Chronicle Legion – The Road of Conquest

Chapter 2 - Soldiers of Fortune[edit]

Chapter 2 - Soldiers of Fortune[edit]
Part 1[edit]
The First Expeditionary Brigade of the Far East Fleet.

These were the British Empire"s armed forces led by Edward the Black Prince.

The Anglo-j.a.panese Restoration Alliance was formed from this brigade and Imperial j.a.pan"s Kinai Fiefdom.

The combat units attacking Tōkaidō were manned half-half by the British and the Kinai provincial army. However, the majority of Chevaliers were British and 80% of the Legions were Crusades.

Kinai knights were treated as "honored guests" and seldom sent to the battlefield.

Control was held fully in the British Empire"s hands.

"There is a proverb in j.a.pan... Lend them some eaves and they will take the main house, was it?"

Lieutenant Colonel Grayson muttered.

"The description aptly captures our relationship with the Kinai Fiefdom."

The elderly gentleman of a soldier was speaking solemnly with polite tones.

However, there was a hint of sardonic bite in his words. This old man was always sharing his cynicism with a completely straight face. Perhaps he was the role model responsible for the genie Morrigan"s harsh tongue?

Edward kept his guess to himself and said, "Why not? The Kinai"s top bra.s.s have accepted it too."

"Indeed, thanks to the blessings of the Three Lions and the British royal family."

"Well said. When they provide incredible and convenient miracles from time to time, we"d better perform our duties as loyal subjects to the best of our ability."

"The Kinai Governor General must have been moved by our princess" sincerity and grandeur."

With straight faces, they were exchanging false plat.i.tudes.

The young medieval prince and the elderly man of the modern twentieth century both smirked at the same time.

"Well then, Grayson, I must head over to Kyoto to cheer up our princess and handle a few sundry tasks while I am there. I am counting on you to hold the fort."


The elderly soldier accepted Edward"s request like an experienced butler.

Also serving as the captain of the destroyer Tintagel, Grayson was dressed in a naval officer"s uniform of a white shirt and tie with black pants. However, his current a.s.signment was not on the ship.

Instead, it was Hakone Checkpoint in the western part of j.a.pan"s Kantō region.

As the commanding officer Edward"s adjutant, he must first secure their control of the Hakone area to serve as a forward operating base to advance on Tōkaidō. This was his latest job.

The purpose was to build up a foundation to support invasions into Tokyo and the Kantō region, the heart of Imperial j.a.pan.

"How will you travel to Kyoto?"

"First along the sea then entering Kinai through the Shima Peninsula."

Today was the second day after the fall of Hakone.

There was a helipad at the second tutelary fort, located south of Lake Ashi.

Hakone was originally defended by the Kantō provincial army. After conquering the tutelary forts, the British forces claimed the large transport helicopter of American make that was there. The helicopter was currently ready at the helipad.

Furthermore, British and Kinai forces had been a.s.signed to various positions at Hakone.

The plan was to subjugate military and administrative facilities and demand civilian factions to provide "voluntary a.s.sistance."

After Edward"s return, the hectic situation should subside somewhat. The capabilities of the veteran Grayson and the First Expeditionary Brigade were beyond reproach.

Their commander, the Resurrectee, still had other duties to fulfill.

Just as Edward walked to the helicopter, a young girl called out to him.

"Prince, if it pleases you, kindly take this along."

It was a blonde little girl in a sailor outfit and beret—Or rather, a doll.

The doll possessed by the genie Morrigan was standing behind Grayson.

The doll stood at 150cm, roughly human in size. In her hand was a figure version of her that Edward had used during the Hakone siege.

Every time she moved her body, the joints would produce noise, hinting of her non-human ident.i.ty.

"Morrigan, there is no need for you to accompany me this time."

A genie"s support made everything convenient, but Edward still declined.

"You should focus on the Hakone mission."

"Not a, problem. I am a high-level spirit. Simulacra can be sent to multiple locations... Mult.i.tasking, is possible."

"I know, but playing with dolls is not my thing."

Early twenties in appearance, Edward sighed.

"If I keep bringing your small version around with me, I am afraid weird rumors will start springing up."

"Please, relax. According to research conducted by the British forces... Many adult men in Imperial j.a.pan, enjoy this type of doll."

"I am not looking for fellow enthusiasts here!"

The spirit offered her counsel expressionlessly but Edward rebuked her and boarded the helicopter alone.

Thus an air journey began. An ancient person from the fourteenth century was sitting in a block of metal to soar the sky. To be honest, Edward found riding a wyvern to be quite similar to a horse so it did not feel weird.

That being said, mechanized locomotion was not bad too.

After all, speed was one major advantage. The transport helicopter flew from Hakone to the air over Numazu Port, pa.s.sing through Suruga Bay to enter Pacific Ocean airs.p.a.ce.

Then the helicopter went west along j.a.pan"s island coastline.

The British armed forces had established naval superiority over virtually all of Tōkaidō"s offsh.o.r.e region—from Nagoya and the Atsumi Peninsula to Izu and Atami.

Chances of being attacked were very low. In the event that an enemy showed up, he could simply engage using Legions.

Edward enjoyed the leisurely flight.

The seats in the transport helicopter were hard and not very comfortable. However, horse riding consumed even more energy, so taking a helicopter was still more relaxing.

They entered Kinai through the Shima Peninsula then went north, in other words, inland.

A few hours after taking off, the helicopter reached the sky over Kyoto City. Prior to j.a.pan"s name change to "Imperial j.a.pan," Kyoto had been the ancient capital where the royal palace was located.

This was Edward"s second time in Kyoto.

Before the Tōkaidō invasion operation, he had disguised himself as a foreign tourist to visit this place and hold talks with key figures in the Kinai Fiefdom.

"Kyoto is such a cramped city..."

Edward"s mode of locomotion had switched from a military helicopter to a black luxury vehicle.

As before, operation of the vehicle was left to the driver. Although Edward was talented at controlling mounts such as wyverns or horses, he was not good at handling mechanical contraptions.

Fortunately, as a Resurrectee and Chevalier, he would never find himself without a driver to use.

In the afternoon of the same day, Edward was in the back seat of the luxury vehicle, a paragon of elegance as befitted his t.i.tle of prince, looking out quietly at the streets of Kyoto.

"Surrounded by mountains, narrow roads. Well, I don"t dislike the atmosphere."

