The view in front of my eyes turned white.

 As his eyes got used to it, Cain looked around. It was completely different from the church"s baptism room.

 A world where it is white and nothing.

“What is this!”

"Fohoffo. This is the world of the G.o.ds. you finally became five years old. I "m looking forward to Cain von Silford. No, should I call Kazuya Shiina?"

 When I suddenly called out and turned around in surprise, there were tables and chairs where about ten people could sit, and several people were sitting, with the grandfather who called out first.

“Knowing Kazuya"s name means knowing that I was reincarnated, right?”

 Cain asked the grandfather who sits in the middle.

“Well, let"s talk slowly, including that. First of all, you can"t keep standing there. Sit here.”

 Recommended by the grandfather sitting in the middle, Cain sat on an empty chair.

 The grandfather sits just in front of him and three men and women sit on his left and right.

“I"ll introduce myself again. I"m called Zenom. Or  better known as the creation G.o.d who created this world?”

 Cain was surprised that he was a creation G.o.d when he thought he was a strange old man.

"By the way, because I"m G.o.d, the voice of inside your heart is also leaking."

 Zenom laughed while stroking his beard.

 Cain felt chilly sweat on his back.

"I was reincarnated, and my father and mother named me Cain. In this world, I am Cain von Sylford. Thank you very much."

 I Got up from the chair and introduced myself with my head down.

 As expected, Cain wasn"t thrilled to be able to speak to the Creation G.o.d, who is also said to be the main G.o.d.

"Yeah. First of all, Lime!

 A long white-haired woman sitting on the left side was surprised.

"I am Lime. I am the G.o.d responsible for the reincarnation of life and death. First, as for you, I was reincarnated into this world at the request of the G.o.d of the earth. Because it is unscheduled, it cannot be put on the Earth"s circle. “

"Well, at that time you covered for a girl, didn"t you?"

“I heard from the Earth G.o.d that the real plan was for the man to miss and to be held by the people around you at that time.”

"――so it was all in vain?"

 Even though he was prepared to sacrifice his life, Cain dropped his shoulder.

“Yes. The culprit shouldn"t have hurt anybody, so the sin shouldn"t be so severe, but because you died, it was considered as murder.”

“Not only did I die, but the culprit also became guilty …”

“The G.o.ds of the earth also said that what you did was troublesome.”

"Lime. It "s better to say it in a nicer way …"

 The Creator G.o.d followed with a bitter smile.

 Hearing the truth, Cain was sad rather than regretful. Not only did he die but he also dragged someone else into the mess.

"You can"t reincarnate on the earth, so I took your soul. At that time, you were killed by doing good deeds. If I left you alone so took your soul, so that the world will develop,  it was decided to reincarnate you with your memory intact. However, if you wake the memory up as soon as you were born, breastfeeding and changing your diapers, etc. I thought it might be mentally painful, and so I sealed it so that your memory would be restored when you were baptized when you became five years old.

 Cain was told by G.o.d while looking at the G.o.d who apologized while bowing.

"Lime-sama, I have been born in this world for five years, and two years have pa.s.sed since I regained my memory, but now every day is fun and I"m enjoying my life. In the past life, I lost my family when I was little, and my grandfather, my last family, also died, now I have a family and a sister and I am very happy. So Don"t apologize I am having a very fulfilling life, so thank you for leaving me my memory. “

 On the contrary, I bowed my head and thanked the G.o.ds. Because my life is really fun. Now that I have a family. And also because the world has magic in it

“Yeah, you"re good. I like it.”

 A woman with long black hair and a black robe entered the story.

“I"m Reno, the magic G.o.d. Cain, you"ve been practicing magic since you were three years old. I"ve watched it all the time.

“Um. I will give you blessings. I think I will see you again.

 I don"t know the meaning of "see you again", but I am grateful to reno for the blessing of Magic G.o.d.

“First of all, I would like to introduce the G.o.ds here.this are Lime and Reno. Next to them is the G.o.d of the earth, Bela. The one opposite of her is Sarnos the G.o.d of martial arts the G.o.d of skill. Grimm and the fat one is Panam, the commercial G.o.d. “

 The G.o.d of Martial arts sarnos first called me out.

