Sorry for the late post. I have been studying for my toeic test in late October. A lot of things happen while I"m gone.

Someone from blob translation invites me to join their group translation. For now, I"m still not interested to join any translation group. And thanks for all the report about my mistakes. I will release 3 chapter this week to make up the late release.

Next thing is, I"ve been reading a novel which has a bad rating in novel updates.

And FYI, I am a gamer too. I like playing Dota 2 and visual novel

A month before I finish playing . Now I am playing .


The day for baptism has come.

This worlds public order is not safe compare to j.a.pan from the previous life. A child"s early death is usual in this harsh world. That"s why safely reach 5 years old, celebrate for this 5 years, and how will he grow up from now, by praying to G.o.d. After you pray to G.o.d, you will be entrusted Status Magic as a gift.

[By the way, I never had my birthday celebrated]

it is common to celebrate your birthday at 5 years, 10 years, and 15 years old. At 15 years you will become an Adult. Cain is wearing his n.o.ble clothes while thinking about this world.

[Cain-sama, have you prepared for the departure?][Sylvia]

Sylvia comes in after knocking on the door.

[Sylvia, I am ready to go][Cain]

Together with maid uniform Sylvia, we left the room. My father, mother, and sister are already waiting beyond the door.

[Excuse me for being late father][Cain]

Cain bows his head as he asks forgiveness from his father.

[it"s okay. Even so, you look so different in that clothes. You really look alike to your mother.][Garm]

[Oh my, you"re so cute, Cain.][Reine]

Seeing Cain"s appearance, she places her cheeks on him. As a younger brother, she looks after me a lot even though she has a little brother complex. She can be seen searching for him while he was training his magic. He always hiding for not to be found while practicing.

[Thank you, Reine-neesama][Cain]

Cain answer with a big smile. The Butler Sebas came to inform the wagon is ready.

[Sorry to keep Master waiting, the wagon is ready, please take a seat][Sebas]

Our family takes a seat inside the wagon, my father takes the back seat and my mother beside him. I and my sister sat in front of them.

[Now we go][Sebas]

After the signal from the butler, the wagon starts moving.

[By the way, how it feels to be entrusted Status Magic and how it will be shown?]

He asks Reine because he himself never seen Status magic.

[So Cain never see Status Magic! I"ll show you mine.]

As she said that, she chanted the spell.

[Status Open]

In front of Reine, there is a small invisible gla.s.s window is showing up.

[if you spell {Status} it will only be shown to themselves, but if you spell status open, you can show it to others.]

[You are amazing, Neesan][Cain]

Transparent window shown up.

[Come closer Cain, I`ll show you more clearly][Reine]

He`s pressing his body to be so close, and see the transparent window.

[Status] [Name]Reine Von Silford [Race]Human [Gender]Female [Age] 19 [Level] 1 [Strength] 130/130 [Magic Power] 220/220 [Talent] D [t.i.tle ]{Margrave Eldest Daughter}{Cain`s Love} [Magic] Wind Magic Lv. 1 Water Magic Lv. 1 Fire Magic Lv. 1 Lifestyle Magic [Skill] Etiquette Lv 2 [Divine Protection] Divine Protection of Magic G.o.d Lv. 2


I am seeing Divine Protection that i shouldn"t have seen.

[A, I`ve left the Divine Protection to be seen. Cain, did you see it?][Reine]

She`s watching Cains expression with blushing face.

[Reine-Neesama, you can use 3 different element magic right?!]{Cain}

Cain pretends not to see it.

[It is okay if you didn"t see that]{Reine}

She`s relieving while beside me while smiling.

[While Reine can use 3 different element magic, she has Divine Protection Lv. 2. She can become Court Magician in the future.]{Garm}

Garm is also smiling. It seems to be an excellent status at all.

[Magic and Divine Protection, it is level from Lv 1 to Lv 5, while the higher one has more chance. you can improve your magic by leveling it, and if the G.o.ds like you, Divine Protection Lv too may increase]{Garm}

If you want to be Court Magician,  you will need around lv 3 to 5 Divine Protection and Magic. There were 2 people in the past who have existed.

You can see the road from the wagon"s window, Gracia City is full of shop and vendor merchant line up, and a lot of people can be seen. Riding shooking wagon for 30 minutes to reach the church. Drop off in front of the gate, then go to the receptionist.

[Garm Von Silford Gracia. Today I"m bringing my son who has reached 5 years old. I already notified the priest]{Garm}

Garm is talking to the receptionist.

[Yes. I already receive the Order from the Head Priest, Please come here, Lord Margrave]{Receptionist}

The receptionist is handling the Lord with a hospitality and lead him.

The receptionist is leading us family now. While going to the depth inside the church, he opens the door and greetings.

[We are preparing for the altar now, please wait in this room.][Receptionist]

The room that has been prepared it is not big, but it has a certain calm feeling.

His father Garm sitting in the deepest part, and his mother Sara sit beside him. Reine and Cain are sitting in front of them.

Sister is preparing a tea for each of us, and leave it in front of us.

[I`ll come again to pick up after we finish preparing. Please wait for a while.]{Sister}

[No need to be nervous Cain, The priest will explain it. Today after the baptism is over, we will celebrate it. The Revelation Party will be another day.{Garm}

[I hope Cain-kun receive so manyMagic`s Apt.i.tude and Divine Protection]{Reine}

Reine is always beside him and always smiling.

[He is my child. Of course, he will have Magic`s apt.i.tude. I hope he has at least the same as Reine.]{Sara}

His mother Sara is feeling so good.

Cain was secretly practicing magic. For now, he can already use the basic 4 elements magic.

He thinks he doesn`t have a problem with the apt.i.tude.

If he shows his parents he has 4 basic elements apt.i.tude, will his parents happy about it.

He thinks about it while drinking the tea.

While having a chat with his family, someone knocking the door, and the sister comes in.

[Everyone, the ceremony is ready. I will guide you know. Please come this way]{Sister}

After following the sister, we reach the altar.

In front of the altar, the priest already waiting,  and in the center, there is a statue of 7 G.o.d line up. The light that goes through the window, make it seems glorious.

[Sorry for the wait Lord Margrave. Now, Cain Von Silford, the 5 Years old Baptism will begin. Cain-sama please come forward]{Priest}

Being lead by his father Garm, Cain is prostrating in front of the priest

[Cain Von Silford, Lord Marinford Who create 7 G.o.ds, Celebrates your 5 years baptism. Please keep praying to the G.o.ds]{Priest}

The priest then face the G.o.d`s Statue and prostrating.

[The G.o.ds who watch over the world. Cain Von Silford. Please grant him Status Magic and show him the way]{Priest}

At that time, His vision becomes blur white.


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