Kyoto was rich in cla.s.sic j.a.panese tradition, but was not a major metropolis.

Nijou Castle, constructed on Tokugawa Ieyasu"s orders, had been remodeled many times over the years. Nowadays, in the twentieth century, it was being used by the Kinai Fiefdom as a "palace."

In addition, there was Kyoto Gyoen, a vast garden belonging to the imperial family.

Inside was a palace from a past age where predecessors of the imperial family had lived and old houses that served as "official residences" of the ancient privileged cla.s.s, a reminder that this place used to be the political center of j.a.pan.

Edward disembarked near Kyoto Gyoen.

He wanted to march through the streets gallantly in military uniform and relive his glorious adolescence as a knight in the past... However, he was dressed in casual clothing today.

A white shirt with black pants and a gray coat on top, rather plain in appearance.

With the British Empire"s invasion of Tōkaidō under way, the position of an Englishman living in j.a.pan would be rather awkward. Given such an environment, there was no need to go around in military uniform to attract extra attention.

Yet here in j.a.pan, the appearance of a tall and handsome silver-haired man still made him stand out.

His conspicuousness could not be helped. Like a soldier, he walked with his head up and chest out, unfazed by the gazes of Kyoto"s residents.

Soon, he reached an old-fashioned western mansion.

It was said that an American had ordered its construction in the Meiji period—during the nineteenth century.

Rather than the Kinai Fiefdom"s Nijou Castle, today he was visiting a special person whose temporary residence was here. Ten-odd minutes later, Edward was in the mansion"s reception room, keeping his appointment with the lady in question.

"Greetings, Princess. It is surely the blessings of the Three Lions that have allowed me the good fortune of surviving combat to meet you once again."

"No, this fortune stems from your personal capability, good brother."

The girl"s blonde hair reached waist length. She was smiling elegantly.

It would not be an exaggeration to compare her delicate and lovely facial features to that of a G.o.ddess. That being said, her temperament would not match Aphrodite, the G.o.ddess of love and beauty.

Strictly speaking, she would bear a greater resemblance to Hecate, the G.o.ddess of the moon shrouded in transient darkness.

Hecate was the terrifying progenitor of black magic, an ominous deity with significance as the guardian of witches.

"It has been a while, Black Prince. I am sincerely delighted for the chance to see you again."

The beautiful Princess Eleanor greeted him.

She was wearing a one-piece dress with puffy sleeves. Fashionably black, its texture was reminiscent of a witch"s black robe.

The two of them were sitting in a sofa in the reception room.

Edward went straight to the point, "I heard you were hurt. Thank goodness it was nothing serious."

"You should know that with the powers granted by my father—the sacred lion sovereign—healing minor wounds poses no challenge..."

At Edward"s request, Princess Eleanor had infiltrated the Suruga tutelary fort.

It had happened only five days ago, an operation aiming to recruit Chevalier Akigase Rikka, the eldest daughter of the Tōkaidō Governor General, by putting a "charm curse" on her.

However, the operation failed and Akigase Rikka stabbed Eleanor with a sword, forcing her to flee for her life.

Her stabbed left shoulder already showed no signs injury, recovering in merely five short days, but Edward shook his head and said, "Princess, I am quite aware of the source of your miracles. However, we should not abuse powers that require a price to use."

"Indeed, I shall take your words to heart."

Princess Eleanor nodded obediently. Smiling, she said, "However, making progress without relying on the blessings of miracles would require superior guile and competence. Good brother, I look forward to the fruits of your labors."

"Understood, I will commit this to memory," Edward replied with a wry smile to the princess who addressed him as "brother."

"First of all, I need to meet the Kinai Governor General, is that so?"

"Arrangements are all in place. I made him cancel his entire schedule for tomorrow."

"Hey, a princess of the British Empire should not be speaking like this. He is going to be the prime minister of Imperial j.a.pan eventually, so remember your manners."

"Well... My apologies. I was imprudent." Eleanor widened her eyes ostentatiously and said mischievously, "Please forgive me for speaking so unladylike. Allow me to change my wording. Thanks to the Governor General"s kindness and generosity, he is willing to set aside time to meet you, good brother."

"Now that is our good princess. Next... How to best handle the matter of reinforcements?"

Edward recalled a certain handsome man"s face.

It was the young man he had spotted that night when he sent the Kinai Chevaliers to attack Suruga.

"The war effort is expected to progress mostly within expectation. I heard that negotiations with Tōsandō are in good shape. However.. Some unexpected elements have surfaced. As a precaution, it would be best to rea.s.sign a few obedient knights from Australia."

"...Why not rea.s.sign personnel from Britain?"

"I would rather not. That man happens to be sitting back home in boredom. Even now, he still cannot shake off his mindset from the medieval Crusade campaigns. He even wanted to take my spot and head to j.a.pan personally. However, history has proven him unsuitable in the role of top commander."

Edward spoke elegantly as a knight to express some of his dissatisfaction.

"Consequently, the decision to send me was swiftly confirmed. If he were to come, it would make my job very difficult. News of this must not reach Britain. Well, I do concede that he is very charismatic as a general."

In all of English history, that man could very well be the most valorous king.

The drawback was that he was hard to use.

Edward shrugged and said, "Simply stated, I would rather find an excellent hound than put a collar on a rampaging lion."

"My condolences, good brother."

"...What do you mean by that?"

"Richard strongly pet.i.tioned the higher-ups in the military. The gist of it went along the lines of "It is my greatest wish to render a.s.sistance to Edward, my kin of blood. Please be generous and understand my chivalry." He is expected to arrive at the Port of Kobe today."

"...I was not informed of this at all."

"He rushed off and departed England during the night before the commander-in-chief—Admiral Nelson—gave authorization. This forced the higher-ups" hand, leaving them no choice but to authorize dispatching him to j.a.pan."

"d.a.m.n them for foisting the burden of taming the lion upon me..."

Edward"s n.o.ble and handsome face instantly turned gloomy.

While Black Prince Edward and Princess Eleanor were conversing...

The large British destroyer Camelot was sailing towards Osaka Bay. Measuring 180m in length, it was the sister ship of the Tintagel managed by the genie Morrigan.

This military ship was about to reach the Port of Kobe in Kinai.

Under the sunny sky, a man was standing alone on deck, enjoying the sea breeze.

His fine blond hair fluttered in the wind like a lion"s mane. His muscular body was clad in Britain"s black military uniform... That was not all.

