Coiling Dragon

Chapter 1

FYI – This is a HUGE, ~800 chapter story! So this glossary is going to explode, sooner or later.


Absolute Zero – A forbidden-level water-style spell that can freeze an entire army to death.
Abyssal Blade Demon – A Saint-level creature, its body is formed from metal and every limb is covered with numerous blades. They are considered the weakest life forms in the Abyss plane the equivalent of ants in the Yulan continent. The blades on their back contain their essence and can rival low level divine artifacts.
Adamantine – An extremely hard and extremely heavy metal which even Deities might find hard to break. A fist sized chunk of adamantine weighs ~1000 pounds.
Affleck – The Dark Patriarch of the Cult of Shadows, equivalent to Holy Emperor Heidens of the Radiant Church.
Airwings – A wind-style spell that is the higher level form of the Soaring Technique, it creates two wings of air which allows the user to fly at high speeds.
Alice Straf – A female magus and Linley’s first love interest, Linley saved her from a Bloodthirsty Warpig when they first met.
Anarchic Lands – The lands near the Forest of Darkness, comprising the 48 Anarchic Duchies which are ruled by no Empire.
Angel – Powerful winged humanoids that are servants of the Radiant Lord, and can Descend into human bodies, which limit their power depending on how powerful the bodies are.  Generally, the more powerful the Angel is, the more wings it has.  A Six-Winged Angel is known as a Seraphim and possesses the power of a peak-stage Saint-level combatant.
Angelic-Descent – A forbidden-level light-style spell that creates a illusionary Six-Winged Angel similar to the forbidden-level earth-style spell “World Protector”.
Annihilating Tempest – A forbidden-level wind-style spell that can fill the entire sky with blade-like gusts of wind.
Armand – The clan of the Undying Warriors, one of the Four Supreme Warriors clan.  Armand was the first Undying Warrior and first clan leader.
Austoni – A manager/curator at the Proulx Gallery. Made the decision to invite Linley to open a private booth in the Hall of the Masters.


Battle qi – 斗气, a form of internal energy
Barker Armand – The eldest of five siblings, all of whom are Undying Warriors.  As Barker is the eldest, the five are often just called the ‘Barker brothers’.  The names of the five siblings are: Barker (eldest), Ankh (second), Hazer (third), Boone (fourth), and Gates (fifth).
Basil – The provincial capital of the Northwest Administrative Province of the O’Brien Empire.  Watched over by Saint-level combatant McKenzie Jacques.
Bebe – The name of Linley’s “Shadowmouse” magical beast companion.  Bebe is quite stronger than he seems, despite not growing up physically.  A major character.
Beholder King – A powerful ruler of the Beholder race. His main body is a glowing golden eye, he is proficient in spiritual attacks and can manipulate ice.
Beirut – Had children with ‘Carolina’, three of them named Harry, Hart, and Harvey.  The first G.o.deater Rat.
Bernard Debs – Father of Kalan Debs, current leader of the Debs clan, one of the top three most powerful clans within Fenlai City.
Blackcloud Panther – Blackcloud Panther, the most secretive type of panther-type magical beasts. A magical beast of the ninth rank, it has two transformations available to it and its fur is strong enough to shrug off blows from most ninth-rank human warriors.
Black Dragon – A powerful dragon-type magical beast with wings, over a hundred meters long, covered in black scales, breathes black fire. At least of the ninth-rank in power, and possibly even Saint-level in power.
Blackstripe Panther – A panther-type magical beast of the eighth rank that is covered with straight black lines.
Bloodgem Dragons – A Saint-level dragon-type magical beast, has wings.
Bloodrupture poison – A powerful and highly expensive poison that can shut down the battle-qi of all warriors beneath the Saint-level.
Bloodshadow Scimitar – A sword-type Divine artifact which can be used by Saint-level experts.
Bloodthirsty Warpig – A fire-element magical beast of the fifth rank, with a single horn above it’s snout.
Bloodviolet (G.o.dsword) – The name of a flexible sword Linley ends up acquiring.
Bloodviolet (Fiend) – The name of a famous Seven Star Fiend from the Infernal Realm. He came to the Yulan Plane originally to be a part of the Necropolis of the G.o.ds
b.l.o.o.d.y-eyed Maned Lion – A Saint-level lion-type behemoth magical beast, 20-30 meters tall. Supposedly only the Golden Behemoths are a match for it amongst ‘behemoth’ type creatures.
Blue-eyed Thunderhawk – A flying magical beast of the seventh rank.
Blueheart Gra.s.s – A magical gra.s.s with cold, protective properties. Can be combined with dragon’s blood to ameliorate the negative effects of dragon’s blood.
Blumer Akerlund – The younger brother of the Prodigy Sword Saint, Olivier Akerlund.  Selected to become an honorary disciple of the War G.o.d’s College.
Boleyn – The name of the royal clan of Fenlai.
Brodie – A G.o.d of the Infernal Realm who accidentally acquired the red caltrop diamond.


