Part 1

The next day.

After resuscitating the three that were basically corpses, the mission we received from Tirris was explained to them…

「Ugh…… Ugh… Uwah… Uwaaaah……」

Currently we were riding in the new buggy that Alice was controlling. We were in the barren land under the sunset, and once again heading to Toris.

After hearing the explanation in the car, Rose looked dumbfounded as she said,

「To think that we"d be heading back to Toris after you did that to the king, I"ve been thinking this occasionally, but Commander is pretty stupid, right?」

「You may act mature, but sometimes you can say some pretty mean things. And you"re also the carnivorous type.」

Snow was riding shotgun, and the rest of us were sitting in the back.

Grimm would normally be really excited when riding on the speeding buggy, but as if her mind was traumatized from being like a dried fish for so long, she was sitting in her seat with her knees pulled up, and looked like she was gazing into some faraway place while mumbling something.


「Uh… Ugh… Uwaaah… Waah… The reward… My salary…」

「Hey No. 6, she"s been crying for a while. Do something about this annoying girl.」

Snow was crying for a while now in the front seat.

It seems like her salary was reduced from her previous demotion as a result of failing the mission to retrieve the fruit of water.

「… Jeez. Oi Snow, there"s nothing you can do about your salary being docked. Hey, look at me. Someone like me spends his pay as soon as he gets it. I still live my life pretty happily which means that money isn"t everything in life.」

「The reason you can live happily is because I give you an allowance.」

「Y-you were getting allowance money from a kid like Alice… Is that alright for a man to do…?」

I was trying to make her feel better, so how did it end up with me being reproached?

「Still, the pay reduction this time really hurts… It really hurts…… Ugh, the sword that the General of the Demon King"s Army, Heine, melted… I was thinking of getting the second generation of the freezing sword…」

Alice looked towards Snow who looked like she was going to cry again. As if she was fed up with this, she said,

「There"s no helping it. Hey Snow, if you"re useful in this mission, I"ll give you some allowance money. And if you manage to get your hands on the thing that"s lying dormant in the ruins, I"ll give you a bonus worth three months of your pay. How"s that?」


I think I know how to handle this girl now.

Although Alice was driving, Snow attached herself to Alice. Alice pushed Snow away as if she was a nuisance,

「Infiltration is the goal this time. So make sure you control your temper when we"re inside the ruins.」

「Understood, Alice-sama! I will definitely be useful to you!」

Just a few minutes ago, she was looking down on me as a man. Now, she"s flipped completely.

「Hey, are you a girl whose shame knows no bounds? What kind of villain were you in your previous life to end up like this? What kind of things do you have to do to end up as someone like you?」

「Shut it. Someone that receives allowance money from Alice-sama shouldn"t talk. Money is more important than anything else. If it"s for money, I"m willing to throw away comrades, friends, and even the parents whose faces I can"t remember.」

「I"m sorry for interrupting your awful speech, but stop calling me Alice-sama.」

This really greedy girl might be an even better fit in Kisaragi than myself.

In order to not involve myself any further, I looked towards the carnivorous chimera that was chewing on jerky.

「Hey Rose. Can you really not remember what happened back in the desert?」

「Commander, are you bringing this up again? I told you many times that I don"t remember. I lost my consciousness because I was so hungry. When I regained my consciousness, I was sleeping on a bed in the castle. I don"t have a reason to attack the Commander. Even if the situation was that bad, the most I"m willing to eat is an orc.」

This girl was telling me that she couldn"t remember attacking me.

I gave this girl a lecture as soon as she woke up in order to get her to apologize to me for trying to eat me…

「More importantly, if what the Commander is saying is true, it means that many things were done to me. Just what did you do to me?」

「…… It doesn"t really matter if you can"t remember. Well, let"s just say there were some benefits for me.」

「Commander, what did you do to me!? I won"t get mad, so please tell me! Depending on what you did, you might have to take responsibility!」

Rose grabbed my shoulders with both her hands and started shaking me.

「The word "responsibility"…」

「You said you didn"t like it! You"re the worst! I don"t really know myself, but somehow I remember you saying that!」

She only remembers unnecessary things.

『Oi Alice, is she really alright? I don"t want to be attacked during the mission.』

『Nothing is wrong with the results of her test. Since chimeras are enigmatic creatures different from humans, I can"t really say for sure. But it should be fine as long as she doesn"t get hungry. Tame her with food.』

Alice doesn"t seem too worried, but I can"t help worrying since I was almost eaten.

Snow brought her face closer to Alice and me while we were speaking in j.a.panese.

「…… I thought this before, but whenever you two speak in your native language, doesn"t that mean you"re plotting something suspicious? Hey No. 6, even if I look that way, I"m different from the hard-headed knights, I"m a broad-minded woman. So even if you guys are plotting something, as long as it doesn"t betray Tirris-sama, I can help you out, you know? 」

While I was wondering what this girl was trying to get at right now, Snow seemed to misunderstand something as she shook her head.

「Ah, don"t say anything! "Can you really do that as a knight?" "Are you still a former captain of the royal guards"? You"re probably having these thoughts and wondering if I, as a female knight well respected by the people, can really do such things.」

「Not at all.」

Snow overreacted by raising her fists at me after I inadvertently chipped in.  

「I truly love this nation! In order to bring prosperity to the Grace Kingdom, I don"t care what happens to other nations. I"m even willing to dirty my hands with evil acts. So No. 6, just what are you planning? Come on, let me in on it as well. I won"t ask for a share. I"m fine with just a very tiny piece of the pie.」

Her eyes were full of desire, Snow seemed to be misunderstanding something as she smiled.

「Just what is lying dormant in the ruins of Toris? I was told I"d get a bonus if we manage to get our hands on a certain item. Just what is that "certain item"? If it"s something valuable, and you"re planning to take a part of it for yourselves as an expense, then I can even look the other way?」

Does this girl think that what we"re aiming for is some kind of treasure? And she"s planning to take her cut by not giving everything to Tirris?

『Hey Alice, should we recommend this girl to Kisaragi as well? I do think she has the talent to be a combatant for an evil organization.』

『Rather than being evil, Snow is more of a sneaky third rate villain like you. When she fails as a result of being too greedy, she"s the type to slowly fall into depravity.』

Snow seemed to be misunderstanding something as she smiled at us when we spoke in j.a.panese again.

Back when the Demon King"s Army attacked the castle. For Rose and Grimm, when they were risking their lives to fight the enemy… I wonder where the knight that set aside her pride for her comrades" sake by lowering her head to me went..

Laughing shyly after locking lips with me… Telling me that she"ll seriously consider dating me… I wonder where that beautiful girl who finally acted her age went…

「So, did you decide? It"s okay, I have a decent connection to a place where you can sell treasures of unknown origin. In the slums, there"s a store that handles these kinds of things. Heh, heheh…… So how about it? It"s not such a bad deal for the both of us…?」

While I watched this girl laughing sinisterly, I accepted the fact that the Snow from back then was officially gone.