On top of that, he was wearing a flashy crimson cape, giving an impression of excessive accessorizing.

"My boy Édouard... will surely be in for a big surprise when he sees me."

Laughing to himself, this man was around forty years of age. His countenance was full of majesty.

He was probably the only person in the contemporary world who would refer to the Black Prince as "Edward." Despite being the King of England in the past, he did not feel bound to using the English language or following British norms.

"Having lead an army of crusaders to besiege Acre in the past, I now head to the island nation of the Far East to demonstrate knightly justice... Oh how my blood boils in excitement."

Reciting the name of an ancient city east of the Mediterranean, he quietly ignited his battle spirit.

At the same time, his body released noesis. This vast amount expanded and naturally took physical form in the atmosphere amid the sea breeze.

An army of British Legions appeared in the sky over the destroyer Camelot as it sailed into Osaka Bay.

A total of two hundred Legions, but this was not all of them. This puny number was definitely not his limit. His Chevalier Strength was not that weak.

"O wind of the Far East, mark my words. I, Richard, shall step foot in j.a.pan. Let the name of Coeur de Lion shake the world once more. Behold my way of life!"

His voice was filled with the elation of a narcissist.

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The two hundred Legions in the air above howled in response to their master"s declaration.



They were identical in appearance to the British mainstay legion, the Crusade.

However, the color was totally different. These Legions were crimson from head to foot. They were also equipped with bayonet rifles larger than that of typical Legions, with ornate decorations as well.

The master said to this army of crimson Crusades, "Thank you, my swords. Present to me a Feat of Arms worthy of the name of Escalibor."

In legend, King Arthur of England was served by the Knights of the Round Table.

The name Escalibor was equivalent to the "Excalibur" that appeared in the stories of King Arthur.

This man had named his Legions after the legendary king"s magic sword. Known as Richard I in English history, his nickname of the Lionheart was also very famous.

Richard was a knight of outstanding martial prowess and a rare general of incomparable ferocity.

At the same time, he was the King of England in the twelfth century and the Black Prince Edward"s forefather.

Part 2[edit]
It was precisely a week ago when the Crusades first attacked Suruga.

Seven days later, it was Friday again. During this time, Suruga"s surroundings were blockaded by the Restoration Alliance"s military forces, preventing the flow of traffic and information.

Even so, the Suruga side sent out dozens of retainer beasts as scouts.

Isolated behind enemy lines, the Suruga tutelary fort still succeeded in obtaining limited intelligence.

"...In the end, it"s all unfavorable news." Hatsune frowned and fell into deep thought.

Hakone Checkpoint had fallen the day before yesterday. The main roads and part of the railway infrastructure running from Shizuoka Prefecture to Aichi and Yamanashi had also been damaged by the Restoration Alliance"s Legions, rendered unusable. Given the current situation, timely repairs would be difficult.

That was not all of the bad news.

"The effects of Hakone Checkpoint"s capitulation are more severe than expected," Princess Shiori lamented the unfavorable situation, her voice beautiful as always.

The intelligent princess was accompanied by her lady-in-waiting, Hatsune, and knight, Masatsugu, at Rinzai High"s open-air cafe. Noon had just gone by and school was out. Due to the unusual times they were in, all lessons were on a half-day schedule.

"Rikka-sama"s father, the Tōkaidō Governor General... has apparently propositioned the Tōsandō Fiefdom to join forces in resistance and drive out the Restoration Alliance from Shizuoka and Hakone."

"The two fiefdoms are very close together geographically, after all."

Hatsune recalled a map showing the center of the islands of j.a.pan.

Tōkaidō was the "sea road," comprising the regions of Aichi, Shizuoka, and Yamanashi facing the Pacific Ocean.

Directly on top was Tōsandō, the "mountain road" of the Southern Alps covering the areas of Gifa, Nagano, Gunma, and Tochigi, the region of precipitous mountains known as as the backbone of j.a.pan"s islands.

If the "mountain and sea" fiefdoms of central j.a.pan were to join forces and Kantō cooperated...

However, Shiori sighed repeatedly and ruled out this scenario.

"Unfortunately, Tōkaidō has not secured Tōsandō"s support. I fear that the military strength demonstrated by the British in conquering Hakone within half a day, combined with signs that the western fiefdoms are not opposed to the Restoration Alliance, has prompted them to take a wait and see approach."

"Intimidated so easily, what cowards they are."

"Or rather, the British side did their part well," replied Masatsugu quietly to Hatsune"s comment.

"Intimidation before and after a war is very important. It"s ideal to make the opponent think that resistance is futile and provoke them to imagine what they stand to lose in defeat. Sufficient intimidation, like this instance, could cause future enemies to surrender or obey without a fight."

"Indeed, the Restoration Alliance most likely chose their targets in consideration of the publicity effect." Shiori agreed with Masatsugu"s view. "They swiftly took down Shizuoka and Hakone, thus causing western j.a.pan and Tōsandō to lean towards supporting the Alliance. Conversely, had they started out by attacking Nagoya or Tokyo—major metropolises with plenty of Chevaliers and Legions—they probably would not have obtained such impressive results."

The intelligent princess added cynically, "Of course, it is possible that the Restoration Alliance and the Tōsandō Fiefdom have a secret agreement."


The elegant lady Hatsune served and the Onii-sama from the Tachibana clan were talking military strategy.

Hatsune made her decision. She did not have enough experience or insight to contribute to this discussion. In that case, she would swiftly obtain "power" by making the most of her own signature talents, making the most of the signature talents featured in the Tachibana clan with its abundance of heroes.

"Princess and Onii-sama, I have decided." Hatsune suddenly stood up, clenched her fist and declared, "Here and now, I will start the succession ritual!"

"Eh? Now? Here? Straight away?"

"Yes, there is no point hesitating any longer. A woman is measured by courage!"

"Really? Good luck then."

Contrasting with the princess" surprise, Masatsugu"s att.i.tude remained unchanged.

Hatsune could not help but grumble, "Onii-sama, can"t you shed a few tears of encouragement at least?"

"You"re the one carrying out the ritual after all. Whether I cry or not, the result still depends on your ability. I"ve got nothing to say except good luck."

"Fair enough, I got it."

Hatsune accepted it without a fuss. After all, she was born and raised in a clan filled with unruly larger-than-life characters. Even as a girl, she was deeply influenced by the clan"s bold and unfettered ways.

