Not mine, cant remember where I got this via Google Images

37 WeddingGown

‘Miss, it isreally alright?’ Marie asked sheepishly from behind me. I turned to her andlaughed and nodded.

However myreply did not satisfy Marie for she was still grumbling about the why andwherefores.  I could hear her but Imerely shrugged.

We wereintruding upon General Brennan’s town house. We were here to iron out thedetails of my entry into the household. But Volker has been held up at work andcould not be here. So it was Father, Mother, Marie and me with Volker’sparents, and Mr Xavier, Volker’s butler.

After I getmarried to Volker, Mr Xavier will teach me about the running of the house. Iwould like to take over the management of the household gradually. Marie iscoming with me as my personal maid, so I have no problems.

I made sure totell my parents that they didn’t have to do a flashy announcement. At thismoement, Volker’s parents were busy arguing.

Although itwas the first time I had met them, they were very kind to me. His father said,‘To get such a lovely bride, Volker is the Kingdom’s luckiest man!’

And his mothersaid, ‘We are getting such a lovely daughter in law!’ with joyful tears.

Volker hadsaid told me it was going to be alright, but I could not help the feeling oftrepidation meeting his parents. Would they already had the opinion that I wasthe upstart nouveau riche Viscount’s daughter? This kind welcome was bothtouching and embarra.s.sing.

I didn’t wanta showy wedding.

When I toldVolker he seemed very disappointed. But as a person how had been dumped by herhigh status fiancé, I didn’t want to call too much attention to myself.Although, I didn’t say, I am thinking of Volker.

Because of theDuke’s people spreading bad rumours, Volker was now seen as “the last greatsingle man that was rushed and drew a super-nope lottery” or something likethat. (Zuben: I don’t think he feels that way)

Even thoughVolker knows about it, he knew that it was best leaving things along or itwould escalate if he denied it. Volker is being made fun of because of me, I’msorry.

So have aquiet dinner party and only publish the announcement of marriage. One day, therumours will die down. Just because I am getting married doesn’t mean I have towear a proper wedding dress, I am happy just to be marrying Volker…to be hiswife.

Although he isreluctant, it really isn’t necessary to make a fan fare of our wedding. But Iwonder if it is okay.

‘MissFredericka, are you alright.’

I gave alittle start at my future mother in law’s voice.

‘Yes, motherin law.’

Jennis, myfuture mother in law, in reality, is Volker’s aunt. She is a wonderful personwho exudes great elegance. I lose face just by being beside her.

Jennis claspedmy hands in hers and said, ‘After all, I think it would be better to show off.It’s a once in a lifetime event; every girl’s dream.’

It’s not thatI don’t have a longing to wear a wedding dress, but I am going to be weightagainst Volker, there is nothing I can do.

I grasped herhands and tried to smile as prettily as possible as I said, ‘Mother, I am sohappy that I am going to be Volker’s wife that if I wear a wedding gown I thinkmy body will explode with joy!’ (Zuben: Hahahaha, what a terrible excuse)

And we won’tbe able to get married quickly.

Jennis laughedand winked mischievously.

‘It is awonderful dream to welcome a lady like you as my daughter in law.’

It seemed likeshe agreed with me. It seemed that she understood, that was good. I was feelingrelieved until Jennis said,

‘At least, letme handle the dress you wear for the dinner party. It has been a long helddream to sew my daughter’s dress. It’s not too flashy, is it?’

I thought backto the wink she gave me earlier, she was as cute as a young lady.

I nodded.There was no answer, Jennis embrace me and thanked me. Just then, Volkerentered the drawing room,

‘Sorry to havekept you wait- Fredericka, not to Mother but to me!’

Everyone gaveknowing smiles as Volker s.n.a.t.c.hed me. I was very embarra.s.sed as Volker pulledme into his arms for a tight hug. (Zuben: Don’t make her faint again, ah)

38 In yourarms

Volker took aseat and as though it was natural, held me to him very close. Though it is, I amstill a bit shy because he is doing it in front of our parents, but theyaccepted at as though it was very natural.

Natural? Arewe used to it? That-that is scary!

