"This is what you call map? I draw a better one without even knowing the location!"

Thought Aurora while searched for the location of the International Magic Academy (IMA). Why is she searching for the location of the International Magic Academy? It"s a long story!

Who is Aurora? Aurora is a beautiful 17 years old girl with long, straight black hair and blue eyes. Black pants and a black hoodie. She was really beautiful on the outside. Only on the outside. Sadly, Aurora is a crazy troublemaker. Addicted to adrenalin. Catastrophe on legs. A very big troublemaker who only likes the interesting things. Her parents abandoned her because she was too dangerous.

She didn"t go to school. Why? School is pretty boring right? Not interesting at all. Aurora was also pretty intelligent, everything was boring for her. Normal schools made her even more crazy. She even tried to commit suicide once because of this.

Yes, Aurora was on the verge of death. Yet, her facial expression was unchanged. Her disinterested eyes looked into the distance. Those were the eyes of someone who already gave up on life. She grabbed the knife without a drop of fear, when suddenly a piece of paper fallen into her hands.

This piece of paper was very mysterious and it"s appeared out of nowhere. Aurora was surprised, but not because of this! There was a big text on the paper. "International Magic Academy invitation letter" What is the meaning of this?

International Magic Academy. One of the top magic academies.

The paradise of many talents and a sure way towards fame and power. Many second generation rich kid wanted to get accepted into this academy with money and connections. However, all of them failed. The only way to get accepted is to get one of the mysterious invitation letters.

How can you get one of these mysterious invitation letters? It"s actually super obvious. Only talented magic users can receive a letter like this. Surprisingly, Aurora was also talented in fire manipulation. She heard of this academy and became confused. "How do they know about my fire manipulation ability? It was a secret, I never told anyone anything about this. Then how? This academy is full of mysteries."

Aurora dropped the knife and started pondering and pondering. She gave up in the end and stood up with a happy smile.

"Finally, something interesting, something unpredictable happening. Boring days over! A new reason to live" She thought and began to examine the invitation letter with cute glittering eyes. She unfolded the mysterious paper and found a map. Or something like a map?

"This is what you call map? I draw a better one without even knowing the location!" This is where our story begins!

The map looked like four half-complete circles and a lot of confusing lines. At least, for Aurora. Normal people may think that this is not even a map. Actually, it was true. Since it was a puzzle. Then why did she called it a map? Aurora was way more intelligent and she easily deducted that this puzzle will lead her towards the academy. How? It"s simple. You can"t send an invitation letter without a location.

"Now I only need to know how to read this map. Hmm, it"s probably something tricky again right? It"s probably not a single map. These patterns are so unique. We talk about a magic academy, so let"s try magic?"

Thus, Aurora activated her fire manipulation ability and touched the invitation letter. The letter started glowing with a white light and teleported her away just as she expected. "I really got teleported away."

She found herself in a small white room with a bald man. This bald man wore a black suit with black gla.s.ses.This bald man was just about to greet her when Aurora noticed him, became very curious and started shouting and asking questions like a child in excitement.

"Welcome he-"


"B-baldie?" The bald man was surprised. "This fragile looking girl called me baldie? Is she crazy? She doesn"t even know if something bad will happen or not, yet she looks so calm." Then he spotted the cuts on her left wrist and understood everything. "This girl is bats.h.i.t crazy!"

"Stop shouting. This is the International Magic Academy and you are on the entrance exam. I"m your examiner. Are you ready? Also, why are you so calm?"

"The academy sent me an invitation letter. I got here when I activated the magic pattern. Am I supposed to be surprised?" Said Aurora nonchalantly while playing with her hair.

"No, It"s okay. Let"s begin your test. Put your hand on this touchscreen. It will measure your magic power."

"Whoaaa something like this exists? Can I put my foot or my b.o.o.bs on the touchscreen?

"WHAT? NO, only put your hand please, you are not the only one who will use this device. What are you? A child?"

"It was just a joke" Aurora put her hand on the touchscreen and the number above her hand began to rise.

"You will get accepted into the academy, if the number surpa.s.sed the 300. Your magic power will decide your cla.s.s.

300-400 D-1 cla.s.s

400-500 C-1 cla.s.s

500-600 B-1 cla.s.s

600-??? 1 cla.s.s

Most of the students usually gets accepted into the D and C cla.s.ses. B and A cla.s.s students are almost all elites from rich families. You will have a hard time if you get accepted into the D cla.s.s. Hey are you listeni-."

The bald man wanted to continue his lecture, but he almost choked when he saw the numbers on the touchscreen device.

"2177! This is almost new record! Girl, you are pretty impressive. Congratulations, you are the next member of the 1 cla.s.s. I will teleport you away now. The 1 cla.s.sroom is on the second floor."

The bald examiner gave her the school uniform then teleported her away. The school uniform was a simple shirt with a golden 1 sign on it. Aurora decided to not wear it because she disliked the design.

She stood before a big facility currently. The bald man sent her here. This big facility with countless buildings was the International Magic Academy. There was only one problem.

"Where can I find the 1 cla.s.sroom?" Then she looked around and searched for someone who can help her. He found a boy who sat on the edge of a big fountain. The boy was very weird. He looked like Aurora. Black hoodie, black pants. Beautiful white face. Silver eyes and messy black hair. No school uniform. He looked like a criminal and there was a weird feeling when someone approached him. Aurora still approached him without caution.

"h.e.l.lo, I"m new here, can you show me where is the 1 cla.s.sroom?"

Aurora put on a cute smile

"Yes, follow me."

The two started walking and chatting along the way.

"1 cla.s.s huh. You must be talented right? How much do you know about magic?"

"Probably nothing, Something like magic is really unpredictable, exciting and mysterious. I think that no one can claim that they know something about magic. Magic is really not logical." Aurora was very happy when he said this. Finally something exciting in her life.

"That"s right. We arrived, search for me in the E-1 cla.s.sroom if you have any questions."

"What? E-1? There are only A, B, C, D. How can you be from the..."

Aurora wanted to end her sentence, but the boy disappeared.

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