"Then wait for me with antic.i.p.ation as though you"re watching a horse race!"


"Hatsune, even as a member of royalty, I do not have the authority to hinder another person"s aspirations to become a Chevalier." Solemnity returned to Shiori"s beautiful face. Gazing at Hatsune, she said, "Because it is the spirit of loyalty and righteousness of people like you that has secured the military power of the Kamuy. I feel nothing but endless grat.i.tude for this courage... However, please allow me to issue you an unreasonable command on this occasion."

The princess sighed and said a.s.sertively, "I have no wish to become a guest at your funeral. Show me success, whatever it takes."

"Don"t worry, Princess. I will carry out your command without fail!"

Of course, the ritual could not actually take place at the open-air cafe.

The school dojo happened to be free, so Hatsune decided to use it. The martial arts clubs, most notably judo and kendo, had all currently suspended their activities.

Hatune entered the dojo alone and knelt down in seiza on the tatami floor.

Her usual Haikara-san outfit consisting of meisen kimono and hakama did not look out of place in a j.a.panese dojo at all.

The blue scroll placed in front of her was the Tachibana clan"s cherished treasure.

The manifestation of Kurou Hougan Yos.h.i.tsune"s Appellation. Hatsune remained in seiza in front of it and took a deep breath, gazing intently at the scroll.

Her surrogate brother Masatsugu and the princess were waiting outside. She could rely on no one but herself.

"I beseech the Appellation of Kurou Hougan Yos.h.i.tsune. Pray grant me the authorizing seal of warfare to become a war G.o.d to defend Imperial j.a.pan—Show yourself and let"s fight!"

Hatsune recited the oath she had learned, issuing a challenge at the end.

She forcefully grabbed the scroll in front of her and her vision went dark immediately.

...When her eyesight recovered, she was no longer in the dojo.

She was outdoors. Since there was a starry sky overhead, it was evidently the middle of the night.

"I-I"m on a bridge?"

Within an instant, Hatsune had been taken to an unfamiliar place.

Currently, Hatsune was standing on a wooden bridge over a river.

The river was not big or impressive. It was not flowing rapidly either. Most notably, the water was very clear. A boy was standing a few meters ahead of her.

The boy looked roughly twelve-years-old. The beauty of his face was breathtaking.

Like Hatsune, he was dressed in traditional j.a.panese clothing. A kimono of the Heian period, it was commonly known as the kariginu meaning "hunting cloak," or in other words, the outfit that onmyouji would wear for ease of movement.

"It has been so long since anyone visited here..."

The boy examined Hatsune coldly.

His facial features were delicate, making him resemble a young and pretty girl at first glance. He was also very slim in build. However, no one would ever mistake him for a girl.

His voice and expression was very manly and exceptionally arrogant.

"Needless to say, you know my name, right? If you don"t, I can"t be bothered to tell you either."


Hatsune said Yos.h.i.tsune"s childhood name instead of Kurou Hougan Yos.h.i.tsune.

According to one legend, during childhood, this hero had shown up at Gojō Bridge in Kyoto, calling himself Ushiwakamaru, and defeated Musashibō Benkei who had been on a quest to collect a thousand weapons—

Come to think of it, the river below the bridge would be the Kamogawa.

Hatsune had visited Kyoto on a school trip. She recalled scenery from the ancient city.

"You must first prove your worth if you want my help."

"My worth?"

"You pa.s.s if you defeat me... As much as I"d like to say that, it"s impossible for you. Let"s say you pa.s.s if you can catch me."

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What the other party wanted was for Hatsune to demonstrate her fighting ability. Fighting was precisely one of the Tachibana clan"s specialties. Just as Hatsune was about to dash forward, the pretty boy laughed proudly.

"I"ll lend you this, la.s.s. Cut me down if you can."


There was a tachi on the waist of the boy named Ushiwakamaru.

Its blade was over two feet long and quite curved. A j.a.panese sword dating to the latter years of the Heian period.

The boy grabbed the tachi whose length did not suit his small stature and tossed it to Hatsune, scabbard included. Hatsune hastily caught it in both hands.

Hatsune could feel the tachi"s heavy weight on her arms.

"You"re underestimating me too much... Of course, it"s possible that I, Tachibana Hatsune, am no match for the peerless Minamoto no Yos.h.i.tsune, but I"m no pushover either!"

Hatsune encouraged herself with a bold declaration.

Simply facing him was enough for her to sense how difficult an opponent he was.

The boy in front of her was undoubtedly a thousand times stronger than she was. Against such an opponent, were her own martial arts really going to work?

Suppressing the uncertainty in her heart, Hatsune decided she must not lose in spirit and verbal vigor at least.

"You can use a weapon too. I won"t complain."

"Don"t worry, there is simply no such need. If I wanted to use one, I"d get one in an instant."

The unarmed pretty boy even scoffed in disdain.

He really seemed to be looking down at Hatsune, though he definitely had the strength to back up his att.i.tude. Hatsune gulped nervously.

Part 3[edit]
Who was this pretty boy who looked like Ushiwakamaru?

Besides, where was this place? Hatsune believed that her "simple" personality, capable of easily ignoring these questions, was her strength.

A terrifying trial was about to begin. These trivial details were inconsequential.

How to teach this arrogant boy a lesson was what she really should think about.

"I"d be a disgrace to my Tachibana ancestors if I allowed this relic to remain buried in obscurity."

Hatsune drew out the tachi he had given her.

Excessive trust in the opponent"s goodwill would be very dangerous, so Hatsune swung the blade to test it.

The tachi felt fine to use. For example, if the rivet securing the tang was loose, the blade could slide out of the handle during a swing. Fortunately, there were no such problems.

Hatsune raised the tachi without worry.

Pointing the sword"s tip at the handsome face of Ushiwakamaru (?), she said, "Let me test how good you are."

Then Hatsune dashed rapidly at the boy.

At the same time, she executed a lethal two-handed thrust, aimed to pierce the boy"s beautiful face.

The opponent had lent his own weapon to Hatsune in a show of self-confidence. As a member of the Tachibana clan, Hatsune did not have the decency to show kindness to such an arrogant enemy. Reading Hatsune"s offensive, the boy backed away to evade the tachi"s tip.

"I"m in no position to criticize others..." The pretty boy said with a wry smile, "For a la.s.s, you really have quite the fierce temper."

"What are you talking about? Fights are won by preemptive strikes!"