‘Um Volker,today I’m going to sit on my own.’

Volker turnedto me with widened innocent eyes and asked, ‘Why?’

Er, why do youhave such a pure expression? It makes it look like I am in the wrong.

‘Volker, doyou always do that?’

Awesometsukkomi from father in law! Next, there was a glint in Mother in law’s eye!

I should havetalked about this with Volker before marriage! It may be too late. No not yet!We may still be able to do something about it.

‘Yes, he isalways like this.’ I said. My heart beat with a dull sound but I have said whatis in my heart.

I wanted himto say it was a coincidence today, but I don’t know the kind of things Volker…I wonder if he is shameless.

‘I-I’m sorry.’I apologised to Father in law quietly. I’m sorry I am such a bride. I’m shy butI’m happy!

‘Oh no, don’tapologise Miss Fredericka.’ Father in law said to me, and he looked up atVolker, ‘Volker, how much do you want to disregard propriety? ’

‘Fredericka isembarra.s.sed, too.’ Father in law continued quite naturally.

Oh thank you,father in law!

There was asound of disappointment over my head and I instinctively wanted to hold hishand.

‘I’m sorryFredericka; I know I should only do this when it’s just the two of us.’

You don’t haveto mention it!

He let me go,and I went to sit between my parents.

‘Fredericka,don’t sit so far away.’ Volker called with a gentle voice. His mother jabbedhim in his side with her elbow, but he was still insistent.

Uuun, I’mafraid of your eyes, and I cannot give you face. My mother chuckled, and myfather said under his breath, ‘Please go sit next to him.’

Nooo, leave mealone till the hot spots on my face fade away.

We all haddinner together.

Afterwards,the parents were sitting together having more discussions.

Marie wasspeaking to Mr Xavier.

Volker came upto me, ‘Let’s take a walk in the garden.’

Wow, we aregoing to have a garden date!

Walking besideVolker, I could not hide my nyonyo[1]. I have to be careful not to spoil thevisage of good daughter as much as possible.

But then I guessit was useless, because Volker is chuckling beside me.

[1] nyonyo: laughing secretly,gloating, secretly grinning.

‘What is it?’

I looked up tohis hazel eyes that were narrow with mirth. His previously neatly dressedforelocks had been disarrayed by the strong breeze and they now fell over hisfore head. Oooh, how very nice~!

‘Sorry aboutearlier, I’m relieved that you are in a good mood.’

Ah, it was so.I stubbornly did not sit next to Volker.

‘You weren’tangry, were you? Were you…shy?’

I squeezed hishand tighter; I wish I could transmit my feelings through where we aretouching.

‘I’m sorry…’

Hmm? Why areyou apologising? I’m not angry

‘Fredericka’sembarra.s.sed expression is very lovable.’

What does thatmean? Does he do it on purpose? (Zuben: To bully you a little)

‘Frederickamay not know this: but when you are embarra.s.sed you become red from your cheeksto your ears and all around your neck,’ he said as his fingers stroked theparts he was talking about. My face was so hot; his fingers felt especiallycool, ‘It is an extremely beautiful vermillion against your white skin.’

‘I want to seehow it looks from the neck down when you’re dyed red.’


Wait just amoment, please! Why are you looking like that all of a sudden? We are in yourgarden, Volker! It is an open area!


‘Come…’ hesaid as he pulled me along. I did not resist.

He kissed mebehind a big tree. It was a strange sensation that tickled and stimulated myskin. I trembled as he wrapped he held my waist and I wrapped my hand aroundhis neck.

‘In truth, Iwould like to see you in a wedding dress.’

If possible, adress that showed the beautiful line of her shoulders and her hair dressedbeautifully.

As if he couldimagine a concrete look, Volker fingered my hair into disarray.

I was going tomake my hair really cute, I thought. But as he played with my hair, we gotcaught up in each other. I eventually had to cool down and groom myself underthe shade of the tree.

‘Uu~n, but,there are various obstacles, aren’t there? That’s why…’

And it’s all myfault. I don’t really care if I wear a wedding dress as long as Volker was withme and I was held in his warm arms.

