Cold-blooded Undercover Master

Chapter 488 Mother Emperor"s Return

Volume 1 Chapter 488 Mother Emperor"s Return

"Mother Emperor!"

The day he fought Old Man Zhan Tai, the white robe of the Mother Emperor had left an indelible impression on the hearts of all the Domain Masters, and Kong Yun was no exception.

Therefore, the moment he saw that figure, Kong Yun recognized that this was the female Zerg Emperor who had parasitized the Fire Sage Luo Chen.

But how did he appear?

Because he was in battle, Kong Yun was on full alert. All movements within a few thousand feet of him were under his control.

However, he did not discover how the Empress Mother had arrived at Samberlain"s side.

Kong Yun"s movements were somewhat stiff. He didn"t feel anything from the holographic screen in the warship. When the Empress Mother was truly standing in front of him, Kong Yun truly felt a suffocating pressure.

This reminded him of the little boy who was possessed by Hydera. This peerless fierce beast that ran through the The universe emitted an extremely terrifying aura.

In fact, because one was the main body and the other was an avatar, the pressure Kong Yun was facing was even more terrifying than when he faced Hydera.

Moreover, he always felt that this fellow seemed to be somewhat different from the last time he appeared.

Wasn"t he seriously injured in the battle with Old Man Zhan Tai? Why are you here now?

Although Kong Yun had already prepared to meet this Motherf*cker before the war, he had never expected that the Motherf*cker would appear so early. One had to know that Old Man Zhantai and Rose, who were fighting with him, were still seriously injured.

Compared to Kong Yun"s shock and nervousness, the Empress Mother was exceptionally calm. She didn"t even look at Kong Yun, but first looked at Sang Bailun.

At the same time that the Empress appeared, Sang Bailun stopped waving his sword randomly, and there was not the slightest bit of panic in his eyes.

It turned out that this fellow"s posture was to make Kong Yun careless and then take advantage of this opportunity to counterattack. However, the appearance of the Mother Emperor had also disrupted his plan while intimidating Kong Yun.

However, even if there was a so-called conspiracy, it was also a fact that Sang Bailun was forced into a sorry state by Kong Yun. No one was willing to fight with a swollen head.


Kong Yun"s feeling wasn"t wrong. In fact, it hadn"t been long since the last time he appeared. However, there had been a great change in the Empress Mother"s body. Her ruthlessness and indifference had completely replaced the heroism and fanaticism caused by Luo Chen.

Hearing the Empress" evaluation, Samberlain did not say anything and did not even dare to react in the slightest.

Its eyes were now extremely small due to swelling, but Kong Yun could still clearly feel the fear contained within.

It wasn"t just fear of the strong, it was also the suppression of the biological strata. Sang Bailun, who had transformed into an insect, was like a lowliest bug in front of the Queen Mother.

After saying this, the Empress Mother seemed to have lost interest in Sang Bailun and turned to look at Kong Yun.

At this moment, Kong Yun even had the thought of turning around and fleeing. When the Empress Mother really focused her attention on him, the pressure Kong Yun felt was unprecedentedly great.

Was a sage actually this powerful? This was Kong Yun"s only thought.

He used to think that a sage was only an outstanding figure among the great powers of the The universe , and even whether he could become a sage or not had a large part of the reason, but now it seemed that it was not as simple as he thought.

He had fought alongside Rose and Hulai for a long time, and he already had a deep understanding of their strengths.

Although it was very strong, it was still within Kong Yun"s sight. He believed that as long as he continued to grow stronger, he would one day be able to reach the same level as Rose or Hulai .

However, the Mother Emperor in front of him made him completely unable to feel that kind of feeling. It seemed to be right in front of him, but in reality, it was far away from the horizon.

The G.o.dhead in his body flickered wildly, and the metal giant in the Star System stood up to practice roaring. Kong Yun tried his best to calm himself down. He knew that the next moment in his entire cultivation career might be the most dangerous.

Kong Yun"s reaction caused the Empress Mother to raise her eyebrows in surprise.

In fact, it wasn"t as calm as it looked. When she looked at Kong Yun, the Empress Mother had used a mental secret technique that could multiply the pressure it released. That was why she had put such a terrifying pressure on Kong Yun.

Under such circ.u.mstances, an ordinary Starfield Master could no longer bear to turn around and flee. This fellow had actually managed to endure it like this.

It now understood why Chamberlain was "trash" like before.

"Your name."

To Kong Yun"s surprise, the Empress did not directly attack him. Instead, she asked. In fact, he was ready to use the tree branch at all times.

Facing such a strong enemy, any trump card was just a life-saving tool.

"Kong Yun."

Although he was puzzled, Kong Yun still replied calmly. No matter what, it would be good to delay for a bit.

Hearing this answer, the Queen Mother lowered her head slightly, as if she was pondering something. A moment later, she raised her head again.

It had no impression of this human.