In showdowns between master swordsmen, one seldom attacked lightly.

To avoid being counterattacked, there was a preference to let the opponent attack first, then find an opening to retaliate. This concept was known as go no sen in j.a.panese swordsmanship.

However, Hatsune had attacked right off the bat, everything be d.a.m.ned.

A lucky hit would have led to an immediate victory. This was also the principle of fighting with real swords.

"My clan hates biding time for an opening and not attacking."

"I actually agree on that point, but I think women should be a bit more demure."

"I"ve heard plenty of such nagging advice!"

While holding her own in the verbal exchange, Hatsune did not stop moving.

The boy had backed away and Hatsune chased after him.

Hatsune"s high slash swept horizontally at the side of the boy"s pretty face, but he evaded in the nick of time with a slight twist of his upper torso. Then Hatsune feigned an attack at his arm but actually executed a diagonal slash at his right shin. This strike was dodged too.

The boy moved sideways by an inch or so, once again evading with the slimmest of margins.

"Another one!"

"Hahaha. So here we have a vicious horse that kicks!"

Hatsune had switched to a low kick, intending to shatter the boy"s kneecaps. The boy jumped back again, evading the kick.

So far, all her attacks had been one or two centimeters from striking the enemy.

Yet the boy was denying Hatsune success.

In addition to outstanding eyesight, he possessed animal-like speed and flexibility. Without natural talent, training alone would never attain this level of martial arts.

It would not be an exaggeration to compare his agile movements to a cat"s or a monkey"s. His reflexes and kinetic vision rivaled that of animals too.

"As expected of the Kurama tengu"s disciple..."

As a young boy, Ushiwakamaru had mastered the arts of war under the tutelage of Kurama"s great tengu.

Recalling the scene from noh theater, Hatsune used her own trump card.

Although it was not as lofty as "an ultimate secret technique," it was quite useful—



The pretty boy showed a change in expression when he lightly dodged Hatsune"s horizontal slash.

He finally put away his irreverent att.i.tude. After attacking the boy in a rapid succession of left and right diagonal slashes, Hatsune switched to stabbing at his heart with a single-handed thrust.

The boy evaded all attacks deftly without complacency in his countenance.

He was no longer flaunting his confidence by dodging attacks by the slimmest of margins Instead, he maintained a distance of a few dozen centimeters to evade Hatsune"s tachi.

"Your petty tricks are pretty amusing."

Glancing furtively at Hatsune"s stance, the boy muttered to himself.

He was truly extraordinary to have seen through Hatsune"s trick already. If Tachibana Hatsune was a sparrow chirping on a branch, he would be a phoenix soaring the sky. That was the ma.s.sive disparity between them.

However, the disparity was not entirely impossible to bridge. It was too early to give up yet!

"How about this!?"

Hatsune entered a mid-level seigan stance, sweeping her sword at the boy sideways.

His defensive maneuver was even more impressive. Jumping swiftly in the air, he flew over Hatsune"s slash lightly.

More unbelievably, he stepped on the tachi that was swinging towards him and leaped again from the back of the blade.

Then he ascended high into the air like a bird before somersaulting and landing behind Hatsune.


"A pretty good idea. Too bad it doesn"t work on me," said the boy casually.

Hatsune recalled a legend where Matsubayashi Henyasai, a master swordsman in the Edo period, had used a similar stunt.

Henya was a nickname that compared his speed and agility to a bat"s.

"You jumped all over the place and confused that big guy Benkei too..." Hatsune sneaked a quick glance at her hands holding the tachi.

The boy had lent her a tachi with a handle measuring thirty centimeters or so. During the series of offensives earlier, Hatsune had slightly adjusted her grip"s position with every strike.

"This isn"t enough If even Musashibō Benkei"s naginata failed to touch him."

Since the handle was thirty centimeters long, gripping the sword near the guard or towards the end would change the overall reach of the blade. Hence, Hatsune would slide along the handle before attacking, adjusting the position of her grip flexibly to make minor adjustments to the tachi"s offensive reach.

This variability of ten-odd centimeters was surprisingly effective at disrupting an enemy"s defensive instincts.

Experts with exceptional eyesight were especially sensitive to minute changes and thus even more easily affected. This was a practical combat technique that could only be used with a j.a.panese sword with a long handle.

Understanding their gap as martial artists, Hatsune licked her lips.

"Little la.s.s, I will keep my earlier promise."

The pretty boy took out a fan from his bosom.

Rather than a metal fan with a steel frame, it was simply a j.a.panese paper fan. Without opening the fan, he stared at Hatsune.

"Wielding a sword against you would be a taint against my reputation. However, know that I, Kurou Yos.h.i.tsune, am on a completely different level when armed."

Finally introducing his name and t.i.tle, the pretty boy ceased all movement.

With a sharp expression, the boy exuded a calm and collected aura as he observed Hatsune"s every move. Hatsune was a bit miffed that all he had taken out was a fan, but there was no helping that. Kurou Hougan had decided this was "plenty enough."

"Looks like I"ll have to take a gamble and go all-out in offense..." Hatsune murmured and began to strategize.

However, all she could think of was what her friends had said. Masatsugu had said the final result ultimately depended on Tachibana Hatsune"s own ability. The princess had commanded her to succeed without fail. Rikka believed that what truly mattered were one"s battle achievements after becoming a Chevalier—


Having made up her mind, Hatsune straightened her back.

Then she tossed away the tachi in her hand, dropping it into the river below the bridge.

"What the heck?"

"I can find a way without relying on this kind of thing."

Furthermore, she sat down cross-legged on the ground.

"Your turn to attack. I"m not going anywhere. Bring it on any time!"

"I never thought j.a.pan would ever produce a idiot who"d brazenly speak to me like this."

The boy showed surprise but a smug smile surfaced on the corners of his lips.

The pretty boy with the name of Kurou Hougan Yos.h.i.tsune approached with agile footwork. In front of Hatsune, he swung down the fan in his right hand with lightning speed.

The fan, a handicraft of wood and paper, struck Hatsune squarely on the head.

The sound of slicing could even be heard, normally not possible with a fan.


The violent impact shook Hatsune"s skull and brain, making her see stars.

Unbelievably, a paper fan could inflict such a heavy blow. Truly a wondrous feat of peerless proportions. However, Hatsune mustered a Tachibana youngster"s fort.i.tude.