I looked upand there were leaves in Volker’s hair. I tried to reach up to get it, but hewas too tall.

‘Volker, liftme up a little.’ I said as I put my hands on his shoulder. He lifted me easilyso I could reach the leaves in his hair, but as I tidied him up. I felt a sharpnip at my collar bone.

‘Hi~ yau~.’

I was bitten.Did Volker just bite me?! (Zuben: No, it was a mutant mosquito)

It was a sweetbite, but I was so surprised I cried out.

‘I’m sorry itwas…because it was right there in front of me.’

I suppose itis my fault, but why is there a mischievous light behind the hazel.

‘I suppose ifit wasn’t deliberate, it’s alright. I’m also bad for having my clavicle infront of a man’s eyes.’ I said with a smile, ‘I will wear clothes that cover upto my neck from now on.’

I have todefend myself so it doesn’t happen. (Zuben: A lot of things sound so dodgy)

‘No that’s aproblem!’ he said.

 I don’t know what to do anymore. Volker tryingto stop me from wearing nun-like clothes is very cute! I laughed out loud.


‘It’s notgood, is it?’

‘Yes, ofcourse.’

‘You cannotwithdraw as it is.’

‘…if that isthe case, let’s do this again.’


‘Confidentiallythis time.’



39 I will notshow off

Although I wasin a hurry to marry Volker, the day came very quickly.

The day…

I officiallybecome Volker’s wife…

Is here!

We will haveto file a notification of our marriage for approval. The truth is I only knowVolker. Yes, as you guessed, not yet.

By submittingthe marriage certificate Congress would formally establish our marital statusafter the general engagement period, after which we would get a blessing at thechurch.

Usually onewould hold a ceremony afterward. It could be a grand event where all friends,acquaintances, relatives, a few local elders and leading aristocrats andnotable people are invited.

There would befireworks if upper aristocrats turn up to the wedding. The general populacewould turn it into a carnival and put out stalls to sell food, trinkets andplay games. There would be fights, thievery, it will be a lot of trouble.

It is kind ofa status thing but I don’t want such a flashy event with such dangerouselements.  

If one does,it is best to take safety measures; have security through the party if theannouncement is a pandoriented delivery. (Zuben: I dunno what the panda isabout[1]) Organise the merchants, have free flowing drinks so that the citizenscan enjoy and you can also show off at the same time. Wouldn’t it be nice? Iwould like to run such an event. (Zuben: Honestly this paragraph stumped me; itwas just a confusing mish-mash of words)

But, couldn’tyou do it in the panda?

But from agirl’s point of view it is useless, it is not a bit disappointing for Volker tobecome a panda[2]. Volker is more n.o.ble and graceful, his ident.i.ty is that of astronger animal that anyone else!! (Zuben: a bear)

Usually,Volker doesn’t seem to like flashy things either. He is usually complainingabout having to wear the heavily decorated uniforms of the Royal Guard, andcurses who ever thought of it. I think he looks good, but Volker wasdissatisfied.

Alright, it’sa beautiful day; perfect for submitting our certificate to Parliament. Mr Sun,thank you!

When we wereat Parliament submitting our certificate there was a bit of a commotion; HisMajesty the King appeared.

He foundVolker and I, and casually approached.

‘Brennan, you’re here.’ He said in greeting. He has a smileon his face and his gray-blue eyes were narrowed with it. Stefan takes afterhim very much. But his smile looked very much like Volker’s. Perhaps Volker’shazel eyes are from his mother.

A littlesurprised, Volker bowed to the King while giving a glare to the guard behindhis majesty. I curtsied.What is this? No, it’s not unusual for his Majestyto come to Parliament, right? Hie~e, I can’t raise my face.

Perhaps it was Volker’s men? I wonder becausehe had a frown but it was only for a moment.

“Why are you here?”

“Sorry! I couldn’t stop him!”

Maybe it waslike this?

‘Your Majesty,why are you here? The time of audience…’

‘Don’t be sostiff, Brennan. I wanted to see the reputed lady you became absorbed with.Don’t you want to show her off?’

What, me?!

What is thisabout "reputed"? You care about the marriage? Eeeeeh!