"Cain, don"t just train magic all the time also train my sword skills and body skills. I"ll give you  my blessing so that training will become easier."

"im skill G.o.d grim ill give you my blessing. In this world, there are not many forms of do produce a lot of entertainment tools here

Next, the commercial G.o.d sitting beside him that called me out.

“I"ll give my blessing. If you have my blessing, you will be able to use the appraisal and item box. If you use it, you will know the details of an item. Your status will also show the details of the items in your item box. The number of items that can be put in the item box varies depending on the degree of protection. “

 All the G.o.ds will bless you.

 I heard the story of the G.o.ds, wondering is it okay for me to get that much.

 The last is Creation G.o.d.

"You should check my blessing after you"ve returned to the original world. the time is up Cain, let"s meet again.

 When the creation G.o.d says so, the consciousness gradually gets farther away.

 Suddenly, I noticed Reine-nee"s face in front of me.


 that. Reine-nee

 Have you come back?

 The priest is surprised for some reason.

"Oh. the image of the G.o.ds is shining."

 The priest began praying to the statue of G.o.d.

 Looking at my family around me, they became shocked.

 After a while, the priest"s prayer was finally over.

"This is the end of the baptism. It seems that the light before was the blessing of the G.o.ds.

“Thank you very much”

 After we gave our thanks to the priest and the statues of the G.o.ds and then we went out of the church.

 Everyone rode the carriage silently.

 The first person to speak was Garm.

“What was that light. It didn"t shine when It was Leine"s time. Cain. Did you know what it means?”

“Father, I also don"t know”

 I can"t say that I met the G.o.ds.

"Oh … maybe it was G.o.d "s blessing"

"When we get home, you should check your status., when you look at it and have any questions, you can tell me."

"Thank you, Father, I "ll check it when I get home."

 Reine comes across her mouth.

"Cain! I showed mine to you before, so show me yours later okay!"

“Yeah! I will show it to you later Reine-nee.”

 I was able to meet the G.o.ds and have them bless me, so I"m looking forward to checking my status.

 Returning to the road where we came, we got home inside the shaking carriage.

 I went back to my room and took a break.

“if I"m not mistaken it was status right?”


 A translucent board was displayed in front of me.

 [Name] Cain von Silford

 [Race] Human race [Gender] Male [Age] Five years old

 [t.i.tle] Hakusei Hijio Reincarnation G.o.d"s Apostle

 [Level] 1

 [Physical strength] 180/180

 [Magic Power] 34,560 / 34,560

 [Ability] S +


  Creation Magic Lv.10

  Fire Magic Lv.10

  Wind Magic Lv.10

  Water Magic Lv.10

  Earth Magic Lv.10

  Light Magic Lv.10

  Dark Magic Lv.10

  s.p.a.cetime Magic Lv.10

  Life magic


  Appraisal Lv.10

  Item box Lv.10

  Martial arts level 10

  Physical Surgery Lv.10

  Physical resistance Lv.10

  Magic Resistance Lv.10


  Creation G.o.d Blessing Lv.10

  Life G.o.d Blessing Lv.10

  Magic G.o.d Blessing Lv.10

  Earth G.o.d Blessing Lv.10

  Takegami"s Protection Lv.10

  Skill G.o.d Blessing Lv.10

  Commercial G.o.d blessing Lv.10


 I was out of touch.

 I collapsed and fell to the floor and I couldn"t stand up.

 It "s too full of stuff!

"G.o.ds, thank you for the blessings, but isn"t it too much … wasn"t the G.o.d "s blessing supposed to be 5 levels from Lv.1 to 5! What does Lv.10 mean!!

 From the age of three until now, I have forgotten my common sense for magical training, but I can only imagine that the G.o.ds also forgot their common sense.

“If I showed this status to my family, I don"t know what will happen. And what with the apostle of G.o.d. If the church knew anything about this they wouldn"t let me go home wouldn"t they, I wonder if there"s a way for me to hide my status……”

 Cain thought while holding his head.

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