Castro – A Saint-level warrior and personal disciple of the War G.o.d.
Caylan – A magus of the seventh rank, the son of the O’Brien Empire’s Imperial Left Premier, Judd Darryl.  Interested in Seventh Princess Nina.
Cayley – A minor clan in the country of Fenlai.
Channe – The imperial capital of the O’Brien Empire.  Its name was chosen by the War G.o.d himself.
Cena – The son of Wharton.
Cerre – A prefecture-level city in the Northwest Administrative Province of the O’Brien Empire, run by the Jacques clan.
Cesar – A six thousand year old peak-stage Saint-level, described as a genius by Doehring Cowart. Helps Linley out more than once. Leads the Saber’ guild.
Chegwin – A third generation member of the Augusta clan, and a Suanni Lion. A commander-level expert with a defensive Sovereign artifact.
Clay – A Saint-level expert who trains in the Elemental Laws of Earth has a powerful defense (10 times that of Haydson).
Clayde Boleyn – The golden-haired ruler of the Kingdom of Fenlai, and a warrior of the ninth rank in his own right. Known as the ‘Golden Lion of Fenlai’.
Coiling Dragon Ring – A mysterious ring with many special powers, found by Linley Baruch. It contained for a time the spirit of Doehring Cowart, an earth-style Grand Magus.


Dantian (Lower / Central) – The location where either mageforce or battle-qi is gathered in the human body.  The ‘central dantian’ is located in the chest, directly between the nipples and is where mageforce gathers.  The dantian (also known as the ‘lower dantian’) is located right beneath the navel and is where battle-qi gathers.
Dark Alliance – One of the six political organizations, located west of the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts, let by the Cult of Shadows. Opposed by the Holy Union.
Dawson Conglomerate – One of the three largest trading unions in the Yulan continent, with wealth to match an Empire. Even the Holy Union, the Dark Alliance, and the Four Great Empires have to be respectful to the three trading unions. Yale is an important member of this Conglomerate.
d’Bero shadow diamond – A dark violet gemstone desired by magi, worth 100,000 gold coins.
Deity – The level exceeding that of the Saint Realm, which is able to use the G.o.drealm. Deities are divided into three realms (DemiG.o.d, G.o.d, & HighG.o.d) with each being stronger than the previous.
Deland – The Vice Chancellor of the Ernst Inst.i.tute.
Delia Leon – A fellow student of Linley’s at the Ernst Inst.i.tute. Wind-style magus who has a crush on Linley. A member in the primary line of descent of the Leon clan.
Delsarte – A fellow wind-style student of Linley’s at the Ernst Inst.i.tute, travelled with Linley for a time. Died by ambush on Linley’s first training excursion.
Desri – One of the five Prime Saints.  Trains in the Laws of Light.  The War G.o.d says he is on par with Fain.  Lives in a hidden village in a giant mountain located roughly a hundred kilometers south of Southmount City, in the southern part of the Anarchic Lands.
Dillon – A Saint-level swordsman who engaged in battle with Rudi in Wushan towns.h.i.+p. Proved to be inferior to Rudi. Nicknamed the ‘Stellar Sword Saint’.
Dimensional Edge – A forbidden Saint-level wind-style attacking spell, supposedly the most powerful 1 vs 1 spell in existence. According to Doehring Cowart, can slice through the walls of reality itself.
Divine Power – The power that a Deity-level expert can draw from an Elemental Sea.
Divine Spark – The crystallized essence of a Deity-level expert’s insights into the laws they train in.
Dixie Leon – The foremost genius of the Ernst Inst.i.tute, exceptional elemental affinity in two different elements, super exceptional spiritual essence (62 times others). A member in the primary line of descent of the Leon clan.
Doehring Cowart – A Saint-level Grand Magus, earth-style, who lived in the Coiling Dragon Ring. Linley’s eventual instructor in earth-style magic.
Dragonhawk – A winged, flying dragon-type magical beast of the sixth rank. One of the weakest dragon-type creatures, its wingspan is over 20 meters.
Dunstan clan – The clan of Reynolds, a powerful clan in the O’Brien Empire that has tremendous military control.
Dylin – A Diety level Suanni Lion who looks like a devilish young man who was accidentally released by Linley.  Causes the ‘Apocalypse Day’.  Has three children.