Hey, do youmind if I raise my face?

‘Wife, you canraise your face.’ The king said coming closer to me and touched my chin

Fu ~ai

I raised myface and my breath was caught,

‘I amFredericka Castley. It is nice to meet you, your Majesty.’ I managed to say.

‘Hmm…you’resuch a pretty wife. It is regrettable for Brennan.’ His Majesty said.

It was flattering. I laughed. His majesty hasan irresistible charm. (Zuben: resist it) Was his Majesty even human?!

Beside me, Ifelt something swell. There was a strong killing intent from Volker! (Zuben: don’t turn Volker into a yandere!)

‘Hey, I’m joking. She suits you,Brennan.’ His Majesty said with a laugh as he hit Volker’s shoulder. He leftafter that, his guards chasing after him. It seems like he just came to see us.

Buufuu~ I wasso nervous.

I mean, hisMajesty the King, the supreme power of the nation comes over and raises myface! And I would never have imagined Volker would show a killing intent to hisMajesty!

Anyway, I amgreatly relieved that is over.


I turned toVolker, he didn’t even look bothered.

That face;what dial indicator did you use to interact with your Majesty earlier? I wasabout to ask when I realised there were disturbing panicked words coming fromhere and there.

“His Majestywas seen in person!"

“Are the Kingand General so close?”

“This…must berevised!”

“No way, do Ihave to fawn over and flatter the nouveau riche?!”

“Is the armygetting increased funds?!”

“Is thebalance between the Military and Parliament broken?!”

We can hear you, you know?

We just came to submit our marriage certificate.

I think being a great person is troublesome. They don’t even think aboutthe direction they are going. Too much time spent on the power game.

Volker and I exchanged a glance; we didn’t know what to do about thepanicking Lords.

I did not want them to rain on my happiness.

Such a tactless thing, I don’t want to tell Volker something like that.

With that said, should I mislead you?

‘Eeee~ Lady, I’ve been told; today, I realised that Volker-sama is gettingmarried to me today.’ I gave an embarra.s.sed laugh. Volker raised a brow andfrowned. He looked sullen at first glance, he had an expression that smoothingit over would likely fail.

The great people around me, “What a strange way to look at his bride, arethey a masked couple?”

I am sorry but I will not tell you.

Shortly after submitting our certificate, we went to the church for ourblessing. We knelt before the Father who performed his prayers.

And that was all there was to it. Now I will head to Volker’s house! Justthen Marie beckoned to me from the side; I went to her and was pushed into asmall room. Can I enter here without permission?

‘Please wait a while, Brennan~!’ Marie said with a meaningful chuckle. Volkerwatched me with a dumbfounded expression as the door was shut in his face andlocked.

What was going on?

I was about to asked Marie how had bolted the door, when someone called mefrom behind


I turned around to find Jennis standing there. I thought everyone had goneto the house beforehand. Why was she here holding a white dress in her hand?

‘We don’t have much time, Fredericka, we need to get you changed quickly.’Jennis said. Marie had already started undoing the b.u.t.tons of my dress. Motherappeared carrying a few things.

‘Mother, you’re also here?’

‘I will take off your necklace and undo your hair now, Miss.’ Marie said.Marie undressed me with a finesse she rarely displayed in recent years.

‘Please don’t get dazed, Fredericka, we just doing a little make over,right?’ Jennis said with a smile. Jennis was always gentle. Her smilerepresented neither presence nor absence. I could only give a non-committalreply.

I was stood before a full length mirror as my mother, Jennis and Mariedressed me. Before I knew it I was dressed in what could only be called awedding dress.

‘What is this?’ I asked. How could a dress have been made in time? Yet itfit perfectly like it was made for me.

The bold strapless design was the kind Volker liked. The bodice was figurehugging with clean lines with a full skirt that was layer upon layer of silkand tulle. There was delicate embroidery all over it. It was very cute.

My hair was beautifully tied up; it looked nice and glossy somehow.

‘Is this…?’

‘The dress for the dinner party. I told you to leave it to me, didn’tI?’Jennis said, her eyes twinkling mischievously. Her smile looked very pleasedand beautiful; like she was happy the dress suited me.