Hatsune imagined the fan swung down by Kurou Hougan"s right arm as a katana.

She succeeded in executing a barehanded technique for countering an armed opponent. Hatsune had reasoned that her head or face would have been the most likely targets since the enemy was attacking her with a fan while she was sitting on the ground. Determined to grab his arm even at the cost of getting hit, she simply waited for him to come to her instead.


Hatsune leaned back, pulling Kurou Yos.h.i.tsune"s right arm along while scissoring her legs around his shoulder region—

The boy almost fell over forwards. Thus, Hatsune was hanging on his arm.

Suspended in midair, Hatsune naturally fell. The instant her back hit the ground, she rolled, taking Kurou Yos.h.i.tsune with her. The two of them entered a state of ground fighting.

Applying pressure to his elbow joint, Hatsune executed a flying armbar.

The Ushiwakamaru version of Kurou Yos.h.i.tsune was small in stature. Besides, a fighter from the Heian period probably would have no knowledge of a flying surprise a.s.sault from Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Hatsune"s correct call had created the opening for victory. However, her attack only succeeded halfway.


Before the joint was locked completely, Kurou Yos.h.i.tsune swung his right arm vigorously.

Hatsune had almost straightened his elbow but could not budge his arm any further. Despite a boy"s appearance, Kurou Yos.h.i.tsune"s arm strength was extraordinary. Hatsune could not overpower him no matter how hard she tried.

However, Hatsune said proudly, "How"s that? This finally counts as catching you, right!?"

"Indeed, I cannot deny that," young Kurou replied unhappily.


Knowing she had succeeded, Hatsune cried out in excitement. She happened to be executing ground skills on the bridge. Releasing the boy"s right arm, she extended her limbs, simply lying on the ground in a star jump posture.

Her fatigue was intense but matched equally by her sense of accomplishment.

While Hatsune was lying there grinning to herself, Kurou Yos.h.i.tsune immediately stood up.

"By the way, I can"t believe you dared to take my attack."

He glared down coldly at Hatsune with words of praise.

"Of course it was scary, but this ritual is ultimately just a test."

Although there is a risk of death, it was ultimately just a test—

Hatsune recalled Akigase Rikka"s advice.

"By my guess, it shouldn"t be too harsh. Besides, if you really wanted to kill me, you wouldn"t use a fan, right?"

A paper fan could not kill, which was why Hatsune dared to take the gamble.

Seeing Hatsune lying on the ground with a silly grin, the young Kurou went "I see."

"You really are an idiot."

"Hold it right there. Aren"t you being way too rude to a lady—?"

Hatsune was about to protest when she jumped in surprise.

The young Kurou walked over to a railing on the bridge and swung the fan in his right hand. Struck by the fan, the thick timber crumbled and collapsed after tiny cracks appeared.

Also the destruction was confined to just that one spot.

This attack was more powerful and shocking that its appearance had suggested.

Hatsune slowly got up, staring at the tragic state of the railing.


"Whether I"m using a fan or a twig, I can easily shatter the skull of a little la.s.s. I deliberately held back to see what ridiculous idea you were thinking about. La.s.s, you managed to pique my curiosity. It counts as your win."


"On further thought, idiots are less likely to be hit by stray arrows on the battlefield."

"Th-That"s definitely a discriminatory remark! Jumping to conclusions is not nice!"

"Don"t be too hasty to deny it. Despite being an idiot, indeed, you do have a smart side, which makes you a capable idiot. I shall render my a.s.sistance to you for the time being. Do your best."

After mocking Hatsune, the young Kurou"s body gradually grew big.

This growth was not maturation but the expansion of body size. He turned into a winged giant soldier standing eight meters tall, very similar to the appearance of the Kamuy, Imperial j.a.pan"s mainstay Legion.

Similar, but not identical—

After watching the transformation to its conclusion, Hatsune lost consciousness.

When she woke up, Tachibana Hatsune found herself lying on the tatami floor in the dojo.

She had fallen asleep unintentionally. The blue scroll still clutched in her right hand was the manifestation of Kurou Hougan Yos.h.i.tsune"s Appellation.

Furthermore, Hatsune felt it vaguely.

Inside the scroll was a strong will as well as a warrior"s fierce emotions, thirsting for battle.

Inside her dream, she had met the general, Kurou Hougan Yos.h.i.tsune. This was proof that his mighty name had recognized the latest successor.

Part 4[edit]
"Present... ARMS!"

At the drill instructor"s command, hundreds of soldiers performed the action neatly in unison.

They brought their light automatic rifles to a vertical position, muzzles upward, then performed the salute known as presenting arms.

This scene was taking place in the plaza within Nijou Castle, the Kinai Fiefdom"s "palace."

A military band was playing a heroic melody, adding to the atmosphere of the ceremony.

The Kinai provincial army"s elite guard were saluting to convey honor to a distinguished guest.

Throughout the Edo period, Nijou Castle had suffered several fires, destroying the central keep and various portions. However, reconstruction works were put into moton ten-odd years ago.

Thanks to that, today in the year 1998, one could still see Nijou Castle"s full glory from the Kan"ei era.

This included the outer moat, the inner moat, the inner citadel, the outer citadel, the central keep, the courtyard, etc.

However, the interior of the buildings were outfitted with elevators and other facilities, remodeled into modern style.

Edward, the main guest at the honor ceremony, said, "j.a.pan"s generous hospitality is truly not bad at all."

It was noon on the second day of his visit to Kyoto.

The central keep was located on a towering stone wall. Edward was on a balcony there.

His vantage point provided a full view of the plaza inside the castle. Every time a ceremony was held, the Kinai Fiefdom"s VIPs or visiting members of the imperial family would stand on this balcony to meet the civilians and soldiers of the province.

Today, Edward was wearing the British Empire"s black military uniform, unlike yesterday.

Also, Edward was standing at "the forefront" of the balcony next to the railing. The Kinai Governor General, Izumi Tenzen, was standing a little further back.

"Sir Izumi, thank you for your warm hospitality."

"Not at all. This welcome reception is the least we could do for a knight from Britain, our ally, much less a legatus legionis from the ancient past."

Also a Chevalier, the Kinai Governor General was wearing the military officer"s uniform of Imperial j.a.pan.

In his sixties, the elderly man seemed to have kept up his martial training. Despite his advanced age, his body was quite strong and healthy. His hair was also black.