Earthguard – A staple earth-style defensive spell, can be used at the fifth rank to cover one’s body with stone, at the seventh rank to cover it with jade, eighth rank for crystal jade, ninth rank for platinum, and Saint-level for diamond. According to legend, at the Deity-level, the Earthguard armor is made of adamantium.
Earth Spear Array – An earth-style spell of the fifth rank, a modification of the basic ‘earth spear’ spell, causes multiple earth spears to appear in an area.
Earth Tremor – A earth-style spell of the first rank, shakes the ground beneath the opponent’s feet.
Ecclesiastical Tribunal – The branch of the Radiant Church in charge of killing heretics and warring against other factions. Led by the Praetor, Deputy Arbiters, and Executors.
Electrobolt Panther – A Saint-level panther type magical beast.
Elemental essence – The energy of nature, which magi absorb into their bodies and use to create spells.
Elemental Sea – A boundless plane filled with a ma.s.sive concentration of divine power that is guided by the Laws and Edicts. One has to be at least a Deity-level expert to absorb energy from an Elemental Sea. The deeper a Deity can sense into the Elemental Sea the more pure their divine power becomes.
Ernst Inst.i.tute – The number one magus academy of the Yulan continent, located in the Holy Union. Named after Pope Ernst, a famous leader of the Radiant Church/Holy Union.


Fain – The eldest disciple of the War G.o.d.  Nearly five thousand years ago.  The War G.o.d believes him to be the most likely of his disciples to reach the Deity-level.
Fenlai – The kingdom which Wushan town belongs to. Main kingdom of the Holy Union. The capital of the Kingdom of Fenlai is Fenlai City.
Fiend – An individual belonging to the Fiends of the Infernal Realm. Each Fiend can have up to seven stars, with Seven Star Fiends supposedly being at the peak of Deities.
Floating Technique – A wind-style spell of the fifth rank which allows a wind user to float in the air. Not quite as useful as true flight.
Forbidden Spell – Spells that only Saint level Grand Magi are able to cast. Each has great power.
Foreman – An earth-style Warrior Saint who serves Desri.
Forest of Darkness – One of the three dangerous places on the Yulan continent.
Forhan – The son of the Grand Elder. Very envious of Linley and the Coiling Dragon Ring.
Four Higher Planes – Refers to four higher planes of existence; the Netherworld, the Infernal Realm, the Celestial Realm, and the Life Realm, respectively.


