Christmas Every Day

Chapter 15.

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Chapter 15.

He"d thought that the first time would be the most important and that nothing else could ever compare to it. He was wrong. Each time he made love with Sara would be just as precious, if not more so, than the last, no matter how long he lived.

No matter how many times he made love with her.

Nik wanted to give her the world, wrapped up in shiny paper and bound m bright ribbons.

He had only himself.

It didn"t seem nearly enough. He wanted to give her something special, to somehow wipe away the sadness, the tinge of distrustfulness in her eyes that always lingered there, even when pa.s.sion shone, full bloom.

He wanted to make her his. Forever.

Nik closed Sara"s bedroom door behind him. He didn"t bother turning around. He couldn"t take his eyes off Sara:

He could hear her breath catch when he touched her face. It was impossibly erotic.

Softly, as if she would melt at the slightest contact, he brought his lips down to hers. Her sigh of acceptance had his blood surging through his veins like the end of the l812 Overture.

Urgency battered him like waves against the sh.o.r.e, demanding satisfaction.

But he managed to maintain control. He swore to himself that she would never know anything but kindness from him. Someone had obviously hurt her. He was never going to chance Sara confusing him with that man, even for a moment. He"d leave her rather than risk that ever happening

Where was the strength that she was so proud of? Where in heaven"s name was her resilience? Why did everything dissolve to liquid when he touched her? Why did she silently vow to relinquish everything she believed in, everything she knew to be true, just so that he would touch her again?

She was betraying herself for the price of a kiss.

Sara had no answers. And the questions were fading. All she wanted was for Nik to make love to her, to make love with her. To completely surround her until he was her walls, her ceiling, her floor.

Sara almost cried with joy as she felt his hands move over her body, caressing her, revering her. Making her burst into flame as he gathered her to him.

If she was any closer she"d be through him, and yet, it wasn"t close enough.

It would never be close enough.

She dug her hands into his shoulders, trying to absorb him as his mouth laid siege to hers with an abandonment she reveled in.

Nik cupped her head and drew her away. He looked at her, his own breathing ragged and echoing in the silent room. The rise and fall of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s against his chest was driving him crazy. "

Oh, G.o.d, Sara, this was all I could think about all week. Just being with you again like this. "

Sara vainly sought control. He had it all. "Before or after you seasoned the Stroganoff?"

Nik slid his tongue along her ear and enjoyed the shiver it evoked.

From both of them.

"Before," he swore, his breath hot along her skin. "Way before."

Dear G.o.d, she was going to make a fool of herself and tear his clothes off right here and now. She wanted him. Wanted to be with him. Joined for all eternity. "No food metaphors?"

Her voice was thick with desire. It matched his own. "None. Nothing but you, Sara." He looked into her eyes and saw his reflection there.

He was her prisoner. "Always you."

She would have sold her soul to believe that. But she knew better.


She didn"t know anything except that she needed him. Now.

Nik slid his hands down her spine. Bunching the hem of her T-shirt in his fingers, he began to lift it from her body. Sara raised her arms for him, her eyes never leaving his. There was such love there, it made her ache.

It fades, Sara. Love fades. Promises fade. Her mother"s voice echoed in her brain.

Nik tossed aside Sara"s shirt. "You"re not wearing a bra," he murmured even as he cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his hands. "

Her skin tingled, first hot, then cold. "I never seemed to get around to putting it on this morning."

He felt intoxicated by her scent. It was strong and arousing Her body flowed through his hands, hot, moist, ready. He caressed, coaxed, worshiped. Her shorts snapped open readily beneath his fingers just as she tugged at his jeans.

Hands urgent, seeking, shed clothing quickly. Material fell to the floor and tangled, a silent prophecy.

Both nude, they tumbled onto Sara"s bed, arms and legs entwined as their lips were sealed to one another. Hearts made silent promises, beating wildly as they rolled together Each sought the comforting feel of the other. Each wanted to please and thus be pleased.

His mouth was everywhere, causing tiny earthquakes along her body.

She tasted of desire, dark and alluring. He could have feasted on her for a year and never sated his appet.i.te. He filled himself with her until all that he tasted, smelled and felt was Sara.

She felt his tongue flitter teasingly around her nipple, hardening it instantly. As she moaned, he moved to the other breast. Agony and ecstasy played for control of her, each winning, each taking.

She was almost gasping now as she arched against him. She desperately wanted to do this to him, to make him spiral off into the darkness, searching for the light, just as he did to her.

But he was too quick for her. Too quick and too clever, and she could only hang on to the sides of the roller coaster that had her soaring up and then plunging down.

Her stomach quivered as she felt his mouth trail along her skin. Stars burst through her brain as she felt Nik bring his mouth to her very core. With a m.u.f.fled cry she felt herself free-falling through s.p.a.ce, riding the crest of an explosion. Nik needed only to touch her to set them off.

All he had ever needed to do was touch her, right from the beginning.

Sara grabbed fistfuls of her comforter as Nik wove his magic again. And again. She felt herself hurtling upward and then slowly being let down. She was in a million pieces, bright and glowing like the stars in the sky.

Her arms felt limp. She felt limp. It was all she could do to pry her eyes open and look at him. Gravity was fighting her for control of each lid.

It took her a moment before she found the strength to even form words.

"Are we still on earth?"

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