「I"m going to tell you this now. The thing that"s lying dormant in the ruins is not a treasure. It"s likely some kind of weapon.」

「Heh heh, you don"t have to be so wary. No. 6, this is just between us. We"ve already locked lips before. It"s okay for you to trust me a little more, you know?」

Telling me to trust her more… Even though I told her the truth, Snow wasn"t even trying to believe what I said while she muttered those words.

…… This girl is really annoying!

Part 2

I wonder just how much time has pa.s.sed since then.

Alice was driving with the lights turned off on a completely dark road since she learned from our past experience in the desert when we were attacked by a demonic beast that looked like an antlion.

An android with night vision is sure useful in times like these.

While looking into the darkness and driving, Alice suddenly squinted her eyes and said,

「It seems like we"re almost at the ruins. I can see light. I wonder if that"s from our business rivals camping out.」

Hearing what Alice said, I looked ahead and could see a small light far away.

We slowed down as we approached the light. A gigantic building was revealed under the light—

「…… That"s frikkin" huge.」

It was about the size of the Tokyo Dome.

Compared to the other civilizations of this world, this building was out of this world.

After I blurted that out, Alice looked like she was in awe.

「It seems like we can"t take this ancient civilization lightly. Hey No. 6, this civilization was capable enough to build a structure like this. Unexpectedly, we might have something to look forward to in regards to the ancient weapon left behind inside.」

「Yeah, that ancient weapon will go on a rampage and treat us as hostiles since we"re trying to get our hands on it. I already know. I"ve seen that happen many times.」

In order to not be detected, we parked our buggy and were discussing how we should move from now on.

「If possible, I want to finish up the investigation of the ruins during the night. If not, then don"t expect me to use my almighty power.」

As if she was revitalized from the sun setting, the nocturnal Grimm spoke excitedly.

「It"s not like I"m denying it like Alice does, but recently I can"t recall your occult-like ability being any useful. Is there really any way for you to contribute?」

「W-wait a second! I"m the archbishop, Grimm-san! Just count on me when there"s an emergency!」

Just recently, Grimm was nothing but dead weight. I really want to see her being a little more useful.

It was then when Snow opened her mouth as she was observing the light of the camp far away.

「Alright then, in regards to how we should proceed forward… They"re probably not expecting us to come back again after we escaped from Toris. So on that note, I"m going to propose we do something a little cowardly.」

Snow was talking with a sinister smile on her face.

「These guys are probably a little careless right now, since they"re still within the Toris Kingdom. The only things they have to be on guard for are unintelligent demonic beasts. So, instead of investigating the ruins, we should attack them under the cover of darkness…!」

「Snow-san, it seems like you"ve been influenced by the Commander lately?」

「Hey Snow, weren"t you supposed to be an honorable knight, unlike Rose and me? Even if we"re up against the enemy, attacking them when they"re sleeping is a little…」

When Rose and Grimm condemned her plan that she was confident in, Snow trembled a little within the darkness.

「Th-there"s no other choice! We"re up against two of the Generals of the Demon King"s Army, okay!? Oi No. 6! Alice! You guys understand, right!? The effectiveness of this plan! You guys previously targeted the powerless supply troops, and even used a s.h.i.tty method to attack Duster Tower. So you know my plan is far better, right? Right? You"re in favor of it, right!?」

Snow was desperately calling out to us to side with her…

「Oi Snow, who do you think I am? A combatant of Kisaragi would never do something so petty.」

「As expected of you, No. 6. Well said. That"s exactly what a combatant of Kisaragi should say.」

Snow opened her eyes wide in surprise at our unexpected betrayal.

「W-wait! From our recent missions together, I understood what you were like. I was going along with what you"d—!」

Alice and I both shook our faces that said "what am i going to do with you?" at the desperate Snow while she looked at us.

「Did you hear that, Alice? She said she was going along with us. Jeez, she was really looking down on Kisaragi.」

「It"s just as you said. Hey No. 6, say something to make it clear.」

I looked towards Snow that looked like she was about to cry after being harshly criticized.

「We"re going to rest here tonight until the morning. Then we"re going to follow them. We"re going to have them take care of any traps or guards on the way. And when they"re exhausted, just as they reach their goal… When they"re in full relief and they lower their guards… That"s when we"re going to attack them. They"re going to set the table nicely for us. You really think we"re going to do something so petty like attacking them when they"re sleeping?」

「As expected of you, No. 6. Well said. That"s exactly what a combatant of Kisaragi should say.」

Alice and I nodded to each other. We left Snow alone who was making a fuss as she cried, and decided to go to sleep.

Part 3

The next day.

「Oi No. 6, just how much longer are you going to sleep!? Get up! They"re nowhere to be seen! It seems like they already went inside the ruins!」

I was sleeping inside the buggy, but I opened my eyes from Snow"s screaming.

「What is it this time… Stop screaming so loudly in the morning… Tailing them from a step behind will make it harder for us to be discovered…」

「Enough of that and wake up! What are you going to do if they take the treasure inside the ruins first!?」

I already told her that we weren"t looking for treasure, but she didn"t listen at all.

Because of the overly excited Snow"s constant nagging, we quickly finished our breakfast and started to tail Heine"s group.

The entrance to the ruins should"ve been sealed, but Russell appeared to have unsealed it, since it was wide open right now.

After taking a quick look inside the entrance, the sight of all the dust covering the floor told me that these ruins have been sealed for a long time.

「Look Alice, all this time, this was a fantasy world, but it feels like sci-fi in here.」

Inside the ruins, there were lamps that were still on, showing walls and pa.s.sageways made out of some unknown material that gave off a cyberpunk vibe.

「This is a departure from the civilization level of this planet. It"s best to a.s.sume that there was an advanced civilization in the past that fell apart before this time. In the first place…」

Since Alice started looking at Rose at that point, I also looked towards her.

「Wh-what is it? Why are you all looking at me!?」

So that"s it.

「Well, this girl herself is already an impossible existence.」

「That"s how it is. I think the ecosystem of this planet is strange in many ways, but it seems like I"ll have to thoroughly research Rose.」

「I don"t really know what you"re saying, but you two are being really rude, you know!?」

I made a shushing motion towards the fl.u.s.tered Rose to tell her to quiet down.

Then I stooped down, and nodded my chin at the footprints left on the spot.

「See that, looks like it"s going to be a piece of cake tailing them because of all this dust lying around. So… Oi, Snow.」

「Hm? What is it? You have some business with me?」

I said to Snow just as she came close to me after I called for her,


Snow reached her boiling point from my simple words.

「It seems like you haven"t recovered from your trauma in the desert. Fine, I"ll cut you down before Heine.」

「I meant take off your loud clanking armor. Are you even trying to tail them?」

「Ugh… Th-there"s no choice then. Wait for a moment…」

I left Snow alone as she was taking her armor off in a corner of the ruins and approached Grimm, who was dozing off, probably because the sun was up.

「Alright, as for you, get off from there.」

「Wait Commander, what are you saying!? You want my faint self to walk on this dust-ridden floor!?」

As if she was trying to protest, she wriggled her toes as she moved her wheelchair in reverse.