Gebados Prison – The prison dimension where Dylin was trapped before being inadvertently freed by Linley. A h.e.l.lish place.
George Walsh – One of Linley’s three dormmates at the Ernst Inst.i.tute. A year older than Linley, hails from the Yulan Empire.
Gislason – The Patriarch of the Azure Dragon clan and the son of the Azure Dragon Sovereign.
Glacial Snow Lion – A water (ice) element magical beast of the 8th rank, comes from the north. Lion type creature.
G.o.d(Deity) – See Deity
G.o.d – As described by Doehring Cowart, beyond the Saint-level lies the realm of the G.o.ds.  Above the Saint-level are the Deities, then the Sovereigns, then finally the four OverG.o.ds.  The ‘Radiant Sovereign’ of the Radiant Church and the ‘Shadow Sovereign’ of the Cult of Shadows are Sovereign-cla.s.s G.o.ds.
G.o.deater Rat – A Deity-level rat-type magical beast, from whom the Violet-Gold Rat Kings, the Shadowmice, and the Stoneater Rats are descended. Only two exist in the multiverse.
Golden Bank of the Four Empires – The premier bank in the world, set up by the Four Great Empires. Offers magicrystal cards.
Gold Dragon – A Saint-level dragon-type magical beast, has wings.
Goldmane Mastiff – A fire-type magical beast of the eighth rank. Generally lives and travels in packs. Has glowing golden eyes and a lion-like mane.
Golden Tattooed Panther – A panther-type magical beast of the seventh rank.
Griffin – A magical beast of the fourth rank, hybrid of a lion and an eagle.
Guillermo – An Arch Magus of the ninth rank, one of the Cardinals of the Radiant Church. One of the most powerful men in the entire Holy Union.


Hadley – Friend of Linley.
Haeru – The name of a certain black panther.
Hamelin – A Saint-level Grand Magus who ambushed Doehring Cowart along with another Saint-level combatant.
Hanmu, Kingdom – One of the six kingdoms within the Holy Union.
Haydson – Nicknamed the ‘Monolithic Sword Saint’, reputed to be the most powerful Saint in the Yulan continent.  A warrior who utilizes the Laws of the Earth.  His second most powerful attack is known as ‘Worldquake’, while his most powerful attack is the ‘Worldbreaker’.
Hayward – A powerful Saint who is a friend of Desri.  Fire-style Grand Magus Saint.
Heaven Collapses, Earth Shatters – A forbidden-level earth-style spell that can cause the earth to roil about, unleas.h.i.+ng chasms which will spew countless amounts of magma.
Heavenly Fire Burning the Fields, Earthly Fire Burning the Cities – A forbidden-level fire-style spell which can burn a city to ashes.
Heavenly Lightning of Absolute Destruction – A forbidden-level lightning-style spell which can unleash tens of thousands of thunderbolts.
Heavenly Meteor’s Descent – A forbidden-level earth-style spell that can cause countless giant boulders to fall from the sky and reduce a city to rubble.
Heidens – The Holy Emperor of the Radiant Church and the ruler of the Holy Union. Ostensibly the strongest, most important figure in the Holy Union. A Saint-level combatant.
Heis.h.i.+ – Main kingdom of the Dark Alliance.
Hess – The name of both the Kingdom of Hess, as well as Hess City, the capital of the kingdom. A member of the Holy Union.
High Magic – Three types of extremely powerful magic, pa.s.sed down by the OverG.o.ds.  They are Oracular Magic, Necromantic Magic, and Life Magic.
Higginson – A powerful Saint who is a friend of Desri.
Hillman – Warrior of the sixth rank, captain of the guards for the Baruch clan.
Hiri – Housekeeper for the Baruch family.
Hodan – The Planar Overseer for the Yulan continent.  Only meets with Saint-level experts.
Hogg Baruch – Leader of the Baruch clan, and father to protagonist Linley, and his younger brother Wharton.
Holy Emperor – The traditional t.i.tle for the leader of the Radiant Church, also the head of state for the Holy Union.
Holy Union – One of the six political organizations, located west of the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts, led by the Radiant Church. Opposed by the Dark Alliance.
Howling Worldwolf – An earth-style spell of the eighth rank that produces an incredibly durable wolf-construct made from earth elemental essence that explodes on death.
Hyde clan – The clan of the Violetflame Warriors, one of the other Four Supreme Warriors. Currently led by Vincente Hyde.


Infernal Realm One of the Four Higher Planes of Existence ruled by the Seven Sovereigns of Destruction. Home to the Four Divine Beasts Clan.
Interspatial Rings – Rings with extradimensional storage capacity, capable of storing large numbers of items.