But, the dress for the dinner party at this level? This was a weddingdress!

‘My sister…Volker’s mother could not wear her wedding dress,’ Jennis saidwith a sad smile.

Because Volker’s mother could not marry the previous king, even though theywere in love; due to societal pressure.

A girl sure dreams of a happy marriage, how sad that she could not havethat.

‘I didn’t mean to make you unhappy, but I thought that it would be said younot wearing a wedding gown.’ Jennis continued, ‘Is this meddling?’

I embraced mother-in-law unconsciously.

Could I really wear this?

In such a beautiful wedding dress, I wonder if I truly have become Volker’sBride?

Uuuu~ I really endured it.

Because of the matter of being jilted troubled mother and father, and therewere strange rumours that affected Volker, I hadn’t dared dream I could. Ireally wanted to wear a wedding dress. I wanted to show the world I was in lovelike everyone else, but I was afraid it would be more troublesome.

I didn’t need it, I thought, I did not need anything as long as I could bewith Volker, I would be happy.

‘Thank you, mother in law.’ I said to Jennis.

I couldn’t say more…that she thought of me so much…

Oh, now I’m crying. My make-up would be ruined.

‘I didn’t expect to be wearing such a beautiful dress.’

Jennis smiled as she wiped my tears with her handkerchief.

‘Fredericka, did you mother do a good job?’

Hehehe, mother with her usual smile lifted the gossamer veil over my head.It was exquisite with a crown of my favourite flowers.

‘My beautiful Fredericka, I am proud of you. Go be a bride withconfidence!’ my mother declared.


Tears spilled down because I could not endure it anymore.

My make up was fixed. I took a deep calming breath and stepped out of thesmall room. Volker was waiting for me. He had also changed.

The ceremonial uniform of the Royal Guard is also wonderful but this wasvery close to a groom’s suit, isn’t it? Mother in law also prepared Volker’swell.

‘Wow, Volker you look wonderful.’ I said as I ran to him holding my handsout. I jumped into his arms and he twirled me around.

‘It is you who looks wonderful Fredericka – how beautiful!’

The skirt my dress spread fluffily and the fabric twinkled brilliantly inthe sunlight. As we headed to the doors, I could hear lots of people outside.There was a pretty large crowd watching.


‘Come let’s get you into the carriage.’

When I looked at the carriage I realised the reason for the crowd. We hadcome in an ordinary carriage, and had planned to take it back.

But this was a fairy tale carriage; it was a white open top carriage withglittery decorations and Oliver was driving it.

What is this?

I couldn’t keep up!

‘Lady, get on please.’

It was very graceful, but why was our very competent butler driving thecarriage as thought it went without saying.

A cheer went up as I was escorted to the carriage by Volker. Marie and ourother maids started to shower us with colourful petals. It was beautiful –beautiful but so conspicuous!

‘Congratulations, Miss!’ Marie shouted.

‘Ma, Marie!’ I cried trying to stop her, but it was in vain as other girlswith similar baskets started throwing flowers as well.

What kind of preparation was this?!

But doing this was so showy, Volker might find it unpleasant. I looked athim next to me. He looked happy.

He held me gently as we got on the carriage. Volker is so sweet! Everyoneis so sweet! I am so very happy my heart is about to explode.

Zuben: So much lost in translation stuff in the past few chapters, I washonestly distressed. Anyway, hope it makes sense. Enjoy.

Panda [1] もしやるなら安全に配慮した、警備も万全なお祭りイベントがメインで、お披露目が客寄せパンダ的な位置付けなら、割り切って出来るかもしれませんね。商家は潤って市民が楽しんでついでにお披露目が出来るなら三方良しで、あら、いいじゃない?そんなイベント取り仕切りたいなぁ。

Panda [2] あ、パンダじゃ仕切れないな?

Panda [3] ……でも令嬢的な観点からいうとダメなのかな、フォルカー様もパンダになっていただくにはちょっと役不足な感が否めない。フォルカー様ならもっと高貴かつ優美、しかしてその正体は誰よりも強い動物になれましてよ!!

♢ Chapters 40-42

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