Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 167: I"m Still Strong (1)

Chapter 167: I"m Still Strong (1)

Of course, something different happened this time.

I was not forcibly removed from the training center.

Back then, I was immediately expelled from the training center upon leveling up as a part of the reward for destroying the scarecrow.

Anyway, I had already drawn their attention, so I moved next to the scarecrow again because this was a training center which users up to level 9 could use and I was only level 5.

In other words, even if I could not obtain a t.i.tle, I could earn 200 remaining stat points again.

But a message rang.

[You can"t attack the scarecrow.]


I tried to swing the club at the scarecrow, but I couldn"t move my arms.

So, I turned immediately after checking the message.

Tramp- Tramp-

And I walked more confidently on purpose because I was wearing a mask and a tight fitting robe to conceal my features, and it would look terrible if I made a big fuss.

Perhaps because of my arrogant gait, I didn"t encounter any obstacles while heading out of the training center.

My destination was the Sabre Steel Tooth Tiger Habitat.

As soon as I left the training center, I immediately moved to the hunting ground by using the Teleport Zone.

Of course, I had some concern. Why? Given that I had almost 15000 intellect and the unbelievable trait of ‘Primal Ice," I was confident of doing better than when I was level 600. But in the end, the only skills I could use right now were Ice Ball and Ice Bolt.

However, I chose this place because I had not only 15,000 intellect, but also 15,000 strength, agility, stamina, and willpower.

If it was too tough for me to hunt here, I could just choose another hunting ground. It would not be a big ha.s.sle.

In any case, the Sabre Steel Tooth Tiger Habitat was empty when I set foot on it at level 5. Of course, I understood why it was empty because the Myongjin Guild couldn"t force its guild members not to take part in the event which was open to anybody.

Anyway, I felt good that no one was here at this hunting ground.

Soon, I traversed through the safety zone and entered the hunting ground.

Shortly afterwards, I noticed three sabre steel tooth tigers.

Until recently, I herded them in one place using Blink with zero cooldown before hunting them all at once, but I could not hunt like that for now. I moved slowly because I had only a few skills.

At that moment, the three sabre steel tooth tigers charged at me after noticing me.

So, as they rushed towards me with their big fangs hanging out, I opened my mouth quietly.

“Ice Weapon.”

[You have used level 1 Ice Weapon.

-The energy of cold ice has been embedded in the beginners" light club.]

My 15,000 strength and agility was tremendous, given that my Intellect before was my highest stat at only 18,000. And my Intellect was only that high because I had invested in Intellect alone all the remaining stat points I obtained from leveling up, quests, or events, not to mention choosing items heavily related to Intellect.

Moreover, I had as many as seven t.i.tles before first coming to this hunting ground.

Although I had some concern, I still proudly came to this hunting ground anyway.

And I didn"t just look at the sabre steel tooth tigers charging at me blankly after using Ice Weapon because I was a wizard anyway.

“Ice Ball! Ice Bolt!”

Puck! Puck!



What I used was level 1 Ice Ball and Ice Bolt that anyone could learn at level 5.

On the other hand, the monsters confronting me were level 800-900.

Nonetheless, my Ice Ball stopped one of the sabre steel tooth tigers, while my Ice Bolt penetrated through the first sabre steel tooth tiger and hit the one right behind it. Of course, they didn"t perish from just that.

Even I didn"t think I could kill them with just Ice Ball and Ice Bolt.

Even if my intellect was over 15,000 and I had the terrific trait of ‘Primal Ice", which was far superior to ‘Iceman," the skills affected by them were only 1 level Ice Ball and Ice Bolt.

Nonetheless, I realized that even these skills alone were more powerful than I thought.

So, what did I do?

“Ice Ball! Ice Bolt!”

I spammed Ice Ball and Ice Bolt whose cooldown had already returned.

But the sabre steel tooth tigers didn"t do anything different upon seeing my attack.

They revealed their fangs again and pounced at me.

Did I avoid them? Or did I use Ice s.h.i.+eld? I did neither.

Instead, I kept using Ice Ball and Ice Bolt, while swinging the club imbued with Ice Weapon.

Then I struck the head of one of the sabre steel tooth tigers which was about to reach me.


Along with a big clas.h.i.+ng noise, it fell down right in front of me.

The other two opened their jaws toward my shoulders.

However, I didn"t blink.

Was I wounded?

Actually, I was wounded a little, but the damage was minor, almost negligible.

“Good. It"s been a while since I felt refreshed in a hunting ground.”

As a matter of fact, I have put a lot of time and effort into choosing a hunting ground.

In the past, I always ruled out the hunting grounds where melee skills were required to hunt optimally in conjunction with AOE and ranged skills. These types of hunting grounds were unsuitable for me, who hunted alone..

Why did I do so? Because leveling up was my top priority, given the fact that I started playing ‘Revival Legend" more than three years later than those who played it when it first started.

In the meantime, I didn"t have to struggle to hunt since I earned Blink with zero cooldown.

Of course, honestly, on such occasions, I felt a little regret that I chose stamina as the stat that would grow 100% along with Intellect, but I disregarded it because I could not change it now.

And there was a possibility that my enormous health would fully reveal its worth later.

Anyway, I used Ice Ball and Ice Bolt at the belly of the sabre steel tooth tiger that bit my right shoulder, then struck it down with the club when it was pushed back by the impact.


Of course, I ignored the other sabre steel tooth tiger biting my left shoulder because I knew it was more efficient to get rid of them one by one in a nasty fight like this.

I know that in a dog fight like this, it"s more efficient to take the opponents out one by one.

So, I began to kill the sabre steel tooth tigers one by one using Ice Ball, Ice Bolt and the club imbued with Ice Weapon.

After that, numerous messages rang because I was only a level 5 player defeating the level 800-900 monsters, not to mention the effects of the additional EXP gem.

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

A lot of messages rang.

“Man, I think I can reach level 100 today.”

In general, it took about 3 weeks to reach level 100 and it took me less than 5 days before.

But this time, I thought I could do it in a day. Or much faster than that.

But I stopped thinking about it because I could only confirm it by actually trying.

So, I stepped further into the hunting ground with a satisfied smile.

Two days later, I left my one -room studio after packing some stuff.

Of course, my destination was my main house in Cheongdam-dong.

And when I arrived there, my sister greeted me more gladly than my mother this time.

They were smiling at me broadly.

Of course, I knew why she was so happy. It was because she found out that I was forced into partic.i.p.ating in the ‘Catch Up With Yourself" event.

In fact, I was really upset at first that I was forced to partic.i.p.ate in the event against my will because I would be back at level 0, the total beginner.

As a result, the status window of a user who first accessed ‘Revival Legend" p.i.s.sed me off and even frustrated me because not only my seven t.i.tles but also my three traits disappeared all of a sudden.

At that time, I complained to my sister about it secretly because I felt it was really unfair for me to receive such treatment.

To my surprise, however, my sister liked my forced partic.i.p.ation and insteadof comforting me, she got all happy saying that she finally could beat me for the first time, which she had never dreamed of until then.

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