Jade Water Paradise – A very high cla.s.s brothel, located within Fenlai City.
Jacques clan – A major clan within the O’Brien Empire that has run the Northwest Administrative Province for a thousand years.
Jebs Lucas – Marquis and leader of the Lucas clan, an influential, old family within Fenlai City. In possession of an heirloom of the Baruch clan.
Jenne – A beautiful girl and a member of the branch clan of the Jacques clan.  Sister to Keane.
Johann – The current reigning Emperor of the O’Brien Empire, the father of Nina.
Judd Darryl – The Imperial Left Premier of the O’Brien Empire, and a childhood friend of the Emperor.
Julin O’Brien – The younger brother of Emperor Johann of the O’Brien Empire.  Incompetent and spineless, yet doted on by his brother.


Kaiser – A warrior of the ninth rank, one of only two such in the entire Kingdom of Fenlai.
Kalan Debs – A rich n.o.ble who initially meets Linley when they were adventuring in the Mountain Ranges of Magical Beasts. A warrior of the fifth rank. Childhood sweetheart of Alice.
Keane – A member of a branch clan of the Jacques clan.  Son of the deceased governor of the prefectural city of Cerre..  Younger brother of Jenne.


Lachapalle – A Saint-level plant life form known as the Queen Mother. She practices in the Elemental Laws of Water and Wind.
Lampson – A Cardinal of the Radiant Church. He accompanied Cardinal Guillermo to the auction.
Landwyrm – A non-flying dragon-type magical beast of the sixth rank. One of the weakest dragon-type monsters. Fire-type.
Lanke – A Saint-level warrior and personal disciple of the War G.o.d.
Lehman – A Saint-level warrior, the Commander of the Zealots Division for the Radiant Church.  Trains as a light-style warrior.  A ma.s.sive man, 2.5 meters tall, specializes in single-target attacks.
Leon clan – The clan of Dixie and Delia. The third most powerful clan in the Yulan Empire, and one of the most powerful clans in the continent as a whole.
Levels – There are nine standard ranks, then the Saint-level, with each level having ‘early’, ‘mid’, ‘late’ and ‘peak’ stages.  Above the Saint-level is the Deity-level, which consists of three levels: DemiG.o.d, G.o.d, and HighG.o.d.  Above the Deity-level is the Sovereign level, and then the OverG.o.d level. Each level has early, mid, late, and peak stages.
Leylin – Also known as Bluefire, and the Lord of Mount Copper Gong, he is one of the five kings of the Gebados Planer Prison realm. One of Linley’s teachers.
Lina Baruch – The mother of Linley and Wharton, wife to Hogg. Supposedly died in childbirth, but Hogg, Hillman, and Housekeeper Hiri know the truth…
Linley Baruch – Protagonist of this story, the eldest son and heir to the Baruch clan, the clan of the legendary Dragonblood Warriors.
Livingston – A peak-stage Saint who trains in the Elemental Laws of Fire.  Serves Desri.
Lomu – A magus who serves Reynolds and his family. Has taught Reynolds magic.
Longhaus – A wind-style Saint-level Grand Magus who teaches Delia later in the story.  Pampers her.
Lorry – Guardsman for the Baruch clan, under Sherman.


Magus – Term used to describe any individual who can use magic.  A magus of the seventh rank is t.i.tled Senior Magus, a magus of the eighth rank is t.i.tled Master Magus, a magus of the ninth rank is t.i.tled Arch Magus, and a magus at the Saint-level is t.i.tled Grand Magus.
Mageforce – Purified, distilled elemental essence which mages absorb into their body, which is then used to direct natural elemental essence to produce spells, under the guidance of spiritual energy.
Marcus – The Commander of one of the Eight Ace Regiments of Knights guarding the Holy Union. A warrior of the ninth rank.
McKenzie Jacques – A Saint-level clan leader of the Jacques clan.
Merritt – The Right Premier of the Kingdom of Fenlai, and a powerful warrior. A lecherous man with many wives.
Miller – A peak-stage Saint who trains in the Elemental Laws of the Wind, especially in the ‘Slow’ aspect.  Serves Desri.
Monica – A female light-style magus who is the daughter of Desri.  Reynolds is interested in her.
Monroe Dawson – The father of Yale, and the Chairman of the Dawson Conglomerate. A tall and immensely fat man, weighing 300-400 pounds.
Mountain Range of Magical Beasts – A mountain range filled with (duh) magical beasts! The largest mountain range on the Yulan continent. One of three dangerous places on the Yulan continent, it bisects the continent, north to south.
Mountain Range of the Setting Sun – The second largest mountain range on the Yulan continent. One of the three dangerous places in the Yulan continent.
Muhan Kingdom – A kingdom in the great plains to the far east.