「It"s not normal to explore the ruins on a wheelchair. What are you going to do if there are stairs!? Hurry up and get off!」

「Ahhhhh! After my feet were burned in the desert, I told myself I"d never ever come off this wheelchair!」

While Grimm was throwing a tantrum, I forcibly dragged her down and made her walk on her own two feet.

Alice furrowed her brows at the sight of us.

「Hey, you idiots, be quiet. What are you going to do if we"re discovered? If the preparations are complete, then let"s go after them until they reach the goal. … Rose, what is it?」

Hearing Alice"s words, I looked towards Rose, who was looking around the inside of the ruins and kept tilting her head.

「No, it"s nothing… It"s just that, these ruins are likely different from the ones I was discovered in, but for some reason, I can"t help but feel that I"ve seen those shapes and patterns on the walls before…」

These ruins were likely never unsealed until just a bit ago.

But since she herself said she recalls seeing that outer wall before, that means it"s likely that Rose really is a product of that ancient civilization…

In that moment.

While I was marveling at the legacy of the ancient civilization, I heard Snow grinding her teeth.

「Ugh…! It"s, it"s not coming off…!」

「Snow-san, what are you trying to do!? You shouldn"t tear that lamp off!」

As if she determined that it was worth some money, Snow was trying to rip away the lamp that was nailed into the outer wall.

Just how low can she fall before she"s satisfied?

「… Oi Alice, wouldn"t we be better off tossing her aside now?」

「… I told her that I"d give her a bonus if she"s useful…」

Part 4

The inside of the ruins was basically a one-way trip.

There were a few small rooms we pa.s.sed by. Inside those rooms were remnants of certain aged items.

『Oi Alice, this can only be a robot right?』

『It"s deteriorated a lot from the pa.s.sage of time, but yeah, it looks like a robot.』

It was probably a robot used for defensive purposes.

While I was observing the vestige of what appears to be like a milepost that seemed to go on further inside…

「Wait No. 6, if we can return with these things, then…! 」

「Enough of that, let"s move on. At this rate, we won"t be able to catch up to them! You can just come back for these things after we finish everything up here!」

We were still stuck here because Snow has no intention to move on due to her greed-filled eyes.

It seems like she found value in these remnants lying around.

「Oi Alice, you should say something to her as well! If you threaten to take away her bonus…」

「Interesting, just how does their power source… Hmm, what is it, No. 6? When you stand around with your mouth wide open, you look like an idiot.」

… You too?

Looking at her, even Alice seemed to take an interest in these remnants as she was tinkering around here and there.

In that moment, Rose stood next to a remnant of a motionless robot and kept tilting her head.

「Why are you doing that? Do these things catch your interest as well?」

「… No, that"s not it. It"s just that I feel like I"ve played with them before…」

While Rose was muttering something that sounded significant, she placed her hand on top of the robot"s chest, and then…

Someone"s voice could be heard ahead in the darkness, and then there was a flash of red light.

After we looked at each other and nodded, we proceeded with caution without making a sound…

And at the end was…

Heine and Russell standing in front of the remains of a guardian robot. — —

「— —We went through a lot getting this far, but it feels like we"re slowly getting closer to our  goal. Russell, you used up a lot of your mana. Are you really fine not resting?」

「I"m still fine. Battle chimeras have a lot of mana. As long as I can eat, I"ll be able to use water magic throughout the whole day.」

At the end of our sights were Heine and Russell talking to each other without being the slightest bit wary.

It seems like they just took care of a guardian robot.

The surrounding temperature went up from Heine"s fire magic and as a result, sweat was pouring from my forehead.

Anyway, that kid just said he was a battle chimera.

Alice thought they were related to the ruins, it seems like she was right.

「Then shall we immediately go on the offensive? I"m also getting a little scared of camping out here. I want to leave this ghastly place and sleep in peace back at the Demon King"s castle. 」

「For me, this place is similar to where I grew up… Well I guess there"s no helping it, since Heine is a demon used to a more modern environment.」

Russell kept saying things worth noting, but tailing these two took priority.  

I signaled to everyone and we slowly followed after them to find the perfect time to attack— —

「— —Heine, a new guardian is coming this way from that pa.s.sageway! Leave this spot to me! I"ll leave that one to you!」

「Leave it to me, I"ll burn it up with my flames! Still, there"s so many of them!」

As expected of the generals of the Demon King"s Army.

These two easily took down the guardian robots while steadily proceeding inside.

「— — Kugh, is this a trap!? Are you okay Russell!? Are you wounded!?」

「I"m fine since you covered for me quickly. More importantly, you"re wounded yourself! I"ll heal you so show me your wounds!」

They occasionally fell into traps and were wounded.

「This is only a scratch. Also it"d be really troubling if you were to die here, Russell. Since you"re the only one who can do something about the wish of all demons to eradicate the Sand King.」

「Heine… You"re right. For everyone"s sake, I can"t die before I fulfill this mission…」

「Don"t say stupid things. You can"t die even after you fulfill this mission. You"re still just a child. It"s the duty of an adult to protect children.」

While occasionally checking each other for wounds,

「To think that you"re still treating me like a kid! Fine, just watch! Heine, when you"re in danger, I"ll be the one to protect you!」

「Ahaha, that"ll be pretty funny. I"ll be waiting then!」

While we were overseeing this happy-go-lucky conversation…

(Heheheh… They don"t even know what"s going on and are being so careless. I can"t wait for them to reach their goal!)

We had an easy time going forward since we were following these two.

(… Oi No. 6, seeing these two work so hard is giving me second thoughts about stealing away the treasure…)

(What are you saying after we came this far? They"re the generals from the Demon King"s Army. Stealing away their objective is the righteous thing to do. Go throw away that conscience of yours!)

While I replied to Snow"s whispers, Heine and Russell continued forward.

(More importantly Grimm, can you cast a curse on them without them knowing from this distance? Both of them appear to be mages, so the next time a guardian robot pops up, how about casting a curse that makes them temporarily unable to use magic? It"s obvious they"ll struggle?)

(Curses don"t tend to stick unless I say them out loud with considerable force of will behind it… But that"s a pretty good idea, if I see an opportunity, I"ll give it a try.)

(Commander, I can"t do this anymore…)

While I was talking about our plan of attack with Grimm, the previously calm Rose started to complain as if she was concerned about Russell since they were of the same race.

(Rose, resolve yourself. The fate of the kingdom rests on this operation. Failure is not an option for us. Just hold it in. Once we return, you can eat all the delicious things you want.)

(I thought this before, but do you think I"ll listen to everything you say if you just give me something to eat? But, I"ll follow what you say this time!)

While I enticed Rose with food, it seems like Heine and Russell finished up their battle.

I got a good grasp of their abilities from observing them.

It was enough that I definitely want to avoid fighting them head on.

— —Afterwards, just how far did we go?

Heine and Russell, who were were at the front, suddenly stopped moving.

「I think we reached the end….」

After pa.s.sing by a couple of small rooms, the place that Heine and Russell ultimately arrived at was a huge room.

In the middle of that room was a gigantic gla.s.s case. Something huge was sleeping inside it.

It was a giant robot.