This wasn"t strange. Compared to normal cosmic experts, Kong Yun"s cultivation time was "extremely short." Although he had a good reputation in the Myriad Optics Academy, Luo Chen, as a sage, had never heard of Kong Yun"s existence.

"You, join the arachnid race, you won"t die."

After completely refining Luo Chen"s soul, the Mother Emperor completely got rid of the influence of Luo Chen"s personality, and even the way she spoke became simple and direct.

Moreover, in its view, this was the simplest choice. Joining the arachnid race, living, not joining, and dying, there was no need for too much nonsense.

Kong Yun didn"t expect that this powerful insect would invite him to join the Zerg Race after seeing him. He didn"t think that all humans were the same as Sang Bailun, did he?

However, Kong Yun hadn"t reacted yet. On the contrary, Sang Bailun, who was beside Mother Emperor, shouted first, his eyes filled with panic.

"Great king, how can such a lowly human become our companion? He doesn"t have the qualifications!"

He shouted loudly, but he forgot that he was once what he called a "lowly human".

Sang Bailun knew that Kong Yun was no longer an existence he could deal with. Once he became an insect, he would only become stronger. There was no possibility of reconciliation between him and Kong Yun, and the situation in the future would be extremely miserable.

Kong Yun looked at Sang Bailun in shock. This fellow"s shamelessness had already exceeded his imagination, and the contempt and hatred in his eyes could not be dissolved.


Samberlain"s voice stopped abruptly, as if a duck had suddenly been pinched tightly by someone.

In the next moment, transparent flames lit up on his body. The fire was so strong that it completely drowned Sang Bailun in an instant.

The terrifying and vicious soul flames were burning the star system within Sang Bailun"s body crazily, but he was completely unable to make a sound. Only his ferocious and terrifying expression showed the pain he was in at this moment.

Leng Xing was as strong as Leng Xing under the Soul Flame. Even under the situation of defending with all his might, the Sang Bailun Insect Race might not be any stronger than Leng Xing. They had no intention of resisting the Mother Emperor at all. At this moment, under the burning Soul Flame, they would probably be reduced to ashes in a short period of time.

With a casual wave of his hand, the burning Sang Bailun was sent to Kong Yun by the Mother Emperor. The meaning could not be clearer: This fellow is at your disposal.

Although Kong Yun was shocked by Mother Emperor"s"show of goodwill ", he understood why.

Right now, in the army of the arachnids, apart from the Mother Emperor, who was a Sage-level super expert, the rest of the humanoid arachnids were basically at the Starfield Master level, and below that were the Void Breaker arachnids.

The fault in the middle was serious, and there were no true experts like the The universe "s major powers.

It might be able to suppress Old Man Zhan Tai with its superb strength and win this war between the two races, but in the future, it would not be able to keep on invading like this.

With Luo Chen"s memories, it was very clear that there were still many sages in the human race, and there were even more powerful beings in the The universe . If the Arachnids wanted to completely occupy this The universe , they had to increase the number of peak experts.

However, the parasitism of cosmic powers was much more difficult than that of Starfield Masters. When parasitizing Luo Chen, it was only barely able to do so with the strength of the entire clan. It was impossible for it to pay such a price every time.

So "recruiting" became the only way.

Experts like Sang Bailun and Kong Yun, who were close to cosmic powers, had already reached the standards of the Empress Mother"s "recruiting".

However, Kong Yun"s value was far greater than Sang Bailun"s. Not only was he powerful, he also possessed a powerful battleship. The Empress had used Sang Bailun"s life to show off her goodwill to Kong Yun.

Unfortunately, it had miscalculated Kong Yun"s personality.

A burst of light laughter suddenly came from Kong Yun"s mouth, and it grew larger and larger. When it came to the back, Kong Yun not only laughed and bent his waist, he even rolled in the air.

It was as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

The Queen Mother frowned deeply. She did not understand what the human in front of her was laughing at.

"Join the Zerg race? Dream on!"

An extremely dazzling ray of light lit up from Kong Yun"s hand and slashed towards the Empress Mother at an extremely fast speed. That was the light of the Lightning Tribulation Sword!

Sang Bailun"s body was blocked between Kong Yun and the Mother Emperor, but under this light, he didn"t even last for a moment. In an instant, he was sliced into two pieces, and the parasitic arachnids were completely cut off from life.

This was the first time Kong Yun had attacked with all his might under the blessing of the Mountain Radiance Curse. Sang Bailun, who had just been able to barely resist with his powerful physical body, was instantly killed by this attack.

The light did not diminish and continued to slash towards the Empress Mother.

Join the arachnid race?

This was indeed the funniest joke Kong Yun had ever heard in his life.

Being born human, the Spirit Elder of All Creatures, the center of the The universe , how could he be willing to become an insect?

So what if Mother Emperor?

If you let me personally cut off your head, I"ll think about it!

Perhaps Kong Yun had also lost the battle, and he had also secretly raped and played tricks, but facing this insect, he had never thought of retreating in an instant. If he couldn"t beat it, he would have to fight it again!

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