Nader – The oldest son of Hillman.  Not a very talented warrior, but extremely careful and conscientious.
Necropolis of the G.o.ds – A name by which the plane of the Yulan continent is known in the Higher Planes.  Also a secret location in the Yulan continent, which only Saints are informed about.
Neil City – A border city between the O’Brien Empire and the Rohault Empire which often sees warfare.
Nimitz – The Second Grand-Uncle of Kalan, one of the seniormost figures of the Debs clan.
Nina – The Seventh Princess of the O’Brien Empire.  Doted on by her father, the Emperor.  Currently in a relations.h.i.+p with Wharton, but has many pursuers.
Nine Soul Pearls – One of the three OverG.o.d talismans.


O’Brien Academy – The number one martial academy for warriors, located in the O’Brien Empire, the most militarily powerful empire in the Yulan continent.
O’Brien Empire – One of the six political organizations, located east of the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts. Northern empire.
O’Casey – The Senior Judge for the Tribunals of the Cult of Shadows.  Essentially the counterpart of Praetor Osenno.
Odin Jacques – The current leader of the Jacques clan.
Olivier Akerlund – A Saint-level combatant in the O’Brien Empire, renowned as the Prodigy Sword Saint.  Defeated the Stellar Sword Saint Dillon shortly after reaching the Saint-level (at a very young age).
Osenno – A (presumably) Saint-level combatant belonging to the Radiant Church, leads the Ecclesiastical Tribunal as its Praetor. Considered one of the two pillars of the Radiant Church, along with the Holy Emperor.
OverG.o.d Talismans – A group of three artifacts created by the OverG.o.ds.
OverG.o.d Mission – A mission given out very rarely by the OverG.o.ds. Written on a piece of magic, black paper, it describes the three OverG.o.d Talismans and that you need to bring them all together.


Paragon  – A HighG.o.d who has fused all of the Profound Truths in a single Law or Edict.
Patterson Boleyn – A Duke of the Kingdom of Fenlai, and brother to King Clayde of Fenlai. Involved with some backstory with Linley’s father and mother. Warrior of the seventh rank.
Pearl of Life – A Divine artifact which contains enormous amounts of life energy, a Saint-level expert who uses this artifact will regenerate from any physical wounds but will still die if their body is completely destroyed.
Pegasi – A type of winged flying horse. Normal Winged Pegasi are of the sixth rank, while Thunderwing Pegasi are magical beasts of the seventh rank.
Pennslyn – The wife of Desri, and a Saint in her own right.  Mother of Monica, looks identical to her.
Pentametal Crown – One of the three OverG.o.d talismans.
Philip – A member of a n.o.ble clan situated near Wushan town. In sounder financial straits, he often purchases ancestral heirlooms that the Baruch family is forced to sell.
Phoenix Metamorphosis – A forbidden-level fire-style magic spell that will create an extremely powerful Fire Phoenix.  Only weaker to the Dimensional Edge spell in power.
Plaket – A Tyrant Wyrm that had to serve Linley for 100 years.
Pouant Empire – An empire that was destroyed nearly five thousand years ago. Doehring Cowart hailed from this empire.
Prismatic Dragons – A Saint-level dragon-type magical beast, also known as Rainbow Dragons, has wings.
Proulx – A grandmaster stone sculptor, acclaimed throughout the ages.
Pulsating Guard – A forbidden-level earth-style defensive spell that protects a wide area from spells, even some other forbidden-level spells.
Pulseguard Defense – A type of personal defense which Linley developed, with principles similar to the Pulsating Guard spell.