"Our nation will only have something called a future if we align our interests with Britain... One day, when the Empress at the imperial palace comes to understand this, I shall have you received as a state guest."

"Hahahaha, I will look forward to it."

The Kinai Governor General was very dignified at a glance with an imposing countenance.

Edward cordially responded to the empty promise. This old man had a reputation as a fierce general in j.a.pan and was famous for being a militant.

...However, the British military knew the truth.

Despite his exalted position as a Chevalier, his experience in actual combat was paltry. During the current operations, he had been accompanied by bodyguard Chevaliers under the pretext of adjutants. The reputation of the fierce general was a ruse. A vain man, even his black hair was the result of hair dye.

For this kind of man to serve as the British Empire"s collaborator—He was definitely a good choice to exploit.

"Thank you for looking after my brother. I, Eleanor, offer my utmost grat.i.tude."

The princess present, Eleanor, also curtsied elegantly.

Today, she was dressed in a white formal dress, looking very pure and lovely.

If one had to answer the question of whether it looked good on her, the answer was definitively yes. However, anyone who knew of Eleanor"s true nature as a witch would feel some sense of dissonance from her attire.

The Kinai Governor General evidently did not gather that impression.

"The pleasure was all mine. As a demonstration of our friendship with your nation... as well as my respect for you, none of this was any trouble on our part."

"Oh dear, you flatter me so."

"Fighting on behalf of beautiful ladies is the chivalry espoused by your nation, isn"t it? Princess of Britain. As a j.a.panese man, I would be delighted to learning the ways of chivalry for your sake. You are a woman worthy of my devotion."

The Kinai Governor General"s sycophancy did not suit his imposing countenance very well.

His eyes were fixated upon Eleanor in fascination, like a young boy infatuated with an older woman, or a medieval knight who would pledge his life to a lady.

Edward observed sharply.

The noesis released from Eleanor"s back was affecting the Kinai Governor General, entangling Izumi Tenzen"s body—and noetic waves—like tentacles.

The old man, despite his position and honor, was worshiping a foreign maiden.

This noetic curse was precisely the witchcraft used by Eleanor.

Finding an appropriate moment, Edward excused himself from the balcony.

Since the Kinai Governor General"s mind was fixated on Eleanor, it was fine for Edward to be absent. Walking alone in the corridor of Nijou Castle"s central keep, he wondered if he should go sightseeing in the afternoon.

Unexpectedly, he ran into a displeased acquaintance.

"h.e.l.lo Uncle, is there something upsetting you?"

"Indeed. My unhappiness is your fault, Édouard."

Edward"s greeting elicited the expected response.

The other party was a man in his forties, dressed in the British military"s black uniform with a red cape on top. He was Richard I, the Resurrectee who had left Britain on an expedition without permission.

"I took great pains to cross untold miles to render my a.s.sistance in battle, yet you did not even ask me to attend the ceremony... This would have been an excellent opportunity to let these orientals learn of my mighty name as the honored heroic king."

"It"s better to keep a low profile so as to demonstrate valor in critical moments. I too have endured such a phase."

Richard the Lionheart was an imposing man.

However, he had a thoughtless side to him stemming from his intense urge of exhibitionism, an exaggerated sense of chivalry and romanticism, and a poet"s soul in love with poetry.

Consequently, he was not suited to taking top command. Suitability as king was also tenuous too.

"Besides, Uncle, the forest has ears and the field has eyes."

Edward was quoting a proverb equivalent to the j.a.panese saying, "walls have ears."

"Otherwise, it would make things awkward for our British soldiers if they heard. We no longer live in an age when our House of Plantagenet ruled Great Britain. We must respect British customs and honor. Please try to shift away from continental mannerisms."


"It is time for Prince Edward and King Richard to retire."

From Richard"s perspective, Edward was more like a descendant than merely someone younger in age.

Furthermore, Richard had a proud personality with a fiery temper. It would not be unexpected for someone like him to insist on his exalted position. However, the advice from someone a few generations his junior turned out to be surprisingly effective.

"Ho, since times have changed, I shall listen to you."

Richard displayed unexpected leniency towards his junior kin, the way a grandfather would indulge a grandson.

Edward nodded in response to the smiling Lionheart. He addressed him as "Uncle" merely out of convenience. Their true relationship was much more complicated than that.

Edward"s great-grandfather"s grandfather was Richard"s younger brother.

Richard"s younger brother was John Lackland, a notoriously unpopular king in the history of England. Who would have expected his bloodline to produce a number of famous kings as well as a renowned general like Edward?

"Well then, let us take up the subject of war."

Trying to keep a fierce beast like Richard restrained would not work.

Unless given chances to vent as necessary, he was going to cause fatal chaos eventually. This worry was what prompted Edward to deliberately bring up his favorite subject.

"Hohohoho, is there a battlefield worthy of my presence?"

"Indeed, there is. I have some matters to handle in Kyoto first, but over in Tōkaidō that our forces are in the process of conquering, there is a large-scale counterattack being planned against the British—"

Now that the Lionheart was here, Edward had no choice but to accept his presence and make the best use out of him.

Moreover, even if he was ill-suited as ruler or top commander, at least he was far from incompetent. So long as the lion tamer was skillful, there were no lack of ways to deploy him.

As the commander-in-chief of the British forces invading j.a.pan, Edward said, "Right now, we are laying a trap for them. If all goes well, Uncle, I will yield to you the chance to fight at the base of Mount Fuji."

Part 5[edit]
"...This is basically the etiquette for establishing a pact."

Akigase Rikka was in charge of instruction.

Tachibana Hatsune was the listener. Yesterday, she had inherited Kurou Yos.h.i.tsune"s Appellation to become a new Chevalier.

"In the end, there is no method better than trying it out for real. Don"t think too much, just feel with your body."

"Understood. By the way, Rikka-sama, has anyone ever called you a rough-and-ready person?"

"You"re very perceptive. People who served as my adjutants or staff officers have complained about the same thing. So did my younger brothers at Nagoya."

"No wonder."

The two of them were conversing in the water shrine under the Suruga tutelary fort.

Hatsune had followed Rikka underground to learn from the senior Chevalier about matters such as the tutelary pact and how to carry out the essential task of resupplying ectoplasmic fluid.

Hatsune was surrounded by a reservoir of marine-blue artificial ectoplasmic fluid.

Several Greek columns stood towering from the water, contributing to a solemn atmosphere like a temple"s. The water surface was criss-crossed by narrow paths.

