Cold-blooded Undercover Master

Chapter 693 Reach An Agreement

Volume 1 Chapter 693 Reach An Agreement

"Who?" Divine Cloud felt a slight fluctuation in s.p.a.ce. He was extremely shocked. Who had the guts to come to my room at this time? This was the first thought of Divine Cloud .

"Spatial fluctuations." Divine Cloud suddenly stopped moving. Kong Yun knew that the duration of this skill"s support was very short, so he immediately flashed in front of Divine Cloud and shone on the back of Divine Cloud "s head. Divine Cloud fainted and lost consciousness.

When he fainted, Kong Yun hadn"t forgotten to seal off Divine Cloud "s cultivation, so that even if Divine Cloud woke up, he wouldn"t be able to resist.

Originally, Kong Yun intended to interrogate Divine Cloud directly here, but when he thought of the commotion here, he could feel it from outside. Kong Yun gave up this idea. After all, many of the people outside were called sages. They were very sensitive and could detect even the slightest movement of wind and gra.s.s.

Kong Yun grabbed onto the Divine Cloud , and with a flash, he arrived outside the warship. This time, his actions attracted the attention of the people inside.

"Not good, enemy attack." This voice caused all the sages in the warship to fly into the air. They happened to see Kong Yun running away with Divine Cloud . "Catch up to him, we can"t let him escape anymore." The Ghost Rakshasa Clan"s sages were extremely shocked to see that the Divine Cloud had been taken away. At the same time as he was shocked, a smile appeared on his face.

These sages were desperately chasing after him, wishing they could grow a few wings.

"Holy s.h.i.t, aren"t you so serious? Isn"t it necessary to capture a member of your royal family?" Kong Yun was complaining in his heart. Looks like this Divine Cloud"s status is very important. Otherwise, he would be carrying some kind of secret with him.

They were as strong as they could be, but their ability to escape was nothing faster than the Laws of s.p.a.ce. In a very short period of time, Kong Yun threw the people behind him away. Seeing that he was gone, his body relaxed.

"Why did you capture me? I"m Divine Serenity "s younger brother. I don"t think you want to live anymore." Divine Cloud felt that his cultivation was sealed. Without his cultivation, Divine Cloud would not be able to fight Kong Yun.

"You"re still crazy. You haven"t realized your situation yet. You"re my prisoner now. I want to kill you, but I just want to move my fingers. You"d better be honest with me. Otherwise, I"ll take your life." Kong Yun threatened Divine Cloud , causing him to become very honest and didn"t dare to move randomly.

Although this Divine Cloud was a sage, he didn"t have the slightest bit of backbone. He was like a flower in a greenhouse. He didn"t have any practical use. He looked like a lord who was in the imperial palace.

"Why did you capture me?" Divine Cloud was frightened. He knew that Kong Yun was not a good person. Besides, the threat of charm was useless when the two races fought. Divine Cloud resolutely chose to compromise.

"What are you doing here? I think you should understand very well in your heart. Are you going to tell me for yourself or should I help you?" After Kong Yun finished speaking, he didn"t forget to reveal a cruel smile, which made Divine Cloud "s heart feel cold.

"What do you want to know?" Divine Cloud "s eyes dodged. This was obviously abnormal, but Kong Yun didn"t know what to ask now, so he could only cheat.

"I think you"re dishonest. Then I"ll help you think about it." Kong Yun took out a whip from someone else. Originally, he didn"t know how to use it, but now, he found the use of the whip.

"If you don"t tell me, how would I know what you want to know? You"re clearly forcing people to do this." Divine Cloud "s expression was extremely innocent, as if she was a wronged daughter-in-law.

"Alright, since that"s the case, I won"t stand on ceremony. I"ll let you see if I"m forcing someone to do something difficult." Divine Cloud knew in his heart that Kong Yun wanted to know, but this information was top secret. In this team, only he knew about it. No one else would know about it. Divine Cloud was gambling, gambling that Kong Yun did not know about this matter.

"How do I know what you want to ask?" Divine Cloud shouted loudly.

"From what I see, you are not what a sage should look like. How embarra.s.sing." Kong Yun felt a little disgusted when he saw Divine Cloud like this.

"Why are you saying the same thing as my brother? You really don"t hurt when you stand and talk. If I behaved well, would I be able to live until now? What an idiot." Kong Yun was viciously despised by Divine Cloud . At this moment, Kong Yun was a little dumbfounded, but he instantly understood that the royal family was like this. Royal brotherless.

"I don"t think you"re stupid. You should know what I want to know. If I"m not mistaken, your body has been poisoned, right?" Divine Cloud stared at Kong Yun with a face full of surprise, "How do you know?"

"Haha, it seems like my guess is correct. Your brother didn"t plan on letting you go back this time, did he?" Hearing this, Divine Cloud "s expression changed from shock to gloom. Divine Cloud "s heart was extremely sad. He had already sat on the throne, and he still couldn"t tolerate me. He still wanted to kill me. How could this not make people"s hearts go cold?