Radiant Church – A primary religion in the Yulan continent, headquartered in the Holy Union. Light-style focused.
Radiant Temple – The HQ of the Radiant Church, located in West Fenlai City. A huge building over a hundred meters high.
Rand – A fellow 1st grade student when Linley first entered the Ernst Inst.i.tute. Won the yearly tournament for 1st grade students, then was thrashed by Linley.
Ranks – There are nine standard ranks, then the Saint-level, then the ‘Deity/Divine’ level, then the Sovereign level, then the OverG.o.d level. Each level has early, mid, late, and peak stages.
Red Caltop Diamond – One of the three OverG.o.d talismans.
Reynolds Dunstan – One of Linley’s three dormmates at the Ernst Inst.i.tute. One year younger than Linley. Hails from the O’Brien Empire’s Dunstan clan.
Rhine Empire – One of the six political organizations, located east of the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts. Southeastern empire.
Rohault Empire – One of the six political organizations, located east of the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts. Eastern empire.
Roger – Guardsman for the Baruch clan, under Sherman.
Rosarie – The Holy Lady of the Frost G.o.ddess Shrine, a Prime Saint.  The older sister of Pennslyn, and romantically linked to Cesar.
Rowling – An adorable, golden-haired girl who became engaged to Kalan as his wife.
Rudi – A Saint-level earth-element magus who engaged in battle with Dillon in Wushan towns.h.i.+p. Has a Black Dragon as servant. Proved stronger than Dillon.


Sacred Isle – Formerly a hidden base of the Radiant Church, it comes the new headquarters after certain events later in the story.  Located off the coast of the Yulan continent.
Saint – 圣, a level which exceeds the normal nine ranks of warriors/mages
Sartius – An Armored Razorback Wyrm, a dragon-type creature of the peak ninth rank, with incredible defensive abilities, speed, and sharp claws. Part of Linley’s transformation.
Sasha – The name of Linley’s daughter.  Twin to Taylor.
Savage Worldbear – A Saint-level bear-type magical beast.
Scorching Meteor Shower – A fire-style magic spell of the ninth rank that creates many house-sized chunks of flaming meteors.
Shadowmouse – One of two types of rat-type magical beasts, the other being Stoneater Rats. Shadowmice are extremely fast and can range in ranks from 3-8. At rank 5, their fur turns blue, while at rank 7, their fur turns violet. Omnivorous, have sharp teeth, particularly feared for attacking in waves.
Shattered Rocks – A scaling earth style attack spell that has different names and levels of power. Used as a way to ‘test’ one’s strength.
Silver Dragon  – A dragon of the ninth rank, typically that of the fire element.
Six-Eyed Golden Ni-Lion – Saint-level magical beasts that are the progeny of the ‘Suanni Lion’, a Deity-level magical beast also known as the ‘Heaven Devouring Beast’.
Slaughterer – The name of the ancestral warblade of the Dragonblooded Warrior clan. Sold off many years ago.
Soaring Technique – A wind-style spell of the seventh rank that allows the caster to truly fly in the air.
Spiritual energy – Mental energy used to shape mageforce and elemental essence into magical spells. A magus needs to have at least 5 times more spiritual energy than an average person.
Stehle – A peak-stage Saint-level combatant belonging to the Radiant Church.  While nominally only a ‘Special Executor’, in reality, he is on the same level of power as Osenno, the Praetor of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal.
Stegowyrm – A ninth-rank dragon-type magical beast, no wings. Appearances to be based on the real-life stegosaurus.
Stoneater Rat – One of two types of rat-type magical beasts, the other being Shadowmice. Stoneater Rats are extremely tough and can range in ranks from 1-8. At rank 4, their fur turns silver, while at rank 7, their fur turns gold. Omnivorous, have sharp teeth, even sharper than Shadowmice, particularly feared for attacking in waves.
Suanni Lion – A Deity-level beast that is capable of holding an enormous amount of material.  Also known as the ‘Heaven Devouring Beast’.
Supergravity Field – A scaling earth-magic spell that can only be used by magi of at least the fifth rank. It allows an earth-style magus to strengthen the gravity field in a localized area to negatively impact his opponents.
Supersonic – A scaling wind-magic spell that can dramatically increase one’s speed.