Heine was staring in wonder at the robot inside the case. When she came to herself, she started talking in a cheerful voice.

「Is this the trump card that can match up to the Sand King? Wow, it"s so ridiculously large…!」

At Heine"s words, Russell replied,

「That"s right. Originally, it was a weapon used to exterminate the monkeys breeding on the ground. After we use this to get rid of the Sand King, we can get rid of those annoying humans.」

This should be far enough.

After Alice and I nodded to each other, I sent the signal to everyone else.

Heine didn"t notice any of our movements and as if to calm Russell down…

「You"re saying that again… Do you really hate humans that much?」

「Yeah, I hate them. That was what my creator wanted. Do you not hate them? I heard that you suffered greatly at their hands a couple times.」

From Russell"s question, Heine had a bitter smile on.

「Well I did taste the bitter fruit of defeat, but it"s a time of war. If I hate every single person who did that then this war would never end… Wait, nevermind, I definitely hate him. I want to do something about that man.」

「Th-that"s right. The man you"re referring to is the one we met in Toris, right? If the opportunity comes along, I"ll concede the role of finishing him off to you.」

While these two were having such talks, I quietly approached them from the rear.

「Well, if this thing moves, I"m sure it will bring an end to the war soon enough. Okay Russell, I"m expecting good things from you」

「Leave it to me. … Mhm, its condition is good, and it doesn"t seem like it"s broken anywhere. If it"s like this, then…」

While closing the distance without saying anything…!



From behind, I kicked Russell between the legs while he had his guard down.

Part 5

「I"ve defeated the general of the Demon King"s Army, Russell of the Wateeeerrr!」


Heine shouted in grief towards Russell, who fell to his knees.

After closing the distance, we surrounded Heine.

「Hey you, calmly raise both of your hands!」

「N-No. 6!? Why are you here…!?」

Heine still hasn"t recovered from her confusion, but she did as she was told and raised her hands after seeing Alice and I aiming our guns at her.

「It"s a shame, but we"re going to claim that giant weapon for ourselves. If I see any unnecessary resistance, it won"t be you, but that brat lying over there who will suffer.」


I"m pretty sure I explained the plan to everyone, but for some reason, my subordinates were dumbfounded.

After hearing what I said, it seems like Heine started to understand the situation since her face started to show surprise.

「Y-you, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d! No, wait a second, were you all following us!? And were you planning to s.n.a.t.c.h away all the glory in the end!?」

「Yup, right on the mark. That"s right, we had an easy time following the path you cleared for us.」

「That"s too much! That"s so dirty! There are things you should and shouldn"t do…!」

With tears in her eyes, Heine suddenly started to complain.

Well, even if you tell us that, we"re from an evil organization, so…

On top of that, since my atrocity points didn"t go up, it probably meant that this wasn"t even a noteworthy act of evil.

「None of that petty stuff matters. Now, should I make you my prisoner… More importantly, Heine-san? Just before, you said 『Wait, nevermind, I definitely hate him. I want to do something about that man.』 Just who were you referring to?」

「Heeek!? I-I didn"t really mean you specifically…」

Even though she was getting harra.s.sed by me, Heine sent concerned looks at the fallen Russell.

Oh right, that brat knew a lot of things.

I need to wake him up and get some info out of him.

「Oi Alice, get all the info out of that brat.」

「Leave it to me… Mhm. Hey.」

After responding quickly, Alice crouched next to Russell.

「This guy isn"t breathing. It was a critical hit. You"re pretty capable, No. 6.」


Heine shouted out loud after hearing what Alice said.

「Really!? O-oi that"s pretty dangerous. Hey, hey wake up! Alice, can you do something about him!?」

「First, I"ll inject him with a stimulant. If that doesn"t work, we"ll have to give it up.」

While everyone aside from Alice and I looked on dumbfoundedly, it seems like the treatment worked since Russell started to breathe again.

「Ugh… Just what happened…?」

「Ooh, good morning. Are you awake now? You were just in a critical condition after a single blow from me. Since my victory was already decided, we were gracious enough to treat you.」

While I looked at the still blue-faced Russell from up close, I explained the gist of what happened.

(Oi, that man has the audacity to describe what just happened like that. He treated him because he fell victim to his surprise attack.)

(To claim that it was his victory… He"s deciding everything on his own…)

(I feel like even Zenalith-sama wouldn"t approve of such an act. I wonder if we"ll really be alright if we continue to follow the Commander.)

While outside whispers were occurring, Russell looked around his surroundings and said,

「… So that"s it. I fell to a surprise attack. So that means you treated me for the sake of stealing this weapon.」

「That"s the case. Oh, and don"t think of doing any funny business. If I see any strange movements, I"m going sic that machine onto you.」

「This might be strange coming from a demon, but is it really okay for a human to do that!?」

Heine was shouting something, but this giant weapon takes priority.

「First, open up this thing. Then, do exactly as we say, and teach us how to control this huge thing.」

(Snow-san, I feel like I"ve become a diabolical villain. I don"t think I can even watch this any longer.)

(D-don"t tell that to me… This is for the sake of the nation. That"s right, it"s for the nation"s sake…)

(Hey Snow, look me in the eyes and say that.)

While outside noise was drifting over here, I focused my attention to Russell"s explanation.

「Maneuvering it is simple. As long as you"re affiliated with this facility, then anyone can move it.」

Russell obediently opened up the gla.s.s case, and gave a simple explanation.

He might"ve been scared because he nearly lost his life from my powerful blow.

「So, how does this move basically?」

「Like this.」

As if to answer my question, Russell momentarily gave off a flash of light and his figure suddenly vanished…!?

「Hey No. 6, what just happened!? Russell of the Water was absorbed inside!?」

While Snow shouted in confusion, I was. .h.i.tting away at the machine.

Then the robot that was inside started to repeatedly blink as if it was pulsating…!

「d.a.m.n it, seems like I"m too late..!」

「No. 6, get away from it for now! We"re going to give up on taking it for ourselves and proceed to destroy it!」

As soon as I quickly backed off after hearing Alice"s warning, a gigantic hand popped out of the opened gla.s.s case.

The sheer size of the arm that came out was more than enough to crush a grown man.

This weapon was something I"ve seen many times when we were fighting with heroes.

That"s right, the thing that awakened from within the gla.s.s case was a gigantic humanoid robot.

「Don"t mooooooveeeeeee!」

While holding a gun, I raised my voice towards the standing gigantic robot.

Russell initially thought to ignore it, but after seeing where I was aiming at, he stopped.

Even though he shouldn"t know what a gun was, after seeing Heine"s reaction to a gun pointed at her, he understood that it was a dangerous thing.

「N-No. 6, as a human being, that"s not right…」

Snow muttered something while pulling away from me but now was not a time for that.

Heine looked like a hostage with both her hands up. I currently had the barrel of my gun glued to her back.

But for some reason, aside from the enemy, even my own allies seemed to be terrified.

Then with a gun pushing against her back, Heine took a deep breath.

And then…

「Russell, can I leave this to you?」

「Yeah, with this, it"ll be an easy victory. Go back first and wait for me.」

I realized something from their conversation.

