Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 182: Maybe Santa Clause(1)

Chapter 182: Maybe Santa Clause(1)

In the center of the battlefield.

“Pouring Hails! Blink! Ice Wave!”

Puck! Puck! Puck!


First, I used Pouring Hail whose cooldown had returned, then moved to the place where most of the Lotz clan fighters were clumped together and used my most powerful instant damage skill, Ice Wave.

Seven of them were killed on the spot.

Watching their comrades collapsing helplessly, the rest of them began to yell in frustration.

“d.a.m.n it!”

“Stop his attack!”

“You idiot! Do you think you can stop him even if you want to? Just keep attacking. The only way to block him is to kill him!”

“s.h.i.+t! Poison Arrow.”

“Rise! Earthen Rampart!”

“Breath of Destruction.”

“Biting Wind Spirit"s Attack!”

Puck! Puck Puck!

They used even more attacks on me.

Of course, I had the ability to avoid their numerous attacks.

I used Blink a moment ago, and I could still use it again.

However, even though I showed many of my skills, I didn"t want to show them Blink with zero cooldown yet, so I avoided the attacks I could and blocked the remaining ones with my body.

But even this kind of defensive power seemed to be enough to frighten the Lotz clan fighters.

“What"s wrong? Why can"t we kill him?”

“d.a.m.n it! If you are a ice-type wizard, just die like a wizard!”

Of course, as they said, if I were a typical wizard, I would have died right after the fight started because wizards naturally had low defensive power. However, I had obtained too many items and skills to die like that. Besides, it was natural that I endured their attack because I chose stamina, instead of willpower, as the stat that would grow 100% along with my Intellect. Otherwise, I would feel it really regrettable to have chosen stamina over willpower.

Anyway, there were still more than 400 users or NPCs that did not belong to the Lotz clan outside our current battlefield where the fighting was now going on between the Lotz clan fighters and Asirante, not the Zaltz clan fighters. If they interfered and entered the fight, they would disrupt my plan to eliminate the Lotz clan first, so I used all my skills other than Blink with zero cooldown.

On the periphery of the battle.

Users watching the battle had no choice but to comment about Asirante"s ability that did not adhere to common sense.

“By the way, don"t you think Asirante"s using his skills too fast?”

“I think so.”

“Even if you take into account his willpower and the pa.s.sive skill called ‘Ice-type skill cooldown reduction", he is still using his skill so fast. Besides, he is also using Blink.”

“Isn"t it a scam if he can use skill so fast like that at his level? How can he do that?”

“d.a.m.n it! That"s not the only problem. Asirante is not even using any of the tank skills that reduce a percentage of incoming damage. By the way…”

The users taking this quest were also level 1000 or higher. So most of them here were widely recognized as strong players in their regions, so they could clearly discern Asirante"s terrific abilities. They just could not believe their eyes.

In the central battlefield.

I"m normally the type of person who saves a delicious thing for last.

But this time I wanted to eat it first.

I wanted to show the guy who dared to rob my level 700 only quest how serious a mistake he had made.


Since I was keeping an eye on Yosif while fighting the Lotz clan fighters, I immediately moved to his side when he tried to retreat. And then I grabbed him by the collar.

“Where are you going to flee?”

“d.a.m.n it! Poison Dagger! Multiple Paralysis Poison!”


[You have been attacked by paralysis poison.

-The opponent"s intellect is not much different from your willpower.

-The influence of the paralysis poison is greatly reduced.]

“Um. This is going to be an exciting fight.”

“You monstrous b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”

“Then, I think I should punish you for robbing my quest without being afraid at all.”

Honestly, my physical attack power was enormous.

In particular, when I was testing it while attacking a group of saber steel tooth tigers, the total of Level 6 Ice weapon from my Level 3 Ice Weapon and the Level 3 Ice Weapon always on the Ice Emperor"s Guardian sword was immensely powerful.

However, in this battle, I only used ice-type skills continually instead of directly wielding the +4 enhancement Ice Emperor"s guardian sword, for if I also showed my tremendous physical attack power in addition to my enormous magic attack power, I would draw even more attention.

As a matter of fact, I keenly felt that I drew the attention of too many people these days. I had just recently faced Pablo, who showed his ability to ‘break through the wall," and Edwin of the Shaipe Group, one of the three major forces in the United States, who showed the ability to ‘summon."

Of course, someday they will know my true ident.i.ty and full abilities.

However, I wanted to hide my physical attack power as much as possible until the 4th Virtual reality was completely realized or I would be put in a dangerous situation by drawing even more attention.

Actually, I had already been exposed to danger several times because of that.

That"s why I spammed Ice Spear and Multiple Ice Arrow on Yosif, who I grabbed by the collar.

Puck! Puck! Puck!

In addition to such skills, I even used Ice Wave whose damage was overwhelming compared to other skills in terms of instant damage.

But he also counterattacked.

“You son of a b.i.t.c.h! Acid Rain!”

Yosif was a ranged type who was heavily armed with poison-type skills.

Of course, his main stat would be intellect.

But when he didn"t die after being hit by Ice Wave, I was a little surprised because my intellect currently exceeded 40,000 because of my limited skill Savant.

But I didn"t express my surprise, of course, because I wanted to focus on what I was doing,

So I threw Yosif, who I grabbed by the collar, and shouted straight away.

“Ice Prison!”

Of course, I threw him away at the place where the Lotz clan fighters were standing because it was not good to use Ice Prison on Yosif alone when there were still a large number of the Lotz clan fighters around.

Then I used one skill right away toward the Ice Prison that emerged.

“Ice Blast!”



“d.a.m.n it!”

“You monstrous b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”

I ignored those around me yelling.

However, I carefully checked the place where Ice Prison was blown up. I noticed Yosif was still standing there.

“Oh my G.o.d…then, his main stat is not intellect?”

Of course, if Yosif was a tank, I could understand his position, but he was a typical damage dealer.

In fact, two damage dealers who were nearby Yosif when Ice Blast detonated collapsed immediately on the spot.

At that moment, Yosif shouted, “Let me return it!”


Of course, I thought I knew what it was because the only thing that he could return to me was the level 700 only quest.

“But I can"t for now. Instead, I will pay the corresponding price, whether it be golden rings or any other item!”


I had no choice but to feel attracted to his offer because I was curious about the reward of this level 700 quest. I obtained Blink with zero cooldown as a reward for the level 300 only quest, and a preview of the level 1200 privilege as the reward for level 500 only quest.

Yosif was afraid of dying because if the person whose quest he stole successfully killed him, he would lose the trait ‘Quest Robber” which was the basis of his growth.

So, when he discovered that his health was depleting rapidly despite his enormous stamina and willpower, he could not help but be astonished by fear.

‘d.a.m.n it! s.h.i.+t!"

That"s why Yosif kept spitting out abusive language because although he himself was also called a monster by others, there was a real monster in front of him, and his life was at stake.

So, Yosif took out his trump card. He stated that he would return to Asirante the level 700 only quest he had stolen from him. However, he could not return it to Asirante because he had already stolen it.

But he thought he could persuade Asirante this way because Asirante had no way of knowing that.

Of course, he felt slightly guilty about proceeding with the stolen 700 level only quest so quickly, but he quickly shook off such feelings because he could steal other quests by immediately proceeding with the quest that he had robbed with his trait ‘Quest Robber."

Anyway, Yosif desperately kept his fingers crossed that he could deceive Asirante this time.

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