"You"re right. I"m destined not to return alive this time. Even if you don"t capture me, I won"t be able to return to the Imperial Capital alive." When Divine Cloud said this, he seemed to have expended all of his strength. Although this was something that everyone knew, it was still uncomfortable for it to happen to him.

"I sympathize with you. I also know that this is the sorrow of the royal family. But I still hope that you can tell me what you know." Kong Yun looked at Divine Cloud with an unusually firm gaze.

"If my guess is correct, you probably don"t know what secret it is. You"re bombing me, right?" Divine Cloud smiled and looked at Kong Yun.

"I don"t know now, but I"ll know when I reach Ten Thousand Light Star. You"re right, aren"t you?" Kong Yun did not take the threat of charm to heart.

"Haha, I"m afraid that once you arrive at Wan Guang Xing, there won"t be any living people up there." Divine Cloud smiled mysteriously.

"What did you say? What exactly do you know?" Kong Yun suddenly grabbed Divine Cloud "s throat and glared at him, "Speak quickly, or I"ll really kill you."

"If you kill me, there will really be no one on your Ten Thousand Light Star. If you don"t believe me, you can try." Divine Cloud had an expression that a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

"Tell me, what should I say?" Kong Yun knew that Divine Cloud was not an easy character to deal with, so he decided to discuss the conditions.

"I will help you humans solve this crisis. Help me sit on the throne of the Ghost Rakshasa Race. How about this condition?" Divine Cloud smiled as he looked at Kong Yun, as if he had everything planned out.

Kong Yun looked at Divine Cloud . The two of them began to look at each other, not wanting to lose their momentum to each other. They both wanted to take the initiative in the negotiations.

"I"m weak, how can I help you seize the throne?" Kong Yun began to fight against Divine Cloud , hoping to defeat him.

"Your race is behind you."

"Aren"t you afraid that I will bring humans to exterminate your Ghost Rakshasa Clan?"

"You won"t. It"s impossible for you to live where we live. Let alone live, it"s even difficult to fight anywhere, let alone destroy us." The way Divine Cloud looked at Kong Yun was like looking at an idiot. He mocked Kong Yun"s ignorance.

"Then what benefits can you bring to us humans?" Kong Yun looked into the distance as if he was thinking of something.

"After I become Emperor, I won"t attack your The universe . I can also help you humans resolve this crisis." Divine Cloud swore.

"How can I know if what you said is worth it?"

""You humans are causing a plague right now. If we allow this plague to continue, not only the great powers of the The universe , but even your sages will be affected. Do you think this news is valuable?" Divine Cloud smiled and looked at Kong Yun.

Kong Yun began to ponder. He digested everything Divine Cloud said to see what value it had. He looked at Divine Cloud and didn"t seem to be lying. In the end, Kong Yun made up his mind to cooperate with Divine Cloud .

"Good. Deal." Kong Yun stretched out his hand and held Divine Cloud together.

"You and I both know that this cooperation is beneficial to both of us. Have a good cooperation." The two of them happily reached an agreement this time.

After knowing what was going on, Kong Yun took out his Thundercloud Boat and rushed to Ten Thousand Light Star with Divine Cloud .

Ghost Rakshasa Clan Land

"What did you say? Divine Cloud was actually captured. What do you guys do for food? Are you courting death?" Divine Serenity exuded his anger in the hall.

"Emperor, since things have already happened, even if we kill them, it will be useless. Besides, now that we are employing people, let them atone for their sins and render meritorious service." Divine Serenity "s military counselor said slowly.

"For the sake of the military counselor pleading for your sake, I will spare you this time. If there is a next time, I will definitely punish you heavily. Let"s go down." On the surface, Shen Youming had a very good atmosphere, but in his heart, he was very satisfied.

Ten Thousand Light Star

", what should we do? The plague is simply uncontrollable. More and more people are suffering from the plague, and their cultivation is getting higher and higher." The instructor of the academy was extremely shocked. This time, the plague was extraordinary. It seemed that the people of the Ghost Rakshasa Clan had really put in some effort.

"What do you think I can do? If I had a way, I would have cured them long ago. I still need to wait until now. Ai ~ You go first. Could it be that the heavens are going to kill our human race?" Huangpu Qianxing looked at the sky and sighed.

"Teacher Hulai , I wonder if we have any results. I"d better go take a look." When Huangpu Qianxing arrived at the laboratory, he saw that Mentor Hulai was still doing experiments and was very focused.

"Teacher Hulai , do you have any idea about the plague?" Huangpu Qianxing smiled and looked at Teacher Hulai , focusing all his hopes on her.

"No, the plague this time is very special. Not only is it highly contagious, it is also accompanied by growth. This is the first time I"ve seen it. I don"t have any clues at all." Teacher Hulai "s expression was extremely helpless.

Hearing this, Huangpu Qianxing"s expression darkened. He didn"t know what to do now.

" Hulai , no matter what the result is, I hope you can speed up as much as possible. Otherwise, our human race will be exterminated." Huangpu Qianxing"s expression was extremely embarra.s.sing.

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