William Charte, Jo: Waterhowse, John Barker, a boy, Robert Yeoman.

_At Charles-Citie and about the precincts of Capt. Smith"s Company._

Roger Royal, Thomas Jones, Robert Maruel, Edward Heydon, Henry Bushel.

_At other Plantations next adioyning._

Richard Plat and his Brother, Henry Milward, his wife, his Childe and his Sister, Richard, a boy, Goodwife Redhead.

_At Mr. William Farrar"s House._

Master John England and his man, John Bel, Henricke Peterson and Alice, his Wife, and William, her sonne, Thomas, his man, James Woodshaw, Mary and } Elizabeth, } Maid servants.

_At Berkley-Hundred, some five miles from Charles-Citie._

Capt. George Sharpe, Esq., one of his Maiesties Pet.i.tioners.

John Rowles, Richard Rowles, his Wife and Childe, Giles Wilkins, Giles Bradway, Richard Fereby, Thomas Sharpe, Robert Jordan, Edward Painter.

_At Westouer, about a mile from Berkley-Hundred._

And First at Cap. Fr. West"s Plantation:

James English, Richard Dash.

At Master John West"s Plantation:

Christopher Turner, Dauid Owen.

At Capt. Nathanael Wests:

Michael Aleworth, John Wright.

At Lieutenant Gibs his Dividend:

John Paly, Thomas Ratcliffe, Michael Booker, John Higglet, Nathanael Earle, John Gibbes, William Parker, Richard Wainham, Benomy Keyman, Thomas Gay, James Vpfall, Daniel, M^r Dombelowes man.

At Mr. Richard Owen"s House:

Richard Owen, Stephen Dubo, Francis, an Irishman, Thomas Paine, One old Maid called blinde Margaret, William Reeue.

At Master Owen Macar"s House:

Owen Macar, Garret Farrel, Richard Yeaw, One Boy.

At Master Mac.o.c.k"s Dividen:

Capt. Samuel Mac.o.c.k, Esquire, Edward Lister, Thomas Browne, John Downes.

_At Flowerdieu-Hundred, Sir George Yeardley"s Plantation._

John Philips, Thomas Nuson, John Braford, Robert Taylor, Samuel Jarret, Elizabeth Bennet.

_At the other side of the River, opposite to Flowerdieu-Hundred._

Master Hobson and his wife, Richard Storks, John Slaughter, Thomas Philips, Richard Campion, Anne Greene.

_At Mr. Swinhowe his House._

Mistris Swinhow and Thomas and George Swinhow, her sonnes, Richard Mosse, John Larkin, William Blyth, Thomas Grindal.

_At Mr. William Bikar"s House._

William Bykar, Math. Hawthorn and his wife, Edward Pierce, Nicholas Howsdon.

_At Weynoack of Sir George Yeardley his people._

Nathaniel Elie, John Flores, Henry Gape, ---- Buckingham, William Puffet, William Walker, John Gray, James Boate, John Suersby, Thomas Euans, Thomas ap-Richard, Henry Haynes, John Blewet, Henry Rice, ---- Hurt, Jonas Alpart, Thomas Stephens, Samuel Goodwine, John Snow and his Boy, Margery Blewet.

_At Powle-Brooke._

Capt. Nath. Powle, Esq., and his wife, Daughter to M^r Tracey, Mistris Bray, Adam Rayner"s wife, Barbara Burges, William Head, Thomas Woolcher, William Meakins, Robert ----, Peter Jordan, Nathanael Leydon, Peter Goodale.

_At Southampton Hundred._

Robert Goffe and his wife, William Lark.u.m, John Dauis, William Mountsort.

_At Martin Brandons._

Lieutenant Sanders, Ensigne Sherley, John Taylor and his wife, 2 Boyes, Mathew, a Polander.

_At Captaine Spilman"s House._

John Basingthwayte, Walter Shawe.

_At Ensigne Spence his House._

William Richmond, John Fowler, Alexander Bale, William Fierfax, The Tinker.

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