1816-1845--WILLIAM LAING, died 16th March. A brother of Dr. David Laing, the well-known antiquarian.

1840-1843--R. HORNE STEVENSON, tr. to St. George"s, Edinburgh; afterwards D.D. and Moderator of General a.s.sembly of 1871. Mr Stevenson was a.s.sistant and successor to Mr Laing, and after his translation, Mr Laing resumed the full duties of his office until his death.

1845-1887--JOHN CUNNINGHAM, D.D., LL.D., resigned 16th May. Author of "Church History of Scotland" and other works. Moderator of General a.s.sembly of 1886. Resigned on his appointment as Princ.i.p.al of St.

Mary"s College, St. Andrews. Died September, 1893.

1887-1894--WILLIAM P. PATERSON, B.D., resigned 2nd November on appointment as Professor of Systematic Theology in Aberdeen University.



(_West Church, Crieff, opened for Worship in 1838._)

1839-1843--FINLAY MACALISTER. Seceded.

1843-1848--Chapel closed.

For some years afterwards served by licentiates.

1856-1862--MATTHEW RODGER, tr. to St. Leonard"s, St. Andrews. Now D.D.

1862-1878--ARCHIBALD HART, A.M., resigned 6th June.

Crieff West was erected into parish _quoad sacra_ on 20th July, 1864.

1878-????--JOHN HUNTER, M.A.


(_St. Fillans Chapel, opened for Worship, 1879._)

1879-1881--JAMES W. BLAKE, tr. to Temple.


Erected into parish _quoad sacra_, called Dundurn, on 15th March, 1895.


(_Church dedicated to S. Serva.n.u.s._)

1562-1564--ANDREW SYMSON, tr. to Dunbar. Became Protestant by reading Sir David Lindsay"s Poems.

1568-1594--JOHN HAMYLL. Deposed for baptising an adulterous child.

1586-1607--JOHN EDMISTON.

1610-1651--GEORGE MUSCHIT, A.M., deposed. Member of Glasgow a.s.sembly, 1638.

1652-1668--ANDREW ROLLO, A.M., died in May.

1669-1672--ROBERT HUNTER, A.M., tr. to Bo"ness.

1673-1682--JAMES HUNTER, A.M., tr. to Stirling.

1682-1686--THOMAS CHRYSTIE, A.M., died in January.

1686-1689--DAVID FREEISAIRN, A.M. Ousted at Revolution. Afterwards became Bishop of Scotch Episcopal Church, and latterly Primus. Died 24th December, 1739.

1691-1716--WILLIAM REID, A.M., died 28th January. Preached at Auchterarder on 18th September, 1715, with pistol hanging at his breast, while rebels in possession of town. They afterwards burned Dunning, the minister being just dead. Thorn-tree planted in commemoration.

1716-1725--LAUCHLAN M"INTOSH, A.M., tr. to Errol.

1728-1761--ANDREW SMYTH, died 20th February.

1761-1768--ALEXANDER SMYTH, died 20th February, Son of previous minister.

1769-1782--LEWIS DUNBAR, tr. to Kinnoull.

1783-1812--JOHN BAIRD, died 7th August.

1813-1814--CHARLES WILKIE HARDY, died 6th February. Son of Dr. Hardy, Edinburgh. Waylaid and hung by heels over a bridge, which hastened his death.

1814-1818--JOHN GRIERSON, A.M., tr. to Dunblane.

1818-1860--JAMES RUSSELL, D.D., died 8th October. A man of peculiar temperament.

1848-1860--PATON JAMES GLOAG, tr. to Blantyre. a.s.sistant and successor to Dr. Russell; afterwards D.D., minister of Galashiels, Moderator of General a.s.sembly of 1889. Author of "Commentary on Acts of Apostles,"

and other works.

1861-1878--JOHN WILSON, D.D., died 1st March. Author of "Index to Acts of a.s.sembly," "Presbytery of Perth," "Register of the Diocese of Dunblane." "A man emi-nently fitted to win affection and respect."

1878-????--PETER THOMSON, B.D. Formerly minister of Kelvinhaugh, Glasgow. Author of "The Greek Tenses in New Testament."


_Tullibole was supplied with Readers from 1567, and had as Ministers:--_

1576-1578--JOHN EDMONSTOUN, tr. to Crail.

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