Walking along the paths, the two of them reached the bath further inside the shrine.

Leading the way, Rikka shared her "Chevalier insights" with Hatsune. Her explanations were not detailed and always concluded with asking her to "feel with her body."

Inside the bath area was a round vat of ectoplasmic fluid similar to a swimming pool.

Rikka removed her military uniform on the side. Hatsune hastily unfastened her clothing and removed her pink kimono, hakama, and hair ribbon. At any rate, she already knew that Chevaliers had to soak themselves in ectoplasmic fluid to allow the source of mystic powers to seep into their body and soul."

"...Wow, that"s pretty rough-and-ready indeed."

"Hmm? Did you just say something?"

"Nothing really, just talking to myself~"

Rikka tilted her head in puzzlement when Hatsune looked around and commented with a smile.

Hatsune had confirmed her earlier impressions again when she saw the lady Chevalier remove her military uniform and casually sent it to the floor with a swift toss. However, as one would expect of a dignified pract.i.tioner of the sword, Rikka carefully took down Onikiri Yasutsuna from her waist and lowered it to the floor.

Hatsune folded her own clothing properly and gathered in one spot.

Hatsune used to be just as rough-and-ready, but during her time in the imperial palace as a trainee, she had been forced to learn cooking, cleaning, laundry and other "necessary accomplishments." Folding clothing immediately after undressing was one of the precepts learned.

(...Incidentally, her sloppiness and unruly nature as a trainee lady-in-waiting had given the head lady-in-waiting quite a headache, almost forcing her to design a special curriculum to train Hatsune.)

In any case, the two of them stepped into the vat of ectoplasmic fluid together.

"It"s so cold!"

Hatsune shrieked the moment she touched the ice-cold ectoplasmic fluid.

Fighting back tears while she endured the chill, she immersed herself in the mysterious spiritual water until shoulder-level.

...After enduring the cold in the ectoplasmic fluid for a couple minutes, Hatsune started feeling her entire body heat up. A few minutes later, her body temperature had rebounded completely.

The temperature was like dipping in hot water. Hatsune finally understood.

This heat in her body was precisely the source of miraculous powers of the mystical—

This was also the power granted to Imperial j.a.pan by Lord Tenryuu, Princess Shiori"s grandfather.

In addition to the rise in body temperature, there was also a feeling of excitement. Hatsune looked at her removed clothing. The blue scroll placed on top was the proof of the Feat of Arms she had acquired.

In that instant, she experienced auditory hallucination. It was young Kurou"s arrogant voice.

The voice seemed to be howling, demanding Hatsune to give him more power and to hurry up and take him to the battlefield to slaughter enemies...

"It"s about time," Rikka said slowly, also immersed in the ectoplasmic fluid. "Tachibana, form the tutelary pact like how I taught you."

"Okay... Uh, upon my Appellation of Kurou Hougan Yos.h.i.tsune, I pray to the local shrine of Suruga. Pray grant me the blessing of holy water and the authorizing seal of warfare to become a war G.o.d to defend Suruga!"

After Hatsune finished speaking in one breath, her body began to glow faintly.

Then Hatsune noticed a great amount of mystic power flow into her through her feet—through the soles linked to Suruga"s land—stunning her for a moment.

Rikka nodded at the surprised Hatsune and said, "With that, you are now a Chevalier tasked with the defense of Suruga. I look forward to working with you."

"Yes, same here too!"

Hatsune replied cheerfully and relaxed her shoulders.

Earlier, she had been nervous to some extent, but now there was confidence in her heart. She absentmindedly looked at Rikka opposite her.

...Hatsune was quite intrigued. Rikka"s figure was perfect. Beautiful.

Akigase Rikka"s complexion was pale with a slim overall build. However, her bust and hip areas were so voluptuous that you could almost add a "bam!" sound effect. Undoubtedly, she was very buxom.

Furthermore, her waist was very narrow and s.e.xy.

Even Hatsune could not help but sigh in envy.

(...She"s so attractive, just like her personality.)

Rikka was not excessively skinny like a model.

Her body was slender while blessed with voluptuousness capable of stealing men"s hearts. This kind of figure was very attractive even from the perspective of the same s.e.x.

Furthermore, despite her rough-and-ready habits, her personality did not come across as sloppy, amazingly enough.

The reason was her dignified comportment. Presumably, this was due to the discipline and etiquette cultivated through martial arts training, the beautiful way she moved her body, and her upright posture.

In addition, she was a beautiful maiden with waist-length black hair. Flawless in appearance.

"Tachibana, you and Masatsugu-dono are not real siblings, right?"

"We"re not. I don"t really know the details myself, but anyway, our formal relationship is "relatives"♪"

This description was far too sloppy and not very formal, but Hatsune did not mind.

In any case, she optimistically believed that it was fine as long as she got her message across. However, Rikka looked inexplicably troubled with a frown on her face.

"...I see, so this is the method they used to conceal his true ident.i.ty? Since Tachibana isn"t his real sister, perhaps..."

Hatsune could not hear clearly what Rikka was murmuring.

Then Rikka stared intently at Hatsune"s body and said, "By the way, your family must have raised you well."

"Fufu, I am a well-bred lady after all♪"

"No, that"s not what I meant. I am saying that you are physically very mature."

Hatsune was secretly happy that her heritage as a descendant of jikisan hatamoto was visible despite the great number of uncouth characters in the Tachibana clan when Rikka rejected her interpretation and even examined her body closely.

Indeed, Tachibana Hatsune definitely had a mature body.

Rikka was voluptuous but Hatsune"s level surpa.s.sed hers.

Before entering middle school, Hatsune was already showing signs of ample maturation. This continued along, resulting in her use of G-cups at the young age of sixteen.

Rikka was probably an E. An overwhelming victory for Hatsune.

Hatsune was aware of her own figure, but there were worrying elements.

"Oh, umm, I do train diligently, but because meals and midnight snacks are so tasty, I often eat too much unintentionally. P-Please don"t look too closely..."

"No need to be shy, you don"t look fat at all."

While praising Hatsune, Rikka"s expression was very solemn.

"My brothers back home secretly keep photobooks. Many of the photos show slender yet voluptuous women in swimsuits... Tachibana, your figure doesn"t lose to them at all. In fact, you might be superior."


"a.s.suredly so. I search my brothers" rooms occasionally and tell them that they should openly display

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