Taylor – The name of Linley’s son.  Twin to Sasha.
Thorium Devil – A metallic-life form made out of the rare metal Thorium, an extremely precious and highly elastic metal that can bond with a variety of materials. Has the ability to bind to different elements in order to increase its power and can shape s.h.i.+ft into almost any form. Has very strong resistance against earth, wind, water, fire, dark, and light attacks. 
Thunder Lizard – A Saint-level dragon-type magical beast, no wings. Appears to be based on the real life Brontosaurus.
Thunderwinged White Tiger – A Saint-level winged tiger-type magical beast.
Trey – Linley’s first instructor in wind magic, a sixth year student at the Ernst Inst.i.tute.
Triceratops Wyrm – A Saint-level dragon-type magical beast, no wings. Has three horns, appears to be based on the real life Triceratops.
Tulily – Nicknamed the ‘War Saint’, one of the Five Prime Saints.  Located in the great plains of the far east.
Tyrant Wyrm – A Saint-level dragon-type magical beast, no wings. Appears to be based on the real-life Tyrannosaurus Rex.


Unicorn Boar – A wild pig type magical beast of the third rank, with a single horn in the middle of it’s head. An earth-element creature.


Vampiric Iron Bull – A large bull-type creature with blood red eyes, a magical beast of the fifth rank.
Velocidragon – 迅猛龙, aka ‘velociraptor’, an enormous, dragon-type, 20-30 meter long, two-story building tall magical beast of the seventh rank. Fire type.
Vincente – Leader of the Hyde clan, the clan of the Violetflame Warriors. Himself a Violetflame Warrior, has two sons. A master blacksmith.
Violet-Eyed Goldfur Ape – A huge Saint-level ape-type magical beast, with giant purple eyes, 20-30 meters tall.
Violet-Gold Rat King – The rulers of the rat race. Bebe meets three of them in the Forest of Darkness, named Harry, Hart, and Harvey. Apparently, when Stoneater Rats advance from the seventh level, their gold fur becomes increasingly tinged with violet while Shadowmice’s violet fur begins to increasingly tinged with gold.
Void Extermination – A wind-style attack spell of the ninth rank.


Walsh clan – An ancient, powerful clan in the Yulan Empire, on about the same level as the Leon clan of Delia and Dixie. The clan of George.
Wendi – Linley’s first grade instructor in earth magic. Praised by Doehring Cowart as having solid fundamentals, but still of course inferior to Doehring Cowart.
Wharton – Younger brother of main protagonist Linley, a member of the Baruch clan.
Wildthunder Stormhawk – A wind-element hawk-type magical beast of the ninth rank, with a wingspan of many meters wide.  One named Parry is a magical beast companion for Longhaus.
Windhowl – A wind-style attack spell of the fifth rank.
Windscout – A wind-style scouting spell.
Windshadow – A wind-style spell of the ninth rank that combines the best parts of the Airwings spell and the Supersonic spell.
Worldbear – A Saint-level bear-type magical beast.  One named ‘Hatton’ was tamed by wind-style Grand Magus Saint, Longhaus.
World Protector – A forbidden tenth-rank spell of the earth element type. The strongest offensive earth element spell. It summons an elemental construct
Wushan – Mt. Wu, where the protagonist lived.
Wraith Call – An ability exclusive to Necromancers. It can summon the undead that they have taken under their command.



Yale Dawson – One of Linley’s three dormmates at the Ernst Inst.i.tute. Extremely wealthy, also hails from the Holy Union. One year older than Linley, and the oldest of the four bros. Belongs to the Dawson clan.
Yulan continent – The name of the continent where the early parts of the story takes place.
Yulan Empire – One of the six political organizations, located east of the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts. Central empire.


Za.s.sler – An 800-year old Arch Magus necromancer of the ninth rank.

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