Going by the flow, Heine"s now going to use some kind of tool to escape.

As if to prove my gut feeling right, Heine took out a rock from her chest…..!

「Listen well No. 6. It was a draw this time! The next time we meet… Wha–!? Wait! Kyaaaaaa!」

「You think I"d let you!?」

I shoved my hand into Heine"s chest to s.n.a.t.c.h away the rock, but unfortunately I was a tad too late.

It"s probably an item that makes teleportation possible.

Heine vanished without a trace, and what remained was…

「Oh, you"re pretty capable No. 6. You snagged a treasure.」

Heine"s bra that she was just wearing remained in my hand.

「That"s, that"s… So that"s what happened. Heine used a transfer stone. The underwear that No. 6 grabbed ahold of was the only thing that failed to transfer over.」

Snow was explaining what a transfer stone was…

「That means Heine transferred over to the demon king"s castle while topless.」


Grimm said those words coldly. Hearing that, Russell started to blush as he muttered something quietly.

And then inside my head, as if to confirm that"s what happened, a narration could be heard.

{Atrocity points have been added}

Part 6

Running away from that room, we blazed through where we came from.

「Hold it! I"m going to crush the monkey that embarra.s.sed Heine under my feet!」

While riding the gigantic robot, Russell was chasing after me and calling me a monkey.

「Shut it! Do you really want Heine"s bra that badly, you precocious brat!? Here, I"ll give you the bra, so go away!」

I threw the bra at the chasing robot in order to appease his anger.

「are you an idiot!? Heine and I aren"t…」

Even though he said that, he momentarily stopped moving because his eyes were taken away by the bra that was fluttering down.

During that time, we escaped into a small room. From far away, we saw Russell being angry from losing his prey.

「We managed to get away for now, but what are we going to do from here on out? Even if we were to fight it, that enormous size is…」

Rose said all that without taking a breath, and I really can"t think of a weapon that can deal with something so huge.

「First of all, can he even get out of this place? From what I recall, you can"t get out of here without pa.s.sing through a small room…」

「That"d be a relief, but even ancient people can"t be that stupid. There"s probably another exit out for that giant to go through.」

While Snow and Grimm were speculating, Alice pointed towards the way back.

「Let"s go back towards the entrance for now. If he can"t go outside, then all we have to do is go back towards where we came from. If he can follow us, then we"re going to have to shut ourselves up here for the long haul.」

「Let"s go with that. I don"t think that huge thing can move around forever without any supplies.」

Listening to what Alice said, we headed back towards the ruins" entrance.

I wonder if I should say this was expected or if this was the worst possible scenario…

「You"re pretty late, I was getting tired of waiting. I"m sorry to tell you that I"m not going to lose sight of you now. Also, these ruins aren"t st.u.r.dy enough to contain this thing. There"s no use shutting yourselves up there!」

Russell was waiting at the entrance of the ruins. Inside the giant robot, he was smiling while making that statement— —

「— — So No. 6, what should we do?」

While the sound of the ruins being destroyed could be heard along with our surroundings shaking everywhere, Alice was sitting cross-legged and spoke casually even though we were in this kind of situation.

I agonized over it for a moment.

「He"s pretty short-tempered so apologizing to him would probably be useless? If it was Heine, she"d probably let us go if we told her we"d surrender to the Demon King"s Army.」

「Right about now, Heine"s topless in front of her own followers. Wouldn"t you be at the top of her list of those she"d want to kill?」

While flatly responding to me, Snow looked around the area.

I thought she was looking for a way out, but even though we were in a crisis, Snow was going around collecting the nearby lamps and parts of something.

That part of her that doesn"t lose her cool even in a crisis is probably something I should try and imitate.

「Do you want me to try my curse? If that"s a magical being like a golem with a temporary lifespan, then curses should be effective?」

「That"s not magic. I think it"s a robot. … Oi Grimm, try to cast a curse on Alice right now. She"s not actually a golem. She"s similar to that huge thing.」

I saw two separate reactions to my proposal.

「Oh? Is it the trick from last time? Okay, try it since androids shouldn"t be affected to hypnosis.」

「That"s perfect. I"ll show you that my power is real!」

While they stood up after saying that, Grimm pointed her finger at Alice.

「O-oi Grimm! In case you fail, just do a minor curse for now.」

「Great Zenalith-sama, bring forth a curse to this brat with a terrible mentality! Get struck with a  heap of pebbles!」

At the same time, a dull sound could be heard echoing.

From being struck in the head by a heap of pebbles, Grimm was knocked down to the floor.

「Why is this girl always knocked out before the fight starts!? Every time!」

「Commander, the walls look dangerous for some reason! The amount of debris falling is starting to increase as well!」

There isn"t even time for me to cover my head since Grimm was retired early.

Just like Rose said, the speed at which the ruins were collapsing started to pick up.

「O-oi No. 6, can"t you do something!? Look at all this treasure! If we can take these back, we can get a fortune, we can"t give up here!」

「Forget about those things, you idiot! We won"t be able to escape at this rate!」

d.a.m.n it, what can I do here!?

Just as I was agonizing over what to do, at that time…

「… Commander, since it looks like I"m the same as that person, should I try to negotiate…? And I might be able to find out about my origin…」

While I was thinking of offering up Snow, who was only good for her looks, in exchange for letting us go, Rose timidly opened her mouth.

I initially wondered just what was she saying all of a sudden, but now that I think about it, that might be a pretty good idea.

「Alright, we have nothing to lose at this rate! So Rose, in order to increase the sense of camaraderie, after emphasizing that line you occasionally say about how 『Humanity is the enemy, just like grandpa said』…」

… After saying that much, I stopped talking.

Rose suggested it casually with a bright expression, but looking closer, she was trembling slightly.

I had no idea what was scaring her.

Is she scared of finding out about her origin, or is she scared of the weapon that Russell was riding?

No, this girl is the aggressive type. She"d tremble from excitement. From the start, she might not have been scared at all.


「You just stay here and protect the useless Grimm. I"ll take care of that guy myself.」

「Can you really do that?」

Rose instantly asked me that.

「Oi, apprentice combatant. Are you looking down on Kisaragi? Kisaragi tech is amazing. If we wanted to, it"d be easy as h.e.l.l to take care of that stupid thing that"s only big in size.」

「Wait, since when was I an apprentice combatant!? Didn"t I reject that!?」

While Rose was complaining, I looked towards Alice.

「So that"s how it is, Alice. Do you have any great ideas to get us out of this?」

「Well there"s more than one way. But the risks are still great. First, give up on getting that robot. Also, are you prepared for your points to become negative like last time?」

Hearing Alice"s quick reply,

「I thought that gimmick didn"t work anymore? When I used my terminal, things wouldn"t be teleported over if my points were about to go below zero.」

Normally, if your atrocity points go below zero, the Disciplinary Unit will come find you.

