ethics_; Rogers, _A Short History of Ethics_, 1912; Thoma, _Geschichte d.

Christl. Sittenlehre in der Zeit d. N. T._, 1879; Wundt (_Vol. II. of Ethics_); Wuttke (_Vol. I. of Ethics_); Sidgwick, _History of Ethics_; Ziegler, _Gesch. d. Ethik_; Jodl, _Gesch. d. Ethik in d. Neueren Philosophie_; T. C. Hall, _History of Ethics within Organized Christianity_, 1910. See also Relevant Articles in Bible Dictionaries, especially Hastings" _Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics_.

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