Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 165: Difference in Order (1)

Chapter 165: Difference in Order (1)

In the central square of Adelio Castle.

“Oh! We definitely have to partic.i.p.ate in this!”

“Absolutely. Regardless of the result, we will receive a whopping 300 remaining stat points! 300 is huge, isn"t it?”

“Man, if I leveled up just a little more, I would have reached level 1000! Then I would have gotten 450 stat points.”

“Hey. 300 is enough. I only get 150 because I am level 437.”

“That"s why I told you to level up, man.”

“How did I know I would take part in this kind of event? And you guys told me that the administrator hardly interferes in “Revival Legend", and there is no celebration or special event at all. But what the heck is this 4th anniversary event a while ago?”

“Well, that one was…”

“By the way, I remember we had this kind of event during the introduction of the level 400 and level 800 regular quest. Of course, it was not as ridiculous as this event back then.”

The central square of Adelio Castle which I just entered, was already noisy.

Of course, most of them were very excited as if they welcomed this event.

But I couldn"t share their excitement because it was more beneficial for me not to partic.i.p.ate in this event.

“Check status window.”

Nonetheless, I opened the status window first with a ray of expectation of my level.

[Name: Lumen, Asirante

Level: 0

Number of kills: 0, Number of deaths: 0

t.i.tle: None.

Health: 100/100 Mana: 100/100

Strength: 10 Agility: 10 Stamina 10

Willpower: 10 Intellect: 10

Remaining Stat Points: 0

Remaining Skill Points: 0

Characteristics: None.]

[23 hours and 59 minutes remaining until the start of the event ‘Catch up With Yourself".

Until then, you cannot acquire EXP.

-So far, you have caught up 0%]


As soon as I confirmed the status window, whatever little expectations I had were gone instantly.

The status window I faced was that of a beginner to ‘Revival Legend". It had no t.i.tles nor traits, which were like my trademarks.

In other words, it was impossible for me to catch up even 1%, let alone the 5% that I initially expected.

“Oh my G.o.d…”

In the end, all I would get was the 300 remaining stat points as a reward for my partic.i.p.ation in this event. However, spending 30 days looking at it helplessly was so great a loss, so I let out a sigh before I knew it.

And I logged out with bitterness.

The next day, I was still reeling from the shock.

Of course, the event was limited to 30 days.

So, even though I knew that I would return to my original status window after 30 days, my shock did not go away easily because this is what I feared the most.

I don"t want to compare it to my school days, but back then I really studied so hard that my b.u.t.tocks had heat rashes. And I thought that I understood almost all of what I studied, the next day I could not remember anything and it all disappeared like smoke.

Of course, the current situation was just an event, and everything would return to its original state after 30 days. But it was like a carbon copy of what I feared most back then, so I could not get rid of my shock.

“Whew! Anyway, my status window will go back to normal after 30 days, and that"s why there are still things like this.”

Of course, there were over 20 billion golden rings in my inventory,and the +3 guardian sword of the Ice Emperor, as well as all the other items that became unwearable because I was back to level 0. In other words, it was only my status window and skill window that were changed.

Everything else was the same.

That meant that everything I achieved so far was not an illusion but reality.

“By the way, what am I supposed to do now?”

In the past, I used to wake up in the morning, shower, then have cereal for breakfast before accessing ‘Revival Legend".

Then, I immersed myself in ‘Revival Legend" until lunch, and after lunch and a little break, I would go back to the game until evening.

Of course, I had nothing special after dinner.

Except for my occasional outdoor jogging exercise, I devoted myself to ‘Revival Legend" until 1am. As a matter of fact, I spent most of the day playing ‘Revival Legend".

Was I bored or weary of games? Not at all.

It was still fun.

Anyway, I couldn"t adapt to the new situation as if I was kicked out of my workplace overnight and became unemployed.

Of course, I logged in yesterday evening and this morning as well. I could gain EXP now.

However, I was not motivated to hunt at all because it was impossible for me to rank in the top 30 even if I tried hard, and I would get 300 remaining stat points even if I did nothing.

“Gosh, what"s the point of hunting? It"s obvious that all of my 30 days" efforts will be in vain.” Nonetheless, I felt a bit encouraged to challenge myself a bit this morning, for I had a myth-grade ‘additional EXP gem" which had been activated.

But I gave it up because it was too hard for me to be included in the top rankings even if I had that gem.

I concluded that I had better take a rest for these 30 days.

Nonetheless, it was not easy for me not to do anything.

That"s why I"m still pacing up and down here.

“d.a.m.n it! Why did they make me take part in the event without even considering my opinion?”

In fact, I had no choice but to spit out curses when I thought about idling away at the time when I should be hunting and leveling up as much as possible.

Anyway, I was lamenting all morning like that, but in the end, I accessed ‘Revival Legend" in the afternoon because it was the only thing I was occupied with.

At Kotum Castle.

The beginners" castle was noisy with lots of people.

This was the castle I used during the 1st Closed Beta. This was also the place where I took my first steps after the game"s name was changed to ‘Revival Legend".

And I"ve never seen so many people here. So much so that there was little s.p.a.ce for me to even move around. Of course, I understood why it was so crowded.

Just like other beginner castles, there were orcs and goblins that users at level 5 could hunt outside Kotum Castle.

That"s why I headed to this place when I logged in this morning.

Anyway, I moved to the training center.

And I also attacked the scarecrow with a stick like others.

Kang! Kang! Kang!

[You have hit the scarecrow six times in a row..

-You have received additional EXP.]

I once succeeded in hitting the scarecrow 50 times in a row.

After destroying the scarecrow with 50 consecutive hits, I earned the t.i.tle of “Scarecrow Destroyer” as a reward.

But now, I could hit only six times in a row.

‘Huh…" I let out a sigh before I knew it.

Honestly, I was not motivated at all to attack the scarecrow.

To compare the situation now, it was like riding a new Lamborghini or Ferrari, then suddenly riding a 30-year-old old pa.s.senger car with a mileage of more than 700,000 kilometers.

Nonetheless, because of surging anger or resentment, I kept striking the scarecrow with the stick. After receiving the five level-up messages, I stepped out of the training center with a weak step.

At Kotum Castle"s central plaza.

I acquired Ice Ball, Ice Bolt, Ice s.h.i.+eld, Ice Weapon, and Minor Frostbite Damage that I could learn at level 5.

Clearly, these skills would disappear after 30 days, but I had too many golden rings to spare. But I didn"t buy items.

Was it because I wanted to save golden rings?

Nope. Actually, it was because they were just annoying.

Honestly, I wanted to log out right now because what I was doing now was meaningless.

Anyway, I learned the skills only, then went out of Kotum Castle.

When I went out, there were already numerous novice users.

There were more users than monsters.

“Man, it looks like somebody has opened a new server.”

I moved a little further outside the castle. But it wasn"t dangerous at all.

There were still more users than monsters.

After confirming the resp.a.w.ned orcs nearby, I attacked them immediately.

“Ice Ball! Ice Bolt!”

Puck! Puck!

I invested in Intellect all 50 remaining stat points that I acquired by reaching level 5.

So, I could hunt the orcs using Ice Ball and Ice Bolt consecutively.

But the difference in my attack power before was night and day.

No matter how much I tried not to compare it with before, I found myself comparing naturally because of the huge difference, which made me sigh endlessly.

Anyway I hunted one orc like that, which was certainly very common, trivial, and insignificant.

At that moment, a message rang.

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