I was pretty carefree since I thought that I wouldn"t face any disciplinary action while I was on this planet. I recklessly spent my points here and there…

「If points were allowed to be loaned, you wouldn"t even hesitate to waste your points. So I requested for your points to not be allowed to dip below zero unless it"s an emergency situation. Talk after you clear your debt.」

「I"m very happy you know me pretty well. Please, just wait a little longer for me to clear my debt.」

But still, points going into the negative was unexpected.

That probably didn"t fall within the scope of the risk.

As if my face gave away what I was wondering, Alice looked at me as if she was about to ask me something.

I already knew the answer, but I asked anyway.

「The final risk is buying time. You"ll have to face that by yourself for a while.」

While laughing with the utmost confidence,

「If it"s buying time, leave it to me. I"m the veteran soldier, Combatant No. 6-san that"s known for his tenacity. I don"t know what you"re going to have sent here, but I"m counting on you, my smart partner.」

「There"s only uneasiness in regards to your head and personality, but in terms of only fighting, I have complete trust in you, my strong partner.」

Only in times like this is she reliable, this foul-mouthed android.

While giving me a slap on the back,

「Hey Alice, what should I do!?」

「You and Rose provide me with a.s.sistance. You have to follow my instructions. If the a.s.sembly takes too long… Just think of it as the longer it takes, the lower No. 6"s survival rate drops!」

What does she mean by a.s.sembly?

… No, let"s stop thinking. I"ll leave the thinking to her.

— — —I ran outside, and turned towards Russell who was still inside the ruins.

「I"m a member of the Secret Society of Kisaragi, Combatant No. 6! It"s so d.a.m.n noisy you stupid brat! If you"re going to bang on walls, do it at a love hotel!」

I turned on my battle suit"s physical strength reinforcement function, and took a shot at the robot"s foot…!

Part 7

After I took a shot at the giant robot that Russell was riding…

「Just what are you trying to do!? If you"re just going to scurry around then don"t come out in the first place!」

「Shut up, this is all a part of my clever plan! I don"t know what kind of energy you"re using, but with that frame, you shouldn"t be able to last long!」

Afterwards, I put my effort into dodging him constantly. I kept taunting him continuously while I ran around at his footsteps.

「This thing is fueled by its rider"s life force! An ordinary person might not be able to take it for a long time, but for a chimera such as myself, controlling it for a prolonged period of time is no problem! Now, stop getting in my way!」

Russell was being anxious and stomped his feet a few times. Each time, the ground would shake and I would almost fall over.

But, I don"t have the slightest intention to wait until his energy is depleted.

I was only running around deliberately because I was forced to.

「For someone talking like that, aren"t you looking a little too nervous!? You really think there"s an idiot out there who"ll do exactly what the enemy says!? I"m used to wars of attrition! I"ll be running around for hours!」

「You b.a.s.t.a.r.d…! Ugh! I"ve had enough! A coward like you should just watch from the sidelines! I"ll go squash your comrades first!」

After Russell spat out those words, he was about to go destroy the ruins once again…

「Uwah!? Wh-what are you trying to do!? I"m really p.i.s.sed off now, I"m definitely going to squash you!」

At that moment, the c.o.c.kpit window was. .h.i.t by a bullet from my handgun. And Operation "Chase-Me-Around" resumed once again.

It might be to buy time, but it"s still pretty nerve wracking.

What hurts the most is the fact that I have no means to counterattack.

「Ah d.a.m.n it! For someone who can"t do anything, you"re way too persistent! Just give it up and surrender now!」

… No, there is one way.

As soon as I saw the anxious Russell"s back, I hunched over to take out my favored weapon from the back of my waist,

「If you lower your guard, you"re going to be completely crushed!」

He probably lowered his guard because he didn"t think that I would be able to hurt him.

While the giant robot was fl.u.s.tered from losing sight of me, I rushed in with my R-b.a.s.t.a.r.d sword!

「Uwah!? Wh-what are you trying to…!?」

After having its ankle damaged, the giant robot fell on its b.u.t.t.

If I made a mistake just now, I would"ve been caught up too, but I managed to barely dodge it.

「Uh, so what just happened? Even if you say it"s an ancient weapon, seems like only its looks are flashy. It"s only as much as another small fry!」

「Y-you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, that"s enough!」

I don"t know how many times I"ve taunted Russell, but it seems like his blood has really started to boil. Instead of giving me any more attention, it seems like he"s started to think it"d be faster to take my comrades hostage.

With his eyes looking my way, Russell started to destroy the ruins.

Did he find out that I was only buying time?

d.a.m.n it. Even if he did, it"d be dangerous if I let him continue destroying this place…!

That moment of strife proved to be fatal.

The robot that was destroying the ruins… Without any concerns of damaging its own body, the robot threw itself at me.  

I must"ve been hit pretty hard. My vision started to fade.

No, I think I actually lost my consciousness for a second.

I knew I had to run away, but my right arm wasn"t moving.

Ah, this is dangerous.

I took a look at Russell wondering if I can get out of this with words, but he looked like he was fed up with my s.h.i.t a long time ago.

Inside the giant robot"s c.o.c.kpit, Russell was laughing viciously, just like a child would. He deliberately acted stuck up as he approached closer.

「Don"t think this will end fast.」

Towards Russell, who just said something a third-rate villain would…

「You"re such an idiot. If you say something like that, then usually, it doesn"t go as planned.」

While flat on my back, I gave him some advice as his senpai in evil.

Russell laughed in my face, and reached out his hand towards me— — —

— —Russell stopped moving once he heard something erupt from within the ruins.

It seems like he was concerned about the noise.

「Just what was that sound?」

While looking down towards me, Russell unnecessarily had his guard up.

「That girl really called over something incredible again…」

It was a low rumbling sound that any combatant would recognize.

Our forces would feel rea.s.sured after hearing it. Our enemies would tremble after hearing it. If you were with Kisaragi for a long time, there"d be no way you"d mistake that engine sound.

Simultaneously, the sound of something colliding could be heard from within the ruins.

That sound was pretty similar to when Russell was. .h.i.tting against the walls of the ruins.

While he was getting rid of his confused look as the sound of destruction and the shaking intensified,

After breaking apart the wall, a figure came out.


After seeing it, Russell"s mouth started to quiver.

『I"ve kept you waiting, partner. Leave the rest to me.』

A pretty heroic line came out of the outside speaker equipped to it.

Even I couldn"t blame Russell for being dumbstruck.

My handsome partner just came out riding something that could rival Russell"s giant robot.

「Wh-, wh-wha, what is that…」

What appeared from the wall that was destroyed without any warning, was a giant multi-legged combat vehicle that Kisaragi boasts of.

I don"t know who named it something so common, but what stood there was the spider-type weapon known as Destroyer.

Russell had his mouth wide open, and he was unable to speak from his confusion…

Exactly what Alice said to me when I was facing off against Gadalkand…

I forced my wounded body to move and turned towards Alice who was piloting the Destroyer.

「Finish it!」

I gave her a thumbs up— —!

Part 8

As soon as I opened my eyes, an amazing scene unfolded before me.

「… Oi Alice.」

「Oh, are you awake now? I"ve injected nanomachines to treat you, but are you hurting anywhere?」

I was currently lying on top of a bed back at our base.

