Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 161: Total Beginner (2)

Chapter 161: Total Beginner (2)

As soon as I returned to Region 53 from Region 0, I met Pablo. Then I was busy with various things, including using the G.o.d of Enhancement.

So, I used these skills that I had forgotten for some time.

“Ice Spear! Multiple Ice Arrow!”

First of all, I quickly hunted the three sabretooth tigers using single target skills.

Then I pulled out a crude item that looked like a red stone from my inventory.

“Check item.”

[Additional EXP gem (myth)

-It is a very precious gem that helps you acquire additional EXP.]

Of course, I thought my main reward was the two skill points and the limited skill ‘Savant."

I didn"t pay much attention to the additional EXP gem previously because it paled in comparison to the two s.h.i.+ny trait shards and 10,000 coins I received along with it as a reward for reaching Stage 15. l.

So, although the additional EXP gem drew my attention, I didn"t think it was a big deal.

However, I was wrong because this additional EXP gem was myth grade to say the least. And each myth grade item had a good reason to receive this designation.

So, I quickly checked its options.

[-However, golden rings are required to activate the additional EXP gem.

: Paying 100 million golden rings grants you an additional 10% EXP.

: Paying 200 million golden rings grants you an additional 20% EXP.

: Paying 1 billion golden rings grants you an additional 100% EXP.

: Once activated, it lasts for 300 days.

: This item cannot be enhanced.

: Even if you leave it in your inventory after activating it, its effect of additional EXP will still apply.]

Obviously, the required golden rings were not a small number.

In particular, ordinary men could not even imagine paying 1 billion golden rings for 100% additional EXP. Moreover, it was limited to only 300 days, and did not last forever.

But, what about me?

Of course, I have enough golden rings to pay for it. And even If I don"t have enough golden rings, I can get help from my father, the chairman of the Myongjin Group.

The power that my name Juyoung Hong carries in Korea cannot be neglected.

“Activate the additional EXP gem.”

[You can activate the additional EXP gem.

-Please set the amount to be used from 100 million to 1 billion golden rings.

-The amount of golden rings you set cannot be changed for 300 days.]

“1 billion golden rings.”

Of course, I chose the maximum amount. Actually, I wished I could spend more.

If there was an option to pay 10 billion golden rings for 1000% additional EXP, I would choose that.

Anyway, as soon as I spoke my choice, a bright light came out of the additional EXP gem in my hand, then various patterns of unknown meaning began to be etched onto its surface.

Shortly afterward, the light disappeared, but the patterns did not.

[ 100% additional EXP function has been inscribed onto the additional EXP gem.

-It will be maintained for 300 days. After 300 days, the patterns will be erased, and you will need to activate the gem again to regain its function.]


Of course, I didn"t feel regret for spending 1 billion golden rings because this was the time I had to use them, no matter how much.

“Blink. Blink.”

I put the additional EXP gem with the unknown patterns back into inventory, then used Blink with zero cooldown to move further into the Sabre Steel Tooth Tiger Habitat.

“Ice Field! Multiple Thin Ice!”

Puck! Puck!


Pitter-patter! Pitter-patter!

I clearly felt the power of Ice Ball and Ice Bolt was different from before.

But they were the weakest skills I possessed.

Of course, for skills with higher power, the greater the effect that even a 1% increase will show. As a result, I could hear sabre tooth tigers screaming in pain everywhere when I used only Ice Field.

However, they did not run away as if to show they were formidable monsters.

Rather, they kept charging at me tenaciously, not knowing they would be killed at any moment.

Anyway, I used Ice Storm and Ice Rain towards them who charged at me in droves.

Puck! Puck! Puck!

In the past, I used Pouring Hail as well for this kind of attack, but I didn"t need that skill this time.

Even before I could use it, I killed more than 100 sabre tooth tigers.

As expected, a message rang.

[You have leveled up.]

I smiled at that message.

I always felt good whenever I saw a message that announced that I had leveled up.

“Alright. Let me hunt really seriously this time!”

I always wanted to, but something happened.

But I didn"t hate it because I got lots of good stuff because of that.

However, this time I really wanted to hunt seriously until I reached level 700.

I was itching to hunt more because I had in my inventory the +3 Ice Emperor"s guardian sword with a remarkable attack that I could not use yet, not to mention the new 500 intellect bonus it gave me.

Anyway, I was absorbed into hunting, forgetting about the time.

I kept hunting everyday in the Sabre Steel Tooth Tiger Habitat.

And I was never bored or tired while I was devoting myself to hunting day in and day out.

Unlike studying which was always meaningless to me, hunting was meaningful to me, as always.

Honestly, hunting was fun to me, too.

Of course, I know that having fun with such repet.i.tive actions in games and the like is not very good for my social formation and development.

Nonetheless, I found hunting so fun.

Besides, I obtained the level 1200 Privilege: Reality Actualization because I was into games.

Actually, I could now use Ice Ball and Ice Bolt in reality. Although I didn"t experiment with my body, my remarkable physical ability, which was clearly different from before, made me feel more than just fun in the game and ‘Revival Legend". So much so that I thought it was a waste of time to sleep and even to eat.

Of course, I was wondering whether it was possible for me to confine ‘Revival Legend" within the boundaries of a simple game.

Anyway, I continued hunting for the joy of accomplishment, something which I had never found in studying before.

[You have leveled up.]

I was encouraged by the level-up messages that rang more frequently than before.

At that moment, I received a message from my sister.

[Super Beauty: Juyoung, are you there?]

[Lumen: Yeah.]

[Super Beauty: Then, will you come home tomorrow?]

[Lumen: Sure, because I"ve been invited to the wedding.]

[Super Beauty: Okay. Then, don"t come too late.]

[Lumen: Yeah.]

After that, I stopped conversing with her.

Tomorrow, I had to go home even though it wasn"t a weekend.

Like my sister said, there was a wedding ceremony and I received an invitation directly from the involved parties.

“Ice Field! Pouring Hail!”

While texting with my sister, I kept herding the sabre tooth tigers using Blink.

When I herded about 100, I used my AOE skills again.

That day, I started and ended the day with hunting.

The next day, I left for home early because I could play games freely in my house, and I didn"t have to care about my family members like I did in the past.

I had to try on some tailored suits and pick the best one for tomorrow"s wedding.

When I arrived home, my mom welcomed me warmly, as always.

Soon, my mom and sister held a small fas.h.i.+on show for me to find the best suit for tomorrow"s wedding, then we ate lunch together.

After that, I accessed ‘Revival Legend" in my room and continued hunting until my father and brother returned home in the evening after work.

That night we all gathered in the bas.e.m.e.nt study.

My father talked about various things that Myongjin was involved with and the trends of ‘Revival Legend" now and in the future in detail as if he wanted to brief me on purpose.

After that, my sister said to me, “Show it to me!”

She asked me to show her my status window.

“It"s been a while since I saw it last. It was awesome back then, so I"m really curious how much it has changed. I know lots of stuff has happened to you, brother.”


At first, I was a bit surprised by her unexpected request.

When she asked, not only my father but also my brother, mother, as well as Director Sok, who I saw more often than our in-house butler, looked at me with sparkling eyes.

Obviously, they also wanted to see my status window.

So I nodded slowly because I had no reason to hide it from my family members and Sok.

So, they wore the 3rd generation VR devices always kept in the bas.e.m.e.nt study and accessed ‘Revival Legend" right away.

Of course, not only I, who was very active under the name of Asirante, but also my father, brother, sister, and Director Sok didn"t meet immediately because our faces were widely known within ‘Revival Legend."

Moreover, we prepared a place for our secret meeting in advance.

So, I moved to a nearby teleport zone to move to the secret place.

“Move to Rodon Castle.”

[You have moved to Rodon Castle.]

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