I moved my body around a little to check the state of my body.

「No, I don"t really feel pain anywhere…」

「Is that so, that"s a relief. You might"ve hurt your head, so I"ll give you a closer examination later. If your head gets any worse, it"d be quite troublesome, even for me.」

Alice made her usual cutting remarks in regards to someone who just woke up.

「I have a lot of things I want to ask. Can I ask them?」

「Oh? I"ll answer everything for you.」

For starters…

「The last thing I remember was the Destroyer, that you were controlling, about to clash with him. What happened afterwards?」

「I won of course. His specs were higher, so it must"ve been the difference in the pilot"s competence. Ours was damaged quite a lot, but that robot was made into sc.r.a.p metal.」

While listening to Alice talking in a good mood, I was relieved for now.

I had faith in her. As expected of my partner.

She"s normally just a foul-mouthed tin can, but when it"s time to do something, she"s the type to pull through.

「You said ours was damaged somewhat, but is it still functional?」

「Oh. That"s our precious Destroyer we got by spending your points into the negative. We need some time for the repairs, but I"ll make sure we"ll be able to use it again.」

What I was worried about was whether Alice was okay since she was controlling it, but looking at her, it seems she"s just fine.

「After you lost consciousness, I sent that giant weapon flying, and there was a skirmish with the one inside, Russell. That boy was captured by Snow and Rose.」

「Well, you have my thanks for that. I actually found a use for that brat. So, what happened afterwards? What about the Demon King"s Army and the Toris army?」

「The nearby Toris army fled as soon as I gave them a scare with the Destroyer. The Demon King"s Army was chased out by Tiger-Man and the combatants" guerilla warfare. In the wake of all the chaos, we managed to grab a part of the land possessed by the Demon King"s Army and Toris. With this, we"ve completed the mission Astaroth-sama ordered us to do.」

I listened to Alice up to that point and took a sigh of relief.

「From what the princess said, she wanted to solve things with Toris peacefully, but the other side came out forcefully. Probably because they hold the cards in diplomacy regarding the export of water spirit stones, but it seems like they"re being pretty difficult in the reconciliation talks. 」

「I see.」

Then if we just do something about the water problem, everything would be over.

「Well, that"s the gist of the situation right now. Do you have any other questions?」

Hearing Alice say that, I decided to ask her the thing that I was most worried over.

「Then I want to ask you……… Why are you taking off my underwear?」

That"s right.

As soon as I opened my eyes, what I saw was Alice taking off my underwear.

「I wasn"t taking them off, I was putting them on.」

「That doesn"t matter! Why are you putting on my underwear when I"m sleeping! Is it because… Since you"re interested in everything, were you curious about my amazing package?」

I pulled my underwear all the way up from its half-pulled down state.

「I have no interest in your chunchunmaru. I was just taking care of your waste.」

「Don"t call it a chunchunmaru! Even if it"s small right now, I"m a grower…… Oi, my waste? Were you really taking care of my waste?」

I suddenly remembered something from Alice"s words.

「How long was I asleep for?」

「About three days. If you sleep for that long, it"s natural to urinate and defecate.」

Is this for real…

「I can"t get married anymore…」

Alice turned to me while I covered my face and started to bawl my eyes out.

「Even if you become an old man that can"t move, until you meet your end, I"ll take care of you, partner. So stop your tantrum, you pants soiler.」

I don"t know if her words were to make me feel better or to make fun of me.

「… You"re right. Astaroth-sama doesn"t waver even a little bit. Grimm is a landmine, and Rose is scary. Snow is out of the question. Which leaves me to settle with you…」

「"Settle with me", you"re pretty good with your words, you s.h.i.tty b.a.s.t.a.r.d.」

Alice made cutting insults with her mouth. She had her usual blank expression on, but for some reason, it looked like she was a little happy.

「More importantly, can you make your body taller and more of a busty beauty? And also equip yourself with TENGA.」

TN: TENGA is a j.a.panese brand of male masturbation aids. Source: wiki

「You"re lucky I"m an android. If you said that to a normal girl, you wouldn"t be able to complain even if you were murdered.」

Alice sounded really dumbfounded, and then I realized something.

「Android… That"s right, why didn"t I realize sooner?! That devil Grimm summoned previously! We can just ask him! To upgrade a foul-mouthed android into a human, beautiful girl…」

「You can"t even move properly after waking up from that long nap of yours, and yet you are saying some really interesting things to me who came here to clean up after you. Fine, I"ll take you on.」

I caught the pants that Alice threw at me.

「Well, wait for me Alice. The cleanup hasn"t ended yet. Hang with me for a little while..」

I gave a smile towards Alice who seemed puzzled look on her face.  

— —With Alice leading the way, we were going down the stairs in darkness.

Behind us was a special guest in case the talks don"t go as planned.

At the end of the stairs was a jail cell giving off a sour smell.


「Yo, you look well.」

Inside the cell was a boy with both his hands locked up in long chains, a general of the Demon King"s Army, Russell of the Water.

Hearing my voice, Russell gave off an unenthusiastic laughter.

「Even though I wrecked you that much, to think you"re still alive… Stubborn, aren"t you?」

「Being stubborn is No. 6-san"s strong point. More importantly, it worries me that my bosses tell me the same thing, so stop saying that.」

Hearing that, Russell gave me a mocking look and said,

「As expected, I can"t accept losing to a vulgar idiot like you…… No, I actually lost to that small one over there. So can you not have that triumphant look on your face when you couldn"t even move after the weapon I controlled was through with you. Don"t you feel any shame from losing to a kid like me?」

His goal was probably to make me mad since I taunted him a lot back then.

I smirked as Russell kept saying provoking words.

「You"re right, I"m certainly a small fry, lowly combatant.」

「… What"s with you all of a sudden. It"s not fun if you admit it on your own. Ah~ Ah, I really don"t understand how Gadalkand lost to a guy like you.」

As soon as I admitted to what he was saying, Russell put his hands behind his head and looked like he lost all interest in continuing.

I pointed a finger at Russell.

「But you"re the small fry trash who lost to that small fry, lowly combatant. Even though you were acting all cool, you were still captured in the end. Oi, you called me a small fry, but how does it feel to be belittled by that very same small fry? Come on, say something, you loser! Stooo-pid! Stooo-pid!」

「Ugh, ugh……!」

「Hey No. 6, what are you trying to accomplish by picking a fight with a little kid? We came here to discuss something with him.」

I thought it was the perfect time to taunt Russell, but Alice"s words brought me back to my senses.

「That"s right, I didn"t come here to do that. I have a question and a request for you.」

「Don"t want to.」

In reply to my words after I remembered my motive, Russell immediately cut me off.

「… Oi, you d.a.m.n brat, when this benign No.6-san is asking you to do something nicely, it"d be in your best interest to listen. Because if you don"t…」

「Go ahead. I don"t know what you"re planning, but just try it. Even though I look like this, I"m pretty good with things like torture. I don"t know if it"s a trait of chimeras, but I"m pretty numb to pain, heat and cold.」

Russell continued his provocation with a cheeky, serious att.i.tude.

Yeah, Rose was pretty good with the heat and the cold in the desert.

And that would mean this kid was also probably telling the truth.

「I"ll tell you this first. You did go through some tough times, but coming from an enemy, it was because it was war. So in that regard, I have no grudges. But now, you"re a prisoner. If you"re going to be uncooperative, then I"ll have no choice but to deal with you as such.」

「So, if you can do it, why don"t you try? I"m a chimera. I underwent many things when I was experimented on a long time ago. Nothing will surprise me at this point.」

What a pain……

And I also want to hear about that chimera stuff……

「Hey, stop pouting and listen to me. You know this country currently has a shortage of water, right? So what I want to ask you to do is…」

「Shut up! I already told you that I don"t have the slightest intention to listen to you! If you can do it, just try it! Or are you just all talk? Is it because you don"t want to torture a kid like me? If you"re not all talk, then just try it!」

「Alright. I can"t do it. It"s my loss.」

「… Are you serious? Ah, is that it? In other words, the water shortage is that serious of a problem. Are you going to bow to me and ask me? Since I"m known as Russell of the Water, of course I can solve a simple problem such as a single country"s water shortage. But it"s a pity, even if you ask me by…… 」

I stopped Russell from speaking any further, and deeply bowed my head.

Not to Russell, but to my special guest standing behind me.

「Tiger-Man-san, I"m sorry. I couldn"t do it. It"s my loss.」

「Is that so? Then, leave the rest to me. It just means that my fun time starts now nyaa.」

As soon as I announced my loss, the figure that came out from behind us was our special guest Tiger-Man.

Alice, who was calmly listening all this time, asked a question out of curiosity.

「This is the first time I"ve heard that Tiger-Man was adept at torture. Can you really make this stubborn kid listen to what we say?」

To answer Alice"s reasonable question, Tiger-Man didn"t say anything and approached the cell as if he was going to show how with his body.

「… What"s this guy? Even though you"re a human, you have a beastman as a comrade? Oi beastman, can you understand me? Haha, why don"t you say something!」

After seeing Tiger-Man, Russell briefly shut up, but he immediately put up a strong front.

But Tiger-Man didn"t even consider answering him.

He just gazed vacantly at Russell"s face……

「Good job No. 6, I"ll treat you to some good alcohol next time nyaa.」

「Really? As expected of Tiger-Man-san. Not only are you disgusting, you"re are also generous. You"re so cool.」

「You didn"t need to say disgusting nyaa. Don"t say anything that"ll make Russell hate me nyaa.」

Russell looked confused from my conversation with Tiger-Man.

As if realizing something, Alice started to tell Russell.

「Hey, you really did something stupid. If you accepted No. 6"s advice, it would all have been over with you just making water every day. Well, do your best playing nice with Tiger-Man.」

「…… Eh?」

Russell looked like he didn"t know what was going on as he tilted his head.

At that moment, Tiger-Man who suddenly felt pretty good, started to introduce himself to Russell in a deep, smooth voice.

「My name is Tiger-Man. I like little kids so much that I"m a monster planning to undergo reconstruction surgery to become a beautiful little girl once I retire nyaa.」

Upon hearing that, Russell looked like he was unable to comprehend the meaning of those words……

「…… Eh?」

「Not "eh" nyaa. Starting today, Russell-nyan and I are friends. It"s okay, you can relax because I"m friendly.」

Tiger-Man was breathing roughly as he grabbed the iron bars with both his hands,

「N-no… I don"t really understand what you"re saying. I"m sorry to interrupt your excitement, but I"m a man. Hah, it"s a pity. Couldn"t you tell? Hey, does this beast have bad eyes?」

It seems like Russell still didn"t understand the situation he was in.

Tiger-Man started to smile.

And with a deep, nice voice…

「I already know you"re a boy nyaa. A boy is perfect nyaa.」

— — — —Time stopped.

「… No, no, what are you saying!? Oi, what is this guy saying!? He just said something I don"t understand!」

Tiger-Man"s breathing intensified towards the suddenly anxious, trembling Russell.

「Since Russell-nyan has a cute face, you"ll definitely look good in a skirt.」

「I don"t understand what you"re saying at all!」

I also don"t understand what he"s saying.

But, I could say this.

「As expected of Tiger-Man. Monsters are amazing.」

「I don"t know what"s expected! Hey, this is a joke right!? I"m a man! More importantly, this is just a threat right!? But isn"t this a little too weird!?」

As if he felt danger, Russell desperately started to talk a lot.

「I"m pretty open-minded. Whether it"s a little boy or girl, I don"t care about such personal details. I"ll equally love either of them nyaa.」

「As expected of Tigger-Man-san. I really don"t understand what you"re getting at, but I"m feeling pretty disgusted.」

「Alright, I get it. I admit my defeat! It"s infuriating, but I surrender. I"ll make you water or whatever else you need!」

Russell admitted his defeat and he offered his cooperation willingly on his own, but…

「As expected of Tiger-Man-san. It seems like the boy"s willing to cooperate.」

「Don"t say something so stupid. To have you take over after getting this far. At this point, there"s no way I"ll forgive you nyaa.」

「Wait! I surrender! I said I"ll surrender! Ah, wwait…!?」

Tiger-Man used his strength to tear away the iron bars he was grasping.

The sc.r.a.p metal that was thrown casually at Russell"s feet made a clanking sound as it rolled around.

Russell"s expression was frozen as he tried to appeal in a high-pitched tone.

「Okay, I get it. Starting today, I"ll be on your side! A battle chimera on your side will be useful in any situation!」

「We already have enough chimeras. I"m sorry, Russell. Get along with Tiger-Man-san from now on.」

From my words, Russell"s head trembled as he erupted into tears with snot falling down his nose.

「No, nooooooooooooo! This is weird! It"s so weird! Please, let me make water! I"ll do my best every day with my life on the line!」

Alice sneered at Russell"s desperate cry.

「It"s already a given that you"ll be making water, but you were the one that rejected No. 6"s advice. Even if you"re from another organization, if you"re a member of an evil organization then…」

「That"s right. If you"re not going to listen, then do it to the end. If you"re going to betray, then do it first.」

From Alice and my words, Tiger-Man started to get closer to…!

「There"s no helping it nyaa. Unless you don"t work properly, I"ll settle with just dressing you up as a girl. You better give it your best creating water. But well… For me, it"s not too bad either way nyaa.」

He said that with a scary smile on his face— —

Finally done with this long-a.s.s chapter! And WTF a bis.e.xual-lolicon-beastman!? Just how many attributes can Akatsuki Natsume fit into one character!?

Alice also really putting her name out there as a best girl candidate.. Manga people seem to love Grimm… While I like HEINE, Alice is cool too though ?

So here"s what"s left as far as content go.

We have the 2 epilogues remaining + afterword.

And after scouring the seas, I"ve found a grand total of three short stories that were translated into Korean. I"ll probably get to them at some point, but for now, expect the epilogues to drop within the next few days. The epilogue will set up the events for volume 3, even though there"s no confirmed release date so far ?

Thanks